Fix assignments to immutable fields throughout the code
This commit is contained in:
@ -672,10 +672,9 @@ fn hash_path(&str s) -> uint {
fn create_index[T](&vec[tup(T, uint)] index, fn(&T) -> uint hash_fn)
-> vec[vec[tup(T, uint)]] {
let vec[vec[tup(T, uint)]] buckets = [];
let vec[mutable vec[tup(T, uint)]] buckets = vec::empty_mut();
for each (uint i in uint::range(0u, 256u)) {
let vec[tup(T, uint)] bucket = [];
buckets += [bucket];
buckets += [mutable []];
for (tup(T, uint) elt in index) {
@ -683,10 +682,11 @@ fn create_index[T](&vec[tup(T, uint)] index, fn(&T) -> uint hash_fn)
buckets.(h % 256u) += [elt];
ret buckets;
ret vec::freeze(buckets);
fn encode_index[T](&ebml::writer ebml_w, &vec[vec[tup(T, uint)]] buckets,
fn encode_index[T](&ebml::writer ebml_w,
&vec[vec[tup(T, uint)]] buckets,
fn(&io::writer, &T) write_fn) {
auto writer = io::new_writer_(ebml_w.writer);
@ -80,7 +80,8 @@ tag mod_index_entry {
type mod_index = hashmap[ident,list[mod_index_entry]];
type indexed_mod = rec(option::t[ast::_mod] m,
mod_index index, vec[def] glob_imports,
mod_index index,
mutable vec[def] glob_imports,
hashmap[str,import_state] glob_imported_names);
/* native modules can't contain tags, and we don't store their ASTs because we
only need to look at them to determine exports, which they can't control.*/
@ -141,7 +142,7 @@ fn map_crate(&@env e, &@ast::crate c) {
// Register the top-level mod
e.mod_map.insert(-1, @rec(m=some(c.node.module),
mutable glob_imports=vec::empty[def](),
@ -160,7 +161,7 @@ fn map_crate(&@env e, &@ast::crate c) {
case (ast::item_mod(_, ?md, ?defid)) {
@rec(m=some(md), index=index_mod(md),
mutable glob_imports=vec::empty[def](),
e.ast_map.insert(defid, i);
@ -169,7 +170,7 @@ fn map_crate(&@env e, &@ast::crate c) {
mutable glob_imports=vec::empty[def](),
e.ast_map.insert(defid, i);
@ -850,7 +851,7 @@ fn lookup_glob_in_mod(&env e, @indexed_mod info, &span sp,
auto matches = vec::filter_map[def, def]
(bind l_i_m_r(e, _, sp, id, ns, dr),
if (vec::len(matches) == 0u) {
ret none[def];
} else if (vec::len(matches) == 1u){
@ -5995,12 +5995,12 @@ fn trans_rec(&@block_ctxt cx, &vec[ast::field] fields,
fn trans_expr(&@block_ctxt cx, &@ast::expr e) -> result {
be trans_expr_out(cx, e, return);
ret trans_expr_out(cx, e, return);
fn trans_expr_out(&@block_ctxt cx, &@ast::expr e, out_method output)
-> result {
*cx = rec(sp=e.span with *cx);
// FIXME Fill in cx.sp
alt (e.node) {
case (ast::expr_lit(?lit, ?ann)) {
ret res(cx, trans_lit(cx.fcx.lcx.ccx, *lit, ann));
@ -6059,7 +6059,6 @@ fn trans_expr_out(&@block_ctxt cx, &@ast::expr e, out_method output)
case (ast::expr_block(?blk, ?ann)) {
*cx = rec(sp=blk.span with *cx);
auto sub_cx = new_scope_block_ctxt(cx, "block-expr body");
auto next_cx = new_sub_block_ctxt(cx, "next");
auto sub = with_out_method(bind trans_block(sub_cx, blk, _),
@ -6072,7 +6071,7 @@ fn trans_expr_out(&@block_ctxt cx, &@ast::expr e, out_method output)
case (ast::expr_move(?dst, ?src, _)) {
auto lhs_res = trans_lval(cx, dst);
assert (lhs_res.is_mem);
*(lhs_res.res.bcx) = rec(sp=src.span with *(lhs_res.res.bcx));
// FIXME Fill in lhs_res.res.bcx.sp
auto rhs_res = trans_lval(lhs_res.res.bcx, src);
auto t = ty::expr_ty(cx.fcx.lcx.ccx.tcx, src);
// FIXME: calculate copy init-ness in typestate.
@ -6084,7 +6083,7 @@ fn trans_expr_out(&@block_ctxt cx, &@ast::expr e, out_method output)
case (ast::expr_assign(?dst, ?src, _)) {
auto lhs_res = trans_lval(cx, dst);
assert (lhs_res.is_mem);
*(lhs_res.res.bcx) = rec(sp=src.span with *(lhs_res.res.bcx));
// FIXME Fill in lhs_res.res.bcx.sp
auto rhs_res = trans_expr(lhs_res.res.bcx, src);
auto t = ty::expr_ty(cx.fcx.lcx.ccx.tcx, src);
// FIXME: calculate copy init-ness in typestate.
@ -6097,7 +6096,7 @@ fn trans_expr_out(&@block_ctxt cx, &@ast::expr e, out_method output)
auto t = ty::expr_ty(cx.fcx.lcx.ccx.tcx, src);
auto lhs_res = trans_lval(cx, dst);
assert (lhs_res.is_mem);
*(lhs_res.res.bcx) = rec(sp=src.span with *(lhs_res.res.bcx));
// FIXME Fill in lhs_res.res.bcx.sp
auto rhs_res = trans_expr(lhs_res.res.bcx, src);
if (ty::type_is_sequence(cx.fcx.lcx.ccx.tcx, t)) {
alt (op) {
@ -7182,7 +7181,7 @@ fn zero_alloca(&@block_ctxt cx, ValueRef llptr, ty::t t) -> result {
fn trans_stmt(&@block_ctxt cx, &ast::stmt s) -> result {
*cx = rec(sp=s.span with *cx);
// FIXME Fill in cx.sp
auto bcx = cx;
alt (s.node) {
case (ast::stmt_expr(?e,_)) {
@ -7352,7 +7351,7 @@ fn alloc_local(&@block_ctxt cx, &@ast::local_ local) -> result {
fn trans_block(&@block_ctxt cx, &ast::block b, &out_method output) -> result {
auto bcx = cx;
for each (@ast::local_ local in block_locals(b)) {
*bcx = rec(sp=local_rhs_span(local, cx.sp) with *bcx);
// FIXME Update bcx.sp
bcx = alloc_local(bcx, local).bcx;
auto r = res(bcx, C_nil());
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ type constr_map = @std::map::hashmap[def_id, constraint];
type fn_info = rec(constr_map constrs, uint num_constraints, controlflow cf);
/* mapping from node ID to typestate annotation */
type node_ann_table = @mutable vec[ts_ann];
type node_ann_table = @mutable vec[mutable ts_ann];
/* mapping from function name to fn_info map */
type fn_info_map = @std::map::hashmap[def_id, fn_info];
@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ fn num_constraints(fn_info m) -> uint {
fn new_crate_ctxt(ty::ctxt cx) -> crate_ctxt {
let vec[ts_ann] na = [];
let vec[mutable ts_ann] na = vec::empty_mut();
ret rec(tcx=cx, node_anns=@mutable na, fm=@new_def_hash[fn_info]());
@ -114,9 +114,9 @@ fn check_states_stmt(&fn_ctxt fcx, &stmt s) -> () {
fn check_states_against_conditions(&fn_ctxt fcx, &_fn f, &ann a) -> () {
auto enclosing = fcx.enclosing;
auto nv = num_constraints(enclosing);
auto post = @empty_poststate(nv);
auto post = @mutable empty_poststate(nv);
fn do_one_(fn_ctxt fcx, &@stmt s, @poststate post) -> () {
fn do_one_(fn_ctxt fcx, &@stmt s, @mutable poststate post) -> () {
check_states_stmt(fcx, *s);
*post = stmt_poststate(fcx.ccx, *s);
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ fn check_states_against_conditions(&fn_ctxt fcx, &_fn f, &ann a) -> () {
auto do_one = bind do_one_(fcx, _, post);
vec::map[@stmt, ()](do_one, f.body.node.stmts);
fn do_inner_(fn_ctxt fcx, &@expr e, @poststate post) -> () {
fn do_inner_(fn_ctxt fcx, &@expr e, @mutable poststate post) -> () {
check_states_expr(fcx, e);
*post = expr_poststate(fcx.ccx, e);
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ fn check_states_against_conditions(&fn_ctxt fcx, &_fn f, &ann a) -> () {
/* Finally, check that the return value is initialized */
let aux::constr_ ret_c = rec(, c=aux::ninit(;
if (f.proto == ast::proto_fn
&& ! promises(fcx, *post, ret_c)
&& ! promises(fcx, {*post}, ret_c)
&& ! type_is_nil(fcx.ccx.tcx,
ret_ty_of_fn(fcx.ccx.tcx, a))
&& cf == return) {
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ fn check_states_against_conditions(&fn_ctxt fcx, &_fn f, &ann a) -> () {
// check that this really always fails
// the bit means "returns" for a returning fn,
// "diverges" for a non-returning fn
if (! promises(fcx, *post, ret_c)) {
if (! promises(fcx, {*post}, ret_c)) {
"In non-returning function " + +
", some control paths may return to the caller");
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ fn tok_str(token t) -> str {
fn buf_str(vec[token] toks, vec[int] szs,
fn buf_str(vec[mutable token] toks, vec[mutable int] szs,
uint left, uint right, uint lim) -> str {
auto n = vec::len(toks);
assert n == vec::len(szs);
@ -112,9 +112,9 @@ fn mk_printer(io::writer out, uint linewidth) -> printer {
log #fmt("mk_printer %u", linewidth);
let vec[token] token = vec::init_elt[token](EOF, n);
let vec[int] size = vec::init_elt[int](0, n);
let vec[uint] scan_stack = vec::init_elt[uint](0u, n);
let vec[mutable token] token = vec::init_elt_mut(EOF, n);
let vec[mutable int] size = vec::init_elt_mut(0, n);
let vec[mutable uint] scan_stack = vec::init_elt_mut(0u, n);
let vec[print_stack_elt] print_stack = [];
ret printer(out,
@ -220,8 +220,8 @@ obj printer(io::writer out,
mutable uint left, // index of left side of input stream
mutable uint right, // index of right side of input stream
mutable vec[token] token, // ring-buffer stream goes through
mutable vec[int] size, // ring-buffer of calculated sizes
mutable vec[mutable token] token,// ring-buffr stream goes through
mutable vec[mutable int] size, // ring-buffer of calculated sizes
mutable int left_total, // running size of stream "...left"
mutable int right_total, // running size of stream "...right"
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ obj printer(io::writer out,
// on top of it. Stuff is flushed off the bottom as it becomes
// irrelevant due to the primary ring-buffer advancing.
mutable vec[uint] scan_stack,
mutable vec[mutable uint] scan_stack,
mutable bool scan_stack_empty, // top==bottom disambiguator
mutable uint top, // index of top of scan_stack
mutable uint bottom, // index of bottom of scan_stack
@ -27,26 +27,27 @@ fn create[T]() -> t[T] {
* Grow is only called on full elts, so nelts is also len(elts), unlike
* elsewhere.
fn grow[T](uint nelts, uint lo, vec[cell[T]] elts) -> vec[cell[T]] {
assert (nelts == vec::len[cell[T]](elts));
fn grow[T](uint nelts, uint lo, vec[mutable cell[T]] elts)
-> vec[mutable cell[T]] {
assert (nelts == vec::len(elts));
// FIXME: Making the vector argument an alias is a workaround for
// issue #375
fn fill[T](uint i, uint nelts, uint lo,
&vec[cell[T]] old) -> cell[T] {
&vec[mutable cell[T]] old) -> cell[T] {
ret if (i < nelts) {
old.((lo + i) % nelts)
} else {
let uint nalloc = uint::next_power_of_two(nelts + 1u);
let vec::init_op[cell[T]] copy_op = bind fill[T](_, nelts, lo, elts);
ret vec::init_fn[cell[T]](copy_op, nalloc);
ret vec::init_fn_mut[cell[T]](copy_op, nalloc);
fn get[T](vec[cell[T]] elts, uint i) -> T {
fn get[T](vec[mutable cell[T]] elts, uint i) -> T {
ret alt (elts.(i)) {
case (option::some(?t)) { t }
case (_) { fail }
@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ fn create[T]() -> t[T] {
obj deque[T](mutable uint nelts,
mutable uint lo,
mutable uint hi,
mutable vec[cell[T]] elts)
mutable vec[mutable cell[T]] elts)
fn size() -> uint { ret nelts; }
@ -130,8 +131,8 @@ fn create[T]() -> t[T] {
let vec[cell[T]] v = vec::init_elt[cell[T]](option::none[T],
let vec[mutable cell[T]] v = vec::init_elt_mut(option::none,
ret deque[T](0u, 0u, 0u, v);
@ -385,14 +385,14 @@ fn freeze[T](vec[mutable T] v) -> vec[T] {
// Swaps two elements in a vector
fn swap[T](&vec[T] v, uint a, uint b) {
fn swap[T](&vec[mutable T] v, uint a, uint b) {
let T t = v.(a);
v.(a) = v.(b);
v.(b) = t;
// In place vector reversal
fn reverse[T](&vec[T] v) -> () {
fn reverse[T](&vec[mutable T] v) -> () {
let uint i = 0u;
auto ln = len[T](v);
@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ fn fannkuch(int n) -> int {
auto perm1init_ = perm1init; // Rustboot workaround
auto perm = vec::init_elt(0, n as uint);
auto perm1 = vec::init_fn(perm1init_, n as uint);
auto count = vec::init_elt(0, n as uint);
auto perm = vec::init_elt_mut(0, n as uint);
auto perm1 = vec::init_fn_mut(perm1init_, n as uint);
auto count = vec::init_elt_mut(0, n as uint);
auto f = 0;
auto i = 0;
@ -2,28 +2,28 @@ use std;
import std::vec;
fn main() {
let vec[int] v = [10, 20];
let vec[mutable int] v = [mutable 10, 20];
assert v.(0) == 10;
assert v.(1) == 20;
assert v.(0) == 20;
assert v.(1) == 10;
auto v2 = vec::reversed[int](v);
auto v2 = vec::reversed[int]([10, 20]);
assert v2.(0) == 10;
assert v2.(1) == 20;
assert v2.(0) == 20;
assert v2.(1) == 10;
v.(0) = 30;
assert v2.(0) == 10;
assert v2.(0) == 20;
// Make sure they work with 0-length vectors too.
let vec[int] v3 = [];
auto v4 = vec::reversed[int](v3);
auto v4 = vec::reversed[int]([]);
let vec[mutable int] v3 = vec::empty_mut();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user