#16081 fixed an issue where a nested return statement would cause incorrect behaviour due to the inner return writing over the return stack slot that had already been written too. However, the check was very broad and picked many cases that wouldn't ever be affected by this issue. As a result, the number of allocas increased dramatically and therefore stack-size increased. LLVM is not able to remove all of the extraneous allocas. Any code that had multiple return values in a compound expression at the end of a function (including loops) would be hit by the issue. The check now uses a control-flow graph to only consider the case when the inner return is executed conditionally. By itself, this narrowed definition causes #15763 to return, so the control-flow graph is also used to avoid passing the return slot as a destination when the result won't be used. This change allows the stack-size of the main rustc task to be reduced to 8MB from 32MB.
551 lines
18 KiB
551 lines
18 KiB
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! The Rust compiler.
//! # Note
//! This API is completely unstable and subject to change.
#![crate_name = "rustc_driver"]
#![crate_type = "dylib"]
#![crate_type = "rlib"]
#![doc(html_logo_url = "http://www.rust-lang.org/logos/rust-logo-128x128-blk-v2.png",
html_favicon_url = "http://www.rust-lang.org/favicon.ico",
html_root_url = "http://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/")]
#![feature(default_type_params, globs, macro_rules, phase, quote)]
#![feature(slicing_syntax, unsafe_destructor)]
extern crate arena;
extern crate flate;
extern crate getopts;
extern crate graphviz;
extern crate libc;
extern crate rustc;
extern crate rustc_back;
extern crate rustc_borrowck;
extern crate rustc_resolve;
extern crate rustc_trans;
extern crate rustc_typeck;
#[phase(plugin, link)] extern crate log;
#[phase(plugin, link)] extern crate syntax;
extern crate serialize;
extern crate "rustc_llvm" as llvm;
pub use syntax::diagnostic;
use rustc_trans::back::link;
use rustc::session::{config, Session, build_session};
use rustc::session::config::{Input, PrintRequest};
use rustc::lint::Lint;
use rustc::lint;
use rustc::metadata;
use rustc::DIAGNOSTICS;
use std::any::AnyRefExt;
use std::io;
use std::os;
use std::thread;
use rustc::session::early_error;
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::parse;
use syntax::diagnostic::Emitter;
use syntax::diagnostics;
pub mod test;
pub mod driver;
pub mod pretty;
pub fn run(args: Vec<String>) -> int {
monitor(move |:| run_compiler(args.as_slice()));
static BUG_REPORT_URL: &'static str =
fn run_compiler(args: &[String]) {
let matches = match handle_options(args.to_vec()) {
Some(matches) => matches,
None => return
let descriptions = diagnostics::registry::Registry::new(&DIAGNOSTICS);
match matches.opt_str("explain") {
Some(ref code) => {
match descriptions.find_description(code.as_slice()) {
Some(ref description) => {
println!("{}", description);
None => {
early_error(format!("no extended information for {}", code).as_slice());
None => ()
let sopts = config::build_session_options(&matches);
let odir = matches.opt_str("out-dir").map(|o| Path::new(o));
let ofile = matches.opt_str("o").map(|o| Path::new(o));
let (input, input_file_path) = match matches.free.len() {
0u => {
if sopts.describe_lints {
let mut ls = lint::LintStore::new();
describe_lints(&ls, false);
let sess = build_session(sopts, None, descriptions);
if print_crate_info(&sess, None, &odir, &ofile) {
early_error("no input filename given");
1u => {
let ifile = matches.free[0].as_slice();
if ifile == "-" {
let contents = io::stdin().read_to_end().unwrap();
let src = String::from_utf8(contents).unwrap();
(Input::Str(src), None)
} else {
(Input::File(Path::new(ifile)), Some(Path::new(ifile)))
_ => early_error("multiple input filenames provided")
let sess = build_session(sopts, input_file_path, descriptions);
let cfg = config::build_configuration(&sess);
if print_crate_info(&sess, Some(&input), &odir, &ofile) {
let pretty = matches.opt_default("pretty", "normal").map(|a| {
pretty::parse_pretty(&sess, a.as_slice())
match pretty.into_iter().next() {
Some((ppm, opt_uii)) => {
pretty::pretty_print_input(sess, cfg, &input, ppm, opt_uii, ofile);
None => {/* continue */ }
let r = matches.opt_strs("Z");
if r.contains(&("ls".to_string())) {
match input {
Input::File(ref ifile) => {
let mut stdout = io::stdout();
list_metadata(&sess, &(*ifile), &mut stdout).unwrap();
Input::Str(_) => {
early_error("can not list metadata for stdin");
driver::compile_input(sess, cfg, &input, &odir, &ofile, None);
/// Returns a version string such as "0.12.0-dev".
pub fn release_str() -> Option<&'static str> {
/// Returns the full SHA1 hash of HEAD of the Git repo from which rustc was built.
pub fn commit_hash_str() -> Option<&'static str> {
/// Returns the "commit date" of HEAD of the Git repo from which rustc was built as a static string.
pub fn commit_date_str() -> Option<&'static str> {
/// Prints version information and returns None on success or an error
/// message on panic.
pub fn version(binary: &str, matches: &getopts::Matches) {
let verbose = matches.opt_present("verbose");
println!("{} {}", binary, option_env!("CFG_VERSION").unwrap_or("unknown version"));
if verbose {
fn unw(x: Option<&str>) -> &str { x.unwrap_or("unknown") }
println!("binary: {}", binary);
println!("commit-hash: {}", unw(commit_hash_str()));
println!("commit-date: {}", unw(commit_date_str()));
println!("host: {}", config::host_triple());
println!("release: {}", unw(release_str()));
fn usage(verbose: bool) {
let groups = if verbose {
} else {
let message = format!("Usage: rustc [OPTIONS] INPUT");
let extra_help = if verbose {
} else {
"\n --help -v Print the full set of options rustc accepts"
Additional help:
-C help Print codegen options
-W help Print 'lint' options and default settings
-Z help Print internal options for debugging rustc{}\n",
getopts::usage(message.as_slice(), groups.as_slice()),
fn describe_lints(lint_store: &lint::LintStore, loaded_plugins: bool) {
Available lint options:
-W <foo> Warn about <foo>
-A <foo> Allow <foo>
-D <foo> Deny <foo>
-F <foo> Forbid <foo> (deny, and deny all overrides)
fn sort_lints(lints: Vec<(&'static Lint, bool)>) -> Vec<&'static Lint> {
let mut lints: Vec<_> = lints.into_iter().map(|(x, _)| x).collect();
lints.sort_by(|x: &&Lint, y: &&Lint| {
match x.default_level.cmp(&y.default_level) {
// The sort doesn't case-fold but it's doubtful we care.
Equal => x.name.cmp(y.name),
r => r,
fn sort_lint_groups(lints: Vec<(&'static str, Vec<lint::LintId>, bool)>)
-> Vec<(&'static str, Vec<lint::LintId>)> {
let mut lints: Vec<_> = lints.into_iter().map(|(x, y, _)| (x, y)).collect();
lints.sort_by(|&(x, _): &(&'static str, Vec<lint::LintId>),
&(y, _): &(&'static str, Vec<lint::LintId>)| {
let (plugin, builtin) = lint_store.get_lints().partitioned(|&(_, p)| p);
let plugin = sort_lints(plugin);
let builtin = sort_lints(builtin);
let (plugin_groups, builtin_groups) = lint_store.get_lint_groups().partitioned(|&(_, _, p)| p);
let plugin_groups = sort_lint_groups(plugin_groups);
let builtin_groups = sort_lint_groups(builtin_groups);
let max_name_len = plugin.iter().chain(builtin.iter())
.map(|&s| s.name.width(true))
let padded = |x: &str| {
let mut s = " ".repeat(max_name_len - x.char_len());
println!("Lint checks provided by rustc:\n");
println!(" {} {:7.7} {}", padded("name"), "default", "meaning");
println!(" {} {:7.7} {}", padded("----"), "-------", "-------");
let print_lints = |lints: Vec<&Lint>| {
for lint in lints.into_iter() {
let name = lint.name_lower().replace("_", "-");
println!(" {} {:7.7} {}",
padded(name.as_slice()), lint.default_level.as_str(), lint.desc);
let max_name_len = plugin_groups.iter().chain(builtin_groups.iter())
.map(|&(s, _)| s.width(true))
let padded = |x: &str| {
let mut s = " ".repeat(max_name_len - x.char_len());
println!("Lint groups provided by rustc:\n");
println!(" {} {}", padded("name"), "sub-lints");
println!(" {} {}", padded("----"), "---------");
let print_lint_groups = |lints: Vec<(&'static str, Vec<lint::LintId>)>| {
for (name, to) in lints.into_iter() {
let name = name.chars().map(|x| x.to_lowercase())
.collect::<String>().replace("_", "-");
let desc = to.into_iter().map(|x| x.as_str().replace("_", "-"))
.collect::<Vec<String>>().connect(", ");
println!(" {} {}",
padded(name.as_slice()), desc);
match (loaded_plugins, plugin.len(), plugin_groups.len()) {
(false, 0, _) | (false, _, 0) => {
println!("Compiler plugins can provide additional lints and lint groups. To see a \
listing of these, re-run `rustc -W help` with a crate filename.");
(false, _, _) => panic!("didn't load lint plugins but got them anyway!"),
(true, 0, 0) => println!("This crate does not load any lint plugins or lint groups."),
(true, l, g) => {
if l > 0 {
println!("Lint checks provided by plugins loaded by this crate:\n");
if g > 0 {
println!("Lint groups provided by plugins loaded by this crate:\n");
fn describe_debug_flags() {
println!("\nAvailable debug options:\n");
let r = config::debugging_opts_map();
for tuple in r.iter() {
match *tuple {
(ref name, ref desc, _) => {
println!(" -Z {:>20} -- {}", *name, *desc);
fn describe_codegen_flags() {
println!("\nAvailable codegen options:\n");
for &(name, _, opt_type_desc, desc) in config::CG_OPTIONS.iter() {
let (width, extra) = match opt_type_desc {
Some(..) => (21, "=val"),
None => (25, "")
println!(" -C {:>width$}{} -- {}", name.replace("_", "-"),
extra, desc, width=width);
/// Process command line options. Emits messages as appropriate. If compilation
/// should continue, returns a getopts::Matches object parsed from args, otherwise
/// returns None.
pub fn handle_options(mut args: Vec<String>) -> Option<getopts::Matches> {
// Throw away the first argument, the name of the binary
let _binary = args.remove(0).unwrap();
if args.is_empty() {
return None;
let matches =
match getopts::getopts(args.as_slice(), config::optgroups().as_slice()) {
Ok(m) => m,
Err(f) => {
if matches.opt_present("h") || matches.opt_present("help") {
return None;
// Don't handle -W help here, because we might first load plugins.
let r = matches.opt_strs("Z");
if r.iter().any(|x| *x == "help") {
return None;
let cg_flags = matches.opt_strs("C");
if cg_flags.iter().any(|x| *x == "help") {
return None;
if cg_flags.contains(&"passes=list".to_string()) {
unsafe { ::llvm::LLVMRustPrintPasses(); }
return None;
if matches.opt_present("version") {
version("rustc", &matches);
return None;
fn print_crate_info(sess: &Session,
input: Option<&Input>,
odir: &Option<Path>,
ofile: &Option<Path>)
-> bool {
if sess.opts.prints.len() == 0 { return false }
let attrs = input.map(|input| parse_crate_attrs(sess, input));
for req in sess.opts.prints.iter() {
match *req {
PrintRequest::Sysroot => println!("{}", sess.sysroot().display()),
PrintRequest::FileNames |
PrintRequest::CrateName => {
let input = match input {
Some(input) => input,
None => early_error("no input file provided"),
let attrs = attrs.as_ref().unwrap().as_slice();
let t_outputs = driver::build_output_filenames(input,
let id = link::find_crate_name(Some(sess), attrs.as_slice(),
if *req == PrintRequest::CrateName {
println!("{}", id);
let crate_types = driver::collect_crate_types(sess, attrs);
let metadata = driver::collect_crate_metadata(sess, attrs);
*sess.crate_metadata.borrow_mut() = metadata;
for &style in crate_types.iter() {
let fname = link::filename_for_input(sess, style,
println!("{}", fname.filename_display());
return true;
fn parse_crate_attrs(sess: &Session, input: &Input) ->
Vec<ast::Attribute> {
let result = match *input {
Input::File(ref ifile) => {
Input::Str(ref src) => {
pub fn list_metadata(sess: &Session, path: &Path,
out: &mut io::Writer) -> io::IoResult<()> {
metadata::loader::list_file_metadata(sess.target.target.options.is_like_osx, path, out)
/// Run a procedure which will detect panics in the compiler and print nicer
/// error messages rather than just failing the test.
/// The diagnostic emitter yielded to the procedure should be used for reporting
/// errors of the compiler.
pub fn monitor<F:FnOnce()+Send>(f: F) {
static STACK_SIZE: uint = 8 * 1024 * 1024; // 8MB
let (tx, rx) = channel();
let w = io::ChanWriter::new(tx);
let mut r = io::ChanReader::new(rx);
let mut cfg = thread::Builder::new().name("rustc".to_string());
// FIXME: Hacks on hacks. If the env is trying to override the stack size
// then *don't* set it explicitly.
if os::getenv("RUST_MIN_STACK").is_none() {
cfg = cfg.stack_size(STACK_SIZE);
match cfg.spawn(move || { std::io::stdio::set_stderr(box w); f() }).join() {
Ok(()) => { /* fallthrough */ }
Err(value) => {
// Task panicked without emitting a fatal diagnostic
if !value.is::<diagnostic::FatalError>() {
let mut emitter = diagnostic::EmitterWriter::stderr(diagnostic::Auto, None);
// a .span_bug or .bug call has already printed what
// it wants to print.
if !value.is::<diagnostic::ExplicitBug>() {
"unexpected panic",
let xs = [
"the compiler unexpectedly panicked. this is a bug.".to_string(),
format!("we would appreciate a bug report: {}",
"run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace".to_string(),
for note in xs.iter() {
emitter.emit(None, note.as_slice(), None, diagnostic::Note)
match r.read_to_string() {
Ok(s) => println!("{}", s),
Err(e) => {
format!("failed to read internal \
stderr: {}",
// Panic so the process returns a failure code, but don't pollute the
// output with some unnecessary panic messages, we've already
// printed everything that we needed to.
io::stdio::set_stderr(box io::util::NullWriter);
pub fn main() {
let args = std::os::args();
let result = run(args);