18 KiB
% Grammar
This document is the primary reference for the Rust programming language grammar. It provides only one kind of material:
- Chapters that formally define the language grammar.
This document does not serve as an introduction to the language. Background familiarity with the language is assumed. A separate guide is available to help acquire such background familiarity.
This document also does not serve as a reference to the standard library included in the language distribution. Those libraries are documented separately by extracting documentation attributes from their source code. Many of the features that one might expect to be language features are library features in Rust, so what you're looking for may be there, not here.
Rust's grammar is defined over Unicode codepoints, each conventionally denoted
, for 4 or more hexadecimal digits X
. Most of Rust's grammar is
confined to the ASCII range of Unicode, and is described in this document by a
dialect of Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF), specifically a dialect of EBNF
supported by common automated LL(k) parsing tools such as llgen
, rather than
the dialect given in ISO 14977. The dialect can be defined self-referentially
as follows:
grammar : rule + ;
rule : nonterminal ':' productionrule ';' ;
productionrule : production [ '|' production ] * ;
production : term * ;
term : element repeats ;
element : LITERAL | IDENTIFIER | '[' productionrule ']' ;
repeats : [ '*' | '+' ] NUMBER ? | NUMBER ? | '?' ;
- Whitespace in the grammar is ignored.
- Square brackets are used to group rules.
is a single printable ASCII character, or an escaped hexadecimal ASCII code of the form\xQQ
, in single quotes, denoting the corresponding Unicode codepointU+00QQ
is a nonempty string of ASCII letters and underscores.- The
forms apply to the adjacentelement
, and are as follows:?
means zero or one repetition*
means zero or more repetitions+
means one or more repetitions- NUMBER trailing a repeat symbol gives a maximum repetition count
- NUMBER on its own gives an exact repetition count
This EBNF dialect should hopefully be familiar to many readers.
Unicode productions
A few productions in Rust's grammar permit Unicode codepoints outside the ASCII range. We define these productions in terms of character properties specified in the Unicode standard, rather than in terms of ASCII-range codepoints. The section Special Unicode Productions lists these productions.
String table productions
Some rules in the grammar — notably unary operators, binary operators, and keywords — are given in a simplified form: as a listing of a table of unquoted, printable whitespace-separated strings. These cases form a subset of the rules regarding the token rule, and are assumed to be the result of a lexical-analysis phase feeding the parser, driven by a DFA, operating over the disjunction of all such string table entries.
When such a string enclosed in double-quotes ("
) occurs inside the grammar,
it is an implicit reference to a single member of such a string table
production. See tokens for more information.
Lexical structure
Input format
Rust input is interpreted as a sequence of Unicode codepoints encoded in UTF-8. Most Rust grammar rules are defined in terms of printable ASCII-range codepoints, but a small number are defined in terms of Unicode properties or explicit codepoint lists. 1
Special Unicode Productions
The following productions in the Rust grammar are defined in terms of Unicode
properties: ident
, non_null
, non_eol
, non_single_quote
The ident
production is any nonempty Unicode2 string of
the following form:
- The first character has property
- The remaining characters have property
that does not occur in the set of keywords.
as character properties cover the character ranges used to form the more familiar C and Java language-family identifiers.
Delimiter-restricted productions
Some productions are defined by exclusion of particular Unicode characters:
is any single Unicode character aside fromU+0000
restricted to excludeU+000A
restricted to excludeU+0027
restricted to excludeU+0022
comment : block_comment | line_comment ;
block_comment : "/*" block_comment_body * "*/" ;
block_comment_body : [block_comment | character] * ;
line_comment : "//" non_eol * ;
FIXME: add doc grammar?
whitespace_char : '\x20' | '\x09' | '\x0a' | '\x0d' ;
whitespace : [ whitespace_char | comment ] + ;
simple_token : keyword | unop | binop ;
token : simple_token | ident | literal | symbol | whitespace token ;
abstract | alignof | as | become | box |
break | const | continue | crate | do |
else | enum | extern | false | final |
fn | for | if | impl | in |
let | loop | macro | match | mod |
move | mut | offsetof | override | priv |
proc | pub | pure | ref | return |
Self | self | sizeof | static | struct |
super | trait | true | type | typeof |
unsafe | unsized | use | virtual | where |
while | yield |
Each of these keywords has special meaning in its grammar, and all of them are
excluded from the ident
lit_suffix : ident;
literal : [ string_lit | char_lit | byte_string_lit | byte_lit | num_lit | bool_lit ] lit_suffix ?;
The optional lit_suffix
production is only used for certain numeric literals,
but is reserved for future extension. That is, the above gives the lexical
grammar, but a Rust parser will reject everything but the 12 special cases
mentioned in Number literals in the
Character and string literals
char_lit : '\x27' char_body '\x27' ;
string_lit : '"' string_body * '"' | 'r' raw_string ;
char_body : non_single_quote
| '\x5c' [ '\x27' | common_escape | unicode_escape ] ;
string_body : non_double_quote
| '\x5c' [ '\x22' | common_escape | unicode_escape ] ;
raw_string : '"' raw_string_body '"' | '#' raw_string '#' ;
common_escape : '\x5c'
| 'n' | 'r' | 't' | '0'
| 'x' hex_digit 2
unicode_escape : 'u' '{' hex_digit+ 6 '}';
hex_digit : 'a' | 'b' | 'c' | 'd' | 'e' | 'f'
| 'A' | 'B' | 'C' | 'D' | 'E' | 'F'
| dec_digit ;
oct_digit : '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' ;
dec_digit : '0' | nonzero_dec ;
nonzero_dec: '1' | '2' | '3' | '4'
| '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' ;
Byte and byte string literals
byte_lit : "b\x27" byte_body '\x27' ;
byte_string_lit : "b\x22" string_body * '\x22' | "br" raw_byte_string ;
byte_body : ascii_non_single_quote
| '\x5c' [ '\x27' | common_escape ] ;
byte_string_body : ascii_non_double_quote
| '\x5c' [ '\x22' | common_escape ] ;
raw_byte_string : '"' raw_byte_string_body '"' | '#' raw_byte_string '#' ;
Number literals
num_lit : nonzero_dec [ dec_digit | '_' ] * float_suffix ?
| '0' [ [ dec_digit | '_' ] * float_suffix ?
| 'b' [ '1' | '0' | '_' ] +
| 'o' [ oct_digit | '_' ] +
| 'x' [ hex_digit | '_' ] + ] ;
float_suffix : [ exponent | '.' dec_lit exponent ? ] ? ;
exponent : ['E' | 'e'] ['-' | '+' ] ? dec_lit ;
dec_lit : [ dec_digit | '_' ] + ;
Boolean literals
bool_lit : [ "true" | "false" ] ;
The two values of the boolean type are written true
and false
symbol : "::" | "->"
| '#' | '[' | ']' | '(' | ')' | '{' | '}'
| ',' | ';' ;
Symbols are a general class of printable token that play structural roles in a variety of grammar productions. They are catalogued here for completeness as the set of remaining miscellaneous printable tokens that do not otherwise appear as unary operators, binary operators, or keywords.
expr_path : [ "::" ] ident [ "::" expr_path_tail ] + ;
expr_path_tail : '<' type_expr [ ',' type_expr ] + '>'
| expr_path ;
type_path : ident [ type_path_tail ] + ;
type_path_tail : '<' type_expr [ ',' type_expr ] + '>'
| "::" type_path ;
Syntax extensions
expr_macro_rules : "macro_rules" '!' ident '(' macro_rule * ')' ';'
| "macro_rules" '!' ident '{' macro_rule * '}' ;
macro_rule : '(' matcher * ')' "=>" '(' transcriber * ')' ';' ;
matcher : '(' matcher * ')' | '[' matcher * ']'
| '{' matcher * '}' | '$' ident ':' ident
| '$' '(' matcher * ')' sep_token? [ '*' | '+' ]
| non_special_token ;
transcriber : '(' transcriber * ')' | '[' transcriber * ']'
| '{' transcriber * '}' | '$' ident
| '$' '(' transcriber * ')' sep_token? [ '*' | '+' ]
| non_special_token ;
Crates and source files
FIXME: grammar? What production covers #![crate_id = "foo"] ?
Items and attributes
FIXME: grammar?
item : vis ? mod_item | fn_item | type_item | struct_item | enum_item
| const_item | static_item | trait_item | impl_item | extern_block ;
Type Parameters
FIXME: grammar?
mod_item : "mod" ident ( ';' | '{' mod '}' );
mod : [ view_item | item ] * ;
View items
view_item : extern_crate_decl | use_decl ';' ;
Extern crate declarations
extern_crate_decl : "extern" "crate" crate_name
crate_name: ident | ( ident "as" ident )
Use declarations
use_decl : vis ? "use" [ path "as" ident
| path_glob ] ;
path_glob : ident [ "::" [ path_glob
| '*' ] ] ?
| '{' path_item [ ',' path_item ] * '}' ;
path_item : ident | "self" ;
FIXME: grammar?
Generic functions
FIXME: grammar?
FIXME: grammar?
Unsafe functions
FIXME: grammar?
Unsafe blocks
FIXME: grammar?
Diverging functions
FIXME: grammar?
Type definitions
FIXME: grammar?
FIXME: grammar?
FIXME: grammar?
Constant items
const_item : "const" ident ':' type '=' expr ';' ;
Static items
static_item : "static" ident ':' type '=' expr ';' ;
Mutable statics
FIXME: grammar?
FIXME: grammar?
FIXME: grammar?
External blocks
extern_block_item : "extern" '{' extern_block '}' ;
extern_block : [ foreign_fn ] * ;
Visibility and Privacy
vis : "pub" ;
Re-exporting and Visibility
See Use declarations.
attribute : '#' '!' ? '[' meta_item ']' ;
meta_item : ident [ '=' literal
| '(' meta_seq ')' ] ? ;
meta_seq : meta_item [ ',' meta_seq ] ? ;
Statements and expressions
stmt : decl_stmt | expr_stmt ;
Declaration statements
decl_stmt : item | let_decl ;
Item declarations
See Items.
Variable declarations
let_decl : "let" pat [':' type ] ? [ init ] ? ';' ;
init : [ '=' ] expr ;
Expression statements
expr_stmt : expr ';' ;
expr : literal | path | tuple_expr | unit_expr | struct_expr
| block_expr | method_call_expr | field_expr | array_expr
| idx_expr | range_expr | unop_expr | binop_expr
| paren_expr | call_expr | lambda_expr | while_expr
| loop_expr | break_expr | continue_expr | for_expr
| if_expr | match_expr | if_let_expr | while_let_expr
| return_expr ;
Lvalues, rvalues and temporaries
FIXME: grammar?
Moved and copied types
FIXME: Do we want to capture this in the grammar as different productions?
Literal expressions
See Literals.
Path expressions
See Paths.
