2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
Module: vec
import option::{some, none};
import uint::next_power_of_two;
import ptr::addr_of;
#[abi = "rust-intrinsic"]
native mod rusti {
fn vec_len<T>(&&v: [const T]) -> uint;
#[abi = "cdecl"]
native mod rustrt {
fn vec_reserve_shared<T>(t: *sys::type_desc,
&v: [const T],
n: uint);
fn vec_from_buf_shared<T>(t: *sys::type_desc,
ptr: *T,
count: uint) -> [T];
Type: init_op
A function used to initialize the elements of a vector.
type init_op<T> = block(uint) -> T;
Predicate: is_empty
Returns true if a vector contains no elements.
pure fn is_empty<T>(v: [const T]) -> bool {
// FIXME: This would be easier if we could just call len
for t: T in v { ret false; }
ret true;
Predicate: is_not_empty
Returns true if a vector contains some elements.
pure fn is_not_empty<T>(v: [const T]) -> bool { ret !is_empty(v); }
Predicate: same_length
Returns true if two vectors have the same length
pure fn same_length<T, U>(xs: [T], ys: [U]) -> bool {
vec::len(xs) == vec::len(ys)
Function: reserve
Reserves capacity for `n` elements in the given vector.
If the capacity for `v` is already equal to or greater than the requested
capacity, then no action is taken.
v - A vector
n - The number of elements to reserve space for
fn reserve<T>(&v: [const T], n: uint) {
rustrt::vec_reserve_shared(sys::get_type_desc::<T>(), v, n);
Function: len
Returns the length of a vector
pure fn len<T>(v: [const T]) -> uint { unchecked { rusti::vec_len(v) } }
Function: init_fn
Creates and initializes an immutable vector.
Creates an immutable vector of size `n_elts` and initializes the elements
to the value returned by the function `op`.
fn init_fn<T>(op: init_op<T>, n_elts: uint) -> [T] {
let v = [];
reserve(v, n_elts);
let i: uint = 0u;
while i < n_elts { v += [op(i)]; i += 1u; }
ret v;
// TODO: Remove me once we have slots.
Function: init_fn_mut
Creates and initializes a mutable vector.
Creates a mutable vector of size `n_elts` and initializes the elements to
the value returned by the function `op`.
fn init_fn_mut<T>(op: init_op<T>, n_elts: uint) -> [mutable T] {
let v = [mutable];
reserve(v, n_elts);
let i: uint = 0u;
while i < n_elts { v += [mutable op(i)]; i += 1u; }
ret v;
Function: init_elt
Creates and initializes an immutable vector.
Creates an immutable vector of size `n_elts` and initializes the elements
to the value `t`.
2012-01-05 15:35:37 +01:00
fn init_elt<T: copy>(t: T, n_elts: uint) -> [T] {
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
let v = [];
reserve(v, n_elts);
let i: uint = 0u;
while i < n_elts { v += [t]; i += 1u; }
ret v;
// TODO: Remove me once we have slots.
Function: init_elt_mut
Creates and initializes a mutable vector.
Creates a mutable vector of size `n_elts` and initializes the elements
to the value `t`.
2012-01-05 15:35:37 +01:00
fn init_elt_mut<T: copy>(t: T, n_elts: uint) -> [mutable T] {
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
let v = [mutable];
reserve(v, n_elts);
let i: uint = 0u;
while i < n_elts { v += [mutable t]; i += 1u; }
ret v;
// FIXME: Possible typestate postcondition:
// len(result) == len(v) (needs issue #586)
Function: to_mut
Produces a mutable vector from an immutable vector.
2012-01-05 15:35:37 +01:00
fn to_mut<T: copy>(v: [T]) -> [mutable T] {
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
let vres = [mutable];
for t: T in v { vres += [mutable t]; }
ret vres;
// Same comment as from_mut
Function: from_mut
Produces an immutable vector from a mutable vector.
2012-01-05 15:35:37 +01:00
fn from_mut<T: copy>(v: [mutable T]) -> [T] {
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
let vres = [];
for t: T in v { vres += [t]; }
ret vres;
// Accessors
Function: head
Returns the first element of a vector
<is_not_empty> (v)
2012-01-05 15:35:37 +01:00
pure fn head<T: copy>(v: [const T]) : is_not_empty(v) -> T { ret v[0]; }
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
Function: tail
Returns all but the first element of a vector
<is_not_empty> (v)
2012-01-05 15:35:37 +01:00
fn tail<T: copy>(v: [const T]) : is_not_empty(v) -> [T] {
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
ret slice(v, 1u, len(v));
2012-01-06 10:23:55 +01:00
Function tail_n
Returns all but the first N elements of a vector
fn tail_n<T: copy>(v: [const T], n: uint) -> [T] {
slice(v, n, len(v))
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
// FIXME: This name is sort of confusing next to init_fn, etc
// but this is the name haskell uses for this function,
// along with head/tail/last.
Function: init
Returns all but the last elemnt of a vector
`v` is not empty
2012-01-05 15:35:37 +01:00
fn init<T: copy>(v: [const T]) -> [T] {
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
assert len(v) != 0u;
slice(v, 0u, len(v) - 1u)
Function: last
Returns the last element of a vector
An option containing the last element of `v` if `v` is not empty, or
none if `v` is empty.
2012-01-05 15:35:37 +01:00
pure fn last<T: copy>(v: [const T]) -> option::t<T> {
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
if len(v) == 0u { ret none; }
ret some(v[len(v) - 1u]);
Function: last_total
Returns the last element of a non-empty vector `v`
<is_not_empty> (v)
2012-01-05 15:35:37 +01:00
pure fn last_total<T: copy>(v: [const T]) : is_not_empty(v) -> T {
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
ret v[len(v) - 1u];
Function: slice
Returns a copy of the elements from [`start`..`end`) from `v`.
2012-01-05 15:35:37 +01:00
fn slice<T: copy>(v: [const T], start: uint, end: uint) -> [T] {
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
assert (start <= end);
assert (end <= len(v));
let result = [];
reserve(result, end - start);
let i = start;
while i < end { result += [v[i]]; i += 1u; }
ret result;
// TODO: Remove me once we have slots.
Function: slice_mut
Returns a copy of the elements from [`start`..`end`) from `v`.
2012-01-05 15:35:37 +01:00
fn slice_mut<T: copy>(v: [const T], start: uint, end: uint) -> [mutable T] {
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
assert (start <= end);
assert (end <= len(v));
let result = [mutable];
reserve(result, end - start);
let i = start;
while i < end { result += [mutable v[i]]; i += 1u; }
ret result;
// Mutators
Function: shift
Removes the first element from a vector and return it
2012-01-05 15:35:37 +01:00
fn shift<T: copy>(&v: [const T]) -> T {
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
let ln = len::<T>(v);
assert (ln > 0u);
let e = v[0];
v = slice::<T>(v, 1u, ln);
ret e;
// TODO: Write this, unsafely, in a way that's not O(n).
Function: pop
Remove the last element from a vector and return it
2012-01-05 15:35:37 +01:00
fn pop<T: copy>(&v: [const T]) -> T {
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
let ln = len(v);
assert (ln > 0u);
ln -= 1u;
let e = v[ln];
v = slice(v, 0u, ln);
ret e;
2011-12-19 09:48:30 -08:00
Function: push
Append an element to a vector and return it
2012-01-05 15:35:37 +01:00
fn push<T: copy>(&v: [T], initval: T) {
2011-12-19 09:48:30 -08:00
grow(v, 1u, initval)
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
// TODO: More.
// Appending
Function: grow
Expands a vector in place, initializing the new elements to a given value
v - The vector to grow
n - The number of elements to add
initval - The value for the new elements
2012-01-05 15:35:37 +01:00
fn grow<T: copy>(&v: [T], n: uint, initval: T) {
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
reserve(v, next_power_of_two(len(v) + n));
let i: uint = 0u;
while i < n { v += [initval]; i += 1u; }
// TODO: Remove me once we have slots.
// FIXME: Can't grow take a [const T]
Function: grow_mut
Expands a vector in place, initializing the new elements to a given value
v - The vector to grow
n - The number of elements to add
initval - The value for the new elements
2012-01-05 15:35:37 +01:00
fn grow_mut<T: copy>(&v: [mutable T], n: uint, initval: T) {
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
reserve(v, next_power_of_two(len(v) + n));
let i: uint = 0u;
while i < n { v += [mutable initval]; i += 1u; }
Function: grow_fn
Expands a vector in place, initializing the new elements to the result of a
Function `init_fn` is called `n` times with the values [0..`n`)
v - The vector to grow
n - The number of elements to add
init_fn - A function to call to retreive each appended element's value
fn grow_fn<T>(&v: [T], n: uint, op: init_op<T>) {
reserve(v, next_power_of_two(len(v) + n));
let i: uint = 0u;
while i < n { v += [op(i)]; i += 1u; }
Function: grow_set
Sets the value of a vector element at a given index, growing the vector as
Sets the element at position `index` to `val`. If `index` is past the end
of the vector, expands the vector by replicating `initval` to fill the
intervening space.
2012-01-05 15:35:37 +01:00
fn grow_set<T: copy>(&v: [mutable T], index: uint, initval: T, val: T) {
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
if index >= len(v) { grow_mut(v, index - len(v) + 1u, initval); }
v[index] = val;
// Functional utilities
Function: map
Apply a function to each element of a vector and return the results
2011-12-16 06:27:50 -08:00
fn map<T, U>(v: [T], f: block(T) -> U) -> [U] {
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
let result = [];
reserve(result, len(v));
for elem: T in v { result += [f(elem)]; }
ret result;
Function: map_mut
Apply a function to each element of a mutable vector and return the results
2012-01-05 15:35:37 +01:00
fn map_mut<T: copy, U>(v: [const T], f: block(T) -> U) -> [U] {
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
let result = [];
reserve(result, len(v));
for elem: T in v {
// copy satisfies alias checker
result += [f(copy elem)];
ret result;
Function: map2
Apply a function to each pair of elements and return the results
2012-01-05 15:35:37 +01:00
fn map2<T: copy, U: copy, V>(v0: [T], v1: [U], f: block(T, U) -> V) -> [V] {
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
let v0_len = len(v0);
if v0_len != len(v1) { fail; }
let u: [V] = [];
let i = 0u;
while i < v0_len { u += [f(copy v0[i], copy v1[i])]; i += 1u; }
ret u;
Function: filter_map
Apply a function to each element of a vector and return the results
If function `f` returns `none` then that element is excluded from
the resulting vector.
2012-01-05 15:35:37 +01:00
fn filter_map<T: copy, U: copy>(v: [const T], f: block(T) -> option::t<U>)
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
-> [U] {
let result = [];
for elem: T in v {
alt f(copy elem) {
none. {/* no-op */ }
some(result_elem) { result += [result_elem]; }
ret result;
Function: filter
Construct a new vector from the elements of a vector for which some predicate
Apply function `f` to each element of `v` and return a vector containing
only those elements for which `f` returned true.
2012-01-05 15:35:37 +01:00
fn filter<T: copy>(v: [T], f: block(T) -> bool) -> [T] {
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
let result = [];
for elem: T in v {
if f(elem) { result += [elem]; }
ret result;
Function: concat
Concatenate a vector of vectors. Flattens a vector of vectors of T into
a single vector of T.
2012-01-05 15:35:37 +01:00
fn concat<T: copy>(v: [const [const T]]) -> [T] {
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
let new: [T] = [];
for inner: [T] in v { new += inner; }
ret new;
Function: foldl
Reduce a vector from left to right
2012-01-05 15:35:37 +01:00
fn foldl<T: copy, U>(z: T, v: [const U], p: block(T, U) -> T) -> T {
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
let accum = z;
iter(v) { |elt|
accum = p(accum, elt);
ret accum;
Function: foldr
Reduce a vector from right to left
2012-01-05 15:35:37 +01:00
fn foldr<T, U: copy>(v: [const T], z: U, p: block(T, U) -> U) -> U {
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
let accum = z;
riter(v) { |elt|
accum = p(elt, accum);
ret accum;
Function: any
Return true if a predicate matches any elements
If the vector contains no elements then false is returned.
2011-12-16 06:27:50 -08:00
fn any<T>(v: [T], f: block(T) -> bool) -> bool {
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
for elem: T in v { if f(elem) { ret true; } }
ret false;
2011-12-19 09:46:09 -08:00
Function: any2
Return true if a predicate matches any elements in both vectors.
If the vectors contains no elements then false is returned.
fn any2<T, U>(v0: [T], v1: [U], f: block(T, U) -> bool) -> bool {
let v0_len = len(v0);
let v1_len = len(v1);
let i = 0u;
while i < v0_len && i < v1_len {
if f(v0[i], v1[i]) { ret true; };
i += 1u;
ret false;
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
Function: all
Return true if a predicate matches all elements
If the vector contains no elements then true is returned.
2011-12-16 06:27:50 -08:00
fn all<T>(v: [T], f: block(T) -> bool) -> bool {
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
for elem: T in v { if !f(elem) { ret false; } }
ret true;
2011-12-19 09:46:09 -08:00
Function: all2
Return true if a predicate matches all elements in both vectors.
If the vectors are not the same size then false is returned.
fn all2<T, U>(v0: [T], v1: [U], f: block(T, U) -> bool) -> bool {
let v0_len = len(v0);
if v0_len != len(v1) { ret false; }
let i = 0u;
while i < v0_len { if !f(v0[i], v1[i]) { ret false; }; i += 1u; }
ret true;
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
Function: member
Return true if a vector contains an element with the given value
fn member<T>(x: T, v: [T]) -> bool {
for elt: T in v { if x == elt { ret true; } }
ret false;
Function: count
Returns the number of elements that are equal to a given value
fn count<T>(x: T, v: [const T]) -> uint {
let cnt = 0u;
for elt: T in v { if x == elt { cnt += 1u; } }
ret cnt;
Function: find
Search for an element that matches a given predicate
Apply function `f` to each element of `v`, starting from the first.
When function `f` returns true then an option containing the element
is returned. If `f` matches no elements then none is returned.
2012-01-05 15:35:37 +01:00
fn find<T: copy>(v: [T], f: block(T) -> bool) -> option::t<T> {
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
for elt: T in v { if f(elt) { ret some(elt); } }
ret none;
Function: position
Find the first index containing a matching value
option::some(uint) - The first index containing a matching value
option::none - No elements matched
fn position<T>(x: T, v: [T]) -> option::t<uint> {
let i: uint = 0u;
while i < len(v) { if x == v[i] { ret some::<uint>(i); } i += 1u; }
ret none;
Function: position_pred
Find the first index for which the value matches some predicate
2011-12-16 06:27:50 -08:00
fn position_pred<T>(v: [T], f: block(T) -> bool) -> option::t<uint> {
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
let i: uint = 0u;
while i < len(v) { if f(v[i]) { ret some::<uint>(i); } i += 1u; }
ret none;
// FIXME: if issue #586 gets implemented, could have a postcondition
// saying the two result lists have the same length -- or, could
// return a nominal record with a constraint saying that, instead of
// returning a tuple (contingent on issue #869)
Function: unzip
Convert a vector of pairs into a pair of vectors
Returns a tuple containing two vectors where the i-th element of the first
vector contains the first element of the i-th tuple of the input vector,
and the i-th element of the second vector contains the second element
of the i-th tuple of the input vector.
2012-01-05 15:35:37 +01:00
fn unzip<T: copy, U: copy>(v: [(T, U)]) -> ([T], [U]) {
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
let as = [], bs = [];
for (a, b) in v { as += [a]; bs += [b]; }
ret (as, bs);
Function: zip
Convert two vectors to a vector of pairs
Returns a vector of tuples, where the i-th tuple contains contains the
i-th elements from each of the input vectors.
<same_length> (v, u)
2012-01-05 15:35:37 +01:00
fn zip<T: copy, U: copy>(v: [T], u: [U]) : same_length(v, u) -> [(T, U)] {
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
let zipped = [];
let sz = len(v), i = 0u;
assert (sz == len(u));
while i < sz { zipped += [(v[i], u[i])]; i += 1u; }
ret zipped;
Function: swap
Swaps two elements in a vector
v - The input vector
a - The index of the first element
b - The index of the second element
fn swap<T>(v: [mutable T], a: uint, b: uint) {
v[a] <-> v[b];
Function: reverse
Reverse the order of elements in a vector, in place
fn reverse<T>(v: [mutable T]) {
let i: uint = 0u;
let ln = len::<T>(v);
while i < ln / 2u { v[i] <-> v[ln - i - 1u]; i += 1u; }
Function: reversed
Returns a vector with the order of elements reversed
2012-01-05 15:35:37 +01:00
fn reversed<T: copy>(v: [const T]) -> [T] {
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
let rs: [T] = [];
let i = len::<T>(v);
if i == 0u { ret rs; } else { i -= 1u; }
while i != 0u { rs += [v[i]]; i -= 1u; }
rs += [v[0]];
ret rs;
// FIXME: Seems like this should take char params. Maybe belongs in char
Function: enum_chars
Returns a vector containing a range of chars
2012-01-06 07:36:56 -08:00
fn enum_chars(start: u8, end: u8) : ::u8::le(start, end) -> [char] {
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
let i = start;
let r = [];
while i <= end { r += [i as char]; i += 1u as u8; }
ret r;
// FIXME: Probably belongs in uint. Compare to uint::range
Function: enum_uints
Returns a vector containing a range of uints
fn enum_uints(start: uint, end: uint) : uint::le(start, end) -> [uint] {
let i = start;
let r = [];
while i <= end { r += [i]; i += 1u; }
ret r;
Function: iter
Iterates over a vector
Iterates over vector `v` and, for each element, calls function `f` with the
element's value.
fn iter<T>(v: [const T], f: block(T)) {
2011-12-16 06:55:42 -08:00
iteri(v) { |_i, v| f(v) }
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
2012-01-04 11:32:26 +01:00
Function: iter2
Iterates over two vectors in parallel
fn iter2<U, T>(v: [U], v2: [T], f: block(U, T)) {
let i = 0;
for elt in v { f(elt, v2[i]); i += 1; }
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
2011-12-16 06:55:42 -08:00
Function: iteri
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
Iterates over a vector's elements and indexes
Iterates over vector `v` and, for each element, calls function `f` with the
element's value and index.
2011-12-16 06:55:42 -08:00
fn iteri<T>(v: [const T], f: block(uint, T)) {
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
let i = 0u, l = len(v);
while i < l { f(i, v[i]); i += 1u; }
Function: riter
Iterates over a vector in reverse
Iterates over vector `v` and, for each element, calls function `f` with the
element's value.
fn riter<T>(v: [const T], f: block(T)) {
2011-12-16 06:55:42 -08:00
riteri(v) { |_i, v| f(v) }
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
2011-12-16 06:55:42 -08:00
Function: riteri
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
Iterates over a vector's elements and indexes in reverse
Iterates over vector `v` and, for each element, calls function `f` with the
element's value and index.
2011-12-16 06:55:42 -08:00
fn riteri<T>(v: [const T], f: block(uint, T)) {
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
let i = len(v);
while 0u < i {
i -= 1u;
f(i, v[i]);
Function: permute
Iterate over all permutations of vector `v`. Permutations are produced in
lexicographic order with respect to the order of elements in `v` (so if `v`
is sorted then the permutations are lexicographically sorted).
The total number of permutations produced is `len(v)!`. If `v` contains
repeated elements, then some permutations are repeated.
