2018 lines
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2018 lines
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# Configuring Rustfmt
Rustfmt is designed to be very configurable. You can create a TOML file called `rustfmt.toml` or `.rustfmt.toml`, place it in the project or any other parent directory and it will apply the options in that file.
A possible content of `rustfmt.toml` or `.rustfmt.toml` might look like this:
indent_style = "Block"
reorder_imported_names = true
Each configuration option is either stable or unstable.
Stable options can be used directly, while unstable options are opt-in.
To enable unstable options, set `unstable_features = true` in `rustfmt.toml` or pass `--unstable-features` to rustfmt.
# Configuration Options
Below you find a detailed visual guide on all the supported configuration options of rustfmt:
## `indent_style`
Indent on expressions or items.
- **Default value**: `"Block"`
- **Possible values**: `"Block"`, `"Visual"`
- **Stable**: No
### Array
#### `"Block"` (default):
fn main() {
let lorem = vec![
#### `"Visual"`:
fn main() {
let lorem = vec!["ipsum",
### Control flow
#### `"Block"` (default):
fn main() {
if lorem_ipsum && dolor_sit && amet_consectetur && lorem_sit && dolor_consectetur && amet_ipsum
&& lorem_consectetur
// ...
#### `"Visual"`:
fn main() {
if lorem_ipsum && dolor_sit && amet_consectetur && lorem_sit && dolor_consectetur && amet_ipsum
&& lorem_consectetur
// ...
See also: [`control_brace_style`](#control_brace_style).
### Function arguments
#### `"Block"` (default):
fn lorem() {}
fn lorem(ipsum: usize) {}
fn lorem(
ipsum: usize,
dolor: usize,
sit: usize,
amet: usize,
consectetur: usize,
adipiscing: usize,
elit: usize,
) {
// body
#### `"Visual"`:
fn lorem() {}
fn lorem(ipsum: usize) {}
fn lorem(ipsum: usize,
dolor: usize,
sit: usize,
amet: usize,
consectetur: usize,
adipiscing: usize,
elit: usize) {
// body
### Function calls
#### `"Block"` (default):
fn main() {
#### `"Visual"`:
fn main() {
### Generics
#### `"Block"` (default):
fn lorem<
Ipsum: Eq = usize,
Dolor: Eq = usize,
Sit: Eq = usize,
Amet: Eq = usize,
Adipiscing: Eq = usize,
Consectetur: Eq = usize,
Elit: Eq = usize,
ipsum: Ipsum,
dolor: Dolor,
sit: Sit,
amet: Amet,
adipiscing: Adipiscing,
consectetur: Consectetur,
elit: Elit,
) -> T {
// body
#### `"Visual"`:
fn lorem<Ipsum: Eq = usize,
Dolor: Eq = usize,
Sit: Eq = usize,
Amet: Eq = usize,
Adipiscing: Eq = usize,
Consectetur: Eq = usize,
Elit: Eq = usize>(
ipsum: Ipsum,
dolor: Dolor,
sit: Sit,
amet: Amet,
adipiscing: Adipiscing,
consectetur: Consectetur,
elit: Elit)
-> T {
// body
#### Struct
#### `"Block"` (default):
fn main() {
let lorem = Lorem {
ipsum: dolor,
sit: amet,
#### `"Visual"`:
fn main() {
let lorem = Lorem { ipsum: dolor,
sit: amet, };
See also: [`struct_lit_single_line`](#struct_lit_single_line), [`indent_style`](#indent_style).
### Where predicates
#### `"Block"` (default):
fn lorem<Ipsum, Dolor, Sit, Amet>() -> T
Ipsum: Eq,
Dolor: Eq,
Sit: Eq,
Amet: Eq,
// body
#### `"Visual"`:
fn lorem<Ipsum, Dolor, Sit, Amet>() -> T
where Ipsum: Eq,
Dolor: Eq,
Sit: Eq,
Amet: Eq
// body
## `use_small_heuristics`
Whether to use different formatting for items and expressions if they satisfy a heuristic notion of 'small'.
- **Default value**: `true`
- **Possible values**: `true`, `false`
- **Stable**: No
#### `true` (default):
enum Lorem {
Sit { amet: Consectetur, adipiscing: Elit },
fn main() {
let lorem = Lorem {
ipsum: dolor,
sit: amet,
let lorem = Lorem { ipsum: dolor };
let lorem = if ipsum { dolor } else { sit };
#### `false`:
enum Lorem {
Sit {
amet: Consectetur,
adipiscing: Elit,
fn main() {
lorem("lorem", "ipsum", "dolor", "sit", "amet", "consectetur", "adipiscing");
let lorem = Lorem {
ipsum: dolor,
sit: amet,
let lorem = if ipsum {
} else {
## `binop_separator`
Where to put a binary operator when a binary expression goes multiline.
- **Default value**: `"Front"`
- **Possible values**: `"Front"`, `"Back"`
- **Stable**: No
#### `"Front"` (default):
fn main() {
let or = foofoofoofoofoofoofoofoofoofoofoofoofoofoofoofoo
|| barbarbarbarbarbarbarbarbarbarbarbarbarbarbarbar;
let sum = 123456789012345678901234567890 + 123456789012345678901234567890
+ 123456789012345678901234567890;
let range = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
#### `"Back"`:
fn main() {
let or = foofoofoofoofoofoofoofoofoofoofoofoofoofoofoofoo ||
let sum = 123456789012345678901234567890 + 123456789012345678901234567890 +
let range = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..
## `combine_control_expr`
Combine control expressions with function calls.
- **Default value**: `true`
- **Possible values**: `true`, `false`
- **Stable**: No
#### `true` (default):
fn example() {
// If
foo!(if x {
} else {
// IfLet
foo!(if let Some(..) = x {
} else {
// While
foo!(while x {
// WhileLet
foo!(while let Some(..) = x {
// ForLoop
foo!(for x in y {
// Loop
foo!(loop {
#### `false`:
fn example() {
// If
if x {
} else {
// IfLet
if let Some(..) = x {
} else {
// While
while x {
// WhileLet
while let Some(..) = x {
// ForLoop
for x in y {
// Loop
loop {
## `comment_width`
Maximum length of comments. No effect unless`wrap_comments = true`.
- **Default value**: `80`
- **Possible values**: any positive integer
- **Stable**: No
**Note:** A value of `0` results in [`wrap_comments`](#wrap_comments) being applied regardless of a line's width.
#### `80` (default; comments shorter than `comment_width`):
// Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
#### `60` (comments longer than `comment_width`):
// Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
// consectetur adipiscing elit.
See also [`wrap_comments`](#wrap_comments).
## `condense_wildcard_suffixes`
Replace strings of _ wildcards by a single .. in tuple patterns
- **Default value**: `false`
- **Possible values**: `true`, `false`
- **Stable**: No
#### `false` (default):
fn main() {
let (lorem, ipsum, _, _) = (1, 2, 3, 4);
let (lorem, ipsum, ..) = (1, 2, 3, 4);
#### `true`:
fn main() {
let (lorem, ipsum, ..) = (1, 2, 3, 4);
## `control_brace_style`
Brace style for control flow constructs
- **Default value**: `"AlwaysSameLine"`
- **Possible values**: `"AlwaysNextLine"`, `"AlwaysSameLine"`, `"ClosingNextLine"`
- **Stable**: No
#### `"AlwaysSameLine"` (default):
fn main() {
if lorem {
} else {
#### `"AlwaysNextLine"`:
fn main() {
if lorem
#### `"ClosingNextLine"`:
fn main() {
if lorem {
else {
## `disable_all_formatting`
Don't reformat anything
- **Default value**: `false`
- **Possible values**: `true`, `false`
- **Stable**: No
## `error_on_line_overflow`
Error if unable to get all lines within `max_width`
- **Default value**: `true`
- **Possible values**: `true`, `false`
- **Stable**: No
See also [`max_width`](#max_width).
## `error_on_line_overflow_comments`
Error if unable to get all comment lines within `comment_width`.
- **Default value**: `true`
- **Possible values**: `true`, `false`
- **Stable**: No
See also [`comment_width`](#comment_width).
## `fn_args_density`
Argument density in functions
- **Default value**: `"Tall"`
- **Possible values**: `"Compressed"`, `"Tall"`, `"Vertical"`
- **Stable**: No
#### `"Tall"` (default):
trait Lorem {
fn lorem(ipsum: Ipsum, dolor: Dolor, sit: Sit, amet: Amet);
fn lorem(ipsum: Ipsum, dolor: Dolor, sit: Sit, amet: Amet) {
// body
fn lorem(
ipsum: Ipsum,
dolor: Dolor,
sit: Sit,
amet: Amet,
consectetur: Consectetur,
adipiscing: Adipiscing,
elit: Elit,
fn lorem(
ipsum: Ipsum,
dolor: Dolor,
sit: Sit,
amet: Amet,
consectetur: Consectetur,
adipiscing: Adipiscing,
elit: Elit,
) {
// body
#### `"Compressed"`:
trait Lorem {
fn lorem(ipsum: Ipsum, dolor: Dolor, sit: Sit, amet: Amet);
fn lorem(ipsum: Ipsum, dolor: Dolor, sit: Sit, amet: Amet) {
// body
fn lorem(
ipsum: Ipsum, dolor: Dolor, sit: Sit, amet: Amet, consectetur: Consectetur,
adipiscing: Adipiscing, elit: Elit,
fn lorem(
ipsum: Ipsum, dolor: Dolor, sit: Sit, amet: Amet, consectetur: Consectetur,
adipiscing: Adipiscing, elit: Elit,
) {
// body
#### `"Vertical"`:
trait Lorem {
fn lorem(
ipsum: Ipsum,
dolor: Dolor,
sit: Sit,
amet: Amet,
fn lorem(
ipsum: Ipsum,
dolor: Dolor,
sit: Sit,
amet: Amet,
) {
// body
fn lorem(
ipsum: Ipsum,
dolor: Dolor,
sit: Sit,
amet: Amet,
consectetur: Consectetur,
adipiscing: Adipiscing,
elit: Elit,
fn lorem(
ipsum: Ipsum,
dolor: Dolor,
sit: Sit,
amet: Amet,
consectetur: Consectetur,
adipiscing: Adipiscing,
elit: Elit,
) {
// body
## `brace_style`
Brace style for items
- **Default value**: `"SameLineWhere"`
- **Possible values**: `"AlwaysNextLine"`, `"PreferSameLine"`, `"SameLineWhere"`
- **Stable**: No
### Functions
#### `"SameLineWhere"` (default):
fn lorem() {
// body
fn lorem(ipsum: usize) {
// body
fn lorem<T>(ipsum: T)
T: Add + Sub + Mul + Div,
// body
#### `"AlwaysNextLine"`:
fn lorem()
// body
fn lorem(ipsum: usize)
// body
fn lorem<T>(ipsum: T)
T: Add + Sub + Mul + Div,
// body
#### `"PreferSameLine"`:
fn lorem() {
// body
fn lorem(ipsum: usize) {
// body
fn lorem<T>(ipsum: T)
T: Add + Sub + Mul + Div, {
// body
### Structs and enums
#### `"SameLineWhere"` (default):
struct Lorem {
ipsum: bool,
struct Dolor<T>
T: Eq,
sit: T,
#### `"AlwaysNextLine"`:
struct Lorem
ipsum: bool,
struct Dolor<T>
T: Eq,
sit: T,
#### `"PreferSameLine"`:
struct Lorem {
ipsum: bool,
struct Dolor<T>
T: Eq, {
sit: T,
## `empty_item_single_line`
Put empty-body functions and impls on a single line
- **Default value**: `true`
- **Possible values**: `true`, `false`
- **Stable**: No
#### `true` (default):
fn lorem() {}
impl Lorem {}
#### `false`:
fn lorem() {
impl Lorem {
See also [`brace_style`](#brace_style), [`control_brace_style`](#control_brace_style).
## `fn_single_line`
Put single-expression functions on a single line
- **Default value**: `false`
- **Possible values**: `true`, `false`
- **Stable**: No
#### `false` (default):
fn lorem() -> usize {
fn lorem() -> usize {
let ipsum = 42;
#### `true`:
fn lorem() -> usize { 42 }
fn lorem() -> usize {
let ipsum = 42;
See also [`control_brace_style`](#control_brace_style).
## `where_single_line`
To force single line where layout
- **Default value**: `false`
- **Possible values**: `true`, `false`
- **Stable**: No
#### `false` (default):
impl<T> Lorem for T
Option<T>: Ipsum,
// body
#### `true`:
impl<T> Lorem for T
where Option<T>: Ipsum
// body
See also [`brace_style`](#brace_style), [`control_brace_style`](#control_brace_style).
## `force_explicit_abi`
Always print the abi for extern items
- **Default value**: `true`
- **Possible values**: `true`, `false`
- **Stable**: Yes
**Note:** Non-"C" ABIs are always printed. If `false` then "C" is removed.
#### `true` (default):
extern "C" {
pub static lorem: c_int;
#### `false`:
extern {
pub static lorem: c_int;
## `format_strings`
Format string literals where necessary
- **Default value**: `false`
- **Possible values**: `true`, `false`
- **Stable**: No
#### `false` (default):
fn main() {
let lorem =
"ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing";
#### `true`:
fn main() {
let lorem = "ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit lorem ipsum dolor sit amet \
consectetur adipiscing";
See also [`max_width`](#max_width).
## `hard_tabs`
Use tab characters for indentation, spaces for alignment
- **Default value**: `false`
- **Possible values**: `true`, `false`
- **Stable**: Yes
#### `false` (default):
fn lorem() -> usize {
42 // spaces before 42
#### `true`:
fn lorem() -> usize {
42 // tabs before 42
See also: [`tab_spaces`](#tab_spaces).
## `imports_indent`
Indent style of imports
- **Default Value**: `"Visual"`
- **Possible values**: `"Block"`, `"Visual"`
- **Stable**: No
#### `"Visual"` (default):
use foo::{xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy,
#### `"Block"`:
use foo::{
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy,
See also: [`imports_layout`](#imports_layout).
## `imports_layout`
Item layout inside a imports block
- **Default value**: "Mixed"
- **Possible values**: "Horizontal", "HorizontalVertical", "Mixed", "Vertical"
- **Stable**: No
#### `"Mixed"` (default):
use foo::{xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz};
use foo::{aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb, cccccccccccccccccc, dddddddddddddddddd,
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, ffffffffffffffffff};
#### `"Horizontal"`:
**Note**: This option forces all imports onto one line and may exceed `max_width`.
use foo::{xxx, yyy, zzz};
use foo::{aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, fff};
#### `"HorizontalVertical"`:
use foo::{xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz};
use foo::{aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,
#### `"Vertical"`:
use foo::{xxx,
use foo::{aaa,
## `match_block_trailing_comma`
Put a trailing comma after a block based match arm (non-block arms are not affected)
- **Default value**: `false`
- **Possible values**: `true`, `false`
- **Stable**: No
#### `false` (default):
fn main() {
match lorem {
Lorem::Ipsum => {
Lorem::Dolor => println!("dolor"),
#### `true`:
fn main() {
match lorem {
Lorem::Ipsum => {
Lorem::Dolor => println!("dolor"),
See also: [`trailing_comma`](#trailing_comma), [`match_arm_blocks`](#match_arm_blocks).
## `max_width`
Maximum width of each line
- **Default value**: `100`
- **Possible values**: any positive integer
- **Stable**: Yes
See also [`error_on_line_overflow`](#error_on_line_overflow).
## `merge_derives`
Merge multiple derives into a single one.
- **Default value**: `true`
- **Possible values**: `true`, `false`
- **Stable**: Yes
#### `true` (default):
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum Foo {}
#### `false`:
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq)]
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum Foo {}
## `force_multiline_blocks`
Force multiline closure and match arm bodies to be wrapped in a block
- **Default value**: `false`
- **Possible values**: `false`, `true`
- **Stable**: No
#### `false` (default):
fn main() {
result.and_then(|maybe_value| match maybe_value {
None => foo(),
Some(value) => bar(),
match lorem {
None => if ipsum {
println!("Hello World");
Some(dolor) => foo(),
#### `true`:
fn main() {
result.and_then(|maybe_value| {
match maybe_value {
None => foo(),
Some(value) => bar(),
match lorem {
None => {
if ipsum {
println!("Hello World");
Some(dolor) => foo(),
## `newline_style`
Unix or Windows line endings
- **Default value**: `"Unix"`
- **Possible values**: `"Native"`, `"Unix"`, `"Windows"`
- **Stable**: Yes
## `normalize_comments`
Convert /* */ comments to // comments where possible
- **Default value**: `false`
- **Possible values**: `true`, `false`
- **Stable**: Yes
#### `false` (default):
// Lorem ipsum:
fn dolor() -> usize {}
/* sit amet: */
fn adipiscing() -> usize {}
#### `true`:
// Lorem ipsum:
fn dolor() -> usize {}
// sit amet:
fn adipiscing() -> usize {}
## `reorder_imported_names`
Reorder lists of names in import statements alphabetically
- **Default value**: `false`
- **Possible values**: `true`, `false`
- **Stable**: No
#### `false` (default):
use super::{lorem, ipsum, dolor, sit};
#### `true`:
use super::{dolor, ipsum, lorem, sit};
See also [`reorder_imports`](#reorder_imports).
## `reorder_imports`
Reorder import statements alphabetically
- **Default value**: `false`
- **Possible values**: `true`, `false`
- **Stable**: No
#### `false` (default):
use lorem;
use ipsum;
use dolor;
use sit;
#### `true`:
use dolor;
use ipsum;
use lorem;
use sit;
See also [`reorder_imported_names`](#reorder_imported_names), [`reorder_imports_in_group`](#reorder_imports_in_group).
## `reorder_imports_in_group`
Reorder import statements in group
- **Default value**: `false`
- **Possible values**: `true`, `false`
- **Stable**: No
**Note:** This option takes effect only when [`reorder_imports`](#reorder_imports) is set to `true`.
#### `false` (default):
use std::mem;
use std::io;
use lorem;
use ipsum;
use dolor;
use sit;
#### `true`:
use std::io;
use std::mem;
use dolor;
use ipsum;
use lorem;
use sit;
See also [`reorder_imports`](#reorder_imports).
## `reorder_extern_crates`
Reorder `extern crate` statements alphabetically
- **Default value**: `true`
- **Possible values**: `true`, `false`
- **Stable**: No
#### `true` (default):
extern crate dolor;
extern crate ipsum;
extern crate lorem;
extern crate sit;
#### `false`:
extern crate lorem;
extern crate ipsum;
extern crate dolor;
extern crate sit;
See also [`reorder_extern_crates_in_group`](#reorder_extern_crates_in_group).
## `reorder_extern_crates_in_group`
Reorder `extern crate` statements in group
- **Default value**: `true`
- **Possible values**: `true`, `false`
- **Stable**: No
**Note:** This option takes effect only when [`reorder_imports`](#reorder_imports) is set to `true`.
#### `true` (default):
extern crate a;
extern crate b;
extern crate dolor;
extern crate ipsum;
extern crate lorem;
extern crate sit;
#### `false`:
extern crate b;
extern crate a;
extern crate lorem;
extern crate ipsum;
extern crate dolor;
extern crate sit;
See also [`reorder_extern_crates`](#reorder_extern_crates).
## `report_todo`
Report `TODO` items in comments.
- **Default value**: `"Never"`
- **Possible values**: `"Always"`, `"Unnumbered"`, `"Never"`
- **Stable**: No
Warns about any comments containing `TODO` in them when set to `"Always"`. If
it contains a `#X` (with `X` being a number) in parentheses following the
`TODO`, `"Unnumbered"` will ignore it.
See also [`report_fixme`](#report_fixme).
## `report_fixme`
Report `FIXME` items in comments.
- **Default value**: `"Never"`
- **Possible values**: `"Always"`, `"Unnumbered"`, `"Never"`
- **Stable**: No
Warns about any comments containing `FIXME` in them when set to `"Always"`. If
it contains a `#X` (with `X` being a number) in parentheses following the
`FIXME`, `"Unnumbered"` will ignore it.
See also [`report_todo`](#report_todo).
## `skip_children`
Don't reformat out of line modules
- **Default value**: `false`
- **Possible values**: `true`, `false`
- **Stable**: No
## `space_after_colon`
Leave a space after the colon.
- **Default value**: `true`
- **Possible values**: `true`, `false`
- **Stable**: No
#### `true` (default):
fn lorem<T: Eq>(t: T) {
let lorem: Dolor = Lorem {
ipsum: dolor,
sit: amet,
#### `false`:
fn lorem<T:Eq>(t:T) {
let lorem:Dolor = Lorem {
See also: [`space_before_colon`](#space_before_colon).
## `space_before_colon`
Leave a space before the colon.
- **Default value**: `false`
- **Possible values**: `true`, `false`
- **Stable**: No
#### `false` (default):
fn lorem<T: Eq>(t: T) {
let lorem: Dolor = Lorem {
ipsum: dolor,
sit: amet,
#### `true`:
fn lorem<T : Eq>(t : T) {
let lorem : Dolor = Lorem {
ipsum : dolor,
sit : amet,
See also: [`space_after_colon`](#space_after_colon).
## `struct_field_align_threshold`
The maximum diff of width between struct fields to be aligned with each other.
- **Default value** : 0
- **Possible values**: any positive integer
- **Stable**: No
#### `0` (default):
struct Foo {
x: u32,
yy: u32,
zzz: u32,
#### `20`:
struct Foo {
x: u32,
yy: u32,
zzz: u32,
## `spaces_around_ranges`
Put spaces around the .., ..=, and ... range operators
- **Default value**: `false`
- **Possible values**: `true`, `false`
- **Stable**: No
#### `false` (default):
fn main() {
let lorem = 0..10;
let ipsum = 0..=10;
match lorem {
1..5 => foo(),
_ => bar,
match lorem {
1..=5 => foo(),
_ => bar,
match lorem {
1...5 => foo(),
_ => bar,
#### `true`:
fn main() {
let lorem = 0 .. 10;
let ipsum = 0 ..= 10;
match lorem {
1 .. 5 => foo(),
_ => bar,
match lorem {
1 ..= 5 => foo(),
_ => bar,
match lorem {
1 ... 5 => foo(),
_ => bar,
## `spaces_within_parens_and_brackets`
Put spaces within non-empty generic arguments, parentheses, and square brackets
- **Default value**: `false`
- **Possible values**: `true`, `false`
- **Stable**: No
#### `false` (default):
// generic arguments
fn lorem<T: Eq>(t: T) {
// body
// non-empty parentheses
fn lorem<T: Eq>(t: T) {
let lorem = (ipsum, dolor);
// non-empty square brackets
fn lorem<T: Eq>(t: T) {
let lorem: [usize; 2] = [ipsum, dolor];
#### `true`:
// generic arguments
fn lorem< T: Eq >( t: T ) {
// body
// non-empty parentheses
fn lorem< T: Eq >( t: T ) {
let lorem = ( ipsum, dolor );
// non-empty square brackets
fn lorem< T: Eq >( t: T ) {
let lorem: [ usize; 2 ] = [ ipsum, dolor ];
## `struct_lit_single_line`
Put small struct literals on a single line
- **Default value**: `true`
- **Possible values**: `true`, `false`
- **Stable**: No
#### `true` (default):
let lorem = Lorem { ipsum: dolor, sit: amet };
#### `false`:
fn main() {
let lorem = Lorem {
ipsum: dolor,
sit: amet,
See also: [`indent_style`](#indent_style).
## `tab_spaces`
Number of spaces per tab
- **Default value**: `4`
- **Possible values**: any positive integer
- **Stable**: Yes
#### `4` (default):
fn lorem() {
let ipsum = dolor();
let sit = vec![
"amet consectetur adipiscing elit amet consectetur adipiscing elit amet consectetur.",
#### `2`:
fn lorem() {
let ipsum = dolor();
let sit = vec![
"amet consectetur adipiscing elit amet consectetur adipiscing elit amet consectetur.",
See also: [`hard_tabs`](#hard_tabs).
## `trailing_comma`
How to handle trailing commas for lists
- **Default value**: `"Vertical"`
- **Possible values**: `"Always"`, `"Never"`, `"Vertical"`
- **Stable**: No
#### `"Vertical"` (default):
fn main() {
let Lorem { ipsum, dolor, sit } = amet;
let Lorem {
} = elit;
#### `"Always"`:
fn main() {
let Lorem { ipsum, dolor, sit, } = amet;
let Lorem {
} = elit;
#### `"Never"`:
fn main() {
let Lorem { ipsum, dolor, sit } = amet;
let Lorem {
} = elit;
See also: [`match_block_trailing_comma`](#match_block_trailing_comma).
## `trailing_semicolon`
Add trailing semicolon after break, continue and return
- **Default value**: `true`
- **Possible values**: `true`, `false`
- **Stable**: No
#### `true` (default):
fn foo() -> usize {
return 0;
#### `false`:
fn foo() -> usize {
return 0
## `type_punctuation_density`
Determines if `+` or `=` are wrapped in spaces in the punctuation of types
- **Default value**: `"Wide"`
- **Possible values**: `"Compressed"`, `"Wide"`
- **Stable**: No
#### `"Wide"` (default):
fn lorem<Ipsum: Dolor + Sit = Amet>() {
// body
#### `"Compressed"`:
fn lorem<Ipsum: Dolor+Sit=Amet>() {
// body
## `use_field_init_shorthand`
Use field initialize shorthand if possible.
- **Default value**: `false`
- **Possible values**: `true`, `false`
- **Stable**: No
#### `false` (default):
struct Foo {
x: u32,
y: u32,
z: u32,
fn main() {
let x = 1;
let y = 2;
let z = 3;
let a = Foo { x: x, y: y, z: z };
#### `true`:
struct Foo {
x: u32,
y: u32,
z: u32,
fn main() {
let x = 1;
let y = 2;
let z = 3;
let a = Foo { x, y, z };
## `use_try_shorthand`
Replace uses of the try! macro by the ? shorthand
- **Default value**: `false`
- **Possible values**: `true`, `false`
- **Stable**: No
#### `false` (default):
fn main() {
let lorem = try!(ipsum.map(|dolor| dolor.sit()));
#### `true`:
fn main() {
let lorem = ipsum.map(|dolor| dolor.sit())?;
## `wrap_comments`
Break comments to fit on the line
- **Default value**: `false`
- **Possible values**: `true`, `false`
- **Stable**: Yes
#### `false` (default):
// Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
#### `true`:
// Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit,
// sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore
// magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud
// exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
// commodo consequat.
## `match_arm_blocks`
Wrap the body of arms in blocks when it does not fit on the same line with the pattern of arms
- **Default value**: `true`
- **Possible values**: `true`, `false`
- **Stable**: No
#### `true` (default):
fn main() {
match lorem {
true => {
false => println!("{}", sit),
#### `false`:
fn main() {
match lorem {
true =>
false => println!("{}", sit),
See also: [`match_block_trailing_comma`](#match_block_trailing_comma).
## `write_mode`
What Write Mode to use when none is supplied: Replace, Overwrite, Display, Diff, Coverage
- **Default value**: `"Overwrite"`
- **Possible values**: `"Checkstyle"`, `"Coverage"`, `"Diff"`, `"Display"`, `"Overwrite"`, `"Plain"`, `"Replace"`
- **Stable**: No
## `blank_lines_upper_bound`
Maximum number of blank lines which can be put between items. If more than this number of consecutive empty
lines are found, they are trimmed down to match this integer.
- **Default value**: `1`
- **Possible values**: *unsigned integer*
- **Stable**: No
### Example
Original Code:
fn foo() {
fn bar() {
#### `1` (default):
fn foo() {
fn bar() {
#### `2` (default):
fn foo() {
fn bar() {
See also: [`blank_lines_lower_bound`](#blank_lines_lower_bound)
## `blank_lines_lower_bound`
Minimum number of blank lines which must be put between items. If two items have fewer blank lines between
them, additional blank lines are inserted.
- **Default value**: `0`
- **Possible values**: *unsigned integer*
- **Stable**: No
### Example
Original Code (rustfmt will not change it with the default value of `0`):
fn foo() {
fn bar() {
#### `1`
fn foo() {
fn bar() {