2014-06-06 22:19:57 -07:00

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// Copyright 2013-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! Tasks implemented on top of OS threads
//! This module contains the implementation of the 1:1 threading module required
//! by rust tasks. This implements the necessary API traits laid out by std::rt
//! in order to spawn new tasks and deschedule the current task.
use std::any::Any;
use std::mem;
use std::rt::bookkeeping;
use std::rt::local::Local;
use std::rt::mutex::NativeMutex;
use std::rt::rtio;
use std::rt::stack;
use std::rt::task::{Task, BlockedTask, TaskOpts};
use std::rt::thread::Thread;
use std::rt;
use io;
use task;
/// Creates a new Task which is ready to execute as a 1:1 task.
pub fn new(stack_bounds: (uint, uint)) -> Box<Task> {
let mut task = box Task::new();
let mut ops = ops();
ops.stack_bounds = stack_bounds;
return task;
fn ops() -> Box<Ops> {
box Ops {
lock: unsafe { NativeMutex::new() },
awoken: false,
io: io::IoFactory::new(),
// these *should* get overwritten
stack_bounds: (0, 0),
/// Spawns a function with the default configuration
pub fn spawn(f: proc():Send) {
spawn_opts(TaskOpts { name: None, stack_size: None, on_exit: None }, f)
/// Spawns a new task given the configuration options and a procedure to run
/// inside the task.
pub fn spawn_opts(opts: TaskOpts, f: proc():Send) {
let TaskOpts { name, stack_size, on_exit } = opts;
let mut task = box Task::new(); = name;
task.death.on_exit = on_exit;
let stack = stack_size.unwrap_or(rt::min_stack());
let task = task;
let ops = ops();
// Note that this increment must happen *before* the spawn in order to
// guarantee that if this task exits it will always end up waiting for the
// spawned task to exit.
// Spawning a new OS thread guarantees that __morestack will never get
// triggered, but we must manually set up the actual stack bounds once this
// function starts executing. This raises the lower limit by a bit because
// by the time that this function is executing we've already consumed at
// least a little bit of stack (we don't know the exact byte address at
// which our stack started).
Thread::spawn_stack(stack, proc() {
let something_around_the_top_of_the_stack = 1;
let addr = &something_around_the_top_of_the_stack as *int;
let my_stack = addr as uint;
unsafe {
stack::record_stack_bounds(my_stack - stack + 1024, my_stack);
let mut ops = ops;
ops.stack_bounds = (my_stack - stack + 1024, my_stack);
let mut f = Some(f);
let mut task = task;
let t =|| { f.take_unwrap()() });
// This structure is the glue between channels and the 1:1 scheduling mode. This
// structure is allocated once per task.
struct Ops {
lock: NativeMutex, // native synchronization
awoken: bool, // used to prevent spurious wakeups
io: io::IoFactory, // local I/O factory
// This field holds the known bounds of the stack in (lo, hi) form. Not all
// native tasks necessarily know their precise bounds, hence this is
// optional.
stack_bounds: (uint, uint),
impl rt::Runtime for Ops {
fn yield_now(~self, mut cur_task: Box<Task>) {
// put the task back in TLS and then invoke the OS thread yield
fn maybe_yield(~self, mut cur_task: Box<Task>) {
// just put the task back in TLS, on OS threads we never need to
// opportunistically yield b/c the OS will do that for us (preemption)
fn wrap(~self) -> Box<Any> {
self as Box<Any>
fn stack_bounds(&self) -> (uint, uint) { self.stack_bounds }
fn can_block(&self) -> bool { true }
// This function gets a little interesting. There are a few safety and
// ownership violations going on here, but this is all done in the name of
// shared state. Additionally, all of the violations are protected with a
// mutex, so in theory there are no races.
// The first thing we need to do is to get a pointer to the task's internal
// mutex. This address will not be changing (because the task is allocated
// on the heap). We must have this handle separately because the task will
// have its ownership transferred to the given closure. We're guaranteed,
// however, that this memory will remain valid because *this* is the current
// task's execution thread.
// The next weird part is where ownership of the task actually goes. We
// relinquish it to the `f` blocking function, but upon returning this
// function needs to replace the task back in TLS. There is no communication
// from the wakeup thread back to this thread about the task pointer, and
// there's really no need to. In order to get around this, we cast the task
// to a `uint` which is then used at the end of this function to cast back
// to a `Box<Task>` object. Naturally, this looks like it violates
// ownership semantics in that there may be two `Box<Task>` objects.
// The fun part is that the wakeup half of this implementation knows to
// "forget" the task on the other end. This means that the awakening half of
// things silently relinquishes ownership back to this thread, but not in a
// way that the compiler can understand. The task's memory is always valid
// for both tasks because these operations are all done inside of a mutex.
// You'll also find that if blocking fails (the `f` function hands the
// BlockedTask back to us), we will `mem::forget` the handles. The
// reasoning for this is the same logic as above in that the task silently
// transfers ownership via the `uint`, not through normal compiler
// semantics.
// On a mildly unrelated note, it should also be pointed out that OS
// condition variables are susceptible to spurious wakeups, which we need to
// be ready for. In order to accomodate for this fact, we have an extra
// `awoken` field which indicates whether we were actually woken up via some
// invocation of `reawaken`. This flag is only ever accessed inside the
// lock, so there's no need to make it atomic.
fn deschedule(mut ~self, times: uint, mut cur_task: Box<Task>,
f: |BlockedTask| -> Result<(), BlockedTask>) {
let me = &mut *self as *mut Ops;
unsafe {
let cur_task_dupe = &*cur_task as *Task;
let task = BlockedTask::block(cur_task);
if times == 1 {
let guard = (*me).lock.lock();
(*me).awoken = false;
match f(task) {
Ok(()) => {
while !(*me).awoken {
Err(task) => { mem::forget(task.wake()); }
} else {
let iter = task.make_selectable(times);
let guard = (*me).lock.lock();
(*me).awoken = false;
// Apply the given closure to all of the "selectable tasks",
// bailing on the first one that produces an error. Note that
// care must be taken such that when an error is occurred, we
// may not own the task, so we may still have to wait for the
// task to become available. In other words, if task.wake()
// returns `None`, then someone else has ownership and we must
// wait for their signal.
match|a| a.err()).next() {
None => {}
Some(task) => {
match task.wake() {
Some(task) => {
(*me).awoken = true;
None => {}
while !(*me).awoken {
// re-acquire ownership of the task
cur_task = mem::transmute(cur_task_dupe);
// put the task back in TLS, and everything is as it once was.
// See the comments on `deschedule` for why the task is forgotten here, and
// why it's valid to do so.
fn reawaken(mut ~self, mut to_wake: Box<Task>) {
unsafe {
let me = &mut *self as *mut Ops;
let guard = (*me).lock.lock();
(*me).awoken = true;
fn spawn_sibling(~self,
mut cur_task: Box<Task>,
opts: TaskOpts,
f: proc():Send) {
task::spawn_opts(opts, f);
fn local_io<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Option<rtio::LocalIo<'a>> {
Some(rtio::LocalIo::new(&mut as &mut rtio::IoFactory))
mod tests {
use std::rt::local::Local;
use std::rt::task::{Task, TaskOpts};
use std::task;
use super::{spawn, spawn_opts, Ops};
fn smoke() {
let (tx, rx) = channel();
spawn(proc() {
fn smoke_fail() {
let (tx, rx) = channel::<()>();
spawn(proc() {
let _tx = tx;
assert_eq!(rx.recv_opt(), Err(()));
fn smoke_opts() {
let mut opts = TaskOpts::new(); = Some("test".into_maybe_owned());
opts.stack_size = Some(20 * 4096);
let (tx, rx) = channel();
opts.on_exit = Some(proc(r) tx.send(r));
spawn_opts(opts, proc() {});
fn smoke_opts_fail() {
let mut opts = TaskOpts::new();
let (tx, rx) = channel();
opts.on_exit = Some(proc(r) tx.send(r));
spawn_opts(opts, proc() { fail!() });
fn yield_test() {
let (tx, rx) = channel();
spawn(proc() {
for _ in range(0, 10) { task::deschedule(); }
fn spawn_children() {
let (tx1, rx) = channel();
spawn(proc() {
let (tx2, rx) = channel();
spawn(proc() {
let (tx3, rx) = channel();
spawn(proc() {
fn spawn_inherits() {
let (tx, rx) = channel();
spawn(proc() {
spawn(proc() {
let mut task: Box<Task> = Local::take();
match task.maybe_take_runtime::<Ops>() {
Some(ops) => {
None => fail!(),