diff --git a/serde_codegen/src/attr.rs b/serde_codegen/src/attr.rs
index 6caf91a2..10f2068c 100644
--- a/serde_codegen/src/attr.rs
+++ b/serde_codegen/src/attr.rs
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ pub struct FieldAttrs {
skip_serializing_field_if: Option
default_expr_if_missing: Option
serialize_with: Option
- deserialize_with: Option
+ deserialize_with: P,
impl FieldAttrs {
@@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ impl FieldAttrs {
None => { cx.span_bug(field.span, "struct field has no name?") }
+ let identity = quote_expr!(cx, |x| x);
let mut field_attrs = FieldAttrs {
name: Name::new(field_ident),
skip_serializing_field: false,
@@ -204,7 +206,7 @@ impl FieldAttrs {
skip_serializing_field_if: None,
default_expr_if_missing: None,
serialize_with: None,
- deserialize_with: None,
+ deserialize_with: identity,
for meta_items in field.attrs.iter().filter_map(get_serde_meta_items) {
@@ -292,7 +294,7 @@ impl FieldAttrs {
try!(parse_lit_into_path(cx, name, lit)),
- field_attrs.deserialize_with = Some(expr);
+ field_attrs.deserialize_with = expr;
_ => {
@@ -346,8 +348,8 @@ impl FieldAttrs {
- pub fn deserialize_with(&self) -> Option<&P> {
- self.deserialize_with.as_ref()
+ pub fn deserialize_with(&self) -> &P {
+ &self.deserialize_with
@@ -626,7 +628,7 @@ fn wrap_deserialize_with(cx: &ExtCtxt,
let where_clause = &generics.where_clause;
- quote_expr!(cx, {
+ quote_expr!(cx, ({
struct __SerdeDeserializeWithStruct $generics $where_clause {
value: $field_ty,
@@ -640,7 +642,6 @@ fn wrap_deserialize_with(cx: &ExtCtxt,
- let value: $ty_path = try!(visitor.visit_value());
- Ok(value.value)
- })
+ |visit: $ty_path| visit.value
+ }))
diff --git a/serde_codegen/src/bound.rs b/serde_codegen/src/bound.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..db7c5a79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/serde_codegen/src/bound.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+use std::collections::HashSet;
+use aster::AstBuilder;
+use syntax::ast;
+use syntax::ext::base::ExtCtxt;
+use syntax::ptr::P;
+use syntax::visit;
+pub fn with_bound(
+ cx: &ExtCtxt,
+ builder: &AstBuilder,
+ item: &ast::Item,
+ generics: &ast::Generics,
+ filter: &Fn(&ast::StructField) -> bool,
+ bound: &[&'static str],
+) -> ast::Generics {
+ let path = builder.path().global().ids(bound).build();
+ builder.from_generics(generics.clone())
+ .with_predicates(
+ all_variants(cx, item).iter()
+ .flat_map(|variant_data| all_struct_fields(variant_data))
+ .filter(|field| filter(field))
+ .map(|field| &field.ty)
+ // TODO this filter can be removed later, see comment on function
+ .filter(|ty| contains_generic(ty, generics))
+ .map(|ty| strip_reference(ty))
+ .map(|ty| builder.where_predicate()
+ // the type that is being bounded e.g. T
+ .bound().build(ty.clone())
+ // the bound e.g. Serialize
+ .bound().trait_(path.clone()).build()
+ .build()))
+ .build()
+fn all_variants<'a>(cx: &ExtCtxt, item: &'a ast::Item) -> Vec<&'a ast::VariantData> {
+ match item.node {
+ ast::ItemKind::Struct(ref variant_data, _) => {
+ vec![variant_data]
+ }
+ ast::ItemKind::Enum(ref enum_def, _) => {
+ enum_def.variants.iter()
+ .map(|variant| &variant.node.data)
+ .collect()
+ }
+ _ => {
+ cx.span_bug(item.span, "expected Item to be Struct or Enum");
+ }
+ }
+fn all_struct_fields(variant_data: &ast::VariantData) -> &[ast::StructField] {
+ match *variant_data {
+ ast::VariantData::Struct(ref fields, _) |
+ ast::VariantData::Tuple(ref fields, _) => {
+ fields
+ }
+ ast::VariantData::Unit(_) => {
+ &[]
+ }
+ }
+// Rust <1.7 enforces that `where` clauses involve generic type parameters. The
+// corresponding compiler error is E0193. It is no longer enforced in Rust >=1.7
+// so this filtering can be removed in the future when we stop supporting <1.7.
+// E0193 means we must not generate a `where` clause like `i32: Serialize`
+// because even though i32 implements Serialize, i32 is not a generic type
+// parameter. Clauses like `T: Serialize` and `Option: Serialize` are okay.
+// This function decides whether a given type references any of the generic type
+// parameters in the input `Generics`.
+fn contains_generic(ty: &ast::Ty, generics: &ast::Generics) -> bool {
+ struct FindGeneric<'a> {
+ generic_names: &'a HashSet,
+ found_generic: bool,
+ }
+ impl<'a, 'v> visit::Visitor<'v> for FindGeneric<'a> {
+ fn visit_path(&mut self, path: &'v ast::Path, _id: ast::NodeId) {
+ if !path.global
+ && path.segments.len() == 1
+ && self.generic_names.contains(&path.segments[0].identifier.name) {
+ self.found_generic = true;
+ } else {
+ visit::walk_path(self, path);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let generic_names: HashSet<_> = generics.ty_params.iter()
+ .map(|ty_param| ty_param.ident.name)
+ .collect();
+ let mut visitor = FindGeneric {
+ generic_names: &generic_names,
+ found_generic: false,
+ };
+ visit::walk_ty(&mut visitor, ty);
+ visitor.found_generic
+// This is required to handle types that use both a reference and a value of
+// the same type, as in:
+// enum Test<'a, T> where T: 'a {
+// Lifetime(&'a T),
+// NoLifetime(T),
+// }
+// Preserving references, we would generate an impl like:
+// impl<'a, T> Serialize for Test<'a, T>
+// where &'a T: Serialize,
+// T: Serialize { ... }
+// And taking a reference to one of the elements would fail with:
+// error: cannot infer an appropriate lifetime for pattern due
+// to conflicting requirements [E0495]
+// Test::NoLifetime(ref v) => { ... }
+// ^~~~~
+// Instead, we strip references before adding `T: Serialize` bounds in order to
+// generate:
+// impl<'a, T> Serialize for Test<'a, T>
+// where T: Serialize { ... }
+fn strip_reference(ty: &P) -> &P {
+ match ty.node {
+ ast::TyKind::Rptr(_, ref mut_ty) => &mut_ty.ty,
+ _ => ty
+ }
diff --git a/serde_codegen/src/de.rs b/serde_codegen/src/de.rs
index 4b7b4623..dd649841 100644
--- a/serde_codegen/src/de.rs
+++ b/serde_codegen/src/de.rs
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ use syntax::parse::token::InternedString;
use syntax::ptr::P;
use attr;
+use bound;
use error::Error;
pub fn expand_derive_deserialize(
@@ -46,11 +47,7 @@ pub fn expand_derive_deserialize(
- let impl_generics = builder.from_generics(generics.clone())
- .add_ty_param_bound(
- builder.path().global().ids(&["serde", "de", "Deserialize"]).build()
- )
- .build();
+ let impl_generics = build_impl_generics(cx, &builder, item, generics);
let ty = builder.ty().path()
@@ -79,6 +76,82 @@ pub fn expand_derive_deserialize(
+// All the generics in the input, plus a bound `T: Deserialize` for each generic
+// field type that will be deserialized by us, plus a bound `T: Default` for
+// each generic field type that will be set to a default value.
+fn build_impl_generics(
+ cx: &ExtCtxt,
+ builder: &aster::AstBuilder,
+ item: &Item,
+ generics: &ast::Generics,
+) -> ast::Generics {
+ let generics = bound::with_bound(cx, builder, item, generics,
+ &deserialized_by_us,
+ &["serde", "de", "Deserialize"]);
+ let generics = bound::with_bound(cx, builder, item, &generics,
+ &requires_default,
+ &["std", "default", "Default"]);
+ generics
+// Fields with a `skip_deserializing` or `deserialize_with` attribute are not
+// deserialized by us. All other fields may need a `T: Deserialize` bound where
+// T is the type of the field.
+fn deserialized_by_us(field: &ast::StructField) -> bool {
+ for meta_items in field.attrs.iter().filter_map(attr::get_serde_meta_items) {
+ for meta_item in meta_items {
+ match meta_item.node {
+ ast::MetaItemKind::Word(ref name) if name == &"skip_deserializing" => {
+ return false
+ }
+ ast::MetaItemKind::NameValue(ref name, _) if name == &"deserialize_with" => {
+ // TODO: For now we require `T: Deserialize` even if the
+ // field has `deserialize_with`. The reason is the signature
+ // of serde::de::MapVisitor::missing_field which looks like:
+ //
+ // fn missing_field(...) -> Result where T: Deserialize
+ //
+ // So in order to use missing_field, the type must have the
+ // `T: Deserialize` bound. Some formats rely on this bound
+ // because they treat missing fields as unit.
+ //
+ // Long-term the fix would be to change the signature of
+ // missing_field so it can, for example, use the
+ // `deserialize_with` function to visit a unit in place of
+ // the missing field.
+ //
+ // See https://github.com/serde-rs/serde/issues/259
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ true
+// Fields with a `default` attribute (not `default=...`), and fields with a
+// `skip_deserializing` attribute that do not also have `default=...`.
+fn requires_default(field: &ast::StructField) -> bool {
+ let mut has_skip_deserializing = false;
+ for meta_items in field.attrs.iter().filter_map(attr::get_serde_meta_items) {
+ for meta_item in meta_items {
+ match meta_item.node {
+ ast::MetaItemKind::Word(ref name) if name == &"default" => {
+ return true
+ }
+ ast::MetaItemKind::NameValue(ref name, _) if name == &"default" => {
+ return false
+ }
+ ast::MetaItemKind::Word(ref name) if name == &"skip_deserializing" => {
+ has_skip_deserializing = true
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ has_skip_deserializing
fn deserialize_body(
cx: &ExtCtxt,
builder: &aster::AstBuilder,
@@ -442,9 +515,10 @@ fn deserialize_struct_as_seq(
let $name = $default;
} else {
+ let deserialize_with = attrs.deserialize_with();
let $name = match try!(visitor.visit()) {
- Some(value) => { value },
+ Some(value) => { $deserialize_with(value) },
None => {
return Err(::serde::de::Error::end_of_stream());
@@ -1040,14 +1114,10 @@ fn deserialize_map(
let value_arms = fields_attrs_names.iter()
.filter(|&&(_, ref attrs, _)| !attrs.skip_deserializing_field())
.map(|&(_, ref attrs, name)| {
- let expr = match attrs.deserialize_with() {
- Some(expr) => expr.clone(),
- None => quote_expr!(cx, visitor.visit_value()),
- };
+ let deserialize_with = attrs.deserialize_with();
__Field::$name => {
- $name = Some(try!($expr));
+ $name = Some($deserialize_with(try!(visitor.visit_value())));
diff --git a/serde_codegen/src/lib.rs.in b/serde_codegen/src/lib.rs.in
index 9c7c34fb..66c25338 100644
--- a/serde_codegen/src/lib.rs.in
+++ b/serde_codegen/src/lib.rs.in
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
mod attr;
+mod bound;
mod de;
mod error;
mod ser;
diff --git a/serde_codegen/src/ser.rs b/serde_codegen/src/ser.rs
index 955a7165..ed79b542 100644
--- a/serde_codegen/src/ser.rs
+++ b/serde_codegen/src/ser.rs
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-use std::collections::HashSet;
use aster;
use syntax::ast::{
@@ -10,11 +8,10 @@ use syntax::ast::{
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::codemap::Span;
use syntax::ext::base::{Annotatable, ExtCtxt};
-use syntax::ext::build::AstBuilder;
use syntax::ptr::P;
-use syntax::visit;
use attr;
+use bound;
use error::Error;
pub fn expand_derive_serialize(
@@ -96,56 +93,9 @@ fn build_impl_generics(
item: &Item,
generics: &ast::Generics,
) -> ast::Generics {
- let serialize_path = builder.path()
- .global()
- .ids(&["serde", "ser", "Serialize"])
- .build();
- builder.from_generics(generics.clone())
- .with_predicates(
- all_variants(cx, item).iter()
- .flat_map(|variant_data| all_struct_fields(variant_data))
- .filter(|field| serialized_by_us(field))
- .map(|field| &field.ty)
- // TODO this filter can be removed later, see comment on function
- .filter(|ty| contains_generic(ty, generics))
- .map(|ty| strip_reference(ty))
- .map(|ty| builder.where_predicate()
- // the type that is being bounded i.e. T
- .bound().build(ty.clone())
- // the bound i.e. Serialize
- .bound().trait_(serialize_path.clone()).build()
- .build()))
- .build()
-fn all_variants<'a>(cx: &ExtCtxt, item: &'a Item) -> Vec<&'a ast::VariantData> {
- match item.node {
- ast::ItemKind::Struct(ref variant_data, _) => {
- vec![variant_data]
- }
- ast::ItemKind::Enum(ref enum_def, _) => {
- enum_def.variants.iter()
- .map(|variant| &variant.node.data)
- .collect()
- }
- _ => {
- cx.span_bug(item.span,
- "expected Item to be Struct or Enum in #[derive(Serialize)]");
- }
- }
-fn all_struct_fields(variant_data: &ast::VariantData) -> &[ast::StructField] {
- match *variant_data {
- ast::VariantData::Struct(ref fields, _) |
- ast::VariantData::Tuple(ref fields, _) => {
- fields
- }
- ast::VariantData::Unit(_) => {
- &[]
- }
- }
+ bound::with_bound(cx, builder, item, generics,
+ &serialized_by_us,
+ &["serde", "ser", "Serialize"])
// Fields with a `skip_serializing` or `serialize_with` attribute are not
@@ -168,77 +118,6 @@ fn serialized_by_us(field: &ast::StructField) -> bool {
-// Rust <1.7 enforces that `where` clauses involve generic type parameters. The
-// corresponding compiler error is E0193. It is no longer enforced in Rust >=1.7
-// so this filtering can be removed in the future when we stop supporting <1.7.
-// E0193 means we must not generate a `where` clause like `i32: Serialize`
-// because even though i32 implements Serialize, i32 is not a generic type
-// parameter. Clauses like `T: Serialize` and `Option: Serialize` are okay.
-// This function decides whether a given type references any of the generic type
-// parameters in the input `Generics`.
-fn contains_generic(ty: &ast::Ty, generics: &ast::Generics) -> bool {
- struct FindGeneric<'a> {
- generic_names: &'a HashSet,
- found_generic: bool,
- }
- impl<'a, 'v> visit::Visitor<'v> for FindGeneric<'a> {
- fn visit_path(&mut self, path: &'v ast::Path, _id: ast::NodeId) {
- if !path.global
- && path.segments.len() == 1
- && self.generic_names.contains(&path.segments[0].identifier.name) {
- self.found_generic = true;
- } else {
- visit::walk_path(self, path);
- }
- }
- }
- let generic_names: HashSet<_> = generics.ty_params.iter()
- .map(|ty_param| ty_param.ident.name)
- .collect();
- let mut visitor = FindGeneric {
- generic_names: &generic_names,
- found_generic: false,
- };
- visit::walk_ty(&mut visitor, ty);
- visitor.found_generic
-// This is required to handle types that use both a reference and a value of
-// the same type, as in:
-// enum Test<'a, T> where T: 'a {
-// Lifetime(&'a T),
-// NoLifetime(T),
-// }
-// Preserving references, we would generate an impl like:
-// impl<'a, T> Serialize for Test<'a, T>
-// where &'a T: Serialize,
-// T: Serialize { ... }
-// And taking a reference to one of the elements would fail with:
-// error: cannot infer an appropriate lifetime for pattern due
-// to conflicting requirements [E0495]
-// Test::NoLifetime(ref v) => { ... }
-// ^~~~~
-// Instead, we strip references before adding `T: Serialize` bounds in order to
-// generate:
-// impl<'a, T> Serialize for Test<'a, T>
-// where T: Serialize { ... }
-fn strip_reference(ty: &P) -> &P {
- match ty.node {
- ast::TyKind::Rptr(_, ref mut_ty) => &mut_ty.ty,
- _ => ty
- }
fn serialize_body(
cx: &ExtCtxt,
builder: &aster::AstBuilder,
diff --git a/serde_tests/tests/test_annotations.rs b/serde_tests/tests/test_annotations.rs
index 5d25af74..865105e7 100644
--- a/serde_tests/tests/test_annotations.rs
+++ b/serde_tests/tests/test_annotations.rs
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-use std::default::Default;
use serde::{Serialize, Serializer, Deserialize, Deserializer};
use token::{
@@ -61,7 +60,7 @@ impl DeserializeWith for i32 {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
-struct DefaultStruct
+struct DefaultStruct
where C: MyDefault,
E: MyDefault,
@@ -122,7 +121,7 @@ fn test_default_struct() {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
-enum DefaultEnum
+enum DefaultEnum
where C: MyDefault,
E: MyDefault
@@ -184,6 +183,97 @@ fn test_default_enum() {
+// Does not implement std::default::Default.
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Deserialize)]
+struct NoStdDefault(i8);
+impl MyDefault for NoStdDefault {
+ fn my_default() -> Self {
+ NoStdDefault(123)
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Deserialize)]
+struct ContainsNoStdDefault {
+ #[serde(default="MyDefault::my_default")]
+ a: A,
+// Tests that a struct field does not need to implement std::default::Default if
+// it is annotated with `default=...`.
+fn test_no_std_default() {
+ assert_de_tokens(
+ &ContainsNoStdDefault { a: NoStdDefault(123) },
+ vec![
+ Token::StructStart("ContainsNoStdDefault", Some(1)),
+ Token::StructEnd,
+ ]
+ );
+ assert_de_tokens(
+ &ContainsNoStdDefault { a: NoStdDefault(8) },
+ vec![
+ Token::StructStart("ContainsNoStdDefault", Some(1)),
+ Token::StructSep,
+ Token::Str("a"),
+ Token::StructNewType("NoStdDefault"),
+ Token::I8(8),
+ Token::StructEnd,
+ ]
+ );
+// Does not implement Deserialize.
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+struct NotDeserializeStruct(i8);
+impl Default for NotDeserializeStruct {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ NotDeserializeStruct(123)
+ }
+// Does not implement Deserialize.
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+enum NotDeserializeEnum { Trouble }
+impl MyDefault for NotDeserializeEnum {
+ fn my_default() -> Self {
+ NotDeserializeEnum::Trouble
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Deserialize)]
+struct ContainsNotDeserialize {
+ #[serde(skip_deserializing)]
+ a: A,
+ #[serde(skip_deserializing, default)]
+ b: B,
+ #[serde(skip_deserializing, default="MyDefault::my_default")]
+ c: C,
+// Tests that a struct field does not need to implement Deserialize if it is
+// annotated with skip_deserializing, whether using the std Default or a
+// custom default.
+fn test_elt_not_deserialize() {
+ assert_de_tokens(
+ &ContainsNotDeserialize {
+ a: NotDeserializeStruct(123),
+ b: NotDeserializeStruct(123),
+ c: NotDeserializeEnum::Trouble,
+ },
+ vec![
+ Token::StructStart("ContainsNotDeserialize", Some(3)),
+ Token::StructEnd,
+ ]
+ );
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct DenyUnknown {