2020-10-18 13:09:00 +03:00
//! `completions` crate provides utilities for generating completions of user input.
2020-10-25 10:59:15 +03:00
mod config ;
mod item ;
mod context ;
2020-07-04 18:53:30 +02:00
mod patterns ;
2020-10-20 21:29:31 +02:00
mod generated_lint_completions ;
2020-07-04 18:53:30 +02:00
#[ cfg(test) ]
mod test_utils ;
2020-11-01 12:35:04 +03:00
mod render ;
2019-01-08 22:33:36 +03:00
2020-10-25 10:59:15 +03:00
mod completions ;
2019-01-08 22:33:36 +03:00
2021-01-17 02:52:36 +02:00
use completions ::flyimport ::position_for_import ;
2020-12-04 16:03:22 +02:00
use ide_db ::{
base_db ::FilePosition , helpers ::insert_use ::ImportScope , imports_locator , RootDatabase ,
} ;
use text_edit ::TextEdit ;
2019-01-08 22:33:36 +03:00
2020-10-25 11:26:38 +03:00
use crate ::{ completions ::Completions , context ::CompletionContext , item ::CompletionKind } ;
2019-01-08 22:33:36 +03:00
2020-10-18 13:09:00 +03:00
pub use crate ::{
2021-01-06 20:23:53 +03:00
config ::CompletionConfig ,
2020-12-04 10:02:22 +02:00
item ::{ CompletionItem , CompletionItemKind , CompletionScore , ImportEdit , InsertTextFormat } ,
2019-07-04 23:05:17 +03:00
} ;
2019-01-08 22:33:36 +03:00
2020-05-31 11:29:19 +02:00
//FIXME: split the following feature into fine-grained features.
// Feature: Magic Completions
// In addition to usual reference completion, rust-analyzer provides some ✨magic✨
// completions as well:
// Keywords like `if`, `else` `while`, `loop` are completed with braces, and cursor
// is placed at the appropriate position. Even though `if` is easy to type, you
// still want to complete it, to get ` { }` for free! `return` is inserted with a
// space or `;` depending on the return type of the function.
// When completing a function call, `()` are automatically inserted. If a function
// takes arguments, the cursor is positioned inside the parenthesis.
// There are postfix completions, which can be triggered by typing something like
// `foo().if`. The word after `.` determines postfix completion. Possible variants are:
// - `expr.if` -> `if expr {}` or `if let ... {}` for `Option` or `Result`
// - `expr.match` -> `match expr {}`
// - `expr.while` -> `while expr {}` or `while let ... {}` for `Option` or `Result`
// - `expr.ref` -> `&expr`
// - `expr.refm` -> `&mut expr`
2021-01-06 20:15:48 +00:00
// - `expr.let` -> `let $0 = expr;`
// - `expr.letm` -> `let mut $0 = expr;`
2020-05-31 11:29:19 +02:00
// - `expr.not` -> `!expr`
// - `expr.dbg` -> `dbg!(expr)`
2020-10-14 16:23:51 +03:00
// - `expr.dbgr` -> `dbg!(&expr)`
// - `expr.call` -> `(expr)`
2020-05-31 11:29:19 +02:00
// There also snippet completions:
// .Expressions
2020-07-19 18:25:19 +02:00
// - `pd` -> `eprintln!(" = {:?}", );`
2020-07-02 11:06:00 +08:00
// - `ppd` -> `eprintln!(" = {:#?}", );`
2020-05-31 11:29:19 +02:00
// .Items
2020-07-02 11:06:00 +08:00
// - `tfn` -> `#[test] fn feature(){}`
2020-05-31 11:29:19 +02:00
// - `tmod` ->
// ```rust
// #[cfg(test)]
// mod tests {
// use super::*;
// #[test]
2020-07-02 11:06:00 +08:00
// fn test_name() {}
2020-05-31 11:29:19 +02:00
// }
// ```
2020-11-25 00:42:58 +02:00
2020-12-08 14:27:18 +02:00
// And the auto import completions, enabled with the `rust-analyzer.completion.autoimport.enable` setting and the corresponding LSP client capabilities.
// Those are the additional completion options with automatic `use` import and options from all project importable items,
// fuzzy matched agains the completion imput.
2020-05-31 11:29:19 +02:00
2019-01-08 22:33:36 +03:00
/// Main entry point for completion. We run completion as a two-phase process.
/// First, we look at the position and collect a so-called `CompletionContext.
/// This is a somewhat messy process, because, during completion, syntax tree is
/// incomplete and can look really weird.
/// Once the context is collected, we run a series of completion routines which
2019-02-11 17:18:27 +01:00
/// look at the context and produce completion items. One subtlety about this
2019-01-08 22:33:36 +03:00
/// phase is that completion engine should not filter by the substring which is
/// already present, it should give all possible variants for the identifier at
/// the caret. In other words, for
2020-08-22 22:03:02 +03:00
/// ```no_run
2019-01-08 22:33:36 +03:00
/// fn f() {
/// let foo = 92;
2021-01-06 20:15:48 +00:00
/// let _ = bar$0
2019-01-08 22:33:36 +03:00
/// }
/// ```
/// `foo` *should* be present among the completion variants. Filtering by
/// identifier prefix/fuzzy match should be done higher in the stack, together
/// with ordering of completions (currently this is done by the client).
2020-10-18 13:09:00 +03:00
pub fn completions (
2020-03-10 18:39:17 +01:00
db : & RootDatabase ,
2020-03-31 16:02:55 +02:00
config : & CompletionConfig ,
2020-05-17 12:09:53 +02:00
position : FilePosition ,
2020-03-10 18:39:17 +01:00
) -> Option < Completions > {
2020-03-31 16:02:55 +02:00
let ctx = CompletionContext ::new ( db , position , config ) ? ;
2019-01-08 22:33:36 +03:00
2020-10-12 10:59:15 +03:00
if ctx . no_completion_required ( ) {
// No work required here.
return None ;
2019-01-08 22:33:36 +03:00
let mut acc = Completions ::default ( ) ;
2020-10-25 10:59:15 +03:00
completions ::attribute ::complete_attribute ( & mut acc , & ctx ) ;
completions ::fn_param ::complete_fn_param ( & mut acc , & ctx ) ;
completions ::keyword ::complete_expr_keyword ( & mut acc , & ctx ) ;
completions ::keyword ::complete_use_tree_keyword ( & mut acc , & ctx ) ;
completions ::snippet ::complete_expr_snippet ( & mut acc , & ctx ) ;
completions ::snippet ::complete_item_snippet ( & mut acc , & ctx ) ;
completions ::qualified_path ::complete_qualified_path ( & mut acc , & ctx ) ;
completions ::unqualified_path ::complete_unqualified_path ( & mut acc , & ctx ) ;
completions ::dot ::complete_dot ( & mut acc , & ctx ) ;
completions ::record ::complete_record ( & mut acc , & ctx ) ;
completions ::pattern ::complete_pattern ( & mut acc , & ctx ) ;
completions ::postfix ::complete_postfix ( & mut acc , & ctx ) ;
completions ::macro_in_item_position ::complete_macro_in_item_position ( & mut acc , & ctx ) ;
completions ::trait_impl ::complete_trait_impl ( & mut acc , & ctx ) ;
completions ::mod_ ::complete_mod ( & mut acc , & ctx ) ;
2021-01-16 19:33:36 +02:00
completions ::flyimport ::import_on_the_fly ( & mut acc , & ctx ) ;
2020-02-09 12:24:34 -06:00
2019-01-15 21:09:51 +03:00
Some ( acc )
2019-01-08 22:33:36 +03:00
2020-05-31 11:33:48 -04:00
2020-12-04 16:03:22 +02:00
/// Resolves additional completion data at the position given.
pub fn resolve_completion_edits (
db : & RootDatabase ,
config : & CompletionConfig ,
position : FilePosition ,
full_import_path : & str ,
2020-12-29 14:35:49 +02:00
imported_name : String ,
2021-01-05 10:34:03 +02:00
import_for_trait_assoc_item : bool ,
2020-12-06 23:58:15 +02:00
) -> Option < Vec < TextEdit > > {
2020-12-04 16:03:22 +02:00
let ctx = CompletionContext ::new ( db , position , config ) ? ;
2021-01-17 02:52:36 +02:00
let position_for_import = position_for_import ( & ctx , None ) ? ;
let import_scope = ImportScope ::find_insert_use_container ( position_for_import , & ctx . sema ) ? ;
2020-12-04 16:03:22 +02:00
2021-01-17 02:52:36 +02:00
let current_module = ctx . sema . scope ( position_for_import ) . module ( ) ? ;
2020-12-04 16:03:22 +02:00
let current_crate = current_module . krate ( ) ;
let import_path = imports_locator ::find_exact_imports ( & ctx . sema , current_crate , imported_name )
. filter_map ( | candidate | {
let item : hir ::ItemInNs = candidate . either ( Into ::into , Into ::into ) ;
2021-02-20 13:53:50 +02:00
current_module . find_use_path_prefixed ( db , item , config . insert_use . prefix_kind )
2020-12-04 16:03:22 +02:00
} )
