1219 lines
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1219 lines
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// Copyright 2012-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
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// Decoding metadata from a single crate's metadata
use cstore::{self, CrateMetadata, MetadataBlob, NativeLibrary};
use schema::*;
use rustc::hir::map::{DefKey, DefPath, DefPathData};
use rustc::hir;
use rustc::middle::cstore::LinkagePreference;
use rustc::hir::def::{self, Def, CtorKind};
use rustc::hir::def_id::{CrateNum, DefId, DefIndex, CRATE_DEF_INDEX, LOCAL_CRATE};
use rustc::middle::lang_items;
use rustc::session::Session;
use rustc::ty::{self, Ty, TyCtxt};
use rustc::ty::subst::Substs;
use rustc::mir::Mir;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::cell::Ref;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::io;
use std::mem;
use std::str;
use std::u32;
use rustc_serialize::{Decodable, Decoder, SpecializedDecoder, opaque};
use syntax::attr;
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::codemap;
use syntax::ext::base::MacroKind;
use syntax_pos::{self, Span, BytePos, Pos, DUMMY_SP, NO_EXPANSION};
pub struct DecodeContext<'a, 'tcx: 'a> {
opaque: opaque::Decoder<'a>,
cdata: Option<&'a CrateMetadata>,
sess: Option<&'a Session>,
tcx: Option<TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>>,
// Cache the last used filemap for translating spans as an optimization.
last_filemap_index: usize,
lazy_state: LazyState,
/// Abstract over the various ways one can create metadata decoders.
pub trait Metadata<'a, 'tcx>: Copy {
fn raw_bytes(self) -> &'a [u8];
fn cdata(self) -> Option<&'a CrateMetadata> { None }
fn sess(self) -> Option<&'a Session> { None }
fn tcx(self) -> Option<TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>> { None }
fn decoder(self, pos: usize) -> DecodeContext<'a, 'tcx> {
let tcx = self.tcx();
DecodeContext {
opaque: opaque::Decoder::new(self.raw_bytes(), pos),
cdata: self.cdata(),
sess: self.sess().or(tcx.map(|tcx| tcx.sess)),
tcx: tcx,
last_filemap_index: 0,
lazy_state: LazyState::NoNode,
impl<'a, 'tcx> Metadata<'a, 'tcx> for &'a MetadataBlob {
fn raw_bytes(self) -> &'a [u8] {
match *self {
MetadataBlob::Inflated(ref vec) => vec,
MetadataBlob::Archive(ref ar) => ar.as_slice(),
MetadataBlob::Raw(ref vec) => vec,
impl<'a, 'tcx> Metadata<'a, 'tcx> for &'a CrateMetadata {
fn raw_bytes(self) -> &'a [u8] {
fn cdata(self) -> Option<&'a CrateMetadata> {
impl<'a, 'tcx> Metadata<'a, 'tcx> for (&'a CrateMetadata, &'a Session) {
fn raw_bytes(self) -> &'a [u8] {
fn cdata(self) -> Option<&'a CrateMetadata> {
fn sess(self) -> Option<&'a Session> {
impl<'a, 'tcx> Metadata<'a, 'tcx> for (&'a CrateMetadata, TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>) {
fn raw_bytes(self) -> &'a [u8] {
fn cdata(self) -> Option<&'a CrateMetadata> {
fn tcx(self) -> Option<TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>> {
impl<'a, 'tcx: 'a, T: Decodable> Lazy<T> {
pub fn decode<M: Metadata<'a, 'tcx>>(self, meta: M) -> T {
let mut dcx = meta.decoder(self.position);
dcx.lazy_state = LazyState::NodeStart(self.position);
T::decode(&mut dcx).unwrap()
impl<'a, 'tcx: 'a, T: Decodable> LazySeq<T> {
pub fn decode<M: Metadata<'a, 'tcx>>(self, meta: M) -> impl Iterator<Item = T> + 'a {
let mut dcx = meta.decoder(self.position);
dcx.lazy_state = LazyState::NodeStart(self.position);
(0..self.len).map(move |_| T::decode(&mut dcx).unwrap())
impl<'a, 'tcx> DecodeContext<'a, 'tcx> {
pub fn tcx(&self) -> TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx> {
self.tcx.expect("missing TyCtxt in DecodeContext")
pub fn cdata(&self) -> &'a CrateMetadata {
self.cdata.expect("missing CrateMetadata in DecodeContext")
fn with_position<F: FnOnce(&mut Self) -> R, R>(&mut self, pos: usize, f: F) -> R {
let new_opaque = opaque::Decoder::new(self.opaque.data, pos);
let old_opaque = mem::replace(&mut self.opaque, new_opaque);
let old_state = mem::replace(&mut self.lazy_state, LazyState::NoNode);
let r = f(self);
self.opaque = old_opaque;
self.lazy_state = old_state;
fn read_lazy_distance(&mut self, min_size: usize) -> Result<usize, <Self as Decoder>::Error> {
let distance = self.read_usize()?;
let position = match self.lazy_state {
LazyState::NoNode => bug!("read_lazy_distance: outside of a metadata node"),
LazyState::NodeStart(start) => {
assert!(distance + min_size <= start);
start - distance - min_size
LazyState::Previous(last_min_end) => last_min_end + distance,
self.lazy_state = LazyState::Previous(position + min_size);
macro_rules! decoder_methods {
($($name:ident -> $ty:ty;)*) => {
$(fn $name(&mut self) -> Result<$ty, Self::Error> {
impl<'doc, 'tcx> Decoder for DecodeContext<'doc, 'tcx> {
type Error = <opaque::Decoder<'doc> as Decoder>::Error;
decoder_methods! {
read_nil -> ();
read_u128 -> u128;
read_u64 -> u64;
read_u32 -> u32;
read_u16 -> u16;
read_u8 -> u8;
read_usize -> usize;
read_i128 -> i128;
read_i64 -> i64;
read_i32 -> i32;
read_i16 -> i16;
read_i8 -> i8;
read_isize -> isize;
read_bool -> bool;
read_f64 -> f64;
read_f32 -> f32;
read_char -> char;
read_str -> Cow<str>;
fn error(&mut self, err: &str) -> Self::Error {
impl<'a, 'tcx, T> SpecializedDecoder<Lazy<T>> for DecodeContext<'a, 'tcx> {
fn specialized_decode(&mut self) -> Result<Lazy<T>, Self::Error> {
impl<'a, 'tcx, T> SpecializedDecoder<LazySeq<T>> for DecodeContext<'a, 'tcx> {
fn specialized_decode(&mut self) -> Result<LazySeq<T>, Self::Error> {
let len = self.read_usize()?;
let position = if len == 0 {
} else {
Ok(LazySeq::with_position_and_length(position, len))
impl<'a, 'tcx> SpecializedDecoder<CrateNum> for DecodeContext<'a, 'tcx> {
fn specialized_decode(&mut self) -> Result<CrateNum, Self::Error> {
let cnum = CrateNum::from_u32(u32::decode(self)?);
if cnum == LOCAL_CRATE {
} else {
impl<'a, 'tcx> SpecializedDecoder<Span> for DecodeContext<'a, 'tcx> {
fn specialized_decode(&mut self) -> Result<Span, Self::Error> {
let lo = BytePos::decode(self)?;
let hi = BytePos::decode(self)?;
let sess = if let Some(sess) = self.sess {
} else {
return Ok(Span { lo: lo, hi: hi, ctxt: NO_EXPANSION });
let (lo, hi) = if lo > hi {
// Currently macro expansion sometimes produces invalid Span values
// where lo > hi. In order not to crash the compiler when trying to
// translate these values, let's transform them into something we
// can handle (and which will produce useful debug locations at
// least some of the time).
// This workaround is only necessary as long as macro expansion is
// not fixed. FIXME(#23480)
(lo, lo)
} else {
(lo, hi)
let imported_filemaps = self.cdata().imported_filemaps(&sess.codemap());
let filemap = {
// Optimize for the case that most spans within a translated item
// originate from the same filemap.
let last_filemap = &imported_filemaps[self.last_filemap_index];
if lo >= last_filemap.original_start_pos && lo <= last_filemap.original_end_pos &&
hi >= last_filemap.original_start_pos &&
hi <= last_filemap.original_end_pos {
} else {
let mut a = 0;
let mut b = imported_filemaps.len();
while b - a > 1 {
let m = (a + b) / 2;
if imported_filemaps[m].original_start_pos > lo {
b = m;
} else {
a = m;
self.last_filemap_index = a;
let lo = (lo - filemap.original_start_pos) + filemap.translated_filemap.start_pos;
let hi = (hi - filemap.original_start_pos) + filemap.translated_filemap.start_pos;
Ok(Span { lo: lo, hi: hi, ctxt: NO_EXPANSION })
// FIXME(#36588) These impls are horribly unsound as they allow
// the caller to pick any lifetime for 'tcx, including 'static,
// by using the unspecialized proxies to them.
