345 lines
12 KiB
345 lines
12 KiB
use rustc_pattern_analysis::constructor::{
Constructor, ConstructorSet, IntRange, MaybeInfiniteInt, RangeEnd, VariantVisibility,
use rustc_pattern_analysis::usefulness::{PlaceValidity, UsefulnessReport};
use rustc_pattern_analysis::{Captures, MatchArm, PatCx, PrivateUninhabitedField};
/// Sets up `tracing` for easier debugging. Tries to look like the `rustc` setup.
pub fn init_tracing() {
use tracing_subscriber::layer::SubscriberExt;
use tracing_subscriber::util::SubscriberInitExt;
use tracing_subscriber::Layer;
let _ = tracing_tree::HierarchicalLayer::default()
/// A simple set of types.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Ty {
/// Booleans
/// 8-bit unsigned integers
/// Tuples.
Tuple(&'static [Ty]),
/// Enum with one variant of each given type.
Enum(&'static [Ty]),
/// A struct with `arity` fields of type `ty`.
BigStruct { arity: usize, ty: &'static Ty },
/// A enum with `arity` variants of type `ty`.
BigEnum { arity: usize, ty: &'static Ty },
/// The important logic.
impl Ty {
pub fn sub_tys(&self, ctor: &Constructor<Cx>) -> Vec<Self> {
use Constructor::*;
match (ctor, *self) {
(Struct, Ty::Tuple(tys)) => tys.iter().copied().collect(),
(Struct, Ty::BigStruct { arity, ty }) => (0..arity).map(|_| *ty).collect(),
(Variant(i), Ty::Enum(tys)) => vec![tys[*i]],
(Variant(_), Ty::BigEnum { ty, .. }) => vec![*ty],
(Bool(..) | IntRange(..) | NonExhaustive | Missing | Wildcard, _) => vec![],
_ => panic!("Unexpected ctor {ctor:?} for type {self:?}"),
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Ty::Bool | Ty::U8 => false,
Ty::Tuple(tys) => tys.iter().any(|ty| ty.is_empty()),
Ty::Enum(tys) => tys.iter().all(|ty| ty.is_empty()),
Ty::BigStruct { arity, ty } => arity != 0 && ty.is_empty(),
Ty::BigEnum { arity, ty } => arity == 0 || ty.is_empty(),
pub fn ctor_set(&self) -> ConstructorSet<Cx> {
match *self {
Ty::Bool => ConstructorSet::Bool,
Ty::U8 => ConstructorSet::Integers {
range_1: IntRange::from_range(
range_2: None,
Ty::Tuple(..) | Ty::BigStruct { .. } => ConstructorSet::Struct { empty: false },
Ty::Enum(tys) if tys.is_empty() => ConstructorSet::NoConstructors,
Ty::Enum(tys) => ConstructorSet::Variants {
variants: tys
.map(|ty| {
if ty.is_empty() {
} else {
non_exhaustive: false,
Ty::BigEnum { arity: 0, .. } => ConstructorSet::NoConstructors,
Ty::BigEnum { arity, ty } => {
let vis = if ty.is_empty() {
} else {
ConstructorSet::Variants {
variants: (0..arity).map(|_| vis).collect(),
non_exhaustive: false,
pub fn write_variant_name(
f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>,
ctor: &Constructor<Cx>,
) -> std::fmt::Result {
match (*self, ctor) {
(Ty::Tuple(..), _) => Ok(()),
(Ty::BigStruct { .. }, _) => write!(f, "BigStruct"),
(Ty::Enum(..), Constructor::Variant(i)) => write!(f, "Enum::Variant{i}"),
(Ty::BigEnum { .. }, Constructor::Variant(i)) => write!(f, "BigEnum::Variant{i}"),
_ => write!(f, "{:?}::{:?}", self, ctor),
/// Compute usefulness in our simple context (and set up tracing for easier debugging).
pub fn compute_match_usefulness<'p>(
arms: &[MatchArm<'p, Cx>],
ty: Ty,
scrut_validity: PlaceValidity,
complexity_limit: Option<usize>,
) -> Result<UsefulnessReport<'p, Cx>, ()> {
pub struct Cx;
/// The context for pattern analysis. Forwards anything interesting to `Ty` methods.
