
377 lines
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Raw Normal View History

import option::none;
import option::some;
import util::orb;
type vbuf = rustrt::vbuf;
2010-06-23 23:03:09 -05:00
type operator2[T, U, V] = fn(&T, &U) -> V ;
type array[T] = vec[mutable? T];
2010-06-23 23:03:09 -05:00
native "rust" mod rustrt {
type vbuf;
fn vec_buf[T](vec[T] v, uint offset) -> vbuf;
fn vec_len[T](vec[T] v) -> uint;
* Sometimes we modify the vec internal data via vec_buf and need to
* update the vec's fill length accordingly.
fn vec_len_set[T](vec[T] v, uint n);
* The T in vec_alloc[T, U] is the type of the vec to allocate. The
* U is the type of an element in the vec. So to allocate a vec[U] we
* want to invoke this as vec_alloc[vec[U], U].
fn vec_alloc[T, U](uint n_elts) -> vec[U];
fn vec_alloc_mut[T, U](uint n_elts) -> vec[mutable U];
fn refcount[T](vec[T] v) -> uint;
fn vec_print_debug_info[T](vec[T] v);
fn vec_from_vbuf[T](vbuf v, uint n_elts) -> vec[T];
fn unsafe_vec_to_mut[T](vec[T] v) -> vec[mutable T];
2010-06-23 23:03:09 -05:00
fn alloc[T](uint n_elts) -> vec[T] {
ret rustrt::vec_alloc[vec[T], T](n_elts);
2010-06-23 23:03:09 -05:00
fn alloc_mut[T](uint n_elts) -> vec[mutable T] {
ret rustrt::vec_alloc_mut[vec[mutable T], T](n_elts);
fn refcount[T](array[T] v) -> uint {
auto r = rustrt::refcount[T](v);
if (r == dbg::const_refcount) {
ret r;
} else {
ret r - 1u;
2011-04-19 15:35:49 -05:00
fn vec_from_vbuf[T](vbuf v, uint n_elts) -> vec[T] {
ret rustrt::vec_from_vbuf[T](v, n_elts);
// FIXME: Remove me; this is a botch to get around rustboot's bad typechecker.
fn empty[T]() -> vec[T] { ret alloc[T](0u); }
// FIXME: Remove me; this is a botch to get around rustboot's bad typechecker.
fn empty_mut[T]() -> vec[mutable T] { ret alloc_mut[T](0u); }
type init_op[T] = fn(uint) -> T ;
fn init_fn[T](&init_op[T] op, uint n_elts) -> vec[T] {
let vec[T] v = alloc[T](n_elts);
let uint i = 0u;
while (i < n_elts) { v += [op(i)]; i += 1u; }
ret v;
fn init_fn_mut[T](&init_op[T] op, uint n_elts) -> vec[mutable T] {
let vec[mutable T] v = alloc_mut[T](n_elts);
let uint i = 0u;
while (i < n_elts) { v += [mutable op(i)]; i += 1u; }
ret v;
2011-06-28 20:46:46 -05:00
// init_elt: creates and returns a vector of length n_elts, filled with
// that many copies of element t.
fn init_elt[T](&T t, uint n_elts) -> vec[T] {
* FIXME (issue #81): should be:
* fn elt_op[T](&T x, uint i) -> T { ret x; }
* let init_op[T] inner = bind elt_op[T](t, _);
* ret init_fn[T](inner, n_elts);
let vec[T] v = alloc[T](n_elts);
let uint i = n_elts;
while (i > 0u) { i -= 1u; v += [t]; }
ret v;
2010-06-23 23:03:09 -05:00
fn init_elt_mut[T](&T t, uint n_elts) -> vec[mutable T] {
let vec[mutable T] v = alloc_mut[T](n_elts);
let uint i = n_elts;
while (i > 0u) { i -= 1u; v += [mutable t]; }
ret v;
fn buf[T](array[T] v) -> vbuf { ret rustrt::vec_buf[T](v, 0u); }
fn len[T](array[T] v) -> uint { ret rustrt::vec_len[T](v); }
2010-06-23 23:03:09 -05:00
fn len_set[T](array[T] v, uint n) { rustrt::vec_len_set[T](v, n); }
fn buf_off[T](array[T] v, uint offset) -> vbuf {
assert (offset < len[T](v));
ret rustrt::vec_buf[T](v, offset);
2010-06-23 23:03:09 -05:00
fn print_debug_info[T](array[T] v) { rustrt::vec_print_debug_info[T](v); }
// FIXME: typestate precondition (list is non-empty)
// Returns the last element of v.
fn last[T](array[T] v) -> option::t[T] {
auto l = len[T](v);
if (l == 0u) { ret none[T]; }
ret some[T](v.(l - 1u));
// Returns elements from [start..end) from v.
fn slice[T](array[T] v, uint start, uint end) -> vec[T] {
assert (start <= end);
assert (end <= len[T](v));
auto result = alloc[T](end - start);
let uint i = start;
while (i < end) { result += [v.(i)]; i += 1u; }
ret result;
// FIXME: Should go away eventually.
fn slice_mut[T](array[T] v, uint start, uint end) -> vec[mutable T] {
assert (start <= end);
assert (end <= len[T](v));
auto result = alloc_mut[T](end - start);
let uint i = start;
while (i < end) { result += [mutable v.(i)]; i += 1u; }
ret result;
fn shift[T](&mutable array[T] v) -> T {
auto ln = len[T](v);
assert (ln > 0u);
auto e = v.(0);
v = slice[T](v, 1u, ln);
ret e;
fn pop[T](&mutable array[T] v) -> T {
auto ln = len[T](v);
assert (ln > 0u);
ln -= 1u;
auto e = v.(ln);
v = slice[T](v, 0u, ln);
ret e;
2011-06-06 17:48:36 -05:00
fn top[T](&array[T] v) -> T {
auto ln = len[T](v);
assert (ln > 0u);
ret v.(ln - 1u);
2011-06-06 17:48:36 -05:00
fn push[T](&mutable array[T] v, &T t) { v += [t]; }
fn unshift[T](&mutable array[T] v, &T t) {
2011-06-24 10:55:02 -05:00
auto rs = alloc[T](len[T](v) + 1u);
rs += [t];
rs += v;
v = rs;
fn grow[T](&mutable array[T] v, uint n, &T initval) {
let uint i = n;
while (i > 0u) { i -= 1u; v += [initval]; }
fn grow_set[T](&mutable vec[mutable T] v, uint index, &T initval, &T val) {
auto length = vec::len(v);
if (index >= length) { grow(v, index - length + 1u, initval); }
v.(index) = val;
fn grow_init_fn[T](&mutable array[T] v, uint n, fn() -> T init_fn) {
let uint i = n;
while (i > 0u) { i -= 1u; v += [init_fn()]; }
fn grow_init_fn_set[T](&array[T] v, uint index, fn() -> T init_fn, &T val) {
auto length = vec::len(v);
if (index >= length) { grow_init_fn(v, index - length + 1u, init_fn); }
v.(index) = val;
fn map[T, U](&fn(&T) -> U f, &vec[T] v) -> vec[U] {
2011-06-24 10:55:02 -05:00
let vec[U] rs = alloc[U](len[T](v));
for (T ve in v) { rs += [f(ve)]; }
ret rs;
2011-05-23 20:50:33 -05:00
fn filter_map[T, U](&fn(&T) -> option::t[U] f, &vec[T] v) -> vec[U] {
2011-06-24 10:55:02 -05:00
let vec[U] rs = [];
for (T ve in v) {
2011-06-24 10:55:02 -05:00
alt (f(ve)) { case (some(?elt)) { rs += [elt]; } case (none) { } }
2011-05-23 20:50:33 -05:00
2011-06-24 10:55:02 -05:00
ret rs;
fn map2[T, U, V](&operator2[T, U, V] f, &vec[T] v0, &vec[U] v1) -> vec[V] {
auto v0_len = len[T](v0);
if (v0_len != len[U](v1)) { fail; }
let vec[V] u = alloc[V](v0_len);
auto i = 0u;
while (i < v0_len) { u += [f({ v0.(i) }, { v1.(i) })]; i += 1u; }
ret u;
fn find[T](fn(&T) -> bool f, &vec[T] v) -> option::t[T] {
for (T elt in v) { if (f(elt)) { ret some[T](elt); } }
ret none[T];
fn position[T](&T x, &array[T] v) -> option::t[uint] {
let uint i = 0u;
while (i < len(v)) {
if (x == v.(i)) { ret some[uint](i); }
i += 1u;
ret none[uint];
fn position_pred[T](fn (&T) -> bool f, &vec[T] v) -> option::t[uint] {
let uint i = 0u;
while (i < len(v)) {
if (f(v.(i))) { ret some[uint](i); }
i += 1u;
ret none[uint];
2011-06-09 03:58:31 -05:00
fn member[T](&T x, &array[T] v) -> bool {
for (T elt in v) { if (x == elt) { ret true; } }
2011-06-09 03:58:31 -05:00
ret false;
2011-06-10 09:39:09 -05:00
fn count[T](&T x, &array[T] v) -> uint {
auto cnt = 0u;
for (T elt in v) { if (x == elt) { cnt += 1u; } }
2011-06-10 09:39:09 -05:00
ret cnt;
fn foldl[T, U](fn(&U, &T) -> U p, &U z, &vec[T] v) -> U {
auto sz = len[T](v);
if (sz == 0u) {
ret z;
} else {
auto rest = slice[T](v, 1u, sz);
ret p(foldl[T, U](p, z, rest), v.(0));
fn unzip[T, U](&vec[tup(T, U)] v) -> tup(vec[T], vec[U]) {
auto sz = len[tup(T, U)](v);
if (sz == 0u) {
ret tup(alloc[T](0u), alloc[U](0u));
} else {
auto rest = slice[tup(T, U)](v, 1u, sz);
auto tl = unzip[T, U](rest);
auto a = [v.(0)._0];
auto b = [v.(0)._1];
ret tup(a + tl._0, b + tl._1);
// FIXME make the lengths being equal a constraint
fn zip[T, U](&vec[T] v, &vec[U] u) -> vec[tup(T, U)] {
auto sz = len[T](v);
assert (sz == len[U](u));
if (sz == 0u) {
ret alloc[tup(T, U)](0u);
} else {
auto rest = zip[T, U](slice[T](v, 1u, sz), slice[U](u, 1u, sz));
vec::push(rest, tup(v.(0), u.(0)));
ret rest;
fn or(&vec[bool] v) -> bool {
auto f = orb;
ret vec::foldl[bool, bool](f, false, v);
fn any[T](&fn(&T) -> bool f, &vec[T] v) -> bool {
for (T t in v) {
if (f(t)) { ret true; }
ret false;
fn all[T](&fn(&T) -> bool f, &vec[T] v) -> bool {
for (T t in v) {
if (!f(t)) { ret false; }
ret true;
fn clone[T](&vec[T] v) -> vec[T] { ret slice[T](v, 0u, len[T](v)); }
fn plus_option[T](&mutable vec[T] v, &option::t[T] o) {
alt (o) { case (none) { } case (some(?x)) { v += [x]; } }
fn cat_options[T](&vec[option::t[T]] v) -> vec[T] {
2011-06-24 10:55:02 -05:00
let vec[T] rs = [];
for (option::t[T] o in v) {
2011-06-24 10:55:02 -05:00
alt (o) { case (none) { } case (some(?t)) { rs += [t]; } }
2011-06-24 10:55:02 -05:00
ret rs;
// TODO: Remove in favor of built-in "freeze" operation when it's implemented.
fn freeze[T](vec[mutable T] v) -> vec[T] {
let vec[T] result = [];
for (T elem in v) { result += [elem]; }
ret result;
// Swaps two elements in a vector
fn swap[T](&vec[mutable T] v, uint a, uint b) {
let T t = v.(a);
v.(a) = v.(b);
v.(b) = t;
// In place vector reversal
fn reverse[T](&vec[mutable T] v) {
let uint i = 0u;
auto ln = len[T](v);
while (i < ln / 2u) { swap(v, i, ln - i - 1u); i += 1u; }
// Functional vector reversal. Returns a reversed copy of v.
fn reversed[T](vec[T] v) -> vec[T] {
2011-06-24 10:55:02 -05:00
let vec[T] rs = [];
auto i = len[T](v);
2011-06-24 10:55:02 -05:00
if (i == 0u) { ret rs; } else { i -= 1u; }
while (i != 0u) { push[T](rs, v.(i)); i -= 1u; }
push[T](rs, v.(0));
ret rs;
/// Truncates the vector to length `new_len`.
/// FIXME: This relies on a typechecker bug (covariance vs. invariance).
fn truncate[T](&mutable vec[mutable? T] v, uint new_len) {
v = slice[T](v, 0u, new_len);
// Local Variables:
// mode: rust;
// fill-column: 78;
// indent-tabs-mode: nil
// c-basic-offset: 4
// buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix
// compile-command: "make -k -C $RBUILD 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\\/x\\//x:\\//g'";
// End: