This commit is contained in:
pjht 2023-09-03 10:03:51 -05:00
parent 3c29dbcb76
commit b79ceb0cb1
Signed by: pjht
13 changed files with 741 additions and 133 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
ld sp,0 ; Initialize the stack
ld a,0x4 ; Find a generic storage card
call find_first_card

config.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
type = "rom"
image = "rom.bin"
type = "term"
type = "ram"
num_pages = 128 # 512 KiB
type = "storage"
image = "os.dsk"

file_structures Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
VFS messages:
register_fs(mb_no: MailboxID, name: &str) -> bool
mount(dev_path: &str, mount_path: &str, fs: &str) -> bool
open(path: &str, mode: &str) -> (MailboxID, u32)
FS Api:
// Optional mailbox is redirect mailbox - direct file API calls there for provided FD
open(path: &str, mode: &str) -> (Option<MailboxID>, u32)
File Api:
read(fd: u32, pos: usize, len: usize) -> Vec<u8>
register_dev(mb_no: MailboxID, name: &str, kind: u8) -> bool

View File

@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ _start:
call find_disk
/* ld hl, test_string */
/* call print */
/* call get_free_mailbox ; Initialize a mailbox */
/* ld (mailbox_num), hl */
call get_free_frame ; Set up a frame to load programs into at 0x8000
ld b, c
ld e, l
@ -13,6 +11,11 @@ ld d, h
ld c, 8
call set_frame
; ld iy, vfs_name ; Load and run the initrd driver
; call run_file
; vfs_loaded:
; call yield ; Yield to let the initrd driver initialize
; vfs_returned:
ld iy, initrd_driver_name ; Load and run the initrd driver
call run_file
@ -21,47 +24,108 @@ initrd_driver_returned:
ld iy, initrd_fs_name ; Load and run the initrd fs driver
call run_file
call yield ; Yield to let the initrd driver initialize
/* call get_free_frame ; Set up a message frame at 0xA000 */
/* ld b, c */
/* push hl */
/* pop de */
/* ld c, 0xA */
/* call set_frame */
; Set up a read message to the driver starting at 0x80 and reading
; 0x200 bytes
/* ld a, 0x80 */
/* ld (0xA000), a */
/* ld a, 0x00 */
/* ld (0xA001), a */
/* ld a, 0x00 */
/* ld (0xA002), a */
/* ld a, 0x2 */
/* ld (0xA003), a */
/* ld hl, (mailbox_num) */
/* ld (0xA004), hl */
/* push de */
/* push bc */
/* ld de, 0 ; Get the mailbox number for the initrd driver */
/* call proc_map_get */
/* pop bc */
/* pop de */
/* ld c, b ; Send the message */
/* ld ix, 0x0000 */
/* call mb_send */
/* loop: */
/* call yield */
/* ld hl, (mailbox_num) */
/* call mb_read ; Read a message */
/* ld a, b ; Loop if there is no message */
/* cp 0 */
/* jp nz, loop */
call get_free_mailbox ; Initialize a mailbox
ld (mailbox_num), hl
ld de, 1
call proc_map_get
ld a, l
cp 0
jp z, fs_init_wait_loop
call get_free_frame ; Set up a message frame at 0xA000
ld a, c
ld (msg_phys_addr), a
ld (msg_phys_addr+1), hl
ld b, c
push hl
pop de
ld c, 0xA
call set_frame
; Set up an open message to the initrd FS for "init.elf"
ld hl, (mailbox_num)
ld (0xA000), hl
ld a, 0x0 ; Open operation
ld (0xA002), a
ld a, 0x69 ; i
ld (0xA003), a
ld a, 0x6e ; n
ld (0xA004), a
ld a, 0x69 ; i
ld (0xA005), a
ld a, 0x74 ; t
ld (0xA006), a
ld a, 0x2e ; .
ld (0xA007), a
ld a, 0x65 ; e
ld (0xA008), a
ld a, 0x6c ; l
ld (0xA009), a
ld a, 0x66 ; f
ld (0xA00a), a
ld a, 0x0 ; NUL
ld (0xA00b), a
push de
push bc
ld de, 1 ; Get the mailbox number for the initrd driver
call proc_map_get
pop bc
pop de
ld c, b ; Send the message
ld ix, 0x0000
call mb_send
call yield
jp loop
ld hl, (mailbox_num)
call mb_read ; Read a message
ld a, b ; Loop if there is no message
cp 0
jp nz, loop
ld a, (0xA001)
ld c, a
; Set up a read message to the initrd FS for init.elf starting at 0x10 and reading 0x50 bytes
ld hl, (mailbox_num)
ld (0xA000), hl
ld a, 0x1 ; Read operation
ld (0xA002), a
ld a, c ; FD
ld (0xA003), a
ld hl, 0x10
ld (0xA004), hl ; File offset
ld hl, 0x50
ld (0xA006), hl ; Read length
ld de, 1 ; Get the mailbox number for the initrd driver
call proc_map_get
ld a, (msg_phys_addr)
ld c, a
ld de, (msg_phys_addr+1)
ld ix, 0x0000
call mb_send
call yield
ld hl, (mailbox_num)
call mb_read ; Read a message
ld a, b ; Loop if there is no message
cp 0
jp nz, read_loop
mailbox_num: .ds.b 2
msg_phys_addr: .ds.b 3
vfs_name: .asciz "vfs.elf"
initrd_driver_name: .asciz "initrd_driver.elf"
initrd_fs_name: .asciz "initrd_fs.elf"

View File

@ -2,20 +2,22 @@
call find_disk
ld a, 7
call 0xdffd
call get_free_mailbox
push hl
ld de, 0
ld a, 8
call 0xdffd
call proc_map_set
pop hl
ld (mailbox_num), hl
call yield
ld hl, (mailbox_num)
ld a, 6
call 0xdffd
call mb_read
ld a, b
cp 1
jp z, msg_loop
push bc
push de
@ -23,6 +25,7 @@ push hl
ld b, c
ld c, 0xB
call set_frame
ld a, h
or 0xB0
ld h, a
@ -33,17 +36,17 @@ inc hl
ld e, (hl)
inc hl
ld d, (hl)
ld hl, (0xB004) ; Load destination mailbox into HL and save it on the stack
push hl
ld hl, 0xB000
jp read_bytes
ld hl, (0xB004) ; Load destination mailbox into HL
call read_bytes
pop hl
pop ix
pop de
pop bc
ld a, 5
call 0xdffd
jp msg_loop
read_buf: .ds.b 512
@ -67,24 +70,61 @@ ld a, (start_byte) ; A = 255 - offset + 1 (256-offset)
ld b, a
ld a, 0xFF
sub b
inc a
ld b, 0 ; Load bc with the value in A
ld c, a
inc bc
push de
ld de, (byte_count)
ld a, b
cp d
jp c, count_ok_1
ld a, c
cp e
jp c, count_ok_1
push de
pop bc
pop de
ld a, b
cp 0
jp nz, nz_ok
ld a, c
cp 0
jp nz, nz_ok
jp no_transfer
ld (dest_addr), de
ld a, (start_byte) ; A = 255 - offset + 1 (256-offset)
ld b, a
ld a, 0xFF
sub b
inc a
ld b, 0 ; Load bc with the value in A
ld c, a
inc bc
push de
ld de, (byte_count)
ld a, b
cp d
jp c, count_ok_2
ld a, c
cp e
jp c, count_ok_2
push de
pop bc
pop de
ld hl, (byte_count)
sbc hl, bc
ld (rem_bytes), hl
ld a, h
cp 0
jp z, no_transfer_2
ld b, h
ld c, 0
ld d, 0
@ -98,6 +138,10 @@ call read_sector
inc de
pop bc
djnz sector_loop
ld a, (rem_bytes)
cp 0
jp z, read_bytes_done
ld (dest_addr), hl
ld hl, (sec_buf)
call read_sector

View File

@ -1,47 +1,61 @@
.global _start
call get_free_mailbox ; Get a mailbox
ld (sec_read_mailbox_num), hl
call get_free_mailbox ; Get a mailbox
ld (mailbox_num), hl
ld de, 1
call get_free_frame ; Set up a frame to send messages at 0x8000
ld b, c
ld e, l
ld d, h
ld c, 0x8
call set_frame
call get_free_frame ; Set up a frame for the file mapping at 0xA000
call get_free_frame ; Set up a frame to send messages at 0xA000
ld a, c
ld (msg_frame_phys), a
ld a, l
ld (msg_frame_phys+1), a
ld a, h
ld (msg_frame_phys+2), a
ld b, c
ld e, l
ld d, h
ld c, 0xA
call set_frame
call get_free_frame ; Set up a frame for the file mapping at 0x8000
ld b, c
ld e, l
ld d, h
ld c, 0x8
call set_frame
ld c, 0
ld de, 1
ld hl, 0xA000
ld hl, 0x8000
push bc
push de
push hl
ld hl, 0x8000
ld hl, 0xA000
call read_sector
pop de
push de
ld b, 0 ; Load the filename length in BC
ld a, (0x8000)
ld a, (0xA000)
cp 0
jp z, initrd_read_done
ld c, a
ld hl, 0x8001
ld hl, 0xA001 ; Read the name + null terminator into the mapping list
ld a, (hl)
ld (de), a
inc hl
pop de
ld a, e
pop de ; Restore the value of DE before reading the name in
ld a, e ; Add 0x20 to DE
add a, 0x20
ld e, a
ld a, d
adc a, 0x0
ld d, a
ld a, (hl)
ld a, (hl) ; Write the file legth to the mapping list
ld (de), a
inc hl
inc de
@ -49,11 +63,19 @@ ld a, (hl)
ld (de), a
inc hl
inc de
ld l, e
ld l, e
ld h, d
pop de
pop iy
pop bc
ld (hl), e
push de
; FM
push bc
ld e, iyl
ld d, iyh
ld (hl), e ; Write the starting block of the file to the mapping list
inc hl
ld (hl), d
inc hl
@ -61,9 +83,9 @@ ld (hl), c
inc hl
; Advance to the next header
ld b, 0 ; Load the filename length in BC
ld a, (0x8000)
ld a, (0xA000)
ld c, a
ld hl, 0x8004
ld hl, 0xA004
add hl, bc ; Add the filename length to get the pointer to the
; # of blocks in the file in HL
ld c, (hl) ; Read the # of blocks into BC
@ -73,37 +95,161 @@ ld l, c ; Move it into HL
ld h, b
inc hl ; Add 1 to account for the header sector
pop bc
; FM
add hl, de ; 24-bit add of HL to C:DE
ld e, l
ld d, h
ld a, c
adc a, 0
ld c, a
pop hl
; (empty)
inc hl
inc hl
inc hl
jp initrd_read_loop
ld de, 1
ld hl, (mailbox_num)
call proc_map_set ; Register ourselves as ID 1
call yield
ld hl, (mailbox_num)
call mb_read ; Read a message and place it at 0xB000
call mb_read
ld a, b
cp 1
jp z, msg_loop
push bc
push de
push hl
ld b, c
ld c, 0xB
call set_frame
ld hl, (0xB004) ; Load destination mailbox into HL
ld hl, (0xB000) ; Load destination mailbox into HL and save it on the stack
push hl
ld hl, 0xB002
; Handling code goes here
ld a, (hl)
inc hl
cp 0x0
jp z, open
cp 0x1
jp z, read
pop hl
pop ix
pop de
pop bc
call mb_send
jp msg_loop
; de = start of file map list
; c = 0
; while (1) {
; if (*de == 0) {
; (0xB000) = 1;
; return
; }
; if (strcmp(de, 0xB003) == 0) {
; (0xB000) = 0;
; (0xB001) = c;
; return;
; }
; }
ld de, 0x8000
ld c, 0
ld a, (de)
cp 0
jp nz, open_not_end
ld a, 1
ld (0xB000), a
jp operation_done
ld ix, 0xB003
push de
pop iy
call strcmp
cp 0
jp nz, open_not_match
ld a, 0
ld (0xB000), a
ld a, c
ld (0xB001), a
jp operation_done
inc c
push de
pop hl
ld de, 0x25
add hl, de
push hl
pop de
jp open_find_loop
ld a, (0xB003)
ld l, a
ld h, 0
push hl
pop ix
add hl, hl
add hl, hl
push hl
pop de
add ix, de
add hl, hl
add hl, hl
add hl, hl
push hl
pop de
add ix, de
ld de, 0x8020
add ix, de
ld d, (ix+2)
ld e, 0x0
ld hl, (0xB004)
add hl, de
ld bc, 0x100
add hl, bc
ld c, l
ld b, h
ld de, (0xB006)
call read_bytes
ld de, 0xB000
ld hl, 0xA000
ld bc, (0xB006)
jp operation_done
ld a, (ix+0)
ld b, (iy+0)
cp b
jp nz, strcmp_different
cp 0
ret z
inc ix
inc iy
jp strcmp_loop
ld a, 1
sec_read_mailbox_num: .ds.b 2
mailbox_num: .ds.b 2
msg_frame_phys: .ds.b 3
; Given a sector number in C:DE, reads the sector off disk into 0x8000
; Given a sector number in C:DE, reads the sector off disk into 0xA000
; Set up a read message to the driver starting at the sector in register E and reading
; 0x100 bytes
@ -115,23 +261,48 @@ ld a, 0x00
ld (0xA002), a
ld a, 0x1
ld (0xA003), a
ld hl, (mailbox_num)
ld hl, (sec_read_mailbox_num)
ld (0xA004), hl
push de
push bc
ld de, 0 ; Get the mailbox number for the initrd driver
call proc_map_get
pop bc
pop de
ld c, b ; Send the message
ld ix, 0x0000
ld a, (msg_frame_phys)
ld c, a
ld de, (msg_frame_phys + 1)
ld ix, 0
call mb_send
call yield
ld hl, (mailbox_num)
ld hl, (sec_read_mailbox_num)
; Given a byte offset in BC, and a byte length in DE no more than 0x1000, reads the data off disk into 0xA000
; Set up a read message to the driver starting at the sector in register E and reading
; 0x100 bytes
ld (0xA000), bc
ld (0xA002), de
ld hl, (sec_read_mailbox_num)
ld (0xA004), hl
ld de, 0 ; Get the mailbox number for the initrd driver
call proc_map_get
ld a, (msg_frame_phys)
ld c, a
ld de, (msg_frame_phys + 1)
ld ix, 0
call mb_send
call yield
ld hl, (sec_read_mailbox_num)
call mb_read ; Read a message
ld a, b ; Loop if there is no message
cp 0
jp nz, loop
jp nz, read_bytes_loop

View File

@ -154,6 +154,9 @@ ld (mb_free_list), a
ld a, (ix + 1)
ld (mb_free_list + 1), a
ld hl, (temp)
xor a
ld (temp), a
ld (temp + 1), a
; Clobbers A, BC, DE, and IX

View File

@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ djnz page_alloc_loop
pop de
pop ix
pop iy
;Zero out the segments place in memory
ld c, (ix+20) ; Load the byte counter with the number of bytes to zero out
ld b, (ix+21)

View File

@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ get_ram_bmap:
ld a, h
or 0xE0
ld h, a
ex af, af'
@ -65,6 +66,7 @@ get_ram_bmap:
ld e, d
call set_frame
ld hl, 0xE000
; Get a free frame of RAM
@ -221,6 +223,8 @@ init_if1_end:
/* cp c */
jp nz, init_if2_end
ld (hl), 0xFF
inc hl
ld (hl), 0xFF
ld a, (first_ram_card)
ld b, a

View File

@ -8,6 +8,17 @@ call get_free_frame
ld a, c
ld (map_frame), a
ld (map_frame+1), hl
ld c, 0xE
ld a, (map_frame)
ld b, a
ld de, (map_frame+1)
call set_frame
xor a
ld (0xE000), a
ld hl, 0xE000
ld de, 0xE001
ld bc, 4096-1
; Clobbers A, BC, HL, IX
@ -24,7 +35,7 @@ pop de
pop hl
add hl, hl
ld a, h
or 0xE
or 0xE0
ld h, a
ld (hl), e
inc hl
@ -43,7 +54,7 @@ call set_frame
pop hl
add hl, hl
ld a, h
or 0xE
or 0xE0
ld h, a
ld e, (hl)
inc hl

View File

@ -129,20 +129,13 @@ schedule_process:
jp nz, block1
jp end1
push bc
push hl
pop bc
call get_process_ptr
push bc
pop iy
pop bc
push bc
/* ld (iy+7), c */
/* ld (iy+8), b */
call get_process_ptr
push bc
pop ix
pop bc
pop hl
ld (ix+5), l
ld (ix+6), h
ld (ready_to_run_head), bc
@ -158,6 +151,7 @@ end1:
jp block3
ld (ready_to_run_head), bc
ld (ready_to_run_tail), bc
ld (current_process), bc
@ -194,6 +188,7 @@ end3:
push iy
ld bc, (current_process)
call get_process_ptr
push bc
pop ix
ld de, 11
@ -211,51 +206,39 @@ yield_list_manip:
; Get next process into ix, unlink it from the
; ready to run list, and link the current process in
; Logic:
; next_process = ready_to_run_head -> pid
; if (current_process->pid == 1) {
; ready_to_run_head = 0
; next_process = ready_to_run_head
; if (current_process == 1) {
; ready_to_run_head = 0
; ready_to_run_tail = 0
; } else {
; current_process->next = ready_to_run_head->next
; ready_to_run_head = current_process
; ready_to_run_head = ready_to_run_head->next
; current_process->next = 0
; if (ready_to_run_head==0) {
; ready_to_run_head=current_process;
; ready_to_run_tail=current_process;
; } else {
; ready_to_run_tail->next = current_process
; ready_to_run_tail = current_process;
; }
; }
; current_process = next_process
ld ix, (ready_to_run_head)
push ix
pop bc
call get_process_ptr
push bc
pop ix
ld e, (ix+9)
ld d, (ix+10)
ld l, (ix+5)
ld h, (ix+6)
push hl
push de
push ix
call pop_rtr_head
ld bc, (current_process)
call get_process_ptr
pop ix
pop de
pop hl
push bc
pop iy
ld a, (iy + 9)
ld a, c
cp 1
jp nz, else4
xor a
ld (ready_to_run_head), a
ld (ready_to_run_head+1), a
jp end4
ld (iy+5), l
ld (iy+6), h
ld bc, (current_process)
ld (ready_to_run_head), bc
jp z, ylm_skip_link
push de
call push_rtr_tail
pop de
ld (current_process), de
push de
pop bc
call get_process_ptr
push bc
pop ix
push ix
ld de, 11
add ix, de
@ -303,7 +286,85 @@ yield_sp_load:
pop af
;Gets the ID of the head of the ready to run list in DE and removes the element from the list
; bc = *ready_to_run_head;
; ix = get_process_ptr(bc);
; ready_to_run_head = ix->next;
; if (ready_to_run_head==0) {
; ready_to_run_tail=0;
; }
; return bc;
ld bc, (ready_to_run_head)
push bc
call get_process_ptr
push bc
pop ix
pop de
ld l, (ix+5)
ld h, (ix+6)
ld (ready_to_run_head), hl
ld a, l
cp 0
jp nz, pop_rh_ok
ld a, h
cp 0
jp nz, pop_rh_ok
ld (ready_to_run_tail), hl
;Pushes the process with the ID in BC onto the ready to run list
; Clobbers A, DE, HL, and IX
; Logic:
; if (*ready_to_run_tail == 0) {
; *ready_to_run_tail = bc
; *ready_to_run_head = bc
; } else {
; ix = get_process_ptr(bc);
; ix->next = 0;
; ix = get_process_ptr(*ready_to_run_tail);
; ix->next = bc;
; *ready_to_run_tail=bc;
; }
ld hl, (ready_to_run_tail)
ld a, l
cp 0
jp nz, push_rtr_tail_nz
ld a, h
cp 0
jp nz, push_rtr_tail_nz
ld (ready_to_run_head), bc
ld (ready_to_run_tail), bc
push bc
call get_process_ptr
push bc
pop ix
ld (ix+5), 0
ld (ix+6), 0
ld bc, (ready_to_run_tail)
call get_process_ptr
push bc
pop ix
pop bc
ld (ix+5), c
ld (ix+6), b
ld (ready_to_run_tail), bc
ready_to_run_head: .ds.b 2
ready_to_run_tail: .ds.b 2
current_process: .ds.b 2
next_pid: .dc.w 1
process_allocation_bitmap: .ds.b 128

rom.elf Executable file

Binary file not shown.

vfs.z80 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
.global _start
call get_free_frame
ld b, c
ld e, l
ld d, h
ld c, 0x9
call set_frame
call get_free_frame
ld a, c
ld (send_page_addr), a
ld (send_page_addr+1), hl
ld b, c
ld e, l
ld d, h
ld c, 0x8
call set_frame
ld hl, 0x9000
ld de, 0x9001
ld bc, 0x1000
ld (hl), 0x0
call get_free_mailbox
push hl
ld de, 1
call proc_map_set
pop hl
ld (vfs_mailbox_num), hl
call get_free_mailbox
ld (fs_mailbox_num), hl
call yield
ld hl, (vfs_mailbox_num)
call mb_read
ld a, b
cp 1
jp z, msg_loop
push bc
push de
push hl
ld b, c
ld c, 0xB
call set_frame
ld hl, (0xB000) ; Load destination mailbox into HL and save it on the stack
push hl
ld hl, 0xB002
; Handling code goes here
ld a, (hl)
inc hl
cp 0x0
jp z, register_fs
cp 0x1
jp z, mount
pop hl
pop ix
pop de
pop bc
call mb_send
jp msg_loop
ld a, (fs_count)
ld l, a
ld h, 0x0
add hl, hl
add hl, hl
add hl, hl
add hl, hl
ld de, data_fs_offset
add hl, de
ld de, 0x9000
add hl, de
push hl
pop de
ld hl, 0xB003
ld bc, 16
ld a, (fs_count)
inc a
ld (fs_count), a
; String pointer 1 in IX, 2 in IY
; Return in A
ld a, (iy)
ld b, a
ld a, (ix)
cp b
jp nz, strcmp_loopend
cp 0
ret z
inc ix
inc iy
jp strcmp_loop
ld a, (iy)
ld b, a
ld a, (ix)
sub b
ld a, (mount_count)
ld l, 0x0
ld h, a
ld de, data_mount_offset
add hl, de
ld de, 0x9000
add hl, de
push hl
pop de
push de
ld hl, 0xB003
ld bc, 252
ld a, (mount_count)
inc a
ld (mount_count), a
; FS type at 0xB1FF
ld a, (fs_count)
ld b, a
ld hl, data_fs_offset + 0x9000
ld de, 0x10
push hl
pop ix
ld iy, 0xB0FF
push bc
call strcmp
pop bc
cp 0
jp mount_loop1_done
add hl, de
djnz mount_loop1
ld de, 14
add hl, de
pop ix
ld de, 252
add ix, de
ld e, (hl)
inc hl
ld d, (hl)
ld (ix), e
ld (ix+1), d
push ix
ld a, 0x2
ld (0x8000), a
ld hl, 0xB0FF
ld de, 0x8001
ld bc, 256
ld a, (send_page_addr)
ld c, a
ld de, (send_page_addr+1)
ld ix, 0x0
call mb_send
call yield
ld hl, (fs_mailbox_num)
call mb_read ; Read a message
ld a, b ; Loop if there is no message
cp 0
jp nz, mount_wait_loop
pop ix
ld a, (0x8000)
ld (ix+2), a
ld a, (0x8001)
ld (ix+3), a
; String pointer 1 in IX, 2 in IY
; Return in A
ld a, (iy)
ld b, a
ld a, (ix)
cp b
cp 0
ret z
jp nz, vfsstrcmp_loopend
inc ix
inc iy
jp vfsstrcmp_loop
ld a, (iy)
ld b, a
ld a, (ix)
sub b
vfs_mailbox_num: .ds.b 2
fs_mailbox_num: .ds.b 2
send_page_addr: .ds.b 3
fs_count: .ds.b 1
mount_count: .ds.b 1
.equ data_fs_offset, 0x0
.equ data_mount_offset, 0x200
.equ fs_name_offset, 0x0
.equ fs_pid_offset, 0xE
.equ mount_path_offset, 0x0
.equ mount_fs_pid_offset, 0xFD
.equ mount_fs_id_offset, 0xFF