impl PatCx for Cx {
type Ty = Ty;
type Error = ();
type VariantIdx = usize;
type StrLit = ();
type ArmData = ();
type PatData = ();
fn is_exhaustive_patterns_feature_on(&self) -> bool {
fn ctor_arity(&self, ctor: &Constructor<Self>, ty: &Self::Ty) -> usize {
fn ctor_sub_tys<'a>(
&'a self,
ctor: &'a Constructor<Self>,
ty: &'a Self::Ty,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = (Self::Ty, PrivateUninhabitedField)> + ExactSizeIterator + Captures<'a>
ty.sub_tys(ctor).into_iter().map(|ty| (ty, PrivateUninhabitedField(false)))
fn ctors_for_ty(&self, ty: &Self::Ty) -> Result<ConstructorSet<Self>, Self::Error> {
fn write_variant_name(
f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>,
ctor: &Constructor<Self>,
ty: &Self::Ty,
) -> std::fmt::Result {
ty.write_variant_name(f, ctor)
fn bug(&self, fmt: std::fmt::Arguments<'_>) -> Self::Error {
panic!("{}", fmt)
/// Abort when reaching the complexity limit. This is what we'll check in tests.
fn complexity_exceeded(&self) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
/// Construct a single pattern; see `pats!()`.
macro_rules! pat {
($($rest:tt)*) => {{
let mut vec = pats!($($rest)*);
/// A macro to construct patterns. Called like `pats!(type_expr; pattern, pattern, ..)` and returns
/// a `Vec<DeconstructedPat>`. A pattern can be nested and looks like `Constructor(pat, pat)` or
/// `Constructor { .i: pat, .j: pat }`, where `Constructor` is `Struct`, `Variant.i` (with index
/// `i`), as well as booleans and integer ranges.
/// The general structure of the macro is a tt-muncher with several stages identified with
/// `@something(args)`. The args are a key-value list (the keys ensure we don't mix the arguments
/// around) which is passed down and modified as needed. We then parse token-trees from
/// left-to-right. Non-trivial recursion happens when we parse the arguments to a pattern: we
/// recurse to parse the tokens inside `{..}`/`(..)`, and then we continue parsing anything that
/// follows.
macro_rules! pats {
// Entrypoint
// Parse `type; ..`
($ty:expr; $($rest:tt)*) => {{
use rustc_pattern_analysis::{
constructor::{Constructor, IntRange, MaybeInfiniteInt, RangeEnd},
let ty = $ty;
// The heart of the macro is designed to push `IndexedPat`s into a `Vec`, so we work around
// that.
let sub_tys = ::std::iter::repeat(&ty);
let mut vec = Vec::new();
pats!(@ctor(vec:vec, sub_tys:sub_tys, idx:0) $($rest)*);
vec.into_iter().map(|ipat| ipat.pat).collect::<Vec<_>>()
// Parse `constructor ..`
(@ctor($($args:tt)*) true $($rest:tt)*) => {{
let ctor = Constructor::Bool(true);
pats!(@pat($($args)*, ctor:ctor) $($rest)*)
(@ctor($($args:tt)*) false $($rest:tt)*) => {{
let ctor = Constructor::Bool(false);
pats!(@pat($($args)*, ctor:ctor) $($rest)*)
(@ctor($($args:tt)*) Struct $($rest:tt)*) => {{
let ctor = Constructor::Struct;
pats!(@pat($($args)*, ctor:ctor) $($rest)*)
(@ctor($($args:tt)*) ( $($fields:tt)* ) $($rest:tt)*) => {{
let ctor = Constructor::Struct; // tuples
pats!(@pat($($args)*, ctor:ctor) ( $($fields)* ) $($rest)*)
(@ctor($($args:tt)*) Variant.$variant:ident $($rest:tt)*) => {{
let ctor = Constructor::Variant($variant);
