
747 lines
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// Copyright 2013-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
2017-04-20 00:31:34 +02:00
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::env;
use std::ffi::OsString;
2015-03-11 15:24:14 -07:00
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::io;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
std: Stabilize APIs for the 1.9 release This commit applies all stabilizations, renamings, and deprecations that the library team has decided on for the upcoming 1.9 release. All tracking issues have gone through a cycle-long "final comment period" and the specific APIs stabilized/deprecated are: Stable * `std::panic` * `std::panic::catch_unwind` (renamed from `recover`) * `std::panic::resume_unwind` (renamed from `propagate`) * `std::panic::AssertUnwindSafe` (renamed from `AssertRecoverSafe`) * `std::panic::UnwindSafe` (renamed from `RecoverSafe`) * `str::is_char_boundary` * `<*const T>::as_ref` * `<*mut T>::as_ref` * `<*mut T>::as_mut` * `AsciiExt::make_ascii_uppercase` * `AsciiExt::make_ascii_lowercase` * `char::decode_utf16` * `char::DecodeUtf16` * `char::DecodeUtf16Error` * `char::DecodeUtf16Error::unpaired_surrogate` * `BTreeSet::take` * `BTreeSet::replace` * `BTreeSet::get` * `HashSet::take` * `HashSet::replace` * `HashSet::get` * `OsString::with_capacity` * `OsString::clear` * `OsString::capacity` * `OsString::reserve` * `OsString::reserve_exact` * `OsStr::is_empty` * `OsStr::len` * `std::os::unix::thread` * `RawPthread` * `JoinHandleExt` * `JoinHandleExt::as_pthread_t` * `JoinHandleExt::into_pthread_t` * `HashSet::hasher` * `HashMap::hasher` * `CommandExt::exec` * `File::try_clone` * `SocketAddr::set_ip` * `SocketAddr::set_port` * `SocketAddrV4::set_ip` * `SocketAddrV4::set_port` * `SocketAddrV6::set_ip` * `SocketAddrV6::set_port` * `SocketAddrV6::set_flowinfo` * `SocketAddrV6::set_scope_id` * `<[T]>::copy_from_slice` * `ptr::read_volatile` * `ptr::write_volatile` * The `#[deprecated]` attribute * `OpenOptions::create_new` Deprecated * `std::raw::Slice` - use raw parts of `slice` module instead * `std::raw::Repr` - use raw parts of `slice` module instead * `str::char_range_at` - use slicing plus `chars()` plus `len_utf8` * `str::char_range_at_reverse` - use slicing plus `chars().rev()` plus `len_utf8` * `str::char_at` - use slicing plus `chars()` * `str::char_at_reverse` - use slicing plus `chars().rev()` * `str::slice_shift_char` - use `chars()` plus `Chars::as_str` * `CommandExt::session_leader` - use `before_exec` instead. Closes #27719 cc #27751 (deprecating the `Slice` bits) Closes #27754 Closes #27780 Closes #27809 Closes #27811 Closes #27830 Closes #28050 Closes #29453 Closes #29791 Closes #29935 Closes #30014 Closes #30752 Closes #31262 cc #31398 (still need to deal with `before_exec`) Closes #31405 Closes #31572 Closes #31755 Closes #31756
2016-04-07 10:42:53 -07:00
use std::panic::{self, AssertUnwindSafe};
use std::process::Command;
2015-11-22 21:02:04 +02:00
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::str;
2015-03-11 15:24:14 -07:00
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
2014-02-14 09:49:11 +08:00
use testing;
use rustc_lint;
use rustc::hir;
use rustc::hir::intravisit;
use rustc::session::{self, CompileIncomplete, config};
use rustc::session::config::{OutputType, OutputTypes, Externs};
use rustc::session::search_paths::{SearchPaths, PathKind};
use rustc_metadata::dynamic_lib::DynamicLibrary;
use tempdir::TempDir;
use rustc_driver::{self, driver, Compilation};
use rustc_driver::driver::phase_2_configure_and_expand;
2015-11-25 01:23:22 +02:00
use rustc_metadata::cstore::CStore;
use rustc_resolve::MakeGlobMap;
use rustc_trans;
use rustc_trans::back::link;
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::codemap::CodeMap;
use syntax::feature_gate::UnstableFeatures;
use syntax_pos::{BytePos, DUMMY_SP, Pos, Span, FileName};
use errors;
use errors::emitter::ColorConfig;
use clean::Attributes;
2017-04-21 00:32:23 +02:00
use html::markdown::{self, RenderType};
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
pub struct TestOptions {
pub no_crate_inject: bool,
pub attrs: Vec<String>,
pub fn run(input_path: &Path,
cfgs: Vec<String>,
libs: SearchPaths,
externs: Externs,
mut test_args: Vec<String>,
crate_name: Option<String>,
2017-04-21 00:32:23 +02:00
maybe_sysroot: Option<PathBuf>,
render_type: RenderType,
display_warnings: bool,
linker: Option<PathBuf>)
-> isize {
let input = config::Input::File(input_path.to_owned());
let sessopts = config::Options {
maybe_sysroot: maybe_sysroot.clone().or_else(
|| Some(env::current_exe().unwrap().parent().unwrap().parent().unwrap().to_path_buf())),
search_paths: libs.clone(),
crate_types: vec![config::CrateTypeDylib],
externs: externs.clone(),
unstable_features: UnstableFeatures::from_environment(),
lint_cap: Some(::rustc::lint::Level::Allow),
actually_rustdoc: true,
let codemap = Rc::new(CodeMap::new(sessopts.file_path_mapping()));
let handler =
2017-11-20 01:23:44 +00:00
2017-11-20 18:03:20 +00:00
true, false,
2017-11-20 01:23:44 +00:00
let cstore = Rc::new(CStore::new(box rustc_trans::LlvmMetadataLoader));
let mut sess = session::build_session_(
sessopts, Some(input_path.to_owned()), handler, codemap.clone(),
rustc_lint::register_builtins(&mut sess.lint_store.borrow_mut(), Some(&sess));
sess.parse_sess.config =
config::build_configuration(&sess, config::parse_cfgspecs(cfgs.clone()));
let krate = panictry!(driver::phase_1_parse_input(&driver::CompileController::basic(),
2017-01-12 20:33:01 +01:00
let driver::ExpansionResult { defs, mut hir_forest, .. } = {
|_| Ok(()),
).expect("phase_2_configure_and_expand aborted in rustdoc!")
let crate_name = crate_name.unwrap_or_else(|| {
link::find_crate_name(None, &hir_forest.krate().attrs, &input)
let opts = scrape_test_config(hir_forest.krate());
let mut collector = Collector::new(crate_name,
2017-04-21 00:32:23 +02:00
let map = hir::map::map_crate(&sess, &*cstore, &mut hir_forest, &defs);
let krate = map.krate();
let mut hir_collector = HirCollector {
sess: &sess,
collector: &mut collector,
map: &map
hir_collector.visit_testable("".to_string(), &krate.attrs, |this| {
intravisit::walk_crate(this, krate);
test_args.insert(0, "rustdoctest".to_string());
// Look for #![doc(test(no_crate_inject))], used by crates in the std facade
2016-03-29 08:50:44 +03:00
fn scrape_test_config(krate: &::rustc::hir::Crate) -> TestOptions {
use syntax::print::pprust;
let mut opts = TestOptions {
2015-04-07 20:11:59 -07:00
no_crate_inject: false,
attrs: Vec::new(),
let test_attrs: Vec<_> = krate.attrs.iter()
.filter(|a| a.check_name("doc"))
.flat_map(|a| a.meta_item_list().unwrap_or_else(Vec::new))
.filter(|a| a.check_name("test"))
let attrs = test_attrs.iter().flat_map(|a| a.meta_item_list().unwrap_or(&[]));
for attr in attrs {
if attr.check_name("no_crate_inject") {
opts.no_crate_inject = true;
if attr.check_name("attr") {
if let Some(l) = attr.meta_item_list() {
for item in l {
2016-10-01 16:47:43 -04:00
fn run_test(test: &str, cratename: &str, filename: &FileName, line: usize,
cfgs: Vec<String>, libs: SearchPaths,
externs: Externs,
should_panic: bool, no_run: bool, as_test_harness: bool,
compile_fail: bool, mut error_codes: Vec<String>, opts: &TestOptions,
maybe_sysroot: Option<PathBuf>,
linker: Option<PathBuf>) {
// the test harness wants its own `main` & top level functions, so
// never wrap the test in `fn main() { ... }`
let (test, line_offset) = make_test(test, Some(cratename), as_test_harness, opts);
// FIXME(#44940): if doctests ever support path remapping, then this filename
// needs to be the result of CodeMap::span_to_unmapped_path
let input = config::Input::Str {
name: filename.to_owned(),
2016-11-15 22:29:46 +01:00
input: test.to_owned(),
let outputs = OutputTypes::new(&[(OutputType::Exe, None)]);
let sessopts = config::Options {
maybe_sysroot: maybe_sysroot.or_else(
|| Some(env::current_exe().unwrap().parent().unwrap().parent().unwrap().to_path_buf())),
search_paths: libs,
crate_types: vec![config::CrateTypeExecutable],
output_types: outputs,
cg: config::CodegenOptions {
prefer_dynamic: true,
.. config::basic_codegen_options()
test: as_test_harness,
unstable_features: UnstableFeatures::from_environment(),
// Shuffle around a few input and output handles here. We're going to pass
// an explicit handle into rustc to collect output messages, but we also
// want to catch the error message that rustc prints when it fails.
// We take our thread-local stderr (likely set by the test runner) and replace
2015-03-11 15:24:14 -07:00
// it with a sink that is also passed to rustc itself. When this function
// returns the output of the sink is copied onto the output of our own thread.
// The basic idea is to not use a default Handler for rustc, and then also
// not print things by default to the actual stderr.
2015-03-11 15:24:14 -07:00
struct Sink(Arc<Mutex<Vec<u8>>>);
impl Write for Sink {
fn write(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
Write::write(&mut *self.0.lock().unwrap(), data)
fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> { Ok(()) }
struct Bomb(Arc<Mutex<Vec<u8>>>, Box<Write+Send>);
impl Drop for Bomb {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let _ = self.1.write_all(&self.0.lock().unwrap());
let data = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new()));
let codemap = Rc::new(CodeMap::new_doctest(
sessopts.file_path_mapping(), filename.clone(), line as isize - line_offset as isize
2015-12-15 16:51:13 +13:00
let emitter = errors::emitter::EmitterWriter::new(box Sink(data.clone()),
2017-09-16 19:24:08 +02:00
let old = io::set_panic(Some(box Sink(data.clone())));
2016-06-09 23:50:52 +02:00
let _bomb = Bomb(data.clone(), old.unwrap_or(box io::stdout()));
// Compile the code
2017-11-20 18:03:20 +00:00
let diagnostic_handler = errors::Handler::with_emitter(true, false, box emitter);
let cstore = Rc::new(CStore::new(box rustc_trans::LlvmMetadataLoader));
let mut sess = session::build_session_(
sessopts, None, diagnostic_handler, codemap,
rustc_lint::register_builtins(&mut sess.lint_store.borrow_mut(), Some(&sess));
2016-01-05 23:38:11 +01:00
let outdir = Mutex::new(TempDir::new("rustdoctest").ok().expect("rustdoc needs a tempdir"));
let libdir = sess.target_filesearch(PathKind::All).get_lib_path();
let mut control = driver::CompileController::basic();
sess.parse_sess.config =
config::build_configuration(&sess, config::parse_cfgspecs(cfgs.clone()));
2016-01-05 23:38:11 +01:00
let out = Some(outdir.lock().unwrap().path().to_path_buf());
if no_run {
2015-02-03 13:40:52 +13:00
control.after_analysis.stop = Compilation::Stop;
2016-01-05 23:38:11 +01:00
std: Stabilize APIs for the 1.9 release This commit applies all stabilizations, renamings, and deprecations that the library team has decided on for the upcoming 1.9 release. All tracking issues have gone through a cycle-long "final comment period" and the specific APIs stabilized/deprecated are: Stable * `std::panic` * `std::panic::catch_unwind` (renamed from `recover`) * `std::panic::resume_unwind` (renamed from `propagate`) * `std::panic::AssertUnwindSafe` (renamed from `AssertRecoverSafe`) * `std::panic::UnwindSafe` (renamed from `RecoverSafe`) * `str::is_char_boundary` * `<*const T>::as_ref` * `<*mut T>::as_ref` * `<*mut T>::as_mut` * `AsciiExt::make_ascii_uppercase` * `AsciiExt::make_ascii_lowercase` * `char::decode_utf16` * `char::DecodeUtf16` * `char::DecodeUtf16Error` * `char::DecodeUtf16Error::unpaired_surrogate` * `BTreeSet::take` * `BTreeSet::replace` * `BTreeSet::get` * `HashSet::take` * `HashSet::replace` * `HashSet::get` * `OsString::with_capacity` * `OsString::clear` * `OsString::capacity` * `OsString::reserve` * `OsString::reserve_exact` * `OsStr::is_empty` * `OsStr::len` * `std::os::unix::thread` * `RawPthread` * `JoinHandleExt` * `JoinHandleExt::as_pthread_t` * `JoinHandleExt::into_pthread_t` * `HashSet::hasher` * `HashMap::hasher` * `CommandExt::exec` * `File::try_clone` * `SocketAddr::set_ip` * `SocketAddr::set_port` * `SocketAddrV4::set_ip` * `SocketAddrV4::set_port` * `SocketAddrV6::set_ip` * `SocketAddrV6::set_port` * `SocketAddrV6::set_flowinfo` * `SocketAddrV6::set_scope_id` * `<[T]>::copy_from_slice` * `ptr::read_volatile` * `ptr::write_volatile` * The `#[deprecated]` attribute * `OpenOptions::create_new` Deprecated * `std::raw::Slice` - use raw parts of `slice` module instead * `std::raw::Repr` - use raw parts of `slice` module instead * `str::char_range_at` - use slicing plus `chars()` plus `len_utf8` * `str::char_range_at_reverse` - use slicing plus `chars().rev()` plus `len_utf8` * `str::char_at` - use slicing plus `chars()` * `str::char_at_reverse` - use slicing plus `chars().rev()` * `str::slice_shift_char` - use `chars()` plus `Chars::as_str` * `CommandExt::session_leader` - use `before_exec` instead. Closes #27719 cc #27751 (deprecating the `Slice` bits) Closes #27754 Closes #27780 Closes #27809 Closes #27811 Closes #27830 Closes #28050 Closes #29453 Closes #29791 Closes #29935 Closes #30014 Closes #30752 Closes #31262 cc #31398 (still need to deal with `before_exec`) Closes #31405 Closes #31572 Closes #31755 Closes #31756
2016-04-07 10:42:53 -07:00
let res = panic::catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(|| {
driver::compile_input(&sess, &cstore, &None, &input, &out, &None, None, &control)
std: Stabilize APIs for the 1.9 release This commit applies all stabilizations, renamings, and deprecations that the library team has decided on for the upcoming 1.9 release. All tracking issues have gone through a cycle-long "final comment period" and the specific APIs stabilized/deprecated are: Stable * `std::panic` * `std::panic::catch_unwind` (renamed from `recover`) * `std::panic::resume_unwind` (renamed from `propagate`) * `std::panic::AssertUnwindSafe` (renamed from `AssertRecoverSafe`) * `std::panic::UnwindSafe` (renamed from `RecoverSafe`) * `str::is_char_boundary` * `<*const T>::as_ref` * `<*mut T>::as_ref` * `<*mut T>::as_mut` * `AsciiExt::make_ascii_uppercase` * `AsciiExt::make_ascii_lowercase` * `char::decode_utf16` * `char::DecodeUtf16` * `char::DecodeUtf16Error` * `char::DecodeUtf16Error::unpaired_surrogate` * `BTreeSet::take` * `BTreeSet::replace` * `BTreeSet::get` * `HashSet::take` * `HashSet::replace` * `HashSet::get` * `OsString::with_capacity` * `OsString::clear` * `OsString::capacity` * `OsString::reserve` * `OsString::reserve_exact` * `OsStr::is_empty` * `OsStr::len` * `std::os::unix::thread` * `RawPthread` * `JoinHandleExt` * `JoinHandleExt::as_pthread_t` * `JoinHandleExt::into_pthread_t` * `HashSet::hasher` * `HashMap::hasher` * `CommandExt::exec` * `File::try_clone` * `SocketAddr::set_ip` * `SocketAddr::set_port` * `SocketAddrV4::set_ip` * `SocketAddrV4::set_port` * `SocketAddrV6::set_ip` * `SocketAddrV6::set_port` * `SocketAddrV6::set_flowinfo` * `SocketAddrV6::set_scope_id` * `<[T]>::copy_from_slice` * `ptr::read_volatile` * `ptr::write_volatile` * The `#[deprecated]` attribute * `OpenOptions::create_new` Deprecated * `std::raw::Slice` - use raw parts of `slice` module instead * `std::raw::Repr` - use raw parts of `slice` module instead * `str::char_range_at` - use slicing plus `chars()` plus `len_utf8` * `str::char_range_at_reverse` - use slicing plus `chars().rev()` plus `len_utf8` * `str::char_at` - use slicing plus `chars()` * `str::char_at_reverse` - use slicing plus `chars().rev()` * `str::slice_shift_char` - use `chars()` plus `Chars::as_str` * `CommandExt::session_leader` - use `before_exec` instead. Closes #27719 cc #27751 (deprecating the `Slice` bits) Closes #27754 Closes #27780 Closes #27809 Closes #27811 Closes #27830 Closes #28050 Closes #29453 Closes #29791 Closes #29935 Closes #30014 Closes #30752 Closes #31262 cc #31398 (still need to deal with `before_exec`) Closes #31405 Closes #31572 Closes #31755 Closes #31756
2016-04-07 10:42:53 -07:00
2016-01-05 23:38:11 +01:00
let compile_result = match res {
Ok(Ok(())) | Ok(Err(CompileIncomplete::Stopped)) => Ok(()),
Err(_) | Ok(Err(CompileIncomplete::Errored(_))) => Err(())
match (compile_result, compile_fail) {
(Ok(()), true) => {
panic!("test compiled while it wasn't supposed to")
2016-01-05 23:38:11 +01:00
(Ok(()), false) => {}
(Err(()), true) => {
2016-06-09 23:50:52 +02:00
if error_codes.len() > 0 {
let out = String::from_utf8(data.lock().unwrap().to_vec()).unwrap();
error_codes.retain(|err| !out.contains(err));
(Err(()), false) => {
panic!("couldn't compile the test")
2016-06-09 23:50:52 +02:00
if error_codes.len() > 0 {
2016-11-19 17:51:25 +01:00
panic!("Some expected error codes were not found: {:?}", error_codes);
if no_run { return }
// Run the code!
// We're careful to prepend the *target* dylib search path to the child's
// environment to ensure that the target loads the right libraries at
// runtime. It would be a sad day if the *host* libraries were loaded as a
// mistake.
2016-01-05 23:38:11 +01:00
let mut cmd = Command::new(&outdir.lock().unwrap().path().join("rust_out"));
let var = DynamicLibrary::envvar();
let newpath = {
let path = env::var_os(var).unwrap_or(OsString::new());
let mut path = env::split_paths(&path).collect::<Vec<_>>();
path.insert(0, libdir.clone());
cmd.env(var, &newpath);
match cmd.output() {
2016-11-19 17:51:25 +01:00
Err(e) => panic!("couldn't run the test: {}{}", e,
if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied {
" - maybe your tempdir is mounted with noexec?"
2016-11-19 17:51:25 +01:00
} else { "" }),
2014-01-30 11:30:21 -08:00
Ok(out) => {
if should_panic && out.status.success() {
2016-11-19 17:51:25 +01:00
panic!("test executable succeeded when it should have failed");
} else if !should_panic && !out.status.success() {
2016-11-19 17:51:25 +01:00
panic!("test executable failed:\n{}\n{}\n",
2016-11-19 17:51:25 +01:00
/// Makes the test file. Also returns the number of lines before the code begins
pub fn make_test(s: &str,
cratename: Option<&str>,
dont_insert_main: bool,
opts: &TestOptions)
-> (String, usize) {
let (crate_attrs, everything_else) = partition_source(s);
let mut line_offset = 0;
let mut prog = String::new();
if opts.attrs.is_empty() {
// If there aren't any attributes supplied by #![doc(test(attr(...)))], then allow some
// lints that are commonly triggered in doctests. The crate-level test attributes are
// commonly used to make tests fail in case they trigger warnings, so having this there in
// that case may cause some tests to pass when they shouldn't have.
line_offset += 1;
// Next, any attributes that came from the crate root via #![doc(test(attr(...)))].
for attr in &opts.attrs {
prog.push_str(&format!("#![{}]\n", attr));
line_offset += 1;
// Now push any outer attributes from the example, assuming they
// are intended to be crate attributes.
// Don't inject `extern crate std` because it's already injected by the
// compiler.
if !s.contains("extern crate") && !opts.no_crate_inject && cratename != Some("std") {
2016-02-28 12:11:13 +01:00
if let Some(cratename) = cratename {
if s.contains(cratename) {
prog.push_str(&format!("extern crate {};\n", cratename));
line_offset += 1;
// FIXME (#21299): prefer libsyntax or some other actual parser over this
// best-effort ad hoc approach
let already_has_main = s.lines()
.map(|line| {
let comment = line.find("//");
if let Some(comment_begins) = comment {
} else {
.any(|code| code.contains("fn main"));
if dont_insert_main || already_has_main {
} else {
prog.push_str("fn main() {\n");
line_offset += 1;
prog = prog.trim().into();
info!("final test program: {}", prog);
(prog, line_offset)
// FIXME(aburka): use a real parser to deal with multiline attributes
fn partition_source(s: &str) -> (String, String) {
use std_unicode::str::UnicodeStr;
let mut after_header = false;
let mut before = String::new();
let mut after = String::new();
for line in s.lines() {
let trimline = line.trim();
let header = trimline.is_whitespace() ||
if !header || after_header {
after_header = true;
} else {
2016-10-01 16:47:43 -04:00
(before, after)
pub struct Collector {
pub tests: Vec<testing::TestDescAndFn>,
2017-04-14 01:23:14 +02:00
// to be removed when hoedown will be definitely gone
2017-04-20 00:31:34 +02:00
pub old_tests: HashMap<String, Vec<String>>,
// The name of the test displayed to the user, separated by `::`.
// In tests from Rust source, this is the path to the item
// e.g. `["std", "vec", "Vec", "push"]`.
// In tests from a markdown file, this is the titles of all headers (h1~h6)
// of the sections that contain the code block, e.g. if the markdown file is
// written as:
// ``````markdown
// # Title
// ## Subtitle
// ```rust
// assert!(true);
// ```
// ``````
// the `names` vector of that test will be `["Title", "Subtitle"]`.
names: Vec<String>,
cfgs: Vec<String>,
libs: SearchPaths,
externs: Externs,
use_headers: bool,
cratename: String,
opts: TestOptions,
maybe_sysroot: Option<PathBuf>,
position: Span,
codemap: Option<Rc<CodeMap>>,
filename: Option<PathBuf>,
2017-04-21 00:32:23 +02:00
// to be removed when hoedown will be removed as well
pub render_type: RenderType,
linker: Option<PathBuf>,
impl Collector {
pub fn new(cratename: String, cfgs: Vec<String>, libs: SearchPaths, externs: Externs,
use_headers: bool, opts: TestOptions, maybe_sysroot: Option<PathBuf>,
codemap: Option<Rc<CodeMap>>, filename: Option<PathBuf>,
render_type: RenderType, linker: Option<PathBuf>) -> Collector {
Collector {
tests: Vec::new(),
2017-04-20 00:31:34 +02:00
old_tests: HashMap::new(),
names: Vec::new(),
position: DUMMY_SP,
fn generate_name(&self, line: usize, filename: &FileName) -> String {
format!("{} - {} (line {})", filename, self.names.join("::"), line)
2017-04-14 01:23:14 +02:00
2017-04-20 00:31:34 +02:00
// to be removed once hoedown is gone
fn generate_name_beginning(&self, filename: &FileName) -> String {
format!("{} - {} (line", filename, self.names.join("::"))
2017-04-20 00:31:34 +02:00
pub fn add_old_test(&mut self, test: String, filename: FileName) {
2017-04-20 00:31:34 +02:00
let name_beg = self.generate_name_beginning(&filename);
let entry = self.old_tests.entry(name_beg)
2017-04-14 01:23:14 +02:00
pub fn add_test(&mut self, test: String,
should_panic: bool, no_run: bool, should_ignore: bool,
as_test_harness: bool, compile_fail: bool, error_codes: Vec<String>,
line: usize, filename: FileName, allow_fail: bool) {
2017-04-14 01:23:14 +02:00
let name = self.generate_name(line, &filename);
2017-04-22 14:56:36 +02:00
// to be removed when hoedown is removed
2017-04-21 00:32:23 +02:00
if self.render_type == RenderType::Pulldown {
let name_beg = self.generate_name_beginning(&filename);
let mut found = false;
let test = test.trim().to_owned();
if let Some(entry) = self.old_tests.get_mut(&name_beg) {
found = entry.remove_item(&test).is_some();
if !found {
eprintln!("WARNING: {} Code block is not currently run as a test, but will \
in future versions of rustdoc. Please ensure this code block is \
a runnable test, or use the `ignore` directive.",
2017-04-21 00:32:23 +02:00
2017-04-14 01:23:14 +02:00
let cfgs = self.cfgs.clone();
2014-03-09 14:24:58 +02:00
let libs = self.libs.clone();
let externs = self.externs.clone();
2014-05-25 03:10:11 -07:00
let cratename = self.cratename.to_string();
let opts = self.opts.clone();
let maybe_sysroot = self.maybe_sysroot.clone();
let linker = self.linker.clone();
debug!("Creating test {}: {}", name, test);
2014-02-14 09:49:11 +08:00
self.tests.push(testing::TestDescAndFn {
desc: testing::TestDesc {
name: testing::DynTestName(name),
ignore: should_ignore,
// compiler failures are test failures
should_panic: testing::ShouldPanic::No,
testfn: testing::DynTestFn(box move || {
let panic = io::set_panic(None);
let print = io::set_print(None);
match {
rustc_driver::in_rustc_thread(move || {
} {
Ok(()) => (),
Err(err) => panic::resume_unwind(err),
pub fn get_line(&self) -> usize {
if let Some(ref codemap) = self.codemap {
2017-07-31 23:04:34 +03:00
let line = self.position.lo().to_usize();
let line = codemap.lookup_char_pos(BytePos(line as u32)).line;
2017-01-23 22:46:18 +01:00
if line > 0 { line - 1 } else { line }
} else {
pub fn set_position(&mut self, position: Span) {
self.position = position;
pub fn get_filename(&self) -> FileName {
if let Some(ref codemap) = self.codemap {
let filename = codemap.span_to_filename(self.position);
if let FileName::Real(ref filename) = filename {
if let Ok(cur_dir) = env::current_dir() {
if let Ok(path) = filename.strip_prefix(&cur_dir) {
return path.to_owned().into();
} else if let Some(ref filename) = self.filename {
} else {
pub fn register_header(&mut self, name: &str, level: u32) {
if self.use_headers {
// we use these headings as test names, so it's good if
// they're valid identifiers.
let name = name.chars().enumerate().map(|(i, c)| {
if (i == 0 && c.is_xid_start()) ||
(i != 0 && c.is_xid_continue()) {
} else {
// Here we try to efficiently assemble the header titles into the
// test name in the form of `h1::h2::h3::h4::h5::h6`.
// Suppose originally `self.names` contains `[h1, h2, h3]`...
let level = level as usize;
if level <= self.names.len() {
// ... Consider `level == 2`. All headers in the lower levels
// are irrelevant in this new level. So we should reset
// `self.names` to contain headers until <h2>, and replace that
// slot with the new name: `[h1, name]`.
self.names[level - 1] = name;
} else {
// ... On the other hand, consider `level == 5`. This means we
// need to extend `self.names` to contain five headers. We fill
// in the missing level (<h4>) with `_`. Thus `self.names` will
// become `[h1, h2, h3, "_", name]`.
if level - 1 > self.names.len() {
self.names.resize(level - 1, "_".to_owned());
struct HirCollector<'a, 'hir: 'a> {
sess: &'a session::Session,
collector: &'a mut Collector,
map: &'a hir::map::Map<'hir>
impl<'a, 'hir> HirCollector<'a, 'hir> {
fn visit_testable<F: FnOnce(&mut Self)>(&mut self,
name: String,
attrs: &[ast::Attribute],
nested: F) {
let mut attrs = Attributes::from_ast(self.sess.diagnostic(), attrs);
if let Some(ref cfg) = attrs.cfg {
if !cfg.matches(&self.sess.parse_sess, Some(&self.sess.features.borrow())) {
let has_name = !name.is_empty();
if has_name {
// the collapse-docs pass won't combine sugared/raw doc attributes, or included files with
// anything else, this will combine them for us
if let Some(doc) = attrs.collapsed_doc_value() {
2017-04-21 00:32:23 +02:00
if self.collector.render_type == RenderType::Pulldown {
markdown::old_find_testable_code(&doc, self.collector,
2017-04-21 00:32:23 +02:00
markdown::find_testable_code(&doc, self.collector,
2017-04-14 01:23:14 +02:00
2017-04-21 00:32:23 +02:00
} else {
markdown::old_find_testable_code(&doc, self.collector,
2017-04-21 00:32:23 +02:00
if has_name {
impl<'a, 'hir> intravisit::Visitor<'hir> for HirCollector<'a, 'hir> {
fn nested_visit_map<'this>(&'this mut self) -> intravisit::NestedVisitorMap<'this, 'hir> {
2016-11-25 22:10:23 +01:00
fn visit_item(&mut self, item: &'hir hir::Item) {
let name = if let hir::ItemImpl(.., ref ty, _) = item.node {
} else {
self.visit_testable(name, &item.attrs, |this| {
intravisit::walk_item(this, item);
fn visit_trait_item(&mut self, item: &'hir hir::TraitItem) {
self.visit_testable(, &item.attrs, |this| {
intravisit::walk_trait_item(this, item);
fn visit_impl_item(&mut self, item: &'hir hir::ImplItem) {
self.visit_testable(, &item.attrs, |this| {
intravisit::walk_impl_item(this, item);
fn visit_foreign_item(&mut self, item: &'hir hir::ForeignItem) {
self.visit_testable(, &item.attrs, |this| {
intravisit::walk_foreign_item(this, item);
fn visit_variant(&mut self,
v: &'hir hir::Variant,
g: &'hir hir::Generics,
item_id: ast::NodeId) {
self.visit_testable(, &v.node.attrs, |this| {
intravisit::walk_variant(this, v, g, item_id);
fn visit_struct_field(&mut self, f: &'hir hir::StructField) {
self.visit_testable(, &f.attrs, |this| {
intravisit::walk_struct_field(this, f);
fn visit_macro_def(&mut self, macro_def: &'hir hir::MacroDef) {
self.visit_testable(, &macro_def.attrs, |_| ());