Marijn Haverbeke a7e1a35f88 Properly typecheck and compile invocations of generic methods.
Aligning the type parameters of the ifaces, impls, and methods
correctly in typeck is almost brain surgery. Seems to work now for
everything I threw at it, but might still break in other corner cases.

Issue #1227
2012-01-04 17:28:51 +01:00

1869 lines
61 KiB

import syntax::{ast, ast_util, codemap};
import syntax::ast::*;
import ast::{ident, fn_ident, def, def_id, node_id};
import syntax::ast_util::{local_def, def_id_of_def, is_exported};
import metadata::{csearch, cstore};
import driver::session::session;
import util::common::*;
import std::map::{new_int_hash, new_str_hash};
import syntax::codemap::span;
import syntax::visit;
import visit::vt;
import core::{vec, option, str};
import std::list;
import std::map::hashmap;
import std::list::{list, nil, cons};
import option::{some, none, is_none, is_some};
import syntax::print::pprust::*;
export resolve_crate;
export def_map, ext_map, exp_map, impl_map;
export _impl, iscopes, method_info;
// Resolving happens in two passes. The first pass collects defids of all
// (internal) imports and modules, so that they can be looked up when needed,
// and then uses this information to resolve the imports. The second pass
// locates all names (in expressions, types, and alt patterns) and resolves
// them, storing the resulting def in the AST nodes.
tag scope {
scope_bare_fn(ast::fn_decl, node_id, [ast::ty_param]);
scope_fn_expr(ast::fn_decl, node_id, [ast::ty_param]);
scope_loop(@ast::local); // there's only 1 decl per loop.
scope_block(ast::blk, @mutable uint, @mutable uint);
scope_method(ast::node_id, [ast::ty_param]);
type scopes = list<scope>;
tag import_state {
todo(ast::node_id, ast::ident, @[ast::ident], codemap::span, scopes);
is_glob(@[ast::ident], scopes, codemap::span);
resolved(option::t<def>, /* value */
option::t<def>, /* type */
option::t<def>, /* module */
@[@_impl], /* impls */
/* used for reporting unused import warning */
ast::ident, codemap::span);
tag glob_import_state {
glob_resolved(option::t<def>, /* value */
option::t<def>, /* type */
option::t<def>); /* module */
type ext_hash = hashmap<{did: def_id, ident: str, ns: namespace}, def>;
fn new_ext_hash() -> ext_hash {
type key = {did: def_id, ident: str, ns: namespace};
fn hash(v: key) -> uint {
ret str::hash(v.ident) + util::common::hash_def(v.did) +
alt v.ns {
ns_value. { 1u }
ns_type. { 2u }
ns_module. { 3u }
fn eq(v1: key, v2: key) -> bool {
ret util::common::def_eq(v1.did, v2.did) &&
str::eq(v1.ident, v2.ident) && v1.ns == v2.ns;
ret std::map::mk_hashmap::<key, def>(hash, eq);
fn new_exp_hash() -> exp_map {
type key = {path: str, ns: namespace};
fn hash(v: key) -> uint {
ret str::hash(v.path) +
alt v.ns {
ns_value. { 1u }
ns_type. { 2u }
ns_module. { 3u }
fn eq(v1: key, v2: key) -> bool {
ret str::eq(v1.path, v2.path) && v1.ns == v2.ns;
ret std::map::mk_hashmap::<key, def>(hash, eq);
tag mod_index_entry {
mie_import_ident(node_id, codemap::span);
mie_tag_variant(/* tag item */@ast::item, /* variant index */uint);
type mod_index = hashmap<ident, list<mod_index_entry>>;
// A tuple of an imported def and the import stmt that brung it
type glob_imp_def = {def: def, item: @ast::view_item};
type indexed_mod = {
m: option::t<ast::_mod>,
index: mod_index,
mutable glob_imports: [glob_imp_def],
glob_imported_names: hashmap<str, glob_import_state>,
path: str
/* native modules can't contain tags, and we don't store their ASTs because we
only need to look at them to determine exports, which they can't control.*/
type def_map = hashmap<node_id, def>;
type ext_map = hashmap<def_id, [ident]>;
type exp_map = hashmap<{path: str, ns: namespace}, def>;
type impl_map = hashmap<node_id, iscopes>;
type impl_cache = hashmap<def_id, @[@_impl]>;
type env =
{cstore: cstore::cstore,
def_map: def_map,
ast_map: ast_map::map,
imports: hashmap<ast::node_id, import_state>,
exp_map: exp_map,
mod_map: hashmap<ast::node_id, @indexed_mod>,
block_map: hashmap<ast::node_id, [glob_imp_def]>,
ext_map: ext_map,
impl_map: impl_map,
impl_cache: impl_cache,
ext_cache: ext_hash,
used_imports: {mutable track: bool,
mutable data: [ast::node_id]},
mutable reported: [{ident: str, sc: scope}],
mutable ignored_imports: [node_id],
sess: session};
// Used to distinguish between lookups from outside and from inside modules,
// since export restrictions should only be applied for the former.
tag dir { inside; outside; }
tag namespace { ns_value; ns_type; ns_module; }
fn resolve_crate(sess: session, amap: ast_map::map, crate: @ast::crate) ->
{def_map: def_map, exp_map: exp_map, impl_map: impl_map} {
let e =
@{cstore: sess.get_cstore(),
def_map: new_int_hash(),
ast_map: amap,
imports: new_int_hash(),
exp_map: new_exp_hash(),
mod_map: new_int_hash(),
block_map: new_int_hash(),
ext_map: new_def_hash(),
impl_map: new_int_hash(),
impl_cache: new_def_hash(),
ext_cache: new_ext_hash(),
used_imports: {mutable track: false, mutable data: []},
mutable reported: [],
mutable ignored_imports: [],
sess: sess};
map_crate(e, crate);
check_for_collisions(e, *crate);
resolve_names(e, crate);
resolve_impls(e, crate);
if sess.get_opts().warn_unused_imports {
ret {def_map: e.def_map, exp_map: e.exp_map, impl_map: e.impl_map};
// Locate all modules and imports and index them, so that the next passes can
// resolve through them.
