collections::bitv: Remove SmallBitv/BigBitv dichotomy

The old `Bitv` structure had two variations: one represented by a vector of
uints, and another represented by a single uint for bit vectors containing
fewer than uint::BITS bits.

The purpose of this is to avoid the indirection of using a Vec, but the
speedup is only available to users who

  (a) are storing less than uints::BITS bits
  (b) know this when they create the vector (since `Bitv`s cannot be resized)
  (c) don't know this at compile time (else they could use uint directly)

Giving such specific users a (questionable) speed benefit at the cost of
adding explicit checks to almost every single bit call, frequently writing
the same method twice and making iteration much much more difficult, does
not seem like a worthwhile tradeoff to me.

Also, rustc does not use Bitv anywhere, only through BitvSet, which does
not have this optimization.

For reference, here is some speed data from before and after this PR:

test bitv::tests::bench_bitv_big        ... bench:     4 ns/iter (+/- 1)
test bitv::tests::bench_bitv_big_iter   ... bench:  4858 ns/iter (+/- 22)
test bitv::tests::bench_bitv_big_union  ... bench:   507 ns/iter (+/- 35)
test bitv::tests::bench_bitv_set_big    ... bench:     6 ns/iter (+/- 1)
test bitv::tests::bench_bitv_set_small  ... bench:     6 ns/iter (+/- 0)
test bitv::tests::bench_bitv_small      ... bench:     5 ns/iter (+/- 1)
test bitv::tests::bench_bitvset_iter    ... bench: 12930 ns/iter (+/- 662)
test bitv::tests::bench_btv_small_iter  ... bench:    39 ns/iter (+/- 1)
test bitv::tests::bench_uint_small      ... bench:     4 ns/iter (+/- 1)

test bitv::tests::bench_bitv_big        ... bench:     5 ns/iter (+/- 1)
test bitv::tests::bench_bitv_big_iter   ... bench:  5004 ns/iter (+/- 102)
test bitv::tests::bench_bitv_big_union  ... bench:   356 ns/iter (+/- 26)
test bitv::tests::bench_bitv_set_big    ... bench:     6 ns/iter (+/- 0)
test bitv::tests::bench_bitv_set_small  ... bench:     6 ns/iter (+/- 1)
test bitv::tests::bench_bitv_small      ... bench:     4 ns/iter (+/- 1)
test bitv::tests::bench_bitvset_iter    ... bench: 12918 ns/iter (+/- 621)
test bitv::tests::bench_btv_small_iter  ... bench:    50 ns/iter (+/- 5)
test bitv::tests::bench_uint_small      ... bench:     4 ns/iter (+/- 1)
This commit is contained in:
Andrew Poelstra 2014-06-30 06:43:39 -07:00
parent a4c0468a21
commit 2d23319e33

View File

@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ use core::cmp;
use core::default::Default;
use core::fmt;
use core::iter::{Map, Zip};
use core::option;
use core::ops;
use core::slice;
use core::uint;
@ -25,110 +24,14 @@ use std::hash;
use {Collection, Mutable, Set, MutableSet};
use vec::Vec;
struct SmallBitv {
/// only the lowest nbits of this value are used. the rest is undefined.
bits: uint
/// a mask that has a 1 for each defined bit in a small_bitv, assuming n bits
fn small_mask(nbits: uint) -> uint {
(1 << nbits) - 1
impl SmallBitv {
fn new(bits: uint) -> SmallBitv {
SmallBitv {bits: bits}
fn bits_op(&mut self,
right_bits: uint,
nbits: uint,
f: |uint, uint| -> uint)
-> bool {
let mask = small_mask(nbits);
let old_b: uint = self.bits;
let new_b = f(old_b, right_bits);
self.bits = new_b;
mask & old_b != mask & new_b
fn union(&mut self, s: &SmallBitv, nbits: uint) -> bool {
self.bits_op(s.bits, nbits, |u1, u2| u1 | u2)
fn intersect(&mut self, s: &SmallBitv, nbits: uint) -> bool {
self.bits_op(s.bits, nbits, |u1, u2| u1 & u2)
fn become(&mut self, s: &SmallBitv, nbits: uint) -> bool {
self.bits_op(s.bits, nbits, |_u1, u2| u2)
fn difference(&mut self, s: &SmallBitv, nbits: uint) -> bool {
self.bits_op(s.bits, nbits, |u1, u2| u1 & !u2)
fn get(&self, i: uint) -> bool {
(self.bits & (1 << i)) != 0
fn set(&mut self, i: uint, x: bool) {
if x {
self.bits |= 1<<i;
else {
self.bits &= !(1<<i);
fn equals(&self, b: &SmallBitv, nbits: uint) -> bool {
let mask = small_mask(nbits);
mask & self.bits == mask & b.bits
fn clear(&mut self) { self.bits = 0; }
fn set_all(&mut self) { self.bits = !0; }
fn all(&self, nbits: uint) -> bool {
small_mask(nbits) & !self.bits == 0
fn none(&self, nbits: uint) -> bool {
small_mask(nbits) & self.bits == 0
fn negate(&mut self) { self.bits = !self.bits; }
struct BigBitv {
storage: Vec<uint>
* A mask that has a 1 for each defined bit in the n'th element of a `BigBitv`,
* A mask that has a 1 for each defined bit in the n'th element of a `Bitv`,
* assuming n bits.
fn big_mask(nbits: uint, elem: uint) -> uint {
let rmd = nbits % uint::BITS;
let nelems = nbits/uint::BITS + if rmd == 0 {0} else {1};
let nelems = (nbits + uint::BITS - 1) / uint::BITS;
if elem < nelems - 1 || rmd == 0 {
@ -137,99 +40,6 @@ fn big_mask(nbits: uint, elem: uint) -> uint {
impl BigBitv {
fn new(storage: Vec<uint>) -> BigBitv {
BigBitv {storage: storage}
fn process(&mut self,
b: &BigBitv,
nbits: uint,
op: |uint, uint| -> uint)
-> bool {
let len =;
assert_eq!(, len);
let mut changed = false;
for (i, (a, b)) in
.enumerate() {
let mask = big_mask(nbits, i);
let w0 = *a & mask;
let w1 = *b & mask;
let w = op(w0, w1) & mask;
if w0 != w {
changed = true;
*a = w;
fn each_storage(&mut self, op: |v: &mut uint| -> bool) -> bool {|elt| op(elt))
fn negate(&mut self) {
self.each_storage(|w| { *w = !*w; true });
fn union(&mut self, b: &BigBitv, nbits: uint) -> bool {
self.process(b, nbits, |w1, w2| w1 | w2)
fn intersect(&mut self, b: &BigBitv, nbits: uint) -> bool {
self.process(b, nbits, |w1, w2| w1 & w2)
fn become(&mut self, b: &BigBitv, nbits: uint) -> bool {
self.process(b, nbits, |_, w| w)
fn difference(&mut self, b: &BigBitv, nbits: uint) -> bool {
self.process(b, nbits, |w1, w2| w1 & !w2)
fn get(&self, i: uint) -> bool {
let w = i / uint::BITS;
let b = i % uint::BITS;
let x = 1 & >> b;
x == 1
fn set(&mut self, i: uint, x: bool) {
let w = i / uint::BITS;
let b = i % uint::BITS;
let flag = 1 << b;
* = if x { * | flag }
else { * & !flag };
fn equals(&self, b: &BigBitv, nbits: uint) -> bool {
for (i, elt) in {
let mask = big_mask(nbits, i);
if mask & * != mask & *elt {
return false;
enum BitvVariant { Big(BigBitv), Small(SmallBitv) }
enum Op {Union, Intersect, Assign, Difference}
/// The bitvector type
/// # Example
@ -259,108 +69,72 @@ enum Op {Union, Intersect, Assign, Difference}
/// ```
pub struct Bitv {
/// Internal representation of the bit vector (small or large)
rep: BitvVariant,
/// Internal representation of the bit vector
storage: Vec<uint>,
/// The number of valid bits in the internal representation
nbits: uint
fn die() -> ! {
fail!("Tried to do operation on bit vectors with different sizes");
enum WordsVariant<'a> {
VecIter(slice::Items<'a, uint>)
struct Words<'a> {
rep: WordsVariant<'a>,
iter: slice::Items<'a, uint>,
offset: uint
impl<'a> Iterator<(uint, uint)> for Words<'a> {
/// Returns (offset, word)
fn next<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Option<(uint, uint)> {
let ret = match self.rep {
NoneIter => None,
OneIter(ref mut it) =>,
VecIter(ref mut it) =>|n| *n)
let ret =|&n| (self.offset, n));
self.offset += 1;
match ret {
Some(n) => Some((self.offset - 1, n)),
None => None
impl Bitv {
fn do_op(&mut self, op: Op, other: &Bitv) -> bool {
if self.nbits != other.nbits {
match self.rep {
Small(ref mut s) => match other.rep {
Small(ref s1) => match op {
Union => s.union(s1, self.nbits),
Intersect => s.intersect(s1, self.nbits),
Assign => s.become(s1, self.nbits),
Difference => s.difference(s1, self.nbits)
Big(_) => die()
Big(ref mut s) => match other.rep {
Small(_) => die(),
Big(ref s1) => match op {
Union => s.union(s1, self.nbits),
Intersect => s.intersect(s1, self.nbits),
Assign => s.become(s1, self.nbits),
Difference => s.difference(s1, self.nbits)
fn process(&mut self, other: &Bitv, nbits: uint,
op: |uint, uint| -> uint) -> bool {
let len =;
assert_eq!(, len);
let mut changed = false;
for (i, (a, b)) in
.enumerate() {
let mask = big_mask(nbits, i);
let w0 = *a & mask;
let w1 = *b & mask;
let w = op(w0, w1) & mask;
if w0 != w {
changed = true;
*a = w;
fn words<'a>(&'a self, start: uint) -> Words<'a> {
Words {
rep: match self.rep {
Small(_) if start > 0 => NoneIter,
Small(ref s) => OneIter(Some(s.bits).move_iter()),
Big(ref b) => VecIter(
offset: start
impl Bitv {
/// Creates an empty Bitv that holds `nbits` elements, setting each element
/// to `init`.
pub fn new(nbits: uint, init: bool) -> Bitv {
let rep = if nbits < uint::BITS {
Small(SmallBitv::new(if init {(1<<nbits)-1} else {0}))
} else if nbits == uint::BITS {
Small(SmallBitv::new(if init {!0} else {0}))
} else {
let exact = nbits % uint::BITS == 0;
let nelems = nbits/uint::BITS + if exact {0} else {1};
let s =
if init {
if exact {
Vec::from_elem(nelems, !0u)
} else {
let mut v = Vec::from_elem(nelems-1, !0u);
v.push((1<<nbits % uint::BITS)-1);
} else { Vec::from_elem(nelems, 0u)};
Bitv {rep: rep, nbits: nbits}
Bitv {
storage: {
let nelems = (nbits + uint::BITS - 1) / uint::BITS;
let mut v = Vec::from_elem(nelems, if init { !0u } else { 0u });
// Zero out any remainder bits
if nbits % uint::BITS > 0 {
*v.get_mut(nelems - 1) &= (1 << nbits % uint::BITS) - 1;
nbits: nbits
@ -370,7 +144,10 @@ impl Bitv {
* the same length. Returns `true` if `self` changed.
pub fn union(&mut self, v1: &Bitv) -> bool { self.do_op(Union, v1) }
pub fn union(&mut self, other: &Bitv) -> bool {
let nbits = self.nbits;
self.process(other, nbits, |w1, w2| w1 | w2)
* Calculates the intersection of two bitvectors
@ -379,8 +156,9 @@ impl Bitv {
* must be the same length. Returns `true` if `self` changed.
pub fn intersect(&mut self, v1: &Bitv) -> bool {
self.do_op(Intersect, v1)
pub fn intersect(&mut self, other: &Bitv) -> bool {
let nbits = self.nbits;
self.process(other, nbits, |w1, w2| w1 & w2)
@ -390,16 +168,19 @@ impl Bitv {
* changed
pub fn assign(&mut self, v: &Bitv) -> bool { self.do_op(Assign, v) }
pub fn assign(&mut self, other: &Bitv) -> bool {
let nbits = self.nbits;
self.process(other, nbits, |_, w| w)
/// Retrieve the value at index `i`
pub fn get(&self, i: uint) -> bool {
assert!((i < self.nbits));
match self.rep {
Big(ref b) => b.get(i),
Small(ref s) => s.get(i)
assert!(i < self.nbits);
let w = i / uint::BITS;
let b = i % uint::BITS;
let x = & (1 << b);
x != 0
@ -409,42 +190,30 @@ impl Bitv {
pub fn set(&mut self, i: uint, x: bool) {
assert!((i < self.nbits));
match self.rep {
Big(ref mut b) => b.set(i, x),
Small(ref mut s) => s.set(i, x)
assert!(i < self.nbits);
let w = i / uint::BITS;
let b = i % uint::BITS;
let flag = 1 << b;
* = if x { * | flag }
else { * & !flag };
/// Set all bits to 0
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
match self.rep {
Small(ref mut b) => b.clear(),
Big(ref mut s) => {
s.each_storage(|w| { *w = 0u; true });
for w in { *w = 0u; }
/// Set all bits to 1
pub fn set_all(&mut self) {
match self.rep {
Small(ref mut b) => b.set_all(),
Big(ref mut s) => {
s.each_storage(|w| { *w = !0u; true });
for w in { *w = !0u; }
/// Flip all bits
pub fn negate(&mut self) {
match self.rep {
Small(ref mut s) => s.negate(),
Big(ref mut b) => b.negate(),
for w in { *w = !*w; }
@ -457,17 +226,21 @@ impl Bitv {
* Returns `true` if `v0` was changed.
pub fn difference(&mut self, v: &Bitv) -> bool {
self.do_op(Difference, v)
pub fn difference(&mut self, other: &Bitv) -> bool {
let nbits = self.nbits;
self.process(other, nbits, |w1, w2| w1 & !w2)
/// Returns `true` if all bits are 1
pub fn all(&self) -> bool {
match self.rep {
Small(ref b) => b.all(self.nbits),
_ => self.iter().all(|x| x)
for (i, &elem) in {
let mask = big_mask(self.nbits, i);
if elem & mask != mask {
return false;
/// Returns an iterator over the elements of the vector in order.
@ -492,10 +265,13 @@ impl Bitv {
/// Returns `true` if all bits are 0
pub fn none(&self) -> bool {
match self.rep {
Small(ref b) => b.none(self.nbits),
_ => self.iter().all(|x| !x)
for (i, &elem) in {
let mask = big_mask(self.nbits, i);
if elem & mask != 0 {
return false;
@ -621,13 +397,8 @@ impl fmt::Show for Bitv {
impl<S: hash::Writer> hash::Hash<S> for Bitv {
fn hash(&self, state: &mut S) {
match self.rep {
Small(ref s) => (s.bits & small_mask(self.nbits)).hash(state),
Big(ref b) => {
for (i, ele) in {
(ele & big_mask(self.nbits, i)).hash(state);
for (i, elem) in {
(elem & big_mask(self.nbits, i)).hash(state);
@ -635,17 +406,16 @@ impl<S: hash::Writer> hash::Hash<S> for Bitv {
impl cmp::PartialEq for Bitv {
fn eq(&self, other: &Bitv) -> bool {
if self.nbits != other.nbits { return false; }
match self.rep {
Small(ref b) => match other.rep {
Small(ref b1) => b.equals(b1, self.nbits),
_ => false
Big(ref s) => match other.rep {
Big(ref s1) => s.equals(s1, self.nbits),
Small(_) => return false
if self.nbits != other.nbits {
return false;
for (i, (&w1, &w2)) in {
let mask = big_mask(self.nbits, i);
if w1 & mask != w2 & mask {
return false;
@ -750,10 +520,7 @@ impl BitvSet {
/// element less than this amount will not trigger a resizing.
pub fn capacity(&self) -> uint {
let &BitvSet(ref bitv) = self;
match bitv.rep {
Small(_) => uint::BITS,
Big(ref s) => * uint::BITS
} * uint::BITS
/// Consumes this set to return the underlying bit vector
@ -766,19 +533,10 @@ impl BitvSet {
/// Grows the vector to be able to store bits with indices `[0, size - 1]`
fn grow(&mut self, size: uint) {
let &BitvSet(ref mut bitv) = self;
let small_to_big = match bitv.rep { Small(s) if size >= uint::BITS => Some(s.bits), _ => None };
if small_to_big.is_some() {
bitv.rep = Big(BigBitv { storage: vec![small_to_big.unwrap()] });
let size = (size + uint::BITS - 1) / uint::BITS;
if < size {, &0);
match bitv.rep {
Small(_) => {},
Big(ref mut b) => {
let size = (size + uint::BITS - 1) / uint::BITS;
if < size {, &0);
@ -789,15 +547,9 @@ impl BitvSet {
let &BitvSet(ref mut self_bitv) = self;
let &BitvSet(ref other_bitv) = other;
for (i, w) in other_bitv.words(0) {
match self_bitv.rep {
Small(ref mut s) => { s.bits = f(s.bits, w); }
Big(ref mut b) => {
let old = *;
let new = f(old, w);
* = new;
* = f(*, w);
let old = *;
let new = f(old, w);
* = new;
@ -805,21 +557,14 @@ impl BitvSet {
/// Truncate the underlying vector to the least length required
pub fn shrink_to_fit(&mut self) {
let &BitvSet(ref mut bitv) = self;
// Two steps: we borrow b as immutable to get the length...
let old_len = match bitv.rep {
Small(_) => 1,
Big(ref b) =>
// ...and as mutable to change it.
match bitv.rep {
Small(_) => {},
Big(ref mut b) => {
let n =|&&n| n == 0).count();
let trunc_len = cmp::max(old_len - n, 1);;
bitv.nbits = trunc_len * uint::BITS;
// Obtain original length
let old_len =;
// Obtain coarse trailing zero length
let n =|&&n| n == 0).count();
// Truncate
let trunc_len = cmp::max(old_len - n, 1); - n, 1));
bitv.nbits = trunc_len * uint::BITS;
/// Union in-place with the specified other bit vector
@ -909,10 +654,7 @@ impl Collection for BitvSet {
fn len(&self) -> uint {
let &BitvSet(ref bitv) = self;
match bitv.rep {
Small(ref s) => s.bits.count_ones(),
Big(ref b) =>, |acc, &n| acc + n.count_ones())
}, |acc, &n| acc + n.count_ones())
@ -1056,8 +798,7 @@ mod tests {
use test::Bencher;
use {Set, Mutable, MutableSet};
use bitv::{Bitv, SmallBitv, BigBitv, BitvSet, from_bools, from_fn,
use bitv::{Bitv, BitvSet, from_bools, from_fn, from_bytes};
use bitv;
use vec::Vec;
@ -1733,38 +1474,6 @@ mod tests {
fn bench_small_bitv_small(b: &mut Bencher) {
let mut r = rng();
let mut bitv = SmallBitv::new(uint::BITS);
b.iter(|| {
bitv.set((r.next_u32() as uint) % uint::BITS, true);
fn bench_big_bitv_small(b: &mut Bencher) {
let mut r = rng();
let mut bitv = BigBitv::new(vec!(0));
b.iter(|| {
bitv.set((r.next_u32() as uint) % uint::BITS, true);
fn bench_big_bitv_big(b: &mut Bencher) {
let mut r = rng();
let mut storage = vec!();
storage.grow(BENCH_BITS / uint::BITS, &0u);
let mut bitv = BigBitv::new(storage);
b.iter(|| {
bitv.set((r.next_u32() as uint) % BENCH_BITS, true);
fn bench_bitv_big(b: &mut Bencher) {
let mut r = rng();