"""test module.""" from itertools import product from unittest import mock from urllib.parse import urlparse import json import logging import os import signal import sys import unittest import pytest from buku import is_int, parse_tags, prep_tag_search only_python_3_5 = pytest.mark.skipif( sys.version_info < (3, 5), reason="requires Python 3.5 or later") @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'url, exp_res', [ ['http://example.com', False], ['ftp://ftp.somedomain.org', False], ['http://examplecom.', True], ['http://.example.com', True], ['http://example.com.', True], ['about:newtab', True], ['chrome://version/', True], ] ) def test_is_bad_url(url, exp_res): """test func.""" import buku res = buku.is_bad_url(url) assert res == exp_res @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'url, exp_res', [ ('http://example.com/file.pdf', True), ('http://example.com/file.txt', True), ('http://example.com/file.jpg', False), ] ) def test_is_ignored_mime(url, exp_res): """test func.""" import buku assert exp_res == buku.is_ignored_mime(url) def test_gen_headers(): """test func.""" import buku exp_myheaders = { 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip,deflate', 'User-Agent': buku.USER_AGENT, 'Accept': '*/*', 'Cookie': '', 'DNT': '1' } buku.gen_headers() assert buku.MYPROXY is None assert buku.MYHEADERS == exp_myheaders @pytest.mark.parametrize('m_myproxy', [None, mock.Mock()]) def test_get_PoolManager(m_myproxy): """test func.""" with mock.patch('buku.urllib3'): import buku buku.myproxy = m_myproxy assert buku.get_PoolManager() @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'keywords, exp_res', [ (None, None), ([], None), (['tag1', 'tag2'], ',tag1 tag2,'), (['tag1,tag2', 'tag3'], ',tag1,tag2 tag3,'), ] ) def test_parse_tags(keywords, exp_res): """test func.""" import buku if keywords is None: pass elif not keywords: exp_res = buku.DELIM res = buku.parse_tags(keywords) assert res == exp_res @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'records, field_filter, exp_res', [ [ [(1, 'http://url1.com', 'title1', ',tag1,'), (2, 'http://url2.com', 'title2', ',tag1,tag2,')], 1, ['1\thttp://url1.com', '2\thttp://url2.com'] ], [ [(1, 'http://url1.com', 'title1', ',tag1,'), (2, 'http://url2.com', 'title2', ',tag1,tag2,')], 2, ['1\thttp://url1.com\ttag1', '2\thttp://url2.com\ttag1,tag2'] ], [ [(1, 'http://url1.com', 'title1', ',tag1,'), (2, 'http://url2.com', 'title2', ',tag1,tag2,')], 3, ['1\ttitle1', '2\ttitle2'] ], [ [(1, 'http://url1.com', 'title1', ',tag1,'), (2, 'http://url2.com', 'title2', ',tag1,tag2,')], 4, ['1\thttp://url1.com\ttitle1\ttag1', '2\thttp://url2.com\ttitle2\ttag1,tag2'] ], [ [(1, 'http://url1.com', 'title1', ',tag1,'), (2, 'http://url2.com', 'title2', ',tag1,tag2,')], 10, ['http://url1.com', 'http://url2.com'] ], [ [(1, 'http://url1.com', 'title1', ',tag1,'), (2, 'http://url2.com', 'title2', ',tag1,tag2,')], 20, ['http://url1.com\ttag1', 'http://url2.com\ttag1,tag2'] ], [ [(1, 'http://url1.com', 'title1', ',tag1,'), (2, 'http://url2.com', 'title2', ',tag1,tag2,')], 30, ['title1', 'title2'] ], [ [(1, 'http://url1.com', 'title1', ',tag1,'), (2, 'http://url2.com', 'title2', ',tag1,tag2,')], 40, ['http://url1.com\ttitle1\ttag1', 'http://url2.com\ttitle2\ttag1,tag2'] ] ] ) def test_print_rec_with_filter(records, field_filter, exp_res): """test func.""" with mock.patch('buku.print', create=True) as m_print: import buku buku.print_rec_with_filter(records, field_filter) for res in exp_res: m_print.assert_any_call(res) @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'taglist, exp_res', [ [ 'tag1, tag2+3', ([',tag1,', ',tag2+3,'], 'OR', None) ], [ 'tag1 + tag2-3 + tag4', ([',tag1,', ',tag2-3,', ',tag4,'], 'AND', None) ], [ 'tag1, tag2-3 - tag4, tag5', ([',tag1,', ',tag2-3,'], 'OR', ',tag4,|,tag5,') ] ] ) def test_prep_tag_search(taglist, exp_res): """test prep_tag_search helper function""" results = prep_tag_search(taglist) assert results == exp_res @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'nav, is_editor_valid_retval, edit_rec_retval', product( ['w', [None, None, 1], [None, None, 'string']], [True, False], [[mock.Mock(), mock.Mock(), mock.Mock(), mock.Mock()], None] ) ) def test_edit_at_prompt(nav, is_editor_valid_retval, edit_rec_retval): """test func.""" obj = mock.Mock() editor = mock.Mock() with mock.patch('buku.get_system_editor', return_value=editor), \ mock.patch('buku.is_editor_valid', return_value=is_editor_valid_retval), \ mock.patch('buku.edit_rec', return_value=edit_rec_retval) as m_edit_rec: import buku buku.edit_at_prompt(obj, nav) # test if nav == 'w' and not is_editor_valid_retval: return if nav == 'w': m_edit_rec.assert_called_once_with(editor, '', None, buku.DELIM, None) elif buku.is_int(nav[2:]): obj.edit_update_rec.assert_called_once_with(int(nav[2:])) return else: editor = nav[2:] m_edit_rec.assert_called_once_with(editor, '', None, buku.DELIM, None) if edit_rec_retval is not None: obj.add_rec(*edit_rec_retval) @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'field_filter, single_record', product(list(range(4)), [True, False]) ) def test_format_json(field_filter, single_record): """test func.""" resultset = [['row{}'.format(x) for x in range(5)]] if field_filter == 1: marks = {'uri': 'row1'} elif field_filter == 2: marks = {'uri': 'row1', 'tags': 'row3'[1:-1]} elif field_filter == 3: marks = {'title': 'row2'} else: marks = { 'index': 'row0', 'uri': 'row1', 'title': 'row2', 'description': 'row4', 'tags': 'row3'[1:-1] } if not single_record: marks = [marks] with mock.patch('buku.json') as m_json: import buku res = buku.format_json(resultset, single_record, field_filter) m_json.dumps.assert_called_once_with(marks, sort_keys=True, indent=4) assert res == m_json.dumps.return_value @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'string, exp_res', [ ('string', False), ('12', True), ('12.1', False), ] ) def test_is_int(string, exp_res): """test func.""" import buku assert exp_res == buku.is_int(string) @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'url, opened_url, platform', [ ['http://example.com', 'http://example.com', 'linux'], ['example.com', 'http://example.com', 'linux'], ['http://example.com', 'http://example.com', 'win32'], ] ) def test_browse(url, opened_url, platform): """test func.""" with mock.patch('buku.webbrowser') as m_webbrowser, \ mock.patch('buku.sys') as m_sys, \ mock.patch('buku.os'): m_sys.platform = platform get_func_retval = mock.Mock() m_webbrowser.get.return_value = get_func_retval import buku buku.browse.suppress_browser_output = True buku.browse.override_text_browser = False buku.browse(url) if platform == 'win32': m_webbrowser.open.assert_called_once_with(opened_url, new=2) else: get_func_retval.open.assert_called_once_with(opened_url, new=2) @only_python_3_5 @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'status_code, latest_release', product([200, 404], [True, False]) ) def test_check_upstream_release(status_code, latest_release): """test func.""" resp = mock.Mock() resp.status = status_code m_manager = mock.Mock() m_manager.request.return_value = resp with mock.patch('buku.urllib3') as m_urllib3, \ mock.patch('buku.print') as m_print: import buku if latest_release: latest_version = 'v{}'.format(buku.__version__) else: latest_version = 'v0' m_urllib3.PoolManager.return_value = m_manager resp.data.decode.return_value = json.dumps([{'tag_name': latest_version}]) buku.check_upstream_release() if status_code != 200: return len(m_print.mock_calls) == 1 @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'exp, item, exp_res', [ ('cat.y', 'catty', True), ('cat.y', 'caty', False), ] ) def test_regexp(exp, item, exp_res): """test func.""" import buku res = buku.regexp(exp, item) assert res == exp_res @pytest.mark.parametrize('token, exp_res', [('text', ',text,')]) def test_delim_wrap(token, exp_res): """test func.""" import buku res = buku.delim_wrap(token) assert res == exp_res @only_python_3_5 def test_read_in(): """test func.""" message = mock.Mock() with mock.patch('buku.disable_sigint_handler'), \ mock.patch('buku.enable_sigint_handler'), \ mock.patch('buku.input', return_value=message): import buku res = buku.read_in(msg=mock.Mock()) assert res == message def test_sigint_handler_with_mock(): """test func.""" with mock.patch('buku.os') as m_os: import buku buku.sigint_handler(mock.Mock(), mock.Mock()) m_os._exit.assert_called_once_with(1) def test_get_system_editor(): """test func.""" with mock.patch('buku.os') as m_os: import buku res = buku.get_system_editor() assert res == m_os.environ.get.return_value m_os.environ.get.assert_called_once_with('EDITOR', 'none') @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'editor, exp_res', [ ('none', False), ('0', False), ('random_editor', True), ] ) def test_is_editor_valid(editor, exp_res): """test func.""" import buku assert buku.is_editor_valid(editor) == exp_res @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'url, title_in, tags_in, desc', product( [None, 'example.com'], [None, '', 'title'], [None, '', '-', 'tag1,tag2', ',tag1,tag2,', ',,,,,'], [None, '', '-', 'description'], ) ) def test_to_temp_file_content(url, title_in, tags_in, desc): """test func.""" import buku if desc is None: desc_text = '\n' elif desc == '': desc_text = '-' else: desc_text = desc if title_in is None: title_text = '' elif title_in == '': title_text = '-' else: title_text = title_in if tags_in is None: with pytest.raises(AttributeError): res = buku.to_temp_file_content(url, title_in, tags_in, desc) return res = buku.to_temp_file_content(url, title_in, tags_in, desc) lines = """# Lines beginning with "#" will be stripped. # Add URL in next line (single line).{} # Add TITLE in next line (single line). Leave blank to web fetch, "-" for no title.{} # Add comma-separated TAGS in next line (single line).{} # Add COMMENTS in next line(s). Leave blank to web fetch, "-" for no comments.{}""".format( ''.join(['\n', url]) if url is not None else '', ''.join(['\n', title_text]), ''.join(['\n', ','.join([x for x in tags_in.split(',') if x])]) if tags_in else '\n', ''.join(['\n', desc_text]) ) assert res == lines @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'content, exp_res', [ ('', None), ('#line1\n#line2', None), ( '\n'.join([ 'example.com', 'title', 'tags', 'desc', ]), ('example.com', 'title', ',tags,', 'desc') ) ] ) def test_parse_temp_file_content(content, exp_res): """test func.""" import buku res = buku.parse_temp_file_content(content) assert res == exp_res @only_python_3_5 @pytest.mark.skip(reason="can't patch subprocess") def test_edit_rec(): """test func.""" editor = 'nanoe' args = ('url', 'title_in', 'tags_in', 'desc') with mock.patch('buku.to_temp_file_content'), \ mock.patch('buku.os'), \ mock.patch('buku.open'), \ mock.patch('buku.parse_temp_file_content') as m_ptfc: import buku res = buku.edit_rec(editor, *args) assert res == m_ptfc.return_value @pytest.mark.parametrize('argv, pipeargs, isatty', product(['argv'], [None, []], [True, False])) def test_piped_input(argv, pipeargs, isatty): """test func.""" with mock.patch('buku.sys') as m_sys: m_sys.stdin.isatty.return_value = isatty m_sys.stdin.readlines.return_value = 'arg1\narg2' import buku if pipeargs is None and not isatty: with pytest.raises(TypeError): buku.piped_input(argv, pipeargs) return buku.piped_input(argv, pipeargs) class TestHelpers(unittest.TestCase): # @unittest.skip('skipping') def test_parse_tags(self): # call with None parsed = parse_tags(None) self.assertIsNone(parsed) # call with empty list parsed = parse_tags([]) self.assertEqual(parsed, ",") # empty tags parsed = parse_tags([",,,,,"]) self.assertEqual(parsed, ",") # sorting tags parsed = parse_tags(["z_tag,a_tag,n_tag"]) self.assertEqual(parsed, ",a_tag,n_tag,z_tag,") # whitespaces parsed = parse_tags([" a tag , , , ,\t,\n,\r,\x0b,\x0c"]) self.assertEqual(parsed, ",a tag,") # duplicates, excessive spaces parsed = parse_tags(["tag,tag, tag, tag,tag , tag "]) self.assertEqual(parsed, ",tag,") # escaping quotes parsed = parse_tags(["\"tag\",\'tag\',tag"]) self.assertEqual(parsed, ",\"tag\",\'tag\',tag,") # combo parsed = parse_tags([",,z_tag, a tag ,\t,,, ,n_tag ,n_tag, a_tag, \na tag ,\r, \"a_tag\""]) self.assertEqual(parsed, ",\"a_tag\",a tag,a_tag,n_tag,z_tag,") # @unittest.skip('skipping') def test_is_int(self): self.assertTrue(is_int('0')) self.assertTrue(is_int('1')) self.assertTrue(is_int('-1')) self.assertFalse(is_int('')) self.assertFalse(is_int('one')) # This test fails because we use os._exit() now @unittest.skip('skipping') def test_sigint_handler(capsys): try: # sending SIGINT to self os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGINT) except SystemExit as error: out, err = capsys.readouterr() # assert exited with 1 assert error.args[0] == 1 # assert proper error message assert out == '' assert err == "\nInterrupted.\n" @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'url, exp_res', [ ['http://example.com.', (None, None, None, 0, 1)], ['http://example.com', ('Example Domain', None, None, 0, 0)], ['http://example.com/page1.txt', (('', '', '', 1, 0))], ['about:new_page', ((None, None, None, 0, 1))], ['chrome://version/', ((None, None, None, 0, 1))], ['chrome://version/', ((None, None, None, 0, 1))], # [ # 'http://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=182463&st=1640#entry6044923', # ( # 'Samsung GT-I5800 Galaxy 580 - Обсуждение - 4PDA', # 'Samsung GT-I5800 Galaxy 580 - Обсуждение - 4PDA', # None, # 0, 0 # ) # ], [ 'https://www.google.ru/search?' 'newwindow=1&safe=off&q=xkbcomp+alt+gr&' 'oq=xkbcomp+alt+gr&' 'gs_l=serp.3..33i21.28976559.28977886.0.' '28978017.' 'serp..1.2.311.06cSKPTLo18', ('xkbcomp alt gr', None, None, 0, 0) ], [ 'http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=4641', ( 'mlessnau_case - "in-case" selection, deletion and substitution ' 'for underscore, camel, mixed case : vim online', None, None, 0, 0 ) ], ] ) def test_network_handler_with_url(url, exp_res): """test func.""" import buku import urllib3 buku.urllib3 = urllib3 buku.myproxy = None res = buku.network_handler(url) if urlparse(url).netloc == 'www.google.ru': temp_res = [res[0].split(" - ")[0], ] temp_res.extend(res[1:]) res = tuple(temp_res) assert res == exp_res @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'url, exp_res', [ ('http://example.com', False), ('apt:package1,package2,package3', True), ('apt://firefox', True), ('file:///tmp/vim-markdown-preview.html', True), ('place:sort=8&maxResults=10', True), ] ) def test_is_nongeneric_url(url, exp_res): import buku res = buku.is_nongeneric_url(url) assert res == exp_res @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'newtag, exp_res', [ (None, ('http://example.com', 'text1', None, None, 0, True)), ('tag1', ('http://example.com', 'text1', ',tag1,', None, 0, True)), ] ) def test_import_md(tmpdir, newtag, exp_res): from buku import import_md p = tmpdir.mkdir("importmd").join("test.md") p.write("[text1](http://example.com)") res = list(import_md(p.strpath, newtag)) assert res[0] == exp_res @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'newtag, exp_res', [ (None, ('http://example.com', 'text1', None, None, 0, True)), ('tag0', ('http://example.com', 'text1', ',tag0,tag1,:tag2,tag:3,tag4:,tag::5,tag:6:,', None, 0, True)), ] ) def test_import_org(tmpdir, newtag, exp_res): from buku import import_org p = tmpdir.mkdir("importorg").join("test.org") p.write("[[http://example.com][text1]] :tag1: ::tag2:tag::3:tag4:: :tag:::5:tag::6:: :") res = list(import_org(p.strpath, newtag)) assert res[0] == exp_res @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'html_text, exp_res', [ ( """
comment for the bookmark here """, (( 'https://github.com/j', 'GitHub', ',tag1,tag2,', 'comment for the bookmark here', 0, True, False ),) ), ( """DT>GitHub
comment for the bookmark here second line of the comment here""", (( 'https://github.com/j', 'GitHub', ',tag1,tag2,', 'comment for the bookmark here', 0, True, False ),) ), ( """DT>GitHub
comment for the bookmark here second line of the comment here third line of the comment here
News""", ( ( 'https://github.com/j', 'GitHub', ',tag1,tag2,', 'comment for the bookmark here\n ' 'second line of the comment here\n ' 'third line of the comment here', 0, True, False ), ('https://news.com/', 'News', ',tag1,tag2,tag3,', None, 0, True, False) ) ), ( """DT>GitHub
comment for the bookmark here""", (( 'https://github.com/j', 'GitHub', ',tag1,tag2,', 'comment for the bookmark here', 0, True, False ),) ) ] ) def test_import_html(html_text, exp_res): """test method.""" from buku import import_html from bs4 import BeautifulSoup html_soup = BeautifulSoup(html_text, 'html.parser') res = list(import_html(html_soup, False, None)) for item, exp_item in zip(res, exp_res): assert item == exp_item, 'Actual item:\n{}'.format(item) def test_import_html_and_add_parent(): from buku import import_html from bs4 import BeautifulSoup html_text = """


""" exp_res = ('http://example.com/', None, ',1s,', None, 0, True, False) html_soup = BeautifulSoup(html_text, 'html.parser') res = list(import_html(html_soup, True, None)) assert res[0] == exp_res def test_import_html_and_new_tag(): from buku import import_html from bs4 import BeautifulSoup html_text = """
comment for the bookmark here""" exp_res = ( 'https://github.com/j', 'GitHub', ',tag1,tag2,tag3,', 'comment for the bookmark here', 0, True, False ) html_soup = BeautifulSoup(html_text, 'html.parser') res = list(import_html(html_soup, False, 'tag3')) assert res[0] == exp_res @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'platform, params', [ ['linux', ['xsel', '-b', '-i']], ['freebsd', ['xsel', '-b', '-i']], ['openbsd', ['xsel', '-b', '-i']], ['darwin', ['pbcopy']], ['win32', ['clip']], ['random', None], ], ) def test_copy_to_clipboard(platform, params): # m_popen = mock.Mock() content = mock.Mock() m_popen_retval = mock.Mock() platform_recognized = \ platform.startswith(('linux', 'freebsd', 'openbsd')) \ or platform in ('darwin', 'win32') with mock.patch('buku.sys') as m_sys, \ mock.patch('buku.Popen', return_value=m_popen_retval) as m_popen, \ mock.patch('buku.shutil.which', return_value=True): m_sys.platform = platform from buku import copy_to_clipboard import subprocess copy_to_clipboard(content) if platform_recognized: m_popen.assert_called_once_with( params, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) m_popen_retval.communicate.assert_called_once_with(content) else: logging.info('popen is called {} on unrecognized platform'.format(m_popen.call_count)) @pytest.mark.parametrize('export_type, exp_res', [ [ 'html', '\n\n' '\n' 'Bookmarks\n



\n' '

buku bookmarks

\n' '

\n' '

\n' '
\n' '
Google\n' '


' ], ['org', '* [[htttp://example.com][Untitled]]\n* [[htttp://example.org][Untitled]]\n* [[http://google.com][Google]]\n'], ['markdown', '- [Untitled](htttp://example.com)\n- [Untitled](htttp://example.org)\n- [Google](http://google.com)\n'], ['random', None], ]) def test_convert_bookmark_set(export_type, exp_res, monkeypatch): from buku import convert_bookmark_set import buku bms = [ (1, 'htttp://example.com', '', ',', '', 0), (1, 'htttp://example.org', None, ',', '', 0), (2, 'http://google.com', 'Google', ',', '', 0)] if export_type == 'random': with pytest.raises(AssertionError): convert_bookmark_set(bms, export_type=export_type) else: def return_fixed_number(): return 1556430615 monkeypatch.setattr(buku.time, 'time', return_fixed_number) res = convert_bookmark_set(bms, export_type=export_type) assert res['count'] == 3 assert exp_res == res['data'] @pytest.mark.parametrize('tags,data', [ [',', '\n'], [',tag1,tag2,', ' :tag1:tag2:\n'], [',word1 word2,', ' :word1_word2:\n'], [',word1:word2,', ' :word1_word2:\n'], [',##tag##,', ' :_tag_:\n'], [',##tag##,!!tag!!,', ' :_tag_:\n'], [',home / personal,', ' :home_personal:\n'], ]) def test_convert_tags_to_org_mode_tags(tags, data): from buku import convert_tags_to_org_mode_tags res = convert_tags_to_org_mode_tags(tags) assert res == data