MyOS Kernel
tss_entry Struct Reference

Data Fields

uint32_t prev_tss
 The previous TSS - if we used hardware task switching this would form a linked list.
uint32_t esp0
 The stack pointer to load when we change to kernel mode.
uint32_t ss0
 The stack segment to load when we change to kernel mode.
uint32_t esp1
uint32_t ss1
uint32_t ss2
uint32_t esp2
uint32_t cr3
uint32_t eip
uint32_t eflags
uint32_t eax
uint32_t ecx
uint32_t edx
uint32_t ebx
uint32_t esp
uint32_t ebp
uint32_t esi
uint32_t edi
uint32_t es
 The value to load into ES when we change to kernel mode.
uint32_t cs
 The value to load into CS when we change to kernel mode.
uint32_t ss
 The value to load into SS when we change to kernel mode.
uint32_t ds
 The value to load into DS when we change to kernel mode.
uint32_t fs
 The value to load into FS when we change to kernel mode.
uint32_t gs
 The value to load into GS when we change to kernel mode.
uint32_t ldt
uint16_t trap
uint16_t iomap_base
 Offset of the IOPB in the TSS.
char iopb [8192]
 IO port bitmap.
uint8_t set_ff
 Must be set to 0xFF to mark the end of the IOPB.

Detailed Description

Represents a TSS.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: