chg: test: basic for print_rec

This commit is contained in:
rachmadaniHaryono 2021-01-09 13:35:34 +08:00
parent 9153f835a5
commit e4ef997dbb

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@ -9,22 +9,21 @@ import re
import shutil
import sqlite3
import sys
import unittest
import urllib
import zipfile
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory, NamedTemporaryFile
from unittest import mock
import unittest
from genericpath import exists
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile, TemporaryDirectory
from unittest import mock
import pytest
import yaml
from hypothesis import given, example, settings
from hypothesis import strategies as st
import vcr
import yaml
from hypothesis import HealthCheck, example, given, settings
from hypothesis import strategies as st
from buku import BukuDb, parse_tags, prompt
logging.basicConfig() # you need to initialize logging, otherwise you will not see anything from vcrpy
vcr_log = logging.getLogger("vcr")
@ -686,54 +685,45 @@ def test_refreshdb(refreshdb_fixture, title_in, exp_res):
assert from_db[2] == exp_res, 'from_db: {}'.format(from_db)
index=st.integers(min_value=-10, max_value=10),
low=st.integers(min_value=-10, max_value=10),
high=st.integers(min_value=-10, max_value=10),
def test_print_rec_hypothesis(caplog, setup, index, low, high, is_range):
"""test when index, low or high is less than 0."""
# setup
bdb = BukuDb()
def test_print_db(tmp_path):
bdb = BukuDb(dbfile=tmp_path / 'tmp.db')
# clear all record first before testing
bdb.add_rec("", "", parse_tags(['cat,ant,bee,1']), "")
db_len = 1
bdb.print_rec(index=index, low=low, high=high, is_range=is_range)
check_print = False
err_msg = ['Actual log:']
err_msg.extend(['{}:{}'.format(x.levelname, x.getMessage()) for x in caplog.records])
if index < 0 or (0 <= index <= db_len and not is_range):
check_print = True
# negative index/range on is_range
elif (is_range and any([low < 0, high < 0])):
assert any([x.levelname == "ERROR" for x in caplog.records]), \
assert any([x.getMessage() == "Negative range boundary" for x in caplog.records]), \
elif is_range:
check_print = True
assert any([x.levelname == "ERROR" for x in caplog.records]), \
assert any([x.getMessage().startswith("No matching index") for x in caplog.records]), \
if check_print:
assert not any([x.levelname == "ERROR" for x in caplog.records]), \
# teardown
yield bdb
def test_print_caplog(caplog):
yield caplog
@pytest.mark.parametrize('kwargs, exp_res', [
[{}, (True, [])],
[{'is_range': True}, (True, [])],
[{'index': 0}, (True, [])],
[{'index': -1}, (True, [])],
[{'index': -2}, (True, [])],
[{'index': 2}, (False, [('root', 40, 'No matching index 2')])],
def test_print_rec(kwargs, exp_res, test_print_db, caplog):
bdb = test_print_db
# run the function
assert (bdb.print_rec(**kwargs), caplog.record_tuples) == exp_res
@pytest.mark.parametrize('index, exp_res', [
[0, (True, [('root', 40, '0 records')])],
[-1, (False, [('root', 40, 'Empty database')])],
[1, (False, [('root', 40, 'No matching index 1')])],
def test_print_rec_on_empty_db(tmp_path, caplog, index, exp_res):
bdb = BukuDb(dbfile=tmp_path / 'tmp.db')
assert (bdb.print_rec(index=index), caplog.record_tuples) == exp_res
def test_list_tags(capsys, setup):