Tuple expressions
tuple_expr : '(' [ expr [ ',' expr ] * | expr ',' ] ? ')' ;
Unit expressions
unit_expr : "()" ;
Structure expressions
struct_expr : expr_path '{' ident ':' expr
[ ',' ident ':' expr ] *
[ ".." expr ] '}' |
expr_path '(' expr
[ ',' expr ] * ')' |
expr_path ;
Block expressions
block_expr : '{' [ stmt ';' | item ] *
[ expr ] '}' ;
Method-call expressions
method_call_expr : expr '.' ident paren_expr_list ;
Field expressions
field_expr : expr '.' ident ;
Array expressions
array_expr : '[' "mut" ? array_elems? ']' ;
array_elems : [expr [',' expr]*] | [expr ';' expr] ;
Index expressions
idx_expr : expr '[' expr ']' ;
Range expressions
range_expr : expr ".." expr |
expr ".." |
".." expr |
".." ;
Unary operator expressions
unop_expr : unop expr ;
unop : '-' | '*' | '!' ;
Binary operator expressions
binop_expr : expr binop expr | type_cast_expr
| assignment_expr | compound_assignment_expr ;
binop : arith_op | bitwise_op | lazy_bool_op | comp_op
Arithmetic operators
arith_op : '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '%' ;
Bitwise operators
bitwise_op : '&' | '|' | '^' | "<<" | ">>" ;
Lazy boolean operators
lazy_bool_op : "&&" | "||" ;
Comparison operators
comp_op : "==" | "!=" | '<' | '>' | "<=" | ">=" ;
Type cast expressions
type_cast_expr : value "as" type ;
Assignment expressions
assignment_expr : expr '=' expr ;
Compound assignment expressions
compound_assignment_expr : expr [ arith_op | bitwise_op ] '=' expr ;
Grouped expressions
paren_expr : '(' expr ')' ;
Call expressions
expr_list : [ expr [ ',' expr ]* ] ? ;
paren_expr_list : '(' expr_list ')' ;
call_expr : expr paren_expr_list ;
Lambda expressions
ident_list : [ ident [ ',' ident ]* ] ? ;
lambda_expr : '|' ident_list '|' expr ;
While loops
while_expr : [ lifetime ':' ] "while" no_struct_literal_expr '{' block '}' ;
Infinite loops
loop_expr : [ lifetime ':' ] "loop" '{' block '}';
Break expressions
break_expr : "break" [ lifetime ];
Continue expressions
continue_expr : "continue" [ lifetime ];
For expressions
for_expr : [ lifetime ':' ] "for" pat "in" no_struct_literal_expr '{' block '}' ;
If expressions
if_expr : "if" no_struct_literal_expr '{' block '}'
else_tail ? ;
else_tail : "else" [ if_expr | if_let_expr
| '{' block '}' ] ;
Match expressions
match_expr : "match" no_struct_literal_expr '{' match_arm * '}' ;
match_arm : attribute * match_pat "=>" [ expr "," | '{' block '}' ] ;
match_pat : pat [ '|' pat ] * [ "if" expr ] ? ;
If let expressions
if_let_expr : "if" "let" pat '=' expr '{' block '}'
else_tail ? ;
else_tail : "else" [ if_expr | if_let_expr | '{' block '}' ] ;
While let loops
while_let_expr : "while" "let" pat '=' expr '{' block '}' ;
Return expressions
return_expr : "return" expr ? ;
Type system
FIXME: is this entire chapter relevant here? Or should it all have been covered by some production already?
Primitive types
FIXME: grammar?
Machine types
FIXME: grammar?
Machine-dependent integer types
FIXME: grammar?
Textual types
FIXME: grammar?
Tuple types
FIXME: grammar?
Array, and Slice types
FIXME: grammar?
Structure types
FIXME: grammar?
Enumerated types
FIXME: grammar?
Pointer types
FIXME: grammar?
Function types
FIXME: grammar?
Closure types
closure_type := [ 'unsafe' ] [ '<' lifetime-list '>' ] '|' arg-list '|'
[ ':' bound-list ] [ '->' type ]
procedure_type := 'proc' [ '<' lifetime-list '>' ] '(' arg-list ')'
[ ':' bound-list ] [ '->' type ]
lifetime-list := lifetime | lifetime ',' lifetime-list
arg-list := ident ':' type | ident ':' type ',' arg-list
bound-list := bound | bound '+' bound-list
bound := path | lifetime
Object types
FIXME: grammar?
Type parameters
FIXME: grammar?
Self types
FIXME: grammar?
Type kinds
FIXME: this this probably not relevant to the grammar...
Memory and concurrency models
FIXME: is this entire chapter relevant here? Or should it all have been covered by some production already?