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// xfail-test
extern mod std;
2012-09-05 12:32:05 -07:00
use std::map::*;
use vec::*;
use dvec::{dvec, extensions};
enum furniture { chair, couch, bed }
enum body_part { finger, toe, nose, ear }
trait noisy {
fn speak() -> int;
trait scratchy {
fn scratch() -> option<furniture>;
trait bitey {
fn bite() -> body_part;
fn vec_includes<T>(xs: ~[T], x: T) -> bool {
2012-08-01 17:30:05 -07:00
for each(xs) |y| { if y == x { return true; }}
return false;
// vtables other than the 1st one don't seem to work
class cat : noisy, scratchy, bitey {
priv {
let meows : @mut uint;
let scratched : dvec<furniture>;
let bite_counts : hashmap<body_part, uint>;
fn meow() -> uint {
2012-08-22 17:24:52 -07:00
debug!("Meow: %u", *self.meows);
*self.meows += 1u;
if *self.meows % 5u == 0u {
*self.how_hungry += 1;
let how_hungry : @mut int;
let name : str;
new(in_x : uint, in_y : int, in_name: str)
{ self.meows = @mut in_x; self.how_hungry = @mut in_y; = in_name; self.scratched = dvec();
let hsher: hashfn<body_part> =
fn@(p: body_part) -> uint { int::hash(p as int) };
let eqer : eqfn<body_part> =
fn@(p: body_part, q: body_part) -> bool { p == q };
let t : hashmap<body_part, uint> =
hashmap::<body_part, uint>(hsher, eqer);
self.bite_counts = t;
2012-06-30 16:19:07 -07:00
do iter(~[finger, toe, nose, ear]) |p| {
self.bite_counts.insert(p, 0u);
fn speak() -> int { self.meow() as int }
fn meow_count() -> uint { *self.meows }
fn scratch() -> option<furniture> {
let all = ~[chair, couch, bed];
log(error, self.scratched);
let mut rslt = none;
2012-06-30 16:19:07 -07:00
for each(all) |thing| { if !self.scratched.contains(thing) {
2012-08-01 17:30:05 -07:00
return some(thing); }}
fn bite() -> body_part {
2012-08-22 17:24:52 -07:00
error!("In bite()");
let all = ~[toe, nose, ear];
let mut min = finger;
2012-06-30 16:19:07 -07:00
do iter(all) |next| {
2012-08-22 17:24:52 -07:00
debug!("min = %?", min);
if self.bite_counts.get(next) < self.bite_counts.get(min) {
min = next;
self.bite_counts.insert(min, self.bite_counts.get(min) + 1u);
2012-08-22 17:24:52 -07:00
debug!("Bit %?", min);
fn annoy_neighbors<T: noisy>(critter: T) {
2012-06-30 16:19:07 -07:00
for uint::range(0u, 10u) |i| {
let what = critter.speak();
2012-08-22 17:24:52 -07:00
debug!("%u %d", i, what);
fn bite_everything<T: bitey>(critter: T) -> bool {
let mut left : ~[body_part] = ~[finger, toe, nose, ear];
while vec::len(left) > 0u {
let part = critter.bite();
2012-08-22 17:24:52 -07:00
debug!("%? %?", left, part);
if vec_includes(left, part) {
2012-06-30 16:19:07 -07:00
left = vec::filter(left, |p| p != part );
else {
2012-08-01 17:30:05 -07:00
return false;
fn scratched_something<T: scratchy>(critter: T) -> bool {
fn main() {
let nyan : cat = cat(0u, 2, "nyan");
annoy_neighbors(nyan as noisy);
assert(nyan.meow_count() == 10u);
assert(bite_everything(nyan as bitey));
assert(scratched_something(nyan as scratchy));