Classes can have ty params now. So can methods inside classes. That was probably true before, but now it should still work if you call methods in a class that's defined in a different crate. Yay!
29 lines
654 B
29 lines
654 B
class cat<U> {
priv {
let mut info : [U];
let mut meows : uint;
let how_hungry : int;
new(in_x : uint, in_y : int, -in_info: [U])
{ self.meows = in_x; self.how_hungry = in_y;
self.info <- in_info; }
fn speak<T>(stuff: [T]) {
self.meows += stuff.len();
fn meow_count() -> uint { self.meows }
fn main() {
let nyan : cat<int> = cat::<int>(52u, 99, [9]);
let kitty = cat(1000u, 2, ["tabby"]);
assert(nyan.how_hungry == 99);
assert(kitty.how_hungry == 2);
assert(nyan.meow_count() == 55u);
kitty.speak(["meow", "mew", "purr", "chirp"]);
assert(kitty.meow_count() == 1004u);