. find ( | mod_path | mod_path . to_string ( ) = = full_import_path ) ? ;
2021-01-05 10:34:03 +02:00
ImportEdit { import_path , import_scope , import_for_trait_assoc_item }
2021-01-16 19:33:36 +02:00
. to_text_edit ( config . insert_use . merge )
. map ( | edit | vec! [ edit ] )
2020-12-04 16:03:22 +02:00
2020-05-31 11:33:48 -04:00
#[ cfg(test) ]
mod tests {
2021-01-06 20:43:46 +03:00
use crate ::test_utils ::{ self , TEST_CONFIG } ;
2020-05-31 11:33:48 -04:00
struct DetailAndDocumentation < ' a > {
detail : & ' a str ,
documentation : & ' a str ,
2020-07-01 18:08:45 +03:00
fn check_detail_and_documentation ( ra_fixture : & str , expected : DetailAndDocumentation ) {
2020-10-18 13:09:00 +03:00
let ( db , position ) = test_utils ::position ( ra_fixture ) ;
2021-01-06 20:43:46 +03:00
let config = TEST_CONFIG ;
2020-10-18 13:09:00 +03:00
let completions : Vec < _ > = crate ::completions ( & db , & config , position ) . unwrap ( ) . into ( ) ;
2020-05-31 11:33:48 -04:00
for item in completions {
if item . detail ( ) = = Some ( expected . detail ) {
let opt = item . documentation ( ) ;
let doc = opt . as_ref ( ) . map ( | it | it . as_str ( ) ) ;
assert_eq! ( doc , Some ( expected . documentation ) ) ;
return ;
panic! ( " completion detail not found: {} " , expected . detail )
2020-10-12 10:59:15 +03:00
fn check_no_completion ( ra_fixture : & str ) {
2020-10-18 13:09:00 +03:00
let ( db , position ) = test_utils ::position ( ra_fixture ) ;
2021-01-06 20:43:46 +03:00
let config = TEST_CONFIG ;
2020-10-12 10:59:15 +03:00
2020-10-18 13:09:00 +03:00
let completions : Option < Vec < String > > = crate ::completions ( & db , & config , position )
. and_then ( | completions | {
let completions : Vec < _ > = completions . into ( ) ;
if completions . is_empty ( ) {
} else {
Some ( completions )
} )
2020-10-12 10:59:15 +03:00
. map ( | completions | {
completions . into_iter ( ) . map ( | completion | format! ( " {:?} " , completion ) ) . collect ( )
} ) ;
// `assert_eq` instead of `assert!(completions.is_none())` to get the list of completions if test will panic.
assert_eq! ( completions , None , " Completions were generated, but weren't expected " ) ;
2020-05-31 11:33:48 -04:00
#[ test ]
fn test_completion_detail_from_macro_generated_struct_fn_doc_attr ( ) {
check_detail_and_documentation (
r #"
2021-01-22 19:05:28 +03:00
macro_rules ! bar {
( ) = > {
struct Bar ;
impl Bar {
#[ doc = " Do the foo " ]
fn foo ( & self ) { }
2020-05-31 11:33:48 -04:00
2021-01-22 19:05:28 +03:00
bar! ( ) ;
2020-05-31 11:33:48 -04:00
2021-01-22 19:05:28 +03:00
fn foo ( ) {
let bar = Bar ;
bar . fo $ 0 ;
" #,
2021-01-22 18:59:22 +03:00
DetailAndDocumentation { detail : " -> () " , documentation : " Do the foo " } ,
2020-05-31 11:33:48 -04:00
) ;
#[ test ]
fn test_completion_detail_from_macro_generated_struct_fn_doc_comment ( ) {
check_detail_and_documentation (
r #"
2021-01-22 19:05:28 +03:00
macro_rules ! bar {
( ) = > {
struct Bar ;
impl Bar {
/// Do the foo
fn foo ( & self ) { }
2020-05-31 11:33:48 -04:00
2021-01-22 19:05:28 +03:00
bar! ( ) ;
2020-05-31 11:33:48 -04:00
2021-01-22 19:05:28 +03:00
fn foo ( ) {
let bar = Bar ;
bar . fo $ 0 ;
" #,
2021-01-22 18:59:22 +03:00
DetailAndDocumentation { detail : " -> () " , documentation : " Do the foo " } ,
2020-05-31 11:33:48 -04:00
) ;
2020-10-12 10:59:15 +03:00
#[ test ]
fn test_no_completions_required ( ) {
2020-10-17 10:47:35 +03:00
// There must be no hint for 'in' keyword.
2021-01-22 19:05:28 +03:00
check_no_completion ( r # "fn foo() { for i i$0 }"# ) ;
2020-10-17 10:47:35 +03:00
// After 'in' keyword hints may be spawned.
check_detail_and_documentation (
r #"
2021-01-22 19:05:28 +03:00
/// Do the foo
fn foo ( ) -> & 'static str { " foo " }
2020-10-17 10:47:35 +03:00
2021-01-22 19:05:28 +03:00
fn bar ( ) {
for c in fo $ 0
" #,
2021-01-22 18:59:22 +03:00
DetailAndDocumentation { detail : " -> &str " , documentation : " Do the foo " } ,
2020-10-17 10:47:35 +03:00
) ;
2020-10-12 10:59:15 +03:00
2020-05-31 11:33:48 -04:00