Jeremy Kolb 1b5b30f2ac
Update docs/user/
Co-Authored-By: Veetaha <>
2020-01-27 08:49:34 -05:00

226 lines
9.4 KiB

The main interface to rust-analyzer is the
[LSP]( implementation. To
install lsp server, clone the repository and then run `cargo xtask install
--server` (which is shorthand for `cargo install --path
./crates/ra_lsp_server`). This will produce a binary named `ra_lsp_server` which
you should be able to use it with any LSP-compatible editor. We use custom
extensions to LSP, so special client-side support is required to take full
advantage of rust-analyzer. This repository contains support code for VS Code
and Emacs.
$ git clone && cd rust-analyzer
$ cargo xtask install --server
Rust Analyzer needs sources of rust standard library to work, so
you might also need to execute
$ rustup component add rust-src
See [./](./ document for a list of features that are available.
## VS Code
In order to build the VS Code plugin, you need to have node.js and npm with
a minimum version of 10 installed. Please refer to
[node.js and npm documentation]( for installation instructions.
You will also need the most recent version of VS Code: we don't try to
maintain compatibility with older versions yet.
The experimental VS Code plugin can then be built and installed by executing the
following commands:
$ git clone --depth 1
$ cd rust-analyzer
$ cargo xtask install
The automatic installation is expected to *just work* for common cases, if it
doesn't, report bugs!
**Note** [#1831]( If you are using the popular
[Vim emulation plugin](, you will likely
need to turn off the `rust-analyzer.enableEnhancedTyping` setting.
If you have an unusual setup (for example, `code` is not in the `PATH`), you
should adapt these manual installation instructions:
$ git clone --depth 1
$ cd rust-analyzer
$ cargo install --path ./crates/ra_lsp_server/ --force --locked
$ cd ./editors/code
$ npm install
$ npm run package
$ code --install-extension ./rust-analyzer-0.1.0.vsix
It's better to remove existing Rust plugins to avoid interference.
Beyond basic LSP features, there are some extension commands which you can
invoke via <kbd>Ctrl+Shift+P</kbd> or bind to a shortcut. See [./](./
for details.
For updates, pull the latest changes from the master branch, run `cargo xtask install` again, and **restart** VS Code instance.
See [microsoft/vscode#72308]( for why a full restart is needed.
### VS Code Remote
You can also use `rust-analyzer` with the Visual Studio Code Remote extensions
(Remote SSH, Remote WSL, Remote Containers). In this case, however, you have to
manually install the `.vsix` package:
1. Build the extension on the remote host using the instructions above (ignore the
error if `code` cannot be found in your PATH: VSCode doesn't need to be installed
on the remote host).
2. In Visual Studio Code open a connection to the remote host.
3. Open the Extensions View (`View > Extensions`, keyboard shortcut: `Ctrl+Shift+X`).
4. From the top-right kebab menu (`···`) select `Install from VSIX...`
5. Inside the `rust-analyzer` directory find the `editors/code` subdirectory and choose
the `rust-analyzer-0.1.0.vsix` file.
6. Restart Visual Studio Code and re-establish the connection to the remote host.
In case of errors please make sure that `~/.cargo/bin` is in your `PATH` on the remote
### Settings
* `rust-analyzer.highlightingOn`: enables experimental syntax highlighting.
Colors can be configured via `editor.tokenColorCustomizations`.
As an example, [Pale Fire]( color scheme tweaks rust colors.
* `rust-analyzer.enableEnhancedTyping`: by default, rust-analyzer intercepts.
`Enter` key to make it easier to continue comments. Note that it may conflict with VIM emulation plugin.
* `rust-analyzer.raLspServerPath`: path to `ra_lsp_server` executable
* `rust-analyzer.enableCargoWatchOnStartup`: prompt to install & enable `cargo
watch` for live error highlighting (note, this **does not** use rust-analyzer)
* `rust-analyzer.excludeGlobs`: a list of glob-patterns for exclusion (see globset [docs]( for syntax).
Note: glob patterns are applied to all Cargo packages and a rooted at a package root.
This is not very intuitive and a limitation of a current implementation.
* `rust-analyzer.useClientWatching`: use client provided file watching instead
of notify watching.
* `rust-analyzer.cargo-watch.command`: `cargo-watch` command. (e.g: `clippy` will run as `cargo watch -x clippy` )
* `rust-analyzer.cargo-watch.arguments`: cargo-watch check arguments.
(e.g: `--features="shumway,pdf"` will run as `cargo watch -x "check --features="shumway,pdf""` )
* `rust-analyzer.cargo-watch.ignore`: list of patterns for cargo-watch to ignore (will be passed as `--ignore`)
* `rust-analyzer.trace.server`: enables internal logging
* `rust-analyzer.trace.cargo-watch`: enables cargo-watch logging
* `RUST_SRC_PATH`: environment variable that overwrites the sysroot
* `rust-analyzer.featureFlags` -- a JSON object to tweak fine-grained behavior:
// Show diagnostics produced by rust-analyzer itself.
"lsp.diagnostics": true,
// Automatically insert `()` and `<>` when completing functions and types.
"completion.insertion.add-call-parenthesis": true,
// Enable completions like `.if`, `.match`, etc.
"completion.enable-postfix": true,
// Show notification when workspace is fully loaded
"notifications.workspace-loaded": true,
// Show error when no Cargo.toml was found
"notifications.cargo-toml-not-found": true,
## Emacs
`emacs-lsp`, `dash` and `ht` packages.
* add
to load path and require it in `init.el`
* run `lsp` in a rust buffer
* (Optionally) bind commands like `rust-analyzer-join-lines`, `rust-analyzer-extend-selection` and `rust-analyzer-expand-macro` to keys, and enable `rust-analyzer-inlay-hints-mode` to get inline type hints
## Vim and NeoVim (coc-rust-analyzer)
* Install coc.nvim by following the instructions at [coc.nvim][] (nodejs required)
* Run `:CocInstall coc-rust-analyzer` to install [coc-rust-analyzer], this extension implements _most_ of the features supported in the VSCode extension:
- same configurations as VSCode extension, `rust-analyzer.raLspServerPath`, `rust-analyzer.enableCargoWatchOnStartup` etc.
- same commands too, `rust-analyzer.analyzerStatus`, `rust-analyzer.startCargoWatch` etc.
- highlighting and inlay_hints are not implemented yet
## Vim and NeoVim (LanguageClient-neovim)
* Install LanguageClient-neovim by following the instructions [here][lang-client-neovim]
- The github project wiki has extra tips on configuration
* Configure by adding this to your vim/neovim config file (replacing the existing rust specific line if it exists):
let g:LanguageClient_serverCommands = {
\ 'rust': ['ra_lsp_server'],
\ }
## NeoVim (nvim-lsp)
NeoVim 0.5 (not yet released) has built in language server support. For a quick start configuration
of rust-analyzer, use [neovim/nvim-lsp](
Once `neovim/nvim-lsp` is installed, you can use `call nvim_lsp#setup("rust_analyzer", {})`
or `lua require'nvim_lsp'.rust_analyzer.setup({})` to quickly get set up.
## Sublime Text 3
`LSP` package.
* Invoke the command palette with <kbd>Ctrl+Shift+P</kbd>
* Type `LSP Settings` to open the LSP preferences editor
* Add the following LSP client definition to your settings:
"rust-analyzer": {
"command": ["ra_lsp_server"],
"languageId": "rust",
"scopes": ["source.rust"],
"syntaxes": [
"Packages/Rust Enhanced/RustEnhanced.sublime-syntax"
"initializationOptions": {
"featureFlags": {
* You can now invoke the command palette and type LSP enable to locally/globally enable the rust-analyzer LSP (type LSP enable, then choose either locally or globally, then select rust-analyzer)
### Setting up the `PATH` variable
On Unix systems, `rustup` adds `~/.cargo/bin` to `PATH` by modifying the shell's
startup file. Depending on your configuration, your Desktop Environment might not
actually load it. If you find that `rust-analyzer` only runs when starting the
editor from the terminal, you will have to set up your `PATH` variable manually.
There are a couple of ways to do that:
- for Code, set `rust-analyzer.raLspServerPath` to `~/.cargo/bin` (the `~` is
automatically resolved by the extension)
- copy the binary to a location that is already in `PATH`, e.g. `/usr/local/bin`
- on Linux, use PAM to configure the `PATH` variable, by e.g. putting
`PATH DEFAULT=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:@{HOME}/.cargo/bin:@{HOME}/.local/bin`
in your `~/.pam_environment` file; note that this might interfere with other
defaults set by the system administrator via `/etc/environment`.