// source for the bookmarklet in templates/bukuserver/home.html: // // 1. paste this code in https://bookmarklets.org/maker/ // 2. copy the result to home.html in the bookmarklet anchor href // 3. Replace "URL_FOR" with "{{url_for("bookmarklet",_external=True)}}" var url = location.href; var title = document.title.trim() || ""; var desc = document.getSelection().toString().trim(); if(desc.length > 4000){ desc = desc.substr(0,4000) + '...'; alert('The selected text is too long, it will be truncated.'); } url = "URL_FOR" + "?url=" + encodeURIComponent(url) + "&title=" + encodeURIComponent(title) + "&description=" + encodeURIComponent(desc); window.open(url, '_blank', 'menubar=no, height=600, width=600, toolbar=no, scrollbars=yes, status=no, dialog=1');