Move the rest of the features to generated docs
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
//! FIXME: write short doc here
mod completion_config;
mod completion_item;
mod completion_context;
@ -35,6 +33,51 @@ pub use crate::completion::{
completion_item::{CompletionItem, CompletionItemKind, CompletionScore, InsertTextFormat},
//FIXME: split the following feature into fine-grained features.
// Feature: Magic Completions
// In addition to usual reference completion, rust-analyzer provides some ✨magic✨
// completions as well:
// Keywords like `if`, `else` `while`, `loop` are completed with braces, and cursor
// is placed at the appropriate position. Even though `if` is easy to type, you
// still want to complete it, to get ` { }` for free! `return` is inserted with a
// space or `;` depending on the return type of the function.
// When completing a function call, `()` are automatically inserted. If a function
// takes arguments, the cursor is positioned inside the parenthesis.
// There are postfix completions, which can be triggered by typing something like
// `foo().if`. The word after `.` determines postfix completion. Possible variants are:
// - `expr.if` -> `if expr {}` or `if let ... {}` for `Option` or `Result`
// - `expr.match` -> `match expr {}`
// - `expr.while` -> `while expr {}` or `while let ... {}` for `Option` or `Result`
// - `expr.ref` -> `&expr`
// - `expr.refm` -> `&mut expr`
// - `expr.not` -> `!expr`
// - `expr.dbg` -> `dbg!(expr)`
// There also snippet completions:
// .Expressions
// - `pd` -> `println!("{:?}")`
// - `ppd` -> `println!("{:#?}")`
// .Items
// - `tfn` -> `#[test] fn f(){}`
// - `tmod` ->
// ```rust
// #[cfg(test)]
// mod tests {
// use super::*;
// #[test]
// fn test_fn() {}
// }
// ```
/// Main entry point for completion. We run completion as a two-phase process.
/// First, we look at the position and collect a so-called `CompletionContext.
@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
//! FIXME: write short doc here
use ra_assists::utils::TryEnum;
use ra_syntax::{
ast::{self, AstNode},
TextRange, TextSize,
use ra_text_edit::TextEdit;
use super::completion_config::SnippetCap;
use crate::{
@ -14,7 +13,8 @@ use crate::{
use ra_assists::utils::TryEnum;
use super::completion_config::SnippetCap;
pub(super) fn complete_postfix(acc: &mut Completions, ctx: &CompletionContext) {
if !ctx.config.enable_postfix_completions {
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
//! Logic for computing info that is displayed when the user hovers over any
//! source code items (e.g. function call, struct field, variable symbol...)
use std::iter::once;
use hir::{
Adt, AsAssocItem, AssocItemContainer, FieldSource, HasSource, HirDisplay, ModuleDef,
ModuleSource, Semantics,
use itertools::Itertools;
use ra_db::SourceDatabase;
use ra_ide_db::{
defs::{classify_name, classify_name_ref, Definition},
@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ use crate::{
display::{macro_label, rust_code_markup, rust_code_markup_with_doc, ShortLabel},
FilePosition, RangeInfo,
use itertools::Itertools;
use std::iter::once;
/// Contains the results when hovering over an item
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
@ -62,6 +60,63 @@ impl HoverResult {
// Feature: Hover
// Shows additional information, like type of an expression or documentation for definition when "focusing" code.
// Focusing is usually hovering with a mouse, but can also be triggered with a shortcut.
pub(crate) fn hover(db: &RootDatabase, position: FilePosition) -> Option<RangeInfo<HoverResult>> {
let sema = Semantics::new(db);
let file = sema.parse(position.file_id).syntax().clone();
let token = pick_best(file.token_at_offset(position.offset))?;
let token = sema.descend_into_macros(token);
let mut res = HoverResult::new();
if let Some((node, name_kind)) = match_ast! {
match (token.parent()) {
ast::NameRef(name_ref) => {
classify_name_ref(&sema, &name_ref).map(|d| (name_ref.syntax().clone(), d.definition()))
ast::Name(name) => {
classify_name(&sema, &name).map(|d| (name.syntax().clone(), d.definition()))
_ => None,
} {
let range = sema.original_range(&node).range;
res.extend(hover_text_from_name_kind(db, name_kind));
if !res.is_empty() {
return Some(RangeInfo::new(range, res));
let node = token
.find(|n| ast::Expr::cast(n.clone()).is_some() || ast::Pat::cast(n.clone()).is_some())?;
let ty = match_ast! {
match node {
ast::MacroCall(_it) => {
// If this node is a MACRO_CALL, it means that `descend_into_macros` failed to resolve.
// (e.g expanding a builtin macro). So we give up here.
return None;
ast::Expr(it) => {
ast::Pat(it) => {
_ => None,
let range = sema.original_range(&node).range;
Some(RangeInfo::new(range, res))
fn hover_text(
docs: Option<String>,
desc: Option<String>,
@ -160,59 +215,6 @@ fn hover_text_from_name_kind(db: &RootDatabase, def: Definition) -> Option<Strin
pub(crate) fn hover(db: &RootDatabase, position: FilePosition) -> Option<RangeInfo<HoverResult>> {
let sema = Semantics::new(db);
let file = sema.parse(position.file_id).syntax().clone();
let token = pick_best(file.token_at_offset(position.offset))?;
let token = sema.descend_into_macros(token);
let mut res = HoverResult::new();
if let Some((node, name_kind)) = match_ast! {
match (token.parent()) {
ast::NameRef(name_ref) => {
classify_name_ref(&sema, &name_ref).map(|d| (name_ref.syntax().clone(), d.definition()))
ast::Name(name) => {
classify_name(&sema, &name).map(|d| (name.syntax().clone(), d.definition()))
_ => None,
} {
let range = sema.original_range(&node).range;
res.extend(hover_text_from_name_kind(db, name_kind));
if !res.is_empty() {
return Some(RangeInfo::new(range, res));
let node = token
.find(|n| ast::Expr::cast(n.clone()).is_some() || ast::Pat::cast(n.clone()).is_some())?;
let ty = match_ast! {
match node {
ast::MacroCall(_it) => {
// If this node is a MACRO_CALL, it means that `descend_into_macros` failed to resolve.
// (e.g expanding a builtin macro). So we give up here.
return None;
ast::Expr(it) => {
ast::Pat(it) => {
_ => None,
let range = sema.original_range(&node).range;
Some(RangeInfo::new(range, res))
fn pick_best(tokens: TokenAtOffset<SyntaxToken>) -> Option<SyntaxToken> {
return tokens.max_by_key(priority);
fn priority(n: &SyntaxToken) -> usize {
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
//! This module defines multiple types of inlay hints and their visibility
use hir::{Adt, HirDisplay, Semantics, Type};
use ra_ide_db::RootDatabase;
use ra_prof::profile;
@ -39,6 +37,26 @@ pub struct InlayHint {
pub label: SmolStr,
// Feature: Inlay Hints
// rust-analyzer shows additional information inline with the source code.
// Editors usually render this using read-only virtual text snippets interspersed with code.
// rust-analyzer shows hits for
// * types of local variables
// * names of function arguments
// * types of chained expressions
// **Note:** VS Code does not have native support for inlay hints[yet] and the hints are implemented using decorations.
// This approach has limitations, the caret movement and bracket highlighting near the edges of the hint may be weird:
// |===
// | Editor | Action Name
// | VS Code | **Rust Analyzer: Toggle inlay hints*
// |===
pub(crate) fn inlay_hints(
db: &RootDatabase,
file_id: FileId,
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
//! Implements syntax highlighting.
mod tags;
mod html;
@ -32,81 +30,15 @@ pub struct HighlightedRange {
pub binding_hash: Option<u64>,
struct HighlightedRangeStack {
stack: Vec<Vec<HighlightedRange>>,
/// We use a stack to implement the flattening logic for the highlighted
/// syntax ranges.
impl HighlightedRangeStack {
fn new() -> Self {
Self { stack: vec![Vec::new()] }
fn push(&mut self) {
/// Flattens the highlighted ranges.
/// For example `#[cfg(feature = "foo")]` contains the nested ranges:
/// 1) parent-range: Attribute [0, 23)
/// 2) child-range: String [16, 21)
/// The following code implements the flattening, for our example this results to:
/// `[Attribute [0, 16), String [16, 21), Attribute [21, 23)]`
fn pop(&mut self) {
let children = self.stack.pop().unwrap();
let prev = self.stack.last_mut().unwrap();
let needs_flattening = !children.is_empty()
&& !prev.is_empty()
&& prev.last().unwrap().range.contains_range(children.first().unwrap().range);
if !needs_flattening {
} else {
let mut parent = prev.pop().unwrap();
for ele in children {
let mut cloned = parent.clone();
parent.range = TextRange::new(parent.range.start(), ele.range.start());
cloned.range = TextRange::new(ele.range.end(), cloned.range.end());
if !parent.range.is_empty() {
parent = cloned;
if !parent.range.is_empty() {
fn add(&mut self, range: HighlightedRange) {
.expect("during DFS traversal, the stack must not be empty")
fn flattened(mut self) -> Vec<HighlightedRange> {
"after DFS traversal, the stack should only contain a single element"
let mut res = self.stack.pop().unwrap();
res.sort_by_key(|range| range.range.start());
// Check that ranges are sorted and disjoint
.all(|(left, right)| left.range.end() <= right.range.start()));
// Feature: Semantic Syntax Highlighting
// rust-analyzer highlights the code semantically.
// For example, `bar` in `foo::Bar` might be colored differently depending on whether `Bar` is an enum or a trait.
// rust-analyzer does not specify colors directly, instead it assigns tag (like `struct`) and a set of modifiers (like `declaration`) to each token.
// It's up to the client to map those to specific colors.
// The general rule is that a reference to an entity gets colored the same way as the entity itself.
// We also give special modifier for `mut` and `&mut` local variables.
pub(crate) fn highlight(
db: &RootDatabase,
file_id: FileId,
@ -291,6 +223,81 @@ pub(crate) fn highlight(
struct HighlightedRangeStack {
stack: Vec<Vec<HighlightedRange>>,
/// We use a stack to implement the flattening logic for the highlighted
/// syntax ranges.
impl HighlightedRangeStack {
fn new() -> Self {
Self { stack: vec![Vec::new()] }
fn push(&mut self) {
/// Flattens the highlighted ranges.
/// For example `#[cfg(feature = "foo")]` contains the nested ranges:
/// 1) parent-range: Attribute [0, 23)
/// 2) child-range: String [16, 21)
/// The following code implements the flattening, for our example this results to:
/// `[Attribute [0, 16), String [16, 21), Attribute [21, 23)]`
fn pop(&mut self) {
let children = self.stack.pop().unwrap();
let prev = self.stack.last_mut().unwrap();
let needs_flattening = !children.is_empty()
&& !prev.is_empty()
&& prev.last().unwrap().range.contains_range(children.first().unwrap().range);
if !needs_flattening {
} else {
let mut parent = prev.pop().unwrap();
for ele in children {
let mut cloned = parent.clone();
parent.range = TextRange::new(parent.range.start(), ele.range.start());
cloned.range = TextRange::new(ele.range.end(), cloned.range.end());
if !parent.range.is_empty() {
parent = cloned;
if !parent.range.is_empty() {
fn add(&mut self, range: HighlightedRange) {
.expect("during DFS traversal, the stack must not be empty")
fn flattened(mut self) -> Vec<HighlightedRange> {
"after DFS traversal, the stack should only contain a single element"
let mut res = self.stack.pop().unwrap();
res.sort_by_key(|range| range.range.start());
// Check that ranges are sorted and disjoint
.all(|(left, right)| left.range.end() <= right.range.start()));
fn highlight_format_specifier(kind: FormatSpecifier) -> Option<HighlightTag> {
Some(match kind {
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
use ra_db::SourceDatabase;
use ra_db::{FileId, SourceDatabase};
use ra_ide_db::RootDatabase;
use ra_syntax::{
algo, AstNode, NodeOrToken, SourceFile,
@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
This document is an index of features that the rust-analyzer language server
provides. Shortcuts are for the default VS Code layout. If there's no shortcut,
you can use <kbd>Ctrl+Shift+P</kbd> to search for the corresponding action.
### Commands <kbd>ctrl+shift+p</kbd>
#### Toggle inlay hints
Toggle inlay hints view for the current workspace.
It is recommended to assign a shortcut for this command to quickly turn off
inlay hints when they prevent you from reading/writing the code.
### Magic Completions
In addition to usual reference completion, rust-analyzer provides some ✨magic✨
completions as well:
Keywords like `if`, `else` `while`, `loop` are completed with braces, and cursor
is placed at the appropriate position. Even though `if` is easy to type, you
still want to complete it, to get ` { }` for free! `return` is inserted with a
space or `;` depending on the return type of the function.
When completing a function call, `()` are automatically inserted. If a function
takes arguments, the cursor is positioned inside the parenthesis.
There are postfix completions, which can be triggered by typing something like
`foo().if`. The word after `.` determines postfix completion. Possible variants are:
- `expr.if` -> `if expr {}` or `if let ... {}` for `Option` or `Result`
- `expr.match` -> `match expr {}`
- `expr.while` -> `while expr {}` or `while let ... {}` for `Option` or `Result`
- `expr.ref` -> `&expr`
- `expr.refm` -> `&mut expr`
- `expr.not` -> `!expr`
- `expr.dbg` -> `dbg!(expr)`
There also snippet completions:
#### Inside Expressions
- `pd` -> `println!("{:?}")`
- `ppd` -> `println!("{:#?}")`
#### Inside Modules
- `tfn` -> `#[test] fn f(){}`
- `tmod` ->
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_fn() {}
### Code Highlighting
Experimental feature to let rust-analyzer highlight Rust code instead of using the
default highlighter.
#### Rainbow Highlighting
Experimental feature that, given code highlighting using rust-analyzer is
active, will pick unique colors for identifiers.
### Code hints
Rust-analyzer has two types of hints to show the information about the code:
* hover hints, appearing on hover on any element.
These contain extended information on the hovered language item.
* inlay hints, shown near the element hinted directly in the editor.
Two types of inlay hints are displayed currently:
* type hints, displaying the minimal information on the type of the expression (if the information is available)
* method chaining hints, type information for multi-line method chains
* parameter name hints, displaying the names of the parameters in the corresponding methods
#### VS Code
In VS Code, the following settings can be used to configure the inlay hints:
* `rust-analyzer.inlayHints.typeHints` - enable hints for inferred types.
* `rust-analyzer.inlayHints.chainingHints` - enable hints for inferred types on method chains.
* `rust-analyzer.inlayHints.parameterHints` - enable hints for function parameters.
* `rust-analyzer.inlayHints.maxLength` — shortens the hints if their length exceeds the value specified. If no value is specified (`null`), no shortening is applied.
**Note:** VS Code does not have native support for inlay hints [yet]( and the hints are implemented using decorations.
This approach has limitations, the caret movement and bracket highlighting near the edges of the hint may be weird:
[1](, [2](
@ -1,3 +1,16 @@
=== Expand Macro Recursively
Shows the full macro expansion of the macro at current cursor.
| Editor | Action Name
| VS Code | **Rust Analyzer: Expand macro recursively**
=== Extend Selection
@ -68,6 +81,38 @@ Navigates to the type of an identifier.
=== Hover
Shows additional information, like type of an expression or documentation for definition when "focusing" code.
Focusing is usually hovering with a mouse, but can also be triggered with a shortcut.
=== Inlay Hints
rust-analyzer shows additional information inline with the source code.
Editors usually render this using read-only virtual text snippets interspersed with code.
rust-analyzer shows hits for
* types of local variables
* names of function arguments
* types of chained expressions
**Note:** VS Code does not have native support for inlay hints[yet] and the hints are implemented using decorations.
This approach has limitations, the caret movement and bracket highlighting near the edges of the hint may be weird:
| Editor | Action Name
| VS Code | **Rust Analyzer: Toggle inlay hints*
=== Join Lines
@ -81,6 +126,52 @@ Join selected lines into one, smartly fixing up whitespace, trailing commas, and
=== Magic Completions
In addition to usual reference completion, rust-analyzer provides some ✨magic✨
completions as well:
Keywords like `if`, `else` `while`, `loop` are completed with braces, and cursor
is placed at the appropriate position. Even though `if` is easy to type, you
still want to complete it, to get ` { }` for free! `return` is inserted with a
space or `;` depending on the return type of the function.
When completing a function call, `()` are automatically inserted. If a function
takes arguments, the cursor is positioned inside the parenthesis.
There are postfix completions, which can be triggered by typing something like
`foo().if`. The word after `.` determines postfix completion. Possible variants are:
- `expr.if` -> `if expr {}` or `if let ... {}` for `Option` or `Result`
- `expr.match` -> `match expr {}`
- `expr.while` -> `while expr {}` or `while let ... {}` for `Option` or `Result`
- `expr.ref` -> `&expr`
- `expr.refm` -> `&mut expr`
- `expr.not` -> `!expr`
- `expr.dbg` -> `dbg!(expr)`
There also snippet completions:
- `pd` -> `println!("{:?}")`
- `ppd` -> `println!("{:#?}")`
- `tfn` -> `#[test] fn f(){}`
- `tmod` ->
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_fn() {}
=== Matching Brace
@ -135,6 +226,19 @@ to a shortcut!
=== Semantic Syntax Highlighting
rust-analyzer highlights the code semantically.
For example, `bar` in `foo::Bar` might be colored differently depending on whether `Bar` is an enum or a trait.
rust-analyzer does not specify colors directly, instead it assigns tag (like `struct`) and a set of modifiers (like `declaration`) to each token.
It's up to the client to map those to specific colors.
The general rule is that a reference to an entity gets colored the same way as the entity itself.
We also give special modifier for `mut` and `&mut` local variables.
=== Show Syntax Tree
@ -149,6 +253,45 @@ rust-analyzer itself.
=== Status
Shows internal statistic about memory usage of rust-analyzer.
| Editor | Action Name
| VS Code | **Rust Analyzer: Status**
=== Structural Seach and Replace
Search and replace with named wildcards that will match any expression.
The syntax for a structural search replace command is `<search_pattern> ==>> <replace_pattern>`.
A `$<name>:expr` placeholder in the search pattern will match any expression and `$<name>` will reference it in the replacement.
Available via the command `rust-analyzer.ssr`.
// Using structural search replace command [foo($a:expr, $b:expr) ==>> ($a).foo($b)]
String::from(foo(y + 5, z))
String::from((y + 5).foo(z))
| Editor | Action Name
| VS Code | **Rust Analyzer: Structural Search Replace**
=== Workspace Symbol
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
:important-caption: :heavy_exclamation_mark:
:caution-caption: :fire:
:warning-caption: :warning:
:source-highlighter: rouge
// Master copy of this document lives in the repository
@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ impl Feature {
fn is_valid_feature_name(feature: &str) -> bool {
'word: for word in feature.split_whitespace() {
for &short in ["to"].iter() {
for &short in ["to", "and"].iter() {
if word == short {
continue 'word;
for &short in ["To"].iter() {
for &short in ["To", "And"].iter() {
if word == short {
return false;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user