fn map_crate(e: @env, c: @ast::crate) {
// First, find all the modules, and index the names that they contain
let v_map_mod =
@{visit_view_item: bind index_vi(e, _, _, _),
visit_item: bind index_i(e, _, _, _),
visit_block: visit_block_with_scope
with *visit::default_visitor::<scopes>()};
visit::visit_crate(*c, cons(scope_crate, @nil), visit::mk_vt(v_map_mod));
// Register the top-level mod
@{m: some(c.node.module),
index: index_mod(c.node.module),
mutable glob_imports: [],
glob_imported_names: new_str_hash(),
path: ""});
fn index_vi(e: @env, i: @ast::view_item, sc: scopes, _v: vt<scopes>) {
alt i.node {
ast::view_item_import(name, ids, id) {
e.imports.insert(id, todo(id, name, ids, i.span, sc));
ast::view_item_import_from(mod_path, idents, id) {
for ident in idents {
@(*mod_path + []),
ident.span, sc));
ast::view_item_import_glob(pth, id) {
e.imports.insert(id, is_glob(pth, sc, i.span));
_ { }
fn path_from_scope(sc: scopes, n: str) -> str {
let path = n + "::";
list::iter(sc) {|s|
alt s {
scope_item(i) { path = i.ident + "::" + path; }
_ {}
fn index_i(e: @env, i: @ast::item, sc: scopes, v: vt<scopes>) {
visit_item_with_scope(i, sc, v);
alt i.node {
ast::item_mod(md) {
@{m: some(md),
index: index_mod(md),
mutable glob_imports: [],
glob_imported_names: new_str_hash(),
path: path_from_scope(sc, i.ident)});
ast::item_native_mod(nmd) {
@{m: none::<ast::_mod>,
index: index_nmod(nmd),
mutable glob_imports: [],
glob_imported_names: new_str_hash(),
path: path_from_scope(sc, i.ident)});
_ { }
// Next, assemble the links for globbed imports.
let v_link_glob =
@{visit_view_item: bind link_glob(e, _, _, _),
visit_block: visit_block_with_scope,
visit_item: visit_item_with_scope
with *visit::default_visitor::<scopes>()};
visit::visit_crate(*c, cons(scope_crate, @nil),
fn link_glob(e: @env, vi: @ast::view_item, sc: scopes, _v: vt<scopes>) {
alt vi.node {
//if it really is a glob import, that is
ast::view_item_import_glob(path, _) {
let imp = follow_import(*e, sc, *path, vi.span);
if option::is_some(imp) {
let glob = {def: option::get(imp), item: vi};
check list::is_not_empty(sc);
alt list::head(sc) {
scope_item(i) {
e.mod_map.get( += [glob];
scope_block(b, _, _) {
let globs = alt e.block_map.find( {
some(globs) { globs + [glob] } none. { [glob] }
e.block_map.insert(, globs);
scope_crate. {
e.mod_map.get(ast::crate_node_id).glob_imports += [glob];
_ { }
fn resolve_imports(e: env) {
e.used_imports.track = true;
e.imports.values {|v|
alt v {
todo(node_id, name, path, span, scopes) {
resolve_import(e, local_def(node_id), name, *path, span, scopes);
resolved(_, _, _, _, _, _) | is_glob(_, _, _) { }
e.used_imports.track = false;
fn check_unused_imports(e: @env) {
e.imports.items {|k, v|
alt v {
resolved(_, _, _, _, name, sp) {
if !vec::member(k, {
e.sess.span_warn(sp, "unused import " + name);
_ { }
fn resolve_capture_item(e: @env, sc: scopes, &&cap_item: @ast::capture_item) {
let dcur = lookup_in_scope_strict(
*e, sc, cap_item.span,, ns_value);
maybe_insert(e,, dcur);
fn maybe_insert(e: @env, id: node_id, def: option::t<def>) {
if option::is_some(def) { e.def_map.insert(id, option::get(def)); }
fn resolve_names(e: @env, c: @ast::crate) {
e.used_imports.track = true;
let v =
@{visit_native_item: visit_native_item_with_scope,
visit_item: visit_item_with_scope,
visit_block: visit_block_with_scope,
visit_decl: visit_decl_with_scope,
visit_arm: visit_arm_with_scope,
visit_pat: bind walk_pat(e, _, _, _),
visit_expr: bind walk_expr(e, _, _, _),
visit_ty: bind walk_ty(e, _, _, _),
visit_constr: bind walk_constr(e, _, _, _, _, _),
visit_fn: bind visit_fn_with_scope(e, _, _, _, _, _, _, _)
with *visit::default_visitor()};
visit::visit_crate(*c, cons(scope_crate, @nil), visit::mk_vt(v));
e.used_imports.track = false;
fn walk_expr(e: @env, exp: @ast::expr, sc: scopes, v: vt<scopes>) {
visit_expr_with_scope(exp, sc, v);
alt exp.node {
ast::expr_path(p) {
lookup_path_strict(*e, sc, exp.span, p.node,
ast::expr_fn(_, _, _, cap_clause) {
let rci = bind resolve_capture_item(e, sc, _);
vec::iter(cap_clause.copies, rci);
vec::iter(cap_clause.moves, rci);
_ { }
fn walk_ty(e: @env, t: @ast::ty, sc: scopes, v: vt<scopes>) {
visit::visit_ty(t, sc, v);
alt t.node {
ast::ty_path(p, id) {
maybe_insert(e, id,
lookup_path_strict(*e, sc, t.span, p.node, ns_type));
_ { }
fn walk_constr(e: @env, p: @ast::path, sp: span, id: node_id, sc: scopes,
_v: vt<scopes>) {
maybe_insert(e, id, lookup_path_strict(*e, sc, sp, p.node, ns_value));
fn walk_pat(e: @env, pat: @ast::pat, sc: scopes, v: vt<scopes>) {
visit::visit_pat(pat, sc, v);
alt pat.node {
ast::pat_tag(p, _) {
let fnd = lookup_path_strict(*e, sc, p.span, p.node, ns_value);
alt option::get(fnd) {
ast::def_variant(did, vid) {
e.def_map.insert(, option::get(fnd));
_ {
"not a tag variant: " +
_ { }
// Visit helper functions
fn visit_item_with_scope(i: @ast::item, sc: scopes, v: vt<scopes>) {
let sc = cons(scope_item(i), @sc);
alt i.node {
ast::item_impl(tps, ifce, sty, methods) {
visit::visit_ty_params(tps, sc, v);
alt ifce { some(ty) { v.visit_ty(ty, sc, v); } _ {} }
v.visit_ty(sty, sc, v);
for m in methods {
let msc = cons(scope_method(, tps + m.tps), @sc);
v.visit_fn(visit::fk_method(m.ident, []),
m.decl, m.body, m.span,, msc, v);
ast::item_iface(tps, methods) {
visit::visit_ty_params(tps, sc, v);
for m in methods {
let msc = cons(scope_method(, tps + m.tps), @sc);
for a in m.decl.inputs { v.visit_ty(a.ty, msc, v); }
v.visit_ty(m.decl.output, msc, v);
_ { visit::visit_item(i, sc, v); }
fn visit_native_item_with_scope(ni: @ast::native_item, sc: scopes,
v: vt<scopes>) {
visit::visit_native_item(ni, cons(scope_native_item(ni), @sc), v);
fn visit_fn_with_scope(e: @env, fk: visit::fn_kind, decl: ast::fn_decl,
body: ast::blk, sp: span,
id: node_id, sc: scopes, v: vt<scopes>) {
// is this a main fn declaration?
alt fk {
visit::fk_item_fn(nm, _) {
if is_main_name([nm]) && !e.sess.building_library() {
// This is a main function -- set it in the session
// as the main ID
_ { /* fallthrough */ }
// here's where we need to set up the mapping
// for f's constrs in the table.
for c: @ast::constr in decl.constraints { resolve_constr(e, c, sc, v); }
let scope = alt fk {
visit::fk_item_fn(_, tps) | visit::fk_res(_, tps) |
visit::fk_method(_, tps) {
scope_bare_fn(decl, id, tps)
visit::fk_anon(_) | visit::fk_fn_block. {
scope_fn_expr(decl, id, [])
visit::visit_fn(fk, decl, body, sp, id, cons(scope, @sc), v);
fn visit_block_with_scope(b: ast::blk, sc: scopes, v: vt<scopes>) {
let pos = @mutable 0u, loc = @mutable 0u;
let block_sc = cons(scope_block(b, pos, loc), @sc);
for vi in b.node.view_items { v.visit_view_item(vi, block_sc, v); }
for stmt in b.node.stmts {
v.visit_stmt(stmt, block_sc, v);;
*pos += 1u;;
*loc = 0u;
visit::visit_expr_opt(b.node.expr, block_sc, v);
fn visit_decl_with_scope(d: @decl, sc: scopes, v: vt<scopes>) {
check list::is_not_empty(sc);
let loc_pos = alt list::head(sc) {
scope_block(_, _, pos) { pos }
_ { @mutable 0u }
alt d.node {
decl_local(locs) {
for (_, loc) in locs { v.visit_local(loc, sc, v);; *loc_pos += 1u; }
decl_item(it) { v.visit_item(it, sc, v); }
fn visit_arm_with_scope(a: ast::arm, sc: scopes, v: vt<scopes>) {
for p: @pat in a.pats { v.visit_pat(p, sc, v); }
let sc_inner = cons(scope_arm(a), @sc);
visit::visit_expr_opt(a.guard, sc_inner, v);
v.visit_block(a.body, sc_inner, v);
fn visit_expr_with_scope(x: @ast::expr, sc: scopes, v: vt<scopes>) {
alt x.node {
ast::expr_for(decl, coll, blk) {
let new_sc = cons(scope_loop(decl), @sc);
v.visit_expr(coll, sc, v);
v.visit_local(decl, new_sc, v);
v.visit_block(blk, new_sc, v);
ast::expr_anon_obj(_) {
visit::visit_expr(x, cons(scope_method(, []), @sc), v);
_ { visit::visit_expr(x, sc, v); }
fn follow_import(e: env, sc: scopes, path: [ident], sp: span) ->
option::t<def> {
let path_len = vec::len(path);
let dcur = lookup_in_scope_strict(e, sc, sp, path[0], ns_module);
let i = 1u;
while true && option::is_some(dcur) {
if i == path_len { break; }
dcur =
lookup_in_mod_strict(e, option::get(dcur), sp, path[i],
ns_module, outside);
i += 1u;
if i == path_len {
alt option::get(dcur) {
ast::def_mod(_) | ast::def_native_mod(_) { ret dcur; }
_ {
e.sess.span_err(sp, str::connect(path, "::") +
" does not name a module.");
ret none;
} else { ret none; }
fn resolve_constr(e: @env, c: @ast::constr, sc: scopes, _v: vt<scopes>) {
let new_def =
lookup_path_strict(*e, sc, c.span, c.node.path.node, ns_value);
if option::is_some(new_def) {
alt option::get(new_def) {
ast::def_fn(pred_id, ast::pure_fn.) {
e.def_map.insert(, ast::def_fn(pred_id, ast::pure_fn));
_ {
"Non-predicate in constraint: " +
// Import resolution
fn resolve_import(e: env, defid: ast::def_id, name: ast::ident,
ids: [ast::ident], sp: codemap::span, sc: scopes) {
fn register(e: env, id: node_id, cx: ctxt, sp: codemap::span,
name: ast::ident, lookup: block(namespace) -> option::t<def>,
impls: [@_impl]) {
let val = lookup(ns_value), typ = lookup(ns_type),
md = lookup(ns_module);
if is_none(val) && is_none(typ) && is_none(md) &&
vec::len(impls) == 0u {
unresolved_err(e, cx, sp, name, "import");
} else {
e.imports.insert(id, resolved(val, typ, md, @impls, name, sp));
// Temporarily disable this import and the imports coming after during
// resolution of this import.
fn find_imports_after(e: env, id: node_id, sc: scopes) -> [node_id] {
fn lst(my_id: node_id, vis: [@view_item]) -> [node_id] {
let imports = [], found = false;
for vi in vis {
alt vi.node {
view_item_import(_, _, id) | view_item_import_glob(_, id) {
if id == my_id { found = true; }
if found { imports += [id]; }
view_item_import_from(_, ids, _) {
for id in ids {
if == my_id { found = true; }
if found { imports += []; }
_ {}
alt sc {
cons(scope_item(@{node: item_mod(m), _}), _) {
lst(id, m.view_items)
cons(scope_item(@{node: item_native_mod(m), _}), _) {
lst(id, m.view_items)
cons(scope_block(b, _, _), _) {
lst(id, b.node.view_items)
cons(scope_crate., _) {
// This function has cleanup code at the end. Do not return without going
// through that.
e.imports.insert(defid.node, resolving(sp));
let ignored = find_imports_after(e, defid.node, sc);
e.ignored_imports <-> ignored;
let n_idents = vec::len(ids);
let end_id = ids[n_idents - 1u];
if n_idents == 1u {
register(e, defid.node, in_scope(sc), sp, name,
{|ns| lookup_in_scope(e, sc, sp, end_id, ns) }, []);
} else {
alt lookup_in_scope(e, sc, sp, ids[0], ns_module) {
none. {
unresolved_err(e, in_scope(sc), sp, ids[0], ns_name(ns_module));
some(dcur_) {
let dcur = dcur_, i = 1u;
while true {
if i == n_idents - 1u {
let impls = [];
find_impls_in_mod(e, dcur, impls, some(end_id));
register(e, defid.node, in_mod(dcur), sp, name, {|ns|
lookup_in_mod(e, dcur, sp, end_id, ns, outside)
}, impls);
} else {
dcur = alt lookup_in_mod(e, dcur, sp, ids[i], ns_module,
outside) {
some(dcur) { dcur }
none. {
unresolved_err(e, in_mod(dcur), sp, ids[i],
i += 1u;
e.ignored_imports <-> ignored;
// If we couldn't resolve the import, don't leave it in a partially
// resolved state, to avoid having it reported later as a cyclic
// import
alt e.imports.find(defid.node) {
some(resolving(sp)) {
e.imports.insert(defid.node, resolved(none, none, none, @[], "", sp));
_ { }
// Utilities
fn ns_name(ns: namespace) -> str {
alt ns {
ns_type. { ret "typename"; }
ns_value. { ret "name"; }
ns_module. { ret "modulename"; }
tag ctxt { in_mod(def); in_scope(scopes); }
fn unresolved_err(e: env, cx: ctxt, sp: span, name: ident, kind: str) {
fn find_fn_or_mod_scope(sc: scopes) -> option::t<scope> {
let sc = sc;
while true {
alt sc {
cons(cur, rest) {
alt cur {
scope_crate. | scope_bare_fn(_, _, _) |
scope_fn_expr(_, _, _) |
scope_item(@{node: ast::item_mod(_), _}) {
ret some(cur);
_ { sc = *rest; }
_ { ret none; }
let path = name;
alt cx {
in_scope(sc) {
alt find_fn_or_mod_scope(sc) {
some(err_scope) {
for rs: {ident: str, sc: scope} in e.reported {
if str::eq(rs.ident, name) && err_scope == { ret; }
e.reported += [{ident: name, sc: err_scope}];
_ {}
in_mod(def) {
let did = def_id_of_def(def);
if did.crate == ast::local_crate {
path = e.mod_map.get(did.node).path + path;
} else if did.node != ast::crate_node_id {
let paths = e.ext_map.get(did);
if vec::len(paths) > 0u {
path = str::connect(paths, "::") + "::" + path;
e.sess.span_err(sp, mk_unresolved_msg(path, kind));
fn unresolved_fatal(e: env, sp: span, id: ident, kind: str) -> ! {
e.sess.span_fatal(sp, mk_unresolved_msg(id, kind));
fn mk_unresolved_msg(id: ident, kind: str) -> str {
ret #fmt["unresolved %s: %s", kind, id];
// Lookup helpers
fn lookup_path_strict(e: env, sc: scopes, sp: span, pth: ast::path_,
ns: namespace) -> option::t<def> {
let n_idents = vec::len(pth.idents);
let headns = if n_idents == 1u { ns } else { ns_module };
let first_scope;
if {
first_scope = list::cons(scope_crate, @list::nil);
} else { first_scope = sc; }
let dcur =
lookup_in_scope_strict(e, first_scope, sp, pth.idents[0], headns);
let i = 1u;
while i < n_idents && option::is_some(dcur) {
let curns = if n_idents == i + 1u { ns } else { ns_module };
dcur =
lookup_in_mod_strict(e, option::get(dcur), sp, pth.idents[i],
curns, outside);
i += 1u;
ret dcur;
fn lookup_in_scope_strict(e: env, sc: scopes, sp: span, name: ident,
ns: namespace) -> option::t<def> {
alt lookup_in_scope(e, sc, sp, name, ns) {
none. {
unresolved_err(e, in_scope(sc), sp, name, ns_name(ns));
ret none;
some(d) { ret some(d); }
fn scope_is_fn(sc: scope) -> bool {
ret alt sc {
scope_bare_fn(_, _, _) | scope_native_item(_) { true }
_ { false }
// Returns:
// none - does not close
// some(node_id) - closes via the expr w/ node_id
fn scope_closes(sc: scope) -> option::t<node_id> {
alt sc {
scope_fn_expr(_, node_id, _) { some(node_id) }
_ { none }
fn def_is_local(d: def) -> bool {
ret alt d {
ast::def_arg(_, _) | ast::def_local(_, _) | ast::def_binding(_) |
ast::def_upvar(_, _, _) {
_ { false }
fn def_is_obj_field(d: def) -> bool {
alt d {
ast::def_obj_field(_, _) | ast::def_self(_) { true }
_ { false }
fn def_is_ty_arg(d: def) -> bool {
ret alt d { ast::def_ty_param(_, _) { true } _ { false } };
fn lookup_in_scope(e: env, sc: scopes, sp: span, name: ident, ns: namespace)
-> option::t<def> {
fn in_scope(e: env, sp: span, name: ident, s: scope, ns: namespace) ->
option::t<def> {
alt s {
scope_crate. {
ret lookup_in_local_mod(e, ast::crate_node_id, sp,
name, ns, inside);
scope_item(it) {
alt it.node {
ast::item_obj(ob, ty_params, _) {
ret lookup_in_obj(name, ob, ty_params, ns,;
ast::item_impl(ty_params, _, _, _) {
if ns == ns_type { ret lookup_in_ty_params(name, ty_params); }
ast::item_iface(tps, _) | ast::item_tag(_, tps) |
ast::item_ty(_, tps) {
if ns == ns_type { ret lookup_in_ty_params(name, tps); }
ast::item_mod(_) {
ret lookup_in_local_mod(e,, sp, name, ns, inside);
ast::item_native_mod(m) {
ret lookup_in_local_native_mod(e,, sp, name, ns);
_ { }
scope_method(id, tps) {
if (name == "self" && ns == ns_value) {
ret some(ast::def_self(local_def(id)));
} else if ns == ns_type {
ret lookup_in_ty_params(name, tps);
scope_native_item(it) {
alt it.node {
ast::native_item_fn(decl, ty_params) {
ret lookup_in_fn(name, decl, ty_params, ns);
scope_bare_fn(decl, _, ty_params) |
scope_fn_expr(decl, _, ty_params) {
ret lookup_in_fn(name, decl, ty_params, ns);
scope_loop(local) {
if ns == ns_value {
alt lookup_in_pat(name, local.node.pat) {
some(did) { ret some(ast::def_binding(did)); }
_ { }
scope_block(b, pos, loc) {
ret lookup_in_block(e, name, sp, b.node, *pos, *loc, ns);
scope_arm(a) {
if ns == ns_value {
alt lookup_in_pat(name, a.pats[0]) {
some(did) { ret some(ast::def_binding(did)); }
_ { ret none; }
ret none::<def>;
let left_fn = false;
let closing = [];
// Used to determine whether obj fields are in scope
let left_fn_level2 = false;
let sc = sc;
while true {
alt copy sc {
nil. { ret none::<def>; }
cons(hd, tl) {
let fnd = in_scope(e, sp, name, hd, ns);
if !is_none(fnd) {
let df = option::get(fnd);
let local = def_is_local(df);
if left_fn && local || left_fn_level2 && def_is_obj_field(df)
|| scope_is_fn(hd) && left_fn && def_is_ty_arg(df) {
let msg =
alt ns {
ns_type. {
"Attempt to use a type argument out of scope"
_ { "attempted dynamic environment-capture" }
e.sess.span_fatal(sp, msg);
} else if local {
let i = vec::len(closing);
while i > 0u {
i -= 1u;
df =
ast::def_upvar(def_id_of_def(df), @df,
fnd = some(df);
ret fnd;
if left_fn {
left_fn_level2 = true;
} else if ns == ns_value || ns == ns_type {
left_fn = scope_is_fn(hd);
alt scope_closes(hd) {
some(node_id) { closing += [node_id]; }
_ { }
sc = *tl;
e.sess.bug("reached unreachable code in lookup_in_scope"); // sigh
fn lookup_in_ty_params(name: ident, ty_params: [ast::ty_param]) ->
option::t<def> {
let n = 0u;
for tp: ast::ty_param in ty_params {
if str::eq(tp.ident, name) {
ret some(ast::def_ty_param(local_def(, n));
n += 1u;
ret none::<def>;
fn lookup_in_pat(name: ident, pat: @ast::pat) -> option::t<def_id> {
let found = none;
ast_util::pat_bindings(pat) {|bound|
let p_name = alt bound.node { ast::pat_bind(n, _) { n } };
if str::eq(p_name, name) { found = some(local_def(; }
ret found;
fn lookup_in_fn(name: ident, decl: ast::fn_decl, ty_params: [ast::ty_param],
ns: namespace) -> option::t<def> {
alt ns {
ns_value. {
for a: ast::arg in decl.inputs {
if str::eq(a.ident, name) {
ret some(ast::def_arg(local_def(, a.mode));
ret none::<def>;
ns_type. { ret lookup_in_ty_params(name, ty_params); }
_ { ret none::<def>; }
fn lookup_in_obj(name: ident, ob: ast::_obj, ty_params: [ast::ty_param],
ns: namespace, id: node_id) -> option::t<def> {
alt ns {
ns_value. {
if name == "self" { ret some(ast::def_self(local_def(id))); }
for f: ast::obj_field in ob.fields {
if str::eq(f.ident, name) {
ret some(ast::def_obj_field(local_def(, f.mut));
ret none::<def>;
ns_type. { ret lookup_in_ty_params(name, ty_params); }
_ { ret none::<def>; }
fn lookup_in_block(e: env, name: ident, sp: span, b: ast::blk_, pos: uint,
loc_pos: uint, ns: namespace) -> option::t<def> {
let i = vec::len(b.stmts);
while i > 0u {
i -= 1u;
let st = b.stmts[i];
alt st.node {
ast::stmt_decl(d, _) {
alt d.node {
ast::decl_local(locs) {
if i <= pos {
let j = vec::len(locs);
while j > 0u {
j -= 1u;
let (style, loc) = locs[j];
if ns == ns_value && (i < pos || j < loc_pos) {
alt lookup_in_pat(name, loc.node.pat) {
some(did) {
ret some(ast::def_local(did, style));
_ { }
ast::decl_item(it) {
alt it.node {
ast::item_tag(variants, _) {
if ns == ns_type {
if str::eq(it.ident, name) {
ret some(ast::def_ty(local_def(;
} else if ns == ns_value {
for v: ast::variant in variants {
if str::eq(, name) {
let i =;
ret some(ast::def_variant(local_def(,
_ {
if str::eq(it.ident, name) {
let found = found_def_item(it, ns);
if !is_none(found) { ret found; }
_ { }
for vi in b.view_items {
alt vi.node {
ast::view_item_import(ident, _, id) {
if name == ident { ret lookup_import(e, local_def(id), ns); }
ast::view_item_import_from(mod_path, idents, id) {
for ident in idents {
if name == {
ret lookup_import(e, local_def(, ns);
ast::view_item_import_glob(_, _) {
alt e.block_map.find( {
some(globs) {
let found = lookup_in_globs(e, globs, sp, name, ns, inside);
if found != none { ret found; }
_ {}
ret none;
fn found_def_item(i: @ast::item, ns: namespace) -> option::t<def> {
alt i.node {
ast::item_const(_, _) {
if ns == ns_value { ret some(ast::def_const(local_def(; }
ast::item_fn(decl, _, _) {
if ns == ns_value {
ret some(ast::def_fn(local_def(, decl.purity));
ast::item_mod(_) {
if ns == ns_module { ret some(ast::def_mod(local_def(; }
ast::item_native_mod(_) {
if ns == ns_module { ret some(ast::def_native_mod(local_def(; }
ast::item_ty(_, _) | item_iface(_, _) | item_tag(_, _) {
if ns == ns_type { ret some(ast::def_ty(local_def(; }
ast::item_res(_, _, _, _, ctor_id) {
alt ns {
ns_value. {
ret some(ast::def_fn(local_def(ctor_id), ast::impure_fn));
ns_type. { ret some(ast::def_ty(local_def(; }
_ { }
ast::item_obj(_, _, ctor_id) {
alt ns {
ns_value. {
ret some(ast::def_fn(local_def(ctor_id), ast::impure_fn));
ns_type. { ret some(ast::def_ty(local_def(; }
_ { }
_ { }
ret none;
fn lookup_in_mod_strict(e: env, m: def, sp: span, name: ident,
ns: namespace, dr: dir) -> option::t<def> {
alt lookup_in_mod(e, m, sp, name, ns, dr) {
none. {
unresolved_err(e, in_mod(m), sp, name, ns_name(ns));
ret none;
some(d) { ret some(d); }
fn lookup_in_mod(e: env, m: def, sp: span, name: ident, ns: namespace,
dr: dir) -> option::t<def> {
let defid = def_id_of_def(m);
if defid.crate != ast::local_crate {
// examining a module in an external crate
let cached = e.ext_cache.find({did: defid, ident: name, ns: ns});
if !is_none(cached) { ret cached; }
let path = [name];
if defid.node != ast::crate_node_id {
path = e.ext_map.get(defid) + path;
let fnd = lookup_external(e, defid.crate, path, ns);
if !is_none(fnd) {
e.ext_cache.insert({did: defid, ident: name, ns: ns},
ret fnd;
alt m {
ast::def_mod(defid) {
ret lookup_in_local_mod(e, defid.node, sp, name, ns, dr);
ast::def_native_mod(defid) {
ret lookup_in_local_native_mod(e, defid.node, sp, name, ns);
fn found_view_item(e: env, vi: @ast::view_item) -> option::t<def> {
alt vi.node {
ast::view_item_use(_, _, id) {
let cnum = cstore::get_use_stmt_cnum(e.cstore, id);
ret some(ast::def_mod({crate: cnum, node: ast::crate_node_id}));
fn lookup_import(e: env, defid: def_id, ns: namespace) -> option::t<def> {
// Imports are simply ignored when resolving themselves.
if vec::member(defid.node, e.ignored_imports) { ret none; }
alt e.imports.get(defid.node) {
todo(node_id, name, path, span, scopes) {
resolve_import(e, local_def(node_id), name, *path, span, scopes);
ret lookup_import(e, defid, ns);
resolving(sp) {
e.sess.span_err(sp, "cyclic import");
ret none;
resolved(val, typ, md, _, _, _) {
if e.used_imports.track { += [defid.node];
ret alt ns { ns_value. { val } ns_type. { typ }
ns_module. { md } };
fn lookup_in_local_native_mod(e: env, node_id: node_id, sp: span, id: ident,
ns: namespace) -> option::t<def> {
ret lookup_in_local_mod(e, node_id, sp, id, ns, inside);
fn lookup_in_local_mod(e: env, node_id: node_id, sp: span, id: ident,
ns: namespace, dr: dir) -> option::t<def> {
let info = e.mod_map.get(node_id);
if dr == outside && !is_exported(id, option::get(info.m)) {
// if we're in a native mod, then dr==inside, so info.m is some _mod
ret none::<def>; // name is not visible
alt info.index.find(id) {
none. { }
some(lst_) {
let lst = lst_;
while true {
alt lst {
nil. { break; }
cons(hd, tl) {
let found = lookup_in_mie(e, hd, ns);
if !is_none(found) { ret found; }
lst = *tl;
// not local or explicitly imported; try globs:
ret lookup_glob_in_mod(e, info, sp, id, ns, outside);
fn lookup_in_globs(e: env, globs: [glob_imp_def], sp: span, id: ident,
ns: namespace, dr: dir) -> option::t<def> {
fn lookup_in_mod_(e: env, def: glob_imp_def, sp: span, name: ident,
ns: namespace, dr: dir) -> option::t<glob_imp_def> {
alt def.item.node {
ast::view_item_import_glob(_, id) {
if vec::member(id, e.ignored_imports) { ret none; }
alt lookup_in_mod(e, def.def, sp, name, ns, dr) {
some(d) { option::some({def: d, item: def.item}) }
none. { none }
let matches = vec::filter_map(copy globs,
bind lookup_in_mod_(e, _, sp, id, ns, dr));
if vec::len(matches) == 0u {
ret none;
} else if vec::len(matches) == 1u {
ret some(matches[0].def);
} else {
for match: glob_imp_def in matches {
let sp = match.item.span;
e.sess.span_note(sp, #fmt["'%s' is imported here", id]);
e.sess.span_fatal(sp, "'" + id + "' is glob-imported from" +
" multiple different modules.");
fn lookup_glob_in_mod(e: env, info: @indexed_mod, sp: span, id: ident,
wanted_ns: namespace, dr: dir) -> option::t<def> {
// since we don't know what names we have in advance,
// absence takes the place of todo()
if !info.glob_imported_names.contains_key(id) {
info.glob_imported_names.insert(id, glob_resolving(sp));
let val = lookup_in_globs(e, info.glob_imports, sp, id, ns_value, dr);
let typ = lookup_in_globs(e, info.glob_imports, sp, id, ns_type, dr);
let md = lookup_in_globs(e, info.glob_imports, sp, id, ns_module, dr);
info.glob_imported_names.insert(id, glob_resolved(val, typ, md));
alt info.glob_imported_names.get(id) {
glob_resolving(sp) { ret none::<def>; }
glob_resolved(val, typ, md) {
ret alt wanted_ns {
ns_value. { val }
ns_type. { typ }
ns_module. { md }
fn lookup_in_mie(e: env, mie: mod_index_entry, ns: namespace) ->
option::t<def> {
alt mie {
mie_view_item(view_item) {
if ns == ns_module { ret found_view_item(e, view_item); }
mie_import_ident(id, _) { ret lookup_import(e, local_def(id), ns); }
mie_item(item) { ret found_def_item(item, ns); }
mie_tag_variant(item, variant_idx) {
alt item.node {
ast::item_tag(variants, _) {
if ns == ns_value {
let vid = variants[variant_idx];
ret some(ast::def_variant(local_def(,
} else { ret none::<def>; }
mie_native_item(native_item) {
alt native_item.node {
ast::native_item_ty. {
if ns == ns_type {
ret some(ast::def_native_ty(local_def(;
ast::native_item_fn(decl, _) {
if ns == ns_value {
ret some(ast::def_native_fn(
ret none::<def>;
// Module indexing
fn add_to_index(index: hashmap<ident, list<mod_index_entry>>, id: ident,
ent: mod_index_entry) {
alt index.find(id) {
none. { index.insert(id, cons(ent, @nil::<mod_index_entry>)); }
some(prev) { index.insert(id, cons(ent, @prev)); }
fn index_mod(md: ast::_mod) -> mod_index {
let index = new_str_hash::<list<mod_index_entry>>();
for it: @ast::view_item in md.view_items {
alt it.node {
ast::view_item_use(ident, _, _) {
add_to_index(index, ident, mie_view_item(it));
ast::view_item_import(ident, _, id) {
add_to_index(index, ident, mie_import_ident(id, it.span));
ast::view_item_import_from(_, idents, _) {
for ident in idents {
mie_import_ident(, ident.span));
//globbed imports have to be resolved lazily.
ast::view_item_import_glob(_, _) | ast::view_item_export(_, _) {}
for it: @ast::item in md.items {
alt it.node {
ast::item_const(_, _) | ast::item_fn(_, _, _) | ast::item_mod(_) |
ast::item_native_mod(_) | ast::item_ty(_, _) |
ast::item_res(_, _, _, _, _) | ast::item_obj(_, _, _) |
ast::item_impl(_, _, _, _) | ast::item_iface(_, _) {
add_to_index(index, it.ident, mie_item(it));
ast::item_tag(variants, _) {
add_to_index(index, it.ident, mie_item(it));
let variant_idx: uint = 0u;
for v: ast::variant in variants {
mie_tag_variant(it, variant_idx));
variant_idx += 1u;
ret index;
fn index_nmod(md: ast::native_mod) -> mod_index {
let index = new_str_hash::<list<mod_index_entry>>();
for it: @ast::view_item in md.view_items {
alt it.node {
ast::view_item_use(ident, _, _) {
add_to_index(index, ident, mie_view_item(it));
ast::view_item_import(ident, _, id) {
add_to_index(index, ident, mie_import_ident(id, it.span));
ast::view_item_import_from(_, idents, _) {
for ident in idents {
mie_import_ident(, ident.span));
ast::view_item_import_glob(_, _) | ast::view_item_export(_, _) { }
for it: @ast::native_item in md.items {
add_to_index(index, it.ident, mie_native_item(it));
ret index;
// External lookups
fn ns_for_def(d: def) -> namespace {
alt d {
ast::def_fn(_, _) | ast::def_obj_field(_, _) | ast::def_self(_) |
ast::def_const(_) | ast::def_arg(_, _) | ast::def_local(_, _) |
ast::def_upvar(_, _, _) | ast::def_variant(_, _) |
ast::def_native_fn(_, _) | ast::def_self(_) { ns_value }
ast::def_mod(_) | ast::def_native_mod(_) { ns_module }
ast::def_ty(_) | ast::def_binding(_) | ast::def_use(_) |
ast::def_native_ty(_) { ns_type }
fn lookup_external(e: env, cnum: int, ids: [ident], ns: namespace) ->
option::t<def> {
for d: def in csearch::lookup_defs(e.sess.get_cstore(), cnum, ids) {
let did = def_id_of_def(d);
alt d {
def_mod(_) | def_native_mod(_) {
// The [native] module name might have renamed when importing,
// find the original name for further lookup of names inside the
// [native] module
if did.crate != ast::local_crate {
let cname = cstore::get_crate_data(e.cstore, did.crate).name;
let name =
csearch::get_item_name(e.cstore, did.crate, did.node);
#debug("lookup_external: %s %d, %d, %s, %s", cname,
did.crate, did.node, str::connect(ids, "::"), name);
e.ext_map.insert(did, vec::init(ids) + [name]);
} else {
e.ext_map.insert(did, ids);
_ {
e.ext_map.insert(did, ids);
if ns == ns_for_def(d) { ret some(d); }
ret none::<def>;
// Collision detection
fn check_for_collisions(e: @env, c: ast::crate) {
// Module indices make checking those relatively simple -- just check each
// name for multiple entities in the same namespace.
e.mod_map.values {|val|
val.index.items {|k, v| check_mod_name(*e, k, v); };
// Other scopes have to be checked the hard way.
let v =
@{visit_item: bind check_item(e, _, _, _),
visit_block: bind check_block(e, _, _, _),
visit_arm: bind check_arm(e, _, _, _),
visit_expr: bind check_expr(e, _, _, _),
visit_ty: bind check_ty(e, _, _, _) with *visit::default_visitor()};
visit::visit_crate(c, (), visit::mk_vt(v));
fn check_mod_name(e: env, name: ident, entries: list<mod_index_entry>) {
let saw_mod = false;
let saw_type = false;
let saw_value = false;
let entries = entries;
fn dup(e: env, sp: span, word: str, name: ident) {
e.sess.span_fatal(sp, "duplicate definition of " + word + name);
while true {
alt entries {
cons(entry, rest) {
if !is_none(lookup_in_mie(e, entry, ns_value)) {
if saw_value {
dup(e, mie_span(entry), "", name);
} else { saw_value = true; }
if !is_none(lookup_in_mie(e, entry, ns_type)) {
if saw_type {
dup(e, mie_span(entry), "type ", name);
} else { saw_type = true; }
if !is_none(lookup_in_mie(e, entry, ns_module)) {
if saw_mod {
dup(e, mie_span(entry), "module ", name);
} else { saw_mod = true; }
entries = *rest;
nil. { break; }
fn mie_span(mie: mod_index_entry) -> span {
ret alt mie {
mie_view_item(item) { item.span }
mie_import_ident(_, span) { span }
mie_item(item) { item.span }
mie_tag_variant(item, _) { item.span }
mie_native_item(item) { item.span }
fn check_item(e: @env, i: @ast::item, &&x: (), v: vt<()>) {
fn typaram_names(tps: [ast::ty_param]) -> [ident] {
let x: [ast::ident] = [];
for tp: ast::ty_param in tps { x += [tp.ident]; }
ret x;
visit::visit_item(i, x, v);
alt i.node {
ast::item_fn(decl, ty_params, _) {
check_fn(*e, i.span, decl);
ensure_unique(*e, i.span, typaram_names(ty_params), ident_id,
"type parameter");
ast::item_obj(ob, ty_params, _) {
fn field_name(field: ast::obj_field) -> ident { ret field.ident; }
ensure_unique(*e, i.span, ob.fields, field_name, "object field");
for m: @ast::method in ob.methods {
check_fn(*e, m.span, m.decl);
ensure_unique(*e, i.span, typaram_names(ty_params), ident_id,
"type parameter");
ast::item_tag(_, ty_params) {
ensure_unique(*e, i.span, typaram_names(ty_params), ident_id,
"type parameter");
_ { }
fn check_pat(ch: checker, p: @ast::pat) {
ast_util::pat_bindings(p) {|p|
let ident = alt p.node { pat_bind(n, _) { n } };
add_name(ch, p.span, ident);
fn check_arm(e: @env, a: ast::arm, &&x: (), v: vt<()>) {
visit::visit_arm(a, x, v);
let ch0 = checker(*e, "binding");
check_pat(ch0, a.pats[0]);
let seen0 = ch0.seen;
let i = vec::len(a.pats);
while i > 1u {
i -= 1u;
let ch = checker(*e, "binding");
check_pat(ch, a.pats[i]);
// Ensure the bindings introduced in this pattern are the same as in
// the first pattern.
if vec::len(ch.seen) != vec::len(seen0) {
"inconsistent number of bindings");
} else {
for name: ident in ch.seen {
if is_none(vec::find(seen0, bind str::eq(name, _))) {
// Fight the alias checker
let name_ = name;
"binding " + name_ +
" does not occur in first pattern");
fn check_block(e: @env, b: ast::blk, &&x: (), v: vt<()>) {
visit::visit_block(b, x, v);
let values = checker(*e, "value");
let types = checker(*e, "type");
let mods = checker(*e, "module");
for st: @ast::stmt in b.node.stmts {
alt st.node {
ast::stmt_decl(d, _) {
alt d.node {
ast::decl_local(locs) {
let local_values = checker(*e, "value");
for (_, loc) in locs {
ast_util::pat_bindings(loc.node.pat) {|p|
let ident = alt p.node { pat_bind(n, _) { n } };
add_name(local_values, p.span, ident);
check_name(values, p.span, ident);
ast::decl_item(it) {
alt it.node {
ast::item_tag(variants, _) {
add_name(types, it.span, it.ident);
for v: ast::variant in variants {
add_name(values, v.span,;
ast::item_mod(_) | ast::item_native_mod(_) {
add_name(mods, it.span, it.ident);
ast::item_const(_, _) | ast::item_fn(_, _, _) {
add_name(values, it.span, it.ident);
ast::item_ty(_, _) | ast::item_iface(_, _) {
add_name(types, it.span, it.ident);
ast::item_res(_, _, _, _, _) | ast::item_obj(_, _, _) {
add_name(types, it.span, it.ident);
add_name(values, it.span, it.ident);
_ { }
_ { }
fn check_fn(e: env, sp: span, decl: ast::fn_decl) {
fn arg_name(a: ast::arg) -> ident { ret a.ident; }
ensure_unique(e, sp, decl.inputs, arg_name, "argument");
fn check_expr(e: @env, ex: @ast::expr, &&x: (), v: vt<()>) {
alt ex.node {
ast::expr_rec(fields, _) {
fn field_name(f: ast::field) -> ident { ret f.node.ident; }
ensure_unique(*e, ex.span, fields, field_name, "field");
_ { }
visit::visit_expr(ex, x, v);
fn check_ty(e: @env, ty: @ast::ty, &&x: (), v: vt<()>) {
alt ty.node {
ast::ty_rec(fields) {
fn field_name(f: ast::ty_field) -> ident { ret f.node.ident; }
ensure_unique(*e, ty.span, fields, field_name, "field");
_ { }
visit::visit_ty(ty, x, v);
type checker = @{mutable seen: [ident], kind: str, sess: session};
fn checker(e: env, kind: str) -> checker {
let seen: [ident] = [];
ret @{mutable seen: seen, kind: kind, sess: e.sess};
fn check_name(ch: checker, sp: span, name: ident) {
for s: ident in ch.seen {
if str::eq(s, name) {
ch.sess.span_fatal(sp, "duplicate " + ch.kind + " name: " + name);
fn add_name(ch: checker, sp: span, name: ident) {
check_name(ch, sp, name);
ch.seen += [name];
fn ident_id(&&i: ident) -> ident { ret i; }
fn ensure_unique<T>(e: env, sp: span, elts: [T], id: fn(T) -> ident,
kind: str) {
let ch = checker(e, kind);
for elt: T in elts { add_name(ch, sp, id(elt)); }
fn check_exports(e: @env) {
fn lookup_glob_any(e: @env, info: @indexed_mod, sp: span, path: str,
ident: ident) -> bool {
let lookup =
bind lookup_glob_in_mod(*e, info, sp, ident, _, inside);
let (m, v, t) = (lookup(ns_module),
maybe_add_reexport(e, path + ident, ns_module, m);
maybe_add_reexport(e, path + ident, ns_value, v);
maybe_add_reexport(e, path + ident, ns_type, t);
ret is_some(m) || is_some(v) || is_some(t);
fn maybe_add_reexport(e: @env, path: str, ns: namespace,
def: option::t<def>) {
if option::is_some(def) {
e.exp_map.insert({path: path, ns: ns}, option::get(def));
fn check_export(e: @env, ident: str, val: @indexed_mod, vi: @view_item) {
if val.index.contains_key(ident) {
let xs = val.index.get(ident);
list::iter(xs) {|x|
alt x {
mie_import_ident(id, _) {
alt e.imports.get(id) {
resolved(v, t, m, _, rid, _) {
maybe_add_reexport(e, val.path + rid, ns_value, v);
maybe_add_reexport(e, val.path + rid, ns_type, t);
maybe_add_reexport(e, val.path + rid, ns_module, m);
_ { }
_ { }
} else if lookup_glob_any(e, val, vi.span, val.path, ident) {
// do nothing
} else {
#fmt("exported item %s is not defined", ident));
e.mod_map.values {|val|
alt val.m {
some(m) {
for vi in m.view_items {
alt vi.node {
ast::view_item_export(idents, _) {
for ident in idents {
check_export(e, ident, val, vi);
_ { }
none. { }
// Impl resolution
type method_info = {did: def_id, n_tps: uint, ident: ast::ident};
type _impl = {did: def_id, iface_did: option::t<def_id>,
ident: ast::ident, methods: [@method_info]};
type iscopes = list<@[@_impl]>;
fn resolve_impls(e: @env, c: @ast::crate) {
visit::visit_crate(*c, nil, visit::mk_vt(@{
visit_block: bind visit_block_with_impl_scope(e, _, _, _),
visit_mod: bind visit_mod_with_impl_scope(e, _, _, _, _),
visit_expr: bind resolve_impl_in_expr(e, _, _, _)
with *visit::default_visitor()
fn find_impls_in_view_item(e: env, vi: @ast::view_item,
&impls: [@_impl], sc: iscopes) {
alt vi.node {
ast::view_item_import(name, pt, id) {
let found = [];
if vec::len(*pt) == 1u {
list::iter(sc) {|level|
if vec::len(found) > 0u { ret; }
for imp in *level {
if imp.ident == pt[0] {
found += [@{ident: name with *imp}];
if vec::len(found) > 0u { impls += found; }
} else {
alt e.imports.get(id) {
resolved(_, _, _, is, _, _) {
for i in *is { impls += [@{ident: name with *i}]; }
ast::view_item_import_from(base, names, _) {
for nm in names {
alt e.imports.get( {
resolved(_, _, _, is, _, _) { impls += *is; }
ast::view_item_import_glob(ids, id) {
alt e.imports.get(id) {
is_glob(path, sc, sp) {
alt follow_import(e, sc, *path, sp) {
some(def) { find_impls_in_mod(e, def, impls, none); }
_ {}
_ {}
fn find_impls_in_item(e: env, i: @ast::item, &impls: [@_impl],
name: option::t<ident>,
ck_exports: option::t<ast::_mod>) {
alt i.node {
ast::item_impl(_, ifce, _, mthds) {
if alt name { some(n) { n == i.ident } _ { true } } &&
alt ck_exports { some(m) { is_exported(i.ident, m) } _ { true } } {
impls += [@{did: local_def(,
iface_did: alt ifce {
some(@{node: ast::ty_path(_, id), _}) {
_ { none }
ident: i.ident,
methods: vec::map(mthds, {|m|
@{did: local_def(,
n_tps: vec::len(m.tps),
ident: m.ident}
_ {}
fn find_impls_in_mod(e: env, m: def, &impls: [@_impl],
name: option::t<ident>) {
alt m {
ast::def_mod(defid) {
let cached;
alt e.impl_cache.find(defid) {
some(v) { cached = v; }
none. {
cached = if defid.crate == ast::local_crate {
let tmp = [];
for i in option::get(e.mod_map.get(defid.node).m).items {
find_impls_in_item(e, i, tmp, name, none);
} else {
@csearch::get_impls_for_mod(e.cstore, defid, name)
e.impl_cache.insert(defid, cached);
for im in *cached {
if alt name { some(n) { n == im.ident } _ { true } } {
impls += [im];
_ {}
fn visit_block_with_impl_scope(e: @env, b: ast::blk, sc: iscopes,
v: vt<iscopes>) {
let impls = [];
for vi in b.node.view_items {
find_impls_in_view_item(*e, vi, impls, sc);
for st in b.node.stmts {
alt st.node {
ast::stmt_decl(@{node: ast::decl_item(i), _}, _) {
find_impls_in_item(*e, i, impls, none, none);
_ {}
let sc = vec::len(impls) > 0u ? cons(@impls, @sc) : sc;
visit::visit_block(b, sc, v);
fn visit_mod_with_impl_scope(e: @env, m: ast::_mod, s: span, sc: iscopes,
v: vt<iscopes>) {
let impls = [];
for vi in m.view_items { find_impls_in_view_item(*e, vi, impls, sc); }
for i in m.items { find_impls_in_item(*e, i, impls, none, none); }
visit::visit_mod(m, s, vec::len(impls) > 0u ? cons(@impls, @sc) : sc, v);
fn resolve_impl_in_expr(e: @env, x: @ast::expr, sc: iscopes, v: vt<iscopes>) {
alt x.node {
ast::expr_field(_, _, _) | ast::expr_path(_) {
e.impl_map.insert(, sc);
_ {}
visit::visit_expr(x, sc, v);
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// mode: rust
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