MyOS Kernel
idt_gate_t Struct Reference

Data Fields

uint16_t low_offset
 Lower 16 bits of handler function address.
uint16_t sel
 Kernel segment selector.
uint8_t always0
 Must be 0.
uint8_t flags
uint16_t high_offset
 Higher 16 bits of handler function address.

Detailed Description

Defines an interrupt gate

Field Documentation

◆ flags

uint8_t idt_gate_t::flags

Flags byte. Gives info about the descriptor Bit 7: Present. Must be 1 for all valid selectors. Bits 6-5: Privilege. Contains the minimum ring level for the caller. 0 for kernel mode, 3 for user mode. Bit 4: Set to 0 for interrupt gates. Bits 3-0: 1110 = "32 bit interrupt gate".

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