Assert to insure that the worst-case glue-call arg count is not exceeded unless allowed to.

This commit is contained in:
Roy Frostig 2010-09-03 16:03:13 -07:00
parent 1fa978ebb9
commit 1eb2a8b10b

@ -1244,7 +1244,7 @@ let trans_visitor
let callsz = Il.referent_ty_size word_bits self_args_rty in
let spill = new_fixup "forwarding fn spill" in
trans_glue_frame_entry callsz spill;
trans_glue_frame_entry callsz spill true;
let all_self_args_cell = caller_args_cell self_args_rty in
let self_indirect_args_cell =
get_element_ptr all_self_args_cell Abi.calltup_elt_indirect_args
@ -1403,7 +1403,25 @@ let trans_visitor
and trans_glue_frame_entry
: unit =
* The user_level flag is true to indicate that this is glue that is
* not called via the push/pop mechanism of trans_call_glue, and thereby
* may (legitimately) have callsz exceeding Abi.worst_case_glue_call_args.
* Assert that the callsz is indeed no bigger than our abi's purported
* worst-case glue args. Moreover, the callsz should be static for non-
* user-level glue, so we can rely on (force_sz callsz) as a preliminary
* assertion as well.
if not user_level
then assert ((
(force_sz callsz)
(Int64.of_int Abi.worst_case_glue_call_args))) <= 0);
let framesz = SIZE_fixup_mem_sz spill in
push_new_emitter_with_vregs None;
iflog (fun _ -> annotate "prologue");
@ -1491,7 +1509,7 @@ let trans_visitor
let callsz = Il.referent_ty_size word_bits callee_args_rty in
let spill = new_fixup "bind glue spill" in
trans_glue_frame_entry callsz spill;
trans_glue_frame_entry callsz spill true;
let all_self_args_cell = caller_args_cell self_args_rty in
@ -1545,9 +1563,8 @@ let trans_visitor
and trans_mem_glue_frame_entry (n_outgoing_args:int) (spill:fixup) : unit =
let isz = cx.ctxt_abi.Abi.abi_implicit_args_sz in
let callsz = SIZE_fixed (Int64.add isz (word_n n_outgoing_args)) in
trans_glue_frame_entry callsz spill
let callsz = SIZE_fixed (word_n n_outgoing_args) in
trans_glue_frame_entry callsz spill false
and get_mem_glue (g:glue) (inner:Il.mem -> unit) : fixup =
match htab_search cx.ctxt_glue_code g with