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"""test module."""
from itertools import product
from unittest import mock
2018-08-01 17:38:43 +08:00
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import json
import logging
import os
import signal
import sys
import unittest
import pytest
from buku import is_int, parse_tags, prep_tag_search
only_python_3_5 = pytest.mark.skipif(
sys.version_info < (3, 5), reason="requires Python 3.5 or later")
'url, exp_res',
['http://example.com', False],
['ftp://ftp.somedomain.org', False],
['http://examplecom.', True],
['http://.example.com', True],
['http://example.com.', True],
['about:newtab', True],
['chrome://version/', True],
def test_is_bad_url(url, exp_res):
"""test func."""
import buku
res = buku.is_bad_url(url)
assert res == exp_res
'url, exp_res',
('http://example.com/file.pdf', True),
('http://example.com/file.txt', True),
('http://example.com/file.jpg', False),
def test_is_ignored_mime(url, exp_res):
"""test func."""
import buku
assert exp_res == buku.is_ignored_mime(url)
def test_gen_headers():
"""test func."""
import buku
exp_myheaders = {
'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip,deflate',
'User-Agent': buku.USER_AGENT,
'Accept': '*/*',
'Cookie': '',
'DNT': '1'
assert buku.MYPROXY is None
assert buku.MYHEADERS == exp_myheaders
@pytest.mark.parametrize('m_myproxy', [None, mock.Mock()])
def test_get_PoolManager(m_myproxy):
"""test func."""
with mock.patch('buku.urllib3'):
import buku
buku.myproxy = m_myproxy
assert buku.get_PoolManager()
'keywords, exp_res',
(None, None),
([], None),
(['tag1', 'tag2'], ',tag1 tag2,'),
(['tag1,tag2', 'tag3'], ',tag1,tag2 tag3,'),
def test_parse_tags(keywords, exp_res):
"""test func."""
import buku
if keywords is None:
elif not keywords:
exp_res = buku.DELIM
res = buku.parse_tags(keywords)
assert res == exp_res
'records, field_filter, exp_res',
[(1, 'http://url1.com', 'title1', ',tag1,'),
(2, 'http://url2.com', 'title2', ',tag1,tag2,')],
['1\thttp://url1.com', '2\thttp://url2.com']
[(1, 'http://url1.com', 'title1', ',tag1,'),
(2, 'http://url2.com', 'title2', ',tag1,tag2,')],
['1\thttp://url1.com\ttag1', '2\thttp://url2.com\ttag1,tag2']
[(1, 'http://url1.com', 'title1', ',tag1,'),
(2, 'http://url2.com', 'title2', ',tag1,tag2,')],
['1\ttitle1', '2\ttitle2']
[(1, 'http://url1.com', 'title1', ',tag1,'),
(2, 'http://url2.com', 'title2', ',tag1,tag2,')],
['1\thttp://url1.com\ttitle1\ttag1', '2\thttp://url2.com\ttitle2\ttag1,tag2']
[(1, 'http://url1.com', 'title1', ',tag1,'),
(2, 'http://url2.com', 'title2', ',tag1,tag2,')],
['http://url1.com', 'http://url2.com']
[(1, 'http://url1.com', 'title1', ',tag1,'),
(2, 'http://url2.com', 'title2', ',tag1,tag2,')],
['http://url1.com\ttag1', 'http://url2.com\ttag1,tag2']
[(1, 'http://url1.com', 'title1', ',tag1,'),
(2, 'http://url2.com', 'title2', ',tag1,tag2,')],
['title1', 'title2']
[(1, 'http://url1.com', 'title1', ',tag1,'),
(2, 'http://url2.com', 'title2', ',tag1,tag2,')],
['http://url1.com\ttitle1\ttag1', 'http://url2.com\ttitle2\ttag1,tag2']
def test_print_rec_with_filter(records, field_filter, exp_res):
"""test func."""
with mock.patch('buku.print', create=True) as m_print:
import buku
buku.print_rec_with_filter(records, field_filter)
for res in exp_res:
'taglist, exp_res',
'tag1, tag2+3',
([',tag1,', ',tag2+3,'], 'OR', None)
'tag1 + tag2-3 + tag4',
([',tag1,', ',tag2-3,', ',tag4,'], 'AND', None)
'tag1, tag2-3 - tag4, tag5',
([',tag1,', ',tag2-3,'], 'OR', ',tag4,|,tag5,')
def test_prep_tag_search(taglist, exp_res):
"""test prep_tag_search helper function"""
results = prep_tag_search(taglist)
assert results == exp_res
'nav, is_editor_valid_retval, edit_rec_retval',
['w', [None, None, 1], [None, None, 'string']],
[True, False],
[[mock.Mock(), mock.Mock(), mock.Mock(), mock.Mock()], None]
def test_edit_at_prompt(nav, is_editor_valid_retval, edit_rec_retval):
"""test func."""
obj = mock.Mock()
editor = mock.Mock()
with mock.patch('buku.get_system_editor', return_value=editor), \
mock.patch('buku.is_editor_valid', return_value=is_editor_valid_retval), \
mock.patch('buku.edit_rec', return_value=edit_rec_retval) as m_edit_rec:
import buku
buku.edit_at_prompt(obj, nav)
# test
if nav == 'w' and not is_editor_valid_retval:
if nav == 'w':
m_edit_rec.assert_called_once_with(editor, '', None, buku.DELIM, None)
elif buku.is_int(nav[2:]):
editor = nav[2:]
m_edit_rec.assert_called_once_with(editor, '', None, buku.DELIM, None)
if edit_rec_retval is not None:
'field_filter, single_record',
product(list(range(4)), [True, False])
def test_format_json(field_filter, single_record):
"""test func."""
resultset = [['row{}'.format(x) for x in range(5)]]
if field_filter == 1:
marks = {'uri': 'row1'}
elif field_filter == 2:
marks = {'uri': 'row1', 'tags': 'row3'[1:-1]}
elif field_filter == 3:
marks = {'title': 'row2'}
marks = {
'index': 'row0',
'uri': 'row1',
'title': 'row2',
'description': 'row4',
'tags': 'row3'[1:-1]
if not single_record:
marks = [marks]
with mock.patch('buku.json') as m_json:
import buku
res = buku.format_json(resultset, single_record, field_filter)
m_json.dumps.assert_called_once_with(marks, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
assert res == m_json.dumps.return_value
'string, exp_res',
('string', False),
('12', True),
('12.1', False),
def test_is_int(string, exp_res):
"""test func."""
import buku
assert exp_res == buku.is_int(string)
'url, opened_url, platform',
['http://example.com', 'http://example.com', 'linux'],
['example.com', 'http://example.com', 'linux'],
['http://example.com', 'http://example.com', 'win32'],
def test_browse(url, opened_url, platform):
"""test func."""
with mock.patch('buku.webbrowser') as m_webbrowser, \
2018-02-21 15:09:30 +08:00
mock.patch('buku.sys') as m_sys, \
m_sys.platform = platform
2018-02-21 15:09:30 +08:00
get_func_retval = mock.Mock()
m_webbrowser.get.return_value = get_func_retval
import buku
2017-09-09 01:21:35 +05:30
buku.browse.suppress_browser_output = True
2018-02-18 23:14:00 +05:30
buku.browse.override_text_browser = False
2018-02-21 15:09:30 +08:00
if platform == 'win32':
m_webbrowser.open.assert_called_once_with(opened_url, new=2)
get_func_retval.open.assert_called_once_with(opened_url, new=2)
'status_code, latest_release',
product([200, 404], [True, False])
def test_check_upstream_release(status_code, latest_release):
"""test func."""
resp = mock.Mock()
resp.status = status_code
m_manager = mock.Mock()
m_manager.request.return_value = resp
with mock.patch('buku.urllib3') as m_urllib3, \
mock.patch('buku.print') as m_print:
import buku
if latest_release:
latest_version = 'v{}'.format(buku.__version__)
latest_version = 'v0'
m_urllib3.PoolManager.return_value = m_manager
resp.data.decode.return_value = json.dumps([{'tag_name': latest_version}])
if status_code != 200:
len(m_print.mock_calls) == 1
'exp, item, exp_res',
('cat.y', 'catty', True),
('cat.y', 'caty', False),
def test_regexp(exp, item, exp_res):
"""test func."""
import buku
res = buku.regexp(exp, item)
assert res == exp_res
@pytest.mark.parametrize('token, exp_res', [('text', ',text,')])
def test_delim_wrap(token, exp_res):
"""test func."""
import buku
res = buku.delim_wrap(token)
assert res == exp_res
def test_read_in():
"""test func."""
message = mock.Mock()
with mock.patch('buku.disable_sigint_handler'), \
mock.patch('buku.enable_sigint_handler'), \
mock.patch('buku.input', return_value=message):
import buku
res = buku.read_in(msg=mock.Mock())
assert res == message
def test_sigint_handler_with_mock():
"""test func."""
with mock.patch('buku.os') as m_os:
import buku
buku.sigint_handler(mock.Mock(), mock.Mock())
def test_get_system_editor():
"""test func."""
with mock.patch('buku.os') as m_os:
import buku
res = buku.get_system_editor()
assert res == m_os.environ.get.return_value
m_os.environ.get.assert_called_once_with('EDITOR', 'none')
'editor, exp_res',
('none', False),
('0', False),
('random_editor', True),
def test_is_editor_valid(editor, exp_res):
"""test func."""
import buku
assert buku.is_editor_valid(editor) == exp_res
'url, title_in, tags_in, desc',
[None, 'example.com'],
[None, '', 'title'],
[None, '', '-', 'tag1,tag2', ',tag1,tag2,', ',,,,,'],
[None, '', '-', 'description'],
def test_to_temp_file_content(url, title_in, tags_in, desc):
"""test func."""
import buku
2018-08-06 13:58:44 +08:00
if desc is None:
desc_text = '\n'
elif desc == '':
desc_text = '-'
desc_text = desc
if title_in is None:
title_text = ''
elif title_in == '':
title_text = '-'
title_text = title_in
if tags_in is None:
with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
res = buku.to_temp_file_content(url, title_in, tags_in, desc)
2018-08-06 13:58:44 +08:00
res = buku.to_temp_file_content(url, title_in, tags_in, desc)
lines = """# Lines beginning with "#" will be stripped.
# Add URL in next line (single line).{}
# Add TITLE in next line (single line). Leave blank to web fetch, "-" for no title.{}
# Add comma-separated TAGS in next line (single line).{}
# Add COMMENTS in next line(s). Leave blank to web fetch, "-" for no comments.{}""".format(
''.join(['\n', url]) if url is not None else '',
''.join(['\n', title_text]),
2018-08-06 13:58:44 +08:00
''.join(['\n', ','.join([x for x in tags_in.split(',') if x])]) if tags_in else '\n',
''.join(['\n', desc_text])
assert res == lines
'content, exp_res',
('', None),
('#line1\n#line2', None),
('example.com', 'title', ',tags,', 'desc')
def test_parse_temp_file_content(content, exp_res):
"""test func."""
import buku
res = buku.parse_temp_file_content(content)
assert res == exp_res
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="can't patch subprocess")
def test_edit_rec():
"""test func."""
editor = 'nanoe'
args = ('url', 'title_in', 'tags_in', 'desc')
with mock.patch('buku.to_temp_file_content'), \
mock.patch('buku.os'), \
mock.patch('buku.open'), \
mock.patch('buku.parse_temp_file_content') as m_ptfc:
import buku
res = buku.edit_rec(editor, *args)
assert res == m_ptfc.return_value
@pytest.mark.parametrize('argv, pipeargs, isatty', product(['argv'], [None, []], [True, False]))
def test_piped_input(argv, pipeargs, isatty):
"""test func."""
with mock.patch('buku.sys') as m_sys:
m_sys.stdin.isatty.return_value = isatty
m_sys.stdin.readlines.return_value = 'arg1\narg2'
import buku
if pipeargs is None and not isatty:
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
buku.piped_input(argv, pipeargs)
buku.piped_input(argv, pipeargs)
class TestHelpers(unittest.TestCase):
# @unittest.skip('skipping')
def test_parse_tags(self):
# call with None
parsed = parse_tags(None)
# call with empty list
parsed = parse_tags([])
self.assertEqual(parsed, ",")
# empty tags
parsed = parse_tags([",,,,,"])
self.assertEqual(parsed, ",")
# sorting tags
parsed = parse_tags(["z_tag,a_tag,n_tag"])
self.assertEqual(parsed, ",a_tag,n_tag,z_tag,")
# whitespaces
parsed = parse_tags([" a tag , , , ,\t,\n,\r,\x0b,\x0c"])
self.assertEqual(parsed, ",a tag,")
# duplicates, excessive spaces
parsed = parse_tags(["tag,tag, tag, tag,tag , tag "])
self.assertEqual(parsed, ",tag,")
# escaping quotes
parsed = parse_tags(["\"tag\",\'tag\',tag"])
self.assertEqual(parsed, ",\"tag\",\'tag\',tag,")
# combo
parsed = parse_tags([",,z_tag, a tag ,\t,,, ,n_tag ,n_tag, a_tag, \na tag ,\r, \"a_tag\""])
self.assertEqual(parsed, ",\"a_tag\",a tag,a_tag,n_tag,z_tag,")
# @unittest.skip('skipping')
def test_is_int(self):
# This test fails because we use os._exit() now
def test_sigint_handler(capsys):
# sending SIGINT to self
os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGINT)
except SystemExit as error:
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
# assert exited with 1
assert error.args[0] == 1
# assert proper error message
assert out == ''
assert err == "\nInterrupted.\n"
'url, exp_res',
['http://example.com.', (None, None, None, 0, 1)],
['http://example.com', ('Example Domain', None, None, 0, 0)],
['http://example.com/page1.txt', (('', '', '', 1, 0))],
['about:new_page', ((None, None, None, 0, 1))],
['chrome://version/', ((None, None, None, 0, 1))],
['chrome://version/', ((None, None, None, 0, 1))],
2019-04-03 21:00:04 +05:30
# [
# 'http://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=182463&st=1640#entry6044923',
# (
# 'Samsung GT-I5800 Galaxy 580 - Обсуждение - 4PDA',
# 'Samsung GT-I5800 Galaxy 580 - Обсуждение - 4PDA',
# None,
# 0, 0
# )
# ],
2018-08-01 17:38:43 +08:00
('xkbcomp alt gr', None, None, 0, 0)
2018-08-01 18:36:06 +08:00
'mlessnau_case - "in-case" selection, deletion and substitution '
'for underscore, camel, mixed case : vim online',
None, None, 0, 0
2018-08-01 18:36:06 +08:00
def test_network_handler_with_url(url, exp_res):
"""test func."""
import buku
import urllib3
buku.urllib3 = urllib3
buku.myproxy = None
res = buku.network_handler(url)
2018-08-01 17:38:43 +08:00
if urlparse(url).netloc == 'www.google.ru':
temp_res = [res[0].split(" - ")[0], ]
res = tuple(temp_res)
assert res == exp_res
'url, exp_res',
('http://example.com', False),
('apt:package1,package2,package3', True),
('apt://firefox', True),
('file:///tmp/vim-markdown-preview.html', True),
('place:sort=8&maxResults=10', True),
def test_is_nongeneric_url(url, exp_res):
import buku
res = buku.is_nongeneric_url(url)
assert res == exp_res
'newtag, exp_res',
(None, ('http://example.com', 'text1', None, None, 0, True)),
('tag1', ('http://example.com', 'text1', ',tag1,', None, 0, True)),
def test_import_md(tmpdir, newtag, exp_res):
from buku import import_md
p = tmpdir.mkdir("importmd").join("test.md")
res = list(import_md(p.strpath, newtag))
assert res[0] == exp_res
'newtag, exp_res',
(None, ('http://example.com', 'text1', None, None, 0, True)),
('tag0', ('http://example.com', 'text1', ',tag0,tag1,:tag2,tag:3,tag4:,tag::5,tag:6:,', None, 0, True)),
def test_import_org(tmpdir, newtag, exp_res):
from buku import import_org
p = tmpdir.mkdir("importorg").join("test.org")
p.write("[[http://example.com][text1]] :tag1: ::tag2:tag::3:tag4:: :tag:::5:tag::6:: :")
res = list(import_org(p.strpath, newtag))
assert res[0] == exp_res
'html_text, exp_res',
"""<DT><A HREF="https://github.com/j" ADD_DATE="1360951967" PRIVATE="1" TAGS="tag1,tag2">GitHub</A>
<DD>comment for the bookmark here
<a> </a>""",
'https://github.com/j', 'GitHub', ',tag1,tag2,',
2018-12-29 05:29:40 +05:30
'comment for the bookmark here', 0, True, False
"""DT><A HREF="https://github.com/j" ADD_DATE="1360951967" PRIVATE="1" TAGS="tag1,tag2">GitHub</A>
<DD>comment for the bookmark here
<a>second line of the comment here</a>""",
'https://github.com/j', 'GitHub', ',tag1,tag2,',
2018-12-29 05:29:40 +05:30
'comment for the bookmark here', 0, True, False
"""DT><A HREF="https://github.com/j" ADD_DATE="1360951967" PRIVATE="1" TAGS="tag1,tag2">GitHub</A>
<DD>comment for the bookmark here
second line of the comment here
third line of the comment here
<DT><A HREF="https://news.com/" ADD_DATE="1360951967" PRIVATE="1" TAGS="tag1,tag2,tag3">News</A>""",
'https://github.com/j', 'GitHub', ',tag1,tag2,',
'comment for the bookmark here\n '
'second line of the comment here\n '
2018-12-29 05:29:40 +05:30
'third line of the comment here',
2018-10-30 06:20:05 +05:30
0, True, False
2018-10-30 06:20:05 +05:30
('https://news.com/', 'News', ',tag1,tag2,tag3,', None, 0, True, False)
"""DT><A HREF="https://github.com/j" ADD_DATE="1360951967" PRIVATE="1" TAGS="tag1,tag2">GitHub</A>
<DD>comment for the bookmark here""",
'https://github.com/j', 'GitHub', ',tag1,tag2,',
2018-10-30 06:20:05 +05:30
'comment for the bookmark here', 0, True, False
def test_import_html(html_text, exp_res):
"""test method."""
from buku import import_html
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
html_soup = BeautifulSoup(html_text, 'html.parser')
res = list(import_html(html_soup, False, None))
for item, exp_item in zip(res, exp_res):
2018-10-30 06:20:05 +05:30
assert item == exp_item, 'Actual item:\n{}'.format(item)
def test_import_html_and_add_parent():
from buku import import_html
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
html_text = """<DT><H3>1s</H3>
<DT><A HREF="http://example.com/"></A>"""
2018-10-30 06:20:05 +05:30
exp_res = ('http://example.com/', None, ',1s,', None, 0, True, False)
html_soup = BeautifulSoup(html_text, 'html.parser')
res = list(import_html(html_soup, True, None))
assert res[0] == exp_res
def test_import_html_and_new_tag():
from buku import import_html
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
html_text = """<DT><A HREF="https://github.com/j" TAGS="tag1,tag2">GitHub</A>
<DD>comment for the bookmark here"""
exp_res = (
'https://github.com/j', 'GitHub', ',tag1,tag2,tag3,',
2018-10-30 06:20:05 +05:30
'comment for the bookmark here', 0, True, False
html_soup = BeautifulSoup(html_text, 'html.parser')
res = list(import_html(html_soup, False, 'tag3'))
assert res[0] == exp_res
'platform, params',
['linux', ['xsel', '-b', '-i']],
['freebsd', ['xsel', '-b', '-i']],
['openbsd', ['xsel', '-b', '-i']],
['darwin', ['pbcopy']],
['win32', ['clip']],
['random', None],
def test_copy_to_clipboard(platform, params):
# m_popen = mock.Mock()
content = mock.Mock()
m_popen_retval = mock.Mock()
platform_recognized = \
platform.startswith(('linux', 'freebsd', 'openbsd')) \
or platform in ('darwin', 'win32')
with mock.patch('buku.sys') as m_sys, \
mock.patch('buku.Popen', return_value=m_popen_retval) as m_popen, \
mock.patch('buku.shutil.which', return_value=True):
m_sys.platform = platform
from buku import copy_to_clipboard
import subprocess
if platform_recognized:
params, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
logging.info('popen is called {} on unrecognized platform'.format(m_popen.call_count))
2019-04-28 14:00:46 +08:00
@pytest.mark.parametrize('export_type, exp_res', [
'<!DOCTYPE NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1>\n\n'
'<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8">\n'
' <DT><H3 ADD_DATE="1556430615" LAST_MODIFIED="1556430615" PERSONAL_TOOLBAR_FOLDER="true">buku bookmarks</H3>\n'
2019-04-28 14:00:46 +08:00
' <DL><p>\n'
' <DT><A HREF="htttp://example.com" ADD_DATE="1556430615" LAST_MODIFIED="1556430615"></A>\n'
2019-04-30 13:23:56 +08:00
' <DT><A HREF="htttp://example.org" ADD_DATE="1556430615" LAST_MODIFIED="1556430615"></A>\n'
2019-04-28 14:00:46 +08:00
' <DT><A HREF="http://google.com" ADD_DATE="1556430615" LAST_MODIFIED="1556430615">Google</A>\n'
' </DL><p>\n</DL><p>'
2019-04-30 13:36:51 +08:00
['org', '* [[htttp://example.com][Untitled]]\n* [[htttp://example.org][Untitled]]\n* [[http://google.com][Google]]\n'],
2019-04-30 13:23:56 +08:00
['markdown', '- [Untitled](htttp://example.com)\n- [Untitled](htttp://example.org)\n- [Google](http://google.com)\n'],
2019-04-28 14:00:46 +08:00
['random', None],
def test_convert_bookmark_set(export_type, exp_res, monkeypatch):
from buku import convert_bookmark_set
import buku
bms = [
(1, 'htttp://example.com', '', ',', '', 0),
2019-04-30 13:23:56 +08:00
(1, 'htttp://example.org', None, ',', '', 0),
2019-04-28 14:00:46 +08:00
(2, 'http://google.com', 'Google', ',', '', 0)]
if export_type == 'random':
with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
convert_bookmark_set(bms, export_type=export_type)
def return_fixed_number():
return 1556430615
monkeypatch.setattr(buku.time, 'time', return_fixed_number)
res = convert_bookmark_set(bms, export_type=export_type)
2019-04-30 13:23:56 +08:00
assert res['count'] == 3
2019-04-28 14:00:46 +08:00
assert exp_res == res['data']