MyOS Kernel
Thread Struct Reference

#include <tasking.h>

Data Fields

void * kernel_esp
 The thread's kernel stack.
void * kernel_esp_top
 The top of the thread's kernel stack.
void * cr3
 The address space of this thread. (it is in here and not in the process to simplify the task switch asembly)
pid_t tid
 The TID of this thread.
thread_state state
 The state of this thread. (running,ready to run,blocked,etc.)
int errno
 The errno value for this thread.
struct ThreadnextThreadInProcess
 The next thread in the process.
struct ThreadprevThreadInProcess
 The previous thread in the process.
struct ThreadnextReadyToRun
 If the thread is in the ready to run list, this is the next ready to run thread. (potentially in a different process)
struct ThreadprevReadyToRun
 If the thread is in the ready to run list, this is the previous ready to run thread. (potentially in a different process)
 The thread's process.

Detailed Description

Represents a thread of a process

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: