#!/usr/bin/python3 # # Bookmark management utility # # Copyright (C) 2015 Arun Prakash Jana # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with markit. If not, see . import sys import os import sqlite3 from getopt import getopt, GetoptError import readline import webbrowser import html.parser as HTMLParser from http.client import HTTPConnection from http.client import HTTPSConnection from urllib.parse import urljoin, unquote # Globals addurl = False addindex = None online = False delete = False openurl = None show = False showindex = None showOpt = 0 search = False searchAll = False entry = None update = False debug = False titleData = None refresh = False # Show usage of markit and exit def usage(): print("Usage: markit [OPTIONS] KEYWORDS...") print("Bookmark manager. Your private Google.\n") print("Options") print(" -a URL tag 1, tag 2, ... add URL as bookmark with comma separated tags") print(" -d N delete entry at DB index N (from -P output)") print(" -D delete ALL bookmarks") print(" -i N insert entry at DB index N, useful to fill deleted index") print(" -o N open URL at DB index N in browser") print(" -p N show details of bookmark record at DB index N") print(" -P show all bookmarks along with index from DB") print(" -R refresh all bookmarks, tags retained") print(" -s keyword(s) search all bookmarks for a (partial) tag or any keyword") print(" -S keyword(s) search all bookmarks for a (partial) tag or all keywords") print(" -u N update entry at DB index N") print(" -w fetch title info from web, works with -a, -i, -u") print(" -x N works with -P, N=1: show only URL, N=2: show URL and tag") print(" -z show debug information") print(" you can either add or update or delete in one instance") print(" any other option shows help and exits markit\n") print("Keys") print(" 1-N open Nth search result in browser. Enter exits markit.\n") print("Version 1.2") print("Copyright (C) 2015 Arun Prakash Jana ") print("Webpage: https://github.com/jarun/markit") sys.exit(1) # Initialize the database connection # Create bookmarks table is not existing def initdb(): dbpath = os.path.join(os.environ.get('HOME'), '.cache', 'markit') if not os.path.exists(dbpath): os.makedirs(dbpath) # Create a connection conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(dbpath, 'bookmarks.db')) cur = conn.cursor() # Create table if it doesn't exist cur.execute('''CREATE TABLE if not exists bookmarks \ (id integer PRIMARY KEY, URL text NOT NULL UNIQUE, metadata text, tags text)''') conn.commit() return (conn, cur) # Add a new bookmark or update an existing record at index def AddUpdateEntry(conn, cur, keywords, index): global online tags = ',' url = keywords[0] if len(keywords) > 1: for tag in keywords[1:]: if tags[-1] == ",": tags += tag else: tags += " " + tag if tags[-1] != ",": tags += "," meta = '' if online == True: secure = True if url.find("https://") >= 0: server = url[8:] elif url.find("http://") >= 0: secure = False server = url[7:] else: online = False if online == True: marker = server.find("/") if marker > 0: fetchurl = server[marker:] server = server[:marker] else: fetchurl = url try: if debug: print("server: [%s]" % server) if secure == True: urlconn = HTTPSConnection(server, timeout=30) else: urlconn = HTTPConnection(server, timeout=30) if debug: print("URL: [%s]" % fetchurl) urlconn.request("GET", fetchurl) resp = urlconn.getresponse() if resp.status != 200: # Handle first redirection if resp.status in (301,302,): if debug: print(resp.getheader('location', '')) redirurl = urljoin(url, resp.getheader('location', '')) if redirurl.find("sorry/IndexRedirect?") >= 0: print("ERROR: Connection blocked due to unusual activity.") else: urlconn.close() secure = False if url.find("https://") >= 0: secure = True if secure == True: server = redirurl[8:] marker = server.find("/") if marker > 0: server = server[:marker] urlconn = HTTPSConnection(server, timeout=30) else: server = redirurl[7:] marker = server.find("/") if marker > 0: server = server[:marker] urlconn = HTTPConnection(server, timeout=30) if debug: print("Redir server: [%s]" % server) print("Redir URL: [%s]" % redirurl) urlconn.request("GET", redirurl) resp = urlconn.getresponse() if resp.status != 200: print("ERROR on retry:", str(resp.status), ": ", resp.reason) meta = '' else: getTitleData(resp) if titleData != None: meta = titleData else: # if resp.status in (301,302,): print("ERROR:", str(resp.status), ": ", resp.reason) meta = '' else: # if resp.status != 200: getTitleData(resp) if titleData != None: meta = titleData except Exception as e: print("Exception: %s" % e) meta = '' finally: urlconn.close() if online == True: meta = meta.strip().replace("\n","") if meta == '': print("\x1B[91mTitle: []\x1B[0m") else: print("Title: [%s]" % meta) if index == None: # Insert a new entry try: if addindex == None: # addindex is index number to insert record at cur.execute('INSERT INTO bookmarks(URL, metadata, tags) VALUES (?, ?, ?)', (url, meta, tags,)) else: cur.execute('INSERT INTO bookmarks(id, URL, metadata, tags) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)', (int(addindex), url, meta, tags,)) conn.commit() print("Added at index %d" % cur.lastrowid) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: for row in cur.execute("SELECT id from bookmarks where URL LIKE ?", (url,)): print("URL already exists at index %s" % row[0]) return print("Index %s exists" % addindex) else: # Update an existing entry try: cur.execute("UPDATE bookmarks SET URL = ?, metadata = ?, tags = ? WHERE id = ?", (url, meta, tags, int(index),)) conn.commit() if cur.rowcount == 1: print("Updated index %d" % int(index)) else: print("No matching index") except sqlite3.IntegrityError: print("URL already exists") # Search the database for a tag or mathcing URL or Title info def searchdb(cur, keywords): searchtag = '' for token in keywords: searchtag += token + " " searchtag = searchtag[0:-1] arguments = [] arguments.append(searchtag) placeholder = "'%' || ? || '%'" query = "SELECT id, url, metadata, tags FROM bookmarks WHERE tags LIKE (%s)" % placeholder if searchAll == True: # Match all keywords in URL or Title query += " OR (" for token in keywords: query += "URL LIKE (%s) AND " % (placeholder) arguments.append(token) query = query[:-5] + ") OR (" for token in keywords: query += "metadata LIKE (%s) AND " % (placeholder) arguments.append(token) query = query[:-5] + ")" else: # Match any keyword in URL or Title for token in keywords: query += " OR URL LIKE (%s) OR metadata LIKE (%s)" % (placeholder, placeholder) arguments.append(token) arguments.append(token) if debug: print("\"%s\", (%s)" % (query, arguments)) count = 0 results = [] for row in cur.execute(query, arguments): results.append(row[1]) count += 1 print("\x1B[1m\x1B[93m%d. \x1B[0m\x1B[92m%s\x1B[0m (%d)\n\t%s\n\t\x1B[91m[TAGS]\x1B[0m %s" % (count, row[1], row[0], row[2], row[3][1:-1])) if count == 0: return print("") while True: nav = input("Result number to open: ") if is_int(nav): index = int(nav) - 1 if index < 0: print("Index out of bound") continue try: openurl = unquote(results[int(nav) - 1]) browser_open(openurl) except IndexError: print("Index out of bound") else: break # Delete a single record or remove the table def cleardb(conn, cur, index): if index == None: # Remove the table cur.execute('DROP TABLE if exists bookmarks') conn.commit() else: # Remove a single entry try: cur.execute("DELETE FROM bookmarks WHERE id = ?", (int(index),)) conn.commit() if cur.rowcount == 1: print("Removed index %d" % int(index)) else: print("No matching index") except IndexError: print("Index out of bound") # Print all records in the table def printdb(cur, index): global showOpt if index == None: # Show all entries for row in cur.execute('SELECT * FROM bookmarks'): if showOpt == 1: print("%s %s" % (row[0], row[1])) elif showOpt == 2: print("%s %s %s" % (row[0], row[1], row[3][1:-1])) else: print("\x1B[1m\x1B[93m%s. \x1B[0m\x1B[92m%s\x1B[0m\n\t%s\n\t\x1B[91m[TAGS]\x1B[0m %s" % (row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3][1:-1])) else: # Show record at index try: for row in cur.execute("SELECT * FROM bookmarks WHERE id = ?", (int(index),)): print("\x1B[1m\x1B[93m%s. \x1B[0m\x1B[92m%s\x1B[0m\n\t%s\n\t\x1B[91m[TAGS]\x1B[0m %s" % (row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3][1:-1])) return print("No matching index") except IndexError: print("Index out of bound") # Fetch index and open URL in browser def fetchopen(index): try: for row in cur.execute("SELECT URL FROM bookmarks WHERE id = ?", (int(index),)): url = unquote(row[0]) browser_open(url) return print("No matching index") except IndexError: print("Index out of bound") # Check if a value is a digit def is_int(string): try: int(string) return True except: return False # Fetch titleData from GET response def getTitleData(resp): global titleData titleData = None charset = '' charset = resp.headers.get_content_charset() if charset == None: charset = 'utf-8' if debug: print(charset) parser = BMHTMLParser() try: if charset == 'utf-8': parser.feed(resp.read().decode(charset, "replace")) else: parser.feed(resp.read().decode(charset)) except Exception as e: if debug: print("Exception: %s" % e) # Parse HTML page for Title info class BMHTMLParser(HTMLParser.HTMLParser): def __init__(self): HTMLParser.HTMLParser.__init__(self) self.inTitle = False self.data = "" self.lasttag = None def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): self.inTitle = False if tag == "title": self.inTitle = True self.lasttag = tag def handle_endtag(self, tag): global titleData if tag == "title": self.inTitle = False if self.data != "": titleData = self.data self.reset() # We have received title data, exit parsing def handle_data(self, data): if self.lasttag == "title" and self.inTitle == True: self.data += data # Open a URL in browser def browser_open(url): url = url.replace("%22", "\"") _stderr = os.dup(2) os.close(2) _stdout = os.dup(1) os.close(1) fd = os.open(os.devnull, os.O_RDWR) os.dup2(fd, 2) os.dup2(fd, 1) try: webbrowser.open(url) except Exception as e: print("Browser Exception: %s" % e) finally: os.close(fd) os.dup2(_stderr, 2) os.dup2(_stdout, 1) # Main starts here # ---------------- optlist = None keywords = None if len(sys.argv) < 2: usage() # Check cmdline options try: optlist, keywords = getopt(sys.argv[1:], "d:i:o:p:u:x:aDPRsSwz") if len(optlist) < 1: usage() for opt in optlist: if opt[0] == "-a": if update == True or delete == True: print("You can either add or update or delete in one instance\n") usage() addurl = True elif opt[0] == "-d": if addurl == True or update == True: print("You can either add or update or delete in one instance\n") usage() if not opt[1].isdigit(): usage() entry = opt[1] if int(entry) <= 0: usage() delete = True elif opt[0] == "-D": if addurl == True or update == True: print("You can either add or update or delete in one instance\n") usage() delete = True elif opt[0] == "-i": if update == True or delete == True: print("You can either add or update or delete in one instance\n") usage() if not opt[1].isdigit(): usage() addindex = opt[1] if int(addindex) <= 0: usage() addurl = True elif opt[0] == "-o": if not opt[1].isdigit(): usage() openurl = opt[1] if int(openurl) <= 0: usage() elif opt[0] == "-p": if not opt[1].isdigit(): usage() showindex = opt[1] if int(showindex) <= 0: usage() show = True elif opt[0] == "-P": show = True elif opt[0] == "-R": if addurl == True or delete == True: print("You can either add or update or delete in one instance\n") usage() online = True refresh = True elif opt[0] == "-s": search = True elif opt[0] == "-S": searchAll = True search = True elif opt[0] == "-u": if addurl == True or delete == True: print("You can either add or update or delete in one instance\n") usage() if not opt[1].isdigit(): usage() entry = opt[1] if int(entry) <= 0: usage() update = True elif opt[0] == "-w": online = True elif opt[0] == "-x": if not opt[1].isdigit(): usage() showOpt = int(opt[1]) if showOpt < 1 or showOpt > 2: usage() elif opt[0] == "-z": debug = True except GetoptError as e: print("markit:", e) sys.exit(1) # Initilize the database and get handles conn, cur = initdb() if update == True and refresh == True: print("You can either update a single index or refresh full DB at once.") conn.close() usage() # Call add or update record if addurl == True or update == True: if len(keywords) < 1: conn.close() usage() AddUpdateEntry(conn, cur, keywords, entry) # Refresh full DB if refresh == True: cur.execute("SELECT id, url, tags FROM bookmarks") for row in cur.fetchall(): olddata = [] olddata.append(row[1]) if row[2] != '': olddata.append(row[2][1:]) # Omit the initial ',' already in DB else: olddata.append(row[2]) AddUpdateEntry(conn, cur, olddata, row[0]) print("") # Search tags, URLs, Title info if search == True: if len(keywords) < 1: conn.close() usage() searchdb(cur, keywords) # Print all records if show == True: printdb(cur, showindex) # Open URL in browser if openurl != None: fetchopen(openurl) # Remove a single record of all records if delete == True: cleardb(conn, cur, entry) # Close the connection before exiting conn.close()