impl<'a, 'tcx> SpecializedDecoder<Ty<'tcx>> for DecodeContext<'a, 'tcx> {
fn specialized_decode(&mut self) -> Result<Ty<'tcx>, Self::Error> {
let tcx = self.tcx();
// Handle shorthands first, if we have an usize > 0x80.
if self.opaque.data[self.opaque.position()] & 0x80 != 0 {
let pos = self.read_usize()?;
assert!(pos >= SHORTHAND_OFFSET);
let key = ty::CReaderCacheKey {
cnum: self.cdata().cnum,
if let Some(ty) = tcx.rcache.borrow().get(&key).cloned() {
return Ok(ty);
let ty = self.with_position(key.pos, Ty::decode)?;
tcx.rcache.borrow_mut().insert(key, ty);
} else {
impl<'a, 'tcx> SpecializedDecoder<ty::GenericPredicates<'tcx>> for DecodeContext<'a, 'tcx> {
fn specialized_decode(&mut self) -> Result<ty::GenericPredicates<'tcx>, Self::Error> {
Ok(ty::GenericPredicates {
parent: Decodable::decode(self)?,
predicates: (0..self.read_usize()?).map(|_| {
// Handle shorthands first, if we have an usize > 0x80.
if self.opaque.data[self.opaque.position()] & 0x80 != 0 {
let pos = self.read_usize()?;
assert!(pos >= SHORTHAND_OFFSET);
let pos = pos - SHORTHAND_OFFSET;
self.with_position(pos, ty::Predicate::decode)
} else {
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?,
impl<'a, 'tcx> SpecializedDecoder<&'tcx Substs<'tcx>> for DecodeContext<'a, 'tcx> {
fn specialized_decode(&mut self) -> Result<&'tcx Substs<'tcx>, Self::Error> {
Ok(self.tcx().mk_substs((0..self.read_usize()?).map(|_| Decodable::decode(self)))?)
impl<'a, 'tcx> SpecializedDecoder<&'tcx ty::Region> for DecodeContext<'a, 'tcx> {
fn specialized_decode(&mut self) -> Result<&'tcx ty::Region, Self::Error> {
impl<'a, 'tcx> SpecializedDecoder<&'tcx ty::Slice<Ty<'tcx>>> for DecodeContext<'a, 'tcx> {
fn specialized_decode(&mut self) -> Result<&'tcx ty::Slice<Ty<'tcx>>, Self::Error> {
Ok(self.tcx().mk_type_list((0..self.read_usize()?).map(|_| Decodable::decode(self)))?)
impl<'a, 'tcx> SpecializedDecoder<&'tcx ty::AdtDef> for DecodeContext<'a, 'tcx> {
fn specialized_decode(&mut self) -> Result<&'tcx ty::AdtDef, Self::Error> {
let def_id = DefId::decode(self)?;
impl<'a, 'tcx> SpecializedDecoder<&'tcx ty::Slice<ty::ExistentialPredicate<'tcx>>>
for DecodeContext<'a, 'tcx> {
fn specialized_decode(&mut self)
-> Result<&'tcx ty::Slice<ty::ExistentialPredicate<'tcx>>, Self::Error> {
.map(|_| Decodable::decode(self)))?)
impl<'a, 'tcx> MetadataBlob {
pub fn is_compatible(&self) -> bool {
pub fn get_rustc_version(&self) -> String {
Lazy::with_position(METADATA_HEADER.len() + 4).decode(self)
pub fn get_root(&self) -> CrateRoot {
let slice = self.raw_bytes();
let offset = METADATA_HEADER.len();
let pos = (((slice[offset + 0] as u32) << 24) | ((slice[offset + 1] as u32) << 16) |
((slice[offset + 2] as u32) << 8) |
((slice[offset + 3] as u32) << 0)) as usize;
pub fn list_crate_metadata(&self, out: &mut io::Write) -> io::Result<()> {
write!(out, "=External Dependencies=\n")?;
let root = self.get_root();
for (i, dep) in root.crate_deps.decode(self).enumerate() {
write!(out, "{} {}-{}\n", i + 1, dep.name, dep.hash)?;
write!(out, "\n")?;
impl<'tcx> EntryKind<'tcx> {
fn to_def(&self, did: DefId) -> Option<Def> {
Some(match *self {
EntryKind::Const(_) => Def::Const(did),
EntryKind::AssociatedConst(..) => Def::AssociatedConst(did),
EntryKind::ImmStatic |
EntryKind::ForeignImmStatic => Def::Static(did, false),
EntryKind::MutStatic |
EntryKind::ForeignMutStatic => Def::Static(did, true),
EntryKind::Struct(_, _) => Def::Struct(did),
EntryKind::Union(_, _) => Def::Union(did),
EntryKind::Fn(_) |
EntryKind::ForeignFn(_) => Def::Fn(did),
EntryKind::Method(_) => Def::Method(did),
