This corresponds to the JMM memory model's non-volatile reads and writes to shared variables. It provides fairly weak guarantees, but prevents UB (specifically, you will never see a value that was not written _at some point_ to the provided location). It is not part of the C++ memory model and is only legal to provide to LLVM for loads and stores (not fences, atomicrmw, etc.).
Valid uses of this ordering are things like racy counters where you don't care about the operation actually being atomic, just want to avoid UB. It cannot be used for synchronization without additional memory barriers since unordered loads and stores may be reordered freely by the optimizer (this is the main way it differs from relaxed).
Because it is new to Rust and it provides so few guarantees, for now only the intrinsic is provided--this patch doesn't add it to any of the higher-level atomic wrappers.