When vec growth results in a newly allocated (extended) buffer, copy existing elements over via element-wise copy, not flat memcpy. Introduce new vec growth glue to achieve this.
This commit is contained in:
@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ let iterator_args_elt_outer_frame_ptr = 1;;
let indirect_args_elt_closure = 0;;
(* dst, taskptr, closure-ptr, ty_params, src, src2=target_task *)
let worst_case_glue_call_args = 6;;
(* Current worst case is by vec grow glue *)
let worst_case_glue_call_args = 7;;
type abi =
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ type glue =
| GLUE_obj_drop of node_id (* Node is the obj. *)
| GLUE_loop_body of node_id (* Node is the 'for each' body block. *)
| GLUE_forward of (Ast.ident * Ast.ty_obj * Ast.ty_obj)
| GLUE_vec_grow
type data =
@ -1939,6 +1940,11 @@ and fn_rty (opaque_box_body:bool) (word_bits:Il.bits) : Il.referent_ty =
r [| code_ptr; box_ptr |]
and vec_sty (word_bits:Il.bits) : Il.scalar_ty =
let word = word_rty word_bits in
let ptr = Il.ScalarTy (Il.AddrTy Il.OpaqueTy) in
Il.AddrTy (Il.StructTy [| word; word; word; ptr |])
and referent_type (word_bits:Il.bits) (t:Ast.ty) : Il.referent_ty =
let s t = Il.ScalarTy t in
let v b = Il.ValTy b in
@ -1985,7 +1991,7 @@ and referent_type (word_bits:Il.bits) (t:Ast.ty) : Il.referent_ty =
| Ast.TY_mach (TY_f64) -> sv Il.Bits64
| Ast.TY_str -> sp (Il.StructTy [| word; word; word; ptr |])
| Ast.TY_vec _ -> sp (Il.StructTy [| word; word; word; ptr |])
| Ast.TY_vec _ -> s (vec_sty word_bits)
| Ast.TY_tup tt -> tup tt
| Ast.TY_rec tr -> tup (Array.map snd tr)
@ -2344,6 +2350,7 @@ let glue_str (cx:ctxt) (g:glue) : string =
^ id
^ "$" ^ (ty_str (Ast.TY_obj oty1))
^ "$" ^ (ty_str (Ast.TY_obj oty2))
| GLUE_vec_grow -> "glue$vec_grow"
@ -1740,21 +1740,29 @@ let trans_visitor
(curr_iso:Ast.ty_iso option)
: fixup =
let arg_ty_params_alias = 0 in
let arg_src_alias = 1 in
let arg_initflag = 2 in
let g = GLUE_copy ty in
let inner (out_ptr:Il.cell) (args:Il.cell) =
let dst = deref out_ptr in
let ty_params = deref (get_element_ptr args 0) in
let src = deref (get_element_ptr args 1) in
let ty_params = deref (get_element_ptr args arg_ty_params_alias) in
let src = deref (get_element_ptr args arg_src_alias) in
(* Translate copy code for the dst-initializing and
* dst-non-initializing cases and branch accordingly. *)
let initflag = get_element_ptr args 2 in
let initflag = get_element_ptr args arg_initflag in
let jmps = trans_compare_simple Il.JNE (Il.Cell initflag) one in
trans_copy_ty ty_params true dst ty src ty curr_iso;
let skip_noninit_jmp = mark() in
emit (Il.jmp Il.JMP Il.CodeNone);
List.iter patch jmps;
trans_copy_ty ty_params false dst ty src ty curr_iso;
patch skip_noninit_jmp;
let ty_params_ptr = ty_params_covering ty in
@ -1767,6 +1775,151 @@ let trans_visitor
and get_cmp_glue _ = failwith "TODO"
* Vector-growth glue takes four arguments:
* 0. (Implicit) task ptr
* 1. Pointer to the typarams of the caller's frame (possibly required to
* be passed to element's copy glue).
* 2. Pointer to tydesc of the vec's stored element type, so that elements
* can be copied to a newly alloc'ed vec if one must be created.
* 3. Alias to vec that needs to grow (i.e. ptr to ptr to rust_vec).
* 4. Number of bytes of growth requested
and emit_vec_grow_glue
: unit =
let arg_typarams_ptr = 0 in
let arg_tydesc_ptr = 1 in
let arg_vec_alias = 2 in
let arg_nbytes = 3 in
let name = glue_str cx g in
log cx "emitting glue: %s" name;
let fn_ty =
[| ty_params_covering Ast.TY_int; (* an OK lie *)
local_slot Ast.TY_type;
alias_slot (Ast.TY_vec Ast.TY_int); (* an OK lie *)
local_slot Ast.TY_uint; |]
let args_rty = call_args_referent_type cx 0 fn_ty None in
let callsz = Il.referent_ty_size word_bits args_rty in
let spill = new_fixup (name ^ " spill") in
trans_glue_frame_entry callsz spill false;
let args_cell =
get_element_ptr (caller_args_cell args_rty) Abi.calltup_elt_args
let vec_alias_cell = get_element_ptr args_cell arg_vec_alias in
let vec_cell = deref vec_alias_cell in
let nbytes_cell = get_element_ptr args_cell arg_nbytes in
let td_ptr_cell = get_element_ptr args_cell arg_tydesc_ptr in
let ty_params_cell =
deref (get_element_ptr args_cell arg_typarams_ptr)
let need_copy_cell = next_vreg_cell word_sty in
let new_vec_cell = next_vreg_cell (vec_sty word_bits) in
aliasing true need_copy_cell
fun need_copy_alias_cell ->
trans_upcall "upcall_vec_grow"
[| Il.Cell vec_cell;
Il.Cell nbytes_cell;
Il.Cell need_copy_alias_cell |]
let no_copy_jmps =
trans_compare_simple Il.JE (Il.Cell need_copy_cell) zero
let dst_vec = deref new_vec_cell in
let src_vec = deref vec_cell in
let fill =
get_element_ptr_dyn ty_params_cell src_vec Abi.vec_elt_fill
let elt_sz =
get_element_ptr (deref td_ptr_cell) Abi.tydesc_field_size
let dst_buf =
get_element_ptr_dyn ty_params_cell dst_vec Abi.vec_elt_data
let src_buf =
get_element_ptr_dyn ty_params_cell src_vec Abi.vec_elt_data
(* Copy loop: *)
let eltp_sty = Il.AddrTy (Il.OpaqueTy) in
let dptr = next_vreg_cell eltp_sty in
let sptr = next_vreg_cell eltp_sty in
let dlim = next_vreg_cell eltp_sty in
lea dptr (fst (need_mem_cell dst_buf));
lea sptr (fst (need_mem_cell src_buf));
mov dlim (Il.Cell dptr);
add_to dlim (Il.Cell fill);
(* Copy loop body: *)
let fwd_jmp = mark () in
emit (Il.jmp Il.JMP Il.CodeNone);
let back_jmp_targ = mark () in
(* Copy *)
let ty_params_ptr =
get_tydesc_params ty_params_cell td_ptr_cell
let initflag = Il.Reg (force_to_reg one) in
(Some (deref dptr))
[| ty_params_ptr; sptr; initflag |]
add_to dptr (Il.Cell elt_sz);
add_to sptr (Il.Cell elt_sz);
patch fwd_jmp;
let back_jmp =
trans_compare_simple Il.JB (Il.Cell dptr) (Il.Cell dlim)
(fun j -> patch_existing j back_jmp_targ) back_jmp;
(* Set the new vec's fill to the original vec's fill *)
let dst_fill = get_element_ptr dst_vec Abi.vec_elt_fill in
let v = next_vreg_cell word_sty in
mov v (Il.Cell fill);
mov dst_fill (Il.Cell v);
List.iter patch no_copy_jmps;
mov vec_cell (Il.Cell new_vec_cell);
trans_glue_frame_exit fix spill g
and get_vec_grow_glue _
: fixup =
let g = GLUE_vec_grow in
match htab_search cx.ctxt_glue_code g with
Some code -> code.code_fixup
| None ->
let fix = new_fixup (glue_str cx g) in
emit_vec_grow_glue fix g;
(* Glue functions use mostly the same calling convention as ordinary
* functions.
@ -4418,21 +4571,29 @@ let trans_visitor
(Ast.TY_str, Ast.TY_str)
| (Ast.TY_vec _, Ast.TY_vec _)
when (simplified_ty dst_ty) = (simplified_ty src_ty) ->
let is_gc = if type_has_state src_ty then 1L else 0L in
let src_cell = need_cell src_oper in
let src_vec = deref src_cell in
let src_fill = get_element_ptr src_vec Abi.vec_elt_fill in
let dst_vec = deref dst_cell in
let dst_fill = get_element_ptr dst_vec Abi.vec_elt_fill in
if trailing_null
then sub_from dst_fill (imm 1L);
trans_upcall "upcall_vec_grow"
[| Il.Cell dst_cell;
Il.Cell src_fill;
imm is_gc |];
aliasing true dst_cell
fun dst_vec_alias ->
(get_vec_grow_glue ())
(get_ty_params_of_current_frame ())
[| get_tydesc None elt_ty;
src_fill; |]
* By now, dst_cell points to a vec/str with room for us
* to add to.
@ -4486,13 +4647,21 @@ let trans_visitor
| (Ast.TY_vec _, e)
when e = simplified_ty elt_ty ->
let dst_is_gc = if type_has_state dst_ty then 1L else 0L in
let elt_sz = ty_sz_in_current_frame elt_ty in
trans_upcall "upcall_vec_grow"
[| Il.Cell dst_cell;
imm dst_is_gc |];
let elt_sz_cell = next_vreg_cell word_sty in
mov elt_sz_cell elt_sz;
aliasing true dst_cell
fun dst_vec_alias ->
(get_vec_grow_glue ())
(get_ty_params_of_current_frame ())
[| get_tydesc None elt_ty;
elt_sz_cell; |]
* By now, dst_cell points to a vec/str with room for us
@ -384,18 +384,23 @@ upcall_new_vec(rust_task *task, size_t fill, type_desc *td) {
return v;
extern "C" CDECL rust_str *
extern "C" CDECL rust_vec *
upcall_vec_grow(rust_task *task,
rust_vec *v,
size_t n_bytes,
uintptr_t is_gc) {
uintptr_t *need_copy)
rust_dom *dom = task->dom;
"upcall vec_grow(0x%" PRIxPTR ", %" PRIdPTR
"), alloc=%" PRIdPTR ", fill=%" PRIdPTR,
v, n_bytes, v->alloc, v->fill);
task->log(rust_log::UPCALL | rust_log::MEM,
"upcall vec_grow(0x%" PRIxPTR ", %" PRIdPTR
"), alloc=%" PRIdPTR ", fill=%" PRIdPTR
", need_copy=0x%" PRIxPTR,
v, n_bytes, v->alloc, v->fill, need_copy);
*need_copy = 0;
size_t alloc = next_power_of_two(sizeof(rust_vec) + v->fill + n_bytes);
if (v->ref_count == 1) {
// Fastest path: already large enough.
@ -414,7 +419,19 @@ upcall_vec_grow(rust_task *task,
v->alloc = alloc;
} else {
// Slowest path: make a new vec.
* Slowest path: make a new vec.
* 1. Allocate a new rust_vec with desired additional space.
* 2. Down-ref the shared rust_vec, point to the new one instead.
* 3. Copy existing elements into the new rust_vec.
* Step 3 is a bit tricky. We don't know how to properly copy the
* elements in the runtime (all we have are bits in a buffer; no
* type infromation and no copy glue). What we do instead is set the
* need_copy outparam flag to indicate to our caller (vec-copy glue)
* that we need the copies performed for us.
task->log(rust_log::UPCALL | rust_log::MEM, "new vec path");
void *mem = dom->malloc(alloc);
if (!mem) {
@ -422,8 +439,8 @@ upcall_vec_grow(rust_task *task,
return NULL;
v = new (mem) rust_vec(dom, alloc, v->fill,
v->fill ? &v->data[0] : NULL);
v = new (mem) rust_vec(dom, alloc, 0, NULL);
*need_copy = 1;
I(dom, sizeof(rust_vec) + v->fill <= v->alloc);
return v;
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