remove typestate from code, tests, and docs
This commit is contained in:
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ The keywords in [source files](#source-files) are the following strings:
~~~~~~~~ {.keyword}
alt again assert
check claim class const copy
check class const copy
else enum export extern
fail false fn for
@ -1926,10 +1926,6 @@ an optional reference slot to serve as the function's output, bound to the
`lval` on the right hand side of the call. If the function eventually returns,
then the expression completes.
A call expression statically requires that the precondition declared in the
callee's signature is satisfied by the expression prestate. In this way,
typestates propagate through function boundaries.
An example of a call expression:
@ -2354,117 +2350,6 @@ library. It is best to use the macro forms of logging (*#error*,
when it is changed.
### Check expressions
~~~~~~~~{.ebnf .gram}
check_expr : "check" call_expr ;
A `check` expression connects dynamic assertions made at run-time to the
static [typestate system](#typestate-system). A `check` expression takes a
constraint to check at run-time. If the constraint holds at run-time, control
passes through the `check` and on to the next expression in the enclosing
block. If the condition fails to hold at run-time, the `check` expression
behaves as a `fail` expression.
The typestate algorithm is built around `check` expressions, and in particular
the fact that control *will not pass* a check expression with a condition that
fails to hold. The typestate algorithm can therefore assume that the (static)
postcondition of a `check` expression includes the checked constraint
itself. From there, the typestate algorithm can perform dataflow calculations
on subsequent expressions, propagating [conditions](#conditions) forward and
statically comparing implied states and their specifications.
# fn print(i: int) { }
pure fn even(x: int) -> bool {
ret x & 1 == 0;
fn print_even(x: int) : even(x) {
fn test() {
let y: int = 8;
// Cannot call print_even(y) here.
check even(y);
// Can call print_even(y) here, since even(y) now holds.
### Prove expressions
**Note: Prove expressions are not yet supported by the compiler.**
~~~~~~~~{.ebnf .gram}
prove_expr : "prove" call_expr ;
A `prove` expression has no run-time effect. Its purpose is to statically
check (and document) that its argument constraint holds at its expression
entry point. If its argument typestate does not hold, under the typestate
algorithm, the program containing it will fail to compile.
### Claim expressions
~~~~~~~~{.ebnf .gram}
claim_expr : "claim" call_expr ;
A `claim` expression is an unsafe variant on a `check` expression that is not
actually checked at runtime. Thus, using a `claim` implies a proof obligation
to ensure---without compiler assistance---that an assertion always holds.
Setting a runtime flag can turn all `claim` expressions into `check`
expressions in a compiled Rust program, but the default is to not check the
assertion contained in a `claim`. The idea behind `claim` is that performance
profiling might identify a few bottlenecks in the code where actually checking
a given callee's predicate is too expensive; `claim` allows the code to
typecheck without removing the predicate check at every other call site.
### If-Check expressions
An `if check` expression combines a `if` expression and a `check`
expression in an indivisible unit that can be used to build more complex
conditional control-flow than the `check` expression affords.
In fact, `if check` is a "more primitive" expression than `check`;
instances of the latter can be rewritten as instances of the former. The
following two examples are equivalent:
Example using `check`:
# pure fn even(x: int) -> bool { true }
# fn print_even(x: int) { }
# let x = 0;
check even(x);
Equivalent example using `if check`:
# pure fn even(x: int) -> bool { true }
# fn print_even(x: int) { }
# let x = 0;
if check even(x) {
} else {
### Assert expressions
~~~~~~~~{.ebnf .gram}
@ -2813,220 +2698,6 @@ Sending operations are not part of the Rust language, but are
implemented in the library. Generic functions that send values bound
the kind of these values to sendable.
## Typestate system
Rust programs have a static semantics that determine the types of values
produced by each expression, as well as the *predicates* that hold over
slots in the environment at each point in time during execution.
The latter semantics -- the dataflow analysis of predicates holding over slots
-- is called the *typestate* system.
### Points
Control flows from statement to statement in a block, and through the
evaluation of each expression, from one sub-expression to another. This
sequential control flow is specified as a set of _points_, each of which
has a set of points before and after it in the implied control flow.
For example, this code:
# let mut s;
s = ~"hello, world";
Consists of 2 statements, 3 expressions and 12 points:
* the point before the first statement
* the point before evaluating the static initializer `"hello, world"`
* the point after evaluating the static initializer `"hello, world"`
* the point after the first statement
* the point before the second statement
* the point before evaluating the function value `println`
* the point after evaluating the function value `println`
* the point before evaluating the arguments to `println`
* the point before evaluating the symbol `s`
* the point after evaluating the symbol `s`
* the point after evaluating the arguments to `println`
* the point after the second statement
Whereas this code:
# fn x() -> ~str { ~"" }
# fn y() -> ~str { ~"" }
io::println(x() + y());
Consists of 1 statement, 7 expressions and 14 points:
* the point before the statement
* the point before evaluating the function value `println`
* the point after evaluating the function value `println`
* the point before evaluating the arguments to `println`
* the point before evaluating the arguments to `+`
* the point before evaluating the function value `x`
* the point after evaluating the function value `x`
* the point before evaluating the arguments to `x`
* the point after evaluating the arguments to `x`
* the point before evaluating the function value `y`
* the point after evaluating the function value `y`
* the point before evaluating the arguments to `y`
* the point after evaluating the arguments to `y`
* the point after evaluating the arguments to `+`
* the point after evaluating the arguments to `println`
The typestate system reasons over points, rather than statements or
expressions. This may seem counter-intuitive, but points are the more
primitive concept. Another way of thinking about a point is as a set of
*instants in time* at which the state of a task is fixed. By contrast, a
statement or expression represents a *duration in time*, during which the
state of the task changes. The typestate system is concerned with constraining
the possible states of a task's memory at *instants*; it is meaningless to
speak of the state of a task's memory "at" a statement or expression, as each
statement or expression is likely to change the contents of memory.
### Control flow graph
Each *point* can be considered a vertex in a directed *graph*. Each
kind of expression or statement implies a number of points *and edges* in
this graph. The edges connect the points within each statement or expression,
as well as between those points and those of nearby statements and expressions
in the program. The edges between points represent *possible* indivisible
control transfers that might occur during execution.
This implicit graph is called the _control-flow graph_, or _CFG_.
### Constraints
A [_predicate_](#predicate-functions) is a pure boolean function declared with
the keywords `pure fn`.
A _constraint_ is a predicate applied to specific slots.
For example, consider the following code:
pure fn is_less_than(a: int, b: int) -> bool {
ret a < b;
fn test() {
let x: int = 10;
let y: int = 20;
check is_less_than(x,y);
This example defines the predicate `is_less_than`, and applies it to the slots
`x` and `y`. The constraint being checked on the third line of the function is
Predicates can only apply to slots holding immutable values. The slots a
predicate applies to can themselves be mutable, but the types of values held
in those slots must be immutable.
### Conditions
A _condition_ is a set of zero or more constraints.
Each *point* has an associated *condition*:
* The _precondition_ of a statement or expression is the condition required at
in the point before it.
* The _postcondition_ of a statement or expression is the condition enforced
in the point after it.
Any constraint present in the precondition and *absent* in the postcondition
is considered to be *dropped* by the statement or expression.
### Calculated typestates
The typestate checking system *calculates* an additional condition for each
point called its _typestate_. For a given statement or expression, we call the
two typestates associated with its two points the prestate and a poststate.
* The _prestate_ of a statement or expression is the typestate of the
point before it.
* The _poststate_ of a statement or expression is the typestate of the
point after it.
A _typestate_ is a condition that has _been determined by the typestate
algorithm_ to hold at a point. This is a subtle but important point to
understand: preconditions and postconditions are *inputs* to the typestate
algorithm; prestates and poststates are *outputs* from the typestate
The typestate algorithm analyses the preconditions and postconditions of every
statement and expression in a block, and computes a condition for each
typestate. Specifically:
* Initially, every typestate is empty.
* Each statement or expression's poststate is given the union of the its
prestate, precondition, and postcondition.
* Each statement or expression's poststate has the difference between its
precondition and postcondition removed.
* Each statement or expression's prestate is given the intersection of the
poststates of every predecessor point in the CFG.
* The previous three steps are repeated until no typestates in the
block change.
The typestate algorithm is a very conventional dataflow calculation, and can
be performed using bit-set operations, with one bit per predicate and one
bit-set per condition.
After the typestates of a block are computed, the typestate algorithm checks
that every constraint in the precondition of a statement is satisfied by its
prestate. If any preconditions are not satisfied, the mismatch is considered a
static (compile-time) error.
### Typestate checks
The key mechanism that connects run-time semantics and compile-time analysis
of typestates is the use of [`check` expressions](#check-expressions). A
`check` expression guarantees that *if* control were to proceed past it, the
predicate associated with the `check` would have succeeded, so the constraint
being checked *statically* holds in subsequent points.^[A `check` expression
is similar to an `assert` call in a C program, with the significant difference
that the Rust compiler *tracks* the constraint that each `check` expression
enforces. Naturally, `check` expressions cannot be omitted from a "production
build" of a Rust program the same way `asserts` are frequently disabled in
deployed C programs.}
It is important to understand that the typestate system has *no insight* into
the meaning of a particular predicate. Predicates and constraints are not
evaluated in any way at compile time. Predicates are treated as specific (but
unknown) functions applied to specific (also unknown) slots. All the typestate
system does is track which of those predicates -- whatever they calculate --
*must have been checked already* in order for program control to reach a
particular point in the CFG. The fundamental building block, therefore, is the
`check` statement, which tells the typestate system "if control passes this
point, the checked predicate holds".
From this building block, constraints can be propagated to function signatures
and constrained types, and the responsibility to `check` a constraint
pushed further and further away from the site at which the program requires it
to hold in order to execute properly.
# Memory and concurrency models
Rust has a memory model centered around concurrently-executing _tasks_. Thus
@ -763,7 +763,6 @@ fn rustc_sysroot() -> ~str {
alt os::self_exe_path() {
some(path) {
let path = ~[path, ~"..", ~"bin", ~"rustc"];
check vec::is_not_empty(path);
let rustc = path::normalize(path::connect_many(path));
#debug(" rustc: %s", rustc);
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ fn parse_config(args: ~[~str]) -> config {
check (vec::is_not_empty(args));
assert (vec::is_not_empty(args));
let args_ = vec::tail(args);
let match =
alt getopts::getopts(args_, opts) {
@ -121,7 +121,6 @@ fn run_pretty_test(config: config, props: test_props, testfile: ~str) {
if option::is_some(props.pp_exact) {
// Now we have to care about line endings
let cr = ~"\r";
check (str::is_not_empty(cr));
actual = str::replace(actual, cr, ~"");
expected = str::replace(expected, cr, ~"");
@ -69,7 +69,6 @@ pure fn safe_to_use_expr(e: ast::expr, tm: test_mode) -> bool {
// position, the pretty-printer can't preserve this even by
// parenthesizing!! See email to marijn.
ast::expr_if(_, _, _) { false }
ast::expr_if_check(_, _, _) { false }
ast::expr_block(_) { false }
ast::expr_alt(_, _, _) { false }
ast::expr_while(_, _) { false }
@ -87,10 +86,6 @@ pure fn safe_to_use_expr(e: ast::expr, tm: test_mode) -> bool {
ast::expr_fail(option::some(_)) { false }
//ast::expr_assert(_) { false }
ast::expr_check(_, _) { false }
//ast::expr_cast(_, _) { false }
@ -105,13 +100,8 @@ pure fn safe_to_use_expr(e: ast::expr, tm: test_mode) -> bool {
fn safe_to_steal_ty(t: @ast::ty, tm: test_mode) -> bool {
alt t.node {
ast::ty_constr(_, _) { false }
// Other restrictions happen to be the same.
_ { safe_to_replace_ty(t.node, tm) }
// Restrictions happen to be the same.
safe_to_replace_ty(t.node, tm)
// Not type-parameterized: (FIXED)
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ fn normalize(p: path) -> path {
let s = strip_dots(s);
let s = rollup_doubledots(s);
let s = if check vec::is_not_empty(s) {
let s = if vec::is_not_empty(s) {
} else {
@ -289,9 +289,9 @@ fn map_opt<T,U:copy,V:copy>(
* to accommodate an error like the vectors being of different lengths.
fn map_vec2<S,T,U:copy,V:copy>(ss: ~[S], ts: ~[T],
op: fn(S,T) -> result<V,U>)
: vec::same_length(ss, ts) -> result<~[V],U> {
op: fn(S,T) -> result<V,U>) -> result<~[V],U> {
assert vec::same_length(ss, ts);
let n = vec::len(ts);
let mut vs = ~[];
vec::reserve(vs, n);
@ -312,10 +312,9 @@ fn map_vec2<S,T,U:copy,V:copy>(ss: ~[S], ts: ~[T],
* on its own as no result vector is built.
fn iter_vec2<S,T,U:copy>(ss: ~[S], ts: ~[T],
op: fn(S,T) -> result<(),U>)
: vec::same_length(ss, ts)
-> result<(),U> {
op: fn(S,T) -> result<(),U>) -> result<(),U> {
assert vec::same_length(ss, ts);
let n = vec::len(ts);
let mut i = 0u;
while i < n {
@ -284,9 +284,6 @@ type field = spanned<field_>;
enum blk_check_mode { default_blk, unchecked_blk, unsafe_blk, }
enum expr_check_mode { claimed_expr, checked_expr, }
type expr = {id: node_id, callee_id: node_id, node: expr_, span: span};
// Extra node ID is only used for index, assign_op, unary, binary
@ -322,10 +319,6 @@ enum expr_ {
* FIXME (#34): many of these @exprs should be constrained with
* is_lval once we have constrained types working.
expr_move(@expr, @expr),
expr_assign(@expr, @expr),
@ -348,9 +341,6 @@ enum expr_ {
/* just an assert, no significance to typestate */
/* preds that typestate is aware of */
expr_check(expr_check_mode, @expr),
expr_if_check(@expr, blk, option<@expr>),
@ -365,15 +355,6 @@ type capture_item = @{
type capture_clause = @~[capture_item];
// Says whether this is a block the user marked as
// "unchecked"
enum blk_sort {
blk_unchecked, // declared as "exception to effect-checking rules"
blk_checked, // all typing rules apply
#[doc="For macro invocations; parsing is delegated to the macro"]
enum token_tree {
@ -384,8 +365,6 @@ enum token_tree {
tt_interpolate(span, ident)
type matcher = spanned<matcher_>;
@ -502,7 +481,6 @@ enum ty_ {
ty_fn(proto, fn_decl),
ty_path(@path, node_id),
ty_constr(@ty, ~[@ty_constr]),
ty_fixed_length(@ty, option<uint>),
// ty_infer means the type should be inferred instead of it having been
@ -511,59 +489,6 @@ enum ty_ {
A constraint arg that's a function argument is referred to by its position
rather than name. This is so we could have higher-order functions that have
constraints (potentially -- right now there's no way to write that), and also
so that the typestate pass doesn't have to map a function name onto its decl.
So, the constr_arg type is parameterized: it's instantiated with uint for
declarations, and ident for uses.
enum constr_arg_general_<T> { carg_base, carg_ident(T), carg_lit(@lit), }
type fn_constr_arg = constr_arg_general_<uint>;
type sp_constr_arg<T> = spanned<constr_arg_general_<T>>;
type ty_constr_arg = sp_constr_arg<@path>;
type constr_arg = spanned<fn_constr_arg>;
// Constrained types' args are parameterized by paths, since
// we refer to paths directly and not by indices.
// The implicit root of such path, in the constraint-list for a
// constrained type, is * (referring to the base record)
type constr_general_<ARG, ID> =
{path: @path, args: ~[@sp_constr_arg<ARG>], id: ID};
// In the front end, constraints have a node ID attached.
// Typeck turns this to a def_id, using the output of resolve.
type constr_general<ARG> = spanned<constr_general_<ARG, node_id>>;
type constr_ = constr_general_<uint, node_id>;
type constr = spanned<constr_general_<uint, node_id>>;
type ty_constr_ = constr_general_<@path, node_id>;
type ty_constr = spanned<ty_constr_>;
/* The parser generates ast::constrs; resolve generates
a mapping from each function to a list of ty::constr_defs,
corresponding to these. */
type arg = {mode: mode, ty: @ty, ident: ident, id: node_id};
@ -572,8 +497,7 @@ type fn_decl =
{inputs: ~[arg],
output: @ty,
purity: purity,
cf: ret_style,
constraints: ~[@constr]};
cf: ret_style};
enum purity {
@ -213,14 +213,6 @@ pure fn is_call_expr(e: @expr) -> bool {
alt e.node { expr_call(_, _, _) { true } _ { false } }
fn is_constraint_arg(e: @expr) -> bool {
alt e.node {
expr_lit(_) { ret true; }
expr_path(_) { ret true; }
_ { ret false; }
fn eq_ty(&&a: @ty, &&b: @ty) -> bool { ret box::ptr_eq(a, b); }
fn hash_ty(&&t: @ty) -> uint {
@ -381,8 +373,8 @@ fn dtor_dec() -> fn_decl {
let nil_t = @{id: 0, node: ty_nil, span: dummy_sp()};
// dtor has one argument, of type ()
{inputs: ~[{mode: ast::expl(ast::by_ref),
ty: nil_t, ident: @~"_", id: 0}],
output: nil_t, purity: impure_fn, cf: return_val, constraints: ~[]}
ty: nil_t, ident: @~"_", id: 0}],
output: nil_t, purity: impure_fn, cf: return_val}
// ______________________________________________________________________
@ -467,10 +459,6 @@ fn id_visitor(vfn: fn@(node_id)) -> visit::vt<()> {
vec::iter(ps, |p| vfn(
visit_constr: fn@(_p: @path, _sp: span, id: node_id) {
visit_fn: fn@(fk: visit::fn_kind, d: ast::fn_decl,
_b: ast::blk, _sp: span, id: ast::node_id) {
@ -162,8 +162,7 @@ impl helpers for ext_ctxt {
node: ast::ty_fn(ast::proto_any, {inputs: args,
output: output,
purity: ast::impure_fn,
cf: ast::return_val,
constraints: ~[]}),
cf: ast::return_val}),
span: span}
@ -466,10 +465,6 @@ fn ser_ty(cx: ext_ctxt, tps: ser_tps_map,
ast::ty_constr(ty, _) {
ser_ty(cx, tps, ty, s, v)
ast::ty_mac(_) {
cx.span_err(ty.span, ~"cannot serialize macro types");
@ -573,8 +568,7 @@ fn mk_ser_fn(cx: ext_ctxt, span: span, name: ast::ident,
node: ast::item_fn({inputs: ser_inputs,
output: ser_output,
purity: ast::impure_fn,
cf: ast::return_val,
constraints: ~[]},
cf: ast::return_val},
vis: ast::public,
@ -697,10 +691,6 @@ fn deser_ty(cx: ext_ctxt, tps: deser_tps_map,
ast::ty_constr(ty, constrs) {
deser_ty(cx, tps, ty, d)
ast::ty_mac(_) {
#ast{ fail }
@ -783,8 +773,7 @@ fn mk_deser_fn(cx: ext_ctxt, span: span,
node: ast::item_fn({inputs: deser_inputs,
output: v_ty,
purity: ast::impure_fn,
cf: ast::return_val,
constraints: ~[]},
cf: ast::return_val},
vis: ast::public,
@ -89,10 +89,7 @@ impl ast_builder for ext_ctxt {
{inputs: inputs,
output: output,
purity: ast::impure_fn,
cf: ast::return_val,
// FIXME #2886: we'll probably want a variant that does constrained
// types.
constraints: ~[]}
cf: ast::return_val}
fn item(name: ident,
@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ iface ast_fold {
fn fold_decl(&&@decl) -> @decl;
fn fold_expr(&&@expr) -> @expr;
fn fold_ty(&&@ty) -> @ty;
fn fold_constr(&&@constr) -> @constr;
fn fold_ty_constr(&&@ty_constr) -> @ty_constr;
fn fold_mod(_mod) -> _mod;
fn fold_foreign_mod(foreign_mod) -> foreign_mod;
fn fold_variant(variant) -> variant;
@ -66,9 +64,6 @@ type ast_fold_precursor = @{
fold_decl: fn@(decl_, span, ast_fold) -> (decl_, span),
fold_expr: fn@(expr_, span, ast_fold) -> (expr_, span),
fold_ty: fn@(ty_, span, ast_fold) -> (ty_, span),
fold_constr: fn@(ast::constr_, span, ast_fold) -> (constr_, span),
fold_ty_constr: fn@(ast::ty_constr_, span, ast_fold)
-> (ty_constr_, span),
fold_mod: fn@(_mod, ast_fold) -> _mod,
fold_foreign_mod: fn@(foreign_mod, ast_fold) -> foreign_mod,
fold_variant: fn@(variant_, span, ast_fold) -> (variant_, span),
@ -135,8 +130,7 @@ fn fold_fn_decl(decl: ast::fn_decl, fld: ast_fold) -> ast::fn_decl {
ret {inputs: vec::map(decl.inputs, |x| fold_arg_(x, fld) ),
output: fld.fold_ty(decl.output),
purity: decl.purity,
constraints: vec::map(decl.constraints, |x| fld.fold_constr(x))}
fn fold_ty_param_bound(tpb: ty_param_bound, fld: ast_fold) -> ty_param_bound {
@ -200,10 +194,7 @@ fn noop_fold_foreign_item(&&ni: @foreign_item, fld: ast_fold)
foreign_item_fn({inputs: vec::map(fdec.inputs, fold_arg),
output: fld.fold_ty(fdec.output),
purity: fdec.purity,
|x| fld.fold_constr(x))},
fold_ty_params(typms, fld))
@ -474,11 +465,6 @@ fn noop_fold_expr(e: expr_, fld: ast_fold) -> expr_ {
expr_log(i, lv, e) { expr_log(i, fld.fold_expr(lv),
fld.fold_expr(e)) }
expr_assert(e) { expr_assert(fld.fold_expr(e)) }
expr_check(m, e) { expr_check(m, fld.fold_expr(e)) }
expr_if_check(cond, tr, fl) {
expr_if_check(fld.fold_expr(cond), fld.fold_block(tr),
option::map(fl, |x| fld.fold_expr(x)))
expr_mac(mac) { expr_mac(fold_mac(mac)) }
@ -504,24 +490,11 @@ fn noop_fold_ty(t: ty_, fld: ast_fold) -> ty_ {
ty_fn(proto, decl) {ty_fn(proto, fold_fn_decl(decl, fld))}
ty_tup(tys) {ty_tup(vec::map(tys, |ty| fld.fold_ty(ty)))}
ty_path(path, id) {ty_path(fld.fold_path(path), fld.new_id(id))}
ty_constr(ty, constrs) {ty_constr(fld.fold_ty(ty),
vec::map(constrs, |x| fld.fold_ty_constr(x)))}
ty_fixed_length(t, vs) {ty_fixed_length(fld.fold_ty(t), vs)}
ty_mac(mac) {ty_mac(fold_mac(mac))}
fn noop_fold_constr(c: constr_, fld: ast_fold) -> constr_ {
{path: fld.fold_path(c.path), args: /* FIXME (#2543) */ copy c.args,
id: fld.new_id(}
fn noop_fold_ty_constr(c: ty_constr_, fld: ast_fold) -> ty_constr_ {
let rslt: ty_constr_ =
{path: fld.fold_path(c.path), args: /* FIXME (#2543) */ copy c.args,
id: fld.new_id(};
// ...nor do modules
fn noop_fold_mod(m: _mod, fld: ast_fold) -> _mod {
ret {view_items: vec::map(m.view_items, |x| fld.fold_view_item(x)),
@ -606,8 +579,6 @@ fn default_ast_fold() -> ast_fold_precursor {
fold_decl: wrap(noop_fold_decl),
fold_expr: wrap(noop_fold_expr),
fold_ty: wrap(noop_fold_ty),
fold_constr: wrap(noop_fold_constr),
fold_ty_constr: wrap(noop_fold_ty_constr),
fold_mod: noop_fold_mod,
fold_foreign_mod: noop_fold_foreign_mod,
fold_variant: wrap(noop_fold_variant),
@ -697,17 +668,6 @@ impl of ast_fold for ast_fold_precursor {
let (n, s) = self.fold_ty(x.node, x.span, self as ast_fold);
ret @{id: self.new_id(, node: n, span: self.new_span(s)};
fn fold_constr(&&x: @ast::constr) ->
@ast::constr {
let (n, s) = self.fold_constr(x.node, x.span, self as ast_fold);
ret @{node: n, span: self.new_span(s)};
fn fold_ty_constr(&&x: @ast::ty_constr) ->
@ast::ty_constr {
let (n, s) : (ty_constr_, span) =
self.fold_ty_constr(x.node, x.span, self as ast_fold);
ret @{node: n, span: self.new_span(s)};
fn fold_mod(x: _mod) -> _mod {
ret self.fold_mod(x, self as ast_fold);
@ -6,8 +6,7 @@ import ast_util::operator_prec;
fn expr_requires_semi_to_be_stmt(e: @ast::expr) -> bool {
alt e.node {
ast::expr_if(_, _, _) | ast::expr_if_check(_, _, _)
| ast::expr_alt(_, _, _) | ast::expr_block(_)
ast::expr_if(_, _, _) | ast::expr_alt(_, _, _) | ast::expr_block(_)
| ast::expr_while(_, _) | ast::expr_loop(_)
| ast::expr_call(_, _, true) {
@ -44,7 +43,6 @@ fn need_parens(expr: @ast::expr, outer_prec: uint) -> bool {
ast::expr_assign_op(_, _, _) { true }
ast::expr_ret(_) { true }
ast::expr_assert(_) { true }
ast::expr_check(_, _) { true }
ast::expr_log(_, _, _) { true }
_ { !parse::classify::expr_requires_semi_to_be_stmt(expr) }
@ -64,8 +62,9 @@ fn ends_in_lit_int(ex: @ast::expr) -> bool {
ast::expr_move(_, sub) | ast::expr_copy(sub) |
ast::expr_assign(_, sub) |
ast::expr_assign_op(_, _, sub) | ast::expr_swap(_, sub) |
ast::expr_log(_, _, sub) | ast::expr_assert(sub) |
ast::expr_check(_, sub) { ends_in_lit_int(sub) }
ast::expr_log(_, _, sub) | ast::expr_assert(sub) {
ast::expr_fail(osub) | ast::expr_ret(osub) {
alt osub {
some(ex) { ends_in_lit_int(ex) }
@ -20,14 +20,14 @@ import ast::{_mod, add, alt_check, alt_exhaustive, arg, arm, attribute,
by_mutbl_ref, by_ref, by_val, capture_clause, capture_item,
carg_base, carg_ident, cdir_dir_mod, cdir_src_mod,
cdir_view_item, checked_expr, claimed_expr, class_immutable,
class_member, class_method, class_mutable, constr, constr_arg,
constr_general, crate, crate_cfg, crate_directive, decl,
class_member, class_method, class_mutable,
crate, crate_cfg, crate_directive, decl,
decl_item, decl_local, default_blk, deref, div, expl, expr,
expr_, expr_addr_of, expr_alt, expr_again, expr_assert,
expr_assign, expr_assign_op, expr_binary, expr_block, expr_break,
expr_call, expr_cast, expr_check, expr_copy, expr_do_body,
expr_call, expr_cast, expr_copy, expr_do_body,
expr_fail, expr_field, expr_fn, expr_fn_block, expr_if,
expr_if_check, expr_index, expr_lit, expr_log, expr_loop,
expr_index, expr_lit, expr_log, expr_loop,
expr_loop_body, expr_mac, expr_move, expr_new, expr_path,
expr_rec, expr_ret, expr_swap, expr_tup, expr_unary, expr_vec,
expr_vstore, expr_while, extern_fn, field, fn_decl, foreign_item,
@ -265,15 +265,9 @@ class parser {
{mode: mode, ty: p.parse_ty(false), ident: name,
id: p.get_id()}
// FIXME (#34): constrs is empty because right now, higher-order
// functions can't have constrained types. Not sure whether
// that would be desirable anyway. See bug for the story on
// constrained types.
let constrs: ~[@constr] = ~[];
let (ret_style, ret_ty) = self.parse_ret_ty();
ret {inputs: inputs, output: ret_ty,
purity: purity, cf: ret_style,
constraints: constrs};
purity: purity, cf: ret_style};
fn parse_trait_methods() -> ~[trait_method] {
@ -341,79 +335,6 @@ class parser {
ret spanned(lo, ty.span.hi, {ident: id, mt: {ty: ty, mutbl: mutbl}});
// if i is the jth ident in args, return j
// otherwise, fail
fn ident_index(args: ~[arg], i: ident) -> uint {
let mut j = 0u;
for args.each |a| { if a.ident == i { ret j; } j += 1u; }
self.fatal(~"unbound variable `" + *i + ~"` in constraint arg");
fn parse_type_constr_arg() -> @ty_constr_arg {
let sp = self.span;
let mut carg = carg_base;
if self.token == token::DOT {
// "*..." notation for record fields
let pth = self.parse_path_without_tps();
carg = carg_ident(pth);
// No literals yet, I guess?
ret @{node: carg, span: sp};
fn parse_constr_arg(args: ~[arg]) -> @constr_arg {
let sp = self.span;
let mut carg = carg_base;
if self.token == token::BINOP(token::STAR) {
} else {
let i: ident = self.parse_value_ident();
carg = carg_ident(self.ident_index(args, i));
ret @{node: carg, span: sp};
fn parse_ty_constr(fn_args: ~[arg]) -> @constr {
let lo = self.span.lo;
let path = self.parse_path_without_tps();
let args = self.parse_unspanned_seq(
token::LPAREN, token::RPAREN,
|p| p.parse_constr_arg(fn_args));
ret @spanned(lo, self.span.hi,
{path: path, args: args, id: self.get_id()});
fn parse_constr_in_type() -> @ty_constr {
let lo = self.span.lo;
let path = self.parse_path_without_tps();
let args: ~[@ty_constr_arg] = self.parse_unspanned_seq(
token::LPAREN, token::RPAREN,
|p| p.parse_type_constr_arg());
let hi = self.span.lo;
let tc: ty_constr_ = {path: path, args: args, id: self.get_id()};
ret @spanned(lo, hi, tc);
fn parse_constrs<T: copy>(pser: fn(parser) -> @constr_general<T>) ->
~[@constr_general<T>] {
let mut constrs: ~[@constr_general<T>] = ~[];
loop {
let constr = pser(self);
vec::push(constrs, constr);
if self.token == token::COMMA { self.bump(); }
else { ret constrs; }
fn parse_type_constraints() -> ~[@ty_constr] {
ret self.parse_constrs(|p| p.parse_constr_in_type());
fn parse_ret_ty() -> (ret_style, @ty) {
ret if {
let lo = self.span.lo;
@ -519,16 +440,7 @@ class parser {
if vec::len(elems) == 0u {
let hi = self.span.hi;
let t = ty_rec(elems);
if self.token == token::COLON {
ty_constr(@{id: self.get_id(),
node: t,
span: mk_sp(lo, hi)},
} else { t }
} else if self.token == token::LBRACKET {
let t = ty_vec(self.parse_mt());
@ -970,21 +882,6 @@ class parser {
let e = self.parse_expr();
ex = expr_assert(e);
hi = e.span.hi;
} else if self.eat_keyword(~"check") {
/* Should be a predicate (pure boolean function) applied to
arguments that are all either slot variables or literals.
but the typechecker enforces that. */
let e = self.parse_expr();
hi = e.span.hi;
ex = expr_check(checked_expr, e);
} else if self.eat_keyword(~"claim") {
/* Same rules as check, except that if check-claims
is enabled (a command-line flag), then the parser turns
claims into check */
let e = self.parse_expr();
hi = e.span.hi;
ex = expr_check(claimed_expr, e);
} else if self.eat_keyword(~"ret") {
if can_begin_expr(self.token) {
let e = self.parse_expr();
@ -1457,12 +1354,7 @@ class parser {
ret lhs;
fn parse_if_expr_1() ->
{cond: @expr,
then: blk,
els: option<@expr>,
lo: uint,
hi: uint} {
fn parse_if_expr() -> @expr {
let lo = self.last_span.lo;
let cond = self.parse_expr();
let thn = self.parse_block();
@ -1473,18 +1365,8 @@ class parser {
els = some(elexpr);
hi = elexpr.span.hi;
ret {cond: cond, then: thn, els: els, lo: lo, hi: hi};
fn parse_if_expr() -> @expr {
if self.eat_keyword(~"check") {
let q = self.parse_if_expr_1();
ret self.mk_expr(q.lo, q.hi,
expr_if_check(q.cond, q.then, q.els));
} else {
let q = self.parse_if_expr_1();
ret self.mk_expr(q.lo, q.hi, expr_if(q.cond, q.then, q.els));
let q = {cond: cond, then: thn, els: els, lo: lo, hi: hi};
ret self.mk_expr(q.lo, q.hi, expr_if(q.cond, q.then, q.els));
fn parse_fn_expr(proto: proto) -> @expr {
@ -1520,8 +1402,7 @@ class parser {
span: self.span
purity: impure_fn,
cf: return_val,
constraints: ~[]
cf: return_val
@ -2083,20 +1964,11 @@ class parser {
let inputs = either::lefts(args_or_capture_items);
let capture_clause = @either::rights(args_or_capture_items);
// Use the args list to translate each bound variable
// mentioned in a constraint to an arg index.
// Seems weird to do this in the parser, but I'm not sure how else to.
let mut constrs = ~[];
if self.token == token::COLON {
constrs = self.parse_constrs(|p| p.parse_ty_constr(inputs));
let (ret_style, ret_ty) = self.parse_ret_ty();
ret ({inputs: inputs,
output: ret_ty,
purity: purity,
cf: ret_style,
constraints: constrs}, capture_clause);
cf: ret_style}, capture_clause);
fn parse_fn_block_decl() -> (fn_decl, capture_clause) {
@ -2118,8 +1990,7 @@ class parser {
ret ({inputs: either::lefts(inputs_captures),
output: output,
purity: impure_fn,
cf: return_val,
constraints: ~[]},
cf: return_val},
@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ fn restricted_keyword_table() -> hashmap<~str, ()> {
let keys = ~[
~"alt", ~"again", ~"assert",
~"check", ~"claim", ~"class", ~"const", ~"copy",
~"check", ~"class", ~"const", ~"copy",
~"do", ~"drop",
~"else", ~"enum", ~"export", ~"extern",
~"fail", ~"false", ~"fn", ~"for",
@ -128,8 +128,7 @@ fn test_fun_to_str() {
node: ast::ty_nil,
span: ast_util::dummy_sp()},
purity: ast::impure_fn,
cf: ast::return_val,
constraints: ~[]
cf: ast::return_val
assert fun_to_str(decl, "a", ~[]) == "fn a()";
@ -373,11 +372,6 @@ fn print_type_ex(s: ps, &&ty: @ast::ty, print_colons: bool) {
print_ty_fn(s, some(proto), d, none, none);
ast::ty_path(path, _) { print_path(s, path, print_colons); }
ast::ty_constr(t, cs) {
print_type(s, t);
word(s.s, constrs_str(cs, ty_constr_to_str));
ast::ty_fixed_length(t, v) {
print_type(s, t);
word(s.s, ~"/");
@ -977,9 +971,6 @@ fn print_expr(s: ps, &&expr: @ast::expr) {
ast::expr_if(test, blk, elseopt) {
print_if(s, test, blk, elseopt, false);
ast::expr_if_check(test, blk, elseopt) {
print_if(s, test, blk, elseopt, true);
ast::expr_while(test, blk) {
head(s, ~"while");
print_maybe_parens_discrim(s, test);
@ -1131,15 +1122,6 @@ fn print_expr(s: ps, &&expr: @ast::expr) {
ast::expr_check(m, expr) {
alt m {
ast::claimed_expr { word_nbsp(s, ~"claim"); }
ast::checked_expr { word_nbsp(s, ~"check"); }
print_expr(s, expr);
ast::expr_assert(expr) {
word_nbsp(s, ~"assert");
print_expr(s, expr);
@ -1166,7 +1148,7 @@ fn print_expr_parens_if_not_bot(s: ps, ex: @ast::expr) {
ast::expr_assign_op(_, _, _) | ast::expr_swap(_, _) |
ast::expr_log(_, _, _) | ast::expr_assert(_) |
ast::expr_call(_, _, true) |
ast::expr_check(_, _) | ast::expr_vstore(_, _) { true }
ast::expr_vstore(_, _) { true }
_ { false }
if parens { popen(s); }
@ -1348,9 +1330,6 @@ fn print_fn_args_and_ret(s: ps, decl: ast::fn_decl,
print_fn_args(s, decl, cap_items);
word(s.s, constrs_str(decl.constraints, |c| {
ast_fn_constr_to_str(decl, c)
maybe_print_comment(s, decl.output.span.lo);
if decl.output.node != ast::ty_nil {
@ -1552,7 +1531,6 @@ fn print_ty_fn(s: ps, opt_proto: option<ast::proto>,
else { print_type(s, decl.output); }
word(s.s, constrs_str(decl.constraints, ast_ty_fn_constr_to_str));
@ -1736,67 +1714,6 @@ fn next_comment(s: ps) -> option<comments::cmnt> {
fn constr_args_to_str<T>(f: fn@(T) -> ~str,
args: ~[@ast::sp_constr_arg<T>]) ->
~str {
let mut comma = false;
let mut s = ~"(";
for args.each |a| {
if comma { s += ~", "; } else { comma = true; }
s += constr_arg_to_str::<T>(f, a.node);
s += ~")";
ret s;
fn constr_arg_to_str<T>(f: fn@(T) -> ~str, c: ast::constr_arg_general_<T>) ->
~str {
alt c {
ast::carg_base { ret ~"*"; }
ast::carg_ident(i) { ret f(i); }
ast::carg_lit(l) { ret lit_to_str(l); }
// needed b/c constr_args_to_str needs
// something that takes an alias
// (argh)
fn uint_to_str(&&i: uint) -> ~str { ret uint::str(i); }
fn ast_ty_fn_constr_to_str(&&c: @ast::constr) -> ~str {
ret path_to_str(c.node.path) +
constr_args_to_str(uint_to_str, c.node.args);
fn ast_fn_constr_to_str(decl: ast::fn_decl, &&c: @ast::constr) -> ~str {
let arg_to_str = |a| fn_arg_idx_to_str(decl, a);
ret path_to_str(c.node.path) +
constr_args_to_str(arg_to_str, c.node.args);
fn ty_constr_to_str(&&c: @ast::ty_constr) -> ~str {
fn ty_constr_path_to_str(&&p: @ast::path) -> ~str {
~"*." + path_to_str(p)
ret path_to_str(c.node.path) +
fn constrs_str<T>(constrs: ~[T], elt: fn(T) -> ~str) -> ~str {
let mut s = ~"", colon = true;
for constrs.each |c| {
if colon { s += ~" : "; colon = false; } else { s += ~", "; }
s += elt(c);
ret s;
fn fn_arg_idx_to_str(decl: ast::fn_decl, &&idx: uint) -> ~str {
fn opt_proto_to_str(opt_p: option<ast::proto>) -> ~str {
alt opt_p {
none { ~"fn" }
@ -44,8 +44,6 @@ fn tps_of_fn(fk: fn_kind) -> ~[ty_param] {
type visitor<E> =
// takes the components so that one function can be
// generic over constr and ty_constr
@{visit_mod: fn@(_mod, span, node_id, E, vt<E>),
visit_view_item: fn@(@view_item, E, vt<E>),
visit_foreign_item: fn@(@foreign_item, E, vt<E>),
@ -59,7 +57,6 @@ type visitor<E> =
visit_expr: fn@(@expr, E, vt<E>),
visit_ty: fn@(@ty, E, vt<E>),
visit_ty_params: fn@(~[ty_param], E, vt<E>),
visit_constr: fn@(@path, span, node_id, E, vt<E>),
visit_fn: fn@(fn_kind, fn_decl, blk, span, node_id, E, vt<E>),
visit_ty_method: fn@(ty_method, E, vt<E>),
visit_trait_method: fn@(trait_method, E, vt<E>),
@ -79,7 +76,6 @@ fn default_visitor<E>() -> visitor<E> {
visit_expr: |a,b,c|visit_expr::<E>(a, b, c),
visit_ty: |a,b,c|skip_ty::<E>(a, b, c),
visit_ty_params: |a,b,c|visit_ty_params::<E>(a, b, c),
visit_constr: |a,b,c,d,e|visit_constr::<E>(a, b, c, d, e),
visit_fn: |a,b,c,d,e,f,g|visit_fn::<E>(a, b, c, d, e, f, g),
visit_ty_method: |a,b,c|visit_ty_method::<E>(a, b, c),
visit_trait_method: |a,b,c|visit_trait_method::<E>(a, b, c),
@ -194,21 +190,12 @@ fn visit_ty<E>(t: @ty, e: E, v: vt<E>) {
ty_tup(ts) { for ts.each |tt| { v.visit_ty(tt, e, v); } }
ty_fn(_, decl) {
for decl.inputs.each |a| { v.visit_ty(a.ty, e, v); }
for decl.constraints.each |c| {
v.visit_constr(c.node.path, c.span,, e, v);
v.visit_ty(decl.output, e, v);
ty_path(p, _) { visit_path(p, e, v); }
ty_fixed_length(t, _) {
v.visit_ty(t, e, v);
ty_constr(t, cs) {
v.visit_ty(t, e, v);
for cs.each |tc| {
v.visit_constr(tc.node.path, tc.span,, e, v);
ty_nil |
ty_bot |
ty_mac(_) |
@ -217,11 +204,6 @@ fn visit_ty<E>(t: @ty, e: E, v: vt<E>) {
fn visit_constr<E>(_operator: @path, _sp: span, _id: node_id, _e: E,
_v: vt<E>) {
// default
fn visit_path<E>(p: @path, e: E, v: vt<E>) {
for p.types.each |tp| { v.visit_ty(tp, e, v); }
@ -272,9 +254,6 @@ fn visit_ty_params<E>(tps: ~[ty_param], e: E, v: vt<E>) {
fn visit_fn_decl<E>(fd: fn_decl, e: E, v: vt<E>) {
for fd.inputs.each |a| { v.visit_ty(a.ty, e, v); }
for fd.constraints.each |c| {
v.visit_constr(c.node.path, c.span,, e, v);
v.visit_ty(fd.output, e, v);
@ -394,9 +373,7 @@ fn visit_expr<E>(ex: @expr, e: E, v: vt<E>) {
expr_binary(_, a, b) { v.visit_expr(a, e, v); v.visit_expr(b, e, v); }
expr_addr_of(_, x) | expr_unary(_, x) |
expr_loop_body(x) | expr_do_body(x) |
expr_check(_, x) | expr_assert(x) {
v.visit_expr(x, e, v);
expr_assert(x) { v.visit_expr(x, e, v); }
expr_lit(_) { }
expr_cast(x, t) { v.visit_expr(x, e, v); v.visit_ty(t, e, v); }
expr_if(x, b, eo) {
@ -404,11 +381,6 @@ fn visit_expr<E>(ex: @expr, e: E, v: vt<E>) {
v.visit_block(b, e, v);
visit_expr_opt(eo, e, v);
expr_if_check(x, b, eo) {
v.visit_expr(x, e, v);
v.visit_block(b, e, v);
visit_expr_opt(eo, e, v);
expr_while(x, b) { v.visit_expr(x, e, v); v.visit_block(b, e, v); }
expr_loop(b) { v.visit_block(b, e, v); }
expr_alt(x, arms, _) {
@ -460,8 +432,6 @@ fn visit_arm<E>(a: arm, e: E, v: vt<E>) {
// calls the given functions on the nodes.
type simple_visitor =
// takes the components so that one function can be
// generic over constr and ty_constr
@{visit_mod: fn@(_mod, span, node_id),
visit_view_item: fn@(@view_item),
visit_foreign_item: fn@(@foreign_item),
@ -475,7 +445,6 @@ type simple_visitor =
visit_expr: fn@(@expr),
visit_ty: fn@(@ty),
visit_ty_params: fn@(~[ty_param]),
visit_constr: fn@(@path, span, node_id),
visit_fn: fn@(fn_kind, fn_decl, blk, span, node_id),
visit_ty_method: fn@(ty_method),
visit_trait_method: fn@(trait_method),
@ -497,7 +466,6 @@ fn default_simple_visitor() -> simple_visitor {
visit_expr: fn@(_e: @expr) { },
visit_ty: simple_ignore_ty,
visit_ty_params: fn@(_ps: ~[ty_param]) {},
visit_constr: fn@(_p: @path, _sp: span, _id: node_id) { },
visit_fn: fn@(_fk: fn_kind, _d: fn_decl, _b: blk, _sp: span,
_id: node_id) { },
visit_ty_method: fn@(_m: ty_method) { },
@ -572,11 +540,6 @@ fn mk_simple_visitor(v: simple_visitor) -> vt<()> {
visit_ty_params(ps, e, v);
fn v_constr(f: fn@(@path, span, node_id), pt: @path, sp: span,
id: node_id, &&e: (), v: vt<()>) {
f(pt, sp, id);
visit_constr(pt, sp, id, e, v);
fn v_fn(f: fn@(fn_kind, fn_decl, blk, span, node_id),
fk: fn_kind, decl: fn_decl, body: blk, sp: span,
id: node_id, &&e: (), v: vt<()>) {
@ -610,8 +573,6 @@ fn mk_simple_visitor(v: simple_visitor) -> vt<()> {
visit_ty: visit_ty,
visit_ty_params: |a,b,c|
v_ty_params(v.visit_ty_params, a, b, c),
visit_constr: |a,b,c,d,e|
v_constr(v.visit_constr, a, b, c, d, e),
visit_fn: |a,b,c,d,e,f,g|
v_fn(v.visit_fn, a, b, c, d, e, f, g),
visit_ty_method: |a,b,c|
@ -97,7 +97,6 @@ fn get_rpaths_relative_to_output(os: session::os,
output: path::path,
libs: ~[path::path]) -> ~[~str] {
vec::map(libs, |a| {
check not_win32(os);
get_rpath_relative_to_output(os, cwd, output, a)
@ -105,7 +104,9 @@ fn get_rpaths_relative_to_output(os: session::os,
fn get_rpath_relative_to_output(os: session::os,
cwd: path::path,
output: path::path,
&&lib: path::path) : not_win32(os) -> ~str {
&&lib: path::path) -> ~str {
assert not_win32(os);
// Mac doesn't appear to support $ORIGIN
let prefix = alt os {
session::os_linux { ~"$ORIGIN" + path::path_sep() }
@ -147,7 +148,7 @@ fn get_relative_to(abs1: path::path, abs2: path::path) -> path::path {
// FIXME (#2880): use view here.
vec::push_all(path, vec::slice(split2, start_idx, len2 - 1u));
if check vec::is_not_empty(path) {
if vec::is_not_empty(path) {
ret path::connect_many(path);
} else {
ret ~".";
@ -314,18 +315,16 @@ mod test {
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
fn test_rpath_relative() {
let o = session::os_linux;
check not_win32(o);
let res = get_rpath_relative_to_output(o,
let o = session::os_linux;
let res = get_rpath_relative_to_output(o,
~"/usr", ~"bin/rustc", ~"lib/");
assert res == ~"$ORIGIN/../lib";
assert res == ~"$ORIGIN/../lib";
#[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")]
fn test_rpath_relative() {
let o = session::os_freebsd;
check not_win32(o);
let res = get_rpath_relative_to_output(o,
~"/usr", ~"bin/rustc", ~"lib/");
assert res == ~"$ORIGIN/../lib";
@ -336,7 +335,6 @@ mod test {
fn test_rpath_relative() {
// this is why refinements would be nice
let o = session::os_macos;
check not_win32(o);
let res = get_rpath_relative_to_output(o, ~"/usr", ~"bin/rustc",
assert res == ~"@executable_path/../lib";
@ -207,9 +207,6 @@ fn compile_upto(sess: session, cfg: ast::crate_cfg,
let last_use_map = time(time_passes, ~"liveness checking", ||
middle::liveness::check_crate(ty_cx, method_map, crate));
time(time_passes, ~"typestate checking", ||
middle::tstate::ck::check_crate(ty_cx, crate));
let (root_map, mutbl_map) = time(time_passes, ~"borrow checking", ||
middle::borrowck::check_crate(ty_cx, method_map,
last_use_map, crate));
@ -221,8 +221,7 @@ fn mk_tests(cx: test_ctxt) -> @ast::item {
{inputs: ~[],
output: ret_ty,
purity: ast::impure_fn,
cf: ast::return_val,
constraints: ~[]};
cf: ast::return_val};
// The vector of test_descs for this crate
let test_descs = mk_test_desc_vec(cx);
@ -382,8 +381,7 @@ fn mk_test_wrapper(cx: test_ctxt,
inputs: ~[],
output: @{id: cx.sess.next_node_id(), node: ast::ty_nil, span: span},
purity: ast::impure_fn,
cf: ast::return_val,
constraints: ~[]
cf: ast::return_val
let wrapper_body: ast::blk = nospan({
@ -436,8 +434,7 @@ fn mk_main(cx: test_ctxt) -> @ast::item {
{inputs: ~[args_arg],
output: @ret_ty,
purity: ast::impure_fn,
cf: ast::return_val,
constraints: ~[]};
cf: ast::return_val};
let test_main_call_expr = mk_test_main_call(cx);
@ -63,31 +63,6 @@ fn parse_ret_ty(st: @pstate, conv: conv_did) -> (ast::ret_style, ty::t) {
fn parse_constrs_gen<T: copy>(st: @pstate, conv: conv_did,
pser: fn(@pstate)
-> ast::constr_arg_general_<T>) -> ~[@ty::constr_general<T>] {
let mut rslt: ~[@ty::constr_general<T>] = ~[];
alt peek(st) {
':' {
loop {
vec::push(rslt, parse_constr(st, conv, pser));
if peek(st) != ';' { break; }
_ {}
fn parse_constrs(st: @pstate, conv: conv_did) -> ~[@ty::constr] {
parse_constrs_gen(st, conv, parse_constr_arg)
fn parse_ty_constrs(st: @pstate, conv: conv_did) -> ~[@ty::type_constr] {
parse_constrs_gen(st, conv, parse_ty_constr_arg)
fn parse_path(st: @pstate) -> @ast::path {
let mut idents: ~[ast::ident] = ~[];
fn is_last(c: char) -> bool { ret c == '(' || c == ':'; }
@ -106,59 +81,6 @@ fn parse_path(st: @pstate) -> @ast::path {
fn parse_constr_arg(st: @pstate) -> ast::fn_constr_arg {
alt peek(st) {
'*' { st.pos += 1u; ret ast::carg_base; }
c {
/* how will we disambiguate between
an arg index and a lit argument? */
if c >= '0' && c <= '9' {
// FIXME #877
ret ast::carg_ident((c as uint) - 48u);
} else {
#error("Lit args are unimplemented");
fail; // FIXME #877
else {
auto lit = parse_lit(st, conv, ',');
vec::push(args, respan(st.span, ast::carg_lit(lit)));
fn parse_ty_constr_arg(st: @pstate) -> ast::constr_arg_general_<@path> {
alt peek(st) {
'*' { st.pos += 1u; ret ast::carg_base; }
c { ret ast::carg_ident(parse_path(st)); }
fn parse_constr<T: copy>(st: @pstate, conv: conv_did,
pser: fn(@pstate) -> ast::constr_arg_general_<T>)
-> @ty::constr_general<T> {
// FIXME: use real spans and not a bogus one (#2407)
let sp = ast_util::dummy_sp();
let mut args: ~[@sp_constr_arg<T>] = ~[];
let pth = parse_path(st);
let mut ignore: char = next(st);
assert (ignore == '(');
let def = parse_def(st, conv);
let mut an_arg: constr_arg_general_<T>;
loop {
an_arg = pser(st);
vec::push(args, @respan(sp, an_arg));
ignore = next(st);
if ignore != ';' { break; }
assert (ignore == ')');
ret @respan(sp, {path: pth, args: args, id: def});
fn parse_ty_rust_fn(st: @pstate, conv: conv_did) -> ty::t {
ret ty::mk_fn(st.tcx, parse_ty_fn(st, conv));
@ -363,13 +285,6 @@ fn parse_ty(st: @pstate, conv: conv_did) -> ty::t {
'A' {
assert (next(st) == '[');
let tt = parse_ty(st, conv);
let tcs = parse_ty_constrs(st, conv);
assert (next(st) == ']');
ret ty::mk_constr(st.tcx, tt, tcs);
'"' {
let def = parse_def(st, conv);
let inner = parse_ty(st, conv);
@ -457,10 +372,9 @@ fn parse_ty_fn(st: @pstate, conv: conv_did) -> ty::fn_ty {
vec::push(inputs, {mode: ast::expl(mode), ty: parse_ty(st, conv)});
st.pos += 1u; // eat the ']'
let cs = parse_constrs(st, conv);
let (ret_style, ret_ty) = parse_ret_ty(st, conv);
ret {purity: purity, proto: proto, inputs: inputs, output: ret_ty,
ret_style: ret_style, constraints: cs};
ret_style: ret_style};
@ -285,12 +285,6 @@ fn enc_sty(w: io::writer, cx: @ctxt, st: ty::sty) {
ty::ty_opaque_closure_ptr(ty::ck_block) { w.write_str(&"C&"); }
ty::ty_opaque_closure_ptr(ty::ck_box) { w.write_str(&"C@"); }
ty::ty_opaque_closure_ptr(ty::ck_uniq) { w.write_str(&"C~"); }
ty::ty_constr(ty, cs) {
enc_ty(w, cx, ty);
for cs.each |tc| { enc_ty_constr(w, cx, tc); }
ty::ty_opaque_box { w.write_char('B'); }
ty::ty_class(def, substs) {
#debug("~~~~ %s", ~"a[");
@ -344,55 +338,12 @@ fn enc_ty_fn(w: io::writer, cx: @ctxt, ft: ty::fn_ty) {
enc_ty(w, cx, arg.ty);
let mut colon = true;
for ft.constraints.each |c| {
if colon {
colon = false;
} else { w.write_char(';'); }
enc_constr(w, cx, c);
alt ft.ret_style {
noreturn { w.write_char('!'); }
_ { enc_ty(w, cx, ft.output); }
fn enc_constr_gen<T>(w: io::writer, cx: @ctxt,
c: @ty::constr_general<T>,
write_arg: fn(@sp_constr_arg<T>)) {
let mut semi = false;
for c.node.args.each |a| {
if semi { w.write_char(';'); } else { semi = true; }
fn enc_constr(w: io::writer, cx: @ctxt, c: @ty::constr) {
enc_constr_gen(w, cx, c, |a| {
alt a.node {
carg_base { w.write_char('*'); }
carg_ident(i) { w.write_uint(i); }
carg_lit(l) { w.write_str(lit_to_str(l)); }
fn enc_ty_constr(w: io::writer, cx: @ctxt, c: @ty::type_constr) {
enc_constr_gen(w, cx, c, |a| {
alt a.node {
carg_base { w.write_char('*'); }
carg_ident(p) { w.write_str(path_to_str(p)); }
carg_lit(l) { w.write_str(lit_to_str(l)); }
fn enc_bounds(w: io::writer, cx: @ctxt, bs: @~[ty::param_bound]) {
for vec::each(*bs) |bound| {
alt bound {
@ -167,11 +167,11 @@ impl public_methods for borrowck_ctxt {
ast::expr_addr_of(*) | ast::expr_call(*) |
ast::expr_swap(*) | ast::expr_move(*) | ast::expr_assign(*) |
ast::expr_assign_op(*) | ast::expr_fn(*) | ast::expr_fn_block(*) |
ast::expr_assert(*) | ast::expr_check(*) | ast::expr_ret(*) |
ast::expr_assert(*) | ast::expr_ret(*) |
ast::expr_loop_body(*) | ast::expr_do_body(*) | ast::expr_unary(*) |
ast::expr_copy(*) | ast::expr_cast(*) | ast::expr_fail(*) |
ast::expr_vstore(*) | ast::expr_vec(*) | ast::expr_tup(*) |
ast::expr_if_check(*) | ast::expr_if(*) | ast::expr_log(*) |
ast::expr_if(*) | ast::expr_log(*) |
ast::expr_new(*) | ast::expr_binary(*) | ast::expr_while(*) |
ast::expr_block(*) | ast::expr_loop(*) | ast::expr_alt(*) |
ast::expr_lit(*) | ast::expr_break | ast::expr_mac(*) |
@ -453,8 +453,7 @@ fn visit_expr(expr: @expr, &&self: @ir_maps, vt: vt<@ir_maps>) {
// live nodes required for interesting control flow:
expr_if_check(*) | expr_if(*) | expr_alt(*) |
expr_while(*) | expr_loop(*) {
expr_if(*) | expr_alt(*) | expr_while(*) | expr_loop(*) {
(*self).add_live_node_for_node(, lnk_expr(expr.span));
visit::visit_expr(expr, self, vt);
@ -467,7 +466,7 @@ fn visit_expr(expr: @expr, &&self: @ir_maps, vt: vt<@ir_maps>) {
expr_index(*) | expr_field(*) | expr_vstore(*) |
expr_vec(*) | expr_rec(*) | expr_call(*) | expr_tup(*) |
expr_new(*) | expr_log(*) | expr_binary(*) |
expr_assert(*) | expr_check(*) | expr_addr_of(*) | expr_copy(*) |
expr_assert(*) | expr_addr_of(*) | expr_copy(*) |
expr_loop_body(*) | expr_do_body(*) | expr_cast(*) |
expr_unary(*) | expr_fail(*) |
expr_break | expr_again | expr_lit(_) | expr_ret(*) |
@ -936,7 +935,6 @@ class liveness {
expr_if_check(cond, then, els) |
expr_if(cond, then, els) {
// (cond)
@ -1098,7 +1096,6 @@ class liveness {
expr_assert(e) |
expr_check(_, e) |
expr_addr_of(_, e) |
expr_copy(e) |
expr_loop_body(e) |
@ -1449,12 +1446,12 @@ fn check_expr(expr: @expr, &&self: @liveness, vt: vt<@liveness>) {
// no correctness conditions related to liveness
expr_if_check(*) | expr_if(*) | expr_alt(*) |
expr_if(*) | expr_alt(*) |
expr_while(*) | expr_loop(*) |
expr_index(*) | expr_field(*) | expr_vstore(*) |
expr_vec(*) | expr_rec(*) | expr_tup(*) |
expr_new(*) | expr_log(*) | expr_binary(*) |
expr_assert(*) | expr_check(*) | expr_copy(*) |
expr_assert(*) | expr_copy(*) |
expr_loop_body(*) | expr_do_body(*) |
expr_cast(*) | expr_unary(*) | expr_fail(*) |
expr_ret(*) | expr_break | expr_again | expr_lit(_) |
@ -428,7 +428,6 @@ fn resolve_names(e: @env, c: @ast::crate) {
visit_expr: |a,b,c| walk_expr(e, a, b ,c),
visit_ty: |a,b,c| walk_ty(e, a, b, c),
visit_ty_params: |a,b,c| walk_tps(e, a, b, c),
visit_constr: |a,b,c,d,f| walk_constr(e, a, b, c, d, f),
visit_fn: |a,b,c,d,f,g,h| {
visit_fn_with_scope(e, a, b, c, d, f, g, h)
@ -662,7 +661,6 @@ fn visit_fn_with_scope(e: @env, fk: visit::fn_kind, decl: ast::fn_decl,
// here's where we need to set up the mapping
// for f's constrs in the table.
for decl.constraints.each |c| { resolve_constr(e, c, sc, v); }
let scope = alt fk {
visit::fk_item_fn(_, tps) | visit::fk_method(_, tps, _)
| visit::fk_ctor(_, tps, _, _) | visit::fk_dtor(tps, _, _) {
@ -767,19 +765,6 @@ fn follow_import(e: env, &&sc: scopes, path: ~[ident], sp: span) ->
} else { ret none; }
fn resolve_constr(e: @env, c: @ast::constr, &&sc: scopes, _v: vt<scopes>) {
alt lookup_path_strict(*e, sc, c.span, c.node.path, ns_val) {
some(d@ast::def_fn(_,ast::pure_fn)) {
e.def_map.insert(, d);
_ {
let s = path_to_str(c.node.path);
e.sess.span_err(c.span, #fmt("%s is not declared pure. Try \
`pure fn %s` instead of `fn %s`.", s, s, s));
// Import resolution
fn resolve_import(e: env, n_id: node_id, name: ast::ident,
ids: ~[ast::ident], sp: codemap::span, &&sc: scopes) {
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import syntax::ast::{item_ty, local, local_crate, method, node_id, pat};
import syntax::ast::{pat_enum, pat_ident, path, prim_ty, stmt_decl, ty,
pat_box, pat_uniq, pat_lit, pat_range, pat_rec,
pat_tup, pat_wild};
import syntax::ast::{ty_bool, ty_char, ty_constr, ty_f, ty_f32, ty_f64};
import syntax::ast::{ty_bool, ty_char, ty_f, ty_f32, ty_f64};
import syntax::ast::{ty_float, ty_i, ty_i16, ty_i32, ty_i64, ty_i8, ty_int};
import syntax::ast::{ty_param, ty_path, ty_str, ty_u, ty_u16, ty_u32, ty_u64};
import syntax::ast::{ty_u8, ty_uint, variant, view_item, view_item_export};
@ -3163,21 +3163,6 @@ class Resolver {
self.resolve_type(declaration.output, visitor);
// Resolve constraints.
for declaration.constraints.each |constraint| {
alt self.resolve_path(constraint.node.path, ValueNS,
false, visitor) {
none {
#fmt("unresolved name: %s",
some(def) {
self.record_def(, def);
@ -3560,25 +3545,6 @@ class Resolver {
ty_constr(base_type, constraints) {
self.resolve_type(base_type, visitor);
for constraints.each |constraint| {
alt self.resolve_path(constraint.node.path, ValueNS,
false, visitor) {
none {
~"(resolving function) \
use of undeclared \
some(def) {
self.record_def(, def);
_ {
// Just resolve embedded types.
visit_ty(ty, (), visitor);
@ -2002,19 +2002,23 @@ fn trans_external_path(ccx: @crate_ctxt, did: ast::def_id, t: ty::t)
fn normalize_for_monomorphization(tcx: ty::ctxt, ty: ty::t) -> option<ty::t> {
// FIXME[mono] could do this recursively. is that worthwhile? (#2529)
alt ty::get(ty).struct {
ty::ty_box(mt) { some(ty::mk_opaque_box(tcx)) }
ty::ty_fn(fty) { some(ty::mk_fn(tcx, {purity: ast::impure_fn,
proto: fty.proto,
inputs: ~[],
output: ty::mk_nil(tcx),
ret_style: ast::return_val,
constraints: ~[]})) }
ty::ty_trait(_, _) { some(ty::mk_fn(tcx, {purity: ast::impure_fn,
proto: ast::proto_box,
inputs: ~[],
output: ty::mk_nil(tcx),
ret_style: ast::return_val,
constraints: ~[]})) }
ty::ty_box(mt) {
ty::ty_fn(fty) {
some(ty::mk_fn(tcx, {purity: ast::impure_fn,
proto: fty.proto,
inputs: ~[],
output: ty::mk_nil(tcx),
ret_style: ast::return_val}))
ty::ty_trait(_, _) {
some(ty::mk_fn(tcx, {purity: ast::impure_fn,
proto: ast::proto_box,
inputs: ~[],
output: ty::mk_nil(tcx),
ret_style: ast::return_val}))
ty::ty_ptr(_) { some(ty::mk_uint(tcx)) }
_ { none }
@ -3525,7 +3529,7 @@ fn trans_expr(bcx: block, e: @ast::expr, dest: dest) -> block {
fn unrooted(bcx: block, e: @ast::expr, dest: dest) -> block {
let tcx = bcx.tcx();
alt e.node {
ast::expr_if(cond, thn, els) | ast::expr_if_check(cond, thn, els) {
ast::expr_if(cond, thn, els) {
ret trans_if(bcx, cond, thn, els, dest);
ast::expr_alt(expr, arms, mode) {
@ -3631,23 +3635,6 @@ fn trans_expr(bcx: block, e: @ast::expr, dest: dest) -> block {
assert dest == ignore;
ret trans_check_expr(bcx, e, a, ~"Assertion");
ast::expr_check(ast::checked_expr, a) {
assert dest == ignore;
ret trans_check_expr(bcx, e, a, ~"Predicate");
ast::expr_check(ast::claimed_expr, a) {
assert dest == ignore;
/* Claims are turned on and off by a global variable
that the RTS sets. This case generates code to
check the value of that variable, doing nothing
if it's set to false and acting like a check
otherwise. */
let c = get_extern_const(bcx.ccx().externs, bcx.ccx().llmod,
~"check_claims", T_bool());
ret do with_cond(bcx, Load(bcx, c)) |bcx| {
trans_check_expr(bcx, e, a, ~"Claim")
ast::expr_while(cond, body) {
assert dest == ignore;
ret trans_while(bcx, cond, body);
@ -976,8 +976,7 @@ fn trans_intrinsic(ccx: @crate_ctxt, decl: ValueRef, item: @ast::foreign_item,
ty::mk_mach_uint(bcx.tcx(), ast::ty_u8))
output: ty::mk_nil(bcx.tcx()),
ret_style: ast::return_val,
constraints: ~[]
ret_style: ast::return_val
bcx = trans_call_inner(bcx, none, fty, ty::mk_nil(bcx.tcx()),
|bcx| lval_no_env(
@ -276,7 +276,6 @@ impl methods for reflector {
ty::ty_self { self.leaf(~"self") }
ty::ty_type { self.leaf(~"type") }
ty::ty_opaque_box { self.leaf(~"opaque_box") }
ty::ty_constr(t, _) { self.visit(~"constr", ~[self.c_tydesc(t)]) }
ty::ty_opaque_closure_ptr(ck) {
let ckval = alt ck {
ty::ck_block { 0u }
@ -357,7 +357,6 @@ fn shape_of(ccx: @crate_ctxt, t: ty::t) -> ~[u8] {
ty::ty_fn({proto: ast::proto_any, _}) { ~[shape_stack_fn] }
ty::ty_fn({proto: ast::proto_bare, _}) { ~[shape_bare_fn] }
ty::ty_opaque_closure_ptr(_) { ~[shape_opaque_closure_ptr] }
ty::ty_constr(inner_t, _) { shape_of(ccx, inner_t) }
ty::ty_var(_) | ty::ty_var_integral(_) | ty::ty_self {
ccx.sess.bug(~"shape_of: unexpected type struct found");
@ -148,7 +148,6 @@ fn type_of(cx: @crate_ctxt, t: ty::t) -> TypeRef {
ty::ty_opaque_closure_ptr(_) { T_opaque_box_ptr(cx) }
ty::ty_constr(subt,_) { type_of(cx, subt) }
ty::ty_class(*) {
// Only create the named struct, but don't fill it in. We fill it
// in *after* placing it into the type cache. This prevents
@ -243,8 +243,8 @@ fn mark_for_expr(cx: ctx, e: @expr) {
expr_alt(_, _, _) | expr_block(_) | expr_if(_, _, _) |
expr_while(_, _) | expr_fail(_) | expr_break | expr_again |
expr_unary(_, _) | expr_lit(_) | expr_assert(_) | expr_check(_, _) |
expr_if_check(_, _, _) | expr_mac(_) | expr_addr_of(_, _) |
expr_unary(_, _) | expr_lit(_) | expr_assert(_) |
expr_mac(_) | expr_addr_of(_, _) |
expr_ret(_) | expr_loop(_) |
expr_loop_body(_) | expr_do_body(_) {}
@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
import syntax::ast::*;
import syntax::visit;
import option::*;
import aux::*;
import tstate::ann::{pre_and_post, precond, postcond, prestate, poststate,
relax_prestate, relax_precond, relax_poststate,
pps_len, true_precond,
difference, union, clone,
set_in_postcond, set_in_poststate, set_in_poststate_,
clear_in_poststate, clear_in_prestate,
import tritv::*;
import driver::session::session;
import std::map::hashmap;
fn bit_num(fcx: fn_ctxt, c: tsconstr) -> uint {
let d = c.def_id;
assert (fcx.enclosing.constrs.contains_key(d));
let rslt = fcx.enclosing.constrs.get(d);
match_args(fcx, rslt.descs, c.args)
fn promises(fcx: fn_ctxt, p: poststate, c: tsconstr) -> bool {
ret promises_(bit_num(fcx, c), p);
fn promises_(n: uint, p: poststate) -> bool {
ret tritv_get(p, n) == ttrue;
// v "happens after" u
fn seq_trit(u: trit, v: trit) -> trit {
alt v { ttrue { ttrue } tfalse { tfalse } dont_care { u } }
// idea: q "happens after" p -- so if something is
// 1 in q and 0 in p, it's 1 in the result; however,
// if it's 0 in q and 1 in p, it's 0 in the result
fn seq_tritv(p: postcond, q: postcond) {
let mut i = 0u;
assert (p.nbits == q.nbits);
while i < p.nbits {
tritv_set(i, p, seq_trit(tritv_get(p, i), tritv_get(q, i)));
i += 1u;
fn seq_postconds(fcx: fn_ctxt, ps: ~[postcond]) -> postcond {
let sz = vec::len(ps);
if sz >= 1u {
let prev = tritv_clone(ps[0]);
vec::iter_between(ps, 1u, sz, |p| seq_tritv(prev, p) );
ret prev;
} else { ret ann::empty_poststate(num_constraints(fcx.enclosing)); }
// Given a list of pres and posts for exprs e0 ... en,
// return the precondition for evaluating each expr in order.
// So, if e0's post is {x} and e1's pre is {x, y, z}, the entire
// precondition shouldn't include x.
fn seq_preconds(fcx: fn_ctxt, pps: ~[pre_and_post]) -> precond {
let sz: uint = vec::len(pps);
let num_vars: uint = num_constraints(fcx.enclosing);
fn seq_preconds_go(fcx: fn_ctxt, pps: ~[pre_and_post],
idx: uint, first: pre_and_post)
-> precond {
let mut idx = idx;
let mut first = first;
loop {
let sz: uint = vec::len(pps) - idx;
if sz >= 1u {
let second = pps[0];
assert (pps_len(second) == num_constraints(fcx.enclosing));
let second_pre = clone(second.precondition);
difference(second_pre, first.postcondition);
let next_first = clone(first.precondition);
union(next_first, second_pre);
let next_first_post = clone(first.postcondition);
seq_tritv(next_first_post, second.postcondition);
idx += 1u;
first = {precondition: next_first,
postcondition: next_first_post};
} else { ret first.precondition; }
if sz >= 1u {
let first = pps[0];
assert (pps_len(first) == num_vars);
ret seq_preconds_go(fcx, pps, 1u, first);
} else { ret true_precond(num_vars); }
fn intersect_states(p: prestate, q: prestate) -> prestate {
let rslt = tritv_clone(p);
tritv_intersect(rslt, q);
ret rslt;
fn gen(fcx: fn_ctxt, id: node_id, c: tsconstr) -> bool {
ret set_in_postcond(bit_num(fcx, c),
node_id_to_ts_ann(fcx.ccx, id).conditions);
fn declare_var(fcx: fn_ctxt, c: tsconstr, pre: prestate) -> prestate {
let rslt = clone(pre);
relax_prestate(bit_num(fcx, c), rslt);
// idea is this is scoped
relax_poststate(bit_num(fcx, c), rslt);
ret rslt;
fn relax_precond_expr(e: @expr, cx: relax_ctxt, vt: visit::vt<relax_ctxt>) {
relax_precond(cx.i as uint, expr_precond(cx.fcx.ccx, e));
visit::visit_expr(e, cx, vt);
fn relax_precond_stmt(s: @stmt, cx: relax_ctxt, vt: visit::vt<relax_ctxt>) {
relax_precond(cx.i as uint, stmt_precond(cx.fcx.ccx, *s));
visit::visit_stmt(s, cx, vt);
type relax_ctxt = {fcx: fn_ctxt, i: node_id};
fn relax_precond_block_inner(b: blk, cx: relax_ctxt,
vt: visit::vt<relax_ctxt>) {
relax_precond(cx.i as uint, block_precond(cx.fcx.ccx, b));
visit::visit_block(b, cx, vt);
fn relax_precond_block(fcx: fn_ctxt, i: node_id, b: blk) {
let cx = {fcx: fcx, i: i};
let visitor = visit::default_visitor::<relax_ctxt>();
let visitor =
@{visit_block: relax_precond_block_inner,
visit_expr: relax_precond_expr,
visit_stmt: relax_precond_stmt,
fn@(_i: @item, _cx: relax_ctxt, _vt: visit::vt<relax_ctxt>) { },
visit_fn: do_nothing
with *visitor};
let v1 = visit::mk_vt(visitor);
v1.visit_block(b, cx, v1);
fn gen_poststate(fcx: fn_ctxt, id: node_id, c: tsconstr) -> bool {
ret set_in_poststate(bit_num(fcx, c),
node_id_to_ts_ann(fcx.ccx, id).states);
fn kill_prestate(fcx: fn_ctxt, id: node_id, c: tsconstr) -> bool {
ret clear_in_prestate(bit_num(fcx, c),
node_id_to_ts_ann(fcx.ccx, id).states);
fn kill_all_prestate(fcx: fn_ctxt, id: node_id) {
tritv::tritv_kill(node_id_to_ts_ann(fcx.ccx, id).states.prestate);
fn kill_poststate(fcx: fn_ctxt, id: node_id, c: tsconstr) -> bool {
ret clear_in_poststate(bit_num(fcx, c),
node_id_to_ts_ann(fcx.ccx, id).states);
fn kill_poststate_(fcx: fn_ctxt, c: tsconstr, post: poststate) -> bool {
ret clear_in_poststate_(bit_num(fcx, c), post);
fn set_in_prestate_constr(fcx: fn_ctxt, c: tsconstr, t: prestate) -> bool {
ret set_in_poststate_(bit_num(fcx, c), t);
// Local Variables:
// mode: rust
// fill-column: 78;
// indent-tabs-mode: nil
// c-basic-offset: 4
// buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix
// End:
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import middle::lint::{get_warning_level, vecs_not_implicitly_copyable,
import syntax::ast::*;
import syntax::print::pprust::*;
import util::ppaux::{ty_to_str, tys_to_str, ty_constr_to_str};
import util::ppaux::{ty_to_str, tys_to_str};
export tv_vid, tvi_vid, region_vid, vid;
export br_hashmap;
@ -24,12 +24,8 @@ export node_id_to_type;
export node_id_to_type_params;
export arg;
export args_eq;
export ast_constr_to_constr;
export block_ty;
export class_items_as_fields, class_items_as_mutable_fields;
export constr;
export constr_general;
export constr_table;
export ctxt;
export deref, deref_sty;
export index, index_sty;
@ -76,10 +72,8 @@ export ty_param_bounds_and_ty;
export ty_bool, mk_bool, type_is_bool;
export ty_bot, mk_bot, type_is_bot;
export ty_box, mk_box, mk_imm_box, type_is_box, type_is_boxed;
export ty_constr, mk_constr;
export ty_opaque_closure_ptr, mk_opaque_closure_ptr;
export ty_opaque_box, mk_opaque_box;
export ty_constr_arg;
export ty_float, mk_float, mk_mach_float, type_is_fp;
export ty_fn, fn_ty, mk_fn;
export ty_fn_proto, ty_fn_ret, ty_fn_ret_style, tys_in_fn_ty;
@ -113,7 +107,6 @@ export tbox_has_flag;
export ty_var_id;
export ty_to_def_id;
export ty_fn_args;
export type_constr;
export kind, kind_implicitly_copyable, kind_sendable, kind_copyable;
export kind_noncopyable, kind_const;
export kind_can_be_copied, kind_can_be_sent, kind_can_be_implicitly_copied;
@ -168,7 +161,7 @@ export terr_no_integral_type, terr_ty_param_size, terr_self_substs;
export terr_in_field, terr_record_fields, terr_vstores_differ, terr_arg_count;
export terr_sorts, terr_vec, terr_str, terr_record_size, terr_tuple_size;
export terr_regions_differ, terr_mutability, terr_purity_mismatch;
export terr_constr_mismatch, terr_constr_len, terr_proto_mismatch;
export terr_proto_mismatch;
export terr_ret_style_mismatch;
// Data types
@ -187,8 +180,6 @@ type method = {ident: ast::ident,
purity: ast::purity,
vis: ast::visibility};
type constr_table = hashmap<ast::node_id, ~[constr]>;
type mt = {ty: t, mutbl: ast::mutability};
enum vstore {
@ -316,8 +307,7 @@ type fn_ty = {purity: ast::purity,
proto: ast::proto,
inputs: ~[arg],
output: t,
ret_style: ret_style,
constraints: ~[@constr]};
ret_style: ret_style};
// See discussion at head of
enum region {
@ -379,7 +369,6 @@ enum sty {
// integral types only
ty_param(uint, def_id), // type parameter
ty_self, // special, implicit `self` type parameter
ty_constr(t, ~[@type_constr]),
// "Fake" types, used for trans purposes
ty_type, // type_desc*
@ -388,12 +377,6 @@ enum sty {
// In the middle end, constraints have a def_id attached, referring
// to the definition of the operator in the constraint.
type constr_general<ARG> = spanned<constr_general_<ARG, def_id>>;
type type_constr = constr_general<@path>;
type constr = constr_general<uint>;
enum terr_vstore_kind {
terr_vec, terr_str
@ -416,8 +399,6 @@ enum type_err {
terr_record_fields(ast::ident, ast::ident),
terr_mode_mismatch(mode, mode),
terr_constr_len(uint, uint),
terr_constr_mismatch(@type_constr, @type_constr),
terr_regions_differ(region, region),
terr_vstores_differ(terr_vstore_kind, vstore, vstore),
terr_in_field(@type_err, ast::ident),
@ -607,9 +588,6 @@ fn mk_t_with_id(cx: ctxt, st: sty, o_def_id: option<ast::def_id>) -> t {
for f.inputs.each |a| { flags |= get(a.ty).flags; }
flags |= get(f.output).flags;
ty_constr(tt, _) {
flags |= get(tt).flags;
let t = @{struct: st, id: cx.next_id, flags: flags, o_def_id: o_def_id};
cx.interner.insert(key, t);
@ -700,10 +678,6 @@ fn mk_mut_unboxed_vec(cx: ctxt, ty: t) -> t {
fn mk_rec(cx: ctxt, fs: ~[field]) -> t { mk_t(cx, ty_rec(fs)) }
fn mk_constr(cx: ctxt, t: t, cs: ~[@type_constr]) -> t {
mk_t(cx, ty_constr(t, cs))
fn mk_tup(cx: ctxt, ts: ~[t]) -> t { mk_t(cx, ty_tup(ts)) }
fn mk_fn(cx: ctxt, fty: fn_ty) -> t { mk_t(cx, ty_fn(fty)) }
@ -790,7 +764,6 @@ fn maybe_walk_ty(ty: t, f: fn(t) -> bool) {
for ft.inputs.each |a| { maybe_walk_ty(a.ty, f); }
maybe_walk_ty(ft.output, f);
ty_constr(sub, _) { maybe_walk_ty(sub, f); }
ty_uniq(tm) { maybe_walk_ty(tm.ty, f); }
@ -851,9 +824,6 @@ fn fold_sty(sty: sty, fldop: fn(t) -> t) -> sty {
ty_rptr(r, tm) {
ty_rptr(r, {ty: fldop(tm.ty), mutbl: tm.mutbl})
ty_constr(subty, cs) {
ty_constr(fldop(subty), cs)
ty_class(did, substs) {
ty_class(did, fold_substs(substs, fldop))
@ -1589,7 +1559,6 @@ fn type_kind(cx: ctxt, ty: t) -> kind {
ty_param(_, did) {
ty_constr(t, _) { type_kind(cx, t) }
// FIXME (#2663): is self ever const?
ty_self { kind_noncopyable() }
ty_var(_) | ty_var_integral(_) {
@ -1651,11 +1620,6 @@ fn is_instantiable(cx: ctxt, r_ty: t) -> bool {
ty_unboxed_vec(_) {
ty_constr(t, _) {
type_requires(cx, seen, r_ty, t)
ty_box(mt) |
ty_uniq(mt) |
ty_rptr(_, mt) {
@ -1836,7 +1800,6 @@ fn type_is_pod(cx: ctxt, ty: t) -> bool {
ty_evec(mt, vstore_fixed(_)) | ty_unboxed_vec(mt) {
result = type_is_pod(cx, mt.ty);
ty_constr(subt, _) { result = type_is_pod(cx, subt); }
ty_param(_, _) { result = false; }
ty_opaque_closure_ptr(_) { result = true; }
ty_class(did, substs) {
@ -1967,18 +1930,6 @@ fn hash_type_structure(st: sty) -> uint {
for subtys.each |s| { h = (h << 2u) + type_id(s) }
fn hash_type_constr(id: uint, c: @type_constr) -> uint {
let mut h = id;
h = (h << 2u) + hash_def(h,;
for c.node.args.each |a| {
alt a.node {
carg_base { h += h << 2u; }
carg_lit(_) { fail ~"lit args not implemented yet"; }
carg_ident(p) { h += h << 2u; }
fn hash_region(r: region) -> uint {
alt r { // no idea if this is any good
re_bound(br) { (hash_bound_region(br)) << 2u | 0u }
@ -2036,11 +1987,6 @@ fn hash_type_structure(st: sty) -> uint {
ty_type { 32u }
ty_bot { 34u }
ty_ptr(mt) { hash_subty(35u, mt.ty) }
ty_constr(t, cs) {
let mut h = hash_subty(36u, t);
for cs.each |c| { h = (h << 2u) + hash_type_constr(h, c); }
ty_uniq(mt) { hash_subty(37u, mt.ty) }
ty_trait(did, substs) {
let mut h = hash_def(40u, did);
@ -2061,49 +2007,6 @@ fn hash_type_structure(st: sty) -> uint {
fn arg_eq<T>(eq: fn(T, T) -> bool,
a: @sp_constr_arg<T>,
b: @sp_constr_arg<T>)
-> bool {
alt a.node {
ast::carg_base {
alt b.node { ast::carg_base { ret true; } _ { ret false; } }
ast::carg_ident(s) {
alt b.node { ast::carg_ident(t) { ret eq(s, t); } _ { ret false; } }
ast::carg_lit(l) {
alt b.node {
ast::carg_lit(m) { ret const_eval::lit_eq(l, m); } _ { ret false; }
fn args_eq<T>(eq: fn(T, T) -> bool,
a: ~[@sp_constr_arg<T>],
b: ~[@sp_constr_arg<T>]) -> bool {
let mut i: uint = 0u;
for a.each |arg| {
if !arg_eq(eq, arg, b[i]) { ret false; }
i += 1u;
ret true;
fn constr_eq(c: @constr, d: @constr) -> bool {
fn eq_int(&&x: uint, &&y: uint) -> bool { ret x == y; }
ret path_to_str(c.node.path) == path_to_str(d.node.path) &&
args_eq(eq_int, c.node.args, d.node.args);
fn constrs_eq(cs: ~[@constr], ds: ~[@constr]) -> bool {
if vec::len(cs) != vec::len(ds) { ret false; }
let mut i = 0u;
for cs.each |c| { if !constr_eq(c, ds[i]) { ret false; } i += 1u; }
ret true;
fn node_id_to_type(cx: ctxt, id: ast::node_id) -> t {
alt smallintmap::find(*cx.node_types, id as uint) {
some(t) { t }
@ -2385,7 +2288,6 @@ fn ty_sort_str(cx: ctxt, t: t) -> ~str {
ty_var_integral(_) { ~"integral variable" }
ty_param(_, _) { ~"type parameter" }
ty_self { ~"self" }
ty_constr(t, _) { ty_sort_str(cx, t) }
@ -2443,16 +2345,6 @@ fn type_err_to_str(cx: ctxt, err: type_err) -> ~str {
ret ~"expected argument mode " + mode_to_str(e_mode) +
~" but found " + mode_to_str(a_mode);
terr_constr_len(e_len, a_len) {
ret ~"expected a type with " + uint::str(e_len) +
~" constraints, but found one with " + uint::str(a_len) +
~" constraints";
terr_constr_mismatch(e_constr, a_constr) {
ret ~"expected a type with constraint " + ty_constr_to_str(e_constr) +
~" but found one with constraint " +
terr_regions_differ(subregion, superregion) {
ret #fmt("references with lifetime %s do not necessarily \
outlive references with lifetime %s",
@ -2784,22 +2676,6 @@ pure fn is_public(f: field_ty) -> bool {
// Look up the list of method names and IDs for a given class
// Fails if the id is not bound to a class.
fn lookup_class_method_ids(cx: ctxt, did: ast::def_id)
: is_local(did) -> ~[{name: ident, id: node_id, vis: visibility}] {
alt cx.items.find(did.node) {
some(ast_map::node_item(@{node: item_class(_,_,items,_,_), _}, _)) {
let (_,ms) = split_class_items(items);
vec::map(ms, |m| {name: m.ident, id:,
vis: m.vis})
_ {
cx.sess.bug(~"lookup_class_method_ids: id not bound to a class");
/* Given a class def_id and a method name, return the method's
def_id. Needed so we can do static dispatch for methods
Doesn't care about the method's privacy. (It's assumed that
@ -2807,7 +2683,26 @@ fn lookup_class_method_ids(cx: ctxt, did: ast::def_id)
fn lookup_class_method_by_name(cx:ctxt, did: ast::def_id, name: ident,
sp: span) -> def_id {
if check is_local(did) {
// Look up the list of method names and IDs for a given class
// Fails if the id is not bound to a class.
fn lookup_class_method_ids(cx: ctxt, did: ast::def_id)
-> ~[{name: ident, id: node_id, vis: visibility}] {
assert is_local(did);
alt cx.items.find(did.node) {
some(ast_map::node_item(@{node: item_class(_,_,items,_,_), _}, _)) {
let (_,ms) = split_class_items(items);
vec::map(ms, |m| {name: m.ident, id:,
vis: m.vis})
_ {
cx.sess.bug(~"lookup_class_method_ids: id not bound to a class");
if is_local(did) {
let ms = lookup_class_method_ids(cx, did);
for ms.each |m| {
if == name {
@ -2939,24 +2834,6 @@ fn is_binopable(_cx: ctxt, ty: t, op: ast::binop) -> bool {
ret tbl[tycat(ty)][opcat(op)];
fn ast_constr_to_constr<T>(tcx: ctxt, c: @ast::constr_general<T>) ->
@constr_general<T> {
alt tcx.def_map.find( {
some(ast::def_fn(pred_id, ast::pure_fn)) {
ret @ast_util::respan(c.span,
{path: c.node.path,
args: c.node.args,
id: pred_id});
_ {
~"predicate " + path_to_str(c.node.path) +
~" is unbound or bound to a non-function or an \
impure function");
fn ty_params_to_tys(tcx: ty::ctxt, tps: ~[ast::ty_param]) -> ~[t] {
vec::from_fn(tps.len(), |i| {
ty::mk_param(tcx, i, ast_util::local_def(tps[i].id))
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ fn check_main_fn_ty(ccx: @crate_ctxt,
let main_t = ty::node_id_to_type(tcx, main_id);
alt ty::get(main_t).struct {
ty::ty_fn({purity: ast::impure_fn, proto: ast::proto_bare,
inputs, output, ret_style: ast::return_val, constraints}) {
inputs, output, ret_style: ast::return_val}) {
alt tcx.items.find(main_id) {
some(ast_map::node_item(it,_)) {
alt it.node {
@ -254,8 +254,7 @@ fn check_main_fn_ty(ccx: @crate_ctxt,
_ {}
let mut ok = vec::len(constraints) == 0u;
ok &= ty::type_is_nil(output);
let mut ok = ty::type_is_nil(output);
let num_args = vec::len(inputs);
ok &= num_args == 0u || num_args == 1u &&
arg_is_argv_ty(tcx, inputs[0]);
@ -332,13 +332,6 @@ fn ast_ty_to_ty<AC: ast_conv, RS: region_scope copy>(
~"implied fixed length for bound");
ast::ty_constr(t, cs) {
let mut out_cs = ~[];
for cs.each |constr| {
vec::push(out_cs, ty::ast_constr_to_constr(tcx, constr));
ty::mk_constr(tcx, ast_ty_to_ty(self, rscope, t), out_cs)
ast::ty_infer {
// ty_infer should only appear as the type of arguments or return
// values in a fn_expr, or as the type of local variables. Both of
@ -429,12 +422,8 @@ fn ty_of_fn_decl<AC: ast_conv, RS: region_scope copy>(
_ {ast_ty_to_ty(self, rb, decl.output)}
let out_constrs = vec::map(decl.constraints, |constr| {
ty::ast_constr_to_constr(self.tcx(), constr)
{purity: decl.purity, proto: proto, inputs: input_tys,
output: output_ty, ret_style:, constraints: out_constrs}
output: output_ty, ret_style:}
@ -225,7 +225,6 @@ fn check_fn(ccx: @crate_ctxt,
gather_locals(fcx, decl, body, arg_tys);
check_constraints(fcx, decl.constraints, decl.inputs);
check_block(fcx, body);
// We unify the tail expr's type with the
@ -1342,15 +1341,6 @@ fn check_expr_with_unifier(fcx: @fn_ctxt,
check_expr(fcx, e, none);
ast::expr_check(_, e) {
bot = check_pred_expr(fcx, e);
ast::expr_if_check(cond, thn, elsopt) {
bot =
check_pred_expr(fcx, cond) |
check_then_else(fcx, thn, elsopt, id, expr.span);
ast::expr_assert(e) {
bot = check_expr_with(fcx, e, ty::mk_bool(tcx));
@ -1643,8 +1633,7 @@ fn check_expr_with_unifier(fcx: @fn_ctxt,
proto: ast::proto_any,
inputs: ~[{mode: m, ty: ty_nilp}],
output: ty_nilp,
ret_style: ast::return_val,
constraints: ~[]})
ret_style: ast::return_val})
demand::suptype(fcx, expr.span,
@ -1893,119 +1882,6 @@ fn check_enum_variants(ccx: @crate_ctxt,
check_instantiable(ccx.tcx, sp, id);
// A generic function for checking the pred in a check
// or if-check
fn check_pred_expr(fcx: @fn_ctxt, e: @ast::expr) -> bool {
let bot = check_expr_with(fcx, e, ty::mk_bool(fcx.ccx.tcx));
/* e must be a call expr where all arguments are either
literals or slots */
alt e.node {
ast::expr_call(operator, operands, _) {
if !ty::is_pred_ty(fcx.expr_ty(operator)) {
~"operator in constraint has non-boolean return type");
alt operator.node {
ast::expr_path(oper_name) {
alt fcx.ccx.tcx.def_map.find( {
some(ast::def_fn(_, ast::pure_fn)) {
// do nothing
_ {
~"impure function as operator \
in constraint");
for operands.each |operand| {
if !ast_util::is_constraint_arg(operand) {
let s =
~"constraint args must be slot variables or literals";
fcx.ccx.tcx.sess.span_err(e.span, s);
_ {
let s = ~"in a constraint, expected the \
constraint name to be an explicit name";
fcx.ccx.tcx.sess.span_err(e.span, s);
_ { fcx.ccx.tcx.sess.span_err(e.span, ~"check on non-predicate"); }
ret bot;
fn check_constraints(fcx: @fn_ctxt, cs: ~[@ast::constr],
args: ~[ast::arg]) {
let num_args = vec::len(args);
for cs.each |c| {
let mut c_args = ~[];
for c.node.args.each |a| {
// "base" should not occur in a fn type thing, as of
// yet, b/c we don't allow constraints on the return type
// Works b/c no higher-order polymorphism
This is kludgy, and we probably shouldn't be assigning
node IDs here, but we're creating exprs that are
ephemeral, just for the purposes of typechecking. So
that's my justification.
@alt a.node {
ast::carg_base {
unexpected carg_base");
ast::carg_lit(l) {
let tmp_node_id = fcx.ccx.tcx.sess.next_node_id();
{id: tmp_node_id,
callee_id: fcx.ccx.tcx.sess.next_node_id(),
node: ast::expr_lit(l), span: a.span}
ast::carg_ident(i) {
if i < num_args {
let p = @{span: a.span, global: false,
idents: ~[args[i].ident],
rp: none, types: ~[]};
let arg_occ_node_id =
ast::def_arg(args[i].id, args[i].mode));
{id: arg_occ_node_id,
callee_id: fcx.ccx.tcx.sess.next_node_id(),
node: ast::expr_path(p),
span: a.span}
} else {
a.span, ~"check_constraints:\
carg_ident index out of bounds");
let p_op: ast::expr_ = ast::expr_path(c.node.path);
let oper: @ast::expr = @{id:,
callee_id: fcx.ccx.tcx.sess.next_node_id(),
node: p_op, span: c.span};
// Another ephemeral expr
let call_expr_id = fcx.ccx.tcx.sess.next_node_id();
let call_expr =
@{id: call_expr_id,
callee_id: fcx.ccx.tcx.sess.next_node_id(),
node: ast::expr_call(oper, c_args, false),
span: c.span};
check_pred_expr(fcx, call_expr);
// Determines whether the given node ID is a use of the def of
// the self ID for the current method, if there is one
// self IDs in an outer scope count. so that means that you can
@ -2305,8 +2181,7 @@ fn check_intrinsic_type(ccx: @crate_ctxt, it: @ast::foreign_item) {
ty::mk_mach_uint(ccx.tcx, ast::ty_u8))
output: ty::mk_nil(ccx.tcx),
ret_style: ast::return_val,
constraints: ~[]
ret_style: ast::return_val
(0u, ~[arg(ast::by_ref, fty)], ty::mk_nil(tcx))
@ -2319,8 +2194,7 @@ fn check_intrinsic_type(ccx: @crate_ctxt, it: @ast::foreign_item) {
let fty = ty::mk_fn(tcx, {purity: ast::impure_fn,
proto: ast::proto_bare,
inputs: inputs, output: output,
ret_style: ast::return_val,
constraints: ~[]});
ret_style: ast::return_val});
let i_ty = ty::lookup_item_type(ccx.tcx, local_def(;
let i_n_tps = (*i_ty.bounds).len();
if i_n_tps != n_tps {
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import middle::typeck::infer::methods; // next_ty_var,
// resolve_type_vars_if_possible
import syntax::print::pprust;
fn check_alt(fcx: @fn_ctxt,
expr: @ast::expr,
@ -124,6 +125,7 @@ fn check_pat_variant(pcx: pat_ctxt, pat: @ast::pat, path: @ast::path,
fn check_pat(pcx: pat_ctxt, pat: @ast::pat, expected: ty::t) {
let fcx = pcx.fcx;
let tcx = pcx.fcx.ccx.tcx;
alt pat.node {
ast::pat_wild {
fcx.write_ty(, expected);
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import middle::ty::{get, t, ty_box, ty_uniq, ty_ptr, ty_rptr, ty_enum};
import middle::ty::{ty_class, ty_nil, ty_bot, ty_bool, ty_int, ty_uint};
import middle::ty::{ty_float, ty_estr, ty_evec, ty_rec};
import middle::ty::{ty_fn, ty_trait, ty_tup, ty_var, ty_var_integral};
import middle::ty::{ty_param, ty_self, ty_constr, ty_type, ty_opaque_box};
import middle::ty::{ty_param, ty_self, ty_type, ty_opaque_box};
import middle::ty::{ty_opaque_closure_ptr, ty_unboxed_vec, new_ty_hash};
import middle::ty::{subst};
import middle::typeck::infer::{infer_ctxt, mk_subty, new_infer_ctxt};
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ class CoherenceChecker {
ty_nil | ty_bot | ty_bool | ty_int(*) | ty_uint(*) | ty_float(*) |
ty_estr(*) | ty_evec(*) | ty_rec(*) |
ty_fn(*) | ty_tup(*) | ty_var(*) | ty_var_integral(*) |
ty_param(*) | ty_self | ty_constr(*) | ty_type | ty_opaque_box |
ty_param(*) | ty_self | ty_type | ty_opaque_box |
ty_opaque_closure_ptr(*) | ty_unboxed_vec(*) {
@ -126,8 +126,7 @@ fn get_enum_variant_types(ccx: @crate_ctxt,
proto: ast::proto_box,
inputs: args,
output: enum_ty,
ret_style: ast::return_val,
constraints: ~[]})
ret_style: ast::return_val})
let tpt = {bounds: ty_param_bounds(ccx, ty_params),
rp: rp,
@ -363,8 +362,7 @@ fn convert(ccx: @crate_ctxt, it: @ast::item) {
proto: ast::proto_any,
inputs: t_args,
output: t_res,
ret_style: ast::return_val,
constraints: ~[]}); // FIXME (#2813): allow ctors to have
ret_style: ast::return_val});
// constraints, or remove constraints from the language
write_ty_to_tcx(tcx,, t_ctor);
@ -618,8 +616,7 @@ fn ty_of_foreign_fn_decl(ccx: @crate_ctxt,
proto: ast::proto_bare,
inputs: input_tys,
output: output_ty,
ret_style: ast::return_val,
constraints: ~[]});
ret_style: ast::return_val});
let tpt = {bounds: bounds, rp: false, ty: t_fn};
ccx.tcx.tcache.insert(def_id, tpt);
ret tpt;
@ -974,49 +974,6 @@ impl unify_methods for infer_ctxt {
fn constrs(
expected: @ty::type_constr,
actual_constr: @ty::type_constr) -> ures {
let err_res =
err(ty::terr_constr_mismatch(expected, actual_constr));
if != { ret err_res; }
let expected_arg_len = vec::len(expected.node.args);
let actual_arg_len = vec::len(actual_constr.node.args);
if expected_arg_len != actual_arg_len { ret err_res; }
let mut i = 0u;
for expected.node.args.each |a| {
let actual = actual_constr.node.args[i];
alt a.node {
ast::carg_base {
alt actual.node {
ast::carg_base { }
_ { ret err_res; }
ast::carg_lit(l) {
alt actual.node {
ast::carg_lit(m) {
if l != m { ret err_res; }
_ { ret err_res; }
ast::carg_ident(p) {
alt actual.node {
ast::carg_ident(q) {
if p.idents != q.idents { ret err_res; }
_ { ret err_res; }
i += 1u;
ret uok();
fn bnds<T:copy to_str st>(
a: bound<T>, b: bound<T>) -> ures {
@ -1035,18 +992,6 @@ impl unify_methods for infer_ctxt {
fn constrvecs(
as: ~[@ty::type_constr], bs: ~[@ty::type_constr]) -> ures {
if check vec::same_length(as, bs) {
do iter_vec2(as, bs) |a,b| {
self.constrs(a, b)
} else {
err(ty::terr_constr_len(bs.len(), as.len()))
fn sub_tys(a: ty::t, b: ty::t) -> ures {
sub(self).tys(a, b).chain(|_t| ok(()) )
@ -1584,7 +1529,7 @@ fn super_tps<C:combine>(
// future we could allow type parameters to declare a
// variance.
if check vec::same_length(as, bs) {
if vec::same_length(as, bs) {
iter_vec2(as, bs, |a, b| {
self.infcx().eq_tys(a, b)
}).then(|| ok(as) )
@ -1674,7 +1619,7 @@ fn super_fns<C:combine>(
fn argvecs<C:combine>(self: C, a_args: ~[ty::arg],
b_args: ~[ty::arg]) -> cres<~[ty::arg]> {
if check vec::same_length(a_args, b_args) {
if vec::same_length(a_args, b_args) {
map_vec2(a_args, b_args, |a, b| self.args(a, b) )
} else {
@ -1693,8 +1638,7 @@ fn super_fns<C:combine>(
proto: p,
inputs: inputs,
output: output,
ret_style: rs,
constraints: a_f.constraints})
ret_style: rs})
// }
@ -1824,7 +1768,7 @@ fn super_tys<C:combine>(
(ty::ty_rec(as), ty::ty_rec(bs)) {
if check vec::same_length(as, bs) {
if vec::same_length(as, bs) {
map_vec2(as, bs, |a,b| {
self.flds(a, b)
}).chain(|flds| ok(ty::mk_rec(tcx, flds)) )
@ -1834,7 +1778,7 @@ fn super_tys<C:combine>(
(ty::ty_tup(as), ty::ty_tup(bs)) {
if check vec::same_length(as, bs) {
if vec::same_length(as, bs) {
map_vec2(as, bs, |a, b| self.tys(a, b) )
.chain(|ts| ok(ty::mk_tup(tcx, ts)) )
} else {
@ -1848,14 +1792,6 @@ fn super_tys<C:combine>(
(ty::ty_constr(a_t, a_constrs), ty::ty_constr(b_t, b_constrs)) {
do self.tys(a_t, b_t).chain |t| {
do self.infcx().constrvecs(a_constrs, b_constrs).then {
ok(ty::mk_constr(tcx, t, a_constrs))
_ { err(ty::terr_sorts(b, a)) }
@ -89,19 +89,6 @@ mod middle {
mod region;
mod const_eval;
mod astencode;
mod tstate {
mod ck;
mod annotate;
#[path = ""]
mod aux;
mod bitvectors;
mod collect_locals;
mod pre_post_conditions;
mod states;
mod ann;
mod tritv;
mod front {
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
import std::map::hashmap;
import middle::ty;
import middle::ty::{arg, bound_region, br_anon, br_named, canon_mode};
import middle::ty::{ck_block, ck_box, ck_uniq, constr, ctxt, field, method};
import middle::ty::{ck_block, ck_box, ck_uniq, ctxt, field, method};
import middle::ty::{mt, re_bound, re_free, re_scope, re_var, region, t};
import middle::ty::{ty_bool, ty_bot, ty_box, ty_class, ty_constr, ty_enum};
import middle::ty::{ty_bool, ty_bot, ty_box, ty_class, ty_enum};
import middle::ty::{ty_estr, ty_evec, ty_float, ty_fn, ty_trait, ty_int};
import middle::ty::{ty_nil, ty_opaque_box, ty_opaque_closure_ptr, ty_param};
import middle::ty::{ty_ptr, ty_rec, ty_rptr, ty_self, ty_tup};
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import middle::ty::{ty_unboxed_vec, vid};
import metadata::encoder;
import syntax::codemap;
import syntax::print::pprust;
import syntax::print::pprust::{path_to_str, constr_args_to_str, proto_to_str,
import syntax::print::pprust::{path_to_str, proto_to_str,
mode_to_str, purity_to_str};
import syntax::{ast, ast_util};
import syntax::ast_map;
@ -134,8 +134,7 @@ fn ty_to_str(cx: ctxt, typ: t) -> ~str {
fn fn_to_str(cx: ctxt, purity: ast::purity, proto: ast::proto,
ident: option<ast::ident>,
inputs: ~[arg], output: t, cf: ast::ret_style,
constrs: ~[@constr]) -> ~str {
inputs: ~[arg], output: t, cf: ast::ret_style) -> ~str {
let mut s;
s = alt purity {
@ -156,13 +155,12 @@ fn ty_to_str(cx: ctxt, typ: t) -> ~str {
ast::return_val { s += ty_to_str(cx, output); }
s += constrs_str(constrs);
ret s;
fn method_to_str(cx: ctxt, m: method) -> ~str {
ret fn_to_str(
cx, m.fty.purity, m.fty.proto, some(m.ident), m.fty.inputs,
m.fty.output, m.fty.ret_style, m.fty.constraints) + ~";";
m.fty.output, m.fty.ret_style) + ~";";
fn field_to_str(cx: ctxt, f: field) -> ~str {
ret *f.ident + ~": " + mt_to_str(cx,;
@ -211,7 +209,7 @@ fn ty_to_str(cx: ctxt, typ: t) -> ~str {
ty_fn(f) {
fn_to_str(cx, f.purity, f.proto, none, f.inputs,
f.output, f.ret_style, f.constraints)
f.output, f.ret_style)
ty_var(v) { v.to_str() }
ty_var_integral(v) { v.to_str() }
@ -234,7 +232,6 @@ fn ty_to_str(cx: ctxt, typ: t) -> ~str {
ty_estr(vs) { vstore_ty_to_str(cx, ~"str", vs) }
ty_opaque_box { ~"@?" }
ty_constr(t, _) { ~"@?" }
ty_opaque_closure_ptr(ck_block) { ~"closure&" }
ty_opaque_closure_ptr(ck_box) { ~"closure@" }
ty_opaque_closure_ptr(ck_uniq) { ~"closure~" }
@ -267,27 +264,6 @@ fn ty_to_short_str(cx: ctxt, typ: t) -> ~str {
ret s;
fn constr_to_str(c: @constr) -> ~str {
ret path_to_str(c.node.path) +
pprust::constr_args_to_str(pprust::uint_to_str, c.node.args);
fn constrs_str(constrs: ~[@constr]) -> ~str {
let mut s = ~"";
let mut colon = true;
for constrs.each |c| {
if colon { s += ~" : "; colon = false; } else { s += ~", "; }
s += constr_to_str(c);
ret s;
fn ty_constr_to_str<Q>(c: @ast::spanned<ast::constr_general_<@ast::path, Q>>)
-> ~str {
ret path_to_str(c.node.path) +
constr_args_to_str::<@ast::path>(path_to_str, c.node.args);
// Local Variables:
// mode: rust
// fill-column: 78;
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ fn unindent(s: ~str) -> ~str {
if check vec::is_not_empty(lines) {
if vec::is_not_empty(lines) {
let unindented = ~[str::trim(vec::head(lines))]
+ do par::anymap(vec::tail(lines)) |line| {
if str::is_whitespace(line) {
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
// error-pattern:precondition constraint (for example, uint::le(a, b)
use std;
import str::*;
fn main() unsafe {
fn foo(_a: uint, _b: uint) : uint::le(_a, _b) {}
let a: uint = 4u;
let b: uint = 1u;
log(error, foo(a, b));
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
// error-pattern:unsatisfied precondition constraint
pure fn even(x: uint) -> bool {
if x < 2u {
ret false;
} else if x == 2u { ret true; } else { ret even(x - 2u); }
fn print_even(x: uint) : even(x) { log(debug, x); }
fn foo(x: uint) { if check even(x) { fail; } else { print_even(x); } }
fn main() { foo(3u); }
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
// -*- rust -*-
fn g() { }
pure fn f(_q: int) -> bool {
g(); //~ ERROR access to impure function prohibited in pure context
ret true;
fn main() {
let x = 0;
check (f(x));
@ -35,10 +35,12 @@ fn f4() {
// leave this in here just to trigger compile-fail:
pure fn is_even(i: int) -> bool { (i%2) == 0 }
fn even(i: int) : is_even(i) -> int { i }
fn main() {
let i: int = 4;
log(debug, false && { check is_even(i); true });
even(i); //~ ERROR unsatisfied precondition
class r {
let x: ();
new() { self.x = (); }
drop {}
fn main() {
let x = r();
fn@() { copy x; }; //~ ERROR copying a noncopyable value
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
// error-pattern:unsatisfied precondition constraint (for example, even(y
fn print_even(y: int) : even(y) { log(debug, y); }
pure fn even(y: int) -> bool { true }
fn main() {
let mut y = 42;
check (even(y));
loop {
loop { y += 1; break; }
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
// error-pattern:unsatisfied precondition constraint (for example, uint::le
fn main() unsafe {
fn foo(_a: uint, _b: uint) : uint::le(_a, _b) {}
let mut a: uint = 1u;
let mut b: uint = 4u;
let mut c: uint = 5u;
// make sure that the constraint le(b, a) exists...
check (uint::le(b, a));
// ...invalidate it...
b += 1u;
check (uint::le(c, a));
// ...and check that it doesn't get set in the poststate of
// the next statement, since it's not true in the
// prestate.
let d <- a;
log(debug, foo(b, d));
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
// Tests that the typechecker checks constraints
// error-pattern:mismatched types: expected `uint` but found `u8`
use std;
import uint;
fn enum_chars(start: u8, end: u8) : uint::le(start, end) -> ~[char] {
let i = start;
let r = ~[];
while i <= end { r += ~[i as char]; i += 1u as u8; }
ret r;
fn main() { log(debug, enum_chars('a' as u8, 'z' as u8)); }
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
// -*- rust -*-
// error-pattern: non-predicate
fn main() {
check (1 ==
2); // should fail to typecheck, as (a == b)
// is not a manifest call
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
// -*- rust -*-
// error-pattern:impure function as operator
fn f(q: int) -> bool { ret true; }
fn main() {
let x = 0;
check (f(x));
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
// -*- rust -*-
// error-pattern:constraint args must be
pure fn f(q: int) -> bool { ret true; }
fn main() {
// should fail to typecheck, as pred args must be slot variables
// or literals
check (f(42 * 17));
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
// -*- rust -*-
// error-pattern:unsatisfied precondition constraint (for example, lt(a, b)
fn f(a: int, b: int) : lt(a, b) { }
pure fn lt(a: int, b: int) -> bool { ret a < b; }
fn main() {
let mut a: int = 10;
let mut b: int = 23;
let mut c: int = 77;
check (lt(a, b));
a = 24;
f(a, b);
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
// -*- rust -*-
// error-pattern: lt(a, c)
fn f(a: int, b: int) : lt(a, b) { }
pure fn lt(a: int, b: int) -> bool { ret a < b; }
fn main() {
let a: int = 10;
let b: int = 23;
let c: int = 77;
check (lt(a, b));
check (lt(b, c));
f(a, b);
f(a, c);
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
// -*- rust -*-
// error-pattern:unsatisfied precondition constraint (for example, lt(a, b)
fn f(a: int, b: int) : lt(a, b) { }
pure fn lt(a: int, b: int) -> bool { ret a < b; }
fn main() {
let mut a: int = 10;
let mut b: int = 23;
let mut c: int = 77;
check (lt(a, b));
b <-> a;
f(a, b);
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
// -*- rust -*-
// error-pattern: unresolved name: lt
fn f(a: int, b: int) : lt(a, b) { }
fn main() {
let lt: int;
let a: int = 10;
let b: int = 23;
check (lt(a, b));
f(a, b);
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
pure fn is_even(i: int) -> bool { (i%2) == 0 }
fn even(i: int) : is_even(i) -> int { i }
fn main() {
let i: int = 4;
log(debug, false && { check is_even(i); true });
even(i); //~ ERROR unsatisfied precondition
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
pure fn is_even(i: int) -> bool { (i%2) == 0 }
fn even(i: int) : is_even(i) -> int { i }
fn force(f: fn()) { f(); }
fn main() {
let x: int = 4;
force(fn&() {
even(x); //~ ERROR unsatisfied precondition
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
pure fn is_even(i: int) -> bool { (i%2) == 0 }
fn even(i: int) : is_even(i) -> int { i }
fn foo() -> int {
let x: int = 4;
while 1 != 2 {
check is_even(x); //~ WARNING unreachable statement
even(x); //~ ERROR unsatisfied precondition
ret 17;
fn main() { log(debug, foo()); }
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
pure fn is_even(i: int) -> bool { (i%2) == 0 }
fn even(i: int) : is_even(i) -> int { i }
fn foo() -> int {
let x: int = 4;
loop {
check is_even(x); //~ WARNING unreachable statement
even(x); //~ ERROR unsatisfied precondition
ret 17;
fn main() { log(debug, foo()); }
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
pure fn is_even(i: int) -> bool { (i%2) == 0 }
fn even(i: int) : is_even(i) -> int { i }
class cat {
priv {
let mut meows : uint;
let how_hungry : int;
fn eat() {
self.how_hungry -= 5;
new(in_x : uint, in_y : int) {
let foo = 3;
self.meows = in_x + (in_y as uint);
self.how_hungry = even(foo); //~ ERROR unsatisfied precondition
fn main() {
let nyan : cat = cat(52u, 99);
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
// -*- rust -*-
type point = {x: int, y: int};
pure fn test(_p: point) -> bool { true }
fn tested(p: point) : test(p) -> point { p }
fn main() {
let origin: point;
origin = {x: 0, y: 0};
let right: point = {x: 10 with tested(origin)};
//~^ ERROR precondition
copy right;
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
pure fn is_even(i: int) -> bool { (i%2) == 0 }
fn even(i: int) : is_even(i) -> int { i }
fn foo(x: int) { log(debug, x); }
fn main() {
let x: int = 10;
if 1 > 2 { check is_even(x); }
even(x); //~ ERROR unsatisfied precondition
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
pure fn is_even(i: int) -> bool { (i%2) == 0 }
fn even(i: int) : is_even(i) -> int { i }
fn foo(x: int) { log(debug, x); }
fn main() {
let x: int = 10;
if 1 > 2 {
} else {
check is_even(x);
even(x); //~ ERROR unsatisfied precondition
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
pure fn is_even(i: int) -> bool { (i%2) == 0 }
fn even(i: int) : is_even(i) -> int { i }
fn main() {
let mut x: int = 42;
loop {
loop {
loop {
check is_even(x);
even(x); // OK
loop {
even(x); //~ ERROR unsatisfied precondition
x = 11;
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
pure fn is_even(i: int) -> bool { (i%2) == 0 }
fn even(i: int) : is_even(i) -> int { i }
fn main() {
let i: int = 4;
log(debug, false || { check is_even(i); true });
even(i); //~ ERROR unsatisfied precondition
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
pure fn is_even(i: int) -> bool { (i%2) == 0 }
fn even(i: int) : is_even(i) -> int { i }
fn f() -> int {
let x: int = 4;
ret even(x); //~ ERROR unsatisfied precondition
fn main() { f(); }
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
pure fn is_even(i: int) -> bool { (i%2) == 0 }
fn even(i: int) : is_even(i) -> int { i }
fn main() {
let x = 4;
fn baz(_x: int) { }
baz(even(x)); //~ ERROR unsatisfied precondition
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
fn foo(v: ~[int]) : vec::is_empty(v) { #debug("%d", v[0]); }
fn main() {
let f = fn@() {
let v = ~[1];
foo(v); //~ ERROR unsatisfied precondition constraint
log(error, f);
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
fn foo(v: ~[int]) : vec::is_empty(v) { #debug("%d", v[0]); }
fn main() {
let f = fn@() {
let v = ~[1];
foo(v); //~ ERROR unsatisfied precondition constraint
log(error, f());
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
pure fn is_even(i: int) -> bool { (i%2) == 0 }
fn even(i: int) : is_even(i) -> int { i }
fn main() {
let x: int = 4;
even(x); //~ ERROR unsatisfied precondition
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
pure fn is_even(i: int) -> bool { (i%2) == 0 }
fn even(i: int) : is_even(i) -> int { i }
fn test(cond: bool) {
let v = 4;
while cond {
check is_even(v);
even(v); //~ ERROR unsatisfied precondition
fn main() {
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
pure fn is_even(i: int) -> bool { (i%2) == 0 }
fn even(i: int) : is_even(i) -> int { i }
fn main() {
let x: int = 4;
while even(x) != 0 { } //~ ERROR unsatisfied precondition
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
// error-pattern:unsatisfied precondition constraint (for example, even(y
fn print_even(y: int) : even(y) { log(debug, y); }
pure fn even(y: int) -> bool { true }
fn main() {
let mut y: int = 42;
let mut x: int = 1;
check (even(y));
loop {
while true { while true { while true { y += x; } } }
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
pure fn is_even(i: int) -> bool { (i%2) == 0 }
fn even(i: int) : is_even(i) -> int { i }
fn f() {
let mut x: int = 10;
while 1 == 1 { x = 10; }
even(x); //~ ERROR unsatisfied precondition
fn main() { f(); }
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
// error-pattern:quux
use std;
import uint::*;
fn nop(a: uint, b: uint) : le(a, b) { fail ~"quux"; }
fn main() { let a: uint = 5u; let b: uint = 4u; claim (le(a, b)); nop(a, b); }
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
// error-pattern:Predicate uint::le(a, b) failed
fn main() unsafe {
fn foo(_a: uint, _b: uint) : uint::le(_a, _b) {}
let a: uint = 4u;
let b: uint = 1u;
check (uint::le(a, b));
log(error, foo(a, b));
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ pure fn even(x: uint) -> bool {
fn foo(x: uint) {
if check even(x) {
if even(x) {
log(debug, x);
} else {
fail ~"Number is odd";
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
// -*- rust -*-
// error-pattern:Predicate lt(b, a) failed
fn f(a: int, b: int) { }
pure fn lt(a: int, b: int) -> bool { ret a < b; }
fn main() { let a: int = 10; let b: int = 23; check (lt(b, a)); f(b, a); }
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// error-pattern:fail
pure fn p(a: @int) -> bool { false }
fn main() {
let a = @0;
check p(a);
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// In this case, the code should compile but
// the check should fail at runtime
// error-pattern:Predicate same_length
// the assert should fail at runtime
// error-pattern:Assertion same_length(chars, ints) failed
use std;
import uint;
import u8;
@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ fn enum_uints(start: uint, end: uint) -> ~[uint] {
fn main() {
let a = 'a' as u8, j = 'j' as u8, k = 1u, l = 9u;
// Silly, but necessary
check (u8::le(a, j));
check (uint::le(k, l));
assert (u8::le(a, j));
assert (uint::le(k, l));
let chars = enum_chars(a, j);
let ints = enum_uints(k, l);
check (same_length(chars, ints));
assert (same_length(chars, ints));
let ps = zip(chars, ints);
fail ~"the impossible happened";
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
pure fn p(j: int) -> bool { true }
fn f(i: int, j: int) : p(j) -> int { j }
fn g(i: int, j: int) : p(j) -> int { f(i, j) }
fn main() { let x = 1; check (p(x)); log(debug, g(x, x)); }
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
use std;
pure fn p(x: int) -> bool { true }
fn f(x: int) : p(x) { }
fn main() {
alt some(5) { some(y) { check (p(y)); f(y); } _ { fail ~"yuck"; } }
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
// tests that the pred in a claim isn't actually eval'd
use std;
import uint::*;
pure fn fails(a: uint) -> bool { fail; }
fn main() { let b: uint = 4u; claim (fails(b)); }
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
// -*- rust -*-
enum list { cons(int, @list), nil, }
type bubu = {x: int, y: int};
pure fn less_than(x: int, y: int) -> bool { ret x < y; }
type ordered_range = {low: int, high: int} : less_than(*.low, *.high);
fn main() { }
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
fn main() unsafe {
fn foo(_a: uint, _b: uint) : uint::le(_a, _b) {}
let a: uint = 1u;
let b: uint = 4u;
let mut c: uint = 17u;
check (uint::le(a, b));
c <- a;
log(debug, foo(c, b));
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
fn main() unsafe {
fn foo(_a: uint, _b: uint) : uint::le(_a, _b) {}
let a: uint = 1u;
let b: uint = 4u;
check (uint::le(a, b));
let c <- a;
log(debug, foo(c, b));
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
fn main() unsafe {
fn foo(_a: uint, _b: uint) : uint::le(_a, _b) {}
let mut a: uint = 4u;
let mut b: uint = 1u;
check (uint::le(b, a));
b <-> a;
log(debug, foo(a, b));
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
fn main() unsafe {
fn foo(_a: uint, _b: uint) : uint::le(_a, _b) {}
let a: uint = 1u;
let b: uint = 4u;
check uint::le(a, b);
let c = b;
log(debug, foo(a, c));
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
fn main() unsafe {
fn foo(_a: uint, _b: uint) : uint::le(_a, _b) {}
let a: uint = 1u;
let b: uint = 4u;
check (uint::le(a, b));
log(debug, foo(a, b));
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
pure fn even(x: uint) -> bool {
if x < 2u {
ret false;
} else if x == 2u { ret true; } else { ret even(x - 2u); }
fn print_even(x: uint) : even(x) { log(debug, x); }
fn foo(x: uint) { if check even(x) { print_even(x); } else { fail; } }
fn main() { foo(2u); }
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ pure fn even(x: uint) -> bool {
fn foo(x: uint) {
if check even(x) {
if even(x) {
log(debug, x);
} else {
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
pure fn c() -> bool { check c(); true }
fn main() {}
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
enum maybe_ordered_pair {
yes({low: int, high: int} : less_than(*.low, *.high)),
pure fn less_than(x: int, y: int) -> bool { ret x < y; }
fn main() { }
@ -10,19 +10,13 @@ pure fn pure_length<T: copy>(ls: @list<T>) -> uint { pure_length_go(ls, 0u) }
pure fn nonempty_list<T: copy>(ls: @list<T>) -> bool { pure_length(ls) > 0u }
// Of course, the compiler can't take advantage of the
// knowledge that ls is a cons node. Future work.
// Also, this is pretty contrived since nonempty_list
// could be a "enum refinement", if we implement those.
fn safe_head<T: copy>(ls: @list<T>) : nonempty_list(ls) -> T {
check is_not_empty(ls);
fn safe_head<T: copy>(ls: @list<T>) -> T {
assert is_not_empty(ls);
ret head(ls);
fn main() {
let mylist = @cons(@1u, @nil);
// Again, a way to eliminate such "obvious" checks seems
// desirable. (Tags could have postconditions.)
check (nonempty_list(mylist));
assert (nonempty_list(mylist));
assert (*safe_head(mylist) == 1u);
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
// -*- rust -*-
pure fn f(q: int) -> bool { ret true; }
fn main() { let x = 0; check (f(x)); }
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
// -*- rust -*-
fn f(a: int, b: int) { }
pure fn lt(a: int, b: int) -> bool { ret a < b; }
fn main() {
let a: int = 10;
let b: int = 23;
let c: int = 77;
check (lt(a, b));
check (lt(a, c));
f(a, b);
f(a, c);
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
pure fn p(i: int) -> bool { true }
fn f(i: int) : p(i) -> int { i }
fn g(i: int) : p(i) -> int { f(i) }
fn main() { }
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