2012-01-05 15:35:37 +01:00
fn permute<T: copy>(v: [const T], put: block([T])) {
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
let ln = len(v);
if ln == 0u {
} else {
let i = 0u;
while i < ln {
let elt = v[i];
let rest = slice(v, 0u, i) + slice(v, i+1u, ln);
permute(rest) {|permutation| put([elt] + permutation)}
i += 1u;
Function: to_ptr
FIXME: We don't need this wrapper
unsafe fn to_ptr<T>(v: [T]) -> *T { ret unsafe::to_ptr(v); }
Module: unsafe
mod unsafe {
type vec_repr = {mutable fill: uint, mutable alloc: uint, data: u8};
Function: from_buf
Constructs a vector from an unsafe pointer to a buffer
ptr - An unsafe pointer to a buffer of `T`
elts - The number of elements in the buffer
unsafe fn from_buf<T>(ptr: *T, elts: uint) -> [T] {
ret rustrt::vec_from_buf_shared(sys::get_type_desc::<T>(),
ptr, elts);
Function: set_len
Sets the length of a vector
This well explicitly set the size of the vector, without actually
modifing its buffers, so it is up to the caller to ensure that
the vector is actually the specified size.
unsafe fn set_len<T>(&v: [const T], new_len: uint) {
let repr: **vec_repr = ::unsafe::reinterpret_cast(addr_of(v));
(**repr).fill = new_len * sys::size_of::<T>();
Function: to_ptr
Returns an unsafe pointer to the vector's buffer
The caller must ensure that the vector outlives the pointer this
function returns, or else it will end up pointing to garbage.
Modifying the vector may cause its buffer to be reallocated, which
would also make any pointers to it invalid.
unsafe fn to_ptr<T>(v: [const T]) -> *T {
let repr: **vec_repr = ::unsafe::reinterpret_cast(addr_of(v));
ret ::unsafe::reinterpret_cast(addr_of((**repr).data));
2012-01-06 07:36:56 -08:00
Module: u8
mod u8 {
export cmp;
export lt, le, eq, ne, ge, gt;
export hash;
#[abi = "cdecl"]
native mod libc {
fn memcmp(s1: *u8, s2: *u8, n: ctypes::size_t) -> ctypes::c_int;
Function cmp
Bytewise string comparison
pure fn cmp(&&a: [u8], &&b: [u8]) -> int unsafe {
let a_len = len(a);
let b_len = len(b);
let n = math::min(a_len, b_len) as ctypes::size_t;
let r = libc::memcmp(to_ptr(a), to_ptr(b), n) as int;
if r != 0 { r } else {
if a_len == b_len {
} else if a_len < b_len {
} else {
Function: lt
Bytewise less than or equal
pure fn lt(&&a: [u8], &&b: [u8]) -> bool { cmp(a, b) < 0 }
Function: le
Bytewise less than or equal
pure fn le(&&a: [u8], &&b: [u8]) -> bool { cmp(a, b) <= 0 }
Function: eq
Bytewise equality
pure fn eq(&&a: [u8], &&b: [u8]) -> bool unsafe { cmp(a, b) == 0 }
Function: ne
Bytewise inequality
pure fn ne(&&a: [u8], &&b: [u8]) -> bool unsafe { cmp(a, b) != 0 }
Function: ge
Bytewise greater than or equal
pure fn ge(&&a: [u8], &&b: [u8]) -> bool { cmp(a, b) >= 0 }
Function: gt
Bytewise greater than
pure fn gt(&&a: [u8], &&b: [u8]) -> bool { cmp(a, b) > 0 }
Function: hash
String hash function
fn hash(&&s: [u8]) -> uint {
// djb hash.
// FIXME: replace with murmur.
let u: uint = 5381u;
vec::iter(s, { |c| u *= 33u; u += c as uint; });
ret u;
2011-12-13 16:25:51 -08:00
// Local Variables:
// mode: rust;
// fill-column: 78;
// indent-tabs-mode: nil
// c-basic-offset: 4
// buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix
// End: