Properly typecheck and compile invocations of generic methods.
Aligning the type parameters of the ifaces, impls, and methods correctly in typeck is almost brain surgery. Seems to work now for everything I threw at it, but might still break in other corner cases. Issue #1227
This commit is contained in:
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ tag scope {
scope_loop(@ast::local); // there's only 1 decl per loop.
scope_block(ast::blk, @mutable uint, @mutable uint);
scope_method(ast::node_id, [ast::ty_param]);
type scopes = list<scope>;
@ -404,9 +404,17 @@ fn visit_item_with_scope(i: @ast::item, sc: scopes, v: vt<scopes>) {
alt ifce { some(ty) { v.visit_ty(ty, sc, v); } _ {} }
v.visit_ty(sty, sc, v);
for m in methods {
v.visit_fn(visit::fk_method(m.ident, tps + m.tps),
m.decl, m.body, m.span,
||||, sc, v);
let msc = cons(scope_method(, tps + m.tps), @sc);
v.visit_fn(visit::fk_method(m.ident, []),
m.decl, m.body, m.span,, msc, v);
ast::item_iface(tps, methods) {
visit::visit_ty_params(tps, sc, v);
for m in methods {
let msc = cons(scope_method(, tps + m.tps), @sc);
for a in m.decl.inputs { v.visit_ty(a.ty, msc, v); }
v.visit_ty(m.decl.output, msc, v);
_ { visit::visit_item(i, sc, v); }
@ -437,8 +445,8 @@ fn visit_fn_with_scope(e: @env, fk: visit::fn_kind, decl: ast::fn_decl,
// for f's constrs in the table.
for c: @ast::constr in decl.constraints { resolve_constr(e, c, sc, v); }
let scope = alt fk {
visit::fk_item_fn(_, tps) | visit::fk_method(_, tps) |
visit::fk_res(_, tps) {
visit::fk_item_fn(_, tps) | visit::fk_res(_, tps) |
visit::fk_method(_, tps) {
scope_bare_fn(decl, id, tps)
visit::fk_anon(_) | visit::fk_fn_block. {
@ -491,7 +499,7 @@ fn visit_expr_with_scope(x: @ast::expr, sc: scopes, v: vt<scopes>) {
v.visit_block(blk, new_sc, v);
ast::expr_anon_obj(_) {
visit::visit_expr(x, cons(scope_self(, @sc), v);
visit::visit_expr(x, cons(scope_method(, []), @sc), v);
_ { visit::visit_expr(x, sc, v); }
@ -801,9 +809,6 @@ fn lookup_in_scope(e: env, sc: scopes, sp: span, name: ident, ns: namespace)
ret lookup_in_obj(name, ob, ty_params, ns,;
ast::item_impl(ty_params, _, _, _) {
if (name == "self" && ns == ns_value) {
ret some(ast::def_self(local_def(;
if ns == ns_type { ret lookup_in_ty_params(name, ty_params); }
ast::item_iface(tps, _) | ast::item_tag(_, tps) |
@ -819,9 +824,11 @@ fn lookup_in_scope(e: env, sc: scopes, sp: span, name: ident, ns: namespace)
_ { }
scope_self(id) {
scope_method(id, tps) {
if (name == "self" && ns == ns_value) {
ret some(ast::def_self(local_def(id)));
} else if ns == ns_type {
ret lookup_in_ty_params(name, tps);
scope_native_item(it) {
@ -37,12 +37,13 @@ fn trans_static_callee(bcx: @block_ctxt, e: @ast::expr, base: @ast::expr,
{env: obj_env(val) with lval_static_fn(bcx, did,}
fn trans_dict_callee(bcx: @block_ctxt, _e: @ast::expr, base: @ast::expr,
fn trans_dict_callee(bcx: @block_ctxt, e: @ast::expr, base: @ast::expr,
iface_id: ast::def_id, n_method: uint,
n_param: uint, n_bound: uint) -> lval_maybe_callee {
let tcx = bcx_tcx(bcx);
let {bcx, val} = trans_self_arg(bcx, base);
let dict = option::get(bcx.fcx.lltyparams[n_param].dicts)[n_bound];
let method = ty::iface_methods(bcx_tcx(bcx), iface_id)[n_method];
let method = ty::iface_methods(tcx, iface_id)[n_method];
let bare_fn_ty = type_of_fn(bcx_ccx(bcx), ast_util::dummy_sp(),
false, method.fty.inputs, method.fty.output,
@ -51,9 +52,26 @@ fn trans_dict_callee(bcx: @block_ctxt, _e: @ast::expr, base: @ast::expr,
let vtable = PointerCast(bcx, Load(bcx, GEPi(bcx, dict, [0, 0])),
T_ptr(T_array(T_ptr(fn_ty), n_method + 1u)));
let mptr = Load(bcx, GEPi(bcx, vtable, [0, n_method as int]));
let generic = none;
if vec::len(*method.tps) > 0u {
let tydescs = [], tis = [];
for t in ty::node_id_to_type_params(tcx, {
// TODO: Doesn't always escape.
let ti = none;
let td = get_tydesc(bcx, t, true, tps_normal, ti).result;
tis += [ti];
tydescs += [td.val];
bcx = td.bcx;
generic = some({item_type: ty::mk_fn(tcx, method.fty),
static_tis: tis,
tydescs: tydescs,
param_bounds: method.tps,
origins: bcx_ccx(bcx).dict_map.find(});
{bcx: bcx, val: mptr, kind: owned,
env: dict_env(dict, val),
generic: none} // FIXME[impl] fetch generic info for method
generic: generic}
fn llfn_arg_tys(ft: TypeRef) -> {inputs: [TypeRef], output: TypeRef} {
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import util::common::*;
import syntax::util::interner;
import util::ppaux::ty_to_str;
import util::ppaux::ty_constr_to_str;
import util::ppaux::mode_str_1;
import util::ppaux::mode_str;
import syntax::print::pprust::*;
export node_id_to_monotype;
@ -1739,7 +1739,7 @@ mod unify {
export ures_ok;
export ures_err;
export var_bindings;
export precise, in_bindings, bind_params;
export precise, in_bindings;
tag result { ures_ok(t); ures_err(type_err); }
tag union_result { unres_ok; unres_err(type_err); }
@ -1753,7 +1753,6 @@ mod unify {
tag unify_style {
bind_params(@mutable [mutable option::t<t>]);
type ctxt = {st: unify_style, tcx: ty_ctxt};
@ -2172,16 +2171,6 @@ mod unify {
ret ures_ok(mk_var(cx.tcx, actual_id));
ty::ty_param(n, _) {
alt {
bind_params(cell) {
while vec::len(*cell) < n + 1u { *cell += [mutable none]; }
cell[n] = some(expected);
ret ures_ok(expected);
_ {}
_ {/* empty */ }
alt struct(cx.tcx, expected) {
@ -2627,8 +2616,8 @@ fn type_err_to_str(err: ty::type_err) -> str {
"' but found one with method '" + a_meth + "'";
terr_mode_mismatch(e_mode, a_mode) {
ret "expected argument mode " + mode_str_1(e_mode) + " but found " +
ret "expected argument mode " + mode_str(e_mode) + " but found " +
terr_constr_len(e_len, a_len) {
ret "Expected a type with " + uint::str(e_len) +
@ -2646,24 +2635,17 @@ fn type_err_to_str(err: ty::type_err) -> str {
// Converts type parameters in a type to type variables and returns the
// resulting type along with a list of type variable IDs.
fn bind_params_in_type(sp: span, cx: ctxt, next_ty_var: fn@() -> int, typ: t,
fn bind_params_in_type(cx: ctxt, next_ty_var: block() -> int, typ: t,
ty_param_count: uint) -> {ids: [int], ty: t} {
let param_var_ids: @mutable [int] = @mutable [];
let i = 0u;
while i < ty_param_count { *param_var_ids += [next_ty_var()]; i += 1u; }
fn binder(sp: span, cx: ctxt, param_var_ids: @mutable [int],
_next_ty_var: fn@() -> int, index: uint, _did: def_id) -> t {
if index < vec::len(*param_var_ids) {
ret mk_var(cx, param_var_ids[index]);
} else {
cx.sess.span_fatal(sp, "Unbound type parameter in callee's type");
let param_var_ids = [], i = 0u;
while i < ty_param_count { param_var_ids += [next_ty_var()]; i += 1u; }
let param_var_ids = @param_var_ids;
fn binder(cx: ctxt, param_var_ids: @[int], index: uint,
_did: def_id) -> t {
ret mk_var(cx, param_var_ids[index]);
let new_typ =
fm_param(bind binder(sp, cx, param_var_ids, next_ty_var, _,
_)), typ);
ret {ids: *param_var_ids, ty: new_typ};
{ids: *param_var_ids,
ty: fold_ty(cx, fm_param(bind binder(cx, param_var_ids, _, _)), typ)}
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import driver::session;
import util::common::*;
import syntax::codemap::span;
import middle::ty;
import middle::ty::{node_id_to_type, arg, bind_params_in_type, block_ty,
import middle::ty::{node_id_to_type, arg, block_ty,
expr_ty, field, node_type_table, mk_nil,
ty_param_substs_opt_and_ty, ty_param_bounds_and_ty};
import util::ppaux::ty_to_str;
@ -28,6 +28,15 @@ tag method_origin {
type method_map = hashmap<ast::node_id, method_origin>;
// Resolutions for bounds of all parameters, left to right, for a given path.
type dict_res = @[dict_origin];
tag dict_origin {
dict_static(ast::def_id, [ty::t], dict_res);
// Param number, bound number
dict_param(uint, uint);
type dict_map = hashmap<ast::node_id, dict_res>;
type ty_table = hashmap<ast::def_id, ty::t>;
// Used for typechecking the methods of an object.
@ -39,6 +48,7 @@ tag self_info {
type crate_ctxt = {mutable self_infos: [self_info],
impl_map: resolve::impl_map,
method_map: method_map,
dict_map: dict_map,
tcx: ty::ctxt};
type fn_ctxt =
@ -128,6 +138,10 @@ fn ty_param_bounds_and_ty_for_def(fcx: @fn_ctxt, sp: span, defn: ast::def) ->
fn bind_params(fcx: @fn_ctxt, tp: ty::t, count: uint)
-> {ids: [int], ty: ty::t} {
ty::bind_params_in_type(fcx.ccx.tcx, {|| next_ty_var_id(fcx)}, tp, count)
// Instantiates the given path, which must refer to an item with the given
// number of type parameters and type.
@ -135,9 +149,7 @@ fn instantiate_path(fcx: @fn_ctxt, pth: @ast::path,
tpt: ty_param_bounds_and_ty, sp: span)
-> ty_param_substs_opt_and_ty {
let ty_param_count = vec::len(*tpt.bounds);
let bind_result =
bind_params_in_type(sp, fcx.ccx.tcx, bind next_ty_var_id(fcx), tpt.ty,
let bind_result = bind_params(fcx, tpt.ty, ty_param_count);
let ty_param_vars = bind_result.ids;
let ty_substs_opt;
let ty_substs_len = vec::len::<@ast::ty>(pth.node.types);
@ -1489,7 +1501,7 @@ fn impl_self_ty(tcx: ty::ctxt, did: ast::def_id) -> {n_tps: uint, ty: ty::t} {
fn lookup_method(fcx: @fn_ctxt, isc: resolve::iscopes,
name: ast::ident, ty: ty::t, sp: span)
-> option::t<{method_ty: ty::t, n_tps: uint, ids: [int],
-> option::t<{method_ty: ty::t, n_tps: uint, substs: [ty::t],
origin: method_origin}> {
let tcx = fcx.ccx.tcx;
@ -1500,7 +1512,7 @@ fn lookup_method(fcx: @fn_ctxt, isc: resolve::iscopes,
for bound in *tcx.ty_param_bounds.get(did.node) {
alt bound {
ty::bound_iface(t) {
let (iid, _tps) = alt ty::struct(tcx, t) {
let (iid, tps) = alt ty::struct(tcx, t) {
ty::ty_iface(i, tps) { (i, tps) }
_ { ret none; }
@ -1510,7 +1522,7 @@ fn lookup_method(fcx: @fn_ctxt, isc: resolve::iscopes,
let m = ifce_methods[pos];
ret some({method_ty: ty::mk_fn(tcx, m.fty),
n_tps: vec::len(*m.tps),
ids: [], // FIXME[impl]
substs: tps,
origin: method_param(iid, pos, n, bound_n)});
_ {}
@ -1544,9 +1556,7 @@ fn lookup_method(fcx: @fn_ctxt, isc: resolve::iscopes,
some(m) {
let {n_tps, ty: self_ty} = impl_self_ty(tcx, did);
let {ids, ty: self_ty} = if n_tps > 0u {
bind_params_in_type(ast_util::dummy_sp(), tcx,
bind next_ty_var_id(fcx), self_ty,
bind_params(fcx, self_ty, n_tps)
} else { {ids: [], ty: self_ty} };
alt unify::unify(fcx, ty, self_ty) {
ures_ok(_) {
@ -1555,10 +1565,12 @@ fn lookup_method(fcx: @fn_ctxt, isc: resolve::iscopes,
sp, "multiple applicable methods in scope");
} else {
result = some({method_ty: ty_from_did(tcx, m.did),
n_tps: m.n_tps,
ids: ids,
origin: method_static(m.did)});
result = some({
method_ty: ty_from_did(tcx, m.did),
n_tps: m.n_tps,
substs: vec::map(ids, {|id| ty::mk_var(tcx, id)}),
origin: method_static(m.did)
_ {}
@ -2258,20 +2270,9 @@ fn check_expr_with_unifier(fcx: @fn_ctxt, expr: @ast::expr, unify: unifier,
if !handled {
let iscope = fcx.ccx.impl_map.get(;
alt lookup_method(fcx, iscope, field, expr_t, expr.span) {
some({method_ty: fty, n_tps: method_n_tps, ids, origin}) {
let tvars = vec::map(ids, {|id| ty::mk_var(tcx, id)});
let n_tps = vec::len(ids);
if method_n_tps + n_tps > 0u {
let b = bind_params_in_type(expr.span, tcx,
bind next_ty_var_id(fcx), fty,
n_tps + method_n_tps);
let _tvars = vec::map(b.ids, {|id| ty::mk_var(tcx, id)});
let i = 0;
for v in tvars {
demand::simple(fcx, expr.span, v, _tvars[i]);
i += 1;
tvars = _tvars;
some({method_ty: fty, n_tps: method_n_tps, substs, origin}) {
let substs = substs, n_tps = vec::len(substs);
if method_n_tps + n_tps > 0u {
if n_tys > 0u {
if n_tys != method_n_tps {
@ -2279,20 +2280,24 @@ fn check_expr_with_unifier(fcx: @fn_ctxt, expr: @ast::expr, unify: unifier,
parameters given for this method");
let i = 0u;
for ty in tys {
let tvar = tvars[i + n_tps];
let t_subst = ast_ty_to_ty_crate(fcx.ccx, ty);
demand::simple(fcx, expr.span, tvar, t_subst);
substs += [ast_ty_to_ty_crate(fcx.ccx, ty)];
} else {
let i = 0u;
while i < method_n_tps {
substs += [ty::mk_var(tcx, next_ty_var_id(fcx))];
i += 1u;
write::ty_fixup(fcx, id, {substs: some(substs), ty: fty});
} else if n_tys > 0u {
"this method does not take type \
} else {
write::ty_only_fixup(fcx, id, fty);
write::ty_fixup(fcx, id, {substs: some(tvars), ty: fty});
fcx.ccx.method_map.insert(id, origin);
none. {
@ -2723,6 +2728,7 @@ fn check_fn(ccx: @crate_ctxt,
// If we have an enclosing function scope, our type variables will be
// resolved when the enclosing scope finishes up.
if option::is_none(old_fcx) {
dict::resolve_in_block(fcx, body);
writeback::resolve_type_vars_in_block(fcx, body);
@ -2731,6 +2737,30 @@ fn check_method(ccx: @crate_ctxt, method: @ast::method) {
check_fn(ccx, ast::proto_bare, method.decl, method.body,, none);
fn compare_impl_method(tcx: ty::ctxt, sp: span, impl_m: ty::method,
impl_tps: uint, if_m: ty::method, substs: [ty::t]) {
if impl_m.tps != if_m.tps {
tcx.sess.span_err(sp, "method `" + if_m.ident +
"` has an incompatible set of type parameters");
} else {
let impl_fty = ty::mk_fn(tcx, impl_m.fty);
// Add dummy substs for the parameters of the impl method
let substs = substs + vec::init_fn({|i|
ty::mk_param(tcx, i + impl_tps, {crate: 0, node: 0})
}, vec::len(*if_m.tps));
let if_fty = ty::substitute_type_params(tcx, substs,
ty::mk_fn(tcx, if_m.fty));
alt ty::unify::unify(impl_fty, if_fty, ty::unify::precise, tcx) {
ty::unify::ures_err(err) {
tcx.sess.span_err(sp, "method `" + if_m.ident +
"` has an incompatible type: " +
_ {}
fn check_item(ccx: @crate_ctxt, it: @ast::item) {
alt it.node {
ast::item_const(_, e) { check_const(ccx, it.span, e,; }
@ -2769,11 +2799,8 @@ fn check_item(ccx: @crate_ctxt, it: @ast::item) {
for if_m in *ty::iface_methods(ccx.tcx, did) {
alt vec::find(my_methods, {|m| if_m.ident == m.ident}) {
some(m) {
if !ty::same_method(ccx.tcx, m, if_m) {
ty.span, "method `" + if_m.ident +
"` has the wrong type");
compare_impl_method(ccx.tcx, ty.span, m,
vec::len(tps), if_m, tys);
none. {
ccx.tcx.sess.span_err(ty.span, "missing method `" +
@ -2879,26 +2906,7 @@ fn check_for_main_fn(tcx: ty::ctxt, crate: @ast::crate) {
// Resolutions for bounds of all parameters, left to right, for a given path.
type dict_res = @[dict_origin];
tag dict_origin {
dict_static(ast::def_id, [ty::t], dict_res);
// Param number, bound number
dict_param(uint, uint);
type dict_map = hashmap<ast::node_id, dict_res>;
// Detect points where an interface-bounded type parameter is instantiated,
// resolve the impls for the parameters.
fn resolve_dicts(tcx: ty::ctxt, impl_map: resolve::impl_map,
method_map: method_map, crate: @ast::crate) -> dict_map {
type ccx = {tcx: ty::ctxt,
impl_map: resolve::impl_map,
method_map: method_map,
dict_map: dict_map};
let cx = {tcx: tcx, impl_map: impl_map,
method_map: method_map, dict_map: new_int_hash()};
mod dict {
fn has_iface_bounds(tps: [ty::param_bounds]) -> bool {
vec::any(tps, {|bs|
vec::any(*bs, {|b|
@ -2906,53 +2914,17 @@ fn resolve_dicts(tcx: ty::ctxt, impl_map: resolve::impl_map,
fn resolve_expr(ex: @ast::expr, cx: ccx, v: visit::vt<ccx>) {
alt ex.node {
ast::expr_path(_) {
let substs = ty::node_id_to_ty_param_substs_opt_and_ty(
alt substs.substs {
some(ts) {
let did = ast_util::def_id_of_def(cx.tcx.def_map.get(;
let item_ty = ty::lookup_item_type(cx.tcx, did);
if has_iface_bounds(*item_ty.bounds) {
let impls = cx.impl_map.get(;
cx.dict_map.insert(, lookup_dicts(
cx.tcx, impls, ex.span, item_ty.bounds, ts));
_ {}
// Must resolve bounds on methods with bounded params
ast::expr_field(_, _, _) {
alt cx.method_map.find( {
some(method_static(did)) {
let bounds = ty::lookup_item_type(cx.tcx, did).bounds;
if has_iface_bounds(*bounds) {
let tys = ty::node_id_to_type_params(cx.tcx,;
let iscs = cx.impl_map.get(;
cx.dict_map.insert(, lookup_dicts(
cx.tcx, iscs, ex.span, bounds, tys));
_ {}
_ {}
visit::visit_expr(ex, cx, v);
fn lookup_dicts(tcx: ty::ctxt, isc: resolve::iscopes, sp: span,
fn lookup_dicts(fcx: @fn_ctxt, isc: resolve::iscopes, sp: span,
bounds: @[ty::param_bounds], tys: [ty::t])
-> dict_res {
let result = [], i = 0u;
let tcx = fcx.ccx.tcx, result = [], i = 0u;
for ty in tys {
for bound in *bounds[i] {
alt bound {
ty::bound_iface(i_ty) {
result += [lookup_dict(tcx, isc, sp, ty, i_ty)];
let i_ty = ty::substitute_type_params(tcx, tys, i_ty);
result += [lookup_dict(fcx, isc, sp, ty, i_ty)];
_ {}
@ -2962,12 +2934,14 @@ fn resolve_dicts(tcx: ty::ctxt, impl_map: resolve::impl_map,
fn lookup_dict(tcx: ty::ctxt, isc: resolve::iscopes, sp: span,
fn lookup_dict(fcx: @fn_ctxt, isc: resolve::iscopes, sp: span,
ty: ty::t, iface_ty: ty::t) -> dict_origin {
let iface_id = alt ty::struct(tcx, iface_ty) {
ty::ty_iface(did, _) { did }
let tcx = fcx.ccx.tcx;
let (iface_id, iface_tps) = alt ty::struct(tcx, iface_ty) {
ty::ty_iface(did, tps) { (did, tps) }
_ { tcx.sess.abort_if_errors(); fail; }
let ty = fixup_ty(fcx, sp, ty);
alt ty::struct(tcx, ty) {
ty::ty_param(n, did) {
let n_bound = 0u;
@ -2991,22 +2965,27 @@ fn resolve_dicts(tcx: ty::ctxt, impl_map: resolve::impl_map,
if option::is_some(found) { ret; }
for im in *impls {
if im.iface_did == some(iface_id) {
let self_ty = impl_self_ty(tcx, im.did).ty;
let {n_tps, ty: self_ty} = impl_self_ty(tcx, im.did);
let {ids, ty: self_ty} = if n_tps > 0u {
bind_params(fcx, self_ty, n_tps)
} else { {ids: [], ty: self_ty} };
let vars = vec::map(ids, {|id| ty::mk_var(tcx, id)});
let im_bs = ty::lookup_item_type(tcx, im.did).bounds;
let params = @mutable [mutable];
alt ty::unify::unify(ty, self_ty,
tcx) {
// FIXME[impl] don't do this in fcx (or make
// unify transactional by scrubbing bindings on fail)
alt unify::unify(fcx, ty, self_ty) {
ures_ok(_) {
if option::is_some(found) {
sp, "multiple applicable implementations \
in scope");
} else {
let params = vec::map_mut(
*params, {|p| option::get(p)});
let subres = lookup_dicts(tcx, isc, sp,
im_bs, params);
connect_iface_tps(fcx, sp, vars, iface_tps,
let params = vec::map(vars, {|t|
fixup_ty(fcx, sp, t)});
let subres = lookup_dicts(fcx, isc, sp, im_bs,
found = some(dict_static(im.did, params,
@ -3029,11 +3008,87 @@ fn resolve_dicts(tcx: ty::ctxt, impl_map: resolve::impl_map,
ty_to_str(tcx, ty));
visit::visit_crate(*crate, cx, visit::mk_vt(@{
visit_expr: resolve_expr
with *visit::default_visitor()
fn fixup_ty(fcx: @fn_ctxt, sp: span, ty: ty::t) -> ty::t {
let tcx = fcx.ccx.tcx;
alt ty::unify::fixup_vars(tcx, some(sp), fcx.var_bindings, ty) {
fix_ok(new_type) { new_type }
fix_err(vid) {
tcx.sess.span_fatal(sp, "could not determine a type for a \
bounded type parameter");
fn connect_iface_tps(fcx: @fn_ctxt, sp: span, impl_tys: [ty::t],
iface_tys: [ty::t], impl_did: ast::def_id) {
let tcx = fcx.ccx.tcx;
// FIXME[impl]
assert impl_did.crate == ast::local_crate;
let ity = alt tcx.items.get(impl_did.node) {
ast_map::node_item(@{node: ast::item_impl(_, some(ity), _, _), _}) {
ast_ty_to_ty(tcx, m_check, ity)
let iface_ty = ty::substitute_type_params(tcx, impl_tys, ity);
alt ty::struct(tcx, iface_ty) {
ty::ty_iface(_, tps) {
vec::iter2(tps, iface_tys,
{|a, b| demand::simple(fcx, sp, a, b);});
fn resolve_expr(ex: @ast::expr, &&fcx: @fn_ctxt, v: visit::vt<@fn_ctxt>) {
let cx = fcx.ccx;
alt ex.node {
ast::expr_path(_) {
let substs = ty::node_id_to_ty_param_substs_opt_and_ty(
alt substs.substs {
some(ts) {
let did = ast_util::def_id_of_def(cx.tcx.def_map.get(;
let item_ty = ty::lookup_item_type(cx.tcx, did);
if has_iface_bounds(*item_ty.bounds) {
let impls = cx.impl_map.get(;
cx.dict_map.insert(, lookup_dicts(
fcx, impls, ex.span, item_ty.bounds, ts));
_ {}
// Must resolve bounds on methods with bounded params
ast::expr_field(_, _, _) {
alt cx.method_map.find( {
some(method_static(did)) {
let bounds = ty::lookup_item_type(cx.tcx, did).bounds;
if has_iface_bounds(*bounds) {
let ts = ty::node_id_to_type_params(cx.tcx,;
let iscs = cx.impl_map.get(;
cx.dict_map.insert(, lookup_dicts(
fcx, iscs, ex.span, bounds, ts));
_ {}
ast::expr_fn(ast::proto_block., _, _, _) {}
ast::expr_fn(_, _, _, _) { ret; }
_ {}
visit::visit_expr(ex, fcx, v);
// Detect points where an interface-bounded type parameter is instantiated,
// resolve the impls for the parameters.
fn resolve_in_block(fcx: @fn_ctxt, bl: ast::blk) {
visit::visit_block(bl, fcx, visit::mk_vt(@{
visit_expr: resolve_expr,
visit_item: fn(_i: @ast::item, &&_e: @fn_ctxt,
_v: visit::vt<@fn_ctxt>) {}
with *visit::default_visitor()
fn check_crate(tcx: ty::ctxt, impl_map: resolve::impl_map,
@ -3043,6 +3098,7 @@ fn check_crate(tcx: ty::ctxt, impl_map: resolve::impl_map,
let ccx = @{mutable self_infos: [],
impl_map: impl_map,
method_map: std::map::new_int_hash(),
dict_map: std::map::new_int_hash(),
tcx: tcx};
let visit =
visit::mk_simple_visitor(@{visit_item: bind check_item(ccx, _),
@ -3050,10 +3106,9 @@ fn check_crate(tcx: ty::ctxt, impl_map: resolve::impl_map,
bind check_native_item(ccx, _)
with *visit::default_simple_visitor()});
visit::visit_crate(*crate, (), visit);
let dict_map = resolve_dicts(tcx, impl_map, ccx.method_map, crate);
check_for_main_fn(tcx, crate);
(ccx.method_map, dict_map)
(ccx.method_map, ccx.dict_map)
// Local Variables:
@ -19,10 +19,6 @@ fn mode_str(m: ty::mode) -> str {
fn mode_str_1(m: ty::mode) -> str {
alt m { ast::by_ref. { "ref" } _ { mode_str(m) } }
fn ty_to_str(cx: ctxt, typ: t) -> str {
fn fn_input_to_str(cx: ctxt, input: {mode: middle::ty::mode, ty: t}) ->
str {
@ -742,6 +742,17 @@ fn iter<T>(v: [const T], f: block(T)) {
iteri(v) { |_i, v| f(v) }
Function: iter2
Iterates over two vectors in parallel
fn iter2<U, T>(v: [U], v2: [T], f: block(U, T)) {
let i = 0;
for elt in v { f(elt, v2[i]); i += 1; }
Function: iteri
Reference in New Issue
Block a user