455 lines
15 KiB
455 lines
15 KiB
import std::io;
import io::writer_util;
import std::fs;
import std::os;
import common::mode_run_pass;
import common::mode_run_fail;
import common::mode_compile_fail;
import common::mode_pretty;
import common::config;
import header::load_props;
import header::test_props;
import util::logv;
export run;
fn run(config: config, testfile: str) {
if config.verbose {
// We're going to be dumping a lot of info. Start on a new line.
#debug("running %s", testfile);
let props = load_props(testfile);
alt config.mode {
mode_compile_fail { run_cfail_test(config, props, testfile); }
mode_run_fail { run_rfail_test(config, props, testfile); }
mode_run_pass { run_rpass_test(config, props, testfile); }
mode_pretty { run_pretty_test(config, props, testfile); }
fn run_cfail_test(config: config, props: test_props, testfile: str) {
let procres = compile_test(config, props, testfile);
if procres.status == 0 {
fatal_procres("compile-fail test compiled successfully!", procres);
let expected_errors = errors::load_errors(testfile);
if vec::is_not_empty(expected_errors) {
if vec::is_not_empty(props.error_patterns) {
fatal("both error pattern and expected errors specified");
check_expected_errors(expected_errors, testfile, procres);
} else {
check_error_patterns(props, testfile, procres);
fn run_rfail_test(config: config, props: test_props, testfile: str) {
let procres = compile_test(config, props, testfile);
if procres.status != 0 { fatal_procres("compilation failed!", procres); }
procres = exec_compiled_test(config, props, testfile);
// The value our Makefile configures valgrind to return on failure
const valgrind_err: int = 100;
if procres.status == valgrind_err {
fatal_procres("run-fail test isn't valgrind-clean!", procres);
check_error_patterns(props, testfile, procres);
fn check_correct_failure_status(procres: procres) {
// The value the rust runtime returns on failure
const rust_err: int = 101;
if procres.status != rust_err {
#fmt("failure produced the wrong error code: %d",
fn run_rpass_test(config: config, props: test_props, testfile: str) {
let procres = compile_test(config, props, testfile);
if procres.status != 0 { fatal_procres("compilation failed!", procres); }
procres = exec_compiled_test(config, props, testfile);
if procres.status != 0 { fatal_procres("test run failed!", procres); }
fn run_pretty_test(config: config, props: test_props, testfile: str) {
if option::is_some(props.pp_exact) {
logv(config, "testing for exact pretty-printing");
} else { logv(config, "testing for converging pretty-printing"); }
let rounds =
alt props.pp_exact { option::some(_) { 1 } option::none { 2 } };
let srcs = [result::get(io::read_whole_file_str(testfile))];
let round = 0;
while round < rounds {
logv(config, #fmt["pretty-printing round %d", round]);
let procres = print_source(config, testfile, srcs[round]);
if procres.status != 0 {
fatal_procres(#fmt["pretty-printing failed in round %d", round],
srcs += [procres.stdout];
round += 1;
let expected =
alt props.pp_exact {
option::some(file) {
let filepath = fs::connect(fs::dirname(testfile), file);
option::none { srcs[vec::len(srcs) - 2u] }
let actual = srcs[vec::len(srcs) - 1u];
if option::is_some(props.pp_exact) {
// Now we have to care about line endings
let cr = "\r";
check (str::is_not_empty(cr));
actual = str::replace(actual, cr, "");
expected = str::replace(expected, cr, "");
compare_source(expected, actual);
// Finally, let's make sure it actually appears to remain valid code
let procres = typecheck_source(config, testfile, actual);
if procres.status != 0 {
fatal_procres("pretty-printed source does not typecheck", procres);
fn print_source(config: config, testfile: str, src: str) -> procres {
compose_and_run(config, testfile, make_pp_args,
config.compile_lib_path, option::some(src))
