179 lines
4.3 KiB
179 lines
4.3 KiB
// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// based on:
// http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/
// u64q/program.php?test=mandelbrot&lang=python3&id=2
// takes 2 optional args:
// square image size, defaults to 80_u
// output path, default is "" (no output), "-" means stdout
// in the shootout, they use 16000 as image size
// writes pbm image to output path
extern mod std;
use io::WriterUtil;
use std::oldmap::HashMap;
struct cmplx {
re: f64,
im: f64
impl cmplx : ops::Mul<cmplx,cmplx> {
pure fn mul(&self, x: &cmplx) -> cmplx {
cmplx {
re: self.re*(*x).re - self.im*(*x).im,
im: self.re*(*x).im + self.im*(*x).re
impl cmplx : ops::Add<cmplx,cmplx> {
pure fn add(&self, x: &cmplx) -> cmplx {
cmplx {
re: self.re + (*x).re,
im: self.im + (*x).im
struct Line {i: uint, b: ~[u8]}
pure fn cabs(x: cmplx) -> f64
x.re*x.re + x.im*x.im
fn mb(x: cmplx) -> bool
let mut z = cmplx {re: 0f64, im: 0f64};
let mut i = 0;
let mut in = true;
while i < 50 {
z = z*z + x;
if cabs(z) >= 4f64 {
in = false;
i += 1;
fn fillbyte(x: cmplx, incr: f64) -> u8 {
let mut rv = 0_u8;
let mut i = 0_u8;
while i < 8_u8 {
let z = cmplx {re: x.re + (i as f64)*incr, im: x.im};
if mb(z) {
rv += 1_u8 << (7_u8 - i);
i += 1_u8;
fn chanmb(i: uint, size: uint) -> Line
let mut crv = ~[];
let incr = 2f64/(size as f64);
let y = incr*(i as f64) - 1f64;
let xincr = 8f64*incr;
for uint::range(0_u, size/8_u) |j| {
let x = cmplx {re: xincr*(j as f64) - 1.5f64, im: y};
crv.push(fillbyte(x, incr));
Line {i:i, b:crv}
struct Devnull();
impl Devnull: io::Writer {
fn write(&self, _b: &[const u8]) {}
fn seek(&self, _i: int, _s: io::SeekStyle) {}
fn tell(&self) -> uint {0_u}
fn flush(&self) -> int {0}
fn get_type(&self) -> io::WriterType { io::File }
fn writer(path: ~str, pport: pipes::Port<Line>, size: uint)
let cout: io::Writer = match path {
~"" => {
Devnull as io::Writer
~"-" => {
_ => {
~[io::Create, io::Truncate]))
cout.write_line(fmt!("%u %u", size, size));
let lines: HashMap<uint, ~[u8]> = HashMap();
let mut done = 0_u;
let mut i = 0_u;
while i < size {
let aline = pport.recv();
if aline.i == done {
debug!("W %u", aline.i);
done += 1_u;
let mut prev = done;
while prev <= i {
if lines.contains_key_ref(&prev) {
debug!("WS %u", prev);
done += 1_u;
prev += 1_u;
else {
else {
debug!("S %u", aline.i);
lines.insert(aline.i, copy aline.b); // FIXME: bad for perf
i += 1_u;
fn main() {
let args = os::args();
let args = if os::getenv(~"RUST_BENCH").is_some() {
~[~"", ~"4000"]
} else {
let path = if vec::len(args) < 3_u { ~"" }
else { copy args[2] }; // FIXME: bad for perf
let size = if vec::len(args) < 2_u { 80_u }
else { uint::from_str(args[1]).get() };
let (pport, pchan) = pipes::stream();
let pchan = pipes::SharedChan(pchan);
for uint::range(0_u, size) |j| {
let cchan = pchan.clone();
do task::spawn |move cchan| { cchan.send(chanmb(j, size)) };
writer(path, pport, size);