#![feature(custom_derive, plugin, test)] #![plugin(serde_macros)] extern crate test; extern crate serde; use std::fmt::Debug; use std::collections::BTreeMap; use serde::de; use serde::ser; use serde::json::{ self, Value, from_str, from_value, to_value, }; use serde::json::error::{Error, ErrorCode}; macro_rules! treemap { ($($k:expr => $v:expr),*) => ({ let mut _m = BTreeMap::new(); $(_m.insert($k, $v);)* _m }) } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] enum Animal { Dog, Frog(String, Vec), Cat { age: usize, name: String }, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Inner { a: (), b: usize, c: Vec, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Outer { inner: Vec, } fn test_encode_ok(errors: &[(T, &str)]) where T: PartialEq + Debug + ser::Serialize, { for &(ref value, out) in errors { let out = out.to_string(); let s = json::to_string(value).unwrap(); assert_eq!(s, out); let v = to_value(&value); let s = json::to_string(&v).unwrap(); assert_eq!(s, out); } } fn test_pretty_encode_ok(errors: &[(T, &str)]) where T: PartialEq + Debug + ser::Serialize, { for &(ref value, out) in errors { let out = out.to_string(); let s = json::to_string_pretty(value).unwrap(); assert_eq!(s, out); let v = to_value(&value); let s = json::to_string_pretty(&v).unwrap(); assert_eq!(s, out); } } #[test] fn test_write_null() { let tests = &[ ((), "null"), ]; test_encode_ok(tests); test_pretty_encode_ok(tests); } #[test] fn test_write_i64() { let tests = &[ (3i64, "3"), (-2i64, "-2"), (-1234i64, "-1234"), ]; test_encode_ok(tests); test_pretty_encode_ok(tests); } #[test] fn test_write_f64() { let tests = &[ (3.0, "3"), (3.1, "3.1"), (-1.5, "-1.5"), (0.5, "0.5"), ]; test_encode_ok(tests); test_pretty_encode_ok(tests); } #[test] fn test_write_str() { let tests = &[ ("", "\"\""), ("foo", "\"foo\""), ]; test_encode_ok(tests); test_pretty_encode_ok(tests); } #[test] fn test_write_bool() { let tests = &[ (true, "true"), (false, "false"), ]; test_encode_ok(tests); test_pretty_encode_ok(tests); } #[test] fn test_write_list() { test_encode_ok(&[ (vec![], "[]"), (vec![true], "[true]"), (vec![true, false], "[true,false]"), ]); test_encode_ok(&[ (vec![vec![], vec![], vec![]], "[[],[],[]]"), (vec![vec![1, 2, 3], vec![], vec![]], "[[1,2,3],[],[]]"), (vec![vec![], vec![1, 2, 3], vec![]], "[[],[1,2,3],[]]"), (vec![vec![], vec![], vec![1, 2, 3]], "[[],[],[1,2,3]]"), ]); test_pretty_encode_ok(&[ ( vec![vec![], vec![], vec![]], concat!( "[\n", " [],\n", " [],\n", " []\n", "]" ), ), ( vec![vec![1, 2, 3], vec![], vec![]], concat!( "[\n", " [\n", " 1,\n", " 2,\n", " 3\n", " ],\n", " [],\n", " []\n", "]" ), ), ( vec![vec![], vec![1, 2, 3], vec![]], concat!( "[\n", " [],\n", " [\n", " 1,\n", " 2,\n", " 3\n", " ],\n", " []\n", "]" ), ), ( vec![vec![], vec![], vec![1, 2, 3]], concat!( "[\n", " [],\n", " [],\n", " [\n", " 1,\n", " 2,\n", " 3\n", " ]\n", "]" ), ), ]); test_pretty_encode_ok(&[ (vec![], "[]"), ( vec![true], concat!( "[\n", " true\n", "]" ), ), ( vec![true, false], concat!( "[\n", " true,\n", " false\n", "]" ), ), ]); let long_test_list = Value::Array(vec![ Value::Bool(false), Value::Null, Value::Array(vec![Value::String("foo\nbar".to_string()), Value::F64(3.5)])]); test_encode_ok(&[ ( long_test_list.clone(), "[false,null,[\"foo\\nbar\",3.5]]", ), ]); test_pretty_encode_ok(&[ ( long_test_list, concat!( "[\n", " false,\n", " null,\n", " [\n", " \"foo\\nbar\",\n", " 3.5\n", " ]\n", "]" ), ) ]); } #[test] fn test_write_object() { test_encode_ok(&[ (treemap!(), "{}"), (treemap!("a".to_string() => true), "{\"a\":true}"), ( treemap!( "a".to_string() => true, "b".to_string() => false ), "{\"a\":true,\"b\":false}"), ]); test_encode_ok(&[ ( treemap![ "a".to_string() => treemap![], "b".to_string() => treemap![], "c".to_string() => treemap![] ], "{\"a\":{},\"b\":{},\"c\":{}}", ), ( treemap![ "a".to_string() => treemap![ "a".to_string() => treemap!["a" => vec![1,2,3]], "b".to_string() => treemap![], "c".to_string() => treemap![] ], "b".to_string() => treemap![], "c".to_string() => treemap![] ], "{\"a\":{\"a\":{\"a\":[1,2,3]},\"b\":{},\"c\":{}},\"b\":{},\"c\":{}}", ), ( treemap![ "a".to_string() => treemap![], "b".to_string() => treemap![ "a".to_string() => treemap!["a" => vec![1,2,3]], "b".to_string() => treemap![], "c".to_string() => treemap![] ], "c".to_string() => treemap![] ], "{\"a\":{},\"b\":{\"a\":{\"a\":[1,2,3]},\"b\":{},\"c\":{}},\"c\":{}}", ), ( treemap![ "a".to_string() => treemap![], "b".to_string() => treemap![], "c".to_string() => treemap![ "a".to_string() => treemap!["a" => vec![1,2,3]], "b".to_string() => treemap![], "c".to_string() => treemap![] ] ], "{\"a\":{},\"b\":{},\"c\":{\"a\":{\"a\":[1,2,3]},\"b\":{},\"c\":{}}}", ), ]); test_pretty_encode_ok(&[ ( treemap![ "a".to_string() => treemap![], "b".to_string() => treemap![], "c".to_string() => treemap![] ], concat!( "{\n", " \"a\": {},\n", " \"b\": {},\n", " \"c\": {}\n", "}", ), ), ( treemap![ "a".to_string() => treemap![ "a".to_string() => treemap!["a" => vec![1,2,3]], "b".to_string() => treemap![], "c".to_string() => treemap![] ], "b".to_string() => treemap![], "c".to_string() => treemap![] ], concat!( "{\n", " \"a\": {\n", " \"a\": {\n", " \"a\": [\n", " 1,\n", " 2,\n", " 3\n", " ]\n", " },\n", " \"b\": {},\n", " \"c\": {}\n", " },\n", " \"b\": {},\n", " \"c\": {}\n", "}" ), ), ( treemap![ "a".to_string() => treemap![], "b".to_string() => treemap![ "a".to_string() => treemap!["a" => vec![1,2,3]], "b".to_string() => treemap![], "c".to_string() => treemap![] ], "c".to_string() => treemap![] ], concat!( "{\n", " \"a\": {},\n", " \"b\": {\n", " \"a\": {\n", " \"a\": [\n", " 1,\n", " 2,\n", " 3\n", " ]\n", " },\n", " \"b\": {},\n", " \"c\": {}\n", " },\n", " \"c\": {}\n", "}" ), ), ( treemap![ "a".to_string() => treemap![], "b".to_string() => treemap![], "c".to_string() => treemap![ "a".to_string() => treemap!["a" => vec![1,2,3]], "b".to_string() => treemap![], "c".to_string() => treemap![] ] ], concat!( "{\n", " \"a\": {},\n", " \"b\": {},\n", " \"c\": {\n", " \"a\": {\n", " \"a\": [\n", " 1,\n", " 2,\n", " 3\n", " ]\n", " },\n", " \"b\": {},\n", " \"c\": {}\n", " }\n", "}" ), ), ]); test_pretty_encode_ok(&[ (treemap!(), "{}"), ( treemap!("a".to_string() => true), concat!( "{\n", " \"a\": true\n", "}" ), ), ( treemap!( "a".to_string() => true, "b".to_string() => false ), concat!( "{\n", " \"a\": true,\n", " \"b\": false\n", "}" ), ), ]); let complex_obj = Value::Object(treemap!( "b".to_string() => Value::Array(vec![ Value::Object(treemap!("c".to_string() => Value::String("\x0c\r".to_string()))), Value::Object(treemap!("d".to_string() => Value::String("".to_string()))) ]) )); test_encode_ok(&[ ( complex_obj.clone(), "{\ \"b\":[\ {\"c\":\"\\f\\r\"},\ {\"d\":\"\"}\ ]\ }" ), ]); test_pretty_encode_ok(&[ ( complex_obj.clone(), concat!( "{\n", " \"b\": [\n", " {\n", " \"c\": \"\\f\\r\"\n", " },\n", " {\n", " \"d\": \"\"\n", " }\n", " ]\n", "}" ), ) ]); } #[test] fn test_write_tuple() { test_encode_ok(&[ ( (5,), "[5]", ), ]); test_pretty_encode_ok(&[ ( (5,), concat!( "[\n", " 5\n", "]" ), ), ]); test_encode_ok(&[ ( (5, (6, "abc")), "[5,[6,\"abc\"]]", ), ]); test_pretty_encode_ok(&[ ( (5, (6, "abc")), concat!( "[\n", " 5,\n", " [\n", " 6,\n", " \"abc\"\n", " ]\n", "]" ), ), ]); } #[test] fn test_write_enum() { test_encode_ok(&[ ( Animal::Dog, "{\"Dog\":[]}", ), ( Animal::Frog("Henry".to_string(), vec![]), "{\"Frog\":[\"Henry\",[]]}", ), ( Animal::Frog("Henry".to_string(), vec![349]), "{\"Frog\":[\"Henry\",[349]]}", ), ( Animal::Frog("Henry".to_string(), vec![349, 102]), "{\"Frog\":[\"Henry\",[349,102]]}", ), ( Animal::Cat { age: 5, name: "Kate".to_string() }, "{\"Cat\":{\"age\":5,\"name\":\"Kate\"}}" ), ]); test_pretty_encode_ok(&[ ( Animal::Dog, concat!( "{\n", " \"Dog\": []\n", "}" ), ), ( Animal::Frog("Henry".to_string(), vec![]), concat!( "{\n", " \"Frog\": [\n", " \"Henry\",\n", " []\n", " ]\n", "}" ), ), ( Animal::Frog("Henry".to_string(), vec![349]), concat!( "{\n", " \"Frog\": [\n", " \"Henry\",\n", " [\n", " 349\n", " ]\n", " ]\n", "}" ), ), ( Animal::Frog("Henry".to_string(), vec![349, 102]), concat!( "{\n", " \"Frog\": [\n", " \"Henry\",\n", " [\n", " 349,\n", " 102\n", " ]\n", " ]\n", "}" ), ), ]); } #[test] fn test_write_option() { test_encode_ok(&[ (None, "null"), (Some("jodhpurs"), "\"jodhpurs\""), ]); test_encode_ok(&[ (None, "null"), (Some(vec!["foo", "bar"]), "[\"foo\",\"bar\"]"), ]); test_pretty_encode_ok(&[ (None, "null"), (Some("jodhpurs"), "\"jodhpurs\""), ]); test_pretty_encode_ok(&[ (None, "null"), ( Some(vec!["foo", "bar"]), concat!( "[\n", " \"foo\",\n", " \"bar\"\n", "]" ), ), ]); } fn test_parse_ok(errors: Vec<(&'static str, T)>) where T: Clone + Debug + PartialEq + ser::Serialize + de::Deserialize, { for (s, value) in errors { let v: T = from_str(s).unwrap(); assert_eq!(v, value.clone()); // Make sure we can deserialize into a `Value`. let json_value: Value = from_str(s).unwrap(); assert_eq!(json_value, to_value(&value)); // Make sure we can deserialize from a `Value`. let v: T = from_value(json_value.clone()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(v, value); // Make sure we can round trip back to `Value`. let json_value2: Value = from_value(json_value.clone()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(json_value2, json_value); } } // FIXME (#5527): these could be merged once UFCS is finished. fn test_parse_err(errors: Vec<(&'static str, Error)>) where T: Debug + PartialEq + de::Deserialize, { for (s, err) in errors { match (err, from_str::(s).unwrap_err()) { ( Error::SyntaxError(expected_code, expected_line, expected_col), Error::SyntaxError(actual_code, actual_line, actual_col), ) => { assert_eq!( (expected_code, expected_line, expected_col), (actual_code, actual_line, actual_col) ) } (expected_err, actual_err) => { panic!("unexpected errors {} != {}", expected_err, actual_err) } } } } #[test] fn test_parse_null() { test_parse_err::<()>(vec![ ("n", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::ExpectedSomeIdent, 1, 2)), ("nul", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::ExpectedSomeIdent, 1, 4)), ("nulla", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::TrailingCharacters, 1, 5)), ]); test_parse_ok(vec![ ("null", ()), ]); } #[test] fn test_parse_bool() { test_parse_err::(vec![ ("t", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::ExpectedSomeIdent, 1, 2)), ("truz", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::ExpectedSomeIdent, 1, 4)), ("f", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::ExpectedSomeIdent, 1, 2)), ("faz", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::ExpectedSomeIdent, 1, 3)), ("truea", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::TrailingCharacters, 1, 5)), ("falsea", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::TrailingCharacters, 1, 6)), ]); test_parse_ok(vec![ ("true", true), (" true ", true), ("false", false), (" false ", false), ]); } #[test] fn test_parse_number_errors() { test_parse_err::(vec![ ("+", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::ExpectedSomeValue, 1, 1)), (".", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::ExpectedSomeValue, 1, 1)), ("-", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::InvalidNumber, 1, 2)), ("00", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::InvalidNumber, 1, 2)), ("1.", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::InvalidNumber, 1, 3)), ("1e", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::InvalidNumber, 1, 3)), ("1e+", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::InvalidNumber, 1, 4)), ("1a", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::TrailingCharacters, 1, 2)), ]); } #[test] fn test_parse_i64() { test_parse_ok(vec![ ("-2", -2), ("-1234", -1234), (" -1234 ", -1234), ]); } #[test] fn test_parse_u64() { test_parse_ok(vec![ ("3", 3u64), ("1234", 1234), ]); } #[test] fn test_parse_f64() { test_parse_ok(vec![ ("3.0", 3.0f64), ("3.1", 3.1), ("-1.2", -1.2), ("0.4", 0.4), ("0.4e5", 0.4e5), ("0.4e15", 0.4e15), ("0.4e-01", 0.4e-01), (" 0.4e-01 ", 0.4e-01), ]); } #[test] fn test_parse_string() { test_parse_err::(vec![ ("\"", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::EOFWhileParsingString, 1, 2)), ("\"lol", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::EOFWhileParsingString, 1, 5)), ("\"lol\"a", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::TrailingCharacters, 1, 6)), ]); test_parse_ok(vec![ ("\"\"", "".to_string()), ("\"foo\"", "foo".to_string()), (" \"foo\" ", "foo".to_string()), ("\"\\\"\"", "\"".to_string()), ("\"\\b\"", "\x08".to_string()), ("\"\\n\"", "\n".to_string()), ("\"\\r\"", "\r".to_string()), ("\"\\t\"", "\t".to_string()), ("\"\\u12ab\"", "\u{12ab}".to_string()), ("\"\\uAB12\"", "\u{AB12}".to_string()), ]); } #[test] fn test_parse_list() { test_parse_err::>(vec![ ("[", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::EOFWhileParsingValue, 1, 2)), ("[ ", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::EOFWhileParsingValue, 1, 3)), ("[1", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::EOFWhileParsingList, 1, 3)), ("[1,", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::EOFWhileParsingValue, 1, 4)), ("[1,]", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::ExpectedSomeValue, 1, 4)), ("[1 2]", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::ExpectedListCommaOrEnd, 1, 4)), ("[]a", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::TrailingCharacters, 1, 3)), ]); test_parse_ok(vec![ ("[]", vec![]), ("[ ]", vec![]), ("[null]", vec![()]), (" [ null ] ", vec![()]), ]); test_parse_ok(vec![ ("[true]", vec![true]), ]); test_parse_ok(vec![ ("[3,1]", vec![3u64, 1]), (" [ 3 , 1 ] ", vec![3, 1]), ]); test_parse_ok(vec![ ("[[3], [1, 2]]", vec![vec![3u64], vec![1, 2]]), ]); test_parse_ok(vec![ ("[1]", (1u64,)), ]); test_parse_ok(vec![ ("[1, 2]", (1u64, 2u64)), ]); test_parse_ok(vec![ ("[1, 2, 3]", (1u64, 2u64, 3u64)), ]); test_parse_ok(vec![ ("[1, [2, 3]]", (1u64, (2u64, 3u64))), ]); let v: () = from_str("[]").unwrap(); assert_eq!(v, ()); } #[test] fn test_parse_object() { test_parse_err::>(vec![ ("{", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::EOFWhileParsingValue, 1, 2)), ("{ ", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::EOFWhileParsingValue, 1, 3)), ("{1", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::KeyMustBeAString, 1, 2)), ("{ \"a\"", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::EOFWhileParsingObject, 1, 6)), ("{\"a\"", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::EOFWhileParsingObject, 1, 5)), ("{\"a\" ", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::EOFWhileParsingObject, 1, 6)), ("{\"a\" 1", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::ExpectedColon, 1, 6)), ("{\"a\":", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::EOFWhileParsingValue, 1, 6)), ("{\"a\":1", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::EOFWhileParsingObject, 1, 7)), ("{\"a\":1 1", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::ExpectedObjectCommaOrEnd, 1, 8)), ("{\"a\":1,", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::EOFWhileParsingValue, 1, 8)), ("{}a", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::TrailingCharacters, 1, 3)), ]); test_parse_ok(vec![ ("{}", treemap!()), ("{ }", treemap!()), ( "{\"a\":3}", treemap!("a".to_string() => 3u64) ), ( "{ \"a\" : 3 }", treemap!("a".to_string() => 3) ), ( "{\"a\":3,\"b\":4}", treemap!("a".to_string() => 3, "b".to_string() => 4) ), ( " { \"a\" : 3 , \"b\" : 4 } ", treemap!("a".to_string() => 3, "b".to_string() => 4), ), ]); test_parse_ok(vec![ ( "{\"a\": {\"b\": 3, \"c\": 4}}", treemap!( "a".to_string() => treemap!( "b".to_string() => 3u64, "c".to_string() => 4 ) ), ), ]); } #[test] fn test_parse_struct() { test_parse_err::(vec![ ("5", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::ExpectedSomeValue, 1, 2)), ("\"hello\"", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::ExpectedSomeValue, 1, 8)), ("{\"inner\": true}", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::ExpectedSomeValue, 1, 15)), ]); test_parse_ok(vec![ ( "{ \"inner\": [] }", Outer { inner: vec![] }, ), ( "{ \"inner\": [ { \"a\": null, \"b\": 2, \"c\": [\"abc\", \"xyz\"] } ] }", Outer { inner: vec![ Inner { a: (), b: 2, c: vec!["abc".to_string(), "xyz".to_string()] } ] }, ) ]); let v: Outer = from_str("{}").unwrap(); assert_eq!( v, Outer { inner: vec![], } ); } #[test] fn test_parse_option() { test_parse_ok(vec![ ("null", None::), ("\"jodhpurs\"", Some("jodhpurs".to_string())), ]); #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Foo { x: Option, } let value: Foo = from_str("{}").unwrap(); assert_eq!(value, Foo { x: None }); test_parse_ok(vec![ ("{\"x\": null}", Foo { x: None }), ("{\"x\": 5}", Foo { x: Some(5) }), ]); } #[test] fn test_parse_enum_errors() { test_parse_err::(vec![ ("{}", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::ExpectedSomeValue, 1, 2)), ("{\"Dog\":", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::EOFWhileParsingValue, 1, 8)), ("{\"Dog\":}", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::ExpectedSomeValue, 1, 8)), ("{\"unknown\":[]}", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::ExpectedSomeValue, 1, 11)), ("{\"Dog\":{}}", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::ExpectedSomeValue, 1, 9)), ("{\"Frog\":{}}", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::ExpectedSomeValue, 1, 10)), ("{\"Cat\":[]}", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::ExpectedSomeValue, 1, 9)), ]); } #[test] fn test_parse_enum() { test_parse_ok(vec![ ("{\"Dog\":[]}", Animal::Dog), (" { \"Dog\" : [ ] } ", Animal::Dog), ( "{\"Frog\":[\"Henry\",[]]}", Animal::Frog("Henry".to_string(), vec![]), ), ( " { \"Frog\": [ \"Henry\" , [ 349, 102 ] ] } ", Animal::Frog("Henry".to_string(), vec![349, 102]), ), ( "{\"Cat\": {\"age\": 5, \"name\": \"Kate\"}}", Animal::Cat { age: 5, name: "Kate".to_string() }, ), ( " { \"Cat\" : { \"age\" : 5 , \"name\" : \"Kate\" } } ", Animal::Cat { age: 5, name: "Kate".to_string() }, ), ]); test_parse_ok(vec![ ( concat!( "{", " \"a\": {\"Dog\": []},", " \"b\": {\"Frog\":[\"Henry\", []]}", "}" ), treemap!( "a".to_string() => Animal::Dog, "b".to_string() => Animal::Frog("Henry".to_string(), vec![]) ) ), ]); } #[test] fn test_parse_trailing_whitespace() { test_parse_ok(vec![ ("[1, 2] ", vec![1u64, 2]), ("[1, 2]\n", vec![1, 2]), ("[1, 2]\t", vec![1, 2]), ("[1, 2]\t \n", vec![1, 2]), ]); } #[test] fn test_multiline_errors() { test_parse_err::>(vec![ ("{\n \"foo\":\n \"bar\"", Error::SyntaxError(ErrorCode::EOFWhileParsingObject, 3, 8)), ]); } #[test] fn test_missing_field() { #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Deserialize)] struct Foo { x: Option, } let value: Foo = from_str("{}").unwrap(); assert_eq!(value, Foo { x: None }); let value: Foo = from_str("{\"x\": 5}").unwrap(); assert_eq!(value, Foo { x: Some(5) }); let value: Foo = from_value(Value::Object(treemap!())).unwrap(); assert_eq!(value, Foo { x: None }); let value: Foo = from_value(Value::Object(treemap!( "x".to_string() => Value::I64(5) ))).unwrap(); assert_eq!(value, Foo { x: Some(5) }); }