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// Functions that interpret the shape of a type to perform various low-level
// actions, such as copying, freeing, comparing, and so on.
#include <algorithm>
#include <iomanip>
2011-08-09 19:01:15 -07:00
#include <iostream>
2011-08-10 12:55:29 -07:00
#include <sstream>
#include <utility>
#include <cassert>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "rust_internal.h"
#define ARENA_SIZE 256
#define DPRINT(fmt,...) fprintf(stderr, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define DPRINTCX(cx) print::print_cx(cx)
//#define DPRINT(fmt,...)
//#define DPRINTCX(cx)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define ALIGNOF __alignof
#define ALIGNOF __alignof__
namespace shape {
using namespace shape;
// Forward declarations
struct rust_obj;
struct size_align;
struct type_param;
// Constants
const uint8_t SHAPE_U8 = 0u;
const uint8_t SHAPE_U16 = 1u;
const uint8_t SHAPE_U32 = 2u;
const uint8_t SHAPE_U64 = 3u;
const uint8_t SHAPE_I8 = 4u;
const uint8_t SHAPE_I16 = 5u;
const uint8_t SHAPE_I32 = 6u;
const uint8_t SHAPE_I64 = 7u;
const uint8_t SHAPE_F32 = 8u;
const uint8_t SHAPE_F64 = 9u;
const uint8_t SHAPE_EVEC = 10u;
const uint8_t SHAPE_IVEC = 11u;
const uint8_t SHAPE_TAG = 12u;
const uint8_t SHAPE_BOX = 13u;
const uint8_t SHAPE_STRUCT = 17u;
const uint8_t SHAPE_FN = 18u;
const uint8_t SHAPE_OBJ = 19u;
const uint8_t SHAPE_RES = 20u;
const uint8_t SHAPE_VAR = 21u;
const uint8_t CMP_EQ = 0u;
const uint8_t CMP_LT = 1u;
const uint8_t CMP_LE = 2u;
// Utility classes
struct size_align {
size_t size;
size_t alignment;
size_align(size_t in_size = 0, size_t in_align = 1) :
size(in_size), alignment(in_align) {}
bool is_set() const { return alignment != 0; }
inline void set(size_t in_size, size_t in_align) {
size = in_size;
alignment = in_align;
inline void add(const size_align &other) {
add(other.size, other.alignment);
inline void add(size_t extra_size, size_t extra_align) {
size += extra_size;
alignment = max(alignment, extra_align);
static inline size_align make(size_t in_size) {
size_align sa;
sa.size = sa.alignment = in_size;
return sa;
static inline size_align make(size_t in_size, size_t in_align) {
size_align sa;
sa.size = in_size;
sa.alignment = in_align;
return sa;
struct tag_info {
uint16_t tag_id; // The tag ID.
const uint8_t *info_ptr; // Pointer to the info table.
uint16_t variant_count; // Number of variants in the tag.
const uint8_t *largest_variants_ptr; // Ptr to largest variants table.
size_align tag_sa; // Size and align of this tag.
uint16_t n_params; // Number of type parameters.
const type_param *params; // Array of type parameters.
2011-08-08 14:26:58 -07:00
// Pointer pairs for structural comparison
2011-08-05 18:47:12 -07:00
template<typename T>
class data_pair {
T fst, snd;
2011-08-08 14:26:58 -07:00
data_pair() {}
data_pair(T &in_fst, T &in_snd) : fst(in_fst), snd(in_snd) {}
2011-08-05 18:47:12 -07:00
inline void operator=(const T rhs) { fst = snd = rhs; }
2011-08-09 12:10:40 -07:00
static data_pair<T> make(T &fst, T &snd) {
data_pair<T> data(fst, snd);
return data;
2011-08-05 18:47:12 -07:00
class ptr_pair {
uint8_t *fst, *snd;
template<typename T>
2011-08-08 14:26:58 -07:00
struct data { typedef data_pair<T> t; };
2011-08-05 18:47:12 -07:00
ptr_pair(uint8_t *in_fst, uint8_t *in_snd) : fst(in_fst), snd(in_snd) {}
ptr_pair(data_pair<uint8_t *> &other) : fst(other.fst), snd(other.snd) {}
2011-08-05 18:47:12 -07:00
inline void operator=(uint8_t *rhs) { fst = snd = rhs; }
inline ptr_pair operator+(size_t n) const {
return make(fst + n, snd + n);
2011-08-08 14:26:58 -07:00
inline ptr_pair operator+=(size_t n) {
fst += n; snd += n;
return *this;
inline ptr_pair operator-(size_t n) const {
return make(fst - n, snd - n);
inline bool operator<(const ptr_pair &other) const {
return fst < other.fst && snd < other.snd;
2011-08-05 18:47:12 -07:00
static inline ptr_pair make(uint8_t *fst, uint8_t *snd) {
ptr_pair self(fst, snd);
return self;
2011-08-08 16:51:32 -07:00
static inline ptr_pair make(const data_pair<uint8_t *> &pair) {
ptr_pair self(pair.fst, pair.snd);
return self;
2011-08-05 18:47:12 -07:00
} // end namespace shape
inline shape::ptr_pair
align_to(const shape::ptr_pair &pair, size_t n) {
return shape::ptr_pair::make(align_to(pair.fst, n),
align_to(pair.snd, n));
2011-08-08 14:26:58 -07:00
namespace shape {
2011-08-08 14:26:58 -07:00
// NB: This function does not align.
template<typename T>
inline data_pair<T>
bump_dp(ptr_pair &ptr) {
data_pair<T> data(*reinterpret_cast<T *>(ptr.fst),
*reinterpret_cast<T *>(ptr.snd));
ptr += sizeof(T);
return data;
2011-08-09 12:10:40 -07:00
template<typename T>
inline data_pair<T>
get_dp(ptr_pair &ptr) {
data_pair<T> data(*reinterpret_cast<T *>(ptr.fst),
*reinterpret_cast<T *>(ptr.snd));
return data;
2011-08-10 12:55:29 -07:00
// Pointer wrappers for data traversals
class ptr {
uint8_t *p;
template<typename T>
struct data { typedef T t; };
ptr(uint8_t *in_p)
: p(in_p) {}
ptr(uintptr_t in_p)
: p((uint8_t *)in_p) {}
inline ptr operator+(const size_t amount) const {
return make(p + amount);
inline ptr &operator+=(const size_t amount) { p += amount; return *this; }
inline bool operator<(const ptr other) { return p < other.p; }
inline ptr operator++() { ptr rv(*this); p++; return rv; }
inline uint8_t operator*() { return *p; }
2011-08-10 12:55:29 -07:00
template<typename T>
inline operator T *() { return (T *)p; }
inline operator uintptr_t() { return (uintptr_t)p; }
static inline ptr make(uint8_t *in_p) {
ptr self(in_p);
return self;
template<typename T>
static inline T
bump_dp(ptr &dp) {
T x = *((T *)dp);
dp += sizeof(T);
return x;
template<typename T>
static inline T
get_dp(ptr dp) {
return *((T *)dp);
// Contexts
// The base context, an abstract class. We use the curiously recurring
// template pattern here to avoid virtual dispatch.
template<typename T>
class ctxt {
const uint8_t *sp; // shape pointer
const type_param *params; // shapes of type parameters
const rust_shape_tables *tables;
rust_task *task;
2011-08-08 14:26:58 -07:00
ctxt(rust_task *in_task,
const uint8_t *in_sp,
const type_param *in_params,
const rust_shape_tables *in_tables)
: sp(in_sp), params(in_params), tables(in_tables), task(in_task) {}
template<typename U>
ctxt(const ctxt<U> &other,
const uint8_t *in_sp = NULL,
const type_param *in_params = NULL,
const rust_shape_tables *in_tables = NULL)
: sp(in_sp ? in_sp : other.sp),
params(in_params ? in_params : other.params),
tables(in_tables ? in_tables : other.tables),
task(other.task) {}
void walk(bool align);
2011-08-09 12:10:40 -07:00
void walk_reset(bool align);
2011-08-08 18:29:20 -07:00
std::pair<const uint8_t *,const uint8_t *>
get_variant_sp(tag_info &info, uint32_t variant_id);
inline uint8_t peek() { return *sp; }
static inline uint16_t get_u16(const uint8_t *addr);
static inline uint16_t get_u16_bump(const uint8_t *&addr);
inline size_align get_size_align(const uint8_t *&addr);
void walk_evec(bool align);
void walk_ivec(bool align);
void walk_tag(bool align);
void walk_box(bool align);
void walk_struct(bool align);
void walk_res(bool align);
void walk_var(bool align);
struct rust_fn {
void (*code)(uint8_t *rv, rust_task *task, void *env, ...);
void *env;
struct rust_closure {
type_desc *tydesc;
uint32_t target_0;
uint32_t target_1;
uint32_t bindings[0];
uint8_t *get_bindings() const { return (uint8_t *)bindings; }
struct rust_obj_box {
type_desc *tydesc;
uint8_t *get_bindings() const { return (uint8_t *)this; }
struct rust_vtable {
CDECL void (*dtor)(void *rv, rust_task *task, rust_obj obj);
struct rust_obj {
rust_vtable *vtable;
void *box;
// Arenas; these functions must execute very quickly, so we use an arena
// instead of malloc or new.
class arena {
uint8_t *ptr;
uint8_t data[ARENA_SIZE];
arena() : ptr(data) {}
template<typename T>
inline T *alloc(size_t count = 1) {
// FIXME: align
size_t sz = count * sizeof(T);
T *rv = (T *)ptr;
ptr += sz;
if (ptr > &data[ARENA_SIZE]) {
fprintf(stderr, "Arena space exhausted, sorry\n");
return rv;
// Type parameters
struct type_param {
const uint8_t *shape;
const rust_shape_tables *tables;
const struct type_param *params; // subparameters
template<typename T>
inline void set(ctxt<T> *cx) {
shape = cx->sp;
tables = cx->tables;
params = cx->params;
static type_param *make(const type_desc *tydesc, arena &arena) {
uint32_t n_params = tydesc->n_params;
if (!n_params)
return NULL;
type_param *ptrs = arena.alloc<type_param>(n_params);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n_params; i++) {
const type_desc *subtydesc = tydesc->first_param[i];
ptrs[i].shape = subtydesc->shape;
ptrs[i].tables = subtydesc->shape_tables;
ptrs[i].params = make(subtydesc, arena);
return ptrs;
// Traversals
#define WALK_NUMBER(c_type) \
static_cast<T *>(this)->template walk_number<c_type>(align)
#define WALK_SIMPLE(method) static_cast<T *>(this)->method(align)
template<typename T>
ctxt<T>::walk(bool align) {
switch (*sp++) {
case SHAPE_U8: WALK_NUMBER(uint8_t); break;
case SHAPE_U16: WALK_NUMBER(uint16_t); break;
case SHAPE_U32: WALK_NUMBER(uint32_t); break;
case SHAPE_U64: WALK_NUMBER(uint64_t); break;
case SHAPE_I8: WALK_NUMBER(int8_t); break;
case SHAPE_I16: WALK_NUMBER(int16_t); break;
case SHAPE_I32: WALK_NUMBER(int32_t); break;
case SHAPE_I64: WALK_NUMBER(int64_t); break;
case SHAPE_F32: WALK_NUMBER(float); break;
case SHAPE_F64: WALK_NUMBER(double); break;
case SHAPE_EVEC: walk_evec(align); break;
case SHAPE_IVEC: walk_ivec(align); break;
case SHAPE_TAG: walk_tag(align); break;
case SHAPE_BOX: walk_box(align); break;
case SHAPE_STRUCT: walk_struct(align); break;
case SHAPE_FN: WALK_SIMPLE(walk_fn); break;
case SHAPE_OBJ: WALK_SIMPLE(walk_obj); break;
case SHAPE_RES: walk_res(align); break;
case SHAPE_VAR: walk_var(align); break;
default: abort();
2011-08-09 12:10:40 -07:00
template<typename T>
ctxt<T>::walk_reset(bool align) {
const uint8_t *old_sp = sp;
sp = old_sp;
template<typename T>
ctxt<T>::get_u16(const uint8_t *addr) {
return *reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t *>(addr);
template<typename T>
ctxt<T>::get_u16_bump(const uint8_t *&addr) {
uint16_t result = get_u16(addr);
addr += sizeof(uint16_t);
return result;
template<typename T>
ctxt<T>::get_size_align(const uint8_t *&addr) {
size_align result;
result.size = get_u16_bump(addr);
result.alignment = *addr++;
return result;
2011-08-08 18:29:20 -07:00
// Returns a pointer to the beginning and a pointer to the end of the shape of
// the tag variant with the given ID.
template<typename T>
std::pair<const uint8_t *,const uint8_t *>
ctxt<T>::get_variant_sp(tag_info &tinfo, uint32_t variant_id) {
uint16_t variant_offset = get_u16(tinfo.info_ptr +
variant_id * sizeof(uint16_t));
const uint8_t *variant_ptr = tables->tags + variant_offset;
uint16_t variant_len = get_u16_bump(variant_ptr);
const uint8_t *variant_end = variant_ptr + variant_len;
return std::make_pair(variant_ptr, variant_end);
template<typename T>
ctxt<T>::walk_evec(bool align) {
bool is_pod = *sp++;
uint16_t sp_size = get_u16_bump(sp);
const uint8_t *end_sp = sp + sp_size;
static_cast<T *>(this)->walk_evec(align, is_pod, sp_size);
sp = end_sp;
template<typename T>
ctxt<T>::walk_ivec(bool align) {
bool is_pod = *sp++;
size_align elem_sa = get_size_align(sp);
uint16_t sp_size = get_u16_bump(sp);
const uint8_t *end_sp = sp + sp_size;
// FIXME: Hack to work around our incorrect alignment in some cases.
if (elem_sa.alignment == 8)
elem_sa.alignment = 4;
static_cast<T *>(this)->walk_ivec(align, is_pod, elem_sa);
sp = end_sp;
template<typename T>
ctxt<T>::walk_tag(bool align) {
tag_info tinfo;
tinfo.tag_id = get_u16_bump(sp);
// Determine the info pointer.
uint16_t info_offset = get_u16(tables->tags +
tinfo.tag_id * sizeof(uint16_t));
tinfo.info_ptr = tables->tags + info_offset;
tinfo.variant_count = get_u16_bump(tinfo.info_ptr);
// Determine the largest-variants pointer.
uint16_t largest_variants_offset = get_u16_bump(tinfo.info_ptr);
tinfo.largest_variants_ptr = tables->tags + largest_variants_offset;
// Determine the size and alignment.
tinfo.tag_sa = get_size_align(tinfo.info_ptr);
// Determine the number of parameters.
tinfo.n_params = get_u16_bump(sp);
// Read in the tag type parameters.
type_param params[tinfo.n_params];
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < tinfo.n_params; i++) {
uint16_t len = get_u16_bump(sp);
sp += len;
tinfo.params = params;
// Call to the implementation.
static_cast<T *>(this)->walk_tag(align, tinfo);
template<typename T>
ctxt<T>::walk_box(bool align) {
uint16_t sp_size = get_u16_bump(sp);
const uint8_t *end_sp = sp + sp_size;
static_cast<T *>(this)->walk_box(align);
sp = end_sp;
template<typename T>
ctxt<T>::walk_struct(bool align) {
uint16_t sp_size = get_u16_bump(sp);
const uint8_t *end_sp = sp + sp_size;
static_cast<T *>(this)->walk_struct(align, end_sp);
sp = end_sp;
template<typename T>
ctxt<T>::walk_res(bool align) {
uint16_t dtor_offset = get_u16_bump(sp);
const rust_fn **resources =
reinterpret_cast<const rust_fn **>(tables->resources);
const rust_fn *dtor = resources[dtor_offset];
uint16_t n_ty_params = get_u16_bump(sp);
uint16_t ty_params_size = get_u16_bump(sp);
const uint8_t *ty_params_sp = sp;
sp += ty_params_size;
uint16_t sp_size = get_u16_bump(sp);
const uint8_t *end_sp = sp + sp_size;
static_cast<T *>(this)->walk_res(align, dtor, n_ty_params, ty_params_sp);
sp = end_sp;
template<typename T>
ctxt<T>::walk_var(bool align) {
uint8_t param = *sp++;
static_cast<T *>(this)->walk_var(align, param);
// A shape printer, useful for debugging
class print : public ctxt<print> {
template<typename T>
print(const ctxt<T> &other,
const uint8_t *in_sp = NULL,
const type_param *in_params = NULL,
const rust_shape_tables *in_tables = NULL)
: ctxt<print>(other, in_sp, in_params, in_tables) {}
void walk_tag(bool align, tag_info &tinfo);
void walk_struct(bool align, const uint8_t *end_sp);
void walk_res(bool align, const rust_fn *dtor, uint16_t n_ty_params,
const uint8_t *ty_params_sp);
void walk_var(bool align, uint8_t param);
void walk_evec(bool align, bool is_pod, uint16_t sp_size) {
DPRINT("evec<"); walk(align); DPRINT(">");
void walk_ivec(bool align, bool is_pod, size_align &elem_sa) {
DPRINT("ivec<"); walk(align); DPRINT(">");
void walk_box(bool align) {
DPRINT("box<"); walk(align); DPRINT(">");
void walk_port(bool align) { DPRINT("port"); }
void walk_chan(bool align) { DPRINT("chan"); }
void walk_task(bool align) { DPRINT("task"); }
void walk_fn(bool align) { DPRINT("fn"); }
void walk_obj(bool align) { DPRINT("obj"); }
template<typename T>
void walk_number(bool align) {}
template<typename T>
static void print_cx(const T *cx) {
print self(*cx);
print::walk_tag(bool align, tag_info &tinfo) {
DPRINT("tag%u", tinfo.tag_id);
if (!tinfo.n_params)
bool first = true;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < tinfo.n_params; i++) {
if (!first)
first = false;
ctxt<print> sub(*this, tinfo.params[i].shape);
print::walk_struct(bool align, const uint8_t *end_sp) {
bool first = true;
while (sp != end_sp) {
if (!first)
first = false;
print::walk_res(bool align, const rust_fn *dtor, uint16_t n_ty_params,
const uint8_t *ty_params_sp) {
DPRINT("res@%p", dtor);
if (!n_ty_params)
bool first = true;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < n_ty_params; i++) {
if (!first)
first = false;
get_u16_bump(sp); // Skip over the size.
print::walk_var(bool align, uint8_t param_index) {
DPRINT("%c=", 'T' + param_index);
const type_param *param = &params[param_index];
print sub(*this, param->shape, param->params, param->tables);
void print::walk_number<uint8_t>(bool align) { DPRINT("u8"); }
void print::walk_number<uint16_t>(bool align) { DPRINT("u16"); }
void print::walk_number<uint32_t>(bool align) { DPRINT("u32"); }
void print::walk_number<uint64_t>(bool align) { DPRINT("u64"); }
void print::walk_number<int8_t>(bool align) { DPRINT("i8"); }
void print::walk_number<int16_t>(bool align) { DPRINT("i16"); }
void print::walk_number<int32_t>(bool align) { DPRINT("i32"); }
void print::walk_number<int64_t>(bool align) { DPRINT("i64"); }
void print::walk_number<float>(bool align) { DPRINT("f32"); }
void print::walk_number<double>(bool align) { DPRINT("f64"); }
// Size-of (which also computes alignment). Be warned: this is an expensive
// operation.
// TODO: Maybe dynamic_size_of() should call into this somehow?
class size_of : public ctxt<size_of> {
size_align sa;
size_of(const size_of &other,
2011-08-05 17:50:12 -07:00
const uint8_t *in_sp = NULL,
const type_param *in_params = NULL,
const rust_shape_tables *in_tables = NULL)
: ctxt<size_of>(other, in_sp, in_params, in_tables) {}
template<typename T>
size_of(const ctxt<T> &other,
const uint8_t *in_sp = NULL,
const type_param *in_params = NULL,
const rust_shape_tables *in_tables = NULL)
: ctxt<size_of>(other, in_sp, in_params, in_tables) {}
void walk_tag(bool align, tag_info &tinfo);
void walk_struct(bool align, const uint8_t *end_sp);
void walk_ivec(bool align, bool is_pod, size_align &elem_sa);
void walk_box(bool align) { sa.set(sizeof(void *), sizeof(void *)); }
void walk_port(bool align) { sa.set(sizeof(void *), sizeof(void *)); }
void walk_chan(bool align) { sa.set(sizeof(void *), sizeof(void *)); }
void walk_task(bool align) { sa.set(sizeof(void *), sizeof(void *)); }
void walk_fn(bool align) { sa.set(sizeof(void *)*2, sizeof(void *)); }
void walk_obj(bool align) { sa.set(sizeof(void *)*2, sizeof(void *)); }
void walk_evec(bool align, bool is_pod, uint16_t sp_size) {
sa.set(sizeof(void *), sizeof(void *));
void walk_var(bool align, uint8_t param_index) {
const type_param *param = &params[param_index];
size_of sub(*this, param->shape, param->params, param->tables);
sa =;
void walk_res(bool align, const rust_fn *dtor, uint16_t n_ty_params,
const uint8_t *ty_params_sp) {
abort(); // TODO
template<typename T>
void walk_number(bool align) { sa.set(sizeof(T), ALIGNOF(T)); }
2011-08-05 17:50:12 -07:00
void compute_tag_size(tag_info &tinfo);
template<typename T>
static void compute_tag_size(const ctxt<T> &other_cx, tag_info &tinfo) {
size_of cx(other_cx);
template<typename T>
static size_align get(const ctxt<T> &other_cx, unsigned back_up = 0) {
2011-08-08 14:26:58 -07:00
size_of cx(other_cx, other_cx.sp - back_up);
assert( > 0);
2011-08-05 17:50:12 -07:00
size_of::compute_tag_size(tag_info &tinfo) {
// If the precalculated size and alignment are good, use them.
2011-08-05 17:50:12 -07:00
if (tinfo.tag_sa.is_set())
uint16_t n_largest_variants = get_u16_bump(tinfo.largest_variants_ptr);
2011-08-05 17:50:12 -07:00
tinfo.tag_sa.set(0, 0);
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < n_largest_variants; i++) {
uint16_t variant_id = get_u16_bump(tinfo.largest_variants_ptr);
2011-08-08 18:29:20 -07:00
std::pair<const uint8_t *,const uint8_t *> variant_ptr_and_end =
get_variant_sp(tinfo, variant_id);
const uint8_t *variant_ptr = variant_ptr_and_end.first;
const uint8_t *variant_end = variant_ptr_and_end.second;
size_of sub(*this, variant_ptr, tinfo.params, NULL);
// Compute the size of this variant.
size_align variant_sa;
bool first = true;
while (sub.sp != variant_end) {
if (!first)
2011-08-08 14:26:58 -07:00
variant_sa.size = align_to(variant_sa.size,;
first = false;
2011-08-05 17:50:12 -07:00
if (tinfo.tag_sa.size < variant_sa.size)
tinfo.tag_sa = variant_sa;
if (tinfo.variant_count == 1) {
2011-08-05 17:50:12 -07:00
if (!tinfo.tag_sa.size)
tinfo.tag_sa.set(1, 1);
} else {
// Add in space for the tag.
2011-08-05 17:50:12 -07:00
tinfo.tag_sa.add(sizeof(uint32_t), ALIGNOF(uint32_t));
2011-08-05 17:50:12 -07:00
size_of::walk_tag(bool align, tag_info &tinfo) {
compute_tag_size(*this, tinfo);
sa = tinfo.tag_sa;
size_of::walk_struct(bool align, const uint8_t *end_sp) {
size_align struct_sa(0, 1);
bool first = true;
while (sp != end_sp) {
if (!first)
2011-08-08 14:26:58 -07:00
struct_sa.size = align_to(struct_sa.size, sa.alignment);
first = false;
sa = struct_sa;
size_of::walk_ivec(bool align, bool is_pod, size_align &elem_sa) {
if (!elem_sa.is_set())
walk(align); // Determine the size the slow way.
sa = elem_sa; // Use the size hint.
sa.set(sizeof(rust_ivec) - sizeof(uintptr_t) + sa.size * 4,
max(sa.alignment, sizeof(uintptr_t)));
// An abstract class (again using the curiously recurring template pattern)
// for methods that actually manipulate the data involved.
#define DATA_SIMPLE(ty, call) \
2011-08-05 18:47:12 -07:00
if (align) dp = align_to(dp, sizeof(ty)); \
2011-08-09 12:10:40 -07:00
U end_dp = dp + sizeof(ty); \
static_cast<T *>(this)->call; \
2011-08-09 12:10:40 -07:00
dp = end_dp;
2011-08-05 18:47:12 -07:00
template<typename T,typename U>
class data : public ctxt< data<T,U> > {
void walk_box_contents(bool align);
void walk_variant(bool align, tag_info &tinfo, uint32_t variant);
2011-08-10 12:55:29 -07:00
static std::pair<uint8_t *,uint8_t *> get_evec_data_range(ptr dp);
static std::pair<uint8_t *,uint8_t *> get_ivec_data_range(ptr dp);
2011-08-09 12:49:04 -07:00
static std::pair<ptr_pair,ptr_pair> get_evec_data_range(ptr_pair &dp);
static std::pair<ptr_pair,ptr_pair> get_ivec_data_range(ptr_pair &dp);
2011-08-05 18:47:12 -07:00
U dp;
2011-08-08 14:26:58 -07:00
data(rust_task *in_task,
const uint8_t *in_sp,
const type_param *in_params,
const rust_shape_tables *in_tables,
U const &in_dp)
: ctxt< data<T,U> >(in_task, in_sp, in_params, in_tables), dp(in_dp) {}
2011-08-05 17:50:12 -07:00
void walk_tag(bool align, tag_info &tinfo);
void walk_ivec(bool align, bool is_pod, size_align &elem_sa);
void walk_struct(bool align, const uint8_t *end_sp) {
2011-08-08 16:51:32 -07:00
static_cast<T *>(this)->walk_struct(align, end_sp);
void walk_evec(bool align, bool is_pod, uint16_t sp_size) {
DATA_SIMPLE(void *, walk_evec(align, is_pod, sp_size));
void walk_box(bool align) { DATA_SIMPLE(void *, walk_box(align)); }
void walk_port(bool align) { DATA_SIMPLE(void *, walk_port(align)); }
void walk_chan(bool align) { DATA_SIMPLE(void *, walk_chan(align)); }
void walk_task(bool align) { DATA_SIMPLE(void *, walk_task(align)); }
void walk_fn(bool align) {
2011-08-05 18:47:12 -07:00
if (align) dp = align_to(dp, sizeof(void *));
2011-08-05 17:50:12 -07:00
static_cast<T *>(this)->walk_fn(align);
dp += sizeof(void *) * 2;
void walk_obj(bool align) {
2011-08-05 18:47:12 -07:00
if (align) dp = align_to(dp, sizeof(void *));
2011-08-05 17:50:12 -07:00
static_cast<T *>(this)->walk_obj(align);
dp += sizeof(void *) * 2;
2011-08-08 14:26:58 -07:00
void walk_res(bool align, const rust_fn *dtor, uint16_t n_ty_params,
const uint8_t *ty_params_sp) {
// Delegate to the implementation.
static_cast<T *>(this)->walk_res(align, dtor, n_ty_params,
void walk_var(bool align, uint8_t param_index) {
const type_param *param = &this->params[param_index];
T sub(*static_cast<T *>(this), param->shape, param->params,
static_cast<T *>(this)->walk_subcontext(align, sub);
dp = sub.dp;
template<typename W>
2011-08-08 14:26:58 -07:00
void walk_number(bool align) { DATA_SIMPLE(W, walk_number<W>()); }
template<typename T,typename U>
data<T,U>::walk_box_contents(bool align) {
typename U::template data<uint8_t *>::t box_ptr = bump_dp<uint8_t *>(dp);
U ref_count_dp(box_ptr);
T sub(*static_cast<T *>(this), ref_count_dp + sizeof(uint32_t));
static_cast<T *>(this)->walk_box_contents(align, sub, ref_count_dp);
template<typename T,typename U>
data<T,U>::walk_variant(bool align, tag_info &tinfo, uint32_t variant_id) {
std::pair<const uint8_t *,const uint8_t *> variant_ptr_and_end =
this->get_variant_sp(tinfo, variant_id);
static_cast<T *>(this)->walk_variant(align, tinfo, variant_id,
2011-08-09 12:49:04 -07:00
template<typename T,typename U>
std::pair<uint8_t *,uint8_t *>
2011-08-10 12:55:29 -07:00
data<T,U>::get_evec_data_range(ptr dp) {
2011-08-18 14:43:17 -07:00
rust_evec *vp = bump_dp<rust_evec *>(dp);
2011-08-09 12:49:04 -07:00
return std::make_pair(vp->data, vp->data + vp->fill);
template<typename T,typename U>
std::pair<uint8_t *,uint8_t *>
2011-08-10 12:55:29 -07:00
data<T,U>::get_ivec_data_range(ptr dp) {
size_t fill = bump_dp<size_t>(dp);
bump_dp<size_t>(dp); // Skip over alloc.
2011-08-09 12:10:40 -07:00
uint8_t *payload_dp = dp;
rust_ivec_payload payload = bump_dp<rust_ivec_payload>(dp);
uint8_t *start, *end;
if (!fill) {
if (!payload.ptr) { // Zero length.
start = end = NULL;
} else { // On heap.
fill = payload.ptr->fill;
start = payload.ptr->data;
end = start + fill;
} else { // On stack.
2011-08-09 12:10:40 -07:00
start = payload_dp;
end = start + fill;
return std::make_pair(start, end);
2011-08-09 12:49:04 -07:00
template<typename T,typename U>
data<T,U>::get_evec_data_range(ptr_pair &dp) {
std::pair<uint8_t *,uint8_t *> fst = get_evec_data_range(dp.fst);
std::pair<uint8_t *,uint8_t *> snd = get_evec_data_range(dp.snd);
ptr_pair start(fst.first, snd.first);
ptr_pair end(fst.second, snd.second);
return std::make_pair(start, end);
template<typename T,typename U>
data<T,U>::get_ivec_data_range(ptr_pair &dp) {
std::pair<uint8_t *,uint8_t *> fst = get_ivec_data_range(dp.fst);
std::pair<uint8_t *,uint8_t *> snd = get_ivec_data_range(dp.snd);
ptr_pair start(fst.first, snd.first);
ptr_pair end(fst.second, snd.second);
return std::make_pair(start, end);
2011-08-05 18:47:12 -07:00
template<typename T,typename U>
2011-08-05 18:47:12 -07:00
data<T,U>::walk_ivec(bool align, bool is_pod, size_align &elem_sa) {
if (!elem_sa.is_set())
elem_sa = size_of::get(*this);
else if (elem_sa.alignment == 8)
elem_sa.alignment = 4; // FIXME: This is an awful hack.
// Get a pointer to the interior vector, and determine its size.
2011-08-05 18:47:12 -07:00
if (align) dp = align_to(dp, ALIGNOF(rust_ivec *));
U end_dp = dp + sizeof(rust_ivec) - sizeof(uintptr_t) + elem_sa.size * 4;
// Call to the implementation.
static_cast<T *>(this)->walk_ivec(align, is_pod, elem_sa);
dp = end_dp;
2011-08-05 18:47:12 -07:00
template<typename T,typename U>
2011-08-05 18:47:12 -07:00
data<T,U>::walk_tag(bool align, tag_info &tinfo) {
2011-08-08 14:26:58 -07:00
size_of::compute_tag_size(*this, tinfo);
2011-08-05 17:50:12 -07:00
if (tinfo.variant_count > 1 && align)
2011-08-05 18:47:12 -07:00
dp = align_to(dp, ALIGNOF(uint32_t));
2011-08-05 17:50:12 -07:00
2011-08-08 14:26:58 -07:00
U end_dp = dp + tinfo.tag_sa.size;
2011-08-05 17:50:12 -07:00
2011-08-05 18:47:12 -07:00
typename U::template data<uint32_t>::t tag_variant;
2011-08-05 17:50:12 -07:00
if (tinfo.variant_count > 1)
2011-08-05 18:47:12 -07:00
tag_variant = bump_dp<uint32_t>(dp);
2011-08-05 17:50:12 -07:00
tag_variant = 0;
static_cast<T *>(this)->walk_tag(align, tinfo, tag_variant);
2011-08-10 12:55:29 -07:00
dp = end_dp;
2011-08-05 17:50:12 -07:00
// Copy constructors
2011-08-05 17:50:12 -07:00
#if 0
2011-08-08 14:26:58 -07:00
class copy : public data<copy,uint8_t *> {
2011-08-05 17:50:12 -07:00
2011-08-05 18:47:12 -07:00
// Structural comparison glue.
class cmp : public data<cmp,ptr_pair> {
friend class data<cmp,ptr_pair>;
2011-08-08 14:26:58 -07:00
2011-08-09 12:49:04 -07:00
void walk_vec(bool align, bool is_pod,
const std::pair<ptr_pair,ptr_pair> &data_range);
2011-08-08 14:26:58 -07:00
inline void walk_subcontext(bool align, cmp &sub) {
result = sub.result;
inline void walk_box_contents(bool align, cmp &sub,
ptr_pair &ref_count_dp) {
result = sub.result;
inline void cmp_two_pointers(bool align) {
if (align) dp = align_to(dp, ALIGNOF(uint8_t *) * 2);
data_pair<uint8_t *> fst = bump_dp<uint8_t *>(dp);
data_pair<uint8_t *> snd = bump_dp<uint8_t *>(dp);
if (!result)
inline void cmp_pointer(bool align) {
if (align) dp = align_to(dp, ALIGNOF(uint8_t *));
cmp_number(bump_dp<uint8_t *>(dp));
2011-08-09 12:49:04 -07:00
template<typename T>
void cmp_number(const data_pair<T> &nums) {
result = (nums.fst < nums.snd) ? -1 : (nums.fst == nums.snd) ? 0 : 1;
2011-08-08 14:26:58 -07:00
int result;
cmp(rust_task *in_task,
const uint8_t *in_sp,
const type_param *in_params,
const rust_shape_tables *in_tables,
uint8_t *in_data_0,
uint8_t *in_data_1)
: data<cmp,ptr_pair>(in_task, in_sp, in_params, in_tables,
2011-08-08 16:51:32 -07:00
ptr_pair::make(in_data_0, in_data_1)),
result(0) {}
2011-08-08 14:26:58 -07:00
2011-08-08 18:29:20 -07:00
cmp(const cmp &other,
const uint8_t *in_sp = NULL,
const type_param *in_params = NULL,
const rust_shape_tables *in_tables = NULL)
: data<cmp,ptr_pair>(other.task,
in_sp ? in_sp : other.sp,
in_params ? in_params : other.params,
in_tables ? in_tables : other.tables,
result(0) {}
2011-08-08 18:29:20 -07:00
2011-08-08 16:51:32 -07:00
cmp(const cmp &other, const ptr_pair &in_dp)
: data<cmp,ptr_pair>(other.task, other.sp, other.params, other.tables,
result(0) {}
2011-08-09 12:49:04 -07:00
void walk_evec(bool align, bool is_pod, uint16_t sp_size) {
2011-08-09 19:01:15 -07:00
walk_vec(align, is_pod, get_evec_data_range(dp));
2011-08-09 12:49:04 -07:00
void walk_ivec(bool align, bool is_pod, size_align &elem_sa) {
2011-08-09 19:01:15 -07:00
walk_vec(align, is_pod, get_ivec_data_range(dp));
2011-08-09 12:49:04 -07:00
void walk_box(bool align) {
void walk_fn(bool align) { return cmp_two_pointers(align); }
void walk_obj(bool align) { return cmp_two_pointers(align); }
void walk_port(bool align) { return cmp_pointer(align); }
void walk_chan(bool align) { return cmp_pointer(align); }
void walk_task(bool align) { return cmp_pointer(align); }
2011-08-08 14:26:58 -07:00
void walk_tag(bool align, tag_info &tinfo,
const data_pair<uint32_t> &tag_variants);
void walk_struct(bool align, const uint8_t *end_sp);
2011-08-08 14:26:58 -07:00
void walk_res(bool align, const rust_fn *dtor, uint16_t n_ty_params,
const uint8_t *ty_params_sp);
2011-08-08 18:29:20 -07:00
void walk_variant(bool align, tag_info &tinfo, uint32_t variant_id,
const std::pair<const uint8_t *,const uint8_t *>
2011-08-08 14:26:58 -07:00
template<typename T>
2011-08-09 12:10:40 -07:00
void walk_number() { cmp_number(get_dp<T>(dp)); }
2011-08-05 18:47:12 -07:00
2011-08-09 12:10:40 -07:00
void cmp::cmp_number<int32_t>(const data_pair<int32_t> &nums) {
result = (nums.fst < nums.snd) ? -1 : (nums.fst == nums.snd) ? 0 : 1;
2011-08-08 16:51:32 -07:00
2011-08-09 12:49:04 -07:00
cmp::walk_vec(bool align, bool is_pod,
const std::pair<ptr_pair,ptr_pair> &data_range) {
cmp sub(*this, data_range.first);
ptr_pair data_end = data_range.second;
while (!result && sub.dp < data_end) {
2011-08-09 12:10:40 -07:00
result = sub.result;
2011-08-08 16:51:32 -07:00
align = true;
2011-08-09 12:10:40 -07:00
if (!result) {
// If we hit the end, the result comes down to length comparison.
int len_fst = data_range.second.fst - data_range.first.fst;
int len_snd = data_range.second.snd - data_range.first.snd;
cmp_number(data_pair<int>::make(len_fst, len_snd));
2011-08-08 16:51:32 -07:00
2011-08-08 14:26:58 -07:00
cmp::walk_tag(bool align, tag_info &tinfo,
const data_pair<uint32_t> &tag_variants) {
if (result != 0)
2011-08-08 18:29:20 -07:00
data<cmp,ptr_pair>::walk_variant(align, tinfo, tag_variants.fst);
2011-08-08 14:26:58 -07:00
cmp::walk_struct(bool align, const uint8_t *end_sp) {
while (!result && this->sp != end_sp) {
align = true;
2011-08-08 14:26:58 -07:00
cmp::walk_res(bool align, const rust_fn *dtor, uint16_t n_ty_params,
const uint8_t *ty_params_sp) {
abort(); // TODO
2011-08-08 18:29:20 -07:00
cmp::walk_variant(bool align, tag_info &tinfo, uint32_t variant_id,
const std::pair<const uint8_t *,const uint8_t *>
variant_ptr_and_end) {
cmp sub(*this, variant_ptr_and_end.first, tinfo.params);
2011-08-08 18:29:20 -07:00
const uint8_t *variant_end = variant_ptr_and_end.second;
while (!result && sub.sp < variant_end) {
2011-08-08 18:29:20 -07:00
result = sub.result;
2011-08-08 18:29:20 -07:00
align = true;
2011-08-09 19:01:15 -07:00
// Polymorphic logging, for convenience
2011-08-10 12:55:29 -07:00
class log : public data<log,ptr> {
friend class data<log,ptr>;
2011-08-09 19:01:15 -07:00
std::ostream &out;
bool in_string;
2011-08-10 12:55:29 -07:00
log(log &other,
const uint8_t *in_sp,
const type_param *in_params,
2011-08-10 14:54:29 -07:00
const rust_shape_tables *in_tables = NULL)
: data<log,ptr>(other.task,
in_tables ? in_tables : other.tables,
2011-08-10 12:55:29 -07:00
out(other.out) {}
2011-08-10 14:42:06 -07:00
log(log &other, ptr in_dp)
: data<log,ptr>(other.task, other.sp, other.params, other.tables, in_dp),
out(other.out) {}
void walk_string(const std::pair<ptr,ptr> &data);
2011-08-09 19:01:15 -07:00
void walk_evec(bool align, bool is_pod, uint16_t sp_size) {
walk_vec(align, is_pod, get_evec_data_range(dp));
void walk_ivec(bool align, bool is_pod, size_align &elem_sa) {
walk_vec(align, is_pod, get_ivec_data_range(dp));
2011-08-10 12:55:29 -07:00
void walk_tag(bool align, tag_info &tinfo, uint32_t tag_variant) {
out << "tag" << tag_variant;
2011-08-10 14:54:29 -07:00
data<log,ptr>::walk_variant(align, tinfo, tag_variant);
2011-08-10 12:55:29 -07:00
void walk_box(bool align) {
out << "@";
void walk_fn(bool align) { out << "fn"; }
void walk_obj(bool align) { out << "obj"; }
void walk_port(bool align) { out << "port"; }
void walk_chan(bool align) { out << "chan"; }
void walk_task(bool align) { out << "task"; }
void walk_res(bool align, const rust_fn *dtor, uint16_t n_ty_params,
const uint8_t *ty_params_sp) {
out << "res"; // TODO
2011-08-10 12:55:29 -07:00
void walk_subcontext(bool align, log &sub) { sub.walk(align); }
void walk_box_contents(bool align, log &sub, ptr &ref_count_dp) {
void walk_struct(bool align, const uint8_t *end_sp);
2011-08-10 12:55:29 -07:00
void walk_vec(bool align, bool is_pod, const std::pair<ptr,ptr> &data);
2011-08-10 14:54:29 -07:00
void walk_variant(bool align, tag_info &tinfo, uint32_t variant_id,
const std::pair<const uint8_t *,const uint8_t *>
2011-08-09 19:01:15 -07:00
template<typename T>
void walk_number() { out << get_dp<T>(dp); }
log(rust_task *in_task,
const uint8_t *in_sp,
const type_param *in_params,
const rust_shape_tables *in_tables,
uint8_t *in_data,
std::ostream &in_out)
2011-08-10 12:55:29 -07:00
: data<log,ptr>(in_task, in_sp, in_params, in_tables, in_data),
2011-08-09 19:01:15 -07:00
out(in_out) {}
log::walk_string(const std::pair<ptr,ptr> &data) {
out << "\"" << std::hex;
ptr subdp = data.first;
while (subdp < data.second) {
char ch = *subdp;
if (isprint(ch))
out << ch;
else if (ch)
out << "\\x" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << (int)ch;
out << "\"" << std::dec;
log::walk_struct(bool align, const uint8_t *end_sp) {
out << "(";
bool first = true;
while (sp != end_sp) {
if (!first)
out << ", ";
align = true, first = false;
out << ")";
2011-08-09 19:01:15 -07:00
2011-08-10 12:55:29 -07:00
log::walk_vec(bool align, bool is_pod, const std::pair<ptr,ptr> &data) {
if (peek() == SHAPE_U8) {
sp++; // It's a string. We handle this ourselves.
2011-08-10 14:42:06 -07:00
out << "[";
log sub(*this, data.first);
bool first = true;
while (sub.dp < data.second) {
if (!first)
out << ", ";
align = true;
first = false;
out << "]";
2011-08-09 19:01:15 -07:00
2011-08-10 14:54:29 -07:00
log::walk_variant(bool align, tag_info &tinfo, uint32_t variant_id,
const std::pair<const uint8_t *,const uint8_t *>
variant_ptr_and_end) {
log sub(*this, variant_ptr_and_end.first, tinfo.params);
const uint8_t *variant_end = variant_ptr_and_end.second;
bool first = true;
while (sub.sp < variant_end) {
out << (first ? "(" : ", ");
align = true;
first = false;
if (!first)
out << ")";
} // end namespace shape
2011-08-08 14:26:58 -07:00
extern "C" void
upcall_cmp_type(int8_t *result, rust_task *task, type_desc *tydesc,
const type_desc **subtydescs, uint8_t *data_0,
uint8_t *data_1, uint8_t cmp_type) {
shape::arena arena;
shape::type_param *params = shape::type_param::make(tydesc, arena);
shape::cmp cmp(task, tydesc->shape, params, tydesc->shape_tables, data_0,
switch (cmp_type) {
case shape::CMP_EQ: *result = cmp.result == 0; break;
case shape::CMP_LT: *result = cmp.result < 0; break;
case shape::CMP_LE: *result = cmp.result <= 0; break;
2011-08-10 12:55:29 -07:00
extern "C" void
upcall_log_type(rust_task *task, type_desc *tydesc, uint8_t *data,
uint32_t level) {
if (task->sched->log_lvl < level)
return; // TODO: Don't evaluate at all?
shape::arena arena;
shape::type_param *params = shape::type_param::make(tydesc, arena);
std::stringstream ss;
shape::log log(task, tydesc->shape, params, tydesc->shape_tables, data,
task->sched->log(task, level, "%s", ss.str().c_str());