r? @brson
Unwinding through macros now happens as a call to the trait function `FailWithCause::fail_with()`, which consumes self, allowing to use a more generic failure object in the future.
The "unsigned 4 byte" `ub4`s are actually 8 bytes on 64-bit platforms
which mean that some bits > 2**32 were retained in calculations, these
would then "reappear" after a right shift and so the stream of random numbers
would differ on 32 bit vs 64 bit platforms.
This means that `ub4`s are always 4 bytes, rather than being 8 bytes on
x64. (Suggested but not implemented by upstream: "Porting it to a 64-bit
machine [...] may just need an adjustment of the definition of ub4")
r? @graydon
Sorry, this pull request is a few different things at once, but I tried to make them separate commits.
First, as before, this should do file searching the way that's described in the doc now.
Second, there's also some preliminary work on the install command (really just tests for it).
As part of the numeric trait reform (see issue #4819), I have added the following traits to `core::num` and implemented them for floating point types:
pub trait Round {
fn floor(&self) -> Self;
fn ceil(&self) -> Self;
fn round(&self) -> Self;
fn trunc(&self) -> Self;
fn fract(&self) -> Self;
pub trait Fractional: Num
+ Ord
+ Round
+ Quot<Self,Self> {
fn recip(&self) -> Self;
pub trait Real: Signed
+ Fractional {
// Common Constants
fn pi() -> Self;
fn two_pi() -> Self;
fn frac_pi_2() -> Self;
fn frac_pi_3() -> Self;
fn frac_pi_4() -> Self;
fn frac_pi_6() -> Self;
fn frac_pi_8() -> Self;
fn frac_1_pi() -> Self;
fn frac_2_pi() -> Self;
fn frac_2_sqrtpi() -> Self;
fn sqrt2() -> Self;
fn frac_1_sqrt2() -> Self;
fn e() -> Self;
fn log2_e() -> Self;
fn log10_e() -> Self;
fn log_2() -> Self;
fn log_10() -> Self;
// Exponential functions
fn pow(&self, n: Self) -> Self;
fn exp(&self) -> Self;
fn exp2(&self) -> Self;
fn expm1(&self) -> Self;
fn ldexp(&self, n: int) -> Self;
fn log(&self) -> Self;
fn log2(&self) -> Self;
fn log10(&self) -> Self;
fn log_radix(&self) -> Self;
fn ilog_radix(&self) -> int;
fn sqrt(&self) -> Self;
fn rsqrt(&self) -> Self;
fn cbrt(&self) -> Self;
// Angular conversions
fn to_degrees(&self) -> Self;
fn to_radians(&self) -> Self;
// Triganomic functions
fn hypot(&self, other: Self) -> Self;
fn sin(&self) -> Self;
fn cos(&self) -> Self;
fn tan(&self) -> Self;
// Inverse triganomic functions
fn asin(&self) -> Self;
fn acos(&self) -> Self;
fn atan(&self) -> Self;
fn atan2(&self, other: Self) -> Self;
// Hyperbolic triganomic functions
fn sinh(&self) -> Self;
fn cosh(&self) -> Self;
fn tanh(&self) -> Self;
/// Methods that are harder to implement and not commonly used.
pub trait RealExt: Real {
// Gamma functions
fn lgamma(&self) -> (int, Self);
fn tgamma(&self) -> Self;
// Bessel functions
fn j0(&self) -> Self;
fn j1(&self) -> Self;
fn jn(&self, n: int) -> Self;
fn y0(&self) -> Self;
fn y1(&self) -> Self;
fn yn(&self, n: int) -> Self;
The constants in `Real` could be [associated items](http://smallcultfollowing.com/babysteps/blog/2013/04/03/associated-items-continued/) in the future (see issue #5527). At the moment I have left the constants in `{float|f32|f64}::consts` in case folks need to access these at compile time. There are also instances of `int` in `Real` and `RealExt`. In the future these could be replaced with an associated `INTEGER` type on `Real`.
