
243 lines
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2011-09-12 18:13:28 -05:00
import std::{str, option};
import codemap::span;
import ast::*;
fn respan<copy T>(sp: span, t: T) -> spanned<T> {
ret {node: t, span: sp};
/* assuming that we're not in macro expansion */
fn mk_sp(lo: uint, hi: uint) -> span {
ret {lo: lo, hi: hi, expanded_from: codemap::os_none};
// make this a const, once the compiler supports it
fn dummy_sp() -> span { ret mk_sp(0u, 0u); }
fn path_name(p: path) -> str { path_name_i(p.node.idents) }
fn path_name_i(idents: [ident]) -> str { str::connect(idents, "::") }
fn local_def(id: node_id) -> def_id { ret {crate: local_crate, node: id}; }
fn variant_def_ids(d: def) -> {tg: def_id, var: def_id} {
alt d { def_variant(tag_id, var_id) { ret {tg: tag_id, var: var_id}; } }
fn def_id_of_def(d: def) -> def_id {
alt d {
def_fn(id, _) { ret id; }
def_obj_field(id, _) { ret id; }
def_mod(id) { ret id; }
def_native_mod(id) { ret id; }
def_const(id) { ret id; }
def_arg(id, _) { ret id; }
def_local(id, _) { ret id; }
def_variant(_, id) { ret id; }
def_ty(id) { ret id; }
def_ty_param(_, _) { fail; }
def_binding(id) { ret id; }
def_use(id) { ret id; }
def_native_ty(id) { ret id; }
def_native_fn(id, _) { ret id; }
def_upvar(id, _, _) { ret id; }
2011-09-02 17:34:58 -05:00
type pat_id_map = std::map::hashmap<str, node_id>;
2011-08-25 16:15:54 -05:00
// This is used because same-named variables in alternative patterns need to
// use the node_id of their namesake in the first pattern.
fn pat_id_map(pat: @pat) -> pat_id_map {
let map = std::map::new_str_hash::<node_id>();
pat_bindings(pat) {|bound|
let name = alt bound.node { pat_bind(n) { n } };
2011-08-25 19:00:12 -05:00
ret map;
// FIXME: could return a constrained type
fn pat_bindings(pat: @pat, it: block(@pat)) {
alt pat.node {
pat_bind(_) { it(pat); }
pat_tag(_, sub) { for p in sub { pat_bindings(p, it); } }
pat_rec(fields, _) { for f in fields { pat_bindings(f.pat, it); } }
pat_tup(elts) { for elt in elts { pat_bindings(elt, it); } }
pat_box(sub) { pat_bindings(sub, it); }
pat_uniq(sub) { pat_bindings(sub, it); }
pat_wild. | pat_lit(_) | pat_range(_, _) { }
fn pat_binding_ids(pat: @pat) -> [node_id] {
let found = [];
pat_bindings(pat) {|b| found += []; };
ret found;
2011-09-02 17:34:58 -05:00
fn binop_to_str(op: binop) -> str {
alt op {
2011-09-02 17:34:58 -05:00
add. { ret "+"; }
sub. { ret "-"; }
mul. { ret "*"; }
div. { ret "/"; }
rem. { ret "%"; }
and. { ret "&&"; }
or. { ret "||"; }
bitxor. { ret "^"; }
bitand. { ret "&"; }
bitor. { ret "|"; }
lsl. { ret "<<"; }
lsr. { ret ">>"; }
asr. { ret ">>>"; }
eq. { ret "=="; }
lt. { ret "<"; }
le. { ret "<="; }
ne. { ret "!="; }
ge. { ret ">="; }
gt. { ret ">"; }
pure fn lazy_binop(b: binop) -> bool {
alt b { and. { true } or. { true } _ { false } }
2011-09-02 17:34:58 -05:00
fn unop_to_str(op: unop) -> str {
alt op {
2011-09-02 17:34:58 -05:00
box(mt) { if mt == mut { ret "@mutable "; } ret "@"; }
uniq(mt) { if mt == mut { ret "~mutable "; } ret "~"; }
2011-09-02 17:34:58 -05:00
deref. { ret "*"; }
not. { ret "!"; }
neg. { ret "-"; }
fn is_path(e: @expr) -> bool {
ret alt e.node { expr_path(_) { true } _ { false } };
2011-09-02 17:34:58 -05:00
fn ty_mach_to_str(tm: ty_mach) -> str {
alt tm {
2011-09-02 17:34:58 -05:00
ty_u8. { ret "u8"; }
ty_u16. { ret "u16"; }
ty_u32. { ret "u32"; }
ty_u64. { ret "u64"; }
ty_i8. { ret "i8"; }
ty_i16. { ret "i16"; }
ty_i32. { ret "i32"; }
ty_i64. { ret "i64"; }
ty_f32. { ret "f32"; }
ty_f64. { ret "f64"; }
fn is_exported(i: ident, m: _mod) -> bool {
let nonlocal = true;
for it: @item in m.items {
if it.ident == i { nonlocal = false; }
alt it.node {
item_tag(variants, _) {
for v: variant in variants {
if == i { nonlocal = false; }
_ { }
if !nonlocal { break; }
let count = 0u;
for vi: @view_item in m.view_items {
alt vi.node {
view_item_export(ids, _) {
for id in ids { if str::eq(i, id) { ret true; } }
count += 1u;
_ {/* fall through */ }
// If there are no declared exports then
// everything not imported is exported
// even if it's nonlocal (since it's explicit)
ret count == 0u && !nonlocal;
pure fn is_call_expr(e: @expr) -> bool {
alt e.node { expr_call(_, _, _) { true } _ { false } }
fn is_constraint_arg(e: @expr) -> bool {
alt e.node {
expr_lit(_) { ret true; }
expr_path(_) { ret true; }
_ { ret false; }
fn eq_ty(&&a: @ty, &&b: @ty) -> bool { ret std::box::ptr_eq(a, b); }
fn hash_ty(&&t: @ty) -> uint { ret t.span.lo << 16u + t.span.hi; }
fn hash_def_id(&&id: def_id) -> uint {
id.crate as uint << 16u + (id.node as uint)
fn eq_def_id(&&a: def_id, &&b: def_id) -> bool {
a == b
fn new_def_id_hash<copy T>() -> std::map::hashmap<def_id, T> {
std::map::mk_hashmap(hash_def_id, eq_def_id)
fn block_from_expr(e: @expr) -> blk {
let blk_ = default_block([], option::some::<@expr>(e),;
ret {node: blk_, span: e.span};
fn default_block(stmts1: [@stmt], expr1: option::t<@expr>, id1: node_id) ->
2011-09-02 17:34:58 -05:00
blk_ {
ret {stmts: stmts1, expr: expr1, id: id1, rules: default_blk};
fn obj_field_from_anon_obj_field(f: anon_obj_field) -> obj_field {
ret {mut: f.mut, ty: f.ty, ident: f.ident, id:};
// This is a convenience function to transfor ternary expressions to if
// expressions so that they can be treated the same
fn ternary_to_if(e: @expr) -> @expr {
alt e.node {
expr_ternary(cond, then, els) {
let then_blk = block_from_expr(then);
let els_blk = block_from_expr(els);
let els_expr =
@{id:, node: expr_block(els_blk), span: els.span};
ret @{id:,
node: expr_if(cond, then_blk, option::some(els_expr)),
span: e.span};
_ { fail; }
fn ret_by_ref(style: ret_style) -> bool {
alt style {
return_ref(_, _) { true }
_ { false }
fn ty_param_kind(tp: ty_param) -> kind { tp.kind }
// Local Variables:
// mode: rust
// fill-column: 78;
// indent-tabs-mode: nil
// c-basic-offset: 4
// buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix
// End: