@ -109,13 +109,10 @@ mod write {
// Decides what to call an intermediate file, given the name of the output
// and the extension to use.
fn mk_intermediate_name(output_path: str, extension: str) -> str unsafe {
let stem = alt str::index(output_path, '.') {
option::some(dot_pos) {
str::slice(output_path, 0u, dot_pos)
option::none { output_path }
let stem = alt str::find_char(output_path, '.') {
some(dot_pos) { str::slice(output_path, 0u, dot_pos) }
none { output_path }
ret stem + "." + extension;
@ -566,7 +563,7 @@ fn link_binary(sess: session,
// Converts a library file name into a cc -l argument
fn unlib(config: @session::config, filename: str) -> str unsafe {
let rmlib = fn@(filename: str) -> str {
let found = str::find(filename, "lib");
let found = str::find_str(filename, "lib");
if config.os == session::os_macos ||
(config.os == session::os_linux ||
config.os == session::os_freebsd) &&
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ fn span_to_lines(sp: span, cm: codemap::codemap) -> @file_lines {
fn get_line(fm: filemap, line: int) -> str unsafe {
let begin: uint = fm.lines[line].byte - fm.start_pos.byte;
let end = alt str::index_from(*fm.src, '\n', begin, str::len(*fm.src)) {
let end = alt str::find_char_from(*fm.src, '\n', begin) {
some(e) { e }
none { str::len(*fm.src) }
@ -165,14 +165,12 @@ fn get_line(fm: filemap, line: int) -> str unsafe {
fn lookup_byte_offset(cm: codemap::codemap, chpos: uint)
-> {fm: filemap, pos: uint}
fn lookup(pos: file_pos) -> uint { ret; }
let {fm,line} = lookup_line(cm,chpos,lookup);
-> {fm: filemap, pos: uint} {
let {fm, line} = lookup_line(cm, chpos, {|pos|});
let line_offset = fm.lines[line].byte - fm.start_pos.byte;
let col = chpos - fm.lines[line].ch;
let col_offset = str::substr_len(*fm.src, line_offset, col);
ret {fm: fm, pos: line_offset + col_offset};
let col_offset = str::count_bytes(*fm.src, line_offset, col);
{fm: fm, pos: line_offset + col_offset}
fn span_to_snippet(sp: span, cm: codemap::codemap) -> str {
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ fn finish<T: qq_helper>
if (j < g_len && i == cx.gather[j].lo) {
assert ch == '$';
let repl = #fmt("$%u ", j);
state = skip(str::len_chars(repl));
state = skip(str::char_len(repl));
str2 += repl;
alt state {
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ fn load_errors(testfile: str) -> [expected_error] {
fn parse_expected(line_num: uint, line: str) -> [expected_error] unsafe {
let error_tag = "//!";
let idx;
alt str::find(line, error_tag) {
alt str::find_str(line, error_tag) {
option::none { ret []; }
option::some(nn) { idx = (nn as uint) + str::len(error_tag); }
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ fn parse_name_directive(line: str, directive: str) -> bool {
fn parse_name_value_directive(line: str,
directive: str) -> option<str> unsafe {
let keycolon = directive + ":";
alt str::find(line, keycolon) {
alt str::find_str(line, keycolon) {
option::some(colon) {
let value = str::slice(line, colon + str::len(keycolon),
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ fn check_error_patterns(props: test_props,
let next_err_idx = 0u;
let next_err_pat = props.error_patterns[next_err_idx];
for line: str in str::split_byte(procres.stderr, '\n' as u8) {
for line: str in str::split_char(procres.stderr, '\n') {
if str::contains(line, next_err_pat) {
#debug("found error pattern %s", next_err_pat);
next_err_idx += 1u;
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ fn check_expected_errors(expected_errors: [errors::expected_error],
// filename:line1:col1: line2:col2: *warning:* msg
// where line1:col1: is the starting point, line2:col2:
// is the ending point, and * represents ANSI color codes.
for line: str in str::split_byte(procres.stderr, '\n' as u8) {
for line: str in str::split_char(procres.stderr, '\n') {
let was_expected = false;
vec::iteri(expected_errors) {|i, ee|
if !found_flags[i] {
@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ fn split_maybe_args(argstr: option<str>) -> [str] {
alt argstr {
option::some(s) { rm_whitespace(str::split_byte(s, ' ' as u8)) }
option::some(s) { rm_whitespace(str::split_char(s, ' ')) }
option::none { [] }
@ -410,12 +410,10 @@ fn make_out_name(config: config, testfile: str, extension: str) -> str {
fn output_base_name(config: config, testfile: str) -> str {
let base = config.build_base;
let filename =
let parts = str::split_byte(fs::basename(testfile), '.' as u8);
parts = vec::slice(parts, 0u, vec::len(parts) - 1u);
str::connect(parts, ".")
let filename = {
let parts = str::split_char(fs::basename(testfile), '.');
str::connect(vec::slice(parts, 0u, vec::len(parts) - 1u), ".")
#fmt["%s%s.%s", base, filename, config.stage_id]
@ -320,16 +320,14 @@ mod rt {
fn conv_str(cv: conv, s: str) -> str unsafe {
// For strings, precision is the maximum characters
// displayed
let unpadded =
alt cv.precision {
count_implied { s }
count_is(max) {
if max as uint < str::len_chars(s) {
str::substr(s, 0u, max as uint)
} else { s }
let unpadded = alt cv.precision {
count_implied { s }
count_is(max) {
if max as uint < str::char_len(s) {
str::substr(s, 0u, max as uint)
} else { s }
ret pad(cv, unpadded, pad_nozero);
fn conv_float(cv: conv, f: float) -> str {
@ -368,7 +366,7 @@ mod rt {
} else {
let s = uint::to_str(num, radix);
let len = str::len_chars(s);
let len = str::char_len(s);
if len < prec {
let diff = prec - len;
let pad = str_init_elt(diff, '0');
@ -400,7 +398,7 @@ mod rt {
uwidth = width as uint;
let strlen = str::len_chars(s);
let strlen = str::char_len(s);
if uwidth <= strlen { ret s; }
let padchar = ' ';
let diff = uwidth - strlen;
@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ export
// Comparing strings
@ -52,8 +51,8 @@ export
// Iterating through strings
all, any,
all_between, any_between,
@ -63,14 +62,11 @@ export
// Searching
find, find_from, find_between,
rfind, rfind_from, rfind_between,
find_char, find_char_from, find_char_between,
rfind_char, rfind_char_from, rfind_char_between,
find_str, find_str_from, find_str_between,
@ -81,29 +77,23 @@ export
// Misc
// FIXME: perhaps some more of this section shouldn't be exported?
count_chars, count_bytes,
#[abi = "cdecl"]
native mod rustrt {
fn rust_str_push(&s: str, ch: u8);
@ -303,18 +293,14 @@ Function: trim_left
Returns a string with leading whitespace removed.
fn trim_left(s: str) -> str {
fn count_whities(s: [char]) -> uint {
let i = 0u;
while i < vec::len(s) {
if !char::is_whitespace(s[i]) { break; }
i += 1u;
ret i;
fn trim_left(+s: str) -> str {
alt find(s, {|c| !char::is_whitespace(c)}) {
none { "" }
some(first) {
if first == 0u { s }
else unsafe { unsafe::slice_bytes(s, first, len(s)) }
let chars = chars(s);
let whities = count_whities(chars);
ret from_chars(vec::slice(chars, whities, vec::len(chars)));
@ -322,18 +308,15 @@ Function: trim_right
Returns a string with trailing whitespace removed.
fn trim_right(s: str) -> str {
fn count_whities(s: [char]) -> uint {
let i = vec::len(s);
while 0u < i {
if !char::is_whitespace(s[i - 1u]) { break; }
i -= 1u;
ret i;
fn trim_right(+s: str) -> str {
alt rfind(s, {|c| !char::is_whitespace(c)}) {
none { "" }
some(last) {
let {next, _} = char_range_at(s, last);
if next == len(s) { s }
else unsafe { unsafe::slice_bytes(s, 0u, next) }
let chars = chars(s);
let whities = count_whities(chars);
ret from_chars(vec::slice(chars, 0u, whities));
@ -341,8 +324,7 @@ Function: trim
Returns a string with leading and trailing whitespace removed
fn trim(s: str) -> str { trim_left(trim_right(s)) }
fn trim(+s: str) -> str { trim_left(trim_right(s)) }
Section: Transforming strings
@ -376,15 +358,11 @@ fn chars(s: str) -> [char] {
Function: substr
Take a substring of another. Returns a string containing `len` bytes
starting at char offset `begin`.
If `begin` + `len` is is greater than the char length of the string
Take a substring of another. Returns a string containing `n`
characters starting at byte offset `begin`.
fn substr(s: str, begin: uint, len: uint) -> str {
ret slice(s, begin, begin + len);
fn substr(s: str, begin: uint, n: uint) -> str {
slice(s, begin, begin + count_bytes(s, begin, n))
// Function: slice
@ -633,17 +611,6 @@ fn replace(s: str, from: str, to: str) -> str unsafe {
Function: escape
Escapes special characters inside the string, making it safe for transfer.
fn escape(s: str) -> str {
let r = "";
chars_iter(s) { |c| r += escape_char(c) };
Section: Comparing strings
@ -670,7 +637,6 @@ String hash function
fn hash(&&s: str) -> uint {
// djb hash.
// FIXME: replace with murmur.
let u: uint = 5381u;
for c: u8 in s { u *= 33u; u += c as uint; }
ret u;
@ -686,8 +652,8 @@ Function: all
Return true if a predicate matches all characters or
if the string contains no characters
fn all(s: str, it: fn(char) -> bool) -> bool{
ret substr_all(s, 0u, len(s), it);
fn all(s: str, it: fn(char) -> bool) -> bool {
all_between(s, 0u, len(s), it)
@ -697,7 +663,7 @@ Return true if a predicate matches any character
(and false if it matches none or there are no characters)
fn any(ss: str, pred: fn(char) -> bool) -> bool {
!all(ss, {|cc| !pred(cc)})
!all(ss, {|cc| !pred(cc)})
@ -708,12 +674,8 @@ Apply a function to each character
fn map(ss: str, ff: fn(char) -> char) -> str {
let result = "";
reserve(result, len(ss));
chars_iter(ss, {|cc|
str::push_char(result, ff(cc));
ret result;
chars_iter(ss) {|cc| str::push_char(result, ff(cc));}
@ -787,172 +749,192 @@ fn lines_iter(ss: str, ff: fn(&&str)) {
Section: Searching
// Function: index
// Function: find_char
// Returns the byte index of the first matching char
// (as option some/none)
fn index(ss: str, cc: char) -> option<uint> {
index_from(ss, cc, 0u, len(ss))
fn find_char(s: str, c: char) -> option<uint> {
find_char_between(s, c, 0u, len(s))
// Function: index_from
// Function: find_char_from
// Returns the byte index of the first matching char
// (as option some/none), starting at `nn`
fn index_from(ss: str, cc: char, start: uint, end: uint) -> option<uint> {
let bii = start;
while bii < end {
let {ch, next} = char_range_at(ss, bii);
// found here?
if ch == cc {
ret some(bii);
bii = next;
// wasn't found
ret none;
// (as option some/none), starting from `start`
fn find_char_from(s: str, c: char, from: uint) -> option<uint> {
find_char_between(s, c, from, len(s))
// Function: index_chars
// Returns the char index of the first matching char
// (as option some/none)
// FIXME: delete?
fn index_chars(ss: str, cc: char) -> option<uint> {
let bii = 0u;
let cii = 0u;
let len = len(ss);
while bii < len {
let {ch, next} = char_range_at(ss, bii);
// found here?
if ch == cc {
ret some(cii);
cii += 1u;
bii = next;
// wasn't found
ret none;
// Function: rindex
// Function: find_char_between
// Returns the byte index of the first matching char
// (as option some/none)
fn rindex(ss: str, cc: char) -> option<uint> {
let bii = len(ss);
while bii > 0u {
let {ch, prev} = char_range_at_reverse(ss, bii);
bii = prev;
// found here?
if ch == cc {
ret some(bii);
// (as option some/none), between `start` and `end`
fn find_char_between(s: str, c: char, start: uint, end: uint)
-> option<uint> {
if c < 128u as char {
assert start <= end;
assert end <= len(s);
let i = start, b = c as u8;
while i < end {
if s[i] == b { ret some(i); }
i += 1u;
ret none;
} else {
find_between(s, start, end, {|x| x == c})
// wasn't found
ret none;
// Function: rindex_chars
// Function: rfind_char
// Returns the char index of the first matching char
// Returns the byte index of the last matching char
// (as option some/none)
// FIXME: delete?
fn rindex_chars(ss: str, cc: char) -> option<uint> {
let bii = len(ss);
let cii = len_chars(ss);
while bii > 0u {
let {ch, prev} = char_range_at_reverse(ss, bii);
cii -= 1u;
bii = prev;
fn rfind_char(s: str, c: char) -> option<uint> {
rfind_char_between(s, c, len(s), 0u)
// found here?
if ch == cc {
ret some(cii);
// Function: rfind_char_from
// Returns the byte index of the last matching char
// (as option some/none), starting from `start`
fn rfind_char_from(s: str, c: char, start: uint) -> option<uint> {
rfind_char_between(s, c, start, 0u)
// Function: rfind_char_between
// Returns the byte index of the last matching char (as option
// some/none), between from `start` and `end` (start must be greater
// than or equal to end)
fn rfind_char_between(s: str, c: char, start: uint, end: uint)
-> option<uint> {
if c < 128u as char {
assert start >= end;
assert start <= len(s);
let i = start, b = c as u8;
while i > end {
i -= 1u;
if s[i] == b { ret some(i); }
ret none;
} else {
rfind_between(s, start, end, {|x| x == c})
// wasn't found
// Function: find
// Returns, as an option, the first character that passes the given
// predicate
fn find(s: str, f: fn(char) -> bool) -> option<uint> {
find_between(s, 0u, len(s), f)
// Function: find_from
// Returns, as an option, the first character that passes the given
// predicate, starting at byte offset `start`
fn find_from(s: str, start: uint, f: fn(char) -> bool) -> option<uint> {
find_between(s, start, len(s), f)
// Function: find_between
// Returns, as an option, the first character that passes the given
// predicate, between byte offsets `start` and `end`
fn find_between(s: str, start: uint, end: uint, f: fn(char) -> bool)
-> option<uint> {
assert start <= end;
assert end <= len(s);
assert is_char_boundary(s, start);
let i = start;
while i < end {
let {ch, next} = char_range_at(s, i);
if f(ch) { ret some(i); }
i = next;
ret none;
//Function: find
// Function: rfind
// Returns, as an option, the last character in the string that passes
// the given predicate
fn rfind(s: str, f: fn(char) -> bool) -> option<uint> {
rfind_between(s, len(s), 0u, f)
// Function: rfind_from
// Returns, as an option, the last character that passes the given
// predicate, up until byte offset `start`
fn rfind_from(s: str, start: uint, f: fn(char) -> bool) -> option<uint> {
rfind_between(s, start, 0u, f)
// Function: rfind_between
// Returns, as an option, the last character that passes the given
// predicate, between byte offsets `start` and `end` (`start` must be
// greater than or equal to `end`)
fn rfind_between(s: str, start: uint, end: uint, f: fn(char) -> bool)
-> option<uint> {
assert start >= end;
assert start <= len(s);
assert is_char_boundary(s, start);
let i = start;
while i > end {
let {ch, prev} = char_range_at_reverse(s, i);
if f(ch) { ret some(prev); }
i = prev;
ret none;
// Utility used by various searching functions
fn match_at(haystack: str, needle: str, at: uint) -> bool {
let i = at;
for c in needle { if haystack[i] != c { ret false; } i += 1u; }
ret true;
//Function: find_str
// Find the byte position of the first instance of one string
// within another, or return option::none
fn find(haystack: str, needle: str) -> option<uint> {
find_from(haystack, needle, 0u, len(haystack))
fn find_str(haystack: str, needle: str) -> option<uint> {
find_str_between(haystack, needle, 0u, len(haystack))
//Function: find_from
//Function: find_str_from
// Find the byte position of the first instance of one string
// within another, or return option::none
// FIXME: Boyer-Moore should be significantly faster
fn find_from(haystack: str, needle: str, start: uint, end:uint)
fn find_str_from(haystack: str, needle: str, start: uint)
-> option<uint> {
find_str_between(haystack, needle, start, len(haystack))
//Function: find_str_between
// Find the byte position of the first instance of one string
// within another, or return option::none
fn find_str_between(haystack: str, needle: str, start: uint, end:uint)
-> option<uint> {
// FIXME: Boyer-Moore should be significantly faster
assert end <= len(haystack);
let needle_len = len(needle);
if needle_len == 0u { ret some(start); }
if needle_len > end { ret none; }
fn match_at(haystack: str, needle: str, ii: uint) -> bool {
let jj = ii;
for c: u8 in needle { if haystack[jj] != c { ret false; } jj += 1u; }
ret true;
let i = start, e = end - needle_len;
while i <= e {
if match_at(haystack, needle, i) { ret some(i); }
i += 1u;
let ii = start;
while ii <= end - needle_len {
if match_at(haystack, needle, ii) { ret some(ii); }
ii += 1u;
ret none;
// Function: find_chars
// Find the char position of the first instance of one string
// within another, or return option::none
// FIXME: delete?
fn find_chars(haystack: str, needle: str) -> option<uint> {
alt find(haystack, needle) {
none { ret none; }
some(nn) { ret some(b2c_pos(haystack, nn)); }
// Function: b2c_pos
// Convert a byte position into a char position
// within a given string
fn b2c_pos(ss: str, bpos: uint) -> uint {
assert bpos == 0u || bpos < len(ss);
let ii = 0u;
let cpos = 0u;
while ii < bpos {
let sz = utf8_char_width(ss[ii]);
ii += sz;
cpos += 1u;
ret cpos;
Function: contains
@ -964,7 +946,7 @@ haystack - The string to look in
needle - The string to look for
fn contains(haystack: str, needle: str) -> bool {
option::is_some(find(haystack, needle))
option::is_some(find_str(haystack, needle))
@ -978,11 +960,10 @@ haystack - The string to look in
needle - The string to look for
fn starts_with(haystack: str, needle: str) -> bool unsafe {
let haystack_len: uint = len(haystack);
let needle_len: uint = len(needle);
if needle_len == 0u { ret true; }
if needle_len > haystack_len { ret false; }
ret eq(unsafe::slice_bytes(haystack, 0u, needle_len), needle);
let haystack_len = len(haystack), needle_len = len(needle);
if needle_len == 0u { true }
else if needle_len > haystack_len { false }
else { match_at(haystack, needle, 0u) }
@ -994,16 +975,10 @@ haystack - The string to look in
needle - The string to look for
fn ends_with(haystack: str, needle: str) -> bool {
let haystack_len: uint = len(haystack);
let needle_len: uint = len(needle);
ret if needle_len == 0u {
} else if needle_len > haystack_len {
} else {
eq(substr(haystack, haystack_len - needle_len, needle_len),
let haystack_len = len(haystack), needle_len = len(needle);
if needle_len == 0u { true }
else if needle_len > haystack_len { false }
else { match_at(haystack, needle, haystack_len - needle_len) }
@ -1054,10 +1029,10 @@ pure fn len(s: str) -> uint unsafe {
(*repr).fill - 1u
// FIXME: delete?
fn len_chars(s: str) -> uint {
substr_len_chars(s, 0u, len(s))
// Function: char_len
// Returns the number of characters that a string holds
fn char_len(s: str) -> uint { count_chars(s, 0u, len(s)) }
Section: Misc
@ -1086,68 +1061,44 @@ fn is_utf8(v: [u8]) -> bool {
Function: substr_len_chars
Function: count_chars
As char_len but for a slice of a string
s - A valid string
byte_start - The position inside `s` where to start counting in bytes.
byte_len - The number of bytes of `s` to take into account.
start - The position inside `s` where to start counting in bytes.
end - The position where to stop counting
The number of Unicode characters in `s` in
segment [byte_start, byte_start+len( .
Safety note:
- This function does not check whether the substring is valid.
- This function fails if `byte_offset` or `byte_len` do not
represent valid positions inside `s`
FIXME: delete?
The number of Unicode characters in `s` between the given indices.
fn substr_len_chars(s: str, byte_start: uint, byte_len: uint) -> uint {
let i = byte_start;
let byte_stop = i + byte_len;
let len = 0u;
while i < byte_stop {
let chsize = utf8_char_width(s[i]);
assert (chsize > 0u);
fn count_chars(s: str, start: uint, end: uint) -> uint {
assert is_char_boundary(s, start);
assert is_char_boundary(s, end);
let i = start, len = 0u;
while i < end {
let {next, _} = char_range_at(s, i);
len += 1u;
i += chsize;
i = next;
ret len;
Function: substr_len
As byte_len but for a substring
s - A string
byte_offset - The byte offset at which to start in the string
char_len - The number of chars (not bytes!) in the range
The number of bytes in the substring starting at `byte_offset` and
containing `char_len` chars.
Safety note:
This function fails if `byte_offset` or `char_len` do not represent
valid positions in `s`
fn substr_len(s: str, byte_offset: uint, char_len: uint) -> uint {
let i = byte_offset;
let chars = 0u;
while chars < char_len {
let chsize = utf8_char_width(s[i]);
assert (chsize > 0u);
i += chsize;
chars += 1u;
// Function count_bytes
// Counts the number of bytes taken by the `n` in `s` starting from
// `start`.
fn count_bytes(s: str, start: uint, n: uint) -> uint {
assert is_char_boundary(s, start);
let end = start, cnt = n, l = len(s);
while cnt > 0u {
assert end < l;
let {next, _} = char_range_at(s, end);
cnt -= 1u;
end = next;
ret i - byte_offset;
end - start
@ -1159,10 +1110,8 @@ Given a first byte, determine how many bytes are in this UTF-8 character
pure fn utf8_char_width(b: u8) -> uint {
let byte: uint = b as uint;
if byte < 128u { ret 1u; }
if byte < 192u {
ret 0u; // Not a valid start byte
// Not a valid start byte
if byte < 192u { ret 0u; }
if byte < 224u { ret 2u; }
if byte < 240u { ret 3u; }
if byte < 248u { ret 4u; }
@ -1170,6 +1119,18 @@ pure fn utf8_char_width(b: u8) -> uint {
ret 6u;
Function is_char_boundary
Returns false if the index points into the middle of a multi-byte
character sequence.
pure fn is_char_boundary(s: str, index: uint) -> bool {
if index == len(s) { ret true; }
let b = s[index];
ret b < 128u8 || b >= 192u8;
Function: char_range_at
@ -1235,18 +1196,6 @@ fn char_range_at(s: str, i: uint) -> {ch: char, next: uint} {
ret {ch: val as char, next: i};
Function is_char_boundary
Returns false if the index points into the middle of a multi-byte
character sequence.
pure fn is_char_boundary(s: str, index: uint) -> bool {
if index == len(s) { ret true; }
let b = s[index];
ret b < 128u8 || b >= 192u8;
Function: char_at
@ -1274,14 +1223,14 @@ fn char_range_at_reverse(ss: str, start: uint) -> {ch: char, prev: uint} {
Function: substr_all
Function: all_between
Loop through a substring, char by char
s - A string to traverse. It may be empty.
byte_offset - The byte offset at which to start in the string.
byte_len - The number of bytes to traverse in the string
start - The byte offset at which to start in the string.
end - The end of the range to traverse
it - A block to execute with each consecutive character of `s`.
Return `true` to continue, `false` to stop.
@ -1295,34 +1244,19 @@ Safety note:
- This function fails if `byte_offset` or `byte_len` do not
represent valid positions inside `s`
fn substr_all(s: str, byte_offset: uint, byte_len: uint,
it: fn(char) -> bool) -> bool {
let i = byte_offset;
let result = true;
while i < byte_len {
let {ch, next} = char_range_at(s, i);
if !it(ch) {result = false; break;}
i = next;
ret result;
fn all_between(s: str, start: uint, end: uint, it: fn(char) -> bool) -> bool {
assert is_char_boundary(s, start);
let i = start;
while i < end {
let {ch, next} = char_range_at(s, i);
if !it(ch) { ret false; }
i = next;
ret true;
Function: escape_char
Escapes a single character.
fn escape_char(c: char) -> str {
alt c {
'"' { "\\\"" }
'\\' { "\\\\" }
'\n' { "\\n" }
'\t' { "\\t" }
'\r' { "\\r" }
'\x00' to '\x1f' { #fmt["\\x%02x", c as uint] }
v { from_char(c) }
fn any_between(s: str, start: uint, end: uint, it: fn(char) -> bool) -> bool {
!all_between(s, start, end, {|c| !it(c)})
// UTF-8 tags and ranges
@ -1395,7 +1329,6 @@ mod unsafe {
@ -1441,18 +1374,6 @@ mod unsafe {
ret s;
Function: slice_bytes_safe_range
Like slice_bytes, with a precondition
unsafe fn slice_bytes_safe_range(s: str, begin: uint, end: uint)
: uint::le(begin, end) -> str {
// would need some magic to make this a precondition
assert (end <= len(s));
ret slice_bytes(s, begin, end);
// Function: push_byte
// Appends a byte to a string. (Not UTF-8 safe).
@ -1488,7 +1409,7 @@ mod unsafe {
s = unsafe::slice_bytes(s, 1u, len);
ret b;
unsafe fn set_len(&v: str, new_len: uint) {
let repr: *vec::unsafe::vec_repr = ::unsafe::reinterpret_cast(v);
(*repr).fill = new_len + 1u;
@ -1526,39 +1447,23 @@ mod tests {
assert (len("\u2620") == 3u);
assert (len("\U0001d11e") == 4u);
assert (len_chars("") == 0u);
assert (len_chars("hello world") == 11u);
assert (len_chars("\x63") == 1u);
assert (len_chars("\xa2") == 1u);
assert (len_chars("\u03c0") == 1u);
assert (len_chars("\u2620") == 1u);
assert (len_chars("\U0001d11e") == 1u);
assert (len_chars("ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam") == 19u);
assert (char_len("") == 0u);
assert (char_len("hello world") == 11u);
assert (char_len("\x63") == 1u);
assert (char_len("\xa2") == 1u);
assert (char_len("\u03c0") == 1u);
assert (char_len("\u2620") == 1u);
assert (char_len("\U0001d11e") == 1u);
assert (char_len("ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam") == 19u);
fn test_index_chars() {
assert ( index_chars("hello", 'h') == some(0u));
assert ( index_chars("hello", 'e') == some(1u));
assert ( index_chars("hello", 'o') == some(4u));
assert ( index_chars("hello", 'z') == none);
fn test_rindex() {
assert rindex("hello", 'l') == some(3u);
assert rindex("hello", 'o') == some(4u);
assert rindex("hello", 'h') == some(0u);
assert rindex("hello", 'z') == none;
assert rindex("ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam", '华') == some(30u);
fn test_rindex_chars() {
assert (rindex_chars("hello", 'l') == some(3u));
assert (rindex_chars("hello", 'o') == some(4u));
assert (rindex_chars("hello", 'h') == some(0u));
assert (rindex_chars("hello", 'z') == none);
fn test_rfind_char() {
assert rfind_char("hello", 'l') == some(3u);
assert rfind_char("hello", 'o') == some(4u);
assert rfind_char("hello", 'h') == some(0u);
assert rfind_char("hello", 'z') == none;
assert rfind_char("ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam", '华') == some(30u);
@ -1752,67 +1657,45 @@ mod tests {
fn test_find() {
fn test_find_str() {
// byte positions
assert (find("banana", "apple pie") == none);
assert (find("", "") == some(0u));
assert find_str("banana", "apple pie") == none;
assert find_str("", "") == some(0u);
let data = "ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam";
assert (find(data, "") == some(0u));
assert (find(data, "ประเ") == some( 0u));
assert (find(data, "ะเ") == some( 6u));
assert (find(data, "中华") == some(27u));
assert (find(data, "ไท华") == none);
assert find_str(data, "") == some(0u);
assert find_str(data, "ประเ") == some( 0u);
assert find_str(data, "ะเ") == some( 6u);
assert find_str(data, "中华") == some(27u);
assert find_str(data, "ไท华") == none;
fn test_find_from() {
fn test_find_str_between() {
// byte positions
assert (find_from("", "", 0u, 0u) == some(0u));
assert find_str_between("", "", 0u, 0u) == some(0u);
let data = "abcabc";
assert find_from(data, "ab", 0u, 6u) == some(0u);
assert find_from(data, "ab", 2u, 6u) == some(3u);
assert find_from(data, "ab", 2u, 4u) == none;
assert find_str_between(data, "ab", 0u, 6u) == some(0u);
assert find_str_between(data, "ab", 2u, 6u) == some(3u);
assert find_str_between(data, "ab", 2u, 4u) == none;
let data = "ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam";
data += data;
assert find_from(data, "", 0u, 43u) == some(0u);
assert find_from(data, "", 6u, 43u) == some(6u);
assert find_str_between(data, "", 0u, 43u) == some(0u);
assert find_str_between(data, "", 6u, 43u) == some(6u);
assert find_from(data, "ประ", 0u, 43u) == some( 0u);
assert find_from(data, "ทศไ", 0u, 43u) == some(12u);
assert find_from(data, "ย中", 0u, 43u) == some(24u);
assert find_from(data, "iệt", 0u, 43u) == some(34u);
assert find_from(data, "Nam", 0u, 43u) == some(40u);
assert find_str_between(data, "ประ", 0u, 43u) == some( 0u);
assert find_str_between(data, "ทศไ", 0u, 43u) == some(12u);
assert find_str_between(data, "ย中", 0u, 43u) == some(24u);
assert find_str_between(data, "iệt", 0u, 43u) == some(34u);
assert find_str_between(data, "Nam", 0u, 43u) == some(40u);
assert find_from(data, "ประ", 43u, 86u) == some(43u);
assert find_from(data, "ทศไ", 43u, 86u) == some(55u);
assert find_from(data, "ย中", 43u, 86u) == some(67u);
assert find_from(data, "iệt", 43u, 86u) == some(77u);
assert find_from(data, "Nam", 43u, 86u) == some(83u);
fn test_find_chars() {
// char positions
assert (find_chars("banana", "apple pie") == none);
assert (find_chars("", "") == some(0u));
let data = "ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam";
assert (find_chars(data, "") == some(0u));
assert (find_chars(data, "ประเ") == some(0u));
assert (find_chars(data, "ะเ") == some(2u));
assert (find_chars(data, "中华") == some(9u));
assert (find_chars(data, "ไท华") == none);
fn test_b2c_pos() {
let data = "ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam";
assert 0u == b2c_pos(data, 0u);
assert 2u == b2c_pos(data, 6u);
assert 9u == b2c_pos(data, 27u);
assert find_str_between(data, "ประ", 43u, 86u) == some(43u);
assert find_str_between(data, "ทศไ", 43u, 86u) == some(55u);
assert find_str_between(data, "ย中", 43u, 86u) == some(67u);
assert find_str_between(data, "iệt", 43u, 86u) == some(77u);
assert find_str_between(data, "Nam", 43u, 86u) == some(83u);
@ -1822,9 +1705,7 @@ mod tests {
t("hello", "llo", 2);
t("hello", "el", 1);
assert "ะเทศไท"
== substr("ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam", 6u, 18u);
assert "ะเทศไท" == substr("ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam", 6u, 6u);
@ -2312,19 +2193,6 @@ mod tests {
fn test_escape() {
assert(escape("abcdef") == "abcdef");
assert(escape("abc\\def") == "abc\\\\def");
assert(escape("abc\ndef") == "abc\\ndef");
assert(escape("abc\"def") == "abc\\\"def");
fn test_escape_char() {
assert escape_char('\x1f') == "\\x1f";
fn test_map() {
assert "" == map("", char::to_upper);
@ -33,19 +33,15 @@ A path or fragment of a filesystem path
type path = str;
fn splitDirnameBasename (pp: path) -> {dirname: str, basename: str} {
let ii;
alt str::rindex(pp, os_fs::path_sep) {
option::some(xx) { ii = xx; }
option::none {
alt str::rindex(pp, os_fs::alt_path_sep) {
option::some(xx) { ii = xx; }
option::none { ret {dirname: ".", basename: pp}; }
alt str::rfind(pp, {|ch|
ch == os_fs::path_sep || ch == os_fs::alt_path_sep
}) {
some(i) {
{dirname: str::slice(pp, 0u, i),
basename: str::slice(pp, i + 1u, str::len(pp))}
none { {dirname: ".", basename: pp} }
ret {dirname: str::slice(pp, 0u, ii),
basename: str::slice(pp, ii + 1u, str::len(pp))};
@ -3,10 +3,6 @@
import float;
import map;
import core::option;
import option::{some, none};
import str;
import vec;
export json;
export to_str;
@ -743,7 +743,7 @@ mod node {
fn of_substr(str: @str, byte_start: uint, byte_len: uint) -> @node {
ret of_substr_unsafer(str, byte_start, byte_len,
str::substr_len_chars(*str, byte_start, byte_len));
str::count_chars(*str, byte_start, byte_len));
@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ mod node {
if i == 0u { first_leaf_char_len }
else { hint_max_leaf_char_len };
let chunk_byte_len =
str::substr_len(*str, offset, chunk_char_len);
str::count_bytes(*str, offset, chunk_char_len);
nodes[i] = @leaf({
byte_offset: offset,
byte_len: chunk_byte_len,
@ -998,7 +998,7 @@ mod node {
alt(*node) {
node::leaf(x) {
let char_len =
str::substr_len_chars(*x.content, byte_offset, byte_len);
str::count_chars(*x.content, byte_offset, byte_len);
ret @leaf({byte_offset: byte_offset,
byte_len: byte_len,
char_len: char_len,
@ -1059,9 +1059,9 @@ mod node {
ret node;
let byte_offset =
str::substr_len(*x.content, 0u, char_offset);
str::count_bytes(*x.content, 0u, char_offset);
let byte_len =
str::substr_len(*x.content, byte_offset, char_len);
str::count_bytes(*x.content, byte_offset, char_len);
ret @leaf({byte_offset: byte_offset,
byte_len: byte_len,
char_len: char_len,
@ -1138,9 +1138,9 @@ mod node {
fn loop_chars(node: @node, it: fn(char) -> bool) -> bool {
ret loop_leaves(node, {|leaf|
ret str::substr_all(*leaf.content,
leaf.byte_len, it)
ret str::all_between(*leaf.content,
leaf.byte_len, it)
@ -1373,7 +1373,7 @@ mod tests {
let sample = @"0123456789ABCDE";
let r = of_str(sample);
assert char_len(r) == str::len_chars(*sample);
assert char_len(r) == str::char_len(*sample);
assert rope_to_string(r) == *sample;
@ -1384,7 +1384,7 @@ mod tests {
while i < 10 { *buf = *buf + *buf; i+=1;}
let sample = @*buf;
let r = of_str(sample);
assert char_len(r) == str::len_chars(*sample);
assert char_len(r) == str::char_len(*sample);
assert rope_to_string(r) == *sample;
let string_iter = 0u;
@ -1427,7 +1427,7 @@ mod tests {
assert len == str::len_chars(*sample);
assert len == str::char_len(*sample);
@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ mod test {
astsrv::from_str(source) {|srv|
let doc = extract::from_srv(srv, "");
let doc = attr_pass::mk_pass()(srv, doc);
mk_pass(str::trim)(srv, doc)
mk_pass({|s| str::trim(s)})(srv, doc)
@ -56,10 +56,10 @@ fn should_write_modules_last() {
fn d() { }"
let idx_a = option::get(str::find(markdown, "# Module `a`"));
let idx_b = option::get(str::find(markdown, "## Function `b`"));
let idx_c = option::get(str::find(markdown, "# Module `c`"));
let idx_d = option::get(str::find(markdown, "## Function `d`"));
let idx_a = option::get(str::find_str(markdown, "# Module `a`"));
let idx_b = option::get(str::find_str(markdown, "## Function `b`"));
let idx_c = option::get(str::find_str(markdown, "# Module `c`"));
let idx_d = option::get(str::find_str(markdown, "## Function `d`"));
assert idx_b < idx_d;
assert idx_d < idx_a;
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ is interpreted as the brief description.
export mk_pass;
fn mk_pass() -> pass {
desc_pass::mk_pass({|s| str::trim(s)})
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ fn read_grid(f: io::reader) -> grid_t {
let g = vec::init_fn(10u, {|_i| vec::init_elt_mut(10u, 0 as u8) });
while !f.eof() {
let comps = str::split_byte(str::trim(f.read_line()), ',' as u8);
let comps = str::split_char(str::trim(f.read_line()), ',');
if vec::len(comps) >= 3u {
let row = option::get(uint::from_str(comps[0])) as u8;
let col = option::get(uint::from_str(comps[1])) as u8;
@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ use std;
import str::*;
fn main() unsafe {
fn foo(_a: uint, _b: uint) : uint::le(_a, _b) {}
let a: uint = 4u;
let b: uint = 1u;
log(error, str::unsafe::slice_bytes_safe_range("kitties", a, b));
log(error, foo(a, b));
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
// error-pattern:Unsatisfied precondition constraint (for example, uint::le
fn main() unsafe {
fn foo(_a: uint, _b: uint) : uint::le(_a, _b) {}
let a: uint = 1u;
let b: uint = 4u;
let c: uint = 5u;
@ -13,5 +14,5 @@ fn main() unsafe {
// the next statement, since it's not true in the
// prestate.
let d <- a;
log(debug, str::unsafe::slice_bytes_safe_range("kitties", b, d));
log(debug, foo(b, d));
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
// error-pattern:Predicate uint::le(a, b) failed
fn main() unsafe {
fn foo(_a: uint, _b: uint) : uint::le(_a, _b) {}
let a: uint = 4u;
let b: uint = 1u;
check (uint::le(a, b));
log(error, str::unsafe::slice_bytes_safe_range("kitties", a, b));
log(error, foo(a, b));
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
fn main() unsafe {
fn foo(_a: uint, _b: uint) : uint::le(_a, _b) {}
let a: uint = 1u;
let b: uint = 4u;
let c: uint = 17u;
check (uint::le(a, b));
c <- a;
log(debug, str::unsafe::slice_bytes_safe_range("kitties", c, b));
log(debug, foo(c, b));
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
fn main() unsafe {
fn foo(_a: uint, _b: uint) : uint::le(_a, _b) {}
let a: uint = 1u;
let b: uint = 4u;
check (uint::le(a, b));
let c <- a;
log(debug, str::unsafe::slice_bytes_safe_range("kitties", c, b));
log(debug, foo(c, b));
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
fn main() unsafe {
fn foo(_a: uint, _b: uint) : uint::le(_a, _b) {}
let a: uint = 4u;
let b: uint = 1u;
check (uint::le(b, a));
b <-> a;
log(debug, str::unsafe::slice_bytes_safe_range("kitties", a, b));
log(debug, foo(a, b));
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
fn main() unsafe {
fn foo(_a: uint, _b: uint) : uint::le(_a, _b) {}
let a: uint = 1u;
let b: uint = 4u;
check (uint::le(a, b));
check uint::le(a, b);
let c = b;
log(debug, str::unsafe::slice_bytes_safe_range("kitties", a, c));
log(debug, foo(a, c));
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
fn main() unsafe {
fn foo(_a: uint, _b: uint) : uint::le(_a, _b) {}
let a: uint = 1u;
let b: uint = 4u;
check (uint::le(a, b));
log(debug, str::unsafe::slice_bytes_safe_range("kitties", a, b));
log(debug, foo(a, b));
@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ fn main() {
let s: str = str::from_chars(chs);
assert (str::len(s) == 10u);
assert (str::len_chars(s) == 4u);
assert (vec::len::<char>(str::chars(s)) == 4u);
assert (str::char_len(s) == 4u);
assert (vec::len(str::chars(s)) == 4u);
assert (str::eq(str::from_chars(str::chars(s)), s));
assert (str::char_at(s, 0u) == 'e');
assert (str::char_at(s, 1u) == 'é');
Reference in New Issue
Block a user