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2016-04-09 19:36:55 -06:00
\setmonofont{Source Code Pro}[
BoldFont={* Medium},
BoldItalicFont={* Medium Italic},
\title{Miri: \\ \smaller{An interpreter for Rust's mid-level intermediate representation}}
\author{Scott Olson\footnote{\href{}{}} \\
\smaller{Supervised by Christopher Dutchyn}}
\date{April 12th, 2016}
2016-04-09 19:36:55 -06:00
The increasing need for safe low-level code in contexts like operating systems and browsers is
driving the development of Rust\footnote{\url{}}, a programming language
backed by Mozilla promising blazing speed without the segfaults. To make programming more
convenient, it's often desirable to be able to generate code or perform some computation at
compile-time. The former is mostly covered by Rust's existing macro feature, but the latter is
currently restricted to a limited form of constant evaluation capable of little beyond simple math.
When the existing constant evaluator was built, it would have been difficult to make it more
powerful than it is. However, a new intermediate representation was recently
added\footnote{\href{}{The MIR RFC}}
to the Rust compiler between the abstract syntax tree and the back-end LLVM IR, called mid-level
intermediate representation, or MIR for short. As it turns out, writing an interpreter for MIR is a
surprisingly effective approach for supporting a large proportion of Rust's features in compile-time
2016-04-09 19:36:55 -06:00
2016-04-09 19:36:55 -06:00
The Rust compiler generates an instance of \rust{Mir} for each function [\autoref{fig:mir}]. Each
\rust{Mir} structure represents a control-flow graph for a given function, and contains a list of
``basic blocks'' which in turn contain a list of statements followed by a single terminator. Each
statement is of the form \rust{lvalue = rvalue}. An \rust{Lvalue} is used for referencing variables
and calculating addresses such as when dereferencing pointers, accessing fields, or indexing arrays.
An \rust{Rvalue} represents the core set of operations possible in MIR, including reading a value
from an lvalue, performing math operations, creating new pointers, structs, and arrays, and so on.
Finally, a terminator decides where control will flow next, optionally based on a boolean or some
other condition.
struct Mir {
2016-04-09 19:36:55 -06:00
basic_blocks: Vec<BasicBlockData>,
// ...
2016-04-09 19:36:55 -06:00
struct BasicBlockData {
2016-04-09 19:36:55 -06:00
statements: Vec<Statement>,
terminator: Terminator,
// ...
2016-04-09 19:36:55 -06:00
struct Statement {
2016-04-09 19:36:55 -06:00
lvalue: Lvalue,
rvalue: Rvalue
2016-04-09 19:36:55 -06:00
enum Terminator {
2016-04-09 19:36:55 -06:00
Goto { target: BasicBlock },
If {
cond: Operand,
targets: [BasicBlock; 2]
// ...
\caption{MIR (simplified)}
2016-04-09 19:36:55 -06:00
\section{First implementation}
\subsection{Basic operation}
2016-04-09 19:36:55 -06:00
Initially, I wrote a simple version of Miri\footnote{\url{}} that was
quite capable despite its flaws. The structure of the interpreter closely mirrors the structure of
MIR itself. It starts executing a function by iterating the statement list in the starting basic
block, matching over the lvalue to produce a pointer and matching over the rvalue to decide what to
write into that pointer. Evaluating the rvalue may involve reads (such as for the two sides of a
binary operation) or construction of new values. Upon reaching the terminator, a similar matching is
done and a new basic block is selected. Finally, Miri returns to the top of the main interpreter
loop and this entire process repeats, reading statements from the new block.
\subsection{Function calls}
To handle function call terminators\footnote{Calls occur only as terminators, never as rvalues.},
Miri is required to store some information in a virtual call stack so that it may pick up where it
left off when the callee returns. Each stack frame stores a reference to the \rust{Mir} for the
function being executed, its local variables, its return value location\footnote{Return value
pointers are passed in by callers.}, and the basic block where execution should resume. To
facilitate returning, there is a \rust{Return} terminator which causes Miri to pop a stack frame and
resume the previous function. The entire execution of a program completes when the first function
that Miri called returns, rendering the call stack empty.
It should be noted that Miri does not itself recurse when a function is called; it merely pushes a
2016-04-09 19:36:55 -06:00
virtual stack frame and jumps to the top of the interpreter loop. Consequently, Miri can interpret
deeply recursive programs without crashing. It could also set a stack depth limit and report an
error when a program exceeds it.
This version of Miri was surprisingly easy to write and already supported quite a bit of the Rust
language, including booleans, integers, if-conditions, while-loops, structs, enums, arrays, tuples,
pointers, and function calls, all in about 400 lines of Rust code. However, it had a particularly
naive value representation with a number of downsides. It resembled the data layout of a dynamic
language like Ruby or Python, where every value has the same size\footnote{A Rust \rust{enum} is a
discriminated union with a tag and data the size of the largest variant, regardless of which variant
it contains.} in the interpreter:
enum Value {
Pointer(Pointer), // index into stack
2016-04-09 23:00:31 -06:00
Adt { variant: usize, data: Pointer },
// ...
This representation did not work well for \rust{Adt}s\footnote{Algebraic data types: structs, enums,
arrays, and tuples.} and required strange hacks to support them. Their contained values were
allocated elsewhere on the stack and pointed to by the \rust{Adt} value. When it came to copying
\rust{Adt} values from place to place, this made it more complicated.
Moreover, while the \rust{Adt} issues could be worked around, this value representation made common
\rust{unsafe} programming tricks (which make assumptions about the low-level value layout)
fundamentally impossible.
\section{Current implementation}
Roughly halfway through my time working on Miri, Eduard
Burtescu\footnote{\href{}{Eduard Burtescu on GitHub}} from the Rust compiler
team\footnote{\href{\#Compiler}{The Rust compiler team}} made a
post on Rust's internal forums about a ``Rust Abstract Machine''
``Rust Abstract Machine'' forum post}} which could be used to implement more powerful compile-time
function execution, similar to what is supported by C++14's \mintinline{cpp}{constexpr} feature.
After clarifying some of the details of the abstract machine's data layout with Burtescu via IRC, I
started implementing it in Miri.
\subsection{Raw value representation}
The main difference in the new value representation was to represent values by ``abstract
allocations'' containing arrays of raw bytes with different sizes depending on the types of the
values. This closely mimics how Rust values are represented when compiled for traditional machines.
In addition to the raw bytes, allocations carry information about pointers and undefined bytes.
struct Memory {
map: HashMap<AllocId, Allocation>,
next_id: AllocId,
struct Allocation {
bytes: Vec<u8>,
relocations: BTreeMap<usize, AllocId>,
undef_mask: UndefMask,
The abstract machine represents pointers through ``relocations'', which are analogous to relocations
in linkers\footnote{\href{}{Relocation
(computing) - Wikipedia}}. Instead of storing a global memory address in the raw byte representation
like a traditional machine, we store an offset from the start of the target allocation and add an
entry to the relocation table. The entry maps the index of the start of the offset bytes to the
\rust{AllocId} of the target allocation.
let a: [i16; 3] = [2, 4, 6];
let b = &a[1];
// A: 02 00 04 00 06 00 (6 bytes)
// B: 02 00 00 00 (4 bytes)
// └───(A)───┘
\caption{Example relocation on 32-bit little-endian}
In effect, the abstract machine treats each allocation as a separate address space and represents
pointers as \rust{(address_space, offset)} pairs. This makes it easy to detect when pointer accesses
go out of bounds.
See \autoref{fig:reloc} for an example of a relocation. Variable \rust{b} points to the second
16-bit integer in \rust{a}, so it contains a relocation with offset 2 and target allocation
\subsubsection{Undefined byte mask}
The final piece of an abstract allocation is the undefined byte mask. Logically, we store a boolean
for the definedness of every byte in the allocation, but there are multiple ways to make the storage
more compact. I tried two implementations: one based on the endpoints of alternating ranges of
defined and undefined bytes and the other based on a simple bitmask. The former is more compact but
I found it surprisingly difficult to update cleanly. I currently use the bitmask system, which is
comparatively trivial.
See \autoref{fig:undef} for an example undefined byte, represented by underscores. Note that there
would still be a value for the second byte in the byte array, but we don't care what it is. The
bitmask would be $10_2$, i.e.\ \rust{[true, false]}.
let a: [u8; 2] = unsafe {
[1, std::mem::uninitialized()]
// A: 01 __ (2 bytes)
\caption{Example undefined byte}
\subsection{Computing data layout}
Currently, the Rust compiler's data layout computations used in translation from MIR to LLVM IR are
hidden from Miri, so I do my own basic data layout computation which doesn't generally match what
translation does. In the future, the Rust compiler may be modified so that Miri can use the exact
same data layout.
Miri's data layout calculation is a relatively simple transformation from Rust types to a basic
structure with constant size values for primitives and sets of fields with offsets for aggregate
types. These layouts are cached for performance.
\section{Deterministic execution}
In order to be effective as a compile-time evaluator, Miri must have \emph{deterministic execution},
as explained by Burtescu in the ``Rust Abstract Machine'' post. That is, given a function and
arguments to that function, Miri should always produce identical results. This is important for
coherence in the type checker when constant evaluations are involved in types, such as for sizes of
array types:
const fn get_size() -> usize { /* $\ldots$ */ }
let array: [i32; get_size()];
Since Miri allows execution of unsafe code\footnote{In fact, the distinction between safe and unsafe
doesn't exist at the MIR level.}, it is specifically designed to remain safe while interpreting
potentially unsafe code. When Miri encounters an unrecoverable error, it reports it via the Rust
compiler's usual error reporting mechanism, pointing to the part of the original code where the
error occurred. For example:
let b = Box::new(42);
let p: *const i32 = &*b;
unsafe { *p }
// ~~ error: dangling pointer
// was dereferenced
There are more examples in Miri's
repository.\footnote{\href{}{Miri's error
\section{Language support}
In its current state, Miri supports a large proportion of the Rust language, with a few major
exceptions such as the lack of support for FFI\footnote{Foreign Function Interface, e.g.\ calling
functions defined in Assembly, C, or C++.}, which eliminates possibilities like reading and writing
files, user input, graphics, and more. The following is a tour of what is currently supported.
Miri supports booleans and integers of various sizes and signed-ness (i.e.\ \rust{i8}, \rust{i16},
\rust{i32}, \rust{i64}, \rust{isize}, \rust{u8}, \rust{u16}, \rust{u32}, \rust{u64}, \rust{usize}),
as well as unary and boolean operations over these types. The \rust{isize} and \rust{usize} types
will be sized according to the target machine's pointer size just like in compiled Rust. The
\rust{char} and float types (\rust{f32}, \rust{f64}) are not supported yet, but there are no known
barriers to doing so.
When examining a boolean in an \rust{if} condition, Miri will report an error if it is not precisely
0 or 1, since this is undefined behaviour in Rust. The \rust{char} type has similar restrictions to
check for once it is implemented.
Both references and raw pointers are supported, with essentially no difference between them in Miri.
It is also possible to do basic pointer comparisons and math. However, a few operations are
considered errors and a few require special support.
Firstly, pointers into the same allocations may be compared for ordering, but pointers into
different allocations are considered unordered and Miri will complain if you attempt this. The
reasoning is that different allocations may have different orderings in the global address space at
runtime, making this non-deterministic. However, pointers into different allocations \emph{may} be
compared for direct equality (they are always, automatically unequal).
Finally, for things like null pointer checks, abstract pointers (the kind represented using
relocations) may be compared against pointers casted from integers (e.g.\ \rust{0 as *const i32}).
To handle these cases, Miri has a concept of ``integer pointers'' which are always unequal to
abstract pointers. Integer pointers can be compared and operated upon freely. However, note that it
is impossible to go from an integer pointer to an abstract pointer backed by a relocation. It is not
valid to dereference an integer pointer.
\subsubsection{Slice pointers}
Rust supports pointers to ``dynamically-sized types'' such as \rust{[T]} and \rust{str} which
represent arrays of indeterminate size. Pointers to such types contain an address \emph{and} the
length of the referenced array. Miri supports these fully.
\subsubsection{Trait objects}
Rust also supports pointers to ``trait objects'' which represent some type that implements a trait,
with the specific type unknown at compile-time. These are implemented using virtual dispatch with a
vtable, similar to virtual methods in C++. Miri does not currently support this at all.
Aggregates include types declared as \rust{struct} or \rust{enum} as well as tuples, arrays, and
closures\footnote{Closures are essentially structs with a field for each variable captured by the
closure.}. Miri supports all common usage of all of these types. The main missing piece is to handle
\texttt{\#[repr(..)]} annotations which adjust the layout of a \rust{struct} or \rust{enum}.
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\subsection{Lvalue projections}
This category includes field accesses like \rust{}, dereferencing, accessing data in an
\rust{enum} variant, and indexing arrays. Miri supports all of these, including nested projections
such as \rust{*[2]}.
\subsection{Control flow}
All of Rust's standard control flow features, including \rust{loop}, \rust{while}, \rust{for},
\rust{if}, \rust{if let}, \rust{while let}, \rust{match}, \rust{break}, \rust{continue}, and
\rust{return} are supported. In fact, supporting these were quite easy since the Rust compiler
reduces them all down to a comparatively smaller set of control-flow graph primitives in MIR.
2016-04-12 22:51:19 -06:00
\subsection{Function calls}
As previously described, Miri supports arbitrary function calls without growing its own stack (only
its virtual call stack). It is somewhat limited by the fact that cross-crate\footnote{A crate is a
single Rust library (or executable).} calls only work for functions whose MIR is stored in crate
metadata. This is currently true for \rust{const}, generic, and \texttt{\#[inline]} functions. A
branch of the compiler could be made that stores MIR for all functions. This would be a non-issue
for a compile-time evaluator based on Miri, since it would only call \rust{const fn}s.
\subsubsection{Method calls}
Trait method calls require a bit more machinery dealing with compiler internals than normal function
calls, but Miri supports them.
Closures are like structs containing a field for each captured variable, but closures also have an
associated function. Supporting closure function calls required some extra machinery to get the
necessary information from the compiler, but it is all supported except for one edge case on my todo
list\footnote{The edge case is calling a closure that takes a reference to its captures via a
closure interface that passes the captures by value.}.
2016-04-12 22:51:19 -06:00
\subsubsection{Function pointers}
Function pointers are not currently supported by Miri, but there is a relatively simple way they
could be encoded using a relocation with a special reserved allocation identifier. The offset of the
relocation would determine which function it points to in a special array of functions in the
To support unsafe code, and in particular the unsafe code used to implement Rust's standard library,
it became clear that Miri would have to support calls to compiler
intrinsics documentation}}. Intrinsics are function calls which cause the Rust compiler to produce
special-purpose code instead of a regular function call. Miri simply recognizes intrinsic calls by
their unique ABI\footnote{Application Binary Interface, which defines calling conventions. Includes
``C'', ``Rust'', and ``rust-intrinsic''.} and name and runs special purpose code to handle them.
An example of an important intrinsic is \rust{size_of} which will cause Miri to write the size of
the type in question to the return value location. The Rust standard library uses intrinsics heavily
to implement various data structures, so this was a major step toward supporting them. So far, I've
been implementing intrinsics on a case-by-case basis as I write test cases which require missing
ones, so I haven't yet exhaustively implemented them all.
2016-04-12 22:51:19 -06:00
\subsubsection{Generic function calls}
Miri needs special support for generic function calls since Rust is a \emph{monomorphizing}
compiler, meaning it generates a special version of each function for each distinct set of type
parameters it gets called with. Since functions in MIR are still polymorphic, Miri has to do the
same thing and substitute function type parameters into all types it encounters to get fully
concrete, monomorphized types. For example, in\ldots
fn some<T>(t: T) -> Option<T> { Some(t) }
\ldots{} Miri needs to know how many bytes to copy from the argument to the return value, based on
the size of \rust{T}. If we call \rust{some(10i32)} Miri will execute \rust{some} knowing that
\rust{T = i32} and generate a representation for \rust{Option<i32>}.
Miri currently does this monomorphization on-demand, or lazily, unlike the Rust back-end which does
it all ahead of time.
\subsection{Heap allocations}
The next piece of the puzzle for supporting interesting programs (and the standard library) was heap
allocations. There are two main interfaces for heap allocation in Rust, the built-in \rust{Box}
rvalue in MIR and a set of C ABI foreign functions including \rust{__rust_allocate},
\rust{__rust_reallocate}, and \rust{__rust_deallocate}. These correspond approximately to
\mintinline{c}{malloc}, \mintinline{c}{realloc}, and \mintinline{c}{free} in C.
The \rust{Box} rvalue allocates enough space for a single value of a given type. This was easy to
support in Miri. It simply creates a new abstract allocation in the same manner as for
stack-allocated values, since there's no major difference between them in Miri.
The allocator functions, which are used to implement things like Rust's standard \rust{Vec<T>} type,
were a bit trickier. Rust declares them as \rust{extern "C" fn} so that different allocator
libraries can be linked in at the user's option. Since Miri doesn't actually support FFI and we want
full control of allocations for safety, Miri ``cheats'' and recognizes these allocator function in
essentially the same way it recognizes compiler intrinsics. Then, a call to \rust{__rust_allocate}
simply creates another abstract allocation with the requested size and \rust{__rust_reallocate}
grows one.
In the future, Miri should also track which allocations came from \rust{__rust_allocate} so it can
reject reallocate or deallocate calls on stack allocations.
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When values go out of scope that ``own'' some resource, like a heap allocation or file handle, Rust
inserts \emph{drop glue} that calls the user-defined destructor for the type if it exists, and then
drops all of the subfields. Destructors for types like \rust{Box<T>} and \rust{Vec<T>} deallocate
heap memory.
Miri doesn't yet support calling user-defined destructors, but it has most of the machinery in place
to do so already and it's next on my to-do list. There \emph{is} support for dropping \rust{Box<T>}
types, including deallocating their associated allocations. This is enough to properly execute the
dangling pointer example in \autoref{sec:deterministic}.
2016-04-12 22:51:19 -06:00
Only basic integer, boolean, string, and byte-string literals are currently supported. Evaluating
more complicated constant expressions in their current form would be a somewhat pointless exercise
for Miri. Instead, we should lower constant expressions to MIR so Miri can run them directly. (This
is precisely what would be done to use Miri as the actual constant evaluator.)
\subsection{Static variables}
While it would be invalid to write to static (i.e.\ global) variables in Miri executions, it would
probably be fine to allow reads. However, Miri doesn't currently support them and they would need
support similar to constants.
\subsection{Standard library}
2016-04-12 22:51:19 -06:00
Throughout the implementation of the above features, I often followed this process:
\item Try using a feature from the standard library.
\item See where Miri runs into stuff it can't handle.
\item Fix the problem.
\item Go to 1.
At present, Miri supports a number of major non-trivial features from the standard library along
with tons of minor features. Smart pointer types such as \rust{Box}, \rust{Rc}\footnote{Reference
counted shared pointer} and \rust{Arc}\footnote{Atomically reference-counted thread-safe shared
pointer} all seem to work. I've also tested using the shared smart pointer types with \rust{Cell}
and \rust{RefCell}\footnote{\href{}{Rust
documentation for cell types}} for internal mutability, and that works as well, although
\rust{RefCell} can't ever be borrowed twice until I implement destructor calls, since its destructor
is what releases the borrow.
But the standard library collection I spent the most time on was \rust{Vec}, the standard
dynamically-growable array type, similar to C++'s \texttt{std::vector} or Java's
\texttt{java.util.ArrayList}. In Rust, \rust{Vec} is an extremely pervasive collection, so
supporting it is a big win for supporting a larger swath of Rust programs in Miri.
See \autoref{fig:vec} for an example (working in Miri today) of initializing a \rust{Vec} with a
small amount of space on the heap and then pushing enough elements to force it to reallocate its
data array. This involves cross-crate generic function calls, unsafe code using raw pointers, heap
allocation, handling of uninitialized memory, compiler intrinsics, and more.
2016-04-09 22:23:00 -06:00
struct Vec<T> {
data: *mut T, // 4 byte pointer
capacity: usize, // 4 byte integer
length: usize, // 4 byte integer
2016-04-09 22:23:00 -06:00
let mut v: Vec<u8> =
// A: 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
// └───(B)───┘
// B: __ __
// A: 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
// └───(B)───┘
// B: 01 __
// A: 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 02 00 00 00
// └───(B)───┘
// B: 01 02
// A: 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 03 00 00 00
// └───(B)───┘
// B: 01 02 03 __
\caption{\rust{Vec} example on 32-bit little-endian}
2016-04-12 22:51:19 -06:00
You can even do unsafe things with \rust{Vec} like \rust{v.set_len(10)} or
\rust{v.get_unchecked(2)}, but if you do these things carefully in a way that doesn't cause any
undefined behaviour (just like when you write unsafe code for regular Rust), then Miri can handle it
all. But if you do slip up, Miri will error out with an appropriate message (see
fn out_of_bounds() -> u8 {
let v = vec![1, 2];
let p = unsafe { v.get_unchecked(5) };
*p + 10
// ~~ error: pointer offset outside
// bounds of allocation
fn undefined_bytes() -> u8 {
let v = Vec::<u8>::with_capacity(10);
let p = unsafe { v.get_unchecked(5) };
*p + 10
// ~~~~~~~ error: attempted to read
// undefined bytes
\caption{\rust{Vec} examples with undefined behaviour}
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2016-04-09 19:36:55 -06:00
2016-04-12 22:51:19 -06:00
\section{Future directions}
\subsection{Finishing the implementation}
2016-04-12 22:51:19 -06:00
There are a number of pressing items on my to-do list for Miri, including:
\item Destructors and \rust{__rust_deallocate}.
\item Non-trivial casts between primitive types like integers and pointers.
\item Handling statics and global memory.
\item Reporting errors for all undefined behaviour.\footnote{\href{\#behavior-considered-undefined}{The Rust reference on what is considered undefined behaviour}}
\item Function pointers.
\item Accounting for target machine primitive type alignment and endianness.
\item Optimizing stuff (undefined byte masks, tail-calls).
\item Benchmarking Miri vs. unoptimized Rust.
\item Various \texttt{TODO}s and \texttt{FIXME}s left in the code.
\item Getting a version of Miri into rustc for real.
\subsection{Alternative applications}
Other possible uses for Miri include:
\item A graphical or text-mode debugger that steps through MIR execution one statement at a time,
for figuring out why some compile-time execution is raising an error or simply learning how Rust
works at a low level.
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\item A read-eval-print-loop (REPL) for Rust, which may be easier to implement on top of Miri than
the usual LLVM back-end.
\item An extended version of Miri developed apart from the purpose of compile-time execution that
is able to run foreign functions from C/C++ and generally have full access to the operating
system. Such a version of Miri could be used to more quickly prototype changes to the Rust
language that would otherwise require changes to the LLVM back-end.
\item Unit-testing the compiler by comparing the results of Miri's execution against the results
of LLVM-compiled machine code's execution. This would help to guarantee that compile-time
execution works the same as runtime execution.
\item Some kind of symbolic evaluator that examines multiple possible code paths at once to
determine if undefined behaviour could be observed on any of them.
2016-04-09 22:23:15 -06:00
\section{Final thoughts}
2016-04-12 22:51:19 -06:00
Writing an interpreter which models values of varying sizes, stack and heap allocation, unsafe
memory operations, and more requires some unconventional techniques compared to typical
interpreters. However, aside from the somewhat complicated abstract memory model, making Miri work
was primarily a software engineering problem, and not a particularly tricky one. This is a testament
to MIR's suitability as an intermediate representation for Rust---removing enough unnecessary
abstraction to keep it simple. For example, Miri doesn't even need to know that there are different
kind of loops, or how to match patterns in a \rust{match} expression.
Another advantage to targeting MIR is that any new features at the syntax-level or type-level
generally require little to no change in Miri. For example, when the new ``question mark'' syntax
for error handling\footnote{
{Question mark syntax RFC}}
was added to rustc, Miri also supported it the same day with no change. When specialization\footnote{
{Specialization RFC}}
was added, Miri supported it with just minor changes to trait method lookup.
Of course, Miri also has limitations. The inability to execute FFI and inline assembly reduces the
amount of Rust programs Miri could ever execute. The good news is that in the constant evaluator,
FFI can be stubbed out in cases where it makes sense, like I did with \rust{__rust_allocate}, and
for Miri outside of the compiler it may be possible to use libffi to call C functions from the
In conclusion, Miri was a surprisingly effective project, and a lot of fun to implement. There were
times where I ended up supporting Rust features I didn't even intend to while I was adding support
for some other feature, due to the design of MIR collapsing features at the source level into fewer
features at the MIR level. I am excited to work with the compiler team going forward to try to make
Miri useful for constant evaluation in Rust.
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2016-04-12 22:51:19 -06:00
A big thanks goes to Eduard Burtescu for writing the abstract machine specification and answering my
incessant questions on IRC, to Niko Matsakis for coming up with the idea for Miri and supporting my
desire to work with the Rust compiler, and to my research supervisor Christopher Dutchyn. Thanks
also to everyone else on the compiler team and on Mozilla IRC who helped me figure stuff out.
2016-04-09 22:23:15 -06:00