Patrick Walton a5bb0a3a45 librustc: Remove the fallback to int for integers and f64 for
floating point numbers for real.

This will break code that looks like:

    let mut x = 0;
    while ... {
        x += 1;
    println!("{}", x);

Change that code to:

    let mut x = 0i;
    while ... {
        x += 1;
    println!("{}", x);

Closes #15201.

2014-06-29 11:47:58 -07:00

82 lines
4.3 KiB

digraph block {
N2[label="expr 16i"];
N3[label="local mut x"];
N4[label="expr 16i"];
N5[label="local mut y"];
N7[label="expr \'outer:\l loop {\l \'inner:\l loop {\l if x == 1i { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\" }\l if y >= 1i { break ; \"unreachable\" }\l y -= 1i;\l }\l y -= 1i;\l x -= 1i;\l }\l"];
N9[label="expr \'inner:\l loop {\l if x == 1i { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\" }\l if y >= 1i { break ; \"unreachable\" }\l y -= 1i;\l }\l"];
N10[label="expr x"];
N11[label="expr 1i"];
N12[label="expr x == 1i"];
N13[label="expr continue \'outer"];
N15[label="expr \"unreachable\""];
N16[label="block { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\" }"];
N17[label="expr if x == 1i { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\" }"];
N18[label="expr y"];
N19[label="expr 1i"];
N20[label="expr y >= 1i"];
N21[label="expr break"];
N23[label="expr \"unreachable\""];
N24[label="block { break ; \"unreachable\" }"];
N25[label="expr if y >= 1i { break ; \"unreachable\" }"];
N26[label="expr 1i"];
N27[label="expr y"];
N28[label="expr y -= 1i"];
N29[label="block {\l if x == 1i { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\" }\l if y >= 1i { break ; \"unreachable\" }\l y -= 1i;\l}\l"];
N30[label="expr 1i"];
N31[label="expr y"];
N32[label="expr y -= 1i"];
N33[label="expr 1i"];
N34[label="expr x"];
N35[label="expr x -= 1i"];
N36[label="block {\l \'inner:\l loop {\l if x == 1i { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\" }\l if y >= 1i { break ; \"unreachable\" }\l y -= 1i;\l }\l y -= 1i;\l x -= 1i;\l}\l"];
N37[label="expr \"unreachable\""];
N38[label="block {\l let mut x = 16i;\l let mut y = 16i;\l \'outer:\l loop {\l \'inner:\l loop {\l if x == 1i { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\" }\l if y >= 1i { break ; \"unreachable\" }\l y -= 1i;\l }\l y -= 1i;\l x -= 1i;\l }\l \"unreachable\";\l}\l"];
N0 -> N2;
N2 -> N3;
N3 -> N4;
N4 -> N5;
N5 -> N6;
N6 -> N8;
N8 -> N10;
N10 -> N11;
N11 -> N12;
N12 -> N13;
N13 -> N6[label="exiting scope_0 expr continue \'outer,\lexiting scope_1 stmt continue \'outer ;,\lexiting scope_2 block { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\" },\lexiting scope_3 expr if x == 1i { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\" },\lexiting scope_4 stmt if x == 1i { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\" },\lexiting scope_5 block {\l if x == 1i { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\" }\l if y >= 1i { break ; \"unreachable\" }\l y -= 1i;\l}\l,\lexiting scope_6 expr \'inner:\l loop {\l if x == 1i { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\" }\l if y >= 1i { break ; \"unreachable\" }\l y -= 1i;\l }\l,\lexiting scope_7 stmt \'inner:\l loop {\l if x == 1i { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\" }\l if y >= 1i { break ; \"unreachable\" }\l y -= 1i;\l }\l,\lexiting scope_8 block {\l \'inner:\l loop {\l if x == 1i { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\" }\l if y >= 1i { break ; \"unreachable\" }\l y -= 1i;\l }\l y -= 1i;\l x -= 1i;\l}\l"];
N14 -> N15;
N15 -> N16;
N12 -> N17;
N16 -> N17;
N17 -> N18;
N18 -> N19;
N19 -> N20;
N20 -> N21;
N21 -> N9[label="exiting scope_0 expr break,\lexiting scope_1 stmt break ;,\lexiting scope_2 block { break ; \"unreachable\" },\lexiting scope_3 expr if y >= 1i { break ; \"unreachable\" },\lexiting scope_4 stmt if y >= 1i { break ; \"unreachable\" },\lexiting scope_5 block {\l if x == 1i { continue \'outer ; \"unreachable\" }\l if y >= 1i { break ; \"unreachable\" }\l y -= 1i;\l}\l"];
N22 -> N23;
N23 -> N24;
N20 -> N25;
N24 -> N25;
N25 -> N26;
N26 -> N27;
N27 -> N28;
N28 -> N29;
N29 -> N8;
N9 -> N30;
N30 -> N31;
N31 -> N32;
N32 -> N33;
N33 -> N34;
N34 -> N35;
N35 -> N36;
N36 -> N6;
N7 -> N37;
N37 -> N38;
N38 -> N1;