This commit is contained in:
@ -418,6 +418,41 @@ struct Log {
ray_id: String,
impl Log {
fn new() -> Log {
Log {
timestamp: time::precise_time_ns() as i64,
zone_id: 123456,
zone_plan: FREE,
http: Http {
protocol: HTTP11,
status: 200,
host_status: 503,
up_status: 520,
method: GET,
content_type: "text/html".to_string(),
user_agent: "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/33.0.1750.146 Safari/537.36".to_string(),
referer: "".to_string(),
request_uri: "/cdn-cgi/trace".to_string(),
origin: Origin {
ip: "".to_string(),
port: 8000,
hostname: "".to_string(),
protocol: HTTPS,
country: US,
cache_status: Hit,
server_ip: "".to_string(),
server_name: "".to_string(),
remote_ip: "".to_string(),
bytes_dlv: 123456,
ray_id: "10c73629cce30078-LAX".to_string(),
macro_rules! likely(
($val:expr) => {
@ -495,22 +530,30 @@ impl MyMemWriter1 {
pub fn unwrap(self) -> Vec<u8> { self.buf }
// LLVM isn't yet able to lower `Vec::push_all` into a memcpy, so this helps
// MemWriter eke out that last bit of performance.
fn push_all_bytes(dst: &mut Vec<u8>, src: &[u8]) {
let dst_len = dst.len();
let src_len = src.len();
unsafe {
// we would have failed if `reserve_additional` overflowed.
dst.set_len(dst_len + src_len);
dst.as_mut_ptr().offset(dst_len as int),
impl Writer for MyMemWriter1 {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::IoResult<()> {
unsafe {
let self_buf_len = self.buf.len();
let buf_len = buf.len();
self.buf.set_len(self_buf_len + buf_len);
self.buf.as_mut_ptr().offset(self_buf_len as int),
push_all_bytes(&mut self.buf, buf);
@ -549,32 +592,32 @@ impl MyMemWriter2 {
impl Writer for MyMemWriter2 {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::IoResult<()> {
// Make sure the internal buffer is as least as big as where we
// currently are
let difference = self.pos as i64 - self.buf.len() as i64;
if difference > 0 {
self.buf.grow(difference as uint, &0);
// Figure out what bytes will be used to overwrite what's currently
// there (left), and what will be appended on the end (right)
let cap = self.buf.len() - self.pos;
let (left, right) = if cap <= buf.len() {
//(buf.slice_to(cap), buf.slice_from(cap))
if self.pos != self.buf.len() {
push_all_bytes(&mut self.buf, buf);
} else {
(buf, &[])
// Make sure the internal buffer is as least as big as where we
// currently are
let difference = self.pos as i64 - self.buf.len() as i64;
if difference > 0 {
self.buf.grow(difference as uint, &0);
// Do the necessary writes
if left.len() > 0 {
//::std::slice::bytes::copy_memory(self.buf.mut_slice_from(self.pos), left);
if right.len() > 0 {
// Figure out what bytes will be used to overwrite what's currently
// there (left), and what will be appended on the end (right)
let cap = self.buf.len() - self.pos;
let (left, right) = if cap <= buf.len() {
(buf.slice_to(cap), buf.slice_from(cap))
} else {
(buf, &[])
// Do the necessary writes
if left.len() > 0 {
::std::slice::bytes::copy_memory(self.buf.mut_slice_from(self.pos), left);
if right.len() > 0 {
push_all_bytes(&mut self.buf, right);
// Bump us forward
@ -614,37 +657,68 @@ impl Seek for MyMemWriter2 {
impl Log {
fn new() -> Log {
Log {
timestamp: time::precise_time_ns() as i64,
zone_id: 123456,
zone_plan: FREE,
http: Http {
protocol: HTTP11,
status: 200,
host_status: 503,
up_status: 520,
method: GET,
content_type: "text/html".to_string(),
user_agent: "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/33.0.1750.146 Safari/537.36".to_string(),
referer: "".to_string(),
request_uri: "/cdn-cgi/trace".to_string(),
origin: Origin {
ip: "".to_string(),
port: 8000,
hostname: "".to_string(),
protocol: HTTPS,
country: US,
cache_status: Hit,
server_ip: "".to_string(),
server_name: "".to_string(),
remote_ip: "".to_string(),
bytes_dlv: 123456,
ray_id: "10c73629cce30078-LAX".to_string(),
pub struct MyMemWriter3 {
buf: Vec<u8>,
pos: uint,
impl MyMemWriter3 {
/// Create a new `MemWriter`.
pub fn new() -> MyMemWriter3 {
/// Create a new `MemWriter`, allocating at least `n` bytes for
/// the internal buffer.
pub fn with_capacity(n: uint) -> MyMemWriter3 {
MyMemWriter3 { buf: Vec::with_capacity(n), pos: 0 }
/// Acquires an immutable reference to the underlying buffer of this
/// `MemWriter`.
/// No method is exposed for acquiring a mutable reference to the buffer
/// because it could corrupt the state of this `MemWriter`.
pub fn get_ref<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a [u8] { self.buf.as_slice() }
/// Unwraps this `MemWriter`, returning the underlying buffer
pub fn unwrap(self) -> Vec<u8> { self.buf }
impl Writer for MyMemWriter3 {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::IoResult<()> {
// Make sure the internal buffer is as least as big as where we
// currently are
let difference = self.pos as i64 - self.buf.len() as i64;
if difference > 0 {
self.buf.grow(difference as uint, &0);
// Figure out what bytes will be used to overwrite what's currently
// there (left), and what will be appended on the end (right)
let cap = self.buf.len() - self.pos;
let (left, right) = if cap <= buf.len() {
(buf.slice_to(cap), buf.slice_from(cap))
} else {
(buf, &[])
// Do the necessary writes
if left.len() > 0 {
::std::slice::bytes::copy_memory(self.buf.mut_slice_from(self.pos), left);
if right.len() > 0 {
push_all_bytes(&mut self.buf, right);
// Bump us forward
self.pos += buf.len();
@ -672,7 +746,24 @@ fn bench_serializer(b: &mut Bencher) {
fn bench_serializer2(b: &mut Bencher) {
fn bench_serializer_mem_writer(b: &mut Bencher) {
let log = Log::new();
let json = json::to_vec(&log);
b.bytes = json.len() as u64;
b.iter(|| {
//let _json = json::to_str(&log).unwrap();
let mut wr = MemWriter::with_capacity(1024);
let mut serializer = json::Serializer::new(wr.by_ref());
log.serialize(&mut serializer).unwrap();
let _json = wr.unwrap();
fn bench_serializer_my_mem_writer0(b: &mut Bencher) {
let log = Log::new();
let json = json::to_vec(&log);
b.bytes = json.len() as u64;
@ -688,6 +779,57 @@ fn bench_serializer2(b: &mut Bencher) {
fn bench_serializer_my_mem_writer1(b: &mut Bencher) {
let log = Log::new();
let json = json::to_vec(&log);
b.bytes = json.len() as u64;
b.iter(|| {
//let _json = json::to_str(&log).unwrap();
let mut wr = MyMemWriter1::with_capacity(1024);
let mut serializer = json::Serializer::new(wr.by_ref());
log.serialize(&mut serializer).unwrap();
let _json = wr.unwrap();
fn bench_serializer_my_mem_writer2(b: &mut Bencher) {
let log = Log::new();
let json = json::to_vec(&log);
b.bytes = json.len() as u64;
b.iter(|| {
//let _json = json::to_str(&log).unwrap();
let mut wr = MyMemWriter2::with_capacity(1024);
let mut serializer = json::Serializer::new(wr.by_ref());
log.serialize(&mut serializer).unwrap();
let _json = wr.unwrap();
fn bench_serializer_my_mem_writer3(b: &mut Bencher) {
let log = Log::new();
let json = json::to_vec(&log);
b.bytes = json.len() as u64;
b.iter(|| {
//let _json = json::to_str(&log).unwrap();
let mut wr = MyMemWriter3::with_capacity(1024);
let mut serializer = json::Serializer::new(wr.by_ref());
log.serialize(&mut serializer).unwrap();
let _json = wr.unwrap();
fn bench_copy(b: &mut Bencher) {
let s = r#"{"timestamp":2837513946597,"zone_id":123456,"zone_plan":"FREE","http":{"protocol":"HTTP11","status":200,"host_status":503,"up_status":520,"method":"GET","content_type":"text/html","user_agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/33.0.1750.146 Safari/537.36","referer":"","request_uri":"/cdn-cgi/trace"},"origin":{"ip":"","port":8000,"hostname":"","protocol":"HTTPS"},"country":"US","cache_status":"Hit","server_ip":"","server_name":"","remote_ip":"","bytes_dlv":123456,"ray_id":"10c73629cce30078-LAX"}"#;
@ -1024,6 +1166,50 @@ fn bench_manual_my_mem_writer2_escape(b: &mut Bencher) {
fn bench_manual_my_mem_writer3_no_escape(b: &mut Bencher) {
let log = Log::new();
let _s = r#"{"timestamp":2837513946597,"zone_id":123456,"zone_plan":"FREE","http":{"protocol":"HTTP11","status":200,"host_status":503,"up_status":520,"method":"GET","content_type":"text/html","user_agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/33.0.1750.146 Safari/537.36","referer":"","request_uri":"/cdn-cgi/trace"},"origin":{"ip":"","port":8000,"hostname":"","protocol":"HTTPS"},"country":"US","cache_status":"Hit","server_ip":"","server_name":"","remote_ip":"","bytes_dlv":123456,"ray_id":"10c73629cce30078-LAX"}"#;
let mut wr = MyMemWriter3::with_capacity(1000);
manual_no_escape(wr.by_ref(), &log);
b.bytes = wr.unwrap().len() as u64;
b.iter(|| {
let mut wr = MyMemWriter3::with_capacity(1024);
manual_no_escape(wr.by_ref(), &log);
let _json = wr.unwrap();
//let _json = String::from_utf8(wr.unwrap()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(_s, _json.as_slice());
fn bench_manual_my_mem_writer3_escape(b: &mut Bencher) {
let log = Log::new();
let _s = r#"{"timestamp":2837513946597,"zone_id":123456,"zone_plan":"FREE","http":{"protocol":"HTTP11","status":200,"host_status":503,"up_status":520,"method":"GET","content_type":"text/html","user_agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/33.0.1750.146 Safari/537.36","referer":"","request_uri":"/cdn-cgi/trace"},"origin":{"ip":"","port":8000,"hostname":"","protocol":"HTTPS"},"country":"US","cache_status":"Hit","server_ip":"","server_name":"","remote_ip":"","bytes_dlv":123456,"ray_id":"10c73629cce30078-LAX"}"#;
let mut wr = MyMemWriter3::with_capacity(1024);
manual_escape(wr.by_ref(), &log);
b.bytes = wr.unwrap().len() as u64;
b.iter(|| {
let mut wr = MyMemWriter3::with_capacity(1024);
manual_escape(wr.by_ref(), &log);
let _json = wr.unwrap();
//let _json = String::from_utf8(wr.unwrap()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(_s, _json.as_slice());
fn direct<W: Writer>(mut wr: W, log: &Log) {
use ser::Serializer;
@ -1294,7 +1294,7 @@ impl<W: Writer> ser::Serializer<io::IoError> for PrettySerializer<W> {
/// Encode the specified struct into a json `[u8]` buffer.
pub fn to_vec<T: ser::Serializable>(value: &T) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut wr = MemWriter::with_capacity(1000);
let mut wr = MemWriter::with_capacity(1024);
let mut serializer = Serializer::new(wr.by_ref());
value.serialize(&mut serializer).unwrap();
Reference in New Issue
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