pats!(@pat($($args)*, ctor:ctor) $($rest)*)
(@ctor($($args:tt)*) Variant.$variant:literal $($rest:tt)*) => {{
let ctor = Constructor::Variant($variant);
pats!(@pat($($args)*, ctor:ctor) $($rest)*)
(@ctor($($args:tt)*) _ $($rest:tt)*) => {{
let ctor = Constructor::Wildcard;
pats!(@pat($($args)*, ctor:ctor) $($rest)*)
// Integers and int ranges
(@ctor($($args:tt)*) $($start:literal)?..$end:literal $($rest:tt)*) => {{
let ctor = Constructor::IntRange(IntRange::from_range(
pats!(@rangeboundary- $($start)?),
pats!(@rangeboundary+ $end),
pats!(@pat($($args)*, ctor:ctor) $($rest)*)
(@ctor($($args:tt)*) $($start:literal)?.. $($rest:tt)*) => {{
let ctor = Constructor::IntRange(IntRange::from_range(
pats!(@rangeboundary- $($start)?),
pats!(@pat($($args)*, ctor:ctor) $($rest)*)
(@ctor($($args:tt)*) $($start:literal)?..=$end:literal $($rest:tt)*) => {{
let ctor = Constructor::IntRange(IntRange::from_range(
pats!(@rangeboundary- $($start)?),
pats!(@rangeboundary+ $end),
pats!(@pat($($args)*, ctor:ctor) $($rest)*)
(@ctor($($args:tt)*) $int:literal $($rest:tt)*) => {{
let ctor = Constructor::IntRange(IntRange::from_range(
pats!(@rangeboundary- $int),
pats!(@rangeboundary+ $int),
pats!(@pat($($args)*, ctor:ctor) $($rest)*)
// Utility to manage range boundaries.
(@rangeboundary $sign:tt $int:literal) => { MaybeInfiniteInt::new_finite_uint($int) };
(@rangeboundary -) => { MaybeInfiniteInt::NegInfinity };
(@rangeboundary +) => { MaybeInfiniteInt::PosInfinity };
// Parse subfields: `(..)` or `{..}`
// Constructor with no fields, e.g. `bool` or `Variant.1`.
(@pat($($args:tt)*) $(,)?) => {
pats!(@pat($($args)*) {})
(@pat($($args:tt)*) , $($rest:tt)*) => {
pats!(@pat($($args)*) {}, $($rest)*)
// `(..)` and `{..}` are treated the same.
(@pat($($args:tt)*) ( $($subpat:tt)* ) $($rest:tt)*) => {{
pats!(@pat($($args)*) { $($subpat)* } $($rest)*)
(@pat(vec:$vec:expr, sub_tys:$sub_tys:expr, idx:$idx:expr, ctor:$ctor:expr) { $($fields:tt)* } $($rest:tt)*) => {{
let sub_tys = $sub_tys;
let index = $idx;
// Silly dance to work with both a vec and `iter::repeat()`.
let ty = *(&sub_tys).clone().into_iter().nth(index).unwrap();
let ctor = $ctor;
let ctor_sub_tys = &ty.sub_tys(&ctor);
let mut fields = Vec::new();
// Parse subpatterns (note the leading comma).
pats!(@fields(idx:0, vec:fields, sub_tys:ctor_sub_tys) ,$($fields)*);
let arity = ctor_sub_tys.len();
let pat = DeconstructedPat::new(ctor, fields, arity, ty, ()).at_index(index);
// Continue parsing further patterns.
pats!(@fields(idx:index+1, vec:$vec, sub_tys:sub_tys) $($rest)*);
// Parse fields one by one.
// No fields left.
(@fields($($args:tt)*) $(,)?) => {};
// `.i: pat` sets the current index to `i`.
(@fields(idx:$_idx:expr, $($args:tt)*) , .$idx:literal : $($rest:tt)*) => {{
pats!(@ctor($($args)*, idx:$idx) $($rest)*);
(@fields(idx:$_idx:expr, $($args:tt)*) , .$idx:ident : $($rest:tt)*) => {{
pats!(@ctor($($args)*, idx:$idx) $($rest)*);
// Field without an explicit index; we use the current index which gets incremented above.
(@fields(idx:$idx:expr, $($args:tt)*) , $($rest:tt)*) => {{
pats!(@ctor($($args)*, idx:$idx) $($rest)*);