MyOS Kernel
registers_t Struct Reference

#include <isr.h>

Data Fields

uint32_t ds
 Data segment selector.
uint32_t edi
 Pushed by pusha.
uint32_t esi
 Pushed by pusha.
uint32_t ebp
 Pushed by pusha.
uint32_t esp
 Pushed by pusha.
uint32_t ebx
 Pushed by pusha.
uint32_t edx
 Pushed by pusha.
uint32_t ecx
 Pushed by pusha.
uint32_t eax
 Pushed by pusha.
uint32_t int_no
 Interrupt number.
uint32_t err_code
 Error code (if applicable)
uint32_t eip
 Pushed by the processor automatically.
uint32_t cs
 Pushed by the processor automatically.
uint32_t eflags
 Pushed by the processor automatically.
uint32_t useresp
 Pushed by the processor automatically.
uint32_t ss
 Pushed by the processor automatically.

Detailed Description

Saved state of the CPU when an interrupt occurs

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: