test: Verify all sysroot crates are unstable As we continue to add more crates to the compiler and use them to implement various features we want to be sure we're not accidentally expanding the API surface area of the compiler! To that end this commit adds a new `run-make` test which will attempt to `extern crate foo` all crates in the sysroot, verifying that they're all unstable. This commit discovered that the `std_shim` and `test_shim` crates were accidentally stable and fixes the situation by deleting those shims. The shims are no longer necessary due to changes in Cargo that have happened since they were originally incepted.
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// Copyright 2016 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! Documentation generation for rustbuild.
//! This module implements generation for all bits and pieces of documentation
//! for the Rust project. This notably includes suites like the rust book, the
//! nomicon, standalone documentation, etc.
//! Everything here is basically just a shim around calling either `rustbook` or
//! `rustdoc`.
use std::fs::{self, File};
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::process::Command;
use {Build, Compiler, Mode};
use util::cp_r;
use build_helper::up_to_date;
/// Invoke `rustbook` as compiled in `stage` for `target` for the doc book
/// `name` into the `out` path.
/// This will not actually generate any documentation if the documentation has
/// already been generated.
pub fn rustbook(build: &Build, target: &str, name: &str) {
let out = build.doc_out(target);
let out = out.join(name);
let compiler = Compiler::new(0, &build.config.build);
let src = build.src.join("src/doc").join(name);
let index = out.join("index.html");
let rustbook = build.tool(&compiler, "rustbook");
if up_to_date(&src, &index) && up_to_date(&rustbook, &index) {
println!("Rustbook ({}) - {}", target, name);
let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(&out);
build.run(build.tool_cmd(&compiler, "rustbook")
/// Generates all standalone documentation as compiled by the rustdoc in `stage`
/// for the `target` into `out`.
/// This will list all of `src/doc` looking for markdown files and appropriately
/// perform transformations like substituting `VERSION`, `SHORT_HASH`, and
/// `STAMP` alongw ith providing the various header/footer HTML we've cutomized.
/// In the end, this is just a glorified wrapper around rustdoc!
pub fn standalone(build: &Build, target: &str) {
println!("Documenting standalone ({})", target);
let out = build.doc_out(target);
let compiler = Compiler::new(0, &build.config.build);
let favicon = build.src.join("src/doc/favicon.inc");
let footer = build.src.join("src/doc/footer.inc");
let full_toc = build.src.join("src/doc/full-toc.inc");
t!(fs::copy(build.src.join("src/doc/rust.css"), out.join("rust.css")));
let version_input = build.src.join("src/doc/version_info.html.template");
let version_info = out.join("version_info.html");
if !up_to_date(&version_input, &version_info) {
let mut info = String::new();
t!(t!(File::open(&version_input)).read_to_string(&mut info));
let blank = String::new();
let short = build.short_ver_hash.as_ref().unwrap_or(&blank);
let hash = build.ver_hash.as_ref().unwrap_or(&blank);
let info = info.replace("VERSION", &build.release)
.replace("SHORT_HASH", short)
.replace("STAMP", hash);
for file in t!(fs::read_dir(build.src.join("src/doc"))) {
let file = t!(file);
let path = file.path();
let filename = path.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap();
if !filename.ends_with(".md") || filename == "README.md" {
let html = out.join(filename).with_extension("html");
let rustdoc = build.rustdoc(&compiler);
if up_to_date(&path, &html) &&
up_to_date(&footer, &html) &&
up_to_date(&favicon, &html) &&
up_to_date(&full_toc, &html) &&
up_to_date(&version_info, &html) &&
up_to_date(&rustdoc, &html) {
let mut cmd = Command::new(&rustdoc);
build.add_rustc_lib_path(&compiler, &mut cmd);
if filename == "not_found.md" {
} else {
build.run(&mut cmd);
/// Compile all standard library documentation.
/// This will generate all documentation for the standard library and its
/// dependencies. This is largely just a wrapper around `cargo doc`.
pub fn std(build: &Build, stage: u32, target: &str) {
println!("Documenting stage{} std ({})", stage, target);
let out = build.doc_out(target);
let compiler = Compiler::new(stage, &build.config.build);
let compiler = if build.force_use_stage1(&compiler, target) {
Compiler::new(1, compiler.host)
} else {
let out_dir = build.stage_out(&compiler, Mode::Libstd)
let rustdoc = build.rustdoc(&compiler);
build.clear_if_dirty(&out_dir, &rustdoc);
let mut cargo = build.cargo(&compiler, Mode::Libstd, target, "doc");
// We don't want to build docs for internal std dependencies unless
// in compiler-docs mode. When not in that mode, we whitelist the crates
// for which docs must be built.
if build.config.compiler_docs {
} else {
for krate in &["alloc", "collections", "core", "std", "std_unicode"] {
// Create all crate output directories first to make sure rustdoc uses
// relative links.
// FIXME: Cargo should probably do this itself.
build.run(&mut cargo);
cp_r(&out_dir, &out)
/// Compile all libtest documentation.
/// This will generate all documentation for libtest and its dependencies. This
/// is largely just a wrapper around `cargo doc`.
pub fn test(build: &Build, stage: u32, target: &str) {
println!("Documenting stage{} test ({})", stage, target);
let out = build.doc_out(target);
let compiler = Compiler::new(stage, &build.config.build);
let compiler = if build.force_use_stage1(&compiler, target) {
Compiler::new(1, compiler.host)
} else {
let out_dir = build.stage_out(&compiler, Mode::Libtest)
let rustdoc = build.rustdoc(&compiler);
build.clear_if_dirty(&out_dir, &rustdoc);
let mut cargo = build.cargo(&compiler, Mode::Libtest, target, "doc");
build.run(&mut cargo);
cp_r(&out_dir, &out)
/// Generate all compiler documentation.
/// This will generate all documentation for the compiler libraries and their
/// dependencies. This is largely just a wrapper around `cargo doc`.
pub fn rustc(build: &Build, stage: u32, target: &str) {
println!("Documenting stage{} compiler ({})", stage, target);
let out = build.doc_out(target);
let compiler = Compiler::new(stage, &build.config.build);
let compiler = if build.force_use_stage1(&compiler, target) {
Compiler::new(1, compiler.host)
} else {
let out_dir = build.stage_out(&compiler, Mode::Librustc)
let rustdoc = build.rustdoc(&compiler);
if !up_to_date(&rustdoc, &out_dir.join("rustc/index.html")) && out_dir.exists() {
let mut cargo = build.cargo(&compiler, Mode::Librustc, target, "doc");
build.run(&mut cargo);
cp_r(&out_dir, &out)
/// Generates the HTML rendered error-index by running the
/// `error_index_generator` tool.
pub fn error_index(build: &Build, target: &str) {
println!("Documenting error index ({})", target);
let out = build.doc_out(target);
let compiler = Compiler::new(0, &build.config.build);
let mut index = build.tool_cmd(&compiler, "error_index_generator");
// FIXME: shouldn't have to pass this env var
index.env("CFG_BUILD", &build.config.build);
build.run(&mut index);