These two containers are indeed collections, so their place is in libcollections, not in libstd. There will always be a hash map as part of the standard distribution of Rust, but by moving it out of the standard library it makes libstd that much more portable to more platforms and environments. This conveniently also removes the stuttering of 'std::hashmap::HashMap', although 'collections::HashMap' is only one character shorter.
550 lines
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550 lines
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// Copyright 2012-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use metadata::csearch;
use middle::astencode;
use middle::ty;
use middle::typeck::astconv;
use middle;
use syntax::ast::*;
use syntax::parse::token::InternedString;
use syntax::visit::Visitor;
use syntax::visit;
use syntax::{ast, ast_map, ast_util};
use std::cell::RefCell;
use collections::HashMap;
use std::rc::Rc;
// This pass classifies expressions by their constant-ness.
// Constant-ness comes in 3 flavours:
// - Integer-constants: can be evaluated by the frontend all the way down
// to their actual value. They are used in a few places (enum
// discriminants, switch arms) and are a subset of
// general-constants. They cover all the integer and integer-ish
// literals (nil, bool, int, uint, char, iNN, uNN) and all integer
// operators and copies applied to them.
// - General-constants: can be evaluated by LLVM but not necessarily by
// the frontend; usually due to reliance on target-specific stuff such
// as "where in memory the value goes" or "what floating point mode the
// target uses". This _includes_ integer-constants, plus the following
// constructors:
// fixed-size vectors and strings: [] and ""/_
// vector and string slices: &[] and &""
// tuples: (,)
// records: {...}
// enums: foo(...)
// floating point literals and operators
// & and * pointers
// copies of general constants
// (in theory, probably not at first: if/match on integer-const
// conditions / descriminants)
// - Non-constants: everything else.
pub enum constness {
type constness_cache = HashMap<ast::DefId, constness>;
pub fn join(a: constness, b: constness) -> constness {
match (a, b) {
(integral_const, integral_const) => integral_const,
(integral_const, general_const)
| (general_const, integral_const)
| (general_const, general_const) => general_const,
_ => non_const
pub fn join_all<It: Iterator<constness>>(mut cs: It) -> constness {
cs.fold(integral_const, |a, b| join(a, b))
pub fn lookup_const(tcx: ty::ctxt, e: &Expr) -> Option<@Expr> {
let opt_def = {
let def_map = tcx.def_map.borrow();
match opt_def {
Some(ast::DefStatic(def_id, false)) => {
lookup_const_by_id(tcx, def_id)
Some(ast::DefVariant(enum_def, variant_def, _)) => {
lookup_variant_by_id(tcx, enum_def, variant_def)
_ => None
pub fn lookup_variant_by_id(tcx: ty::ctxt,
enum_def: ast::DefId,
variant_def: ast::DefId)
-> Option<@Expr> {
fn variant_expr(variants: &[ast::P<ast::Variant>], id: ast::NodeId) -> Option<@Expr> {
for variant in variants.iter() {
if variant.node.id == id {
return variant.node.disr_expr;
if ast_util::is_local(enum_def) {
match tcx.map.find(enum_def.node) {
None => None,
Some(ast_map::NodeItem(it)) => match it.node {
ItemEnum(ast::EnumDef { variants: ref variants }, _) => {
variant_expr(*variants, variant_def.node)
_ => None
Some(_) => None
} else {
let extern_const_variants = tcx.extern_const_variants.borrow();
match extern_const_variants.get().find(&variant_def) {
Some(&e) => return e,
None => {}
let maps = astencode::Maps {
root_map: @RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
method_map: @RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
vtable_map: @RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
capture_map: @RefCell::new(HashMap::new())
let e = match csearch::maybe_get_item_ast(tcx, enum_def,
|a, b, c, d| astencode::decode_inlined_item(a, b,
c, d)) {
csearch::found(ast::IIItem(item)) => match item.node {
ItemEnum(ast::EnumDef { variants: ref variants }, _) => {
variant_expr(*variants, variant_def.node)
_ => None
_ => None
let mut extern_const_variants = tcx.extern_const_variants
extern_const_variants.get().insert(variant_def, e);
return e;
pub fn lookup_const_by_id(tcx: ty::ctxt, def_id: ast::DefId)
-> Option<@Expr> {
if ast_util::is_local(def_id) {
match tcx.map.find(def_id.node) {
None => None,
Some(ast_map::NodeItem(it)) => match it.node {
ItemStatic(_, ast::MutImmutable, const_expr) => {
_ => None
Some(_) => None
} else {
let extern_const_statics = tcx.extern_const_statics.borrow();
match extern_const_statics.get().find(&def_id) {
Some(&e) => return e,
None => {}
let maps = astencode::Maps {
root_map: @RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
method_map: @RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
vtable_map: @RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
capture_map: @RefCell::new(HashMap::new())
let e = match csearch::maybe_get_item_ast(tcx, def_id,
|a, b, c, d| astencode::decode_inlined_item(a, b, maps, c, d)) {
csearch::found(ast::IIItem(item)) => match item.node {
ItemStatic(_, ast::MutImmutable, const_expr) => Some(const_expr),
_ => None
_ => None
let mut extern_const_statics = tcx.extern_const_statics
extern_const_statics.get().insert(def_id, e);
return e;
struct ConstEvalVisitor {
tcx: ty::ctxt,
ccache: constness_cache,
impl ConstEvalVisitor {
fn classify(&mut self, e: &Expr) -> constness {
let did = ast_util::local_def(e.id);
match self.ccache.find(&did) {
Some(&x) => return x,
None => {}
let cn = match e.node {
ast::ExprLit(lit) => {
match lit.node {
ast::LitStr(..) | ast::LitFloat(..) => general_const,
_ => integral_const
ast::ExprUnary(_, _, inner) | ast::ExprParen(inner) =>
ast::ExprBinary(_, _, a, b) =>
join(self.classify(a), self.classify(b)),
ast::ExprTup(ref es) |
ast::ExprVec(ref es, ast::MutImmutable) =>
join_all(es.iter().map(|e| self.classify(*e))),
ast::ExprVstore(e, vstore) => {
match vstore {
ast::ExprVstoreSlice => self.classify(e),
ast::ExprVstoreUniq |
ast::ExprVstoreMutSlice => non_const
ast::ExprStruct(_, ref fs, None) => {
let cs = fs.iter().map(|f| self.classify(f.expr));
ast::ExprCast(base, _) => {
let ty = ty::expr_ty(self.tcx, e);
let base = self.classify(base);
if ty::type_is_integral(ty) {
join(integral_const, base)
} else if ty::type_is_fp(ty) {
join(general_const, base)
} else {
ast::ExprField(base, _, _) => self.classify(base),
ast::ExprIndex(_, base, idx) =>
join(self.classify(base), self.classify(idx)),
ast::ExprAddrOf(ast::MutImmutable, base) => self.classify(base),
// FIXME: (#3728) we can probably do something CCI-ish
// surrounding nonlocal constants. But we don't yet.
ast::ExprPath(_) => self.lookup_constness(e),
ast::ExprRepeat(..) => general_const,
_ => non_const
self.ccache.insert(did, cn);
fn lookup_constness(&self, e: &Expr) -> constness {
match lookup_const(self.tcx, e) {
Some(rhs) => {
let ty = ty::expr_ty(self.tcx, rhs);
if ty::type_is_integral(ty) {
} else {
None => non_const
impl Visitor<()> for ConstEvalVisitor {
fn visit_expr_post(&mut self, e: &Expr, _: ()) {
pub fn process_crate(krate: &ast::Crate,
tcx: ty::ctxt) {
let mut v = ConstEvalVisitor {
tcx: tcx,
ccache: HashMap::new(),
visit::walk_crate(&mut v, krate, ());
// FIXME (#33): this doesn't handle big integer/float literals correctly
// (nor does the rest of our literal handling).
#[deriving(Clone, Eq)]
pub enum const_val {
pub fn eval_const_expr(tcx: middle::ty::ctxt, e: &Expr) -> const_val {
match eval_const_expr_partial(&tcx, e) {
Ok(r) => r,
Err(s) => tcx.sess.span_fatal(e.span, s)
pub fn eval_const_expr_partial<T: ty::ExprTyProvider>(tcx: &T, e: &Expr)
-> Result<const_val, ~str> {
use middle::ty;
fn fromb(b: bool) -> Result<const_val, ~str> { Ok(const_int(b as i64)) }
match e.node {
ExprUnary(_, UnNeg, inner) => {
match eval_const_expr_partial(tcx, inner) {
Ok(const_float(f)) => Ok(const_float(-f)),
Ok(const_int(i)) => Ok(const_int(-i)),
Ok(const_uint(i)) => Ok(const_uint(-i)),
Ok(const_str(_)) => Err(~"negate on string"),
Ok(const_bool(_)) => Err(~"negate on boolean"),
ref err => ((*err).clone())
ExprUnary(_, UnNot, inner) => {
match eval_const_expr_partial(tcx, inner) {
Ok(const_int(i)) => Ok(const_int(!i)),
Ok(const_uint(i)) => Ok(const_uint(!i)),
Ok(const_bool(b)) => Ok(const_bool(!b)),
_ => Err(~"not on float or string")
ExprBinary(_, op, a, b) => {
match (eval_const_expr_partial(tcx, a),
eval_const_expr_partial(tcx, b)) {
(Ok(const_float(a)), Ok(const_float(b))) => {
match op {
BiAdd => Ok(const_float(a + b)),
BiSub => Ok(const_float(a - b)),
BiMul => Ok(const_float(a * b)),
BiDiv => Ok(const_float(a / b)),
BiRem => Ok(const_float(a % b)),
BiEq => fromb(a == b),
BiLt => fromb(a < b),
BiLe => fromb(a <= b),
BiNe => fromb(a != b),
BiGe => fromb(a >= b),
BiGt => fromb(a > b),
_ => Err(~"can't do this op on floats")
(Ok(const_int(a)), Ok(const_int(b))) => {
match op {
BiAdd => Ok(const_int(a + b)),
BiSub => Ok(const_int(a - b)),
BiMul => Ok(const_int(a * b)),
BiDiv if b == 0 => Err(~"attempted to divide by zero"),
BiDiv => Ok(const_int(a / b)),
BiRem if b == 0 => Err(~"attempted remainder with a divisor of zero"),
BiRem => Ok(const_int(a % b)),
BiAnd | BiBitAnd => Ok(const_int(a & b)),
BiOr | BiBitOr => Ok(const_int(a | b)),
BiBitXor => Ok(const_int(a ^ b)),
BiShl => Ok(const_int(a << b)),
BiShr => Ok(const_int(a >> b)),
BiEq => fromb(a == b),
BiLt => fromb(a < b),
BiLe => fromb(a <= b),
BiNe => fromb(a != b),
BiGe => fromb(a >= b),
BiGt => fromb(a > b)
(Ok(const_uint(a)), Ok(const_uint(b))) => {
match op {
BiAdd => Ok(const_uint(a + b)),
BiSub => Ok(const_uint(a - b)),
BiMul => Ok(const_uint(a * b)),
BiDiv if b == 0 => Err(~"attempted to divide by zero"),
BiDiv => Ok(const_uint(a / b)),
BiRem if b == 0 => Err(~"attempted remainder with a divisor of zero"),
BiRem => Ok(const_uint(a % b)),
BiAnd | BiBitAnd => Ok(const_uint(a & b)),
BiOr | BiBitOr => Ok(const_uint(a | b)),
BiBitXor => Ok(const_uint(a ^ b)),
BiShl => Ok(const_uint(a << b)),
BiShr => Ok(const_uint(a >> b)),
BiEq => fromb(a == b),
BiLt => fromb(a < b),
BiLe => fromb(a <= b),
BiNe => fromb(a != b),
BiGe => fromb(a >= b),
BiGt => fromb(a > b),
// shifts can have any integral type as their rhs
(Ok(const_int(a)), Ok(const_uint(b))) => {
match op {
BiShl => Ok(const_int(a << b)),
BiShr => Ok(const_int(a >> b)),
_ => Err(~"can't do this op on an int and uint")
(Ok(const_uint(a)), Ok(const_int(b))) => {
match op {
BiShl => Ok(const_uint(a << b)),
BiShr => Ok(const_uint(a >> b)),
_ => Err(~"can't do this op on a uint and int")
(Ok(const_bool(a)), Ok(const_bool(b))) => {
Ok(const_bool(match op {
BiAnd => a && b,
BiOr => a || b,
BiBitXor => a ^ b,
BiBitAnd => a & b,
BiBitOr => a | b,
BiEq => a == b,
BiNe => a != b,
_ => return Err(~"can't do this op on bools")
_ => Err(~"bad operands for binary")
ExprCast(base, target_ty) => {
// This tends to get called w/o the type actually having been
// populated in the ctxt, which was causing things to blow up
// (#5900). Fall back to doing a limited lookup to get past it.
let ety = ty::expr_ty_opt(tcx.ty_ctxt(), e)
.or_else(|| astconv::ast_ty_to_prim_ty(tcx.ty_ctxt(), target_ty))
.unwrap_or_else(|| tcx.ty_ctxt().sess.span_fatal(
format!("target type not found for const cast")
let base = eval_const_expr_partial(tcx, base);
match base {
Err(_) => base,
Ok(val) => {
match ty::get(ety).sty {
ty::ty_float(_) => {
match val {
const_uint(u) => Ok(const_float(u as f64)),
const_int(i) => Ok(const_float(i as f64)),
const_float(f) => Ok(const_float(f)),
_ => Err(~"can't cast float to str"),
ty::ty_uint(_) => {
match val {
const_uint(u) => Ok(const_uint(u)),
const_int(i) => Ok(const_uint(i as u64)),
const_float(f) => Ok(const_uint(f as u64)),
_ => Err(~"can't cast str to uint"),
ty::ty_int(_) | ty::ty_bool => {
match val {
const_uint(u) => Ok(const_int(u as i64)),
const_int(i) => Ok(const_int(i)),
const_float(f) => Ok(const_int(f as i64)),
_ => Err(~"can't cast str to int"),
_ => Err(~"can't cast this type")
ExprPath(_) => {
match lookup_const(tcx.ty_ctxt(), e) {
Some(actual_e) => eval_const_expr_partial(&tcx.ty_ctxt(), actual_e),
None => Err(~"non-constant path in constant expr")
ExprLit(lit) => Ok(lit_to_const(lit)),
// If we have a vstore, just keep going; it has to be a string
ExprVstore(e, _) => eval_const_expr_partial(tcx, e),
ExprParen(e) => eval_const_expr_partial(tcx, e),
_ => Err(~"unsupported constant expr")
pub fn lit_to_const(lit: &Lit) -> const_val {
match lit.node {
LitStr(ref s, _) => const_str((*s).clone()),
LitBinary(ref data) => const_binary(data.clone()),
LitChar(n) => const_uint(n as u64),
LitInt(n, _) => const_int(n),
LitUint(n, _) => const_uint(n),
LitIntUnsuffixed(n) => const_int(n),
LitFloat(ref n, _) | LitFloatUnsuffixed(ref n) => {
const_float(from_str::<f64>(n.get()).unwrap() as f64)
LitNil => const_int(0i64),
LitBool(b) => const_bool(b)
fn compare_vals<T : Eq + Ord>(a: T, b: T) -> Option<int> {
Some(if a == b { 0 } else if a < b { -1 } else { 1 })
pub fn compare_const_vals(a: &const_val, b: &const_val) -> Option<int> {
match (a, b) {
(&const_int(a), &const_int(b)) => compare_vals(a, b),
(&const_uint(a), &const_uint(b)) => compare_vals(a, b),
(&const_float(a), &const_float(b)) => compare_vals(a, b),
(&const_str(ref a), &const_str(ref b)) => compare_vals(a, b),
(&const_bool(a), &const_bool(b)) => compare_vals(a, b),
_ => None
pub fn compare_lit_exprs(tcx: middle::ty::ctxt, a: &Expr, b: &Expr) -> Option<int> {
compare_const_vals(&eval_const_expr(tcx, a), &eval_const_expr(tcx, b))
pub fn lit_expr_eq(tcx: middle::ty::ctxt, a: &Expr, b: &Expr) -> Option<bool> {
compare_lit_exprs(tcx, a, b).map(|val| val == 0)
pub fn lit_eq(a: &Lit, b: &Lit) -> Option<bool> {
compare_const_vals(&lit_to_const(a), &lit_to_const(b)).map(|val| val == 0)