EntryKind::Type => Def::TyAlias(did),
EntryKind::AssociatedType(_) => Def::AssociatedTy(did),
EntryKind::Mod(_) => Def::Mod(did),
EntryKind::Variant(_) => Def::Variant(did),
EntryKind::Trait(_) => Def::Trait(did),
EntryKind::Enum(..) => Def::Enum(did),
EntryKind::MacroDef(_) => Def::Macro(did, MacroKind::Bang),
EntryKind::ForeignMod |
EntryKind::Impl(_) |
EntryKind::DefaultImpl(_) |
EntryKind::Field |
EntryKind::Closure(_) => return None,
impl<'a, 'tcx> CrateMetadata {
fn is_proc_macro(&self, id: DefIndex) -> bool {
self.proc_macros.is_some() && id != CRATE_DEF_INDEX
fn maybe_entry(&self, item_id: DefIndex) -> Option<Lazy<Entry<'tcx>>> {
self.root.index.lookup(self.blob.raw_bytes(), item_id)
fn entry(&self, item_id: DefIndex) -> Entry<'tcx> {
match self.maybe_entry(item_id) {
None => {
bug!("entry: id not found: {:?} in crate {:?} with number {}",
Some(d) => d.decode(self),
fn local_def_id(&self, index: DefIndex) -> DefId {
DefId {
krate: self.cnum,
index: index,
fn item_name(&self, item_index: DefIndex) -> ast::Name {
.expect("no name in item_name")
pub fn get_def(&self, index: DefIndex) -> Option<Def> {
if !self.is_proc_macro(index) {
} else {
let kind = self.proc_macros.as_ref().unwrap()[index.as_usize() - 1].1.kind();
Some(Def::Macro(self.local_def_id(index), kind))
pub fn get_span(&self, index: DefIndex, sess: &Session) -> Span {
match self.is_proc_macro(index) {
true => DUMMY_SP,
false => self.entry(index).span.decode((self, sess)),
pub fn get_trait_def(&self,
item_id: DefIndex,
tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>)
-> ty::TraitDef {
let data = match self.entry(item_id).kind {
EntryKind::Trait(data) => data.decode(self),
_ => bug!(),
let def = ty::TraitDef::new(self.local_def_id(item_id),
if data.has_default_impl {
fn get_variant(&self,
item: &Entry<'tcx>,
index: DefIndex,
tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>)
-> (ty::VariantDef, Option<DefIndex>) {
let data = match item.kind {
EntryKind::Variant(data) |
EntryKind::Struct(data, _) |
EntryKind::Union(data, _) => data.decode(self),
_ => bug!(),
if let ty::VariantDiscr::Explicit(def_id) = data.discr {
let result = data.evaluated_discr.map_or(Err(()), Ok);
tcx.maps.monomorphic_const_eval.borrow_mut().insert(def_id, result);
(ty::VariantDef {
did: self.local_def_id(data.struct_ctor.unwrap_or(index)),
name: self.item_name(index),
fields: item.children.decode(self).map(|index| {
let f = self.entry(index);
ty::FieldDef {
did: self.local_def_id(index),
name: self.item_name(index),
vis: f.visibility.decode(self)
discr: data.discr,
ctor_kind: data.ctor_kind,
}, data.struct_ctor)
pub fn get_adt_def(&self,
item_id: DefIndex,
tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>)
-> &'tcx ty::AdtDef {
let item = self.entry(item_id);
let did = self.local_def_id(item_id);
let kind = match item.kind {
EntryKind::Enum(_) => ty::AdtKind::Enum,
EntryKind::Struct(_, _) => ty::AdtKind::Struct,
EntryKind::Union(_, _) => ty::AdtKind::Union,
_ => bug!("get_adt_def called on a non-ADT {:?}", did),
let variants = if let ty::AdtKind::Enum = kind {
.map(|index| {
let (variant, struct_ctor) =
self.get_variant(&self.entry(index), index, tcx);
assert_eq!(struct_ctor, None);
} else {
let (variant, _struct_ctor) = self.get_variant(&item, item_id, tcx);
let (kind, repr) = match item.kind {
EntryKind::Enum(repr) => (ty::AdtKind::Enum, repr),
EntryKind::Struct(_, repr) => (ty::AdtKind::Struct, repr),
EntryKind::Union(_, repr) => (ty::AdtKind::Union, repr),
_ => bug!("get_adt_def called on a non-ADT {:?}", did),
tcx.alloc_adt_def(did, kind, variants, repr)
pub fn get_predicates(&self,
item_id: DefIndex,
tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>)
-> ty::GenericPredicates<'tcx> {
self.entry(item_id).predicates.unwrap().decode((self, tcx))
pub fn get_super_predicates(&self,
item_id: DefIndex,
tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>)
-> ty::GenericPredicates<'tcx> {
match self.entry(item_id).kind {
EntryKind::Trait(data) => data.decode(self).super_predicates.decode((self, tcx)),
_ => bug!(),
pub fn get_generics(&self, item_id: DefIndex) -> ty::Generics {
pub fn get_type(&self, id: DefIndex, tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx> {
self.entry(id).ty.unwrap().decode((self, tcx))
pub fn get_stability(&self, id: DefIndex) -> Option<attr::Stability> {
match self.is_proc_macro(id) {
true => None,
false => self.entry(id).stability.map(|stab| stab.decode(self)),
pub fn get_deprecation(&self, id: DefIndex) -> Option<attr::Deprecation> {
match self.is_proc_macro(id) {
true => None,
false => self.entry(id).deprecation.map(|depr| depr.decode(self)),
pub fn get_visibility(&self, id: DefIndex) -> ty::Visibility {
match self.is_proc_macro(id) {
true => ty::Visibility::Public,
false => self.entry(id).visibility.decode(self),
fn get_impl_data(&self, id: DefIndex) -> ImplData<'tcx> {
match self.entry(id).kind {
EntryKind::Impl(data) => data.decode(self),
_ => bug!(),
pub fn get_parent_impl(&self, id: DefIndex) -> Option<DefId> {
pub fn get_impl_polarity(&self, id: DefIndex) -> hir::ImplPolarity {
pub fn get_coerce_unsized_info(&self,
id: DefIndex)
-> Option<ty::adjustment::CoerceUnsizedInfo> {
pub fn get_impl_trait(&self,
id: DefIndex,
tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>)
-> Option<ty::TraitRef<'tcx>> {
self.get_impl_data(id).trait_ref.map(|tr| tr.decode((self, tcx)))
/// Iterates over the language items in the given crate.
pub fn get_lang_items(&self) -> Vec<(DefIndex, usize)> {
/// Iterates over each child of the given item.
pub fn each_child_of_item<F>(&self, id: DefIndex, mut callback: F)
where F: FnMut(def::Export)
if let Some(ref proc_macros) = self.proc_macros {
if id == CRATE_DEF_INDEX {
for (id, &(name, ref ext)) in proc_macros.iter().enumerate() {
let def = Def::Macro(
DefId {
krate: self.cnum,
index: DefIndex::new(id + 1)
callback(def::Export { name: name, def: def, span: DUMMY_SP });
// Find the item.
let item = match self.maybe_entry(id) {
None => return,
Some(item) => item.decode(self),
// Iterate over all children.
let macros_only = self.dep_kind.get().macros_only();
for child_index in item.children.decode(self) {
if macros_only {
// Get the item.
if let Some(child) = self.maybe_entry(child_index) {
let child = child.decode(self);
match child.kind {
EntryKind::MacroDef(..) => {}
_ if macros_only => continue,
_ => {}
// Hand off the item to the callback.
match child.kind {
// FIXME(eddyb) Don't encode these in children.
EntryKind::ForeignMod => {
for child_index in child.children.decode(self) {
if let Some(def) = self.get_def(child_index) {
callback(def::Export {
def: def,
name: self.item_name(child_index),
span: self.entry(child_index).span.decode(self),
EntryKind::Impl(_) |
EntryKind::DefaultImpl(_) => continue,
_ => {}
let def_key = self.def_key(child_index);
let span = child.span.decode(self);
if let (Some(def), Some(name)) =
(self.get_def(child_index), def_key.disambiguated_data.data.get_opt_name()) {
callback(def::Export { def: def, name: name, span: span });
// For non-reexport structs and variants add their constructors to children.
// Reexport lists automatically contain constructors when necessary.
match def {
Def::Struct(..) => {
if let Some(ctor_def_id) = self.get_struct_ctor_def_id(child_index) {
let ctor_kind = self.get_ctor_kind(child_index);
let ctor_def = Def::StructCtor(ctor_def_id, ctor_kind);
callback(def::Export { def: ctor_def, name: name, span: span });
Def::Variant(def_id) => {
// Braced variants, unlike structs, generate unusable names in
// value namespace, they are reserved for possible future use.
let ctor_kind = self.get_ctor_kind(child_index);
let ctor_def = Def::VariantCtor(def_id, ctor_kind);
callback(def::Export { def: ctor_def, name: name, span: span });
_ => {}
if let EntryKind::Mod(data) = item.kind {
for exp in data.decode(self).reexports.decode(self) {
match exp.def {
Def::Macro(..) => {}
_ if macros_only => continue,
_ => {}
pub fn maybe_get_item_body(&self,
tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
id: DefIndex)
-> Option<&'tcx hir::Body> {
if self.is_proc_macro(id) { return None; }
self.entry(id).ast.map(|ast| {
let def_id = self.local_def_id(id);
let body = ast.decode(self).body.decode(self);
tcx.hir.intern_inlined_body(def_id, body)
pub fn item_body_tables(&self,
id: DefIndex,
tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>)
-> &'tcx ty::TypeckTables<'tcx> {
let ast = self.entry(id).ast.unwrap().decode(self);
tcx.alloc_tables(ast.tables.decode((self, tcx)))
pub fn item_body_nested_bodies(&self, id: DefIndex) -> BTreeMap<hir::BodyId, hir::Body> {
self.entry(id).ast.into_iter().flat_map(|ast| {
ast.decode(self).nested_bodies.decode(self).map(|body| (body.id(), body))
pub fn const_is_rvalue_promotable_to_static(&self, id: DefIndex) -> bool {
self.entry(id).ast.expect("const item missing `ast`")
pub fn is_item_mir_available(&self, id: DefIndex) -> bool {
!self.is_proc_macro(id) &&
self.maybe_entry(id).and_then(|item| item.decode(self).mir).is_some()
pub fn maybe_get_item_mir(&self,
tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>,
id: DefIndex)
-> Option<Mir<'tcx>> {
match self.is_proc_macro(id) {
true => None,
false => self.entry(id).mir.map(|mir| mir.decode((self, tcx))),
pub fn mir_const_qualif(&self, id: DefIndex) -> u8 {
match self.entry(id).kind {
EntryKind::Const(qualif) |
EntryKind::AssociatedConst(AssociatedContainer::ImplDefault, qualif) |
EntryKind::AssociatedConst(AssociatedContainer::ImplFinal, qualif) => {
_ => bug!(),
pub fn get_associated_item(&self, id: DefIndex) -> ty::AssociatedItem {
let item = self.entry(id);
let def_key = self.def_key(id);
let parent = self.local_def_id(def_key.parent.unwrap());
let name = def_key.disambiguated_data.data.get_opt_name().unwrap();
let (kind, container, has_self) = match item.kind {
EntryKind::AssociatedConst(container, _) => {
(ty::AssociatedKind::Const, container, false)
EntryKind::Method(data) => {
let data = data.decode(self);
(ty::AssociatedKind::Method, data.container, data.has_self)
EntryKind::AssociatedType(container) => {
(ty::AssociatedKind::Type, container, false)
_ => bug!()
ty::AssociatedItem {
name: name,
kind: kind,
vis: item.visibility.decode(self),
defaultness: container.defaultness(),
def_id: self.local_def_id(id),
container: container.with_def_id(parent),
method_has_self_argument: has_self
pub fn get_item_variances(&self, id: DefIndex) -> Vec<ty::Variance> {
pub fn get_ctor_kind(&self, node_id: DefIndex) -> CtorKind {
match self.entry(node_id).kind {
EntryKind::Struct(data, _) |
EntryKind::Union(data, _) |
EntryKind::Variant(data) => data.decode(self).ctor_kind,
_ => CtorKind::Fictive,
pub fn get_struct_ctor_def_id(&self, node_id: DefIndex) -> Option<DefId> {
match self.entry(node_id).kind {
EntryKind::Struct(data, _) => {
data.decode(self).struct_ctor.map(|index| self.local_def_id(index))
_ => None,
pub fn get_item_attrs(&self, node_id: DefIndex) -> Vec<ast::Attribute> {
if self.is_proc_macro(node_id) {
return Vec::new();
// The attributes for a tuple struct are attached to the definition, not the ctor;
// we assume that someone passing in a tuple struct ctor is actually wanting to
// look at the definition
let mut item = self.entry(node_id);
let def_key = self.def_key(node_id);
if def_key.disambiguated_data.data == DefPathData::StructCtor {
item = self.entry(def_key.parent.unwrap());
pub fn get_struct_field_names(&self, id: DefIndex) -> Vec<ast::Name> {
.map(|index| self.item_name(index))
fn get_attributes(&self, item: &Entry<'tcx>) -> Vec<ast::Attribute> {
.map(|mut attr| {
// Need new unique IDs: old thread-local IDs won't map to new threads.
attr.id = attr::mk_attr_id();
// Translate a DefId from the current compilation environment to a DefId
// for an external crate.
fn reverse_translate_def_id(&self, did: DefId) -> Option<DefId> {
for (local, &global) in self.cnum_map.borrow().iter_enumerated() {
if global == did.krate {
return Some(DefId {
krate: local,
index: did.index,
pub fn get_inherent_implementations_for_type(&self, id: DefIndex) -> Vec<DefId> {
.map(|index| self.local_def_id(index))
pub fn get_implementations_for_trait(&self, filter: Option<DefId>, result: &mut Vec<DefId>) {
// Do a reverse lookup beforehand to avoid touching the crate_num
// hash map in the loop below.
let filter = match filter.map(|def_id| self.reverse_translate_def_id(def_id)) {
Some(Some(def_id)) => Some((def_id.krate.as_u32(), def_id.index)),
Some(None) => return,
None if self.proc_macros.is_some() => return,
None => None,
// FIXME(eddyb) Make this O(1) instead of O(n).
for trait_impls in self.root.impls.decode(self) {
if filter.is_some() && filter != Some(trait_impls.trait_id) {
result.extend(trait_impls.impls.decode(self).map(|index| self.local_def_id(index)));
if filter.is_some() {
pub fn get_trait_of_item(&self, id: DefIndex) -> Option<DefId> {
self.def_key(id).parent.and_then(|parent_index| {
match self.entry(parent_index).kind {
EntryKind::Trait(_) => Some(self.local_def_id(parent_index)),
_ => None,
pub fn get_native_libraries(&self) -> Vec<NativeLibrary> {
pub fn get_dylib_dependency_formats(&self) -> Vec<(CrateNum, LinkagePreference)> {
.flat_map(|(i, link)| {
let cnum = CrateNum::new(i + 1);
link.map(|link| (self.cnum_map.borrow()[cnum], link))
pub fn get_missing_lang_items(&self) -> Vec<lang_items::LangItem> {
pub fn get_fn_arg_names(&self, id: DefIndex) -> Vec<ast::Name> {
let arg_names = match self.entry(id).kind {
EntryKind::Fn(data) |
EntryKind::ForeignFn(data) => data.decode(self).arg_names,
EntryKind::Method(data) => data.decode(self).fn_data.arg_names,
_ => LazySeq::empty(),
pub fn get_exported_symbols(&self) -> Vec<DefId> {
self.exported_symbols.iter().map(|&index| self.local_def_id(index)).collect()
pub fn get_macro(&self, id: DefIndex) -> (ast::Name, MacroDef) {
let entry = self.entry(id);
match entry.kind {
EntryKind::MacroDef(macro_def) => (self.item_name(id), macro_def.decode(self)),
_ => bug!(),
pub fn is_const_fn(&self, id: DefIndex) -> bool {
let constness = match self.entry(id).kind {
EntryKind::Method(data) => data.decode(self).fn_data.constness,
EntryKind::Fn(data) => data.decode(self).constness,
_ => hir::Constness::NotConst,
constness == hir::Constness::Const
pub fn is_foreign_item(&self, id: DefIndex) -> bool {
match self.entry(id).kind {
EntryKind::ForeignImmStatic |
EntryKind::ForeignMutStatic |
EntryKind::ForeignFn(_) => true,
_ => false,
pub fn is_dllimport_foreign_item(&self, id: DefIndex) -> bool {
pub fn is_default_impl(&self, impl_id: DefIndex) -> bool {
match self.entry(impl_id).kind {
EntryKind::DefaultImpl(_) => true,
_ => false,
pub fn closure_kind(&self, closure_id: DefIndex) -> ty::ClosureKind {
match self.entry(closure_id).kind {
EntryKind::Closure(data) => data.decode(self).kind,
_ => bug!(),
pub fn closure_ty(&self,
closure_id: DefIndex,
tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>)
-> ty::PolyFnSig<'tcx> {
match self.entry(closure_id).kind {
EntryKind::Closure(data) => data.decode(self).ty.decode((self, tcx)),
_ => bug!(),
pub fn def_key(&self, index: DefIndex) -> DefKey {
// Returns the path leading to the thing with this `id`.
pub fn def_path(&self, id: DefIndex) -> DefPath {
debug!("def_path(id={:?})", id);
DefPath::make(self.cnum, id, |parent| self.def_path_table.def_key(parent))
/// Imports the codemap from an external crate into the codemap of the crate
/// currently being compiled (the "local crate").
/// The import algorithm works analogous to how AST items are inlined from an
/// external crate's metadata:
/// For every FileMap in the external codemap an 'inline' copy is created in the
/// local codemap. The correspondence relation between external and local
/// FileMaps is recorded in the `ImportedFileMap` objects returned from this
/// function. When an item from an external crate is later inlined into this
/// crate, this correspondence information is used to translate the span
/// information of the inlined item so that it refers the correct positions in
/// the local codemap (see `<decoder::DecodeContext as SpecializedDecoder<Span>>`).
/// The import algorithm in the function below will reuse FileMaps already
/// existing in the local codemap. For example, even if the FileMap of some
/// source file of libstd gets imported many times, there will only ever be
/// one FileMap object for the corresponding file in the local codemap.
/// Note that imported FileMaps do not actually contain the source code of the
/// file they represent, just information about length, line breaks, and
/// multibyte characters. This information is enough to generate valid debuginfo
/// for items inlined from other crates.
pub fn imported_filemaps(&'a self,
local_codemap: &codemap::CodeMap)
-> Ref<'a, Vec<cstore::ImportedFileMap>> {
let filemaps = self.codemap_import_info.borrow();
if !filemaps.is_empty() {
return filemaps;
let external_codemap = self.root.codemap.decode(self);
let imported_filemaps = external_codemap.map(|filemap_to_import| {
// Try to find an existing FileMap that can be reused for the filemap to
// be imported. A FileMap is reusable if it is exactly the same, just
// positioned at a different offset within the codemap.
let reusable_filemap = {
.find(|fm| are_equal_modulo_startpos(&fm, &filemap_to_import))
.map(|rc| rc.clone())
match reusable_filemap {
Some(fm) => {
debug!("CrateMetaData::imported_filemaps reuse \
filemap {:?} original (start_pos {:?} end_pos {:?}) \
translated (start_pos {:?} end_pos {:?})",
filemap_to_import.start_pos, filemap_to_import.end_pos,
fm.start_pos, fm.end_pos);
cstore::ImportedFileMap {
original_start_pos: filemap_to_import.start_pos,
original_end_pos: filemap_to_import.end_pos,
translated_filemap: fm,
None => {
// We can't reuse an existing FileMap, so allocate a new one
// containing the information we need.
let syntax_pos::FileMap { name,
.. } = filemap_to_import;
let source_length = (end_pos - start_pos).to_usize();
// Translate line-start positions and multibyte character
// position into frame of reference local to file.
// `CodeMap::new_imported_filemap()` will then translate those
// coordinates to their new global frame of reference when the
// offset of the FileMap is known.
let mut lines = lines.into_inner();
for pos in &mut lines {
*pos = *pos - start_pos;
let mut multibyte_chars = multibyte_chars.into_inner();
for mbc in &mut multibyte_chars {
mbc.pos = mbc.pos - start_pos;
let local_version = local_codemap.new_imported_filemap(name,
debug!("CrateMetaData::imported_filemaps alloc \
filemap {:?} original (start_pos {:?} end_pos {:?}) \
translated (start_pos {:?} end_pos {:?})",
local_version.name, start_pos, end_pos,
local_version.start_pos, local_version.end_pos);
cstore::ImportedFileMap {
original_start_pos: start_pos,
original_end_pos: end_pos,
translated_filemap: local_version,
// This shouldn't borrow twice, but there is no way to downgrade RefMut to Ref.
*self.codemap_import_info.borrow_mut() = imported_filemaps;
fn are_equal_modulo_startpos(fm1: &syntax_pos::FileMap, fm2: &syntax_pos::FileMap) -> bool {
if fm1.byte_length() != fm2.byte_length() {
return false;
if fm1.name != fm2.name {
return false;
let lines1 = fm1.lines.borrow();
let lines2 = fm2.lines.borrow();
if lines1.len() != lines2.len() {
return false;
for (&line1, &line2) in lines1.iter().zip(lines2.iter()) {
if (line1 - fm1.start_pos) != (line2 - fm2.start_pos) {
return false;
let multibytes1 = fm1.multibyte_chars.borrow();
let multibytes2 = fm2.multibyte_chars.borrow();
if multibytes1.len() != multibytes2.len() {
return false;
for (mb1, mb2) in multibytes1.iter().zip(multibytes2.iter()) {
if (mb1.bytes != mb2.bytes) || ((mb1.pos - fm1.start_pos) != (mb2.pos - fm2.start_pos)) {
return false;