`Natural` has also been renamed to `Integer`. This is because `Natural` normally means 'positive integer' in mathematics. It is therefore strange to implement it on signed integer types. `Integer` is probably a better choice.
I have also switched some of the `Integer` methods to take borrowed pointers as arguments. This brings them in line with the `Quot` and `Rem` traits, and is be better for large Integer types like `BigInt` and `BigUint` because they don't need to be copied unnecessarily.
There has also been considerable discussion on the mailing list and IRC about the renaming of the `Div` and `Modulo` traits to `Quot` and `Rem`. Depending on the outcome of these discussions they might be renamed again.
Unwinding through macros now happens as a call to the trait function `FailWithCause::fail_with()`, which consumes self, allowing to use a more generic failure object in the future.
The "unsigned 4 byte" `ub4`s are actually 8 bytes on 64-bit platforms
which mean that some bits > 2**32 were retained in calculations, these
would then "reappear" after a shift and so the stream of random numbers
would differ on 32 bit vs 64 bit platforms.
rustpkg now searches for package directories in ./src rather than
in . . I also added a rudimentary RUST_PATH that's currently
hard-wired to the current directory. rustpkg now uses src/, lib/,
and build/ directories as described in the manual.
Most of the existing test scenarios build now; the README file
(in a separate commit) explains which ones.
This brings them in line with the quot and rem traits, and is be better for large Integer types like BigInt and BigUint because they don't need to be copied unnecessarily.
'Natural' normally means 'positive integer' in mathematics. It is therefore strange to implement it on signed integer types. 'Integer' is probably a better choice.
From a cursory `git grep` this removes the last part of `core` that requires on `@` (other than `io` and the task local data section).
It renames `RandRes` to ~~StdRng~~ `IsaacRng` and `XorShiftState` to `XorShiftRng` as well as moving their constructors to static methods. To go with this, it adds `rng()` which is designed to be used when the programmer just wants a random number generator, without caring about which exact algorithm is being used.
It also removes all the `gen_int`, `gen_uint`, `gen_char` (etc) methods on `RngUtil` (by moving the defintions to the actual `Rand` instances). The replacement is using `RngUtil::gen`, either type-inferred or with an annotation (`rng.gen::<uint>()`).
I tried to have the `Rng` and `RngUtil` traits exported by `core::prelude` (since `core::rand` (except for `random()`) is useless without them), but this caused [an explosion of (seemingly unrelated) `error: unresolved import`'s](https://gist.github.com/5451839).
This moves all the basic random value generation into the Rand instances for
each type and then removes the `gen_int`, `gen_char` (etc) methods on RngUtil,
leaving only the generic `gen` and the more specialised methods.
Also, removes some imports that are redundant due to a `use core::prelude::*`
As part of the numeric trait reform (see issue #4819), I have added the following traits to `core::num` and implemented them for the appropriate types:
pub trait Signed: Num
+ Neg<Self> {
fn abs(&self) -> Self;
fn signum(&self) -> Self;
fn is_positive(&self) -> bool;
fn is_negative(&self) -> bool;
pub trait Unsigned: Num {}
pub trait Natural: Num
+ Ord
+ Quot<Self,Self>
+ Rem<Self,Self> {
fn div(&self, other: Self) -> Self;
fn modulo(&self, other: Self) -> Self;
fn div_mod(&self, other: Self) -> (Self,Self);
fn quot_rem(&self, other: Self) -> (Self,Self);
fn gcd(&self, other: Self) -> Self;
fn lcm(&self, other: Self) -> Self;
fn divisible_by(&self, other: Self) -> bool;
fn is_even(&self) -> bool;
fn is_odd(&self) -> bool;
I have not implemented `Natural` for `BigInt` and `BigUInt` because they're a little over my head. Help with this would be most appreciated.
This adds the following methods to ints and uints:
- div
- modulo
- div_mod
- quot_rem
- gcd
- lcm
- divisible_by
- is_even
- is_odd
I have not implemented Natural for BigInt and BigUInt because they're a little over my head.