fn make_pp_args(config: config, _testfile: str) -> procargs {
let prog = config.rustc_path;
let args = ["-", "--pretty", "normal"];
ret {prog: prog, args: args};
fn compare_source(expected: str, actual: str) {
if expected != actual {
error("pretty-printed source does not match expected source");
let msg =
expected, actual];
fn typecheck_source(config: config, testfile: str, src: str) -> procres {
compose_and_run(config, testfile, make_typecheck_args,
config.compile_lib_path, option::some(src))
fn make_typecheck_args(config: config, _testfile: str) -> procargs {
let prog = config.rustc_path;
let args = ["-", "--no-trans", "--lib"];
args += split_maybe_args(config.rustcflags);
ret {prog: prog, args: args};
fn check_error_patterns(props: test_props,
testfile: str,
procres: procres) {
if vec::is_empty(props.error_patterns) {
fatal("no error pattern specified in " + testfile);
if procres.status == 0 {
fatal("process did not return an error status");
let next_err_idx = 0u;
let next_err_pat = props.error_patterns[next_err_idx];
for line: str in str::split_char(procres.stderr, '\n') {
if str::contains(line, next_err_pat) {
#debug("found error pattern %s", next_err_pat);
next_err_idx += 1u;
if next_err_idx == vec::len(props.error_patterns) {
#debug("found all error patterns");
next_err_pat = props.error_patterns[next_err_idx];
let missing_patterns =
vec::slice(props.error_patterns, next_err_idx,
if vec::len(missing_patterns) == 1u {
fatal_procres(#fmt["error pattern '%s' not found!",
missing_patterns[0]], procres);
} else {
for pattern: str in missing_patterns {
error(#fmt["error pattern '%s' not found!", pattern]);
fatal_procres("multiple error patterns not found", procres);
fn check_expected_errors(expected_errors: [errors::expected_error],
testfile: str,
procres: procres) {
// true if we found the error in question
let found_flags = vec::init_elt_mut(vec::len(expected_errors), false);
if procres.status == 0 {
fatal("process did not return an error status");
let prefixes = vec::map(expected_errors, {|ee|
#fmt("%s:%u:", testfile, ee.line)
// Scan and extract our error/warning messages,
// which look like:
// filename:line1:col1: line2:col2: *error:* msg
// filename:line1:col1: line2:col2: *warning:* msg
// where line1:col1: is the starting point, line2:col2:
// is the ending point, and * represents ANSI color codes.
for line: str in str::split_char(procres.stderr, '\n') {
let was_expected = false;
vec::iteri(expected_errors) {|i, ee|
if !found_flags[i] {
#debug["prefix=%s ee.kind=%s ee.msg=%s line=%s",
prefixes[i], ee.kind, ee.msg, line];
if (str::starts_with(line, prefixes[i]) &&
str::contains(line, ee.kind) &&
str::contains(line, ee.msg)) {
found_flags[i] = true;
was_expected = true;
// ignore this msg which gets printed at the end
if str::contains(line, "aborting due to previous errors") {
was_expected = true;
if !was_expected && (str::contains(line, "error") ||
str::contains(line, "warning")) {
fatal_procres(#fmt["unexpected error pattern '%s'!", line],
uint::range(0u, vec::len(found_flags)) {|i|
if !found_flags[i] {
let ee = expected_errors[i];
fatal_procres(#fmt["expected %s on line %u not found: %s",
ee.kind, ee.line, ee.msg], procres);
type procargs = {prog: str, args: [str]};
type procres = {status: int, stdout: str, stderr: str, cmdline: str};
fn compile_test(config: config, props: test_props,
testfile: str) -> procres {
compose_and_run(config, testfile, bind make_compile_args(_, props, _),
config.compile_lib_path, option::none)
fn exec_compiled_test(config: config, props: test_props,
testfile: str) -> procres {
compose_and_run(config, testfile, bind make_run_args(_, props, _),
config.run_lib_path, option::none)
fn compose_and_run(config: config, testfile: str,
make_args: fn@(config, str) -> procargs, lib_path: str,
input: option<str>) -> procres {
let procargs = make_args(config, testfile);
ret program_output(config, testfile, lib_path,
procargs.prog, procargs.args, input);
fn make_compile_args(config: config, props: test_props, testfile: str) ->
procargs {
let prog = config.rustc_path;
let args = [testfile, "-o", make_exe_name(config, testfile)];
args += split_maybe_args(config.rustcflags);
args += split_maybe_args(props.compile_flags);
ret {prog: prog, args: args};
fn make_exe_name(config: config, testfile: str) -> str {
output_base_name(config, testfile) + os::exec_suffix()
fn make_run_args(config: config, _props: test_props, testfile: str) ->
procargs {
let toolargs = {
// If we've got another tool to run under (valgrind),
// then split apart its command
let runtool =
alt config.runtool {
option::some(s) { option::some(s) }
option::none { option::none }
let args = toolargs + [make_exe_name(config, testfile)];
ret {prog: args[0], args: vec::slice(args, 1u, vec::len(args))};
fn split_maybe_args(argstr: option<str>) -> [str] {
fn rm_whitespace(v: [str]) -> [str] {
fn flt(&&s: str) -> option<str> {
if !is_whitespace(s) { option::some(s) } else { option::none }
// FIXME: This should be in std
fn is_whitespace(s: str) -> bool {
for c: u8 in s { if c != ' ' as u8 { ret false; } }
ret true;
vec::filter_map(v, flt)
alt argstr {
option::some(s) { rm_whitespace(str::split_char(s, ' ')) }
option::none { [] }
fn program_output(config: config, testfile: str, lib_path: str, prog: str,
args: [str], input: option<str>) -> procres {
let cmdline =
let cmdline = make_cmdline(lib_path, prog, args);
logv(config, #fmt["executing %s", cmdline]);
let res = procsrv::run(lib_path, prog, args, input);
dump_output(config, testfile, res.out, res.err);
ret {status: res.status,
stdout: res.out,
stderr: res.err,
cmdline: cmdline};
// Linux and mac don't require adjusting the library search path
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
#[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")]
fn make_cmdline(_libpath: str, prog: str, args: [str]) -> str {
#fmt["%s %s", prog, str::connect(args, " ")]
#[cfg(target_os = "win32")]
fn make_cmdline(libpath: str, prog: str, args: [str]) -> str {
#fmt["%s %s %s", lib_path_cmd_prefix(libpath), prog,
str::connect(args, " ")]
// Build the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable as it would be seen on the command line
// for diagnostic purposes
fn lib_path_cmd_prefix(path: str) -> str {
#fmt["%s=\"%s\"", util::lib_path_env_var(), util::make_new_path(path)]
fn dump_output(config: config, testfile: str, out: str, err: str) {
dump_output_file(config, testfile, out, "out");
dump_output_file(config, testfile, err, "err");
maybe_dump_to_stdout(config, out, err);
fn dump_output_file(config: config, testfile: str, out: str, extension: str) {
let outfile = make_out_name(config, testfile, extension);
let writer = result::get(
io::file_writer(outfile, [io::create, io::truncate]));
fn make_out_name(config: config, testfile: str, extension: str) -> str {
output_base_name(config, testfile) + "." + extension
fn output_base_name(config: config, testfile: str) -> str {
let base = config.build_base;
let filename = {
let parts = str::split_char(fs::basename(testfile), '.');
str::connect(vec::slice(parts, 0u, vec::len(parts) - 1u), ".")
#fmt["%s%s.%s", base, filename, config.stage_id]
fn maybe_dump_to_stdout(config: config, out: str, err: str) {
if config.verbose {
let sep1 = #fmt["------%s------------------------------", "stdout"];
let sep2 = #fmt["------%s------------------------------", "stderr"];
let sep3 = "------------------------------------------";
fn error(err: str) { io::stdout().write_line(#fmt["\nerror: %s", err]); }
fn fatal(err: str) -> ! { error(err); fail; }
fn fatal_procres(err: str, procres: procres) -> ! {
let msg =
error: %s\n\
command: %s\n\
err, procres.cmdline, procres.stdout, procres.stderr];