set pagination off target remote localhost:1234 symbol-file kernel/kernel.elf printf "Start at kernel\n" b tasking.c:123 commands silent if task->pid==0 shell date printf "Yield to the kernel\n" else if task->pid==1 shell date printf "Yield to init\n" else if task->pid==2 shell date printf "Yield to the VFS\n" else if task->pid==3 shell date printf "Yield to fsdrv\n" else shell date printf "Yield to unknown\n" end end end end c end b tasking.c:35 commands silent if next_pid==0 shell date printf "Kernel task registered\n" else if next_pid==1 shell date printf "Init created\n" else if next_pid==2 shell date printf "VFS created\n" else if next_pid==3 shell date printf "fsdrv created\n" else shell date printf "Unknown task created\n" end end end end c end b mailboxes.c:14 commands silent shell date printf "Mailbox %d created.\n",next_box c end b mailboxes.c:27 commands silent shell date printf "Message sent from box %d to box %d\n",user_msg->from,user_msg->to c end b mailboxes.c:48 commands silent shell date if mailbox.msg_store[mailbox.rd].size==0 printf "Box %d attempted to get a message, but there were none.\n",box else printf "Box %d got a message.\n",box end c end c