2012-07-14 17:37:20 -07:00

2397 lines
80 KiB

import syntax::{ast, ast_util, codemap, ast_map};
import syntax::ast::*;
import ast::{ident, fn_ident, def, def_id, node_id};
import ast::{required, provided};
import syntax::ast_util::{local_def, def_id_of_def, new_def_hash,
class_item_ident, path_to_ident};
import pat_util::*;
import syntax::attr;
import metadata::{csearch, cstore};
import driver::session::session;
import util::common::is_main_name;
import std::map::{int_hash, str_hash, box_str_hash, hashmap};
import vec::each;
import syntax::codemap::span;
import syntax::visit;
import visit::vt;
import std::{list};
import std::list::{list, nil, cons};
import option::{is_none, is_some};
import syntax::print::pprust::*;
import dvec::{dvec, extensions};
export resolve_crate;
export def_map, ext_map, exp_map, impl_map;
export _impl, iscopes, method_info;
// Resolving happens in two passes. The first pass collects defids of all
// (internal) imports and modules, so that they can be looked up when needed,
// and then uses this information to resolve the imports. The second pass
// locates all names (in expressions, types, and alt patterns) and resolves
// them, storing the resulting def in the AST nodes.
enum scope {
scope_bare_fn(ast::fn_decl, node_id, ~[ast::ty_param]),
scope_fn_expr(ast::fn_decl, node_id, ~[ast::ty_param]),
scope_loop(@ast::local), // there's only 1 decl per loop.
scope_block(ast::blk, @mut uint, @mut uint),
scope_method(node_id, ~[ast::ty_param]),
type scopes = @list<scope>;
fn top_scope() -> scopes {
@cons(scope_crate, @cons(scope_toplevel, @nil))
enum import_state {
todo(ast::ident, @~[ast::ident], span, scopes),
is_glob(@~[ast::ident], scopes, span),
resolved(option<def>, /* value */
option<def>, /* type */
option<def>, /* module */
@~[@_impl], /* impls */
/* used for reporting unused import warning */
ast::ident, span),
enum glob_import_state {
glob_resolved(option<def>, /* value */
option<def>, /* type */
option<def>), /* module */
type ext_hash = hashmap<{did: def_id, ident: ast::ident, ns: namespace}, def>;
fn new_ext_hash() -> ext_hash {
type key = {did: def_id, ident: ast::ident, ns: namespace};
fn hash(v: key) -> uint {
str::hash(*v.ident) + ast_util::hash_def(v.did) + v.ns as uint
fn eq(v1: key, v2: key) -> bool {
ret ast_util::def_eq(v1.did, v2.did) &&
str::eq(*v1.ident, *v2.ident) && v1.ns == v2.ns;
std::map::hashmap(hash, |a, b| a == b)
enum mod_index_entry {
mie_view_item(ident, node_id, span),
mie_import_ident(node_id, span),
mie_enum_variant(/* variant index */uint,
/*parts of enum item*/ ~[variant],
node_id, span),
type mod_index = hashmap<ident, @list<mod_index_entry>>;
// A tuple of an imported def and the view_path from its originating import
type glob_imp_def = {def: def, path: @ast::view_path};
type indexed_mod = {
m: option<ast::_mod>,
index: mod_index,
glob_imports: dvec<glob_imp_def>,
mut globbed_exports: ~[ident],
glob_imported_names: hashmap<ident, glob_import_state>,
path: ~str
/* foreign modules can't contain enums, and we don't store their ASTs because
we only need to look at them to determine exports, which they can't
type def_map = hashmap<node_id, def>;
type ext_map = hashmap<def_id, ~[ident]>;
type impl_map = hashmap<node_id, iscopes>;
type impl_cache = hashmap<def_id, option<@~[@_impl]>>;
type exp = {reexp: bool, id: def_id};
type exp_map = hashmap<node_id, ~[exp]>;
type env =
{cstore: cstore::cstore,
def_map: def_map,
ast_map: ast_map::map,
imports: hashmap<node_id, import_state>,
exp_map: exp_map,
mod_map: hashmap<node_id, @indexed_mod>,
block_map: hashmap<node_id, ~[glob_imp_def]>,
ext_map: ext_map,
impl_map: impl_map,
impl_cache: impl_cache,
ext_cache: ext_hash,
used_imports: {mut track: bool,
mut data: ~[node_id]},
reported: dvec<{ident: ast::ident, sc: scope}>,
mut ignored_imports: ~[node_id],
mut current_tp: option<uint>,
mut resolve_unexported: bool,
sess: session};
// Used to distinguish between lookups from outside and from inside modules,
// since export restrictions should only be applied for the former.
enum dir { inside, outside, }
enum namespace { ns_val, ns_type, ns_module, }
fn resolve_crate(sess: session, amap: ast_map::map, crate: @ast::crate) ->
{def_map: def_map, exp_map: exp_map, impl_map: impl_map} {
let e = create_env(sess, amap);
map_crate(e, crate);
resolve_names(e, crate);
resolve_impls(e, crate);
// check_for_collisions must happen after resolve_names so we
// don't complain if a pattern uses the same nullary enum twice
check_for_collisions(e, *crate);
// FIXME: move this to the lint pass when rewriting resolve. (#1634)
for sess.opts.lint_opts.each |pair| {
let (lint,level) = pair;
if lint == lint::unused_imports && level != lint::ignore {
check_unused_imports(e, level);
ret {def_map: e.def_map, exp_map: e.exp_map, impl_map: e.impl_map};
fn create_env(sess: session, amap: ast_map::map) -> @env {
@{cstore: sess.cstore,
def_map: int_hash(),
ast_map: amap,
imports: int_hash(),
exp_map: int_hash(),
mod_map: int_hash(),
block_map: int_hash(),
ext_map: new_def_hash(),
impl_map: int_hash(),
impl_cache: new_def_hash(),
ext_cache: new_ext_hash(),
used_imports: {mut track: false, mut data: ~[]},
reported: dvec(),
mut ignored_imports: ~[],
mut current_tp: none,
mut resolve_unexported: false,
sess: sess}
fn iter_export_paths(vi: ast::view_item, f: fn(vp: @ast::view_path)) {
alt vi.node {
ast::view_item_export(vps) {
for vps.each |vp| {
_ {}
fn iter_import_paths(vi: ast::view_item, f: fn(vp: @ast::view_path)) {
alt vi.node {
ast::view_item_import(vps) {
for vps.each |vp| { f(vp);}
_ {}
fn iter_effective_import_paths(vi: ast::view_item,
f: fn(vp: @ast::view_path)) {
iter_import_paths(vi, f);
do iter_export_paths(vi) |vp| {
alt vp.node {
ast::view_path_simple(_, _, _) { }
// FIXME (but also see #1893): support uniform ident-list exports
// eventually; at the moment they have half a meaning as reaching
// into tags.
ast::view_path_list(_, _, _) {}
ast::view_path_glob(_,_) {
// Locate all modules and imports and index them, so that the next passes can
// resolve through them.
fn map_crate(e: @env, c: @ast::crate) {
fn index_vi(e: @env, i: @ast::view_item, &&sc: scopes, _v: vt<scopes>) {
do iter_effective_import_paths(*i) |vp| {
alt vp.node {
ast::view_path_simple(name, path, id) {
e.imports.insert(id, todo(name, @path.idents, vp.span,
ast::view_path_glob(path, id) {
e.imports.insert(id, is_glob(@path.idents, sc, vp.span));
ast::view_path_list(mod_path, idents, _) {
for idents.each |ident| {
let t = todo(,
ident.span, sc);
e.imports.insert(, t);
fn path_from_scope(sc: scopes, n: ~str) -> ~str {
let mut path = n + ~"::";
do list::iter(sc) |s| {
alt s {
scope_item(i) { path = *i.ident + ~"::" + path; }
_ {}
fn index_i(e: @env, i: @ast::item, &&sc: scopes, v: vt<scopes>) {
visit_item_with_scope(e, i, sc, v);
alt i.node {
ast::item_mod(md) {
@{m: some(md),
index: index_mod(md),
glob_imports: dvec(),
mut globbed_exports: ~[],
glob_imported_names: box_str_hash(),
path: path_from_scope(sc, *i.ident)});
ast::item_foreign_mod(nmd) {
@{m: none::<ast::_mod>,
index: index_nmod(nmd),
glob_imports: dvec(),
mut globbed_exports: ~[],
glob_imported_names: box_str_hash(),
path: path_from_scope(sc, *i.ident)});
_ { }
// Note: a glob export works as an implicit import, along with a
// re-export of anything that was exported at the glob-target location.
// So we wind up reusing the glob-import machinery when looking at
// glob exports. They just do re-exporting in a later step.
fn link_glob(e: @env, vi: @ast::view_item, &&sc: scopes, _v: vt<scopes>) {
do iter_effective_import_paths(*vi) |vp| {
alt vp.node {
ast::view_path_glob(path, _) {
alt follow_import(*e, sc, path.idents, vp.span) {
some(imp) {
let glob = {def: imp, path: vp};
alt list::head(sc) {
scope_item(i) {
scope_block(b, _, _) {
let globs = alt e.block_map.find( {
some(globs) { vec::append_one(globs, glob) }
none { ~[glob] }
e.block_map.insert(, globs);
scope_crate {
_ { e.sess.span_bug(vi.span, ~"unexpected scope in a \
glob import"); }
_ { }
_ { }
// First, find all the modules, and index the names that they contain
let v_map_mod =
@{visit_view_item: |a,b,c| index_vi(e, a, b, c),
visit_item: |a,b,c| index_i(e, a, b, c),
visit_block: visit_block_with_scope
with *visit::default_visitor::<scopes>()};
visit::visit_crate(*c, top_scope(), visit::mk_vt(v_map_mod));
// Register the top-level mod
@{m: some(c.node.module),
index: index_mod(c.node.module),
glob_imports: dvec(),
mut globbed_exports: ~[],
glob_imported_names: box_str_hash(),
path: ~""});
// Next, assemble the links for globbed imports and exports.
let v_link_glob =
@{visit_view_item: |a,b,c| link_glob(e, a, b, c),
visit_block: visit_block_with_scope,
visit_item: |a,b,c| visit_item_with_scope(e, a, b, c)
with *visit::default_visitor::<scopes>()};
visit::visit_crate(*c, top_scope(), visit::mk_vt(v_link_glob));
fn resolve_imports(e: env) {
e.used_imports.track = true;
for e.imports.each |id, v| {
alt check v {
todo(name, path, span, scopes) {
resolve_import(e, id, name, *path, span, scopes);
resolved(_, _, _, _, _, _) | is_glob(_, _, _) { }
e.used_imports.track = false;
// FIXME (#1634): move this to the lint pass when rewriting resolve. It's
// using lint-specific control flags presently but resolve-specific data
// structures. Should use the general lint framework (with scopes, attrs).
fn check_unused_imports(e: @env, level: lint::level) {
for e.imports.each |k, v| {
alt v {
resolved(_, _, _, _, name, sp) {
if !vec::contains(, k) {
alt level {
lint::warn {
e.sess.span_warn(sp, ~"unused import " + *name);
lint::error {
e.sess.span_err(sp, ~"unused import " + *name);
lint::ignore {
_ { }
fn resolve_capture_item(e: @env, sc: scopes, cap_item: ast::capture_item) {
let dcur = lookup_in_scope_strict(
*e, sc, cap_item.span,, ns_val);
maybe_insert(e,, dcur);
fn maybe_insert(e: @env, id: node_id, def: option<def>) {
alt def {
some(df) { e.def_map.insert(id, df); }
_ {}
fn resolve_trait_ref(p: @trait_ref, sc: scopes, e: @env) {
maybe_insert(e, p.ref_id,
lookup_path_strict(*e, sc, p.path.span, p.path, ns_type));
maybe_insert(e, p.impl_id,
lookup_path_strict(*e, sc, p.path.span, p.path, ns_type));
fn resolve_names(e: @env, c: @ast::crate) {
e.used_imports.track = true;
let v =
@{visit_foreign_item: visit_foreign_item_with_scope,
visit_item: |a,b,c| walk_item(e, a, b, c),
visit_block: visit_block_with_scope,
visit_decl: visit_decl_with_scope,
visit_arm: visit_arm_with_scope,
visit_local: |a,b,c| visit_local_with_scope(e, a, b, c),
visit_pat: |a,b,c| walk_pat(e, a, b, c),
visit_expr: |a,b,c| walk_expr(e, a, b ,c),
visit_ty: |a,b,c| walk_ty(e, a, b, c),
visit_ty_params: |a,b,c| walk_tps(e, a, b, c),
visit_fn: |a,b,c,d,f,g,h| {
visit_fn_with_scope(e, a, b, c, d, f, g, h)
with *visit::default_visitor()};
visit::visit_crate(*c, top_scope(), visit::mk_vt(v));
e.used_imports.track = false;
fn walk_item(e: @env, i: @ast::item, &&sc: scopes, v: vt<scopes>) {
visit_item_with_scope(e, i, sc, v);
alt i.node {
/* At this point, the code knows what traits the trait refs
refer to, so it's possible to resolve them.
ast::item_impl(_, t, _, _) {
t.iter(|p| resolve_trait_ref(p, sc, e));
ast::item_class(_, traits, _, _, _) {
for traits.each |p| {
resolve_trait_ref(p, sc, e);
_ {}
fn walk_expr(e: @env, exp: @ast::expr, &&sc: scopes, v: vt<scopes>) {
visit::visit_expr(exp, sc, v);
alt exp.node {
ast::expr_path(p) {
lookup_path_strict(*e, sc, exp.span, p, ns_val));
ast::expr_fn(_, _, _, cap_clause) |
ast::expr_fn_block(_, _, cap_clause) {
for (*cap_clause).each |ci| {
resolve_capture_item(e, sc, ci);
_ { }
fn walk_ty(e: @env, t: @ast::ty, &&sc: scopes, v: vt<scopes>) {
visit::visit_ty(t, sc, v);
alt t.node {
ast::ty_path(p, id) {
maybe_insert(e, id,
lookup_path_strict(*e, sc, t.span, p, ns_type));
_ { }
fn walk_tps(e: @env, tps: ~[ast::ty_param],
&&sc: scopes, v: vt<scopes>) {
let outer_current_tp = e.current_tp;
let mut current = 0u;
for tps.each |tp| {
e.current_tp = some(current);
for vec::each(*tp.bounds) |bound| {
alt bound {
bound_trait(t) { v.visit_ty(t, sc, v); }
_ {}
current += 1u;
e.current_tp = outer_current_tp;
fn walk_constr(e: @env, p: @ast::path, sp: span, id: node_id,
&&sc: scopes, _v: vt<scopes>) {
maybe_insert(e, id, lookup_path_strict(*e, sc, sp, p, ns_val));
fn walk_pat(e: @env, pat: @ast::pat, &&sc: scopes, v: vt<scopes>) {
visit::visit_pat(pat, sc, v);
alt pat.node {
ast::pat_enum(p, _) {
alt lookup_path_strict(*e, sc, p.span, p, ns_val) {
some(fnd@ast::def_variant(_,_)) {
e.def_map.insert(, fnd);
_ {
~"not an enum variant: " +
/* Here we determine whether a given pat_ident binds a new
variable or refers to a nullary enum. */
ast::pat_ident(p, none) {
alt lookup_in_scope(*e, sc, p.span, path_to_ident(p),
ns_val, false) {
some(fnd@ast::def_variant(_,_)) {
e.def_map.insert(, fnd);
some(fnd@ast::def_const(_)) {
e.sess.span_err(p.span, ~"pattern variable conflicts \
with constant '" + *path_to_ident(p) + ~"'");
// Binds a var -- nothing needs to be done
_ {}
_ { }
// Visit helper functions
This is used in more than one context, thus should only call generic
visit methods. Called both from map_crate and resolve_names.
fn visit_item_with_scope(e: @env, i: @ast::item,
&&sc: scopes, v: vt<scopes>) {
// Some magic here. Items with the !resolve_unexported attribute
// cause us to consider every name to be exported when resolving their
// contents. This is used to allow the test runner to run unexported
// tests.
let old_resolve_unexported = e.resolve_unexported;
e.resolve_unexported |=
let sc = @cons(scope_item(i), sc);
alt i.node {
ast::item_impl(tps, ifce, sty, methods) {
v.visit_ty_params(tps, sc, v);
option::iter(ifce, |p| visit::visit_path(p.path, sc, v));
v.visit_ty(sty, sc, v);
for methods.each |m| {
v.visit_ty_params(m.tps, sc, v);
let msc = @cons(scope_method(m.self_id, vec::append(tps, m.tps)),
v.visit_fn(visit::fk_method(m.ident, ~[], m),
m.decl, m.body, m.span,, msc, v);
ast::item_trait(tps, methods) {
v.visit_ty_params(tps, sc, v);
for methods.each |m| {
visit_trait_method(m, i, tps, sc, v);
ast::item_class(tps, traits, members, ctor, m_dtor) {
v.visit_ty_params(tps, sc, v);
let class_scope = @cons(scope_item(i), sc);
/* visit the constructor... */
let ctor_scope = @cons(scope_method(ctor.node.self_id, tps),
/* visit the trait refs in the class scope */
for traits.each |p| {
visit::visit_path(p.path, class_scope, v);
visit_fn_with_scope(e, visit::fk_ctor(i.ident, tps, ctor.node.self_id,
local_def(, ctor.node.dec,
ctor.node.body, ctor.span,,
ctor_scope, v);
do option::iter(m_dtor) |dtor| {
let dtor_scope = @cons(scope_method(dtor.node.self_id, tps),
visit_fn_with_scope(e, visit::fk_dtor(tps, dtor.node.self_id,
dtor.node.body, dtor.span,,
dtor_scope, v);
/* visit the items */
for members.each |cm| {
alt cm.node {
class_method(m) {
let msc = @cons(scope_method(m.self_id,
vec::append(tps, m.tps)),
visit::fk_item_fn(m.ident, tps), m.decl, m.body,
m.span,, msc, v); }
instance_var(_,t,_,_,_) { v.visit_ty(t, class_scope, v); }
_ { visit::visit_item(i, sc, v); }
e.resolve_unexported = old_resolve_unexported;
fn visit_trait_method(m: trait_method, i: @ast::item,
tps: ~[ast::ty_param], sc: scopes,
v: vt<scopes>) {
alt m {
required(ty_m) {
let isc = @cons(scope_method(, tps), sc);
v.visit_ty_params(ty_m.tps, isc, v);
let msc = @cons(scope_method(, vec::append(tps, ty_m.tps)), sc);
for ty_m.decl.inputs.each |a| { v.visit_ty(a.ty, msc, v); }
v.visit_ty(ty_m.decl.output, msc, v);
provided(m) {
v.visit_ty_params(m.tps, sc, v);
let msc = @cons(scope_method(m.self_id, vec::append(tps, m.tps)),
v.visit_fn(visit::fk_method(m.ident, ~[], m),
m.decl, m.body, m.span,, msc, v);
fn visit_foreign_item_with_scope(ni: @ast::foreign_item, &&sc: scopes,
v: vt<scopes>) {
visit::visit_foreign_item(ni, @cons(scope_foreign_item(ni), sc), v);
fn visit_fn_with_scope(e: @env, fk: visit::fn_kind, decl: ast::fn_decl,
body: ast::blk, sp: span,
id: node_id, &&sc: scopes, v: vt<scopes>) {
// is this a main fn declaration?
alt fk {
visit::fk_item_fn(nm, _) {
if is_main_name(~[ast_map::path_name(nm)]) &&
!e.sess.building_library {
// This is a main function -- set it in the session
// as the main ID
e.sess.main_fn = some((id, sp));
_ { /* fallthrough */ }
// here's where we need to set up the mapping
// for f's constrs in the table.
let scope = alt fk {
visit::fk_item_fn(_, tps) | visit::fk_method(_, tps, _)
| visit::fk_ctor(_, tps, _, _) | visit::fk_dtor(tps, _, _) {
scope_bare_fn(decl, id, tps) }
visit::fk_anon(ast::proto_bare, _) {
scope_bare_fn(decl, id, ~[]) }
visit::fk_anon(_, _) | visit::fk_fn_block(_) {
scope_fn_expr(decl, id, ~[]) }
visit::visit_fn(fk, decl, body, sp, id, @cons(scope, sc), v);
fn visit_block_with_scope(b: ast::blk, &&sc: scopes, v: vt<scopes>) {
let pos = @mut 0u, loc = @mut 0u;
let block_sc = @cons(scope_block(b, pos, loc), sc);
for b.node.view_items.each |vi| { v.visit_view_item(vi, block_sc, v); }
for b.node.stmts.each |stmt| {
v.visit_stmt(stmt, block_sc, v);;
*pos += 1u;;
*loc = 0u;
visit::visit_expr_opt(b.node.expr, block_sc, v);
fn visit_decl_with_scope(d: @decl, &&sc: scopes, v: vt<scopes>) {
let loc_pos = alt list::head(sc) {
scope_block(_, _, pos) { pos }
_ { @mut 0u }
alt d.node {
decl_local(locs) {
for locs.each |loc| { v.visit_local(loc, sc, v);; *loc_pos += 1u; }
decl_item(it) { v.visit_item(it, sc, v); }
fn visit_arm_with_scope(a: ast::arm, &&sc: scopes, v: vt<scopes>) {
for a.pats.each |p| { v.visit_pat(p, sc, v); }
let sc_inner = @cons(scope_arm(a), sc);
visit::visit_expr_opt(a.guard, sc_inner, v);
v.visit_block(a.body, sc_inner, v);
// This is only for irrefutable patterns (e.g. ones that appear in a let)
// So if x occurs, and x is already known to be a enum, that's always an error
fn visit_local_with_scope(e: @env, loc: @local, &&sc: scopes, v:vt<scopes>) {
// Check whether the given local has the same name as a enum that's in
// scope. We disallow this, in order to make alt patterns consisting of a
// single identifier unambiguous (does the pattern "foo" refer to enum
// foo, or is it binding a new name foo?)
do ast_util::walk_pat(loc.node.pat) |p| {
alt p.node {
pat_ident(path, _) {
alt lookup_in_scope(*e, sc, loc.span, path_to_ident(path),
ns_val, false) {
some(ast::def_variant(enum_id, variant_id)) {
// Declaration shadows an enum that's in scope.
// That's an error.
#fmt("declaration of `%s` shadows an \
enum that's in scope",
_ {}
_ {}
visit::visit_local(loc, sc, v);
fn follow_import(e: env, &&sc: scopes, path: ~[ident], sp: span) ->
option<def> {
let path_len = vec::len(path);
let mut dcur = lookup_in_scope_strict(e, sc, sp, path[0], ns_module);
let mut i = 1u;
loop {
alt copy dcur {
some(dcur_def) {
if i == path_len { break; }
dcur =
lookup_in_mod_strict(e, dcur_def, sp, path[i],
ns_module, outside);
i += 1u;
none { break; }
if i == path_len {
alt dcur {
some(ast::def_mod(_)) | some(ast::def_foreign_mod(_)) { ret dcur; }
_ {
e.sess.span_err(sp, str::connect(|x|*x), ~"::") +
~" does not name a module.");
ret none;
} else { ret none; }
// Import resolution
fn resolve_import(e: env, n_id: node_id, name: ast::ident,
ids: ~[ast::ident], sp: codemap::span, &&sc: scopes) {
fn register(e: env, id: node_id, cx: ctxt, sp: codemap::span,
name: ast::ident, lookup: fn(namespace) -> option<def>,
impls: ~[@_impl]) {
let val = lookup(ns_val), typ = lookup(ns_type),
md = lookup(ns_module);
if is_none(val) && is_none(typ) && is_none(md) &&
vec::len(impls) == 0u {
unresolved_err(e, cx, sp, name, ~"import");
} else {
e.imports.insert(id, resolved(val, typ, md, @impls, name, sp));
// Temporarily disable this import and the imports coming after during
// resolution of this import.
fn find_imports_after(e: env, id: node_id, &&sc: scopes) -> ~[node_id] {
fn lst(my_id: node_id, vis: ~[@view_item]) -> ~[node_id] {
let mut imports = ~[], found = false;
for vis.each |vi| {
do iter_effective_import_paths(*vi) |vp| {
alt vp.node {
view_path_simple(_, _, id)
| view_path_glob(_, id) {
if id == my_id { found = true; }
if found { vec::push(imports, id); }
view_path_list(_, ids, _) {
for ids.each |id| {
if == my_id { found = true; }
if found { vec::push(imports,; }
alt *sc {
cons(scope_item(@{node: item_mod(m), _}), _) {
lst(id, m.view_items)
cons(scope_item(@{node: item_foreign_mod(m), _}), _) {
lst(id, m.view_items)
cons(scope_block(b, _, _), _) {
lst(id, b.node.view_items)
cons(scope_crate, _) {
_ {
e.sess.bug(~"find_imports_after: nil or unexpected scope");
// This function has cleanup code at the end. Do not return without going
// through that.
e.imports.insert(n_id, resolving(sp));
let mut ignored = find_imports_after(e, n_id, sc);
e.ignored_imports <-> ignored;
let n_idents = vec::len(ids);
let end_id = ids[n_idents - 1u];
if n_idents == 1u {
register(e, n_id, in_scope(sc), sp, name,
|ns| lookup_in_scope(e, sc, sp, end_id, ns, true), ~[]);
} else {
alt lookup_in_scope(e, sc, sp, ids[0], ns_module, true) {
none {
unresolved_err(e, in_scope(sc), sp, ids[0], ns_name(ns_module));
some(dcur_) {
let mut dcur = dcur_, i = 1u;
loop {
if i == n_idents - 1u {
let mut impls = ~[];
find_impls_in_mod(e, dcur, impls, some(end_id));
register(e, n_id, in_mod(dcur), sp, name, |ns| {
lookup_in_mod(e, dcur, sp, end_id, ns, outside)
}, impls);
} else {
dcur = alt lookup_in_mod(e, dcur, sp, ids[i], ns_module,
outside) {
some(dcur) { dcur }
none {
unresolved_err(e, in_mod(dcur), sp, ids[i],
i += 1u;
e.ignored_imports <-> ignored;
// If we couldn't resolve the import, don't leave it in a partially
// resolved state, to avoid having it reported later as a cyclic
// import
alt e.imports.find(n_id) {
some(resolving(sp)) {
e.imports.insert(n_id, resolved(none, none, none, @~[], @~"", sp));
_ { }
// Utilities
fn ns_name(ns: namespace) -> ~str {
alt ns {
ns_type { ~"typename" }
ns_val { ~"name" }
ns_module { ~"modulename" }
enum ctxt { in_mod(def), in_scope(scopes), }
fn unresolved_err(e: env, cx: ctxt, sp: span, name: ident, kind: ~str) {
fn find_fn_or_mod_scope(sc: scopes) -> option<scope> {
for list::each(sc) |cur| {
alt cur {
scope_crate | scope_bare_fn(_, _, _) | scope_fn_expr(_, _, _) |
scope_item(@{node: ast::item_mod(_), _}) {
ret some(cur);
_ {}
ret none;
let mut path = name;
alt cx {
in_scope(sc) {
alt find_fn_or_mod_scope(sc) {
some(err_scope) {
for e.reported.each |rs| {
if str::eq(*rs.ident, *name) && err_scope == { ret; }
e.reported.push({ident: name, sc: err_scope});
_ {}
in_mod(def) {
let did = def_id_of_def(def);
if did.crate == ast::local_crate {
path = @(e.mod_map.get(did.node).path + *path);
} else if did.node != ast::crate_node_id {
let paths = e.ext_map.get(did);
path = @str::connect(vec::append_one(paths, path).map(|x|*x),
e.sess.span_err(sp, mk_unresolved_msg(path, kind));
fn unresolved_fatal(e: env, sp: span, id: ident, kind: ~str) -> ! {
e.sess.span_fatal(sp, mk_unresolved_msg(id, kind));
fn mk_unresolved_msg(id: ident, kind: ~str) -> ~str {
ret #fmt["unresolved %s: %s", kind, *id];
// Lookup helpers
fn lookup_path_strict(e: env, &&sc: scopes, sp: span, pth: @ast::path,
ns: namespace) -> option<def> {
let n_idents = vec::len(pth.idents);
let headns = if n_idents == 1u { ns } else { ns_module };
let first_scope = if { top_scope() } else { sc };
let dcur_ =
lookup_in_scope_strict(e, first_scope, sp, pth.idents[0], headns);
alt dcur_ {
none { ret none; }
some(dcur__) {
let mut i = 1u;
let mut dcur = dcur__;
while i < n_idents {
let curns = if n_idents == i + 1u { ns } else { ns_module };
alt lookup_in_mod_strict(e, dcur, sp, pth.idents[i],
curns, outside) {
none { break; }
some(thing) { dcur = thing; }
i += 1u;
ret some(dcur);
fn lookup_in_scope_strict(e: env, &&sc: scopes, sp: span, name: ident,
ns: namespace) -> option<def> {
alt lookup_in_scope(e, sc, sp, name, ns, true) {
none {
unresolved_err(e, in_scope(sc), sp, name, ns_name(ns));
ret none;
some(d) { ret some(d); }
fn scope_is_fn(sc: scope) -> bool {
ret alt sc {
scope_bare_fn(_, _, _) | scope_foreign_item(_) { true }
_ { false }
// Returns:
// none - does not close
// some(node_id) - closes via the expr w/ node_id
fn scope_closes(sc: scope) -> option<node_id> {
alt sc {
scope_fn_expr(_, node_id, _) { some(node_id) }
_ { none }
fn def_is_local(d: def) -> bool {
alt d {
ast::def_arg(_, _) | ast::def_local(_, _) | ast::def_binding(_) |
ast::def_upvar(_, _, _) { true }
_ { false }
fn def_is_self(d: def) -> bool {
alt d {
ast::def_self(_) { true }
_ { false }
fn def_is_ty_arg(d: def) -> bool {
ret alt d { ast::def_ty_param(_, _) { true } _ { false } };
fn lookup_in_scope(e: env, &&sc: scopes, sp: span, name: ident, ns: namespace,
check_capture: bool) -> option<def> {
fn in_scope(e: env, sp: span, name: ident, s: scope, ns: namespace) ->
option<def> {
alt s {
scope_toplevel {
if ns == ns_type {
ret some(ast::def_prim_ty(alt *name {
~"bool" { ast::ty_bool }
~"int" { ast::ty_int(ast::ty_i) }
~"uint" { ast::ty_uint(ast::ty_u) }
~"float" { ast::ty_float(ast::ty_f) }
~"str" { ast::ty_str }
~"char" { ast::ty_int(ast::ty_char) }
~"i8" { ast::ty_int(ast::ty_i8) }
~"i16" { ast::ty_int(ast::ty_i16) }
~"i32" { ast::ty_int(ast::ty_i32) }
~"i64" { ast::ty_int(ast::ty_i64) }
~"u8" { ast::ty_uint(ast::ty_u8) }
~"u16" { ast::ty_uint(ast::ty_u16) }
~"u32" { ast::ty_uint(ast::ty_u32) }
~"u64" { ast::ty_uint(ast::ty_u64) }
~"f32" { ast::ty_float(ast::ty_f32) }
~"f64" { ast::ty_float(ast::ty_f64) }
_ { ret none; }
scope_crate {
ret lookup_in_local_mod(e, ast::crate_node_id, sp,
name, ns, inside);
scope_item(it) {
alt it.node {
ast::item_impl(tps, _, _, _) {
if ns == ns_type { ret lookup_in_ty_params(e, name, tps); }
ast::item_enum(_, tps) | ast::item_ty(_, tps) {
if ns == ns_type { ret lookup_in_ty_params(e, name, tps); }
ast::item_trait(tps, _) {
if ns == ns_type {
if *name == ~"self" {
ret some(def_self(;
ret lookup_in_ty_params(e, name, tps);
ast::item_mod(_) {
ret lookup_in_local_mod(e,, sp, name, ns, inside);
ast::item_foreign_mod(m) {
ret lookup_in_local_foreign_mod(e,, sp, name, ns);
ast::item_class(tps, _, members, ctor, _) {
if ns == ns_type {
ret lookup_in_ty_params(e, name, tps);
if ns == ns_val && name == it.ident {
ret some(ast::def_fn(local_def(,
_ { }
scope_method(id, tps) {
if (*name == ~"self" && ns == ns_val) {
ret some(ast::def_self(id));
} else if ns == ns_type {
ret lookup_in_ty_params(e, name, tps);
scope_foreign_item(it) {
alt check it.node {
ast::foreign_item_fn(decl, ty_params) {
ret lookup_in_fn(e, name, decl, ty_params, ns);
scope_bare_fn(decl, _, ty_params) |
scope_fn_expr(decl, _, ty_params) {
ret lookup_in_fn(e, name, decl, ty_params, ns);
scope_loop(local) {
if ns == ns_val {
alt lookup_in_pat(e, name, local.node.pat) {
some(nid) { ret some(ast::def_binding(nid)); }
_ { }
scope_block(b, pos, loc) {
ret lookup_in_block(e, name, sp, b.node, *pos, *loc, ns);
scope_arm(a) {
if ns == ns_val {
alt lookup_in_pat(e, name, a.pats[0]) {
some(nid) { ret some(ast::def_binding(nid)); }
_ { ret none; }
ret none;
let mut left_fn = false;
let mut closing = ~[];
// Used to determine whether self is in scope
let mut left_fn_level2 = false;
let mut sc = sc;
loop {
alt *sc {
nil { ret none; }
cons(hd, tl) {
alt in_scope(e, sp, name, hd, ns) {
some(df_) {
let mut df = df_;
let local = def_is_local(df), self_scope = def_is_self(df);
if check_capture &&
(left_fn && local || left_fn_level2 && self_scope
|| scope_is_fn(hd) && left_fn && def_is_ty_arg(df)) {
let msg = if ns == ns_type {
~"attempt to use a type argument out of scope"
} else {
~"attempted dynamic environment-capture"
e.sess.span_fatal(sp, msg);
} else if local || self_scope {
let mut i = vec::len(closing);
while i > 0u {
i -= 1u;
#debug["name=%s df=%?", *name, df];
assert def_is_local(df) || def_is_self(df);
let df_id = def_id_of_def(df).node;
df = ast::def_upvar(df_id, @df, closing[i]);
ret some(df);
_ {}
if left_fn {
left_fn_level2 = true;
} else if ns != ns_module {
left_fn = scope_is_fn(hd);
alt scope_closes(hd) {
some(node_id) { vec::push(closing, node_id); }
_ { }
sc = tl;
fn lookup_in_ty_params(e: env, name: ident, ty_params: ~[ast::ty_param])
-> option<def> {
let mut n = 0u;
for ty_params.each |tp| {
if str::eq(*tp.ident, *name) && alt e.current_tp {
some(cur) { n < cur } none { true }
} { ret some(ast::def_ty_param(local_def(, n)); }
n += 1u;
ret none;
fn lookup_in_pat(e: env, name: ident, pat: @ast::pat) -> option<node_id> {
let mut found = none;
do pat_util::pat_bindings(e.def_map, pat) |p_id, _sp, n| {
if str::eq(*path_to_ident(n), *name)
{ found = some(p_id); }
ret found;
fn lookup_in_fn(e: env, name: ident, decl: ast::fn_decl,
ty_params: ~[ast::ty_param],
ns: namespace) -> option<def> {
alt ns {
ns_val {
for decl.inputs.each |a| {
if str::eq(*a.ident, *name) {
ret some(ast::def_arg(, a.mode));
ret none;
ns_type { ret lookup_in_ty_params(e, name, ty_params); }
_ { ret none; }
fn lookup_in_block(e: env, name: ident, sp: span, b: ast::blk_, pos: uint,
loc_pos: uint, ns: namespace) -> option<def> {
let mut i = vec::len(b.stmts);
while i > 0u {
i -= 1u;
let st = b.stmts[i];
alt st.node {
ast::stmt_decl(d, _) {
alt d.node {
ast::decl_local(locs) {
if i <= pos {
let mut j = vec::len(locs);
while j > 0u {
j -= 1u;
let loc = locs[j];
if ns == ns_val && (i < pos || j < loc_pos) {
alt lookup_in_pat(e, name, loc.node.pat) {
some(nid) {
ret some(ast::def_local(nid,
_ { }
ast::decl_item(it) {
alt it.node {
ast::item_enum(variants, _) {
if ns == ns_type {
if str::eq(*it.ident, *name) {
ret some(ast::def_ty(local_def(;
} else {
alt ns {
ns_val {
for variants.each |v| {
if str::eq(*, *name) {
let i =;
ret some(ast::def_variant
(local_def(, local_def(i)));
_ {}
_ {
if str::eq(*it.ident, *name) {
let found = found_def_item(it, ns);
if !is_none(found) {
ret found;
_ { }
for b.view_items.each |vi| {
let mut is_import = false;
alt vi.node {
ast::view_item_import(_) { is_import = true; }
_ {}
alt vi.node {
ast::view_item_import(vps) | ast::view_item_export(vps) {
for vps.each |vp| {
alt vp.node {
ast::view_path_simple(ident, _, id) {
if is_import && name == ident {
ret lookup_import(e, id, ns);
ast::view_path_list(path, idents, _) {
for idents.each |ident| {
if name == {
ret lookup_import(e,, ns);
ast::view_path_glob(_, _) {
alt e.block_map.find( {
some(globs) {
let found = lookup_in_globs(e, globs, sp, name,
ns, inside);
if found != none {
ret found;
_ {}
_ { e.sess.span_bug(vi.span, ~"unexpected view_item in block"); }
ret none;
fn found_def_item(i: @ast::item, ns: namespace) -> option<def> {
alt i.node {
ast::item_const(*) {
if ns == ns_val {
ret some(ast::def_const(local_def(;
ast::item_fn(decl, _, _) {
if ns == ns_val {
ret some(ast::def_fn(local_def(, decl.purity));
ast::item_mod(_) {
if ns == ns_module { ret some(ast::def_mod(local_def(; }
ast::item_foreign_mod(_) {
if ns == ns_module {
ret some(ast::def_foreign_mod(local_def(;
ast::item_ty(*) | item_trait(*) | item_enum(*) {
if ns == ns_type { ret some(ast::def_ty(local_def(; }
ast::item_class(_, _, _members, ct, _) {
alt ns {
ns_type {
ret some(ast::def_class(local_def(;
ns_val {
ret some(ast::def_fn(local_def(,
ns_module { }
ast::item_impl(*) { /* ??? */ }
ast::item_mac(*) { /* ???? */ }
ret none;
fn lookup_in_mod_strict(e: env, m: def, sp: span, name: ident,
ns: namespace, dr: dir) -> option<def> {
alt lookup_in_mod(e, m, sp, name, ns, dr) {
none {
unresolved_err(e, in_mod(m), sp, name, ns_name(ns));
ret none;
some(d) { ret some(d); }
fn lookup_in_mod(e: env, m: def, sp: span, name: ident, ns: namespace,
dr: dir) -> option<def> {
let defid = def_id_of_def(m);
if defid.crate != ast::local_crate {
// examining a module in an external crate
let cached = e.ext_cache.find({did: defid, ident: name, ns: ns});
if !is_none(cached) { ret cached; }
let mut path = ~[name];
if defid.node != ast::crate_node_id {
path = vec::append(cstore::get_path(e.cstore, defid), path);
alt lookup_external(e, defid.crate, path, ns) {
some(df) {
e.ext_cache.insert({did: defid, ident: name, ns: ns}, df);
ret some(df);
_ { ret none; }
alt m {
ast::def_mod(defid) {
ret lookup_in_local_mod(e, defid.node, sp, name, ns, dr);
ast::def_foreign_mod(defid) {
ret lookup_in_local_foreign_mod(e, defid.node, sp, name, ns);
_ {
// Precondition
e.sess.span_bug(sp, ~"lookup_in_mod was passed a non-mod def");
fn found_view_item(e: env, id: node_id) -> option<def> {
alt cstore::find_use_stmt_cnum(e.cstore, id) {
some(cnum) {
some(ast::def_mod({crate: cnum, node: ast::crate_node_id}))
none {
// This can happen if we didn't load external crate info.
// Rustdoc depends on this.
fn lookup_import(e: env, n_id: node_id, ns: namespace) -> option<def> {
// Imports are simply ignored when resolving themselves.
if vec::contains(e.ignored_imports, n_id) { ret none; }
alt e.imports.get(n_id) {
todo(name, path, span, scopes) {
resolve_import(e, n_id, name, *path, span, scopes);
ret lookup_import(e, n_id, ns);
resolving(sp) {
e.sess.span_err(sp, ~"cyclic import");
ret none;
resolved(val, typ, md, _, _, _) {
if e.used_imports.track {
vec::push(, n_id);
ret alt ns { ns_val { val } ns_type { typ } ns_module { md } };
is_glob(_,_,_) {
e.sess.bug(~"lookup_import: can't handle is_glob");
fn lookup_in_local_foreign_mod(e: env, node_id: node_id, sp: span, id: ident,
ns: namespace) -> option<def> {
ret lookup_in_local_mod(e, node_id, sp, id, ns, inside);
fn is_exported(e: env, i: ident, m: @indexed_mod) -> bool {
alt m.m {
some(_m) {
if ast_util::is_exported(i, _m) { ret true; }
_ {}
ret vec::contains(m.globbed_exports, i)
|| e.resolve_unexported;
// A list search function. Applies `f` to each element of `v`, starting from
// the first. When `f` returns `some(x)`, `list_search` returns `some(x)`. If
// `f` returns `none` for every element, `list_search` returns `none`.
fn list_search<T: copy, U: copy>(ls: @list<T>, f: fn(T) -> option<U>)
-> option<U> {
let mut ls = ls;
loop {
ls = alt *ls {
cons(hd, tl) {
let result = f(hd);
if !is_none(result) { ret result; }
nil { ret none; }
fn lookup_in_local_mod(e: env, node_id: node_id, sp: span, id: ident,
ns: namespace, dr: dir) -> option<def> {
let inf = alt e.mod_map.find(node_id) {
some(x) { x }
none { e.sess.span_bug(sp, #fmt("lookup_in_local_mod: \
module %d not in mod_map", node_id)); }
if dr == outside && !is_exported(e, id, inf) {
// if we're in a foreign mod, then dr==inside, so inf.m is some _mod
ret none; // name is not visible
alt inf.index.find(id) {
none { }
some(lst) {
let found = list_search(lst, |x| lookup_in_mie(e, x, ns));
if !is_none(found) {
ret found;
// not local or explicitly imported; try globs:
ret lookup_glob_in_mod(e, inf, sp, id, ns, outside);
fn lookup_in_globs(e: env, globs: ~[glob_imp_def], sp: span, id: ident,
ns: namespace, dr: dir) -> option<def> {
fn lookup_in_mod_(e: env, def: glob_imp_def, sp: span, name: ident,
ns: namespace, dr: dir) -> option<glob_imp_def> {
alt def.path.node {
ast::view_path_glob(_, id) {
if vec::contains(e.ignored_imports, id) { ret none; }
_ {
e.sess.span_bug(sp, ~"lookup_in_globs: not a glob");
alt lookup_in_mod(e, def.def, sp, name, ns, dr) {
some(d) { option::some({def: d, path: def.path}) }
none { none }
let g = copy globs; // FIXME #2405
let matches = vec::filter_map(g,
|x| lookup_in_mod_(e, x, sp, id, ns, dr));
if vec::len(matches) == 0u {
ret none;
else if vec::len(matches) == 1u {
ret some(matches[0].def);
} else {
for matches.each |match| {
let sp = match.path.span;
e.sess.span_note(sp, #fmt["'%s' is imported here", *id]);
e.sess.span_fatal(sp, ~"'" + *id + ~"' is glob-imported from" +
~" multiple different modules.");
fn lookup_glob_in_mod(e: env, info: @indexed_mod, sp: span, id: ident,
wanted_ns: namespace, dr: dir) -> option<def> {
// since we don't know what names we have in advance,
// absence takes the place of todo()
if !info.glob_imported_names.contains_key(id) {
info.glob_imported_names.insert(id, glob_resolving(sp));
let globs = info.glob_imports.get();
let val = lookup_in_globs(e, globs, sp, id, ns_val, dr);
let typ = lookup_in_globs(e, globs, sp, id, ns_type, dr);
let md = lookup_in_globs(e, globs, sp, id, ns_module, dr);
info.glob_imported_names.insert(id, glob_resolved(val, typ, md));
alt info.glob_imported_names.get(id) {
glob_resolving(sp) {
ret none;
glob_resolved(val, typ, md) {
ret alt wanted_ns {
ns_val { val }
ns_type { typ }
ns_module { md }
fn lookup_in_mie(e: env, mie: mod_index_entry, ns: namespace) ->
option<def> {
alt mie {
mie_view_item(_, id, _) {
if ns == ns_module { ret found_view_item(e, id); }
mie_import_ident(id, _) { ret lookup_import(e, id, ns); }
mie_item(item) { ret found_def_item(item, ns); }
mie_enum_variant(variant_idx, variants, parent_id, parent_span) {
alt ns {
ns_val {
let vid = variants[variant_idx];
ret some(ast::def_variant(local_def(parent_id),
_ { ret none; }
mie_foreign_item(foreign_item) {
alt foreign_item.node {
ast::foreign_item_fn(decl, _) {
if ns == ns_val {
ret some(ast::def_fn(local_def(,
ret none;
// Module indexing
fn add_to_index(index: hashmap<ident, @list<mod_index_entry>>, id: ident,
ent: mod_index_entry) {
alt index.find(id) {
none { index.insert(id, @cons(ent, @nil)); }
some(prev) { index.insert(id, @cons(ent, prev)); }
fn index_view_items(view_items: ~[@ast::view_item],
index: hashmap<ident, @list<mod_index_entry>>) {
for view_items.each |vi| {
alt vi.node {
ast::view_item_use(ident, _, id) {
add_to_index(index, ident, mie_view_item(ident, id, vi.span));
_ {}
do iter_effective_import_paths(*vi) |vp| {
alt vp.node {
ast::view_path_simple(ident, _, id) {
add_to_index(index, ident, mie_import_ident(id, vp.span));
ast::view_path_list(_, idents, _) {
for idents.each |ident| {
// globbed imports have to be resolved lazily.
ast::view_path_glob(_, _) {}
fn index_mod(md: ast::_mod) -> mod_index {
let index = box_str_hash::<@list<mod_index_entry>>();
index_view_items(md.view_items, index);
for md.items.each |it| {
alt it.node {
ast::item_const(_, _) | ast::item_fn(_, _, _) | ast::item_mod(_) |
ast::item_foreign_mod(_) | ast::item_ty(_, _) |
ast::item_impl(*) | ast::item_trait(*) {
add_to_index(index, it.ident, mie_item(it));
ast::item_enum(variants, _) {
add_to_index(index, it.ident, mie_item(it));
let mut variant_idx: uint = 0u;
for variants.each |v| {
mie_enum_variant(variant_idx, variants,, it.span));
variant_idx += 1u;
ast::item_class(tps, _, items, ctor, _) {
// add the class name itself
add_to_index(index, it.ident, mie_item(it));
ast::item_mac(*) {
/* ??? */
ret index;
fn index_nmod(md: ast::foreign_mod) -> mod_index {
let index = box_str_hash::<@list<mod_index_entry>>();
index_view_items(md.view_items, index);
for md.items.each |it| {
add_to_index(index, it.ident, mie_foreign_item(it));
ret index;
// External lookups
fn ns_for_def(d: def) -> namespace {
alt d {
ast::def_variant(_, _) { ns_val }
ast::def_fn(_, _) | ast::def_self(_) |
ast::def_const(_) | ast::def_arg(_, _) | ast::def_local(_, _) |
ast::def_upvar(_, _, _) { ns_val }
ast::def_mod(_) | ast::def_foreign_mod(_) { ns_module }
ast::def_ty(_) | ast::def_binding(_) | ast::def_use(_) |
ast::def_ty_param(_, _) | ast::def_prim_ty(_) | ast::def_class(_)
{ ns_type }
ast::def_region(_) { fail ~"regions are not handled by this pass" }
fn lookup_external(e: env, cnum: int, ids: ~[ident], ns: namespace) ->
option<def> {
let mut result = none;
for csearch::lookup_defs(e.sess.cstore, cnum, ids).each |d| {
e.ext_map.insert(def_id_of_def(d), ids);
if ns == ns_for_def(d) { result = some(d); }
ret result;
// Collision detection
fn check_for_collisions(e: @env, c: ast::crate) {
// Module indices make checking those relatively simple -- just check each
// name for multiple entities in the same namespace.
for e.mod_map.each_value |val| {
for val.index.each |k, v| { check_mod_name(*e, k, v); };
// Other scopes have to be checked the hard way.
let v =
@{visit_item: |a,b,c| check_item(e, a, b, c),
visit_block: |a,b,c| check_block(e, a, b, c),
visit_arm: |a,b,c| check_arm(e, a, b, c),
visit_expr: |a,b,c| check_expr(e, a, b, c),
visit_ty: |a,b,c| check_ty(e, a, b, c)
with *visit::default_visitor()};
visit::visit_crate(c, (), visit::mk_vt(v));
fn check_mod_name(e: env, name: ident, entries: @list<mod_index_entry>) {
let mut saw_mod = false;
let mut saw_type = false;
let mut saw_value = false;
let mut entries = entries;
fn dup(e: env, sp: span, word: ~str, name: ident) {
e.sess.span_fatal(sp, ~"duplicate definition of " + word + *name);
loop {
alt *entries {
cons(entry, rest) {
if !is_none(lookup_in_mie(e, entry, ns_val)) {
if saw_value {
dup(e, mie_span(entry), ~"", name);
} else { saw_value = true; }
if !is_none(lookup_in_mie(e, entry, ns_type)) {
if saw_type {
dup(e, mie_span(entry), ~"type ", name);
} else { saw_type = true; }
if !is_none(lookup_in_mie(e, entry, ns_module)) {
if saw_mod {
dup(e, mie_span(entry), ~"module ", name);
} else { saw_mod = true; }
entries = rest;
nil { break; }
fn mie_span(mie: mod_index_entry) -> span {
ret alt mie {
mie_view_item(_, _, span) { span }
mie_import_ident(_, span) { span }
mie_item(item) { item.span }
mie_enum_variant(_, _, _, span) { span }
mie_foreign_item(item) { item.span }
fn check_item(e: @env, i: @ast::item, &&x: (), v: vt<()>) {
fn typaram_names(tps: ~[ast::ty_param]) -> ~[ident] {
let mut x: ~[ast::ident] = ~[];
for tps.each |tp| { vec::push(x, tp.ident); }
ret x;
visit::visit_item(i, x, v);
alt i.node {
ast::item_fn(decl, ty_params, _) {
check_fn(*e, i.span, decl);
ensure_unique(*e, i.span, ty_params, |tp| tp.ident,
~"type parameter");
ast::item_enum(_, ty_params) {
ensure_unique(*e, i.span, ty_params, |tp| tp.ident,
~"type parameter");
ast::item_trait(_, methods) {
ensure_unique(*e, i.span, methods, |m| {
alt m {
required(ty_m) {
provided(m) {
ast::item_impl(_, _, _, methods) {
ensure_unique(*e, i.span, methods, |m| m.ident,
_ { }
fn check_pat(e: @env, ch: checker, p: @ast::pat) {
do pat_util::pat_bindings(e.def_map, p) |_i, p_sp, n| {
add_name(ch, p_sp, path_to_ident(n));
fn check_arm(e: @env, a: ast::arm, &&x: (), v: vt<()>) {
visit::visit_arm(a, x, v);
let ch0 = checker(*e, ~"binding");
check_pat(e, ch0, a.pats[0]);
let seen0 = ch0.seen.get();
let mut i = vec::len(a.pats);
while i > 1u {
i -= 1u;
let ch = checker(*e, ~"binding");
check_pat(e, ch, a.pats[i]);
// Ensure the bindings introduced in this pattern are the same as in
// the first pattern.
if ch.seen.len() != seen0.len() {
~"inconsistent number of bindings");
} else {
for ch.seen.each |name| {
if is_none(vec::find(seen0, |x| str::eq(*name, *x))) {
// Fight the alias checker
let name_ = name;
~"binding " + *name_ +
~" does not occur in first pattern");
fn check_block(e: @env, b: ast::blk, &&x: (), v: vt<()>) {
visit::visit_block(b, x, v);
let values = checker(*e, ~"value");
let types = checker(*e, ~"type");
let mods = checker(*e, ~"module");
for b.node.stmts.each |st| {
alt st.node {
ast::stmt_decl(d, _) {
alt d.node {
ast::decl_local(locs) {
let local_values = checker(*e, ~"value");
for locs.each |loc| {
do pat_util::pat_bindings(e.def_map, loc.node.pat)
|_i, p_sp, n| {
let ident = path_to_ident(n);
add_name(local_values, p_sp, ident);
check_name(values, p_sp, ident);
ast::decl_item(it) {
alt it.node {
ast::item_enum(variants, _) {
add_name(types, it.span, it.ident);
for variants.each |v| {
add_name(values, v.span,;
ast::item_mod(_) | ast::item_foreign_mod(_) {
add_name(mods, it.span, it.ident);
ast::item_const(_, _) | ast::item_fn(*) {
add_name(values, it.span, it.ident);
ast::item_ty(*) | ast::item_trait(*) {
add_name(types, it.span, it.ident);
_ { }
_ { }
fn check_fn(e: env, sp: span, decl: ast::fn_decl) {
fn arg_name(a: ast::arg) -> ident { ret a.ident; }
ensure_unique(e, sp, decl.inputs, arg_name, ~"argument");
fn check_expr(e: @env, ex: @ast::expr, &&x: (), v: vt<()>) {
alt ex.node {
ast::expr_rec(fields, _) {
fn field_name(f: ast::field) -> ident { ret f.node.ident; }
ensure_unique(*e, ex.span, fields, field_name, ~"field");
_ { }
visit::visit_expr(ex, x, v);
fn check_ty(e: @env, ty: @ast::ty, &&x: (), v: vt<()>) {
alt ty.node {
ast::ty_rec(fields) {
fn field_name(f: ast::ty_field) -> ident { ret f.node.ident; }
ensure_unique(*e, ty.span, fields, field_name, ~"field");
_ { }
visit::visit_ty(ty, x, v);
type checker = @{seen: dvec<ident>, kind: ~str, sess: session};
fn checker(e: env, kind: ~str) -> checker {
ret @{seen: dvec(), kind: kind, sess: e.sess};
fn check_name(ch: checker, sp: span, name: ident) {
for ch.seen.each |s| {
if str::eq(*s, *name) {
sp, ~"duplicate " + ch.kind + ~" name: " + *name);
fn add_name(ch: checker, sp: span, name: ident) {
check_name(ch, sp, name);
fn ensure_unique<T>(e: env, sp: span, elts: ~[T], id: fn(T) -> ident,
kind: ~str) {
let ch = checker(e, kind);
for elts.each |elt| { add_name(ch, sp, id(elt)); }
fn check_exports(e: @env) {
fn iter_mod(e: env, m: def, sp: span, _dr: dir,
f: fn(ident: ident, def: def)) {
let defid = def_id_of_def(m);
if defid.crate != ast::local_crate {
// FIXME: ought to support external export-globs eventually. #2527
e.sess.span_unimpl(sp, ~"glob-export of items in external crate");
} else {
let mid = def_id_of_def(m);
assert mid.crate == ast::local_crate;
let ixm = e.mod_map.get(mid.node);
for ixm.index.each |ident, mies| {
do list::iter(mies) |mie| {
alt mie {
mie_item(item) {
let defs =
~[ found_def_item(item, ns_val),
found_def_item(item, ns_type),
found_def_item(item, ns_module) ];
for defs.each |d| {
alt d {
some(def) {
f(ident, def);
_ {}
_ {
let s = ~"glob-export from mod with non-items";
e.sess.span_unimpl(sp, s);
fn lookup_glob_any(e: @env, info: @indexed_mod, sp: span,
ident: ident, export_id: node_id) -> bool {
let m = lookup_glob_in_mod(*e, info, sp, ident, ns_module, inside);
let v = lookup_glob_in_mod(*e, info, sp, ident, ns_val, inside);
let t = lookup_glob_in_mod(*e, info, sp, ident, ns_type, inside);
maybe_add_reexport(e, export_id, m);
maybe_add_reexport(e, export_id, v);
maybe_add_reexport(e, export_id, t);
is_some(m) || is_some(v) || is_some(t)
fn maybe_add_reexport(e: @env, export_id: node_id, def: option<def>) {
do option::iter(def) |def| {
add_export(e, export_id, def_id_of_def(def), true);
fn add_export(e: @env, export_id: node_id, target_id: def_id,
reexp: bool) {
let found = alt e.exp_map.find(export_id) {
some(f) { f } none { ~[] }
{reexp: reexp, id: target_id}));
fn check_export(e: @env, ident: ident, _mod: @indexed_mod,
export_id: node_id, vi: @view_item) {
let mut found_something = false;
if _mod.index.contains_key(ident) {
found_something = true;
let xs = _mod.index.get(ident);
do list::iter(xs) |x| {
alt x {
mie_import_ident(id, _) {
alt check e.imports.get(id) {
resolved(v, t, m, _, rid, _) {
maybe_add_reexport(e, export_id, v);
maybe_add_reexport(e, export_id, t);
maybe_add_reexport(e, export_id, m);
_ { e.sess.span_bug(vi.span, ~"unresolved export"); }
mie_item(@{id, _}) | mie_foreign_item(@{id, _}) |
mie_enum_variant(_, _, id, _) {
add_export(e, export_id, local_def(id), false);
_ { }
This code previously used bitwise or (|=) but that was wrong,
because we need or to be lazy here. If something was already
found, we don't want to call lookup_glob_any (see #2316 for
what happens if we do)
found_something = found_something ||
lookup_glob_any(e, _mod, vi.span, ident, export_id);
if !found_something {
#fmt("exported item %s is not defined", *ident));
fn check_enum_ok(e: @env, sp:span, id: ident, _mod: @indexed_mod)
-> node_id {
alt _mod.index.find(id) {
none {
e.sess.span_fatal(sp, #fmt("undefined id %s in an export", *id));
some(ms) {
let maybe_id = do list_search(ms) |m| {
alt m {
mie_item(@{node: item_enum(_, _), id, _}) { some(id) }
_ { none }
alt maybe_id {
some(an_id) { an_id }
_ { e.sess.span_fatal(sp, #fmt("%s does not refer \
to an enumeration", *id)); }
fn check_export_enum_list(e: @env, export_id: node_id, _mod: @indexed_mod,
span: codemap::span, id: ast::ident,
ids: ~[ast::path_list_ident]) {
let parent_id = check_enum_ok(e, span, id, _mod);
add_export(e, export_id, local_def(parent_id), false);
for ids.each |variant_id| {
let mut found = false;
alt _mod.index.find( {
some(ms) {
do list::iter(ms) |m| {
alt m {
mie_enum_variant(_, _, actual_parent_id, _) {
found = true;
if actual_parent_id != parent_id {
span, #fmt("variant %s doesn't belong to \
enum %s",
*, *id));
_ {}
_ {}
if !found {
e.sess.span_err(span, #fmt("%s is not a variant",
for e.mod_map.each_value |_mod| {
alt _mod.m {
some(m) {
let glob_is_re_exported = int_hash();
for m.view_items.each |vi| {
do iter_export_paths(*vi) |vp| {
alt vp.node {
ast::view_path_simple(ident, _, id) {
check_export(e, ident, _mod, id, vi);
ast::view_path_list(path, ids, node_id) {
let id = if vec::len(path.idents) == 1u {
} else {
~"bad export name-list")
check_export_enum_list(e, node_id, _mod, vp.span, id,
ast::view_path_glob(_, node_id) {
glob_is_re_exported.insert(node_id, ());
// Now follow the export-glob links and fill in the
// globbed_exports and exp_map lists.
for _mod.glob_imports.each |glob| {
let id = alt check glob.path.node {
ast::view_path_glob(_, node_id) { node_id }
if ! glob_is_re_exported.contains_key(id) { again; }
do iter_mod(*e, glob.def,
glob.path.span, outside) |ident, def| {
vec::push(_mod.globbed_exports, ident);
maybe_add_reexport(e, id, some(def));
none { }
// Impl resolution
type method_info = {did: def_id, n_tps: uint, ident: ast::ident};
/* An _impl represents an implementation that's currently in scope.
Its fields:
* did: the def id of the class or impl item
* ident: the name of the impl, unless it has no name (as in
"impl of X") in which case the ident
is the ident of the trait that's being implemented
* methods: the item's methods
type _impl = {did: def_id, ident: ast::ident, methods: ~[@method_info]};
type iscopes = @list<@~[@_impl]>;
fn resolve_impls(e: @env, c: @ast::crate) {
visit::visit_crate(*c, @nil, visit::mk_vt(@{
visit_block: |a,b,c| visit_block_with_impl_scope(e, a, b, c),
visit_mod: |a,b,c,d,f| visit_mod_with_impl_scope(e, a, b, c, d, f),
visit_expr: |a,b,c| resolve_impl_in_expr(e, a, b, c)
with *visit::default_visitor()
fn find_impls_in_view_item(e: env, vi: @ast::view_item,
&impls: ~[@_impl], sc: option<iscopes>) {
fn lookup_imported_impls(e: env, id: node_id,
act: fn(@~[@_impl])) {
alt e.imports.get(id) {
resolved(_, _, _, is, _, _) { act(is); }
todo(name, path, span, scopes) {
resolve_import(e, id, name, *path, span, scopes);
alt check e.imports.get(id) {
resolved(_, _, _, is, _, _) { act(is); }
_ {}
do iter_effective_import_paths(*vi) |vp| {
alt vp.node {
ast::view_path_simple(name, pt, id) {
let mut found = ~[];
if vec::len(pt.idents) == 1u {
do option::iter(sc) |sc| {
do list::iter(sc) |level| {
if vec::len(found) == 0u {
for vec::each(*level) |imp| {
if imp.ident == pt.idents[0] {
@{ident: name with *imp});
if vec::len(found) > 0u {
vec::push_all(impls, found);
} else {
do lookup_imported_impls(e, id) |is| {
for vec::each(*is) |i| {
vec::push(impls, @{ident: name with *i});
ast::view_path_list(base, names, _) {
for names.each |nm| {
lookup_imported_impls(e,, |is| {
vec::push_all(impls, *is);
ast::view_path_glob(ids, id) {
alt check e.imports.get(id) {
is_glob(path, sc, sp) {
alt follow_import(e, sc, *path, sp) {
some(def) { find_impls_in_mod(e, def, impls, none); }
_ {}
Given an item <i>, adds one record to the mutable vec
<impls> if the item is an impl; zero or more records if the
item is a class; and none otherwise. Each record describes
one interface implemented by i.
fn find_impls_in_item(e: env, i: @ast::item, &impls: ~[@_impl],
name: option<ident>,
ck_exports: option<@indexed_mod>) {
alt i.node {
ast::item_impl(_, ifce, _, mthds) {
if alt name { some(n) { n == i.ident } _ { true } } &&
alt ck_exports {
some(m) { is_exported(e, i.ident, m) }
_ { true }
} {
vec::push(impls, @{did: local_def(,
ident: i.ident,
methods: vec::map(mthds, |m| {
@{did: local_def(,
n_tps: vec::len(m.tps),
ident: m.ident}
ast::item_class(tps, ifces, items, _, _) {
let (_, mthds) = ast_util::split_class_items(items);
let n_tps = tps.len();
do vec::iter(ifces) |p| {
// The def_id, in this case, identifies the combination of
// class and trait
vec::push(impls, @{did: local_def(p.impl_id),
ident: i.ident,
methods: vec::map(mthds, |m| {
@{did: local_def(,
n_tps: n_tps + m.tps.len(),
ident: m.ident}})});
_ {}
fn find_impls_in_mod_by_id(e: env, defid: def_id, &impls: ~[@_impl],
name: option<ident>) {
let mut cached;
alt e.impl_cache.find(defid) {
some(some(v)) { cached = v; }
some(none) { ret; }
none {
e.impl_cache.insert(defid, none);
cached = if defid.crate == ast::local_crate {
let mut tmp = ~[];
let mi = e.mod_map.get(defid.node);
let md = option::get(mi.m);
for md.view_items.each |vi| {
find_impls_in_view_item(e, vi, tmp, none);
for md.items.each |i| {
find_impls_in_item(e, i, tmp, none, none);
@vec::filter(tmp, |i| is_exported(e, i.ident, mi))
} else {
csearch::get_impls_for_mod(e.sess.cstore, defid, none)
e.impl_cache.insert(defid, some(cached));
alt name {
some(n) {
for vec::each(*cached) |im| {
if n == im.ident { vec::push(impls, im); }
_ { vec::push_all(impls, *cached); }
fn find_impls_in_mod(e: env, m: def, &impls: ~[@_impl],
name: option<ident>) {
alt m {
ast::def_mod(defid) {
find_impls_in_mod_by_id(e, defid, impls, name);
_ {}
fn visit_block_with_impl_scope(e: @env, b: ast::blk, &&sc: iscopes,
v: vt<iscopes>) {
let mut impls = ~[];
for b.node.view_items.each |vi| {
find_impls_in_view_item(*e, vi, impls, some(sc));
for b.node.stmts.each |st| {
alt st.node {
ast::stmt_decl(@{node: ast::decl_item(i), _}, _) {
find_impls_in_item(*e, i, impls, none, none);
_ {}
let sc = if vec::len(impls) > 0u { @cons(@impls, sc) } else { sc };
visit::visit_block(b, sc, v);
fn visit_mod_with_impl_scope(e: @env, m: ast::_mod, s: span, id: node_id,
&&sc: iscopes, v: vt<iscopes>) {
let mut impls = ~[];
for m.view_items.each |vi| {
find_impls_in_view_item(*e, vi, impls, some(sc));
for m.items.each |i| { find_impls_in_item(*e, i, impls, none, none); }
let impls = @impls;
visit::visit_mod(m, s, id, if vec::len(*impls) > 0u {
@cons(impls, sc)
} else {
}, v);
e.impl_map.insert(id, @cons(impls, @nil));
fn resolve_impl_in_expr(e: @env, x: @ast::expr,
&&sc: iscopes, v: vt<iscopes>) {
alt x.node {
// Store the visible impls in all exprs that might need them
ast::expr_field(_, _, _) | ast::expr_path(_) | ast::expr_cast(_, _) |
ast::expr_binary(_, _, _) | ast::expr_unary(_, _) |
ast::expr_assign_op(_, _, _) | ast::expr_index(_, _) {
e.impl_map.insert(, sc);
ast::expr_new(p, _, _) {
e.impl_map.insert(, sc);
_ {}
visit::visit_expr(x, sc, v);
// Local Variables:
// mode: rust
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