Update to syn 2
This commit is contained in:
@ -108,12 +108,12 @@ jobs:
- run: cd serde && cargo build
name: Rust 1.31.0
name: Rust 1.56.0
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
timeout-minutes: 45
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@1.31.0
- uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@1.56.0
- run: cd serde && cargo check --no-default-features
- run: cd serde && cargo check
- run: cd serde_derive && cargo check
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ proc-macro = true
proc-macro2 = "1.0"
quote = "1.0"
syn = "1.0.104"
syn = "2.0"
serde = { version = "1.0", path = "../serde" }
@ -200,10 +200,16 @@ pub fn with_bound(
for arg in &arguments.args {
match arg {
syn::GenericArgument::Type(arg) => self.visit_type(arg),
syn::GenericArgument::Binding(arg) => self.visit_type(&arg.ty),
syn::GenericArgument::AssocType(arg) => self.visit_type(&arg.ty),
| syn::GenericArgument::Constraint(_)
| syn::GenericArgument::Const(_) => {}
| syn::GenericArgument::Const(_)
| syn::GenericArgument::AssocConst(_)
| syn::GenericArgument::Constraint(_) => {}
all(test, exhaustive),
_ => {}
@ -226,7 +232,9 @@ pub fn with_bound(
fn visit_type_param_bound(&mut self, bound: &'ast syn::TypeParamBound) {
match bound {
syn::TypeParamBound::Trait(bound) => self.visit_path(&bound.path),
syn::TypeParamBound::Lifetime(_) => {}
syn::TypeParamBound::Lifetime(_) | syn::TypeParamBound::Verbatim(_) => {}
#[cfg_attr(all(test, exhaustive), deny(non_exhaustive_omitted_patterns))]
_ => {}
@ -334,7 +342,7 @@ pub fn with_self_bound(
pub fn with_lifetime_bound(generics: &syn::Generics, lifetime: &str) -> syn::Generics {
let bound = syn::Lifetime::new(lifetime, Span::call_site());
let def = syn::LifetimeDef {
let def = syn::LifetimeParam {
attrs: Vec::new(),
lifetime: bound.clone(),
colon_token: None,
@ -244,9 +244,9 @@ impl BorrowedLifetimes {
fn de_lifetime_def(&self) -> Option<syn::LifetimeDef> {
fn de_lifetime_param(&self) -> Option<syn::LifetimeParam> {
match self {
BorrowedLifetimes::Borrowed(bounds) => Some(syn::LifetimeDef {
BorrowedLifetimes::Borrowed(bounds) => Some(syn::LifetimeParam {
attrs: Vec::new(),
lifetime: syn::Lifetime::new("'de", Span::call_site()),
colon_token: None,
@ -3011,7 +3011,7 @@ struct InPlaceImplGenerics<'a>(&'a Parameters);
impl<'a> ToTokens for DeImplGenerics<'a> {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
let mut generics = self.0.generics.clone();
if let Some(de_lifetime) = self.0.borrowed.de_lifetime_def() {
if let Some(de_lifetime) = self.0.borrowed.de_lifetime_param() {
generics.params = Some(syn::GenericParam::Lifetime(de_lifetime))
@ -3046,7 +3046,7 @@ impl<'a> ToTokens for InPlaceImplGenerics<'a> {
if let Some(de_lifetime) = self.0.borrowed.de_lifetime_def() {
if let Some(de_lifetime) = self.0.borrowed.de_lifetime_param() {
generics.params = Some(syn::GenericParam::Lifetime(de_lifetime))
@ -3071,8 +3071,8 @@ struct InPlaceTypeGenerics<'a>(&'a Parameters);
impl<'a> ToTokens for DeTypeGenerics<'a> {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
let mut generics = self.0.generics.clone();
if self.0.borrowed.de_lifetime_def().is_some() {
let def = syn::LifetimeDef {
if self.0.borrowed.de_lifetime_param().is_some() {
let def = syn::LifetimeParam {
attrs: Vec::new(),
lifetime: syn::Lifetime::new("'de", Span::call_site()),
colon_token: None,
@ -3097,8 +3097,8 @@ impl<'a> ToTokens for InPlaceTypeGenerics<'a> {
if self.0.borrowed.de_lifetime_def().is_some() {
let def = syn::LifetimeDef {
if self.0.borrowed.de_lifetime_param().is_some() {
let def = syn::LifetimeParam {
attrs: Vec::new(),
lifetime: syn::Lifetime::new("'de", Span::call_site()),
colon_token: None,
@ -3122,8 +3122,8 @@ impl<'a> DeTypeGenerics<'a> {
#[cfg(feature = "deserialize_in_place")]
fn place_lifetime() -> syn::LifetimeDef {
syn::LifetimeDef {
fn place_lifetime() -> syn::LifetimeParam {
syn::LifetimeParam {
attrs: Vec::new(),
lifetime: syn::Lifetime::new("'place", Span::call_site()),
colon_token: None,
@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ use std::iter::FromIterator;
use syn;
use syn::parse::ParseStream;
use syn::punctuated::Punctuated;
use syn::Meta::{List, NameValue, Path};
use syn::NestedMeta::{Lit, Meta};
use syn::{Ident, Lifetime};
use syn::{Expr, Ident, Lifetime, Meta, MetaList};
// This module handles parsing of `#[serde(...)]` attributes. The entrypoints
// are `attr::Container::from_ast`, `attr::Variant::from_ast`, and
@ -313,24 +311,24 @@ impl Container {
match &meta_item {
// Parse `#[serde(rename = "foo")]`
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == RENAME => {
if let Ok(s) = get_lit_str(cx, RENAME, &m.lit) {
Meta::NameValue(m) if m.path == RENAME => {
if let Ok(s) = get_lit_str(cx, RENAME, &m.value) {
ser_name.set(&m.path, s.value());
de_name.set(&m.path, s.value());
// Parse `#[serde(rename(serialize = "foo", deserialize = "bar"))]`
Meta(List(m)) if m.path == RENAME => {
if let Ok((ser, de)) = get_renames(cx, &m.nested) {
ser_name.set_opt(&m.path, ser.map(syn::LitStr::value));
de_name.set_opt(&m.path, de.map(syn::LitStr::value));
Meta::List(m) if m.path == RENAME => {
if let Ok((ser, de)) = get_renames(cx, m) {
ser_name.set_opt(&m.path, ser.as_ref().map(syn::LitStr::value));
de_name.set_opt(&m.path, de.as_ref().map(syn::LitStr::value));
// Parse `#[serde(rename_all = "foo")]`
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == RENAME_ALL => {
if let Ok(s) = get_lit_str(cx, RENAME_ALL, &m.lit) {
Meta::NameValue(m) if m.path == RENAME_ALL => {
if let Ok(s) = get_lit_str(cx, RENAME_ALL, &m.value) {
match RenameRule::from_str(&s.value()) {
Ok(rename_rule) => {
rename_all_ser_rule.set(&m.path, rename_rule);
@ -342,8 +340,8 @@ impl Container {
// Parse `#[serde(rename_all(serialize = "foo", deserialize = "bar"))]`
Meta(List(m)) if m.path == RENAME_ALL => {
if let Ok((ser, de)) = get_renames(cx, &m.nested) {
Meta::List(m) if m.path == RENAME_ALL => {
if let Ok((ser, de)) = get_renames(cx, m) {
if let Some(ser) = ser {
match RenameRule::from_str(&ser.value()) {
Ok(rename_rule) => rename_all_ser_rule.set(&m.path, rename_rule),
@ -360,17 +358,17 @@ impl Container {
// Parse `#[serde(transparent)]`
Meta(Path(word)) if word == TRANSPARENT => {
Meta::Path(word) if word == TRANSPARENT => {
// Parse `#[serde(deny_unknown_fields)]`
Meta(Path(word)) if word == DENY_UNKNOWN_FIELDS => {
Meta::Path(word) if word == DENY_UNKNOWN_FIELDS => {
// Parse `#[serde(default)]`
Meta(Path(word)) if word == DEFAULT => match &item.data {
Meta::Path(word) if word == DEFAULT => match &item.data {
syn::Data::Struct(syn::DataStruct { fields, .. }) => match fields {
syn::Fields::Named(_) => {
default.set(word, Default::Default);
@ -392,8 +390,8 @@ impl Container {
// Parse `#[serde(default = "...")]`
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == DEFAULT => {
if let Ok(path) = parse_lit_into_expr_path(cx, DEFAULT, &m.lit) {
Meta::NameValue(m) if m.path == DEFAULT => {
if let Ok(path) = parse_lit_into_expr_path(cx, DEFAULT, &m.value) {
match &item.data {
syn::Data::Struct(syn::DataStruct { fields, .. }) => match fields {
syn::Fields::Named(_) => {
@ -417,23 +415,23 @@ impl Container {
// Parse `#[serde(bound = "T: SomeBound")]`
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == BOUND => {
if let Ok(where_predicates) = parse_lit_into_where(cx, BOUND, BOUND, &m.lit) {
Meta::NameValue(m) if m.path == BOUND => {
if let Ok(where_predicates) = parse_lit_into_where(cx, BOUND, BOUND, &m.value) {
ser_bound.set(&m.path, where_predicates.clone());
de_bound.set(&m.path, where_predicates);
// Parse `#[serde(bound(serialize = "...", deserialize = "..."))]`
Meta(List(m)) if m.path == BOUND => {
if let Ok((ser, de)) = get_where_predicates(cx, &m.nested) {
Meta::List(m) if m.path == BOUND => {
if let Ok((ser, de)) = get_where_predicates(cx, m) {
ser_bound.set_opt(&m.path, ser);
de_bound.set_opt(&m.path, de);
// Parse `#[serde(untagged)]`
Meta(Path(word)) if word == UNTAGGED => match item.data {
Meta::Path(word) if word == UNTAGGED => match item.data {
syn::Data::Enum(_) => {
@ -448,8 +446,8 @@ impl Container {
// Parse `#[serde(tag = "type")]`
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == TAG => {
if let Ok(s) = get_lit_str(cx, TAG, &m.lit) {
Meta::NameValue(m) if m.path == TAG => {
if let Ok(s) = get_lit_str(cx, TAG, &m.value) {
match &item.data {
syn::Data::Enum(_) => {
internal_tag.set(&m.path, s.value());
@ -472,8 +470,8 @@ impl Container {
// Parse `#[serde(content = "c")]`
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == CONTENT => {
if let Ok(s) = get_lit_str(cx, CONTENT, &m.lit) {
Meta::NameValue(m) if m.path == CONTENT => {
if let Ok(s) = get_lit_str(cx, CONTENT, &m.value) {
match &item.data {
syn::Data::Enum(_) => {
content.set(&m.path, s.value());
@ -491,29 +489,29 @@ impl Container {
// Parse `#[serde(from = "Type")]`
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == FROM => {
if let Ok(from_ty) = parse_lit_into_ty(cx, FROM, &m.lit) {
Meta::NameValue(m) if m.path == FROM => {
if let Ok(from_ty) = parse_lit_into_ty(cx, FROM, &m.value) {
type_from.set_opt(&m.path, Some(from_ty));
// Parse `#[serde(try_from = "Type")]`
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == TRY_FROM => {
if let Ok(try_from_ty) = parse_lit_into_ty(cx, TRY_FROM, &m.lit) {
Meta::NameValue(m) if m.path == TRY_FROM => {
if let Ok(try_from_ty) = parse_lit_into_ty(cx, TRY_FROM, &m.value) {
type_try_from.set_opt(&m.path, Some(try_from_ty));
// Parse `#[serde(into = "Type")]`
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == INTO => {
if let Ok(into_ty) = parse_lit_into_ty(cx, INTO, &m.lit) {
Meta::NameValue(m) if m.path == INTO => {
if let Ok(into_ty) = parse_lit_into_ty(cx, INTO, &m.value) {
type_into.set_opt(&m.path, Some(into_ty));
// Parse `#[serde(remote = "...")]`
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == REMOTE => {
if let Ok(path) = parse_lit_into_path(cx, REMOTE, &m.lit) {
Meta::NameValue(m) if m.path == REMOTE => {
if let Ok(path) = parse_lit_into_path(cx, REMOTE, &m.value) {
if is_primitive_path(&path, "Self") {
remote.set(&m.path, item.ident.clone().into());
} else {
@ -523,30 +521,30 @@ impl Container {
// Parse `#[serde(field_identifier)]`
Meta(Path(word)) if word == FIELD_IDENTIFIER => {
Meta::Path(word) if word == FIELD_IDENTIFIER => {
// Parse `#[serde(variant_identifier)]`
Meta(Path(word)) if word == VARIANT_IDENTIFIER => {
Meta::Path(word) if word == VARIANT_IDENTIFIER => {
// Parse `#[serde(crate = "foo")]`
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == CRATE => {
if let Ok(path) = parse_lit_into_path(cx, CRATE, &m.lit) {
Meta::NameValue(m) if m.path == CRATE => {
if let Ok(path) = parse_lit_into_path(cx, CRATE, &m.value) {
serde_path.set(&m.path, path);
// Parse `#[serde(expecting = "a message")]`
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == EXPECTING => {
if let Ok(s) = get_lit_str(cx, EXPECTING, &m.lit) {
Meta::NameValue(m) if m.path == EXPECTING => {
if let Ok(s) = get_lit_str(cx, EXPECTING, &m.value) {
expecting.set(&m.path, s.value());
Meta(meta_item) => {
meta_item => {
let path = meta_item
@ -555,17 +553,12 @@ impl Container {
let msg = format!("unknown serde container attribute `{}`", path);
cx.error_spanned_by(meta_item.path(), msg);
Lit(lit) => {
let msg = "unexpected literal in serde container attribute";
cx.error_spanned_by(lit, msg);
let mut is_packed = false;
for attr in &item.attrs {
if attr.path == REPR {
if attr.path() == REPR {
let _ = attr.parse_args_with(|input: ParseStream| {
while let Some(token) = input.parse()? {
if let TokenTree::Ident(ident) = token {
@ -829,8 +822,8 @@ impl Variant {
match &meta_item {
// Parse `#[serde(rename = "foo")]`
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == RENAME => {
if let Ok(s) = get_lit_str(cx, RENAME, &m.lit) {
Meta::NameValue(m) if m.path == RENAME => {
if let Ok(s) = get_lit_str(cx, RENAME, &m.value) {
ser_name.set(&m.path, s.value());
de_aliases.insert(&m.path, s.value());
@ -838,9 +831,9 @@ impl Variant {
// Parse `#[serde(rename(serialize = "foo", deserialize = "bar"))]`
Meta(List(m)) if m.path == RENAME => {
if let Ok((ser, de)) = get_multiple_renames(cx, &m.nested) {
ser_name.set_opt(&m.path, ser.map(syn::LitStr::value));
Meta::List(m) if m.path == RENAME => {
if let Ok((ser, de)) = get_multiple_renames(cx, m) {
ser_name.set_opt(&m.path, ser.as_ref().map(syn::LitStr::value));
for de_value in de {
de_aliases.insert(&m.path, de_value.value());
@ -849,15 +842,15 @@ impl Variant {
// Parse `#[serde(alias = "foo")]`
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == ALIAS => {
if let Ok(s) = get_lit_str(cx, ALIAS, &m.lit) {
Meta::NameValue(m) if m.path == ALIAS => {
if let Ok(s) = get_lit_str(cx, ALIAS, &m.value) {
de_aliases.insert(&m.path, s.value());
// Parse `#[serde(rename_all = "foo")]`
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == RENAME_ALL => {
if let Ok(s) = get_lit_str(cx, RENAME_ALL, &m.lit) {
Meta::NameValue(m) if m.path == RENAME_ALL => {
if let Ok(s) = get_lit_str(cx, RENAME_ALL, &m.value) {
match RenameRule::from_str(&s.value()) {
Ok(rename_rule) => {
rename_all_ser_rule.set(&m.path, rename_rule);
@ -869,8 +862,8 @@ impl Variant {
// Parse `#[serde(rename_all(serialize = "foo", deserialize = "bar"))]`
Meta(List(m)) if m.path == RENAME_ALL => {
if let Ok((ser, de)) = get_renames(cx, &m.nested) {
Meta::List(m) if m.path == RENAME_ALL => {
if let Ok((ser, de)) = get_renames(cx, m) {
if let Some(ser) = ser {
match RenameRule::from_str(&ser.value()) {
Ok(rename_rule) => rename_all_ser_rule.set(&m.path, rename_rule),
@ -887,45 +880,45 @@ impl Variant {
// Parse `#[serde(skip)]`
Meta(Path(word)) if word == SKIP => {
Meta::Path(word) if word == SKIP => {
// Parse `#[serde(skip_deserializing)]`
Meta(Path(word)) if word == SKIP_DESERIALIZING => {
Meta::Path(word) if word == SKIP_DESERIALIZING => {
// Parse `#[serde(skip_serializing)]`
Meta(Path(word)) if word == SKIP_SERIALIZING => {
Meta::Path(word) if word == SKIP_SERIALIZING => {
// Parse `#[serde(other)]`
Meta(Path(word)) if word == OTHER => {
Meta::Path(word) if word == OTHER => {
// Parse `#[serde(bound = "T: SomeBound")]`
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == BOUND => {
if let Ok(where_predicates) = parse_lit_into_where(cx, BOUND, BOUND, &m.lit) {
Meta::NameValue(m) if m.path == BOUND => {
if let Ok(where_predicates) = parse_lit_into_where(cx, BOUND, BOUND, &m.value) {
ser_bound.set(&m.path, where_predicates.clone());
de_bound.set(&m.path, where_predicates);
// Parse `#[serde(bound(serialize = "...", deserialize = "..."))]`
Meta(List(m)) if m.path == BOUND => {
if let Ok((ser, de)) = get_where_predicates(cx, &m.nested) {
Meta::List(m) if m.path == BOUND => {
if let Ok((ser, de)) = get_where_predicates(cx, m) {
ser_bound.set_opt(&m.path, ser);
de_bound.set_opt(&m.path, de);
// Parse `#[serde(with = "...")]`
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == WITH => {
if let Ok(path) = parse_lit_into_expr_path(cx, WITH, &m.lit) {
Meta::NameValue(m) if m.path == WITH => {
if let Ok(path) = parse_lit_into_expr_path(cx, WITH, &m.value) {
let mut ser_path = path.clone();
@ -942,21 +935,21 @@ impl Variant {
// Parse `#[serde(serialize_with = "...")]`
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == SERIALIZE_WITH => {
if let Ok(path) = parse_lit_into_expr_path(cx, SERIALIZE_WITH, &m.lit) {
Meta::NameValue(m) if m.path == SERIALIZE_WITH => {
if let Ok(path) = parse_lit_into_expr_path(cx, SERIALIZE_WITH, &m.value) {
serialize_with.set(&m.path, path);
// Parse `#[serde(deserialize_with = "...")]`
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == DESERIALIZE_WITH => {
if let Ok(path) = parse_lit_into_expr_path(cx, DESERIALIZE_WITH, &m.lit) {
Meta::NameValue(m) if m.path == DESERIALIZE_WITH => {
if let Ok(path) = parse_lit_into_expr_path(cx, DESERIALIZE_WITH, &m.value) {
deserialize_with.set(&m.path, path);
// Parse `#[serde(borrow)]`
Meta(Path(word)) if word == BORROW => match &variant.fields {
Meta::Path(word) if word == BORROW => match &variant.fields {
syn::Fields::Unnamed(fields) if fields.unnamed.len() == 1 => {
@ -973,9 +966,9 @@ impl Variant {
// Parse `#[serde(borrow = "'a + 'b")]`
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == BORROW => match &variant.fields {
Meta::NameValue(m) if m.path == BORROW => match &variant.fields {
syn::Fields::Unnamed(fields) if fields.unnamed.len() == 1 => {
if let Ok(lifetimes) = parse_lit_into_lifetimes(cx, &m.lit) {
if let Ok(lifetimes) = parse_lit_into_lifetimes(cx, &m.value) {
BorrowAttribute {
@ -991,7 +984,7 @@ impl Variant {
Meta(meta_item) => {
meta_item => {
let path = meta_item
@ -1000,11 +993,6 @@ impl Variant {
let msg = format!("unknown serde variant attribute `{}`", path);
cx.error_spanned_by(meta_item.path(), msg);
Lit(lit) => {
let msg = "unexpected literal in serde variant attribute";
cx.error_spanned_by(lit, msg);
@ -1165,8 +1153,8 @@ impl Field {
match &meta_item {
// Parse `#[serde(rename = "foo")]`
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == RENAME => {
if let Ok(s) = get_lit_str(cx, RENAME, &m.lit) {
Meta::NameValue(m) if m.path == RENAME => {
if let Ok(s) = get_lit_str(cx, RENAME, &m.value) {
ser_name.set(&m.path, s.value());
de_aliases.insert(&m.path, s.value());
@ -1174,9 +1162,9 @@ impl Field {
// Parse `#[serde(rename(serialize = "foo", deserialize = "bar"))]`
Meta(List(m)) if m.path == RENAME => {
if let Ok((ser, de)) = get_multiple_renames(cx, &m.nested) {
ser_name.set_opt(&m.path, ser.map(syn::LitStr::value));
Meta::List(m) if m.path == RENAME => {
if let Ok((ser, de)) = get_multiple_renames(cx, m) {
ser_name.set_opt(&m.path, ser.as_ref().map(syn::LitStr::value));
for de_value in de {
de_aliases.insert(&m.path, de_value.value());
@ -1185,64 +1173,64 @@ impl Field {
// Parse `#[serde(alias = "foo")]`
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == ALIAS => {
if let Ok(s) = get_lit_str(cx, ALIAS, &m.lit) {
Meta::NameValue(m) if m.path == ALIAS => {
if let Ok(s) = get_lit_str(cx, ALIAS, &m.value) {
de_aliases.insert(&m.path, s.value());
// Parse `#[serde(default)]`
Meta(Path(word)) if word == DEFAULT => {
Meta::Path(word) if word == DEFAULT => {
default.set(word, Default::Default);
// Parse `#[serde(default = "...")]`
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == DEFAULT => {
if let Ok(path) = parse_lit_into_expr_path(cx, DEFAULT, &m.lit) {
Meta::NameValue(m) if m.path == DEFAULT => {
if let Ok(path) = parse_lit_into_expr_path(cx, DEFAULT, &m.value) {
default.set(&m.path, Default::Path(path));
// Parse `#[serde(skip_serializing)]`
Meta(Path(word)) if word == SKIP_SERIALIZING => {
Meta::Path(word) if word == SKIP_SERIALIZING => {
// Parse `#[serde(skip_deserializing)]`
Meta(Path(word)) if word == SKIP_DESERIALIZING => {
Meta::Path(word) if word == SKIP_DESERIALIZING => {
// Parse `#[serde(skip)]`
Meta(Path(word)) if word == SKIP => {
Meta::Path(word) if word == SKIP => {
// Parse `#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "...")]`
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == SKIP_SERIALIZING_IF => {
if let Ok(path) = parse_lit_into_expr_path(cx, SKIP_SERIALIZING_IF, &m.lit) {
Meta::NameValue(m) if m.path == SKIP_SERIALIZING_IF => {
if let Ok(path) = parse_lit_into_expr_path(cx, SKIP_SERIALIZING_IF, &m.value) {
skip_serializing_if.set(&m.path, path);
// Parse `#[serde(serialize_with = "...")]`
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == SERIALIZE_WITH => {
if let Ok(path) = parse_lit_into_expr_path(cx, SERIALIZE_WITH, &m.lit) {
Meta::NameValue(m) if m.path == SERIALIZE_WITH => {
if let Ok(path) = parse_lit_into_expr_path(cx, SERIALIZE_WITH, &m.value) {
serialize_with.set(&m.path, path);
// Parse `#[serde(deserialize_with = "...")]`
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == DESERIALIZE_WITH => {
if let Ok(path) = parse_lit_into_expr_path(cx, DESERIALIZE_WITH, &m.lit) {
Meta::NameValue(m) if m.path == DESERIALIZE_WITH => {
if let Ok(path) = parse_lit_into_expr_path(cx, DESERIALIZE_WITH, &m.value) {
deserialize_with.set(&m.path, path);
// Parse `#[serde(with = "...")]`
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == WITH => {
if let Ok(path) = parse_lit_into_expr_path(cx, WITH, &m.lit) {
Meta::NameValue(m) if m.path == WITH => {
if let Ok(path) = parse_lit_into_expr_path(cx, WITH, &m.value) {
let mut ser_path = path.clone();
@ -1259,31 +1247,31 @@ impl Field {
// Parse `#[serde(bound = "T: SomeBound")]`
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == BOUND => {
if let Ok(where_predicates) = parse_lit_into_where(cx, BOUND, BOUND, &m.lit) {
Meta::NameValue(m) if m.path == BOUND => {
if let Ok(where_predicates) = parse_lit_into_where(cx, BOUND, BOUND, &m.value) {
ser_bound.set(&m.path, where_predicates.clone());
de_bound.set(&m.path, where_predicates);
// Parse `#[serde(bound(serialize = "...", deserialize = "..."))]`
Meta(List(m)) if m.path == BOUND => {
if let Ok((ser, de)) = get_where_predicates(cx, &m.nested) {
Meta::List(m) if m.path == BOUND => {
if let Ok((ser, de)) = get_where_predicates(cx, m) {
ser_bound.set_opt(&m.path, ser);
de_bound.set_opt(&m.path, de);
// Parse `#[serde(borrow)]`
Meta(Path(word)) if word == BORROW => {
Meta::Path(word) if word == BORROW => {
if let Ok(borrowable) = borrowable_lifetimes(cx, &ident, field) {
borrowed_lifetimes.set(word, borrowable);
// Parse `#[serde(borrow = "'a + 'b")]`
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == BORROW => {
if let Ok(lifetimes) = parse_lit_into_lifetimes(cx, &m.lit) {
Meta::NameValue(m) if m.path == BORROW => {
if let Ok(lifetimes) = parse_lit_into_lifetimes(cx, &m.value) {
if let Ok(borrowable) = borrowable_lifetimes(cx, &ident, field) {
for lifetime in &lifetimes {
if !borrowable.contains(lifetime) {
@ -1300,18 +1288,18 @@ impl Field {
// Parse `#[serde(getter = "...")]`
Meta(NameValue(m)) if m.path == GETTER => {
if let Ok(path) = parse_lit_into_expr_path(cx, GETTER, &m.lit) {
Meta::NameValue(m) if m.path == GETTER => {
if let Ok(path) = parse_lit_into_expr_path(cx, GETTER, &m.value) {
getter.set(&m.path, path);
// Parse `#[serde(flatten)]`
Meta(Path(word)) if word == FLATTEN => {
Meta::Path(word) if word == FLATTEN => {
Meta(meta_item) => {
meta_item => {
let path = meta_item
@ -1320,11 +1308,6 @@ impl Field {
let msg = format!("unknown serde field attribute `{}`", path);
cx.error_spanned_by(meta_item.path(), msg);
Lit(lit) => {
let msg = "unexpected literal in serde field attribute";
cx.error_spanned_by(lit, msg);
@ -1478,29 +1461,36 @@ impl Field {
type SerAndDe<T> = (Option<T>, Option<T>);
fn get_ser_and_de<'a, 'b, T, F>(
cx: &'b Ctxt,
fn get_ser_and_de<'c, T, F>(
cx: &'c Ctxt,
attr_name: Symbol,
metas: &'a Punctuated<syn::NestedMeta, Token![,]>,
metas: &MetaList,
f: F,
) -> Result<(VecAttr<'b, T>, VecAttr<'b, T>), ()>
) -> Result<(VecAttr<'c, T>, VecAttr<'c, T>), ()>
T: 'a,
F: Fn(&Ctxt, Symbol, Symbol, &'a syn::Lit) -> Result<T, ()>,
F: Fn(&Ctxt, Symbol, Symbol, &syn::Expr) -> Result<T, ()>,
let mut ser_meta = VecAttr::none(cx, attr_name);
let mut de_meta = VecAttr::none(cx, attr_name);
for meta in metas {
let nested = match metas.parse_args_with(Punctuated::<Meta, Token![,]>::parse_terminated) {
Ok(nested) => nested,
Err(err) => {
return Err(());
for meta in nested {
match meta {
Meta(NameValue(meta)) if meta.path == SERIALIZE => {
if let Ok(v) = f(cx, attr_name, SERIALIZE, &meta.lit) {
Meta::NameValue(meta) if meta.path == SERIALIZE => {
if let Ok(v) = f(cx, attr_name, SERIALIZE, &meta.value) {
ser_meta.insert(&meta.path, v);
Meta(NameValue(meta)) if meta.path == DESERIALIZE => {
if let Ok(v) = f(cx, attr_name, DESERIALIZE, &meta.lit) {
Meta::NameValue(meta) if meta.path == DESERIALIZE => {
if let Ok(v) = f(cx, attr_name, DESERIALIZE, &meta.value) {
de_meta.insert(&meta.path, v);
@ -1519,41 +1509,36 @@ where
Ok((ser_meta, de_meta))
fn get_renames<'a>(
cx: &Ctxt,
items: &'a Punctuated<syn::NestedMeta, Token![,]>,
) -> Result<SerAndDe<&'a syn::LitStr>, ()> {
fn get_renames(cx: &Ctxt, items: &MetaList) -> Result<SerAndDe<syn::LitStr>, ()> {
let (ser, de) = get_ser_and_de(cx, RENAME, items, get_lit_str2)?;
Ok((ser.at_most_one()?, de.at_most_one()?))
fn get_multiple_renames<'a>(
fn get_multiple_renames(
cx: &Ctxt,
items: &'a Punctuated<syn::NestedMeta, Token![,]>,
) -> Result<(Option<&'a syn::LitStr>, Vec<&'a syn::LitStr>), ()> {
items: &MetaList,
) -> Result<(Option<syn::LitStr>, Vec<syn::LitStr>), ()> {
let (ser, de) = get_ser_and_de(cx, RENAME, items, get_lit_str2)?;
Ok((ser.at_most_one()?, de.get()))
fn get_where_predicates(
cx: &Ctxt,
items: &Punctuated<syn::NestedMeta, Token![,]>,
items: &MetaList,
) -> Result<SerAndDe<Vec<syn::WherePredicate>>, ()> {
let (ser, de) = get_ser_and_de(cx, BOUND, items, parse_lit_into_where)?;
Ok((ser.at_most_one()?, de.at_most_one()?))
pub fn get_serde_meta_items(cx: &Ctxt, attr: &syn::Attribute) -> Result<Vec<syn::NestedMeta>, ()> {
if attr.path != SERDE {
pub fn get_serde_meta_items(cx: &Ctxt, attr: &syn::Attribute) -> Result<Vec<Meta>, ()> {
if attr.path() != SERDE {
return Ok(Vec::new());
match attr.parse_meta() {
Ok(List(meta)) => Ok(meta.nested.into_iter().collect()),
Ok(other) => {
cx.error_spanned_by(other, "expected #[serde(...)]");
let nested = attr.parse_args_with(Punctuated::<Meta, Token![,]>::parse_terminated);
match nested {
Ok(nested) => Ok(nested.into_iter().collect()),
Err(err) => {
@ -1561,29 +1546,30 @@ pub fn get_serde_meta_items(cx: &Ctxt, attr: &syn::Attribute) -> Result<Vec<syn:
fn get_lit_str<'a>(cx: &Ctxt, attr_name: Symbol, lit: &'a syn::Lit) -> Result<&'a syn::LitStr, ()> {
fn get_lit_str(cx: &Ctxt, attr_name: Symbol, lit: &syn::Expr) -> Result<syn::LitStr, ()> {
get_lit_str2(cx, attr_name, attr_name, lit)
fn get_lit_str2<'a>(
fn get_lit_str2(
cx: &Ctxt,
attr_name: Symbol,
meta_item_name: Symbol,
lit: &'a syn::Lit,
) -> Result<&'a syn::LitStr, ()> {
if let syn::Lit::Str(lit) = lit {
} else {
let msg = format!(
"expected serde {} attribute to be a string: `{} = \"...\"`",
attr_name, meta_item_name,
cx.error_spanned_by(lit, msg);
expr: &syn::Expr,
) -> Result<syn::LitStr, ()> {
if let Expr::Lit(expr) = expr {
if let syn::Lit::Str(lit) = &expr.lit {
return Ok(lit.clone());
let msg = format!(
"expected serde {} attribute to be a string: `{} = \"...\"`",
attr_name, meta_item_name,
cx.error_spanned_by(expr, msg);
fn parse_lit_into_path(cx: &Ctxt, attr_name: Symbol, lit: &syn::Lit) -> Result<syn::Path, ()> {
fn parse_lit_into_path(cx: &Ctxt, attr_name: Symbol, lit: &syn::Expr) -> Result<syn::Path, ()> {
let string = get_lit_str(cx, attr_name, lit)?;
string.parse().map_err(|_| {
let msg = format!("failed to parse path: {:?}", string.value());
@ -1594,7 +1580,7 @@ fn parse_lit_into_path(cx: &Ctxt, attr_name: Symbol, lit: &syn::Lit) -> Result<s
fn parse_lit_into_expr_path(
cx: &Ctxt,
attr_name: Symbol,
lit: &syn::Lit,
lit: &syn::Expr,
) -> Result<syn::ExprPath, ()> {
let string = get_lit_str(cx, attr_name, lit)?;
string.parse().map_err(|_| {
@ -1607,7 +1593,7 @@ fn parse_lit_into_where(
cx: &Ctxt,
attr_name: Symbol,
meta_item_name: Symbol,
lit: &syn::Lit,
lit: &syn::Expr,
) -> Result<Vec<syn::WherePredicate>, ()> {
let string = get_lit_str2(cx, attr_name, meta_item_name, lit)?;
@ -1617,7 +1603,7 @@ fn parse_lit_into_where(
.map_err(|err| cx.error_spanned_by(lit, err))
fn parse_lit_into_ty(cx: &Ctxt, attr_name: Symbol, lit: &syn::Lit) -> Result<syn::Type, ()> {
fn parse_lit_into_ty(cx: &Ctxt, attr_name: Symbol, lit: &syn::Expr) -> Result<syn::Type, ()> {
let string = get_lit_str(cx, attr_name, lit)?;
string.parse().map_err(|_| {
@ -1628,7 +1614,7 @@ fn parse_lit_into_ty(cx: &Ctxt, attr_name: Symbol, lit: &syn::Lit) -> Result<syn
// Parses a string literal like "'a + 'b + 'c" containing a nonempty list of
// lifetimes separated by `+`.
fn parse_lit_into_lifetimes(cx: &Ctxt, lit: &syn::Lit) -> Result<BTreeSet<syn::Lifetime>, ()> {
fn parse_lit_into_lifetimes(cx: &Ctxt, lit: &syn::Expr) -> Result<BTreeSet<syn::Lifetime>, ()> {
let string = get_lit_str(cx, BORROW, lit)?;
if let Ok(lifetimes) = string.parse_with(|input: ParseStream| {
@ -1853,11 +1839,10 @@ fn collect_lifetimes(ty: &syn::Type, out: &mut BTreeSet<syn::Lifetime>) {
syn::GenericArgument::Type(ty) => {
collect_lifetimes(ty, out);
syn::GenericArgument::Binding(binding) => {
syn::GenericArgument::AssocType(binding) => {
collect_lifetimes(&binding.ty, out);
| syn::GenericArgument::Const(_) => {}
_ => {}
@ -179,10 +179,13 @@ impl ReplaceReceiver<'_> {
for arg in &mut arguments.args {
match arg {
GenericArgument::Type(arg) => self.visit_type_mut(arg),
GenericArgument::Binding(arg) => self.visit_type_mut(&mut arg.ty),
GenericArgument::AssocType(arg) => self.visit_type_mut(&mut arg.ty),
| GenericArgument::Constraint(_)
| GenericArgument::Const(_) => {}
| GenericArgument::Const(_)
| GenericArgument::AssocConst(_)
| GenericArgument::Constraint(_) => {}
#[cfg_attr(all(test, exhaustive), deny(non_exhaustive_omitted_patterns))]
_ => {}
@ -205,7 +208,9 @@ impl ReplaceReceiver<'_> {
fn visit_type_param_bound_mut(&mut self, bound: &mut TypeParamBound) {
match bound {
TypeParamBound::Trait(bound) => self.visit_path_mut(&mut bound.path),
TypeParamBound::Lifetime(_) => {}
TypeParamBound::Lifetime(_) | TypeParamBound::Verbatim(_) => {}
#[cfg_attr(all(test, exhaustive), deny(non_exhaustive_omitted_patterns))]
_ => {}
@ -229,7 +234,9 @@ impl ReplaceReceiver<'_> {
WherePredicate::Lifetime(_) | WherePredicate::Eq(_) => {}
WherePredicate::Lifetime(_) => {}
#[cfg_attr(all(test, exhaustive), deny(non_exhaustive_omitted_patterns))]
_ => {}
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ path = "lib.rs"
proc-macro2 = "1.0"
quote = "1.0"
syn = { version = "1.0.104", default-features = false, features = ["derive", "parsing", "printing", "clone-impls"] }
syn = { version = "2.0", default-features = false, features = ["derive", "parsing", "printing", "clone-impls"] }
targets = ["x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"]
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
error: unexpected end of input, expected literal
error: unexpected end of input, expected an expression
--> tests/ui/malformed/cut_off.rs:4:17
4 | #[serde(rename =)]
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
error: expected #[serde(...)]
error: expected attribute arguments in parentheses: #[serde(...)]
--> tests/ui/malformed/not_list.rs:4:3
4 | #[serde]
| ^^^^^
error: expected #[serde(...)]
--> tests/ui/malformed/not_list.rs:5:3
error: expected parentheses: #[serde(...)]
--> tests/ui/malformed/not_list.rs:5:9
5 | #[serde = "?"]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
| ^
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
error: unexpected literal in serde container attribute
error: expected path
--> tests/ui/unexpected-literal/container.rs:4:9
4 | #[serde("literal")]
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
error: unexpected literal in serde field attribute
error: expected path
--> tests/ui/unexpected-literal/field.rs:5:13
5 | #[serde("literal")]
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
error: unexpected literal in serde variant attribute
error: expected path
--> tests/ui/unexpected-literal/variant.rs:5:13
5 | #[serde("literal")]
Reference in New Issue
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