Rewrite `version` test run-make as an UI test
Claiming the simple `version` test from #121876.
Reasoning: As discussed in #123297, 10 years ago, some changes to CLI flags warranted the creation of the `version` test. Since it's not actually executing the compiled binary, it has no purpose being a `run-make` test and should instead be an UI test.
This is the exact same change as it was shown on my closed PR #123297. Changes were ready, but I did a major Git mishap while trying to fix a tidy error and messed up my branch. The details of this error are explained [here](
An example directive is ignore-test. In legacy compiletest style, the header
would be written as
// ignore-test
but in ui_test style, the header would be written as
//@ ignore-test
compiletest is changed to accept only //@ directives for UI tests
(currently), and will reject and report an error if it encounters any
comments // <content> that may be parsed as an legacy compiletest-style
test header. To fix this, you should migrate to the ui_test-style header
//@ <content>.