Alexis Beingessner 069681a953 vec exmaple maybe
2015-06-20 23:15:48 -07:00

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% Example: Implementing Vec

To bring everything together, we're going to write std::Vec from scratch. Because the all the best tools for writing unsafe code are unstable, this project will only work on nightly (as of Rust 1.2.0).

First off, we need to come up with the struct layout. Naively we want this design:

struct Vec<T> {
	ptr: *mut T,
	cap: usize,
	len: usize,

And indeed this would compile. Unfortunately, it would be incorrect. The compiler will give us too strict variance, so e.g. an &Vec<&'static str> couldn't be used where an &Vec<&'a str> was expected. More importantly, it will give incorrect ownership information to dropck, as it will conservatively assume we don't own any values of type T. See [the chapter on ownership and lifetimes] (lifetimes.html) for details.

As we saw in the lifetimes chapter, we should use Unique<T> in place of *mut T when we have a raw pointer to an allocation we own:


use std::ptr::Unique;

pub struct Vec<T> {
    ptr: Unique<T>,
    cap: usize,
    len: usize,

As a recap, Unique is a wrapper around a raw pointer that declares that:

  • We own at least one value of type T
  • We are Send/Sync iff T is Send/Sync
  • Our pointer is never null (and therefore Option<Vec> is null-pointer-optimized)

That last point is subtle. First, it makes Unique::new unsafe to call, because putting null inside of it is Undefined Behaviour. It also throws a wrench in an important feature of Vec (and indeed all of the std collections): an empty Vec doesn't actually allocate at all. So if we can't allocate, but also can't put a null pointer in ptr, what do we do in Vec::new? Well, we just put some other garbage in there!

This is perfectly fine because we already have cap == 0 as our sentinel for no allocation. We don't even need to handle it specially in almost any code because we usually need to check if cap > len or len > 0 anyway. The traditional Rust value to put here is 0x01. The standard library actually exposes this as std::rt::heap::EMPTY. There are quite a few places where we'll want to use heap::EMPTY because there's no real allocation to talk about but null would make the compiler angry.

All of the heap API is totally unstable under the alloc feature, though. We could trivially define heap::EMPTY ourselves, but we'll want the rest of the heap API anyway, so let's just get that dependency over with.



use std::rt::heap::EMPTY;
use std::mem;

impl<T> Vec<T> {
	fn new() -> Self {
		assert!(mem::size_of::<T>() != 0, "We're not ready to handle ZSTs");
		unsafe {
			// need to cast EMPTY to the actual ptr type we want, let
			// inference handle it.
			Vec { ptr: Unique::new(heap::EMPTY as *mut _), len: 0, cap: 0 }

I slipped in that assert there because zero-sized types will require some special handling throughout our code, and I want to defer the issue for now. Without this assert, some of our early drafts will do some Very Bad Things.

Next we need to figure out what to actually do when we do want space. For that, we'll need to use the rest of the heap APIs. These basically allow us to talk directly to Rust's instance of jemalloc.

We'll also need a way to handle out-of-memory conditions. The standard library calls the abort intrinsic, but calling intrinsics from normal Rust code is a pretty bad idea. Unfortunately, the abort exposed by the standard library allocates. Not something we want to do during oom! Instead, we'll call std::process::exit.

fn oom() {

Okay, now we can write growing:

fn grow(&mut self) {
    unsafe {
        let align = mem::min_align_of::<T>();
        let elem_size = mem::size_of::<T>();

        let (new_cap, ptr) = if self.cap == 0 {
            let ptr = heap::allocate(elem_size, align);
            (1, ptr)
        } else {
            let new_cap = 2 * self.cap;
            let ptr = heap::reallocate(*self.ptr as *mut _,
                                        self.cap * elem_size,
                                        new_cap * elem_size,
            (new_cap, ptr)

        // If allocate or reallocate fail, we'll get `null` back
        if ptr.is_null() { oom() }

        self.ptr = Unique::new(ptr as *mut _);
        self.cap = new_cap;

There's nothing particularly tricky in here: if we're totally empty, we need to do a fresh allocation. Otherwise, we need to reallocate the current pointer. Although we have a subtle bug here with the multiply overflow